Загробная Жизнь

Загробная Жизнь

Загробная Жизнь

Загробная Жизнь

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Загробная Жизнь

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  • Ева и Лилит
  • РЕКЛАМА«Ева и Лилит?»«Ева и Лилит?» МНЕНИЕ Ева и Лилит ЖИЗНИ Ева и Лилит 7

    15 вещей, которые вы должны знать оЛучшие 5 причин Все, что вам нужно знать о Главная ◀ ПРЕД. 100 ▶ ДАЛЕЕ 100 А-испуга 1 После того, как 1 После того, как Current 1 После того, как -хлопка 2 После того, как -дель 1 Загробная 28 Вторая половина дня фермер 1 А-Fure 1 Afyngred 1 Afyrst 1 Ag. 1 Против 1 против зерна 2 Агамемнона 2 аганиппы 1 услаждало 1 Agapida 1 А-gasten 1 агава 1 Возраст 1 Возраст Discovery 3 А-ген 1Agenes 1 Agenst 1 Agenst Христос 1 A-Гессена 1 Aggerawators 1 обострить 2 Aghe 1 Aghe-FUL 1 Agib 1 Agir 1 Agir двигателя 1 Мешалка 1 Agiter 1 Agl. Dept. 1 agneau 1 Agnes 1 Agnes Mary Frances Duclaux 1 Agnes Strickland 1 Агностицизм 1 Agnus Dei 1 Ago 1 Agog 1 A-gon 2 Agonic line 1Agonie 1 Agr. 1 Агра 1 Agramant 1 А-graythen 1 А-graythinge 1 agréable 1 Приятная 1 приятно 1 А-Греф 1 Agreggen 1 Agreuen 1 Agreþed 1 Agric. 1 Агрикола 1 Агрессия 1 A-grisen 1 Aground 1 A-grounde 1 Agt . 1 Agt.-Gen. 1 ВГТД 1 Ague 1 Ague-Щека 1 Aguets 1 А-Гюльтен 1 А 2 Артаксеркс 1 Охозия 1 Ахмед 1 А-honge 1 Aht 2 Ahte 1 Ahtlice 1 А-hungerd 1 помощь 1 Помощник 1 Айдер 1 помощник-тои, и др ль Ciel t'aidera 1 Эгюего 1 Aiguillon 1 Aihte 1 Aile 1 Aimer 1 Не 3 Воздух 7Воздух и упражнения 1 Конденсатор воздуха 1 воздушный фильтр 1 Воздушное поле 1 Воздушные зазоры 1 Воздушная линия Проволока 1 воздух благородный 1 Загрязнение воздуха 1 ◀ ПРЕД. 100 ▶ СЛЕДУЮЩИЕ 100загробная жизнь ▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Переходный и постоянный в судьбе человека Соломон однажды сказал ему: «Дай мне, царь мудрости, принцип, столь же применимый во всех случаях, что я могу укрепить его против капризов удачи». Соломон задумался, а затем дал ему, в этих словах, максиму, который он искал: «И это тоже пройдет». Придворный сначала чувствовал разочарование, но, размышляя некоторое время, воспринимал уместный и глубокий смысл, скрытый в прозрачной простоте слов. Вы страдаете? Не унывайте или сыпь, Это тоже должно исчезнуть. Вы благословенны? Не будь приподнятым или небрежным, Это тоже должно исчезнуть. Вы в опасности? в искушении? в славе? Тем не менее, для вашего правильного руководства, по отношению к каждому, помните; И это пройдет. И так далее, при каждом разнообразии ситуации, в которой человек может быть помещен. Какая бы ни была сдержанность, Эта максима для всех времен должна быть дополнена соответствующей максимой для всех людей. Существует истина, всегда подходящая для множества бессмертных душ, поскольку вышеизложенное относится к разнообразию временных изменений. Давайте посмотрим, что это за истина, и установим ее в подходящем афоризме. Желания человеческой души безграничны. Ничто не может удовлетворить его желания, выполняя их и ограничивая там фиксированный предел. Он поглотил бы все творение и жадно плакал о большем. Какое бы ни было расширение силы или осуществления, оно может зародиться, оно хочет для себя, и ладит, если его лишают. Теперь, если дух Творца находится в этом существе, эта безграничная страсть к приобретению не может быть просто издевательством. Это должен быть намек на волю Бога и на судьбу его ребенка, в котором Он имплантировал его. Это пророчество о чем-то ожидающем исполнения. Но что такое пророчество и как оно должно быть выполнено? Ответ на этот вопрос даст нам, что максим вечного человечества, который соответствует максиме преходящего состояния. И таким образом он гласит: «Во всем, за что люди борются друг с другом, есть одно: из сферы борьбы, которая неотделимо принадлежит каждому человеку, и что одна вещь - вся вселенная! Не смущайтесь появлением трансцендентного мистицизма в этой максиме, поскольку древний искатель был по своей природе обыденным в своем, но стремился к его значению. Сын является наследником его отца. Все люди - сыны Божьи, хотя только немногие и в той или иной степени отчетливо осознают свое сыновство. Но, несмотря на их невежество, все стремятся, более или менее стремительно, к цели их природы и наследования. Есть эксклюзивные призы, которые люди могут монополизировать: и они сражаются друг с другом за них, потому что чем больше у кого-то, тем меньше других могут получить. Существуют также инклюзивные призы или способы владения и пользования имуществом, которые не мешают универсальному участию, с универсальным, неразделенным владением. В этом никто не нуждается, тем менее, потому что у каждого есть все. Это область разума, воображения, привязанности, империи души. Чем больше человек знает математическую истину, поэтическую красоту или моральное благо, тем легче, а не труднее, чтобы другие знали и наслаждались столько или больше. В этой божественной области не может быть монополии или конфликта, потому что наружный движущийся забор каждого сознания, отступающий и исчезающий до его завоеваний опыта, является вакуумом по отношению к каждому другому. Они перекрываются и проникают друг в друга, как если бы они были взаимно несуществующими. Например, удовольствие, которое любой принимает в картине или в пьесе, не уменьшает удовольствия, которое остается для других зрителей; но, напротив, добавляет к нему, если они сочувствуют. Итак, всеохватывающая премия желания, сама тайна Божества, а именно, способность принимать полную чистую радость во всех формах бытия, в каждой субстанции и феномене творения навсегда ухаживают за каждой душой; и каждая душа, пропорционально ее продвижению, навеки обнимает ее так же свободно, как если бы не существовала какая-либо другая душа, но все же ее наслаждения бесконечно разнообразны и обостряются взаимными размышлениями и размышлениями над всеми остальными. Таково превосходство бескорыстного духа над эгоистичной плотью, внутреннего мира над внешним миром, добра над злом. Умственная собственность - симпатическая и универсальная, физическое присвоение антагонистическое и индивидуальное. Мы ненавидим и противодействуем нашим товарищам, которые с помощью рук и ног могут монополизировать некоторые жалкие зерна добра, в то время как Бог приглашает каждого из нас своим разумом и сердцем принять так же быстро, как мы можем всю свою безраздельную бесконечность добра. Вселенная - это дом Отца; истинный дух семьи бескорыстен, и поэтому каждый ребенок является наследником целого, как сказал апостол Павел, совместный наследник со Христом. Регистрируйте, затем, глубоко в памяти, бок о бок с исторической максимой на все времена, Это тоже пройдет! религиозный принцип для всех душ. За те вещи, за которые люди борются друг с другом, есть одна вещь, из сферы борьбы, которая неотделима для каждого человека, и что одна вещь - вся вселенная! Затем, если вы когда-нибудь почувствуете раздражение или неудачи, встретившиеся в своем путешествии по небывающему маскараду этого мира, остановитесь и скажите себе: «Это достойно меня, в то время как вся область существования просит меня это уладить» во все более обширном владении, быть сердитым или грустным, потому что некоторые бесконечно малые пятнышки не дают мне столько же, сколько я жажду? The more things we love the richer we are. The fewer things we care for the freer we are. O blessed wealth and wretched freedom, how shall we perfect and reconcile them? This is the secret: If we love the divine and eternal in everything, and care not for the limiting and perishable evil connected with it, then we shall at once be both rich and free. The former practice educates our powers; the latter emancipates them. The true use of renunciation is as a means for larger fulfillment. Detach from lower and lesser objects in order to attach to higher and greater ones. Be always ready to renounce the meaner at the invitation of the nobler. The soul, like a grand frigate, may be loosely tied by a thousand separate strings, but should be held firm by one cable. Our relations to fellow creatures are those threads; our supreme relation to God, that cable. Those are the gossamer of time; this the adamant of eternity. The lame man cries, O, that I could walk! He who can walk says, O, that I could fly! If he could soar, he would sigh, O, that I were omnipresent, and therefore had no need to move! The end of one wish is but the beginning of another; and the craving of every human soul, let loose in sincere expression, is absolutely illimitable. It always comes, in the last analysis, to this; every one really longs to be God. Therefore, unless the rational creation is mendacious, to be deified, is, in some mystical but true sense, the final destiny of all souls. Every one, in its consciousness fully developed and harmonized, shall become a focus of universal being, a finite reflex of God, the infinite God himself remaining eternally the same unescapable and incomprehensible mystery as ever. There are, therefore, two supreme maxims for souls conditioned in time and space but destined for eternity and infinity a maxim of comfort for those who suffer, and a maxim of impulse for those who aspire. The one, to be used in view of every fear, every evil or limit. This, too, shall pass away! The other, to be used in view of every insatiable desire, Over all those things for which men struggle with each other, there is one thing, out of the sphere of struggle, which indivisibly belongs to every man, and that one thing is the whole universe! Nothing but the Absolute Good is everlasting: and that must belong to all who, being essential personalities, are superior to death. Blessed, blessed, then, are they who hunger and thirst after God; for, by a real transubstantiation assimilating Him, they shall as divinely live forevermore. They shall cease to say any more of anything, This, too, shall pass away! because the infinite God shall have said to each of them, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine! If the view above marked out, a view in many respects so sublime and satisfactory, a view which goes so far to explain the mysteries, reconcile the contradictions, and transfigure the evils of our transient life and lot below be not true, it must either be because some other higher and better view is the truth in which case we certainly ought to be contented or else the creative and providential plan of God is inferior to the thought of one of his creatures. It is not possible for me to suppose that a speculative theory of my brain can transcend in harmony and beneficence the design of the infinite God. Could it do so, then, in reality, I should be a higher being than He. I should veritably have dethroned Him and vaulted into his place. Is not that a pitch of impiety and absurdity too great even for the pride of man, insurgent atom of criticising assumption, set, baffled at every point, amidst the awful immensity of existence? Here, then, is rest. Either our highest view is the truth, or the truth is higher and better than that. For to think that his thought is superior to the purpose of God, thus making himself the real God, is too much for the extremist human egotist within the limits of sanity. Therefore, until a better theory is propounded, we hold that the destiny of the soul is to become, through the progressive actualization of its potential consciousness, a free thinking center of the universe, an infinitesimal mirror of God. The adventures of the different souls, full of inexhaustible curiosity and relish in the mutually revealing contacts of their degrees of development and originalities of personal character and treasure, constitute the endless drama of spiritual existence within the phenomenal theater of the material creation. And still the infinite One serenely smiles on the troubled play of the eternal Many; because the psychological kaleidoscope of their experience is a continuous improvisation of justice, weaving the fate of Each with the fates of All, and transfusing the monotonous unity of the Same with the zestful variety of the Other. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Друидская доктрина будущей жизни ЧЕМ странное тело людей, обычно известных как друиды, которые составляли то, что может, с некоторой корректностью, называться кельтским священством, были признанными религиозными учителями по всей Галлии, Арморике, небольшой части Германии на южной границе, всей Великобритании , и некоторые соседние острова. Понятия в отношении будущей жизни, выдвинутые ими, излагаются только очень несовершенным образом греческими и римскими авторами, в чьих сохранившихся работах мы находим намеки на друидов или рассказы о кельтах. Несколько современных писателей, особенно Борласе, в его «Древности Корнуолла» собрали все эти ссылки от Диодора, Страбона, Прокопия, Тацита, Касара, Мелы, Валерия Максимуса и Марцеллина. Поэтому бессмысленно приводить здесь отрывки, тем более, даже с помощью всех аналитических и конструктивных комментариев, которые могут быть справедливо сделаны на них, они дают нам лишь несколько общих взглядов, оставляя все детали в глубокой безвестности. Суть того, что мы узнаем из этих источников, такова. Во-первых, что у Друидов есть своя наука и спекуляция, включающая учение о бессмертии, которое они учили с ясностью и авторитетом. Во-вторых, они прививали веру в будущую жизнь в неразрывной связи с великой догмой метампсихоза. В-третьих, люди проявляли такие жизнерадостные и привлекательные взгляды на будущее государство и держали их с такой серьезностью, что они плакали вокруг новорожденного младенца и улыбались вокруг трупа; что они столкнулись с смертью без страха или нежелания. Несколько более тонкая концепция друидского взгляда на будущую жизнь дана нам старинной мифологической сказкой о кельтском происхождении2. Опуская историю, как не относящуюся к нашей цели, мы выводим из нее следующие идеи. Душа, будучи лишенной своего земного обруча, переносится наверх. Облака состоят из душ умерших в последнее время людей. Они летают над головами армий, вдохновляя мужество или поразительный ужас. Еще не освободившись от земных привязанностей, они смешиваются в страстях и делах людей. Тщетно они стремятся взлететь над атмосферой; непроходимая стена сапфира сопротивляется их крыльям. На Луне миллионы душ пересекают огромные равнины льда, теряя всякое восприятие, но простое существование, забывая о тех приключениях, которые они прошли и собираются возобновить. Во время затмений, на длинных трубах тьмы они возвращаются на землю и, оживляясь лучом света от всего оживляющего солнца, входят в вновь сформированные тела и снова начинают карьеру жизни. Диск солнца состоит из собрания чистых душ, плавающих в океане блаженства. Души, заглушенные земными примесями, должны быть очищены повторными рождениями и испытаниями до тех пор, пока последнее пятно не будет удалено, и все они, наконец, приспособлены для восхождения к череде сфер, еще выше, чем солнце, откуда они больше не могут утонуть, чтобы жить в кругом нижних глобусов и более грубой атмосферой. 1 Книга ii. глава 14. 2 Дэвис, Кельтские исследования, приложение, стр. 558-561. Эти представления не являются ни готическими, ни римскими, а кельтскими. Но гораздо более адекватное изложение друидской доктрины судьбы души было представлено нам через перевод некоторых сохранившихся сокровищ старого бардического знания Уэльса. Валлийские барды в течение сотен лет были единственными выжившими представителями друидов. Их стихи, многочисленные манускрипты которых, с очевидной аутентичностью их подлинности, были опубликованы и объяснены, содержат вполне полный отчет о доктринах друидизма, который нигде не был настолько систематизирован и установлен как в древней Британии.3 Любопытный читатель найдет это весь предмет, обильно обработанный, и все материалы, представленные в «Мивирской археологии в Уэльсе», работа в двух огромных томах, опубликованная в Лондоне в начале нынешнего столетия. После вступления и триумфа христианства в Британии на протяжении нескольких столетий две системы мышления и ритуала взаимно влияли друг на друга, развращали и коррумпировали. Ярким примером является это. Понятие карательной и процессуальной переселения принадлежало друидизму. Теперь, Талиесин, известный валлийский бард шестого века, находит этот очищающий метампсихоз в аду христианства, откуда душа постепенно снова поднимается к счастью, путь к открытию Христа! Осторожно устраняя христианские примеси, следующий план, который мы олицетворяем от первопроходца современных ученых к валлийской литературе в Бардике, дает довольно ясное знание той части друидского богословия, относящейся к будущей жизни. в течение нескольких столетий две системы мышления и ритуала взаимно влияли друг на друга, развращали и коррумпировали. Ярким примером является это. Понятие карательной и процессуальной переселения принадлежало друидизму. Теперь, Талиесин, известный валлийский бард шестого века, находит этот очищающий метампсихоз в аду христианства, откуда душа постепенно снова поднимается к счастью, путь к открытию Христа! Осторожно устраняя христианские примеси, следующий план, который мы олицетворяем от первопроходца современных ученых к валлийской литературе в Бардике, дает довольно ясное знание той части друидского богословия, относящейся к будущей жизни. в течение нескольких столетий две системы мышления и ритуала взаимно влияли друг на друга, развращали и коррумпировали. Ярким примером является это. Понятие карательной и процессуальной переселения принадлежало друидизму. Теперь, Талиесин, известный валлийский бард шестого века, находит этот очищающий метампсихоз в аду христианства, откуда душа постепенно снова поднимается к счастью, путь к открытию Христа! Осторожно устраняя христианские примеси, следующий план, который мы олицетворяем от первопроходца современных ученых к валлийской литературе в Бардике, дает довольно ясное знание той части друидского богословия, относящейся к будущей жизни. Понятие карательной и процессуальной переселения принадлежало друидизму. Теперь, Талиесин, известный валлийский бард шестого века, находит этот очищающий метампсихоз в аду христианства, откуда душа постепенно снова поднимается к счастью, путь к открытию Христа! Осторожно устраняя христианские примеси, следующий план, который мы олицетворяем от первопроходца современных ученых к валлийской литературе в Бардике, дает довольно ясное знание той части друидского богословия, относящейся к будущей жизни. Понятие карательной и процессуальной переселения принадлежало друидизму. Теперь, Талиесин, известный валлийский бард шестого века, находит этот очищающий метампсихоз в аду христианства, откуда душа постепенно снова поднимается к счастью, путь к открытию Христа! Осторожно устраняя христианские примеси, следующий план, который мы олицетворяем от первопроходца современных ученых к валлийской литературе в Бардике, дает довольно ясное знание той части друидского богословия, относящейся к будущей жизни. There are, says one of the Bardic triads, three circles of existence. First, the Circle of Infinity, where of living or dead there is nothing but God, and which none but God can traverse. Secondly, the Circle of Metempsychosis, where all things that live are derived from death. This circle has been traversed by man. Thirdly, the Circle of Felicity, where all things spring from life. This circle man shall hereafter traverse. All animated beings originate in the lowest point of existence, and, by regular gradations through an ascending series of transmigrations, rise to the highest state of perfection possible for finite creatures. Fate reigns in all the states below that of humanity, and they are all necessarily evil. In the states above humanity, on the contrary, unmixed good so prevails that all are necessarily good. But in the middle state of humanity, good and evil are so balanced that liberty results; and free will and consequent responsibility are born. Beings who in their ascent have arrived at the state of man, if, by purity, humility, love, and righteousness, they keep the laws of the Creator, will, after death, rise into more glorious spheres, and will continue to rise still higher, until they reach the final destination of complete and endless happiness. But if, while in the state of humanity, one perverts his reason and will, and attaches himself to evil, he will, on dying, fall into such a state of animal existence as corresponds with the baseness of his soul. This baseness may be so great as to precipitate him to the lowest point of being; but he shall climb thence through a series of births best fitted to free him from his evil propensities. Restored to the probationary state, he may fall again; but, though this should occur again and again 3 Sketch of British Bardism, prefixed to Owen's translation of the Heroic Elegies of Llywarch Hen. 4 Herbert, Essay on the Neo Druidic Heresy in Britannia. 5 Poems, Lyric and Pastoral, by Edward Williams, vol. ii. notes, pp. 194-256. for a million of ages, the path to happiness still remains open, and he shall at last infallibly arrive at his preordained felicity, and fall nevermore. In the states superior to humanity, the soul recovers and retains the entire recollection of its former lives. We will quote a few illustrative triads. There are three necessary purposes of metempsychosis: to collect the materials and properties of every nature; to collect the knowledge of every thing; to collect power towards removing whatever is pernicious. The knowledge of three things will subdue and destroy evil: knowledge of its cause, its nature, and its operation. Three things continually dwindle away: the Dark, the False, the Dead. Three things continually increase: Light, Truth, Life. These will prevail, and finally absorb every thing else. The soul is an inconceivably minute particle of the most refined matter, endowed with indestructible life, at the dissolution of one body passing, according to its merits, into a higher or lower stage of existence, where it expands itself into that form which its acquired propensities necessarily give it, or into that animal in which such propensities naturally reside. The ultimate states of happiness are ceaselessly undergoing the most delightful renovations, without which, indeed, no finite being could endure the tedium of eternity. These are not, like the death of the lower states, accompanied by a suspension of memory and of conscious identity. All the innumerable modes of existence, after being cleansed from every evil, will forever remain as beautiful varieties in the creation, and will be equally esteemed, equally happy, equally fathered by the Creator. The successive occupation of these modes of existence by the celestial inhabitants of the Circle of Felicity will be one of the ways of varying what would otherwise be the intolerable monotony of eternity. The creation is yet in its infancy. The progressive operation of the providence of God will bring every being up from the great Deep to the point of liberty, and will at last secure three things for them: namely, what is most beneficial, what is most desired, and what is most beautiful. There are three stabilities of existence: what cannot be otherwise, what should not be otherwise, what cannot be imagined better; and in these all shall end, in the Circle of Felicity. Such is a hasty synopsis of what here concerns us in the theology of the Druids. In its ground germs it was, it seems to us, unquestionably imported into Celtic thought and Cymrian song from that prolific and immemorial Hindu mind which bore Brahmanism and Buddhism as its fruit. Its ethical tone, intellectual elevation, and glorious climax are not unworthy that free hierarchy of minstrel priests whose teachings were proclaimed, as their assemblies were held, "in the face of the sun and in the eye of the light," and whose thrilling motto was, "THE TRUTH AGAINST THE WORLD." The latest publication on the subject of old Welsh literature is "Taliesin; or, The Bards and Druids of Britain." The author, D. W. Nash, is obviously familiar with his theme, and he throws much light on many points of it. His ridicule of the arbitrary tenets and absurdities which Davies, Pughe, and others have taught in all good faith as Druidic lore and practice is richly deserved. But, despite the learning and acumen displayed in his able and valuable volume, we must think Mr. Nash goes wholly against the record in denying the doctrine of metempsychosis to the Druidic system, and goes clearly beyond the record in charging Edward Williams and others with forgery and fraud in their representations of ancient Bardic doctrines.6 In support of such grave charges direct evidence is needed; only suspicious circumstances are adduced. The non existence of public documents is perfectly reconcilable with the existence of reliable oral accounts preserved by the initiated few, one of whom Williams, with seeming sincerity, claimed to be. 6 Талиесин, гл. внутривенно расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Этрусская доктрина будущей жизни ИСКУССТВО Живая форма и письменные анналы Этрурии погибли тысячи лет назад, и хотя в документах современных народов были даны лишь незначительные ссылки на ее дела, но при сравнительно недавнем приобретении фактов у нас есть довольно отчетливая и удовлетворительное знание ее состояния и опыта, когда ее сила была самой легкой. Мы следим за древними этрусками от колыбели до гробницы, воспринимаем их различные национальные костюмы, своеобразные физиогномики, имена и отношения, дома, мебель, ряды, авокации, игры, умирающие сцены, погребальные шествия и похоронные фестивали. И, кроме этого, мы следуем за их душами в грядущий мир, созерцаем их в руках добрых или злых духов, преданных суду, а затем награждаем их пустыни блаженства или горе. Это знание было получено из их гробниц, которые все еще противостоят раздражающей руке Времени, когда почти все остальное этрусское смешалось с землей. Они высекли свои гробницы в живой скале скал и холмов или подняли их из массивной кладки. Они нарисовали или вырезали стены с описательными и символическими сценами и переполняли свои интерьеры саркофагами, урнами, вазами, кубками, зеркалами и тысячами других предметов, покрытых живописью и скульптурами, богатыми информацией об их авторах. Из изучения этих вещей, в последнее время разделенных в огромных количествах, было построено, по большей части, наше настоящее знакомство с этим древним народом. Странно, что, когда вся сцена жизни скончалась, могильный мир должен выжить и открыть себя, чтобы раскрыть прошлое и проинструктировать будущее! Мы, кажется, видим, поднимаемся из ее гробниц и торжественно трогаем среди насыпей, где все, что она знала или заботилась, на протяжении стольких веков было перевернуто, призрак могучего народа. С унылым воздухом она опирается на разрушенный храм и музы; и ее теневые слезы бесшумно падали над тем, что было и нет. Этруски привыкли хоронить своих покойников за пределами их стен; и иногда город живых был окружен далеко идущим городом мертвых. В этот день разлагающиеся фронты домов ушедших, в милях на мили вдоль дороги, увещевают живого путешественника. Эти каменные высеченные могилы толпы почти каждый холм и глен. Целые акры их также найдены на равнинах, покрытых несколькими футами земли, где каждая весна плуг проходит над ними, и каждую осень жатва волны; но пыль внизу хорошо подходит и ничего не знает об этом. «Время погребения могил. Как странно! Захороненная могила! Смерть не может спасти больше, чем спасет его собственная мертвая империя». Дома мертвых были построены в подражание домам живых, только в меньших масштабах; и внутренние приспособления были настолько тщательно скопированы, что говорят о сходстве, которое было у всех, кроме света дня и звука и движения жизни. Изображения 1 Г-жа Грей, села Этрурии. нарисованные или выгравированные на урнах и саркофагах, которые заполняют могилы, были портреты умерших, точных подобиев, различающихся по возрасту, полу, особенностям и выражению. Эти личные портреты были взяты и заложены здесь, несомненно, для сохранения их памяти, когда оригинал рухнул дотла. Какой трогательный голос это от древности, говоря нам, что наша бедная, любящая человеческая природа всегда была такой же! Сердце жаждало остаться в памяти, когда смертельная рама исчезла. Но как тщетное желание за исчезнувшим кругом сердец, вернувшее свою любовь! Ибо, когда мы блуждаем по этим гробницам, тысячи сохранившихся таким образом лиц смотрят на нас с немой просьбой, когда каждый остаток их имен и персонажей навсегда потерян, и их пыль очень давно рассеяна. По сторонам камеры погребения располагались массивные каменные полки, а иногда и скамейки или столы, на которых мертвые были уложены в походной позе, чтобы спать их длинный сон. Часто бывает, что на этих скалистых велосипедах лежат шлем, нагрудник, жилеты, кольцо с надписью и оружие, или, если это женщина, ожерелье, серьги, браслет и другие украшения, каждый в своем относительном месте, когда тело, которое они когда-то вставляли или украшали, не оставило ни единого фрагмента позади. Антиквар однажды, выкапывая открытия, случайно прорвался сквозь потолок гробницы. Он заглянул внутрь; и там, чтобы процитировать его собственные слова: «Я увидел воина, растянувшегося на кушетке, и через несколько минут я увидел, что он исчез под моими глазами, потому что, когда воздух вошел на кладбище, броня, полностью окисленная, рухнула в сторону большинства мелких частиц, и за короткое время едва осталось следа того, что я видел, оставленного на кушетке. Невозможно выразить эффект, который этот зрелище произвел на меня ». An important element in the religion of Etruria was the doctrine of Genii, a system of household deities who watched over the fortunes of individuals and families, and who are continually shown on the engravings in the sepulchres as guiding, or actively interested in, all the incidents that happen to those under their care. It was supposed that every person had two genii allotted to him, one inciting him to good deeds, the other to bad, and both accompanying him after death to the judgment to give in their testimony and turn the scales of his fate. This belief, sincerely held, would obviously wield a powerful influence over their feelings in the conduct of life. The doctrine concerning the gods that prevailed in this ancient nation is learned partly from the classic authors, partly from sepulchral monumental remains. It was somewhat allied to that of Egypt, but much more to that of Rome, who indeed derived a considerable portion of her mythology from this source. As in other pagan countries, a multitude of deities were worshipped here, each having his peculiar office, form of representation, and cycle of traditions. It would be useless to specify all.2 The goddess of Fate was pictured with wings, showing her swiftness, and with a hammer and nail, to typify that her decrees were unalterably fixed. The name of the supreme god was Tinia. He was the central power of the world of divinities, and was always represented, like Jupiter Tonans, with a thunderbolt in his hand. There were twelve great "consenting gods," composing the council of Tinia, and called "The Senators of Heaven." They were pitiless beings, dwelling in the inmost recesses 2 Muller, Die Etrusker, buch iii. kap. iv. sects. 7-14. of heaven, whose names it was not lawful to pronounce. Yet they were not deemed eternal, but were supposed to rise and fall together. There was another class, called "The Shrouded Gods," still more awful, potent, and mysterious, ruling all things, and much like the inscrutable Necessity that filled the dark background of the old Greek religion. Last, but most feared and most prominent in the Etruscan mind, were the rulers of the lower regions, Mantus and Mania, the king and queen of the under world. Mantus was figured as an old man, wearing a crown, with wings at his shoulders, and a torch reversed in his hand. Mania was a fearful personage, frequently propitiated with human sacrifices. Macrobius says boys were offered up at her annual festival for a long time, till the heads of onions and poppies were substituted.3 Intimately connected with these divinities was Charun, their chief minister, the conductor of souls into the realm of the future, whose dread image, hideous as the imagination could conceive, is constantly introduced in the sepulchral pictures, and who with his attendant demons well illustrates the terrible character of the superstition which first created, then deified, and then trembled before him. Who can become acquainted with such horrors as these without drawing a freer breath, and feeling a deeper gratitude to God, as he remembers how, for many centuries now, the religion of love has been redeeming man from subterranean darkness, hatred, and fright, to the happiness and peace of good will and trust in the sweet, sunlit air of day! That a belief in a future existence formed a prominent and controlling feature in the creed of the Etruscans4 is abundantly shown by the contents of their tombs. They would never have produced and preserved paintings, tracings, types, of such a character and in such quantities, had not the doctrines they shadow forth possessed a ruling hold upon their hopes and fears. The symbolic representations connected with this subject may be arranged in several classes. First, there is an innumerable variety of death bed scenes, many of them of the most touching and pathetic character, such as witnesses say can scarcely be looked upon without tears, others of the most appalling nature, showing perfect abandonment to fright, screams, sobbing, and despair. The last hour is described under all circumstances, coming to all sorts of persons, prince, priest, peasant, man, mother, and child. Patriarchs are dying surrounded by groups in every posture of grief; friends are waving a mournful farewell to their weeping lovers; wives are torn from the embrace of their husbands; some seem resigned and willingly going, others reluctant and driven in terror. The next series of engravings contain descriptions and emblems of the departure of the soul from this world, and of its passage into the next. There are various symbols of this mysterious transition: one is a snake with a boy riding upon its back, its amphibious nature plainly typifying the twofold existence allotted to man. The soul is also often shown muffled in a veil and travelling garb, seated upon a horse, and followed by a slave carrying a large sack of provisions, an emblem of the long and dreary journey about to be taken. Horses are depicted harnessed to cars in which disembodied spirits are seated, a token of the swift ride 3 Saturnal. lib. i. cap. 7. 4 Dennis, Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, ch. xii. of the dead to their doom. Sometimes the soul is gently invited, or led, by a good spirit, sometimes beaten, or dragged away, by the squalid and savage Charun, the horrible death king, or one of his ministers; sometimes a good and an evil spirit are seen contending for the soul; sometimes the soul is seen, on its knees, beseeching the aid of its good genius and grasping at his departing wing, as, with averted face, he is retiring; and sometimes the good and the evil spirits are leading it away together, to abide the sentence of the tribunal of Mantus. Whole companies of souls are also set forth marching in procession, under the guidance of a winged genius, to their subterranean abode. Finally, there is a class of representations depicting the ultimate fate of souls after judgment has been passed. Some are shown seated at banquet, in full enjoyment, according to their ideas of bliss. Some are shown undergoing punishment, beaten with hammers, stabbed and torn by black demons. There are no proofs that the Etruscans believed in the translation of any soul to the abode of the gods above the sky, no signs of any path rising to the supernal heaven; but they clearly expected just discriminations to be made in the under world. Into that realm many gates are shown leading, some of them peaceful, inviting, surrounded by apparent emblems of deliverance, rest, and blessedness; others yawning, terrific, engirt by the heads of gnashing beasts and furies threatening their victim. «Показывается прогресс виновной души Из-за изношенного порога земли до престола обречения: здесь черный гений к мрачной цели Перетаскивает волшебный призрак из неуловимой гробницы, Хотя со стороны он никогда больше не может предупредить . Лучше ангел, скорбящий , бежит в одиночестве. Там (закрыто восьмое) семь зевающих ворот раскрывают семикратную муку, ожидающую погибших. Закрытые восьмые ворота, потому что там счастливое пребывание. Никакой проблеск радости больше не делает ужаса меньше ». В этих строках, из узнаваемой и богатой эпопеи Булвера короля Артура, остро выражена серьезность этрусской доктрины о будущей жизни, с локальными изображениями некоторых ее частей и непроницаемой безвестностью, которая охватывает великое продолжение. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Скандинавская доктрина будущей жизни МНОГИЕ соображения объединяются, чтобы сделать вероятным, что в ранний период произошла миграция из Южной Азии в Северную Европу, что стало началом того, что впоследствии стало великой готической семьей. Переписка многих ведущих доктрин и символов скандинавской мифологии с известными персидскими и буддистскими представлениями о сугубо причудливом и произвольном характере слишком своеобразна, по-видимому, признать любое другое объяснение.1 Но зародыши мысли и воображения пересаженный таким образом из теплых и великолепных краев Востока в заснеженные горы Норвегии и воющие хребты Исландии, получил новое развитие, с многочисленными модификациями и странными дополнениями, от новой жизни, климата, декораций и обычаев, которым они были выставлены. Из мира пламени Муспелхайм, на юге, в котором Суртур, царь ужасного огня, сидит на троне, течет по потокам тепла. Из мира тумана Нифльхайм на севере, в центральном котле, в Хвергельмире, обитает мрачный дракон Нидхогг, поднимается поток холодных паров. Встреча огня и тумана в зияющей пропасти, Гинунгагап, после различных этапов перехода, образовала землю. Затем были три основные расы существ: люди, чье жилище было Мидгардом; Йотуны, которые занимали Утгард; и Асир, чей дом был Асгард. Йотуны, или демоны, по-видимому, были изначально олицетворением тьмы, холода и бури, тревожных сил природы, что враждебно к плодотворной жизни и миру. Они были морозными гигантами, расположенными во внешних отходах вокруг обитаемых полей людей. Азир, или боги, с другой стороны, казалось, были олицетворением света, закона и доброжелательной силы, упорядоченных энергий Вселенной. Между Йотунами и Асиром существует непримиримое состязание. Радуга, Бифраст, является мостом, ведущим от земли до небесного жилища Асира; и их страж, Хеймдейл, чьи чувства настолько остры, что он может услышать весну травы на лугах и шерсть, растущую на спинах овец, постоянно наблюдает за ней. Их главным божеством, отцом Зевсом Северного пантеона, был Один, бог войны, который разбудил дух битвы, бросив копье на головы людей, его неслышимое шипение с небес было как песня Ате, на земле. Следующим в ранге был Тор, олицетворение взрывающейся бури. Крушение эхом грома - его колесница колес, грохочущая сквозь облачные холмы Трудхайма. Всякий раз, когда молния ударяет по скале или айсбергу, Тор бросил свой молот, Мьольнир, на голову Йотона. 1 Ванс Кеннеди, Древняя и индуистская мифология, стр. 452, 463-464. 2 Thorpe, Northern Mythology, vol. II. Бальдер был богом невинности и кротости, прекраснейших, добрых, чистейших существ. Свет исходил от него, и все его любило. После того, как христианство было создано на Севере, Иисуса называли Белым Христом или новым Бальдером. Появление Бальдера среди безумных и кровавых божеств норвежского вероисповедания прекраснее, когда холодная луна росы спокойно висит над бурным бурей Везувия. Он был назван «Band in the Wreath of the Gods», потому что с его судьбой все остальное было связано. Его смерть, зловеще предсказанная с самой древней древности, была бы сигналом к ​​гибели Вселенной. Аса Локи был Момусом Сатаной или Дьявольским Буффоном скандинавской мифологии, полузабывающим, полустрашным воплощением остроумия, предательства и зла; теперь пребывая с богами на небесах, С женщиной Йотун, Анжебодом или Посланником Зла Локи порождает трех павших детей. Первым является Фенрис, дикий волк, настолько большой, что ничего, кроме космоса, может удерживать его. Второй - это Жормунданур, который, со своим хвостом во рту, заполняет контур океана. Он описывается сэром Вальтером Скоттом как «Эта великая морская змея, огромная завитка, Чей чудовищный круг препоясает мир». Третья - Хела, мрачная богиня смерти, чей свирепый аспект - половина бледно-голубого и половина ужасного белого, чья империя, простирающаяся ниже земли через Нифльхайм, полна замерзающих паров и неудобных взглядов. Ее резиденция - просторный мир; ее двор, слабость; ее порог, пропасть; ее дверь, бездна; ее зал, боль; ее стол, голод; ее нож, голод; ее слуга, задержка; ее служанка, медлительность; ее постель, болезнь; ее подушка, мучения; и ее навес, проклятие. Еще ниже, чем ее дом, является еще более страшным и отвратительным. В Настронде или нити трупов стоит зал, концепция которого потрясающе ужасна и чрезвычайно отвратительна. Он плетен спинами змей, плетенными вместе, как плетеные работы, чьи головы поворачиваются внутрь, рвут яд. Высоко в небе - зал Одина, великолепный Валгалла или храм убитых. Столбы, поддерживающие его потолок, являются копьями. Он покрыт щитами, а украшения на его скамьях покрыты почтой. Валкиры - боевые девы Одина, выбор героев для его банкетных залов. С касками на головах, в кровавых упряжках, установленных на темных конях, окруженных метеорными молниями и обладающих огненными мечами, они парят над конфликтом и указывают путь в Валгаллу к воинам, которые падают. Доблестные души, полученные таким образом к Одину, называются Эйнхериар или избранными. Валкиры, как белые одетые девы с текущими локонами, ждут на них в качестве носителей чашек. Каждое утро, при крике 3 Oehlenschlager, Боги Севера. Это знаменитое и блестящее стихотворение с обильными заметками в переводе Фрая дает читателю английского языка полную концепцию скандинавского пантеона и его выдающихся приключений. из огромного золотого гребенного петуха, хорошо вооруженный Эйнхериар мчался через пятьсот сорок дверей Валхаллы в большой двор и провел день в беспощадных боях. Однако, пронзив и вырезая куски в этих страшных встречах, вечером каждую рану заживают, и они возвращаются в зал целиком и сидят в соответствии с их подвигами на роскошном пиршестве. Многолетний кабан Sehrimnir, восхитительно приготовленный Andrimnir, хотя и пожирал каждую ночь, всецело с утра каждое утро и готово к тому, чтобы его служили заново. Две высшие радости, которые эти ужасные берсерки и викинги знали на земле, составили их опыт на небесах: битву днем ​​и праздник ночью. Это вульгарная ошибка, давно распространенная, что герои Валгаллы пьют из черепов своих врагов. Это понятие, хотя часто опровергается, все еще задерживается в популярном сознании. Он возник из-за ложного перевода фразы в песне смерти Рагнара Лодбрука, знаменитого морского царя: «Скоро мы выпьем из искривленных деревьев головы», который, как фигура для обычных пивных рогов, был ошибочно вынесен Олаус Вормиус: «Скоро мы выпьем из полых чашек черепов». Это не головы человеческие, а рога зверей, из которых майонез Айнхер-кварфа Хейдруна. Ни одна из женщин, которых когда-либо упоминали, не получала признание в Валгалле или не присоединялась к радостям Эйнхериар, некоторые писатели подтвердили, что, согласно скандинавской вере, женщины не имели бессмертных душ или, во всяком случае, были исключены с небес. В этом случае обвинение столь же необоснованно, как и против магометанства. Валгалла была исключительной обителью самых смелых чемпионов; но Валгалла не был всем небом. Вангольф, Зал Друзей, стоял рядом с Залом убитых и был местом сбора богинь. Там во дворце Фрея души благородных женщин были приняты после смерти. Старейшина Эдда говорит, что Тор руководил Рошкой, быстрым молодым крестьянином, который посещал его как слугу на различных экскурсиях, к беседке Фреи, где ее приветствовали, и где она оставалась навсегда. У девственной богини Гефьоне, северной Дианы, также была резиденция на небесах, и все, кто умер, спали в ней девственники.6 Присутствие девственных толстяков с Гефьоне и обществом благородных матрон в Вингольфе пролило нежный блеск по бойню и карусель Вальхаллы. Больше сказано о последнем, первое из нас едва ли доступно для нас, потому что единственная запись, которую мы имеем о скандинавской вере, - это то, что содержится в фрагментарных винах свирепых Скальдов, которые пели главным образом воинов, а основное дело, чьи песни были подвигами боевого мастерства или развлекательных мифологических историй. Кроме того, над небом Асира находится еще более высокое небо, обитель далекого и непостижимого существа, редко называемый Всемогущий, истинный Всех Отца, который, наконец, выйдет выше руин Вселенной, чтобы судить и приговаривать всех существ и восстанавливать лучший мир. В этой самой высокой области возвышается нетленный золотой крытый зал, Gimle, ярче солнца. В скальдинских штаммах нет намека на то, что хорошие женщины отталкиваются от этого жилища. Согласно грубой морали людей и времени, контрастные условия приема в верхний рай или осуждение адскому царству были восхищены 4 Pigott, Руководство по скандинавской мифологии, с. 65. 5 Ключ, Религия Нортмена, транс. по Пенноку, с. 149. 6 Pigott, p. 245. добродетели силы, откровенная откровенность, безрассудная дерзость или ненавистные пороки беспомощности, трусости, обмана, смирения. Те, кто завоевали славу пуассанскими подвигами и кто погибает в битве, вырваны валкирами из дерна в Валгаллу. Чтобы умереть на оружии, нужно выбрать Одина, «В чьем зале золотого ожерелья, одетые в стальные ожерелья, их уцелевшие оргии держится. Какой-то насмешливый шут порождает войну слов: в кричащей драке они схватывают свои мерцательные мечи, И, как на земле, с яростным восторгом. По очереди обновляя банкет и борьба." Все 7 Петтигрю, гист египетских мумий, гл. ХII. весь год в домах их ближайших родственников. Впоследствии они выполняются и размещаются вертикально в гробницах по всему городу »8. Утверждалось, потому что египтяне так много тратили на подготовку прочных гробниц и украшали их стены разнообразными украшениями, что они, должно быть, думали, что душа осталась в тело, сознательный обитатель места обитания, предоставленный ему.9 Также можно утверждать, что, поскольку древние дикие племена на побережье Южной Америки, которые получили поддержку от рыбалки, зарыли рыболовные крючки и приманку со своими мертвыми , они полагали, что мертвые тела заняли себя в своих могилах на рыбалке! Украшение гробницы, столь щедрое и разнообразное с египтянами, было удовольствием спонтанных вымыслов и привязанности, и не нуждается в далеких объяснениях. его погребальные обычаи и его обряды в черепахе, многие из которых были бы столь же трудными для объяснения, как у Египта. Скандинавский морской король иногда погребал на своем корабле в могиле, вырытой на соме е мышелов с видом на океан. Скифы зарыли своих мертвецов в рулонах золота, иногда весом сорок или пятьдесят фунтов. Диодор Сицилийский говорит: «Египтяне, возлагая забальзамированные тела своих предков в благородных памятниках, видят истинные взгляды и выражения тех, кто умер в возрасте до них. Поэтому они получают почти такое же удовольствие от просмотра их телесных пропорций и черт их лица, как будто они все еще живут среди них ». Этот инстинкт, который заставляет нас получать портреты тех, кого мы любим, и заставляет нас не желать расставаться даже с их безжизненными телами, был причиной бальзамирования. Органы, приготовленные таким образом, мы знаем по свидетельству древних авторов, содержались в домах своих детей или родственников, пока новое поколение, «не знавшее Иосифа», удалило их. Тогда ничто не могло быть более естественным, чем то, что священство должно использовать обычай, связанный с святыми чувствами, и набрасывать на него богословские санкции, скрывать его в тайне и обеспечивать монополию власти и прибыли, вытекающих из нее. Не исключено также, как было предложено, что гигиенические соображения, выражающиеся в политических законах и священнических предписаниях, могут вначале повлиять на установление привычки бальзамирования, чтобы предотвратить появление морей, которые могут возникнуть в таком климате от распада животных веществ. По этому вопросу у египтологов существует большое разнообразие мнений. Считается, что бальзамирование должно было удерживать душу в теле до тех пор, пока не было погребальное суждение и погребение, но что, когда труп был заложен в его конечной сосуде, душа продолжала сопровождать солнце в своем дневном и ночном контурах или трансмигрировать через разных животных и божеств. Другой полагает, что процесс бальзамирования, как полагали, обеспечил бы покой души в другом мире, освобожденный от переселения, пока тело было удержано от распада.11 Возможно, различные понятия по этому вопросу, приписываемые современными авторами египтянам все они могли преобладать среди них в разное время или среди отдельных сект. Но, скорее всего, как мы уже говорили, кажется, что бальзамирование сначала возникло из физических и сентиментальных соображений, естественно работающих, а не из любых 8 Lib. III. кепка. 24. 9 Кенрик, Древний Египет, т. я. глава XXI. сект. III. 10 Lib. я. кепка. 7. 11 Библиотека развлекательных знаний, том. II. глава III. богословская доктрина, тщательно разработанная; хотя после того, как священство присвоило бизнес, вполне вероятно, что они переплетали его с помощью искусственной и сложной системы священнических догм, в которой скрывалось национальное могущество. Второй вопрос, который возникает, каково было значение похоронных церемоний, отмеченных египтянами над их мертвыми? Когда тело было забальзамировано, оно было представлено в трибунале из сорока двух судей, заседающих в штате на восточных границах озера Акерусия. Они строго расследовали поведение и характер покойного. Любой может подать жалобу на него или дать показания от его имени. Если было обнаружено, что он был злым, умер в долгу или был в противном случае недостойным, он был лишен почетного захоронения и позорно брошен в канаву. Это было названо татаром, из воплей приговор был вынесен среди его родственников. Но если бы он был найден, чтобы вести праведную жизнь и быть хорошим человеком, то его обыграли почетные обычаи. Кладбище большая равнина, окруженная деревьями и выложенными каналами, лежала на западной стороне озера и называлась Elisout или отдыха. Это было достигнуто на лодке, похоронической барже, в которой никто не мог пересечься без приказа от судей и оплаты небольшой платы. В этих и других особенностях некоторые из сцен, которые ожидали души в другом мире, были драматически теневыми This solemn linking of the fate of man with the astronomic universe, this grand blending of the deepest of moral doctrines with the most august of physical sciences, plainly betrays the brain and hand of that hereditary hierarchy whose wisdom was the wonder of the ancient world. Osburn thinks the localization of Amenthe in the west may have arisen in the following way. Some superstitious Egyptians, travelling westwards, at twilight, on the great marshes haunted by the strange gray white ibis, saw troops of these silent, solemn, ghostlike birds, motionless or slow stalking, and conceived them to be souls waiting for the funeral rites to be paid, that they might sink with the setting sun to their destined abode.21 That such a system of belief was too complex and elaborate to have been a popular development is evident. But that it was really held by the people there is no room to doubt. Parts of it were publicly enacted on festival days by multitudes numbering more than a hundred thousand. Parts of it were dimly shadowed out in the secret recesses of temples, surrounded by the most astonishing accompaniments that unrivalled learning, skill, wealth, and power could contrive. Its authority commanded the allegiance, its charm fascinated the imagination, of the people. Its force built the pyramids, and enshrined whole generations of Egypt's embalmed population in richly adorned sepulchres of everlasting rock. Its substance of esoteric knowledge and faith, in its form of exoteric imposture and exhibition, gave it vitality and endurance long. In the vortex of change and decay it sank at last. And now it is only after its secrets have been buried for thirty centuries that the exploring genius of modern times has brought its hidden hieroglyphics to light, and taught us what were the doctrines originally contained in the altar lore of those priestly schools which once dotted the plains of the Delta and studded the banks of eldest Nile, where now, disfigured and gigantic, the solemn «Старые Сихинксы поднимают свои лица, мягко говоря, Атварт, речное море и море песка». 21 Монументальная история Египта, т. я. глава 8. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Мухаммеданская доктрина будущей жизни ИСЛАМ был могучей властью на земле с середины седьмого века. Более энергичная и резкая вера, чем в течение восьмисот лет, не появилась среди людей. Наконец, изгнанный из своих поразительных лагерей в Испании и на Архипелаге, он по-прежнему управляет упорным захватом Турции, частью Татарской, Палестины, Персии, Аравии и больших частей Африки. В настоящий момент, в отношении приверженности и влияния, он подчиняется только двум передовым религиозным системам в мире, буддизму и христианству. Догматическая структура ислама как богословия и его практическая сила как экспериментальная религия предлагают проблему с наивысшим интересом. Но мы должны спешить, чтобы дать изложение только тех элементов в нем, которые связаны с его учением о будущей жизни. Дело в том, что в принципах мусульманской веры есть наименьшее количество оригинальности. Смешение этих принципов было своеобразным, объединяющая душа, вдуваемая в них, была новым творением, и великая цель, которой подчинялась все, была своеобразной; но сами составляющие доктрины, с небольшим исключением, существовали раньше как общепринятые принципы в различных системах веры и практики, которые преобладали вокруг. Мухаммед принял многие из понятий и обычаев языческих арабов, центральную догму евреев относительно единства Бога, большинство традиций еврейских Писаний, бесчисленные причудливые тщеславия раввинов, целые доктрины магов с их детали, некоторые взгляды гностиков и обширные части испорченного христианства, группируя их вместе со многими его модификациями и такими дополнениями, которые ему позволял гений, и требовались его требования. Пестрое странно приводит к компактной и систематической рабочей вере. Исламисты разделены на две большие секты: сунны и шииты. Арабы, татары и турки - это суннеи, доминирующие по численности и авторитету, являются строгими буквалистами и обычно считаются православными верующими. Персы - это шииты, уступающие по численности, несколько более свободны в определенных интерпретациях, ставя массу традиций, подобно еврейской Мишна, наравне с Кораном 2 и обычно считаются еретическими. Чтобы применить к ним нашу собственную церковную фразеологию, последние являются мусульманами-протестантами, бывшими мусульманами-католиками. Однако в отношении почти всех вещей, которые должны казаться совершенно фундаментальными или жизненными, они соглашаются в своих учениях. Их различия в целом связаны с тривиальными мнениями или особенно с ритуальными особенностями. Например, Шии посылают всех Суннеев в ад, потому что в их омовениях они вымываются от локтя до кончиков пальцев; Суннеи возвращают комплимент своим соперничающим сектантам, потому что они моют от кончиков пальцев до локтя. В этих двух великих деноминациях Шии и 1 Раввин Абрахам Гейгер, Приз Эссе по вопросу, предложенному Боннским университетом: «Была ли шляпа Мохаммед аус дем Юдентум ауфеноммен?» 2 Меррик, Перевод Шиевых Традиций Мухаммеда в Гиат-уль-Кулооб, примечание х. Сунни обнаруживается множество мелких сект, отделенных друг от друга по различным вопросам спекулятивной веры и церемониальной практики. Некоторые берут только Коран, и это в его прямом буквальном смысле, как их авторитет. Другие читают Коран в пояснительном свете обширной коллекции притчей, пословиц, легенд, якобы от Мухаммеда. Существует не меньше, чем оценка мистических аллегорических сект3, которые сводят почти все вещи в Коране к символу или духовному значению, а некоторые из них, как суфии, являются самыми восхитительными и образными из всех восторженных преданных в мире. Ключевым моментом в мусульманской вере является утверждение существования ангелов, небесных и адских. Эблис - сатана. Он был ангелом высокого ранга; но когда Бог сотворил Адама и попросил всех ангелов поклониться ему, Эблис отказался, сказав: «Я был сотворен огнем, он из глины: я более совершенен и не буду кланяться ему». 4 На этом Бог осудил Эблиса и изгнал его из Рая. Затем он стал непобедимым противником и соблазнил разрушителя людей. Он отец этих рой джинов или злых духов, которые соблазняют все сердца и пространство искушениями и прокладывают десять тысяч путей в ад с приманками для мужчин. Следующим предварительным рассмотрением ясной выставки нашего особого предмета является доктрина предопределения, непреклонный фатализм, который пронизывает и увенчивает эту религию. Дыхание этой ужасающей веры насыщено летальным исходом, а само название ислама означает «Представление». На небесах пророк увидел потрясающую восковую таблетку, называемую «Хранимым столом», на которой были написаны указы всех событий между утром творения и днем ​​суда. Горящим ядром проповеди Мухаммеда было провозглашение единственного истинного Бога, чья воля несет непреодолимую судьбу Вселенной; и неразрывно связанный с этим был сильной ненавистью к идолопоклонству, раздутым крыльями Божьего гнева и создающим фанатичный смысл божественного поручения отомстить ему за его обидчиков и оправдать для него его законное поклонение от каждой нации. Существует явный конфликт между мусульманскими представлениями о абсолютном предопределении Бога во всем и обильными призывами всех людей принять истинную веру и принести добрые дела и, таким образом, обеспечить приемлемый учет в день суда. Первые совершают необратимую волю Бога. Последние, похоже, ставят перед мужчинами альтернативные условия и подразумевают в них силу выбора. Но это противоречие неотделимо от обсуждения бесконечного суверенитета Бога и индивидуальной свободы человека. Несоответствие столь же велико в Августине и Кальвинизме, как и в арабском законодателе и вероисповедании суннеев. Коран вместо того, чтобы решать трудность, смело режет его и делает это точно так же, как и тщательный кальвинист. Бог соответственно избрал и осудил всех предназначенных жителей неба и ада, неизменно, независимо от их выбора или действия. В то же время прием истинной веры и соответствующая ей жизнь фактически необходимы для спасения, потому что принято решение, что все избранные будут исповедовать и повиноваться истинной вере. Их послушный прием его доказывает их избрание. С другой стороны, предопределено, что ни один из осужденных не станет учениками и последователями Пророка. Их отказ от 3 Черчилль, гора Ливан, vol. я. глава XV. 4 Перевод в переводе Корана, гл. VII. он, их нечестивое неверное, является свидетельством их первоначального осуждения. Как сам Коран выражает это, спасение предназначено для «всех, кто хочет быть предупрежденным, но они не должны быть предупреждены, если только не пожелают Богу». 5 «Все, кто захочет идти открыто, но они не желают, если Бог не пожелает . "6 Но такие мелкие нарисованные различия легко теряются из виду или отвергаются в нетерпеливом порыве дел и надвигающихся проливах души. Хотя в догме и теории профессия ортодоксальной веры, а также скрупулезная молитва, пост, милостыня и паломничество в Мекку или отсутствие этих вещей, просто означают предписанные определения Бога в отношении данных людей на практике и чувствуя, что противоположные убеждения и курсы поведения проводятся, чтобы получить рай и ад. И мы находим, соответственно, что Мухаммед говорил так, как будто Божественное рукоположение посвятило все навсегда, всякий раз, когда он хотел пробудить в своих последователях безрассудную доблесть и неявное подчинение. «Целые армии не могут убить того, кому суждено умереть в его постели». Напротив, когда он стремился завоевать новообращенных, чтобы переместить своих слушателей угрозами и убеждениями, он говорил так, как будто все, что связано с человеческим блаженством, горем, настоящим и будущим, основывалось на условиях выбора мужчин. Скажи: «Существует только один Бог, а Мохаммед - его пророк», и небо будет вашей частью, но цепляйтесь за свои иллюзорные ошибки, и вы будете сподвижниками адского огня ». Практически говоря, суть пропагандистского ислама была подобным чувством. Все люди, которые не следуют за Мухаммедом, являются проклятыми неверными. Мы - избранные Богом мстители, порученные инструменты для того, чтобы уменьшить своих противников до подчинения. Занимаясь этой работой, хиты всех наших скимитаров находятся в его руке. Он вырывает своего слуга-мученика с поля битвы на небеса. Таким образом, оружие неверующих отправляет своих убитых в рай, а оружие верующих посылает своих убитых в ад. Затем, с помощью знаменем полумесяца, и, капая с идолопоклоннической горкой, пусть он мерцает над горой и равниной, пока наши серпы не сожгут землю! «Меч - это ключ от неба и ключ от ада. Капля крови, пролитая в результате Аллаха, ночь, проведенная на руках, более эффективна, чем два месяца поста и молитвы. Тот, кто попадает в битву, его грехи прощаются. В день суда его раны будут блестеть как киноварь и запах, как мускус ». 7 Беспокойное рвение против идолопоклонников и неверующих воспламенило мусульманское сердце, ожесточенный боевой энтузиазм заполнил мусульманскую душу и ощутимые видения рая и ада плавали, освещали, через воображение Муслима. И так от персидского когда приговор был вынесен на них, все души вынуждены пробовать прохождение аль-Сират, моста, более тонкого, чем волосы, острее, чем бритва, и горячее, чем пламя, охватывающее в одной хрупкой арке неизмеримое расстояние, прямо над адом, от земли до рая. Некоторые влияют на метафорическое решение этой воздушной частички, и воспринимают ее просто как символ истинного Сирата или моста этого мира, а именно истинной веры и послушания; но каждый ортодоксальный Мусульман твердо держит его в качестве физического факта, который должен быть преодолен в последний день18. Мохаммед, возглавляющий путь, верный и праведный будет пересекать его с легкостью и быстро, как вспышка молнии. Тонкая грань расширяется под их ступенями, окружающая поддержка крыльев конвоированных ангелов скрывает огненное озеро ниже их зрения, и они быстро окутаны раем. Но, как неверный с его злыми делами очерки, чтобы пересечься, шипы запутывают его шаги, лучезарный взгляд под ним ослепляет, и он скоро сверкает и вихрится в пылающую бездну. В прекрасном переводе д-ра Фротингема из Рукерт, «Когда злой он идет, стоит мост, весь сверкающий, и его ум сбивается с толку, и его глаза плывут, темнеет. Пробуждение, головокружение, затем приходит с смертельным испугом, Память о его грехе, мчатся но, когда он направляется вперед, он безопасен здесь: вокруг него собираются святое доверие и отталкивается от его страха. Каждое доброе дело - туман, широкие золотые границы, и для него мост, с каждой стороны, сияет парапетами ». Между адом и раем непроходимая стена, аль-Араф, отделяющая мучительных от счастливых и покрытых теми душами, чьи добрые дела точно противопоставляют свои злые дела и которые, следовательно, не приспособлены ни для одного места. Пророк и его исследователи могут многое сказать об этом узком промежуточном жилище.19 Его пресмыкающиеся обитатели презрительно говорят. Говорят, что Араф, кажется, ад для благословенного, но рай для проклятых; ибо не все ли зависит от точки зрения? Магометанские описания гибели нечестивых, мучений ада, постоянно повторяются и обильны и ярки. Ссылка на главу и стих была бы излишней, так как почти каждая страница Корана изобилует такими оттенками и тонами, как следующее. «Неверующие будут спутниками адского огня навсегда». «Те, кто не верит, мы, несомненно, будем брошены в адский огонь: так часто, как их шкуры будут хорошо гореть, мы дадим им другие шкуры в ОБМЕНЕ, чтобы они могли попробовать более резкие муки». «Я наполню ад, полный гении и мужчин». «Их будут таскать на лицах в ад, и им будет сказано:« Вкусите в жертву адского огня, который вы отвергли как ложь ».« Неверующих будут ввергнуть в ад войска ». «Они будут взяты чужими и ногами и брошены в ад, где они будут пить ошпарительную воду». «Их единственное развлечение - это кипящая вода, и они будут топливом для ада». «Дым ад должен испускать искры размером с башни, похожие на желтых верблюдов в цвете». «Те, кто не верят, 18 W. C. Taylor, магометанство и его секты. 19 Коран, гл. VIII. Продажа, предварительный дискурс, стр. 125. на них надет одежда одежды FIRE FITTED, и они будут избиты булавами из красного горячего железа ».« Настоящие верующие, лежащие на диванах, будут смотреть на неверных в аду и смеяться над ними, чтобы презирать ». Существует традиция, что дверь будет показана проклятое открытие в рай, но когда они приблизится к ней, она будет внезапно закрыта, и верующие внутри будут смеяться. Безжалостные и ужасные, как эти выражения из Корана, они милосердны по сравнению с картинами в более поздних традициях, женщин, подвешенных на их волосах, их мозги, кипящие, подвешенные на их языках, расплавленная медь вылила их горло, связала руки и ноги и поедались по частям скорпионов, повесили их пятками в пылающих печах, а их плоть обрезала со всех сторон ножницами огня. 20 Их популярные учения делят ад на семь историй, потопленных под другим. Первый и самый мягкий для нечестивых среди истинных верующих. Второй - евреям. Третья - специальная квартира христиан. Они четвертый отведен для сабианцев, пятый для магов, а шестой - для самых заброшенных идолопоклонников; но седьмой самый глубокий и худший принадлежит лицемерам всех религий. Первый ад, наконец, будет опустошен и уничтожен, когда будут выпущены жалкие верующие; но все остальные ады сохранят своих жертв навечно. Если видения ада, которые наполняли фантазии верующих, были материальными и сияющими, равно как и их представления о рае. На этом мире благословенных были расточены все прелести, столь увлекательные восточным роскошью чувственной истомы, и которые поэтическое восточное воображение так хорошо знало, как изображать. Как только праведный 17Geschichte des Urchristenthums, zweit. abth. s. 186. Маймонид также утверждает доктрину сверхсекретных работ: см. С. 237 подходов Х. Бернара от Яд Хачазаки из Маймонида. 18 Surenhusius, Mischna, pars tertia, p. 308. 19 Лайтфут, в Мф. ХVII. 10. 20 Для общего взгляда на еврейскую эсхатологию см. Gfrorer, Geschichte des Urchristenthums, kap. Икс.; Eisenmenger, Entdecktes Judenthum, th. II. кап. XV. ХVII. восходят из подного мира, Шехина во главе их ». 21 Гфрорер получает происхождение доктрины о том, что Христос спас души из-под мира, от еврейского представления, сохраненного в Талмуде 22, которое иногда делали его праведники.23 Бертольдт приводит талмудические заявления, чтобы показать, что через Мессию «Бог в дальнейшем освободит израильтян от мира под воздействием заслуги обрезания» 24. Шотетген цитирует это заявление из Сохара: «Мессия умрет и останется в государстве смерти и воскреснет ». 25 Так называемая Четвертая Книга Ездры в седьмой главе гласит:« Мой сын, Христос, умрет, а затем последуйте за воскресением и судом ». Хотя это ясно, из из других источников, а также из рассказа Джона XIII, 34, что среди евреев преобладало ожидание того, что «Мессия будет пребывать вечно», также совершенно очевидно, что в то же время были по крайней мере неясные предчувствия , основанный на p rophecies и традиций, что он должен умереть, что важная часть его миссии была связана с его смертью. Это вытекает из таких отрывков, как мы упомянули выше, найденных у ранних раввинских писателей, которые, безусловно, вряд ли будут заимствовать и адаптировать новую идею такого характера от христиан; и от того, каким образом Иисус принимает свою смерть, чтобы быть частью мессианской судьбы и интерпретирует Писание как обязательно указывающее на этот эффект. Он обвиняет своих учеников в том, что они «дураки и слепые», не понимая доктрину; таким образом, кажется, подразумевает, что это было ясно известно некоторым. Но этот вопрос о происхождении идеи страдания, искушения, умирающего Мессия признается очень приятным и неясным. Свидетельства, молчание, выводы, предположения и сомнения по этому вопросу таковы, что некоторые из самых тщательных и беспристрастных учеников говорят, что они не могут решить в любом случае. Однако если принять во внимание этот вопрос, то все признают, что евреи искренне искали воскресение мертвых в качестве сопровождения прихода Мессии. Должен ли Христос спуститься в нижний мир или сидеть на троне на горе Сион, в любом случае мертвые должны подняться и снова жить на земле во время взрыва его призывающей трубы. Рабби Иеремия приказал: «Когда ты похоронишь меня, поставь обувь мне на ноги и дай мне посох в руке и возложи меня на одну сторону, что, когда придет Мессия, я могу быть готов». 26 Большинство раввинов сделали это воскрешение частичное. «Кто отрицает воскресение мертвых, не будет в этом участвовать, потому что он отрицает это». 27 «Раввин Аббу говорит:« День дождя больше воскресения мертвых; потому что дождь для всех, а воскресение - только для справедливых ». 28« Содом и Гоморра не восстанут в воскресении мертвых »29. Рабби Чеббо говорит:« Патриархи так стремились похоронить 21 Schoettgen, De Messia, lib. VI. кепка. v. 1. 22 Eisenmenger, th. II. песчаники 343, 364. 23 Geschichte Urchrist. кап. VIII. s. 184. 24 Christologia Judaorum Jesu Apostolorumque Atate, раздел. 34, (De Descensu Messia ad Inferos.) 25 Де Мессия, lib. VI. кепка. v. 2. 26 Лайтфут, в Мф. ХХVII. 52. 27 Witsius, Dissertatio de Seculo и т. Д., Сект. 9. 28 ноября. Illustratum и т. Д. Meuschen, p. 62. 29 Schoettgen, в Йохане. VI. 39. земля Израиля, потому что те, кто умер на этой земле, будут первыми возрождать и будут пожирать свои годы, [годы Мессии]. Но для тех, кто был погребён за святой землей, это должно быть понято что Бог совершит проход на земле, через которую они будут свернуты, пока не достигнут земли Израиля ». 30 Раввин Йоханан говорит:« Моисей умер от святой земли, чтобы показать, что так же, как Бог поднимет Моисея, так что он воздвигнет всех тех, кто соблюдает свой закон ». Народный фанатизм евреев в некоторых из их взглядов очень забавна. Например, они заявляют, что« одна израильская душа дороже и более важными для Бога, чем все души целого народа язычников! »Опять же, они говорят:« Когда Бог судит израильтян, он будет стоять и сделать суд коротким и мягким; когда он судит язычников, он будет сидеть и делать это длинным и суровым! »Они утверждают, что воскресение будет производиться с помощью росы, и они цитируют это стихотворение из« Песнь »:« Я сплю, но мое сердце бодрствует; моя голова наполнена росой, а мои замки с каплями ночи ». Некоторые утверждают, что" 43 Kleuker, Zend Avesta, band ii. anhang i. s. 12. чуть позже приехали из своей страны в свою религию, неудачный вклад, который пропитал и исказил так много формы, в которой он с тех пор появился и распространился. В чистом евангельском чистом дне, когда оно затвердело до богословских догм или обременено спекуляциями и комментариями, из уст Божьего Помазанного Сына неоднократно падало серьезное предупреждение: «Остерегайтесь закваски фарисеев». Намного больше нужно, чтобы это предупреждение разумно прислушалось сейчас, с удвоенным акцентом из собственных уст Учителя: «Остерегайтесь закваски фарисеев». Ибо, поскольку Евангелие в настоящее время обычно изложено и получено, эта закваска заквашила почти весь кусок ее. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Доктрина Петра о будущей жизни Вступая в исследование мыслей новозаветных писателей о судьбе человека после его телесного роспуска, мы можем начать, взглянув на различные намеки, содержащиеся в записи, на мнения по этому вопросу, распространенные во времена Спасителя или сразу впоследствии, но которые не составляли никакой части его религии или смешивались с ошибками. В Евангелиях записано несколько инцидентов, которые показывают, что среди евреев была получена вера в переселение души. Когда Иисус проходил возле Силоама со своими учениками, он увидел человека, который был слеп от своего рождения; и ученики сказали ему: «Учитель, который согрешил, этот человек или его родители, что он родился слепым?» Дрейф этого вопроса: родители этого человека совершили какое-то великое преступление, за которое они были наказаны за то, что их ребенок родился слепым, или он пришел в мир под этим бедствием в искуплении беззаконий прошлой жизни? Иисус отрицает доктрину, вовлеченную в этот допрос, по крайней мере, насколько его ответ затрагивает его вообще; поскольку он редко вступает в какое-либо обсуждение или опровержение случайных ошибок. Он говорит, Ни этот человек не согрешил, ни его родители не стали причиной слепоты; но в нем проявляются регулярные действия законов Бога: кроме того, это провиденциальный случай, предлагаемый мне, чтобы я показал божественность своей миссии, дав ему зрение. Когда Ирод узнал о чудесах и славе Иисуса, он сказал: «Это Иоанн Креститель, которого я обезглавил: он воскрес из мертвых; и поэтому великие дела совершаются им. В этом кратком заявлении ясно показано, что в то время в Иудее сохранилось убеждение в появлении ушедшего духа в телесной форме, чтобы провести еще одну карьеру. Евангелисты соотносят другое обстоятельство с тем же эффектом. Иисус спросил своих учеников, кем они считались. И они ответили: «Некоторые думают, что ты - Иоанн Креститель, какой-то Илия, и какой-то Иеремия или какой-то другой из старых пророков, предвестник Мессии. Тогда Иисус спросил: «Но кто думает, что я есть? И Симон Петр сказал: ты сам обещанный Мессия. Среди евреев была пророческая традиция, составленная из слов Малахии, Поэтому, когда ученики Христа признали его великим Помазанником, они были обеспокоены этим пророчеством и сказали своему Учителю: почему книжники говорят, что Илия должен прежде всего прийти? Он отвечает им, по существу, это так: слова пророка не подведут; они уже выполнены. Но вы должны правильно истолковать пророчество. Это не значит, что сам древний пророк, в физической форме, придет на землю, но тот, кто со своим офисом, в своем духе и власти, будет передо мной. Если вы в состоянии понять истинный смысл обещания, это было реализовано. Иоанн Креститель - это Илия, который должен был прибыть. Поэтому в Новом Завете есть намеки на учение о переселении, но не дает ему ордера. Иудейские ожидания относительно Мессии, природы его царства и событий, которые они предполагали, посещали его пришествие или пришествие во время его царствования, были источником и основой фразеологии многих мест в христианских Писаниях и ощущение не одного. Национальные идеи и надежды евреев в то время были чрезвычайно интенсивными и обширными. Их влияние на непосредственных учеников Иисуса и авторов Нового Завета часто очень очевидно в интерпретациях, которые они налагают на его учения и по их собственным словам. Тем не менее, их интеллектуальная и духовная тупость к истинному дрейфу мысли их Учителя была не такой большой, их ошибки не так многочисленны и не столь грубы, как это часто предполагалось. Это подтверждается тем фактом, что, когда они используют язык мессианских ожиданий евреев в своих работах, они часто делают это не в материальном, а в духовном смысле. Когда они впервые попали под наставление Иисуса, они были полностью проникнуты общими представлениями о своей нации и возрасте. Своим влиянием их идеи медленно и с большим трудом одухотворялись и в некоторой степени приближались к его собственному. Но это, безусловно, верно, что они никогда не даже после его смерти пришли в четком понимании полного возвышенного, чистую духовности, в конечном итоге значения, его миссии и его слова. Тем не менее, они отбросили и поднялись над грубыми плотскими ожиданиями своих соотечественников. Частично проинструктированный в духовной природе царства Христа и частично подчиненный их еврейским предрассудкам, они интерпретировали часть своего языка фигурально, в соответствии с его реальным значением и частью его в буквальном смысле, согласно их собственным представлениям. Результатом этого было несколько доктрин, не преподаваемых Христом и не удерживаемых евреями, но сформированных путем объединения и разработки части концепций обоих. Эти доктрины можно найти в Новом Завете; но следует четко понимать, что религия Христа не отвечает за них, должна быть отделена от них. Основная и проницательная цель этого послания Петра, подлинность которого неоспорима, и то же самое верно в значительной степени его речей, записанных в Деяниях Апостолов, - это увещевать христиан, которым написано, чтобы очистить себя верой , любовь и добрые дела; твердо стоять среди всех своих невзгод, подкрепленных ожиданиями и готовыми соответствовать условиям славной жизни на небесах в конце этой жизни. Эсхатология, учение о последних вещах, с его практическими выводами, неразрывно связанными с миссией Христа, составляет основу и масштаб всего документа. Петр считал, что когда Христос был предан смерти, его дух, выживший, спустился в отдельное состояние ушедших душ. Процитировав в шестнадцатом Псалме заявление: «Ты не оставишь мою душу в мире», он говорит, что это было пророчество о Христе, которое исполнилось в его воскресении. «Душа этого Иисуса не осталась в мире, но Бог воздвиг его, из которого мы все являемся свидетелями». Когда написано, что его душа не осталась в подземной обители бесплотных духов, конечно, нельзя исключить вывод, который должен был быть там какое-то время. В следующем месте нам оправдано несколько соображений, утверждая, что Петр считал, что там, в мрачном царстве оттенков, собраны и задержаны души всех мертвых поколений. Мы приписываем это мнение Петру из совокупности следующих причин: потому что это было, как известно, верой его предков и современных соотечественников; потому что он говорит о воскресении Иисуса так, как если бы это было чудесное пророчество или беспрецедентное чудо, сигнал и самое значительное исключение из универсального закона; потому что он прямо говорит о Давиде, что «он еще не вознесся на небеса», и если Давид все еще остался внизу, несомненно, все были; потому что одна и та же доктрина явно прививается другими новозаветными писателями; и, наконец, потому что сам Петр в другой части этого послания недвусмысленно заявляет, что душа Христа шла и проповедовалась душам, заключенным в мире, ибо таково проницательное значение знаменитого текста », будучи предан смерти в теле, но остался жив в душе, в которую он пошел и проповедовал [был глашатаем] духам в тюрьме ». Смысл, который мы приписываем этому знаменитому отрывку, - это простое и последовательное объяснение слов и контекста, и именно это должно было передаваться тем, кто знаком с полученными мнениями того времени. Соответственно, мы находим, что, за исключением Августина, это было так понято и интерпретировано всем телом Отцов1. Подобным образом так же и сейчас взято огромное большинство самых авторитетных современных комментаторов. В своем комментарии к этому тексту Розенмуллер говорит: «Духи в тюрьме означают души людей, отделенных от их тел и задержанных как под стражей в подпольном мире, которые греки называют аидами, Послание к Евреям, вряд ли могут быть подвергнуты сомнению , «(vix dubitari posse videtur.) Это когда-либо было и остается общим заключением почти всех лучших критических богословов, так как можно легко показать точные цитаты. Причины, побудившие Августина дать другое изложение представленного нам текста, должны сделать так, чтобы в этом случае даже его великое имя было мало или вообще не имело веса. Он твердо придерживался, как открытая и неоспоримая истина, 2 всякая доктрина, которую мы поддерживаем, подразумевается в настоящем отрывке; но он был настолько озадачен определенными трудными вопросами3 относительно места и способа и обстоятельств, адресованных ему со ссылкой на этот текст, что он, колеблющийся и, наконец, дал ему аллегорическую интерпретацию. Его экзегеза не только произвольна и противоречит католической доктрине Церкви; он также до сих пор пригоден и вынужден быть лишенным 1 См., Например, Клема. Алекс. Stromata, lib. VI .; Киприан, Тест. нареч. Иудаизм, lib. II. кепка. 27, Лактантий, Дивин. Instit. Lib. VII. кепка. 20. 2 Эпист. XCIX. 3 Там же. правдоподобие. Он говорит, что духи в тюрьме могут быть душами людей, заключенных в их телах здесь, в этой жизни, чтобы проповедовать, к которому пришел Христос с небес. Но внимательный читатель будет наблюдать, что Петр говорит так, как будто духи собраны и хранятся в одной общей тюрьме, относится к духам поколения, давно отошедшим к мертвым, и представляет собой проповедь, происходящую в промежутке между смертью Христа и его воскресение. Взгляд из восемнадцатой до двадцать второго стиха включительно показывает неоспоримо, что порядок событий, рассказанных апостолом заключается в следующем: Во-первых, Христос был предан смерти во плоти, страдания за грехи наши, праведник за неправедных; во-вторых, он был оживлен в духе; в-третьих, он пошел и проповедовал духам в тюрьме; в-четвертых, он воскрес из мертвых; в-пятых, он вознесся на небо. 11 По ошибке и ложному чтению в общей версии есть «боли смерти», а не «цепи мира». Смысл требует последнего. Кроме того, многочисленные манускрипты читают [несимвольные символы]. См., Кроме того, тщательную критику Розенмуллера в Локе. Также см. Греческий лексикон Робинсона в Новом Завете, в [NAC]. учение об искуплении, чтобы объяснить фигуры речи, в которых апостолы заявляют о своей доктрине. Но, поскольку кальвинистская схема была разработана человеческой мыслью, чтобы объяснить новозаветный язык, любая схема, которая объясняет, что язык также имеет равные требования Писания к достоверности; любой, который лучше объясняет это, с более острым, более широким смыслом и меньшими трудностями, имеет высшие требования, которые должны быть получены. Теперь мы готовы заявить, что, по нашему мнению, было значением, которое первоначально было связано с понятиями, эквивалентными «искуплению смертью Христа». Вследствие греха души всего человечества, покинув тело, были заперты в забывчивом мраке мира. Только Христос в силу своей совершенной святости не подвергался какой-либо части этой участи. Но, выполняя милостивые замыслы Отца, он охотно подчинялся, покидая тело, чтобы идти среди мертвых, чтобы он мог объявить им добрую весть, разразился мраком и вернулся к жизни и встал небеса как залог будущего перевода верных в этот небесный мир, а не их изгнание в мрачное рабство ниже, как до сих пор. Таким образом, смерть Христа была искуплением грешников, потому что его смерть подразумевала его восхождение, «потому что невозможно было удержать смерть»; и его вознесение наглядно продемонстрировало правду о том, что Бог простил людям свои грехи и получит их души в свою обитель на высоте. Три очень сильных подтверждения правильности этой интерпретации приведены в заявлениях Петра. Во-первых, он даже не намекает, в малейшей манере, что смерть Христа должна была иметь какое-либо влияние на Бога, любую силу изменить его чувство или его правительство. Это было не для того, чтобы искупить покупку за грехи и, таким образом, примирить Бога с нами; но благодаря откровению свободной помилованной любви Отца, чтобы дать нам покаяние, очищение, уверенность и возрождающееся благочестие, и таким образом примирить нас с Богом. Он говорит в одном месте, в решительных словах, что явная цель смерти Христа была просто «чтобы он мог привести нас к Богу». В том же напряжении, в другом месте, он определяет объект смерти Христа, чтобы «чтобы мы, будучи избавлены от грехов, должны были жить до праведности». Ясно, что в буквальной реальности он ссылается на наше чудесное спасение на добровольную доброту Бога, а не на какой-либо побочный выкуп, выплачиваемый в жертву Христа, когда он говорит: «Бог всей благодати призвал нас к своей вечной славе Иисус Христос." Таким образом, смерть Христа не успокаивала ожесточенную справедливость Бога, исправляя притязания его неумолимого закона, но он должен был призвать и установить в людях все нравственные добродетели силой веры в верный дар вечной жизни запечатанных им через восхождение Спасителя. Во-вторых, практические выводы, сделанные Петром из смерти Христа, и наставления, основанные на нем, несовместимы с преобладающей теорией искупления. С этой точки зрения апостол сказал бы: «Христос заплатил долг и обеспечил вам место на небесах, избранные: поэтому верьте в достаточность своих приношений и радости». Но не так. Он призывает нас в этом мудрых: «Поскольку Христос пострадал за нас, вооружитесь тем же умом». «Христос пострадал за вас, оставив пример, что вы должны следовать его шагам». Вся тяжесть его практического аргумента, основанного на миссии Христа, - это обязанность религиозного духа и чистой морали. Он не говорит, как говорили многие современные сектанты, о «грязных лохмотьях праведности»; но он говорит: «Больше не живете в грехах», «иметь смиренный и тихий дух, который стоит перед Богом с великой ценой», «будьте святы во всяком разуме», «очистите свои души, повинуясь истина: «Будьте священным священством, чтобы приносить духовные жертвы», «иметь добрую совесть», «избегать зла и делать добро», «прежде всего, иметь горячую любовь, потому что любовь покрывает множество грехов». Ни один откровенный человек не может прочесть послание и не видеть, что великая мораль, выведенная в нем из миссии Христа, такова: так как вам предлагается небеса, старайтесь по личной добродетели быть готовым к этому на суде, который скоро наступит. Ученику не велено уповать на достоинства Иисуса; но он призван «воздерживаться от зла» и «освящать Господа Бога в своем сердце» и «любить братьев» и «подчиняться законам» и «преуспевать», «опоясывая чресла своего ума» в трезвости и надежде ». Это не кальвинизм. Третье укрепление этой экспозиции представлено последовательностью Души людей были ограничены в мире мира за грех. Христос пришел, чтобы обратить людей от греха и отчаяния к святости и примирительной вере в Бога. Он пошел к мертвым, чтобы объявить им добрую весть о помиловании и приблизиться к освобождению через свободную милость Бога. Он поднялся на небеса, чтобы продемонстрировать и наглядно продемонстрировать искупление людей из-под смерти мира грешников. Он скоро должен был вернуться на Землю, чтобы завершить незавершенную работу своего командированного королевства. Его принятые должны быть приняты к славе и вознаграждению. Отказанные должны, чтобы их судьба осталась в унынии, без определенной привязки. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Признание друзей в будущей жизни Из всех печалей, связанных с человеческой жизнью, ничто так не проникает в нежные сердца, как то, что наполняет их оскорбительными сожалениями и какое-то время пишет пустоту и тщеславие в их самых дорогих сокровищах, когда смерть лишает их тех, кого они любят. Итак, из всех вопросов, которые преследуют душу, отталкивая ее способности к решению, умоляя оракулы вселенной ответить, никто не может проявлять более активный интерес, чем собирать неудержимое исследование: «Мы когда-нибудь встретимся снова, и знаете, друзей, которых мы потеряли, где-то в простом творении и в безграничные века, со старой знакомой любовью, наши давно расстались, с любовью лелеялись, никогда не забывали мертвых? » Скорбь утраты и желание воссоединения ощущаются в бесконечном разном степеней разных людей, так как они небрежны, трудны, и смысл связан, или вдумчивый, сочувствующий и образный; недисциплинированные тайнами и страданиями нашей смертной судьбы или глубоко искушенные разочарованиями и предсказаниями времени и судьбы; и как они затенены мраком отчаяния или приветствуются сиянием веры. Но для всех, кто испытывает, даже наименее, неопределенные, но глубокие измышления о безмолвном походе, печальном процессии и кургане, возникает впечатляющая проблема с частотой и силой. Разлагает ли могила нас и объекты наших привязанность навсегда? или, через эту темную пропасть, мы снова будем объединены в более чистые связи? Вне атеистического растворения и пантеистического поглощения возможно предположить, что, сохранив удар смерти, наш дух может вернуться к Богу и провести свой бесконечный курс в божественном уединении. С другой стороны, возможно, что, обладая всеми воспоминаниями об этом испытательном состоянии, благословленном товариществом наших земных друзей, мы можем стремиться вместе в бесконечных градациях будущего мира. Если бы первое предположение было истинным, и прощание умирающего было объявлением безотзывного разделения, то слезы, которые мы пролили на покрытую глину, когда-то так ценили, должны были перегонять от наводнения Леты, чтобы заставить нас забыть все. Но если последнее верно, то наши смертоносные кажущиеся потери - это как вечеринки путешественников ночью, чтобы встретиться утром; и, как друг после того, как друг уходит на пенсию, мы должны вздохнуть с каждым уходящим духом до свидания, пока мы не встретимся снова, и пусть приятные воспоминания о них задерживаются, чтобы смешать в священный мечты о жизни. обладая всеми воспоминаниями об этом испытательном состоянии, благословленном товариществом наших земных друзей, мы можем стремиться вместе в бесконечных градациях будущего мира. Если бы первое предположение было истинным, и прощание умирающего было объявлением безотзывного разделения, то слезы, которые мы пролили на покрытую глину, когда-то так ценили, должны были перегонять от наводнения Леты, чтобы заставить нас забыть все. Но если последнее верно, то наши смертоносные кажущиеся потери - это как вечеринки путешественников ночью, чтобы встретиться утром; и, как друг после того, как друг уходит на пенсию, мы должны вздохнуть с каждым уходящим духом до свидания, пока мы не встретимся снова, и пусть приятные воспоминания о них задерживаются, чтобы смешать в священный мечты о жизни. обладая всеми воспоминаниями об этом испытательном состоянии, благословленном товариществом наших земных друзей, мы можем стремиться вместе в бесконечных градациях будущего мира. Если бы первое предположение было истинным, и прощание умирающего было объявлением безотзывного разделения, то слезы, которые мы пролили на покрытую глину, когда-то так ценили, должны были перегонять от наводнения Леты, чтобы заставить нас забыть все. Но если последнее верно, то наши смертоносные кажущиеся потери - это как вечеринки путешественников ночью, чтобы встретиться утром; и, как друг после того, как друг уходит на пенсию, мы должны вздохнуть с каждым уходящим духом до свидания, пока мы не встретимся снова, и пусть приятные воспоминания о них задерживаются, чтобы смешать в священный мечты о жизни. мы можем стремиться вместе в бесконечных градациях будущего мира. Если бы первое предположение было истинным, и прощание умирающего было объявлением безотзывного разделения, то слезы, которые мы пролили на покрытую глину, когда-то так ценили, должны были перегонять от наводнения Леты, чтобы заставить нас забыть все. Но если последнее верно, то наши смертоносные кажущиеся потери - это как вечеринки путешественников ночью, чтобы встретиться утром; и, как друг после того, как друг уходит на пенсию, мы должны вздохнуть с каждым уходящим духом до свидания, пока мы не встретимся снова, и пусть приятные воспоминания о них задерживаются, чтобы смешать в священный мечты о жизни. мы можем стремиться вместе в бесконечных градациях будущего мира. Если бы первое предположение было истинным, и прощание умирающего было объявлением безотзывного разделения, то слезы, которые мы пролили на покрытую глину, когда-то так ценили, должны были перегонять от наводнения Леты, чтобы заставить нас забыть все. Но если последнее верно, то наши смертоносные кажущиеся потери - это как вечеринки путешественников ночью, чтобы встретиться утром; и, как друг после того, как друг уходит на пенсию, мы должны вздохнуть с каждым уходящим духом до свидания, пока мы не встретимся снова, и пусть приятные воспоминания о них задерживаются, чтобы смешать в священный мечты о жизни. то слезы, которые мы проливаем на покрытую глину, когда-то так ценились, должны быть перегонами из потока Леты, чтобы заставить нас забыть все. Но если последнее верно, то наши смертоносные кажущиеся потери - это как вечеринки путешественников ночью, чтобы встретиться утром; и, как друг после того, как друг уходит на пенсию, мы должны вздохнуть с каждым уходящим духом до свидания, пока мы не встретимся снова, и пусть приятные воспоминания о них задерживаются, чтобы смешать в священный мечты о жизни. то слезы, которые мы проливаем на покрытую глину, когда-то так ценились, должны быть перегонами из потока Леты, чтобы заставить нас забыть все. Но если последнее верно, то наши смертоносные кажущиеся потери - это как вечеринки путешественников ночью, чтобы встретиться утром; и, как друг после того, как друг уходит на пенсию, мы должны вздохнуть с каждым уходящим духом до свидания, пока мы не встретимся снова, и пусть приятные воспоминания о них задерживаются, чтобы смешать в священный мечты о жизни. Очевидно, это имеет большое значение для человека, который из этих взглядов он возьмет; для каждого из них проявляется своеобразное влияние на его душевное спокойствие, его моральную силу и его религиозный характер. На том, кто верит, что в будущем, за пределами всех частей этой земли гробниц, он никогда не встретит дорогих товарищей, которые теперь благословляют свою судьбу, смерть друзей должна упасть, если он будет человеком с сильной чувствительностью, как ошеломляющий удар , пробуждая агонию печали, беря с неба и земли славу, которую ничто не может заменить, и оставляя в своем сердце ничтожную пустоту, ничто не может заполнить. Отныне он будет лишен главным образом всей чувственной связи между ними, безнадежно отрываясь от хороших влияний, которые они оказывают на него, когда они присутствуют: он должен всеми возможными способами забыть их; не думайте больше о своих достоинствах, их приветственные голоса и добрые дела; вытирать из таблеток его души все любящие записи об их единых счастливых днях; не смотри в будущее, пусть прошлое будет таким, каким оно никогда не было, и поглотит его мысли и чувства в суматохе настоящего. Это его единственный курс; и даже тогда, если это верно для святых инстинктов его души, он найдет, что фатальное разделение уменьшило его существо и обнищало его жизнь, «Ибо этот проигрыш - это истинное умирание, это лордский человек, лежащий вниз, Это его медленный, но уверенный, лежащий, Звезда, звезда его мира, подающего в отставку». Но для него, который искренне ожидает, что он будет вскоре восстановлен под более справедливым покровительством и в мире без смертного для тех, от кого он расстался, когда он положил свои разрушающиеся тела на землю, смерть друзей придет как послание от Великого Отца, сообщение торжественный, но добрый, грустный, с естественной печалью, но просиявший уверенным обещанием и сопровождаемый небесными компенсациями. Если его слезы текут, они течет не в ожесточенной горечи от фонтана Мары отчаяния, а в отчаянной радости от пораженного скала веры. До сих пор не пытаясь забыть ушедших, он будет цепляться за свои воспоминания с удвоенной нежностью, как священное доверие и искупительную силу. Они будут для него более драгоценными, чем когда-либо, более сильными, чтобы очистить и оживить. Их святые примеры привлекут его, как никогда прежде, и их небесные голоса умоляли на высоком, чтобы завоевать его добродетелью и небом. Постоянная мысль о том, чтобы увидеть их еще раз и донести до их рук через заколдованные райские районы, будет обладать освящающей силой над его духом. Они сделают невидимую сферу населенной реальностью для него и привлекут его к Богу благодаря рассеянным связям духовного знакомства и вечной любви. Поскольку результат, на котором человек опирается на эту тему, полагая или не веря, что он узнает своих возлюбленных на другой стороне могилы, оказывает на него глубокое влияние, в одном случае удручает, в другом возвышении, на нам, чтобы исследовать предмет, попытаться понять правду, прояснить это и оценить, насколько это возможно. Это тема, которая нас всех интересует. Кто не подружил родственников, друзей выбора, недавно или давно удаленных с этой земли в неизвестную климу? Через какое-то время, когда гудящий жнец пробирается на своем пути, у кого не будет еще больше, или будет там сам? Должен ли старый знакомый забыть или быть хорошо помним там, это запрос, который должен глубоко заинтересовать всех, кто имеет сердца, любить своих спутников, и умы, чтобы воспринимать ползучие тени таинства, нарисовавшего нас, когда мы приближаемся к верной судьбе возраста и тусклым узорам мира. Это тема, далекая от шумных полос и тщетных шоу, проникающих в таинственную сущность любви и мыслей, которые мы есть. Первое значение имеет не вывод, который мы достигаем, но тот дух, в котором мы его ищем. Христианин говорит своему другу: «Наши души будут объединены во всех небесах». Дантон, с ужасной пародией, сказал своим товарищам по эшафоту: «Наши головы соберутся в этом мешке». Первое значение имеет не вывод, который мы достигаем, но тот дух, в котором мы его ищем. Христианин говорит своему другу: «Наши души будут объединены во всех небесах». Дантон, с ужасной пародией, сказал своим товарищам по эшафоту: «Наши головы соберутся в этом мешке». Первое значение имеет не вывод, который мы достигаем, но тот дух, в котором мы его ищем. Христианин говорит своему другу: «Наши души будут объединены во всех небесах». Дантон, с ужасной пародией, сказал своим товарищам по эшафоту: «Наши головы соберутся в этом мешке». Прежде чем приступить непосредственно к обсуждению, будет интересно заметить на мгновение вердикт, который история, в спонтанных предположениях и грубых размышлениях древних народов, произносит на эту тему.1 Среди их различных мнений о состоянии после смерти, что они в целом согласны с тем, что понимают его как социальное государство, в котором сохраняются личные подобия и воспоминания, соотечественники сгруппированы вместе, а друзья объединяются. Это точно относится к тем народам с деталями, чья вера мы познакомимся, и подразумевается в общей вере всех остальных, кроме тех, кто ожидал, что индивидуальный дух будет поглощен душой вселенной. Гомер показывает, что Улисс и Вергилий подобным образом показывают Анею на его входе в другой мир, взаимно признавая своих старых товарищей и признанных ими. Два героя, чья неразлучная дружба на земле была пресловутой, все еще вместе в Элизиуме: «Тогда, бок о бок, вдоль тоскливого берега Продвинутого Ахилла и Призрачный призрак, дружелюбная пара. В этом представлении было полное признание знакомых, все отчеты другого мира, данные в греческой и римской литературе, гармонизированы. То же самое относится к рассказам, содержащимся в литературе древних евреев. В Книге Бытия, когда Иаков слышит о смерти своего любимого ребенка, он восклицает: «Я пойду к сыну моему Иосифу в мир, скорбя». Когда ведьма Эндора подняла призрак Самуила, Саул узнал его по описанию, которое она дала ему, когда он встал. Монаршие оттенки в недрах изображены Исаией, признавая тень царя Вавилона и поднимаясь от их мрачных тронов, чтобы поприветствовать его насмешкой. Иезекииль показывает нам каждого народа языческих народов в мире под землей в своей компании. Когда умер ребенок Давида, царь скорбно воскликнул: «Он не вернется ко мне, но я пойду к нему». Все эти отрывки основаны на концепции мрачной подземной обители, где призраки мертвых воссоединяются после их разделения при смерти на земле. Старый комментатор в Коране говорит, что однажды священник-мусульманин спросил, как благословенные в раю могут быть счастливы, когда пропускают какого-то близкого родственника или дорогого друга, которого они, таким образом, заставили предположить в аду. Он ответил: Бог либо заставит верующих забыть таких людей, либо отдохнуть в ожидании их прихода. Анекдот показывает, что одно и то же сердце и любопытство принадлежат мусульманам и христианам. Еще более впечатляющим примером является картина в буддийском храме в Китае. Картина представляет историю священника Ло Пуха, который, перейдя в рай на смерть, увидел свою мать, Инь Те, в аду. Он мгновенно спустился в адский двор, Цин Кван Ван, где она страдала, и, благодаря его доблести, добродетели и ходатайства, спас ее. Картина, наглядно изображающая всю историю, может быть видна и изучена в настоящее время христианскими миссионерами, которые входят в этот храм доброжелательного Будды. Из веры многих других стран иллюстрации могут быть приведены из того же факта, что великий общий инстинкт который побудил людей поверить в будущую жизнь, в то же время заставил их поверить, что в этой жизни будет союз и признание друзей. Пусть этот далеко идущий исторический факт будет сделан по его справедливой стоимости, 1 Алексий, Тод и Видершехен. Eine Gedankenfolge der besten Schriftsteller aller Zeiten und Volker. 2 Asiatic Journal, 1840, p. 211. в то время как мы переходим к труду в руке. Факт, о котором идет речь, имеет определенную ценность, потому что, будучи выражением сердца человека, как это сделал Бог, это свидетельствует о его воле, пророчестве. Существует три способа решения проблемы будущего признания. Классный, скептический класс людей рассмотрит существующие связанные факты; спорить с тем, что они теперь знают; проверить вопрос путем индукции и вывода. Давайте посмотрим, какие результаты они приведут к этому. Во-первых, мы узнаем, что мы теперь различаем внешнюю форму, физическую пропорцию и комбинацию взглядов, тонов голоса и других подобных деталей. Каждый имеет свою индивидуальность в этих отношениях, благодаря которой он отделим от других. Поэтому можно поспешно предположить, что если мы будем знать, что наши друзья в дальнейшем будут через удержание или восстановление их разумных особенностей. Соответственно, многие считают, что душа является совершенным отражением или нематериальным фактом для тела, точным соответствием в теневом контуре своей грубой скинии и, следовательно, сразу узнаваемой в бестелесном состоянии. Литература христианского мира, которую мы можем почти сказать о мире, изобилует примерами этой идеи. Другие, выступая из тех же признанных помещений, заключают, что будущее признание будет обеспечиваться воскрешением материального органа, поскольку оно Отказано в том, что самое жаль, оставшаяся часть его вдовой жизни была одним из меланхолических штаммов «В воспоминаниях». Многие верные и благородные скорбящие, чья обреченная любовь и надежда были омрачены для этого мира, скажут вам, что, не встречая его потерянных там, небо само по себе не будет для него небом. В таком состоянии души мы должны ожидать снова узнать в неувядающем климе заветных мертвецов. Эта вера - это Божественное вдохновение, соглашение об исцелении смертельных ран скорби. Безумие не думать, что это правда. Кто верит, как он проплывет сквозь воздушные небесные небеса, он, возможно, коснулся лучистой одежды своих избранных друзей без прелести признания, прелюдии к блаженному и бессмертному общению? Не правда ли в картине поэта о встрече ребенка и родителя на небесах? 4 Harbaugh, The Heavenly Recognition. Гисборн, Воспоминания о друзьях в мире. Мустон, увековечение христианской дружбы. «Это не было, мать, что я знал твое лицо: светлое затмение, которое на нем сейчас, хотя это было справедливо на земле, сделало бы это странным Даже тем, кто знал так же хорошо, как он любил тебя, Но мое сердце закричало во мне, мама! Подумайте о непостижимых стремлениях, бесконечных восторгах желания и веры от возраста до возраста, разбухающего в самом сердце мира, все на единой надежде будущего союза, и кто тогда может верить, что Бог будет холодно взрывать их всех? Они невинные, они святые, они похвальные, они невыразимо дороги. Мы не уничтожим их; и Бог не будет. Жизнь человека - это настоящая басня этой прекрасной молодежи Нарцисса, у которой была сестра-близнец замечательной красоты, очень похожа на самого себя и к которой он был нежно привязан. Она умирает молодым. Он часто посещает фонтаны, чтобы смотреть на свой собственный образ, отраженный в водах, и ему кажется, что он потерял ее. Он в жалости превращается в цветок на границе ручья, где, наклоняясь на своем хрупком стебле, он ищет свой образ в журчащих водах, пока он не исчезнет и не умрет. Не Бог, все любящий Автор, который написал сладкое стихотворение «Человек и Природа», написал в конце примиряющего Элизиума, в котором эти чистые любовники, любящий Нарцисс и его эхо-помощник будут блуждать в вечном блаженстве, их обнимающие формы отражаются в невозмутимом фонтаны? Глядя сейчас на заключение всего вопроса, мы находим, что он состоит из трех различных аспектов: как вопрошающей мысли, так и практической морали, в соответствии с огнями и режимами, в которых к нему подходят три разных класса разума. Для последовательного метафизика, жестко рассуждающего по мотивам науки и философии, все, что связано с методами и обстоятельствами будущей жизни, - это дело всей неопределенности и гипотезы.5 Если в будущем состояние души сохраняет свою индивидуальность как идентичную силу , форму, жизнь и память, и если окружающие в настоящем состоянии собраны вместе, вероятно, старые друзья узнают друг друга. Но если они не обращают внимания на прошлое, если они не могут быть отделены друг от друга в пространстве или состоянии, если кто-то продвигается намного дальше, чем другой никогда не может его обогнать, если личная душа смешивает свое индивидуальное сознание с унитарным сознанием Высшей Души, если он начнет новую карьеру из свежего психического зародыша, то, по условиям, взаимного признания не будет. В этом случае его утешение и его обязанность состоят в том, чтобы понять, что тоска и тоска, которые он теперь чувствует, прекратятся тогда; верить в благодушие Бесконечной Мудрости, который лучше знает, что назначить для своих созданий; и подчиниться с гармоничной отставкой к неизменному указу, предлагая его личное желание добровольной жертвы на алтаре естественного благочестия. То, что он узнает своих друзей в будущем, не является невозможным, а не невероятным; и это не обязательно. Он может желать этого, ожидая этого, но не со спекулятивной гордостью догматически утверждать это, ни с настоятельным эгоизмом, самонадеянно требующим этого. 5 Gravell, Das Wiedersehen nach dem Tode. Wie es nur sein konne. Некритичному христианину признание воссоединения друзей на небесах является непоколебимой гарантией6. Ничто не мешает его неявному восприятию простого учения Писания. Это законные увещевания его веры. Скорбите не слишком горько и не слишком долго о своих мертвых; ибо вы встретите их в бессмертном климе. Поскольку последний час приходит для ваших самых близких или для вас самих, будьте любезны; ибо нетленная радость твоя. Вы: «Нельзя потерять надежду, что многие год Он сиял блестящим образом, Когда стены жизни закрываются И небо растет мрачно-серое. Не откладывайте вторгающихся мыслей об ушедших, но пусть они часто повторяются. Мертвые постоянны. Вы не знаете, сколько они могут думать о вас, насколько они близки вам. Проходите ли вы, чтобы встретить их, не думая о них годами, возможно, забыв их? Пусть ваш разум близок Полученный как истина, это колодец неиссякаемого комфорта, создающий опыт зеленого оазиса, где он переполняется. Отрицание его как доказанной лжи - это увядающий взрыв пыли, дующий на дружеский караван пришельцев в пустыне жизни. Если существование - это наслаждение щедростью социальной любви, а смерть - уединенная рука, которая уходит навсегда, как мрачная перспектива для бедного сердца, которая любит и цепляется, теряет и отчаивается и может безнадежно бежать ! Такого не может быть. Любовь - истинный пророк. Небо восстановит сокровища, земля потеряла. Скорбящий по могиле! Ева вздрогнула от формы Авеля! Иисус плакал, где лежал Лазарь! Америка обнимает урну Вашингтона! Гений человечества в Могиле прошлого! Это самое жалкое зрелище мира. Как и в старом мифе, пеликан, парящий над ее мертвыми рододелами, в агонии пронзил ее собственную грудь и развевался там, пока не раздувшись над крыльями над ними и не потеряв на них теплую кровь, они снова ожили, поэтому великая Мать-мужчина, кажется, в истории выдумывает пепел ушедших веков, сбрасывая слезы ее горя и веры в будущее, чтобы оживить своих умерших детей и объединить их в объятиях. И эта возвышенная Рахиль не будет легко утешаться, если ее мысли, мигрирующие туда, куда ее отпрыгнули, похоже, находят их счастливыми в некоторых счастливых небесах. Поэт, любовник своей расы, который не может доверять своему счастливому инстинкту, но полагает, что за пределами могильной линии смертности он не узнает больше своих друзей, может найти, как помогает добровольному согласию в сущем, из двух возможных созерцаний8. Он может печально наложить на свое сердце душное утешение. Не будет никаких сбитых с толку желаний и несчастий, но все закончится, когда на могиле моей могилы будет изображен хищный жакет. Или, с безмерным отскоком веры, он может толпить способность своей души таинственным предчувствием, В неизменной полноте бесконечного блаженства все специальности будут слиты и забыты, и я буду одним из тех, кому «изнурительный болезнь "воспоминания о печали и ожидаемой радости" - это чужая вещь ". Эвтаназия Виланда выражает недоверие к сохранению личности и сознания после смерти. Та же основа была взята в работе, анонимно анонсированной в Галле в 1775 году, Платоне и Лейбнице. См., С другой стороны вопроса, Wohlfahrt, Tempel der Unsterblichkeit, oder neue Anthologie der wichtigsten Ausspruche, besonders neuerer Weisen uber Wiedersehen usw расширять ▼ ▲ (1) ▼ Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Пояснительное исследование поля и его мифов ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ мысли человечества о предмете жизни, как до сих пор изучалось, едва ли может быть поражено многочисленным разнообразием мнений и картин, которые он представляет. Откуда и как возникла эта разнородная масса понятий? В результате пожертвований, с которыми Бог создал человека, учение о будущей жизни возникает как нормальный факт в развитии его опыта. Но формы и акценты доктрины, огромное разнообразие одежды и цветов, которые она появляется, подчиняются всем законам и несчастным случаям, которые формируют и одевают продукты в любом другом отделе мысли и литературы. Мы должны отнести этнические концепции будущего государства к тем же источникам, к которым относятся другие части поэзии и философии, а именно к действию чувств, фантазии и разума; затем к дальнейшему действию, реакциям и взаимодействию картин, догм и рассуждений авторитетных поэтов, священников и философов с одной стороны, а также чувства, веры и мысли о доверчивых множествах и послушных учениках - с другим. Поскольку взгляды на будущую жизнь, изложенные в религиях древних народов, представляют собой систематически разработанные и упорядоченные схемы доктрины и символа, поэтому их происхождение не нуждается в дальнейших объяснениях, чем предусмотрено созерцанием регулируемого развития умозрительных и творческих способностей. Но ведь эти представления содержат уникальные, гротескные, изолированные подробности, их производство объясняется этим общим законом: на ранних этапах человеческой культуры, когда естественные чувства интенсивно преобладают в силе, а критическое суждение находится в состоянии покоя, то, что сильно движет душа, вызывает поэтический секрет со стороны воображения1. Таким образом, радуга олицетворяется; предполагается, что водопад будет преследоваться духовными существами; вулкан с огненным кратером рассматривается как Циклоп с одним пылающим глазом в центре его лба. Этот закон имеет место не только по отношению к впечатляющим объектам или явлениям в природе, но и к явлениям, традициям, обычаям. Таким образом происходит бесчисленные мифы, объясняющие или усиливающие мысли, секретируемые стимулированное воображением, а затем переданные как события. Иногда эти рассказы даются и принимаются добросовестно за правду, поскольку Гроте изобильно доказывает Операции ожесточенных страстей, ненависти, испуга и ярости в мозге, кипящем кровью и огнем, делают фотографии, которые дикарь впоследствии хранит в памяти как факты. Он не отражением сознательно отличает внутренние действия и взгляды ума от объективных истин. Варвары, которые постоянно наблюдали путешественники и психологи, обычно уделяют большое внимание капризам сумасшедших, поступкам и высказываниям сумасшедших. Эти люди считаются обладателями высших существ. Их слова - оракулы: ужасные формы, гротескные сцены, которые вызываются их неупорядоченными и воспламененными способностями, с нетерпением ждали, и такие рассказы о них, которые они могут разглядеть, хранятся как откровения. Этот факт не имеет особого значения как элемент на основе намеков на убеждения некультурных племен. Многие взгляды на бред, многие бредовые спутанности безумия, были приняты как истина.3 Другой феномен, тесно связанный с первым, совершил подобным образом и все шире. Это было обычное суеверие с варварскими народами во всех частях света, от Тимбукту до Сибири, чтобы предположить, что мечты реальны 2 Lib. я. кепка. 60. 3 De Boismont, Рациональная история галлюцинаций, гл. 15: Галлюцинации рассматриваются в психологической, исторической и религиозной точке зрения. приключения, которые проходит душа, пролетая за границей, пока тело лежит, спящий снаряд, завернутый в сон. Силу этого влияния в питании обильной доверчивости можно легко представить. Происхождение многих понятий, затрагивающих будущее состояние, найденное в литературе, должно быть прослежено до тех бессвязных мыслей и поэтических мечтаний, с которыми даже самые философские умы, в определенных настроениях, предаются себе. Например, сэр Исаак Ньютон «сомневается в том, что нет высших интеллектуалов, которые подчиняются Верховному, контролируют и контролируют революции небесных тел». И Гёте, наполненный скорбью смертью Виланда, размышляя о судьбе своего ушедшего друга, торжественно предположил, что он стал душой мира в каком-то далеком пространстве космоса. Те же умственные упражнения, которые снабжают варварские суеверия, появляются в дисциплинированных умах, на более высоком плане и в более утонченных формах. Культура и наука не избавляют нас от всех иллюзий и обеспечивают нам трезвые взгляды, соответствующие действительности. Тем не менее, мы считаем, что среди твердых реалий бодрствующей жизни, фантазии во сне бессвязно отражается от полых полей мечты. Метафизик или богослов, вместо того, чтобы отдыхать, довольствовавшись просто обрывами и проблесками, заставляет сознательно рассуждать о полной теории. В этих сложных усилиях возникает много мнений и метафоры, правдоподобных или абсурдных, сладких или ужасных. В человеческом разуме есть естественная страсть к конгруэнтности и полноте, страсть чрезвычайно плодотворная в дополнительных продуктах. Например, раннее еврейское представление о том, что он буквально сидит за столом с Авраамом, Исааком и Иаковом, в воскресении, постепенно развивается путем аккреции помощи деталям во всех деталях непревзойденного банкета, на котором Левиафан должен был быть рыбой, Бегемот - жаркое и т. Д. 4. При построении доктрин или дискурсов одна мысль предполагает, что одна предпосылка или вывод требуют другого. Это генетическое приложение иногда просто видно даже в некоторых случаях некогерентных схем. Например, концепция, что человек вернулась в эту жизнь из предшествующих ее переживаний, встречается противоположным фактом, что он не помнит предыдущей карьеры. Пояснительная идея сразу же поражает фонтан забвения рекой Лета, из которой пестует бестелесная душа, когда она снова появляется. Когда-то в популярном воображении неизбежно последует концепция олимпийского синода богов и тысячи драматических рассказов о действии и приключениях, соответствующих персонажам божественных персонажей. Интерес, хитрость и авторитет священства - еще один источник преобладающих мнений относительно будущей жизни. Многие нации, ранние и поздние, находились под духовным руководством священников и верили почти во все, что они говорили. Многочисленные мотивы сговариваются, чтобы заставить священника придумать фикции и проявить свою силу, чтобы завоевать доверие к ним. У него должен быть соблазнительно окрашенный elysium, чтобы вознаградить своих послушных учеников. Когда его учение отвергается, и его авторитет высмеивается, его классовая изоляция и возмущенная гордость находят естественное удовлетворение в угрозе упрекающим инопланетянам в том, что однажды в результате пожара дождь вымывает их из куриных заливов серы. Марониты, секта католических христиан в Сирии, покупают своих священников в нескольких ярдах земли на небесах, чтобы обеспечить там место жительства, когда 4 Корроди, Геш. des Chiliasmns, th. я. abschn. 15: Гастмаль де Левиафан. они умирают.5 Сиамские буддисты накапливают серебро и скрывают его в тайне, чтобы удовлетворить потребности Те же самые влияния, которые заставляют смерть интерпретироваться как карательный после произведения в творении и которые придумали случаи, в которых он был отложен, также сфабриковали рассказы о возвращении из его окутанного царства. Арфа фракийского любовника, «вытаскивая железные слезы на щеку Плутона», побеждала любовницу на полпути к верхнему свету и полностью искупила бы ее, если бы он не с нетерпением оглянулся. Мрачный царь Аида, уступая страстным мольбам, смягчился, чтобы позволить несчастному Протесилусу вернуться к своему трауру Лаодамеи в течение трех часов. В скором конце этого бедного периода он снова умер; и на этот раз она умерла вместе с ним. Эрус, который был убит в бою, и Тимарх, душа которого была восхищена им в пещере Трофония, оба возвратились, когда мы читаем в Платоне и Плутархе, чтобы связать с обстоятельными подробностями то, что они видели в другом мире. Алкестис, который так благородно умер, чтобы спасти жизнь своего мужа, был возвращен из области мертвых, благодаря вмешательству Геракла, чтобы провести счастливые годы с ее благодарным Адметом. Хитростный Сизиф, который был настолько известен своим предательством, по проницательному заговору, получил после его смерти отпуск, чтобы снова посетить Землю. Наслаждаясь надеждой, он поклялся, что останется; но старый Гермесский психопамп насильно вытащил его. Когда Колумб приземлился в Сан-Сальвадоре, туземцы думали, что он спустился с Солнца, и по знакам спросил, не был ли он. Гавайцы захватили капитана Кука для бога Лоно, который когда-то был их королем, но был впоследствии обожествлен, и кто пророчествовал, как он умирал, что он должен последовать за временами. Те Wharewara, новозеландская молодежь, рассказывает длинный рассказ о возвращении его тетки из другого мира, с небольшим описанием ее приключений и наблюдений там.17 Школьное учебное заведение дает живописное повествование о путешествии, сделанное венгерским христианином и из земли душ18. Существует группа странно приятных мифов, тесно связанных с двумя предыдущими классами, показывающая, как популярное сердце и воображение прославляют своих героев и, любезно полагая, что они слишком богоподобны, чтобы умереть, воображают, что их удаляют только в какое-то секретное место, где они все еще жить, и откуда в нужное время они придут снова, чтобы спасти или благословить своих людей. Греция мечтала, что ее быстрый ахиллес был еще жив на Белом острове. Дания долго видела короля Хольгера, задерживающегося на старых воинских кернах своей страны. Португалия доверяла, что ее прелестный принц Себастьян бежал из фатального поля на восток и однажды вернется, чтобы потребовать свое узурпированное царство.19 Так и Родерик Гот, павший в катастрофической битве с арабами, традиции висхогот и вера народа давно настаивала на том, что он снова появится. Швейцарские пастухи считают, что основатели их конфедерации все еще спали в пещере на берегах Люцерна. Когда Швейцария находится в опасности, Три Сказки, дремлющие там в их античной одежде, проснутся, чтобы спасти ее. Сладкий и часто древний англичанин ссылается на пуассант Артур, отнесенный к мистическим долинам Авалона, и все же, чтобы его приветствовали в его родном королевстве, Экскалибур снова сверкал в руке. Штаммы Трубадуров набухают и звенят, когда они говорят о том, что Карл Великий спал внизу 17 Шортленд, Традиции новозеландцев, с. 128. 18 История и т. Д. индийских племен, часть II. п. 235. 19 В настоящее время в Бразилии есть фанатическая секта себастьянцев. См. «Бразилия и бразильцы» Кидира и Флетчера, стр. 519-521. Унтерсберг, ожидая своего назначенного времени, чтобы подняться, возобновить свой непревзойденный скипетр и прославить расу Франка. И какие грандиозные и странные баллады изображают великого Барбаросса, сидящего в склепах Киффхаузера, его борода выросла через каменный стол перед ним, задерживаясь, пока он не выйдет, со своими менестрелями и рыцарями вокруг него, в кризисный час состояния Германии ! Индейцы Пекоса, в Нью-Мексико, все еще с нетерпением ожидают возвращения Монтесумы; в то время как в Сан-Доминго, на Рио-Гранде, каждое утро страж поднимается на вершину самого высокого дома, на рассвете, и смотрит на восток к приходу великого вождя20. Крестьяне Бретани утверждают, что недавний путешественник свидетельствует, что Наполеон все еще жив в сокрытии где-то, и однажды его услышат или увижу в пышности и победе. Там был еще один мертвец, которого ожидали вернуться. ненавистный Нерон, популярный ужас которого проявляется в содрогающейся вере, выраженной в Апокалипсисе и в Сивиллинских Оракулах, что он все еще жив и снова появится21. Алиан в своей Разной Истории рассказывает о следующих особых обстоятельствах в отношении Меропов, населявших долину Анастана22. Казалось бы, это доказывает, что никакое возможное тщеславие спекуляций, относящихся к нашему вопросу, не было задумано. Река горя и река удовольствия, говорит он, провалились через долину, их банки покрыты деревьями. Если кто-то съел фрукты, растущие на деревьях возле прежнего ручья, Какой неизмеримый контраст между умирающим чероки, который прыгнет на небеса с войной, кричит на своем языке и веревкой в ​​руке, и умирающим христианином, который возвышенно бормочет: «Отец, в твои руки, я совершаю свой дух! " Что задумалось от бедной женщины, чье благочестивое представление о небе было то, что она была местом, где она могла сидеть весь день на чистом белом фартуке и петь псалмы, на дальновидного и симпатичного естественного философа, чья любящая вера охватывает все звания существ и которые представляют рай как духовный концерт объединенных миров со всеми их обитателями в присутствии своего Создателя! Однако из объяснительных соображений, которые были изложены, мы можем понять вывод многообразного роя понятий на плаву в мире, так как уже известно, что уже известно 15 тысяч сортов яблока, полученных из одиночного белого краба. Различия в воображении и мнениях среди мужчин столь же естественны, как и фантазии и мнения. Ум народа растет с земли своей депонированной истории, но дышит в воздухе своей живой литературы.23 Своим философским обучением и поэтической симпатией космополитический ученый выигрывает последнюю победу ума над материей, освобождается от местных условий и временные оттенки и, в свете всеобщей истины, следы, через причинные влияния почвы и климата и истории, а также цветные нити великих личностей, формирование своеобразных национальных убеждений. Благодаря смыслу варварский ум питается необработанным пабулом, созданным непосредственными явлениями мира и собственной жизни. Через культуру цивилизованный ум питается продуманным содержанием литературы, 23 Schouw, Earth, Plants, and Man, ch. ххх. науки и искусства. Растения едят неорганические, животные едят организованно, материально. Невежественный человек живет на ощущениях, полученных непосредственно от природы; образованный человек также живет на ощущениях, полученных из символов чужих ощущений. Неграмотный дикарь охотится за своей умственной жизнью в диком лесу сознания; эрудированный философ живет также в психических магазинах преклонных мужчин. ЗАМЕТКА. К десяти примерам, указанным на страницах 210, 211, замечательных людей, которые после их смерти были широко распространены в воображении, чтобы быть живыми, и суждено появиться снова, может быть добавлен одиннадцатый. Индейцы Пекоса, в Нью-Мексико, с нетерпением ожидают возвращения Монтесумы. В Сан-Доминго, на Рио-Гранде, каждое утро страж поднимается на крышу высочайшего дома на рассвете и смотрит на восток к приходу великого вождя. См. «Семилетняя резиденция Аббе Доменек в Великих пустынях Северной Америки», том. II. глава VIII. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Теории назначения души Прежде чем рассматривать в своих разнообразных подробностях особые мысли и фантазии относительно будущей жизни, распространенной в разных странах и временах, может быть хорошо взглянуть на те общие теории места назначения души, при которых все отдельные разновидности мнений могут быть классифицированы. Огромный и несоответствующий, как и гетерогенная масса понятий, порожденных историей этой провинции веры мира, целое может быть систематизировано, дискриминировано и сведено к нескольким всеобъемлющим головам. Такая архитектурная группировка или изложение главных схем мысли на эту тему даст несколько преимуществ. Показывая, как различные взгляды возникли из естественных спекуляций о коррелированных явлениях внешнего мира и фактах человеческого опыта, он дает незаменимую помощь в философском анализе и объяснении популярной веры в судьбу человека после смерти во всех огромное разнообразие его содержания. Упорядоченное расположение и изложение этих кардинальных теорий также образуют воплощение держат изумительное множество частностей в его осознанном и разделяющем схватывании, изменяя плоды ученого следствия от громоздкой нагрузки на памяти для небольшого числа подключенных формуляров в причине. Эти теории служат рядом зеркал, висевших в исторической перспективе, отражающих каждую соответствующую форму и оттенок медитации и веры, которую человечество знает, от идеальных видений афинского мудреца до инстинктивных суеверий дикаря Фэйе. Когда мы адекватно определили эти теории, из которых семь, проследили их происхождение, осмыслили их значимость и опоры и разобрали их поддерживающие притязания, тогда вся область нашей темы находится в свете перед нами; и, каким бы гротескным или загадочным, простым или тонким он ни был, могут быть способы мышления и чувства по отношению к жизни за пределами смерти, выявленной в наших последующих исследованиях, мы сразу узнаем, где их отнести и как их объяснить. Точный объект, следовательно, настоящей главы, состоит в том, чтобы изложить всеобъемлющие теории, разработанные для решения проблемы. Что становится с человеком, когда он умирает? проследили их происхождение, осмыслили их значимость и опоры и разобрали их поддерживающие притязания, тогда вся область нашей темы находится в свете перед нами; и, каким бы гротескным или загадочным, простым или тонким он ни был, могут быть способы мышления и чувства по отношению к жизни за пределами смерти, выявленной в наших последующих исследованиях, мы сразу узнаем, где их отнести и как их объяснить. Точный объект, следовательно, настоящей главы, состоит в том, чтобы изложить всеобъемлющие теории, разработанные для решения проблемы. Что становится с человеком, когда он умирает? проследили их происхождение, осмыслили их значимость и опоры и разобрали их поддерживающие притязания, тогда вся область нашей темы находится в свете перед нами; и, каким бы гротескным или загадочным, простым или тонким он ни был, могут быть способы мышления и чувства по отношению к жизни за пределами смерти, выявленной в наших последующих исследованиях, мы сразу узнаем, где их отнести и как их объяснить. Точный объект, следовательно, настоящей главы, состоит в том, чтобы изложить всеобъемлющие теории, разработанные для решения проблемы. Что становится с человеком, когда он умирает? могут быть способы мышления и чувства по отношению к жизни за пределами смерти, выявленной в наших последующих исследованиях, мы сразу узнаем, где их отнести и как их объяснить. Точный объект, следовательно, настоящей главы, состоит в том, чтобы изложить всеобъемлющие теории, разработанные для решения проблемы. Что становится с человеком, когда он умирает? могут быть способы мышления и чувства по отношению к жизни за пределами смерти, выявленной в наших последующих исследованиях, мы сразу узнаем, где их отнести и как их объяснить. Точный объект, следовательно, настоящей главы, состоит в том, чтобы изложить всеобъемлющие теории, разработанные для решения проблемы. Что становится с человеком, когда он умирает? Но пока человек процветает здесь, в лоне видимой природы. Вскоре он исчезает от нашего внимания, пропущенный во всех местах, которые его знали. Куда он ушел? Какая судьба постигла его? Это ужасный вопрос. По сравнению с его концентрированным интересом, все остальные дела ребяческие и сиюминутные. Всякий раз, когда задается этот торжественный вопрос, земля, время и сердце, естественные преобразования, звезды, фантазия и задумчивый интеллект полны неопределенных оракулов. Давайте посмотрим, какие разумные ответы могут быть построены из их ответов. Первая теория, которую мы рассмотрим, подкрепляется одним ужасным словом, уничтожением. Логически это самый ранний, исторически последний, взгляд. Здоровое сознание, нетерпеливое воображение, контролирующее чувство, грубая мысль, все безмятежные инстинктивные выводы первобытной человеческой природы указывают на непрестанное существование для души, каким-то образом, когда тело погибнет. И поэтому история показывает нам во всех диких народах яркую веру в будущую жизнь. Но для философского наблюдателя, который с помощью спекуляций освободился от сдерживающих тенденций желания, веры, воображения и авторитета, мысль о том, что человек полностью прекращает разрушение своего видимого организма, должна произойти как первое и самое простое урегулирование вопрос. 1 Совокупность проявленной жизни совершенно исчезла: почему бы не сделать вывод о том, что совокупность реальной жизни фактически потеряла свое существование и больше не существует? Это естественный вывод, если каким-то образом нельзя доказать обратное. Соответственно, среди всех цивилизованных людей каждый возраст имел своих скептиков, метафизических спорящих, которые грустно или издевательски отрицали отдельное выживание души. Это необходимость в неизбежных последовательностях наблюдения и теории; потому что, когда скептик, подавляя или избегая своих предвзятых пожеланий, трамваи традиционного мнения и спонтанные убеждения, пророческие о своем собственном непрерывном существе, сначала смотрит на широкую сцену человеческой жизни и смерти и рефлексивно спрашивает: что такое сиквел этого странного, насыщенная история? очевидно, что вывод, предложенный непосредственными явлениями, - это результат полного растворения и пустого забвения. Этот результат можно избежать, вызвав более глубокие философские соображения и вдохновляющие нравственные истины. Но некоторые не будут призывать эту помощь; и весь поверхностный облик дела по этому поводу, поскольку они тогда будут смертельным для наших императорских надежд. Первоначальная глина претендует на свое собственное из разорванной рамы; и исчезнувшая жизнь, как пламя изгоревшего конуса, перестала быть. Мужчины похожи на пузыри или хлопья пены на потоковой поверхности мира: сверкающие в мгновенном луче, они ломаются и исчезают, и только темное наводнение все еще течет вперед. Они похожи на тоны музыки, начиная и заканчивая тем, что они делают. Природа - это огромные скопления механических веществ, пронизанных бессмысленными силами жизнеспособности. Сознание - это производство, которое происходит в результате ферментации и разработки бессознательных материалов; и через какое-то время он скончался, его условия снова рушились на их неорганические основания. Из бездны тишины и пыли разумные существа прорываются, сияют и опускаются назад, как метеорные вспышки в облаке. Поколения разумного существа, подобно годовому росту растительности, спонтанностью динамичного развития, рождаются из мертвой материи, расцветают через их суточный цикл и возвращаются в мертвую материю. Поэтому лоно природы - это сразу чудесная матка и великолепный мавзолей человека. Судьба, как железный скелет, сидящий на вершине мира на троне свежей травы и размалывающих черепов, руководит всем, а уничтожение - это всеобщая гибель индивидуальной жизни. Такова вера атеистического натуралиста. Как бы он ни был оправдан или шокирован, он неоднократно появляется в анналах спекуляций; и любой краткий обзор возможных выводов, в которых может быть рассмотрен вопрос о судьбе человека, который должен опустить это, был бы крайне несовершенным. Эта схема недоверия встречается непреодолимыми возражениями. Он исключает некоторые существенные элементы дела, ограничивается полностью эмпирическим взглядом; и, следовательно, неустанное решение, которое оно объявляет, относится только к изуродованной проблеме. Утверждать о прекращении души, потому что ее физические проявления через тело прекратились, безусловно, нужно утверждать без ордера. Казалось бы, для воли и интеллекта невозможно 1 Lalande, Dictionnaire des Athees Anciens et Modernes. происходят от свободного родительского ума. Многочисленные убедительные доказательства дизайна, похоже, доказывают существование Бога, чья воля все упорядочено в соответствии с планом. Многие мощные впечатления и аргументы, инстинктивные, критические или моральные, объединяют, чтобы научить, что в крушении материи дух становится бессмертным из закрывающих волн распада. Подтверждение этой истины становится неотразимым, когда мы видим, как разум и совесть, с восхищенной жадностью, используют свою адаптацию как самые яркие черты и самые темные недостатки нынешней жизни, чьи несовершенные симметрии и сегменты гармонично заполнены регулирующим дополнением будущего государства.2 Следующее представление о судьбе души распоряжается им поглощением в сущность, из которой оно исходит. Существует вечный источник неподготовленной жизни, из которого течет всякая, преходящая жизнь и в которую они возвращаются. Эта концепция возникла вначале из поверхностной аналогии, которая должна была навязываться примитивным известием и спекуляцией; для человека приводят к его первым метафизическим исследованиям ощущением созерцания внешних явлений. Теперь, в материальном мире, когда отдельные формы гибнут, каждый разумный компонент возвращается в свой первоначальный элемент и становится неотличимой его частью. Наше дыхание выдыхает в общий воздух и соединяется с ним: пыль наших гниющих рамок становится частью земли и растительности. Поэтому, настоятельно рекомендуется, жизнь вещей, души людей, когда они исчезают от нас, уцелеют в родном духе, откуда они пришли. Существенное стремление каждой части к объединению со всем ее проявляется и вокально по всей природе. Вода угрюма в тишине, журчит в движении и никогда не прекращает мрака или жалобы, пока она не спит в море. Подобно распылению на породе, мельничные поколения ударяют в гробницу и рассеиваются в универсальные пары. Когда молнии сползают обратно в заряженную грудь грозового облака, как жаждущие волны, тратятся, угасают в глубине, так как яростные порывы угасают в великой атмосфере, поэтому блестящие ряды гения, трудные массы труда, напыщенные хозяева войны, исчезают и растворяются в мирной лоне всех поглощающих ДУША. Эта самая простая, самая ранняя философия человечества имела самую обширную и постоянную распространенность. В незапамятные века она обладала умом бесчисленных миллионов Индии. Баур считает, что египетское отождествление каждого умершего с Осирисом и захоронение его под этим именем предназначалось для обозначения приема отдельной человеческой жизни в жизнь универсальной природы. Доктрина была неявно проведена везде, где пантеизм нашел вошедшего, от Анаксимандера, которому конечные существа были «распадами или разложениями от Бесконечного», до Александра Папы, утверждая, что «Все это лишь части одного огромного целого, чья природа тела и душа Бога». Первые рассудители, которые дали такое неистребимое направление и оттенок мышления после веков, были, кроме того, вынуждены полагаться на окончательное поглощение, из 2 Drossbach, Die Harmonie der Ergebnisse der Naturforschung mit den Forderungen des Menschlichen Gemuthes. 3 Блаунт, Анима Мунди; или «Мнения Древних о человеческой душе после этой Жизни». невозможность на этом начальном этапе мысли ухватиться за любую другую теорию, которая, по-видимому, вполне соответствовала бы делу или была бы более удовлетворительной. Они, конечно, еще не пришли к мысли о том, что Бог В-четвертых, тот же вывод получается путем применения аналогичного рассмотрения к Творцу. Предоставляя ему сознание и намерения, как мы должны, какой объект он мог бы либо проявить в своей творческой силе, либо в рассылке частей себя в новых людях, за исключением производства столь многих бессмертных личностей воли, знаний и любви, чтобы продвинуться к совершенству святости, мудрости и блаженства, наполняя его особняки своими детьми? Таким образом, умножая свой собственный образ, он добавляет к числу счастливых существ, которые должны быть связаны вместе в полосах славы, взаимно получая и возвращая свою привязанность, и набухает волна сознательного блаженства, которая наполняется и катится вечно через его вечную вселенную. И, наконец, нет необходимости ожидать личного забвения в Боге, чтобы избежать зла и обрести буйное счастье. Эти цели также обеспечены плодом Божьей любви в нас, как утоплением нашего сознания в его полноте наслаждения. Именно здесь заключается фундаментальное различие христианства от брахманической доктрины человеческой судьбы. Христианин надеется пребывать в блаженном союзе с волей Бога, а не быть уничтоженным в своей сущности. Чтобы заимствовать иллюстрацию из Scotus Erigena 5, поскольку воздух, когда он хорошо освещен солнечным светом, все еще сохраняет свою воздушную природу и не становится солнечным светом, или как железо, все красное в пламени все еще сохраняет свое металлическое вещество и не превращается в огонь, поэтому душа, полностью одержимая и движимая Богом, не утрачивает своего собственного разумного и разумного существа. Это все еще ограниченная сущность, хотя и получатель безграничной божественности. Таким образом, зло прекращается, каждая личность сохраняется и сильно прославляется, и в то же время Бог есть все. Совокупность совершенного, восторженного, увековеченного человечества на небесах может быть описана таким образом, принимая виртуозное выражение Кольриджа: «И как одно тело кажется совокупностью атомов бесчисленным, каждый из которых организован, таким образом, странным и тусклым подобием, Бесконечные мириады сознательных мыслей. В одном, содержащем Духа, живом, который наполняет абсолютную вездесущность мысли. Все его участвующие монады, Кажется, каждый преследует свой собственный самоцентрирующий конец ». Третий способ ответить на вопрос о судьбе человека - это концепция общего воскресения. Души, так быстро, как они покидают тело, собираются в каком-то промежуточном состоянии, беззвездном могильном мире, призрачной неопределенности. Когда настоящий цикл вещей завершен, когда часы времени спускаются, а его безжизненный вес падает в розетку, а «пустой шлем Смерти зевает над погребальным люком мира», ворота этой длинной запрещенной емкости покойный будет открыт, а его бледные заключенные, в накопившихся хозяевах, выйдут и вступят в бессмертное наследство, зарезервированное для них. В собольной земле Аида все ушедшие поколения бивакируют в одной обширной армии. На утро воскресения, ударяя по своим теневым палаткам, они будут масштабировать стены бездны и, реинвестируясь своими телами, либо сажают свои знамена на вершинах земли в постоянном лагере, либо штурмуют зубцы неба и колонизируют небо с плотью и кровью. 5 Философия и доктрины Эригены, Универсальный ежеквартальный обзор, том. VII. п. 100. Сторонниками этого вывода были все сторонники доктрины психопанихизма или сон душ от смерти до последнего дня, в дополнение к общему телу ортодоксальных христиан. Возможны три объяснения возникновения этой веры. Во-первых, человек, размышляющий о влиятельной панораме времен года, когда он катится по году, оживляющая жизнь, чередующаяся с смертельным запустением, весна все еще возвращает свежесть листьев, цветов и чарующих птиц, словно поднимая их от ежегодного холодная могила зимы, а затем, думая о судьбе своей расы, о том, сколько поколений созрело и разложилось, сколько человеческих культур было собрано из колыбели и посажено в гробнице, могло бы, естественно, особенно, если бы у него была какая-то вещь поэта связывающий и творческий разум говорит себе: «Мы все совсем скоропортящаяся пыль, или мы семена посеяны для высших полей, теперь семя лежит бездействующим, но, наконец, прорастает в стремительное бессмертие, когда Бог сделает новое солнце и росу всемогущим образом проникает в сухую плесень где мы задержались? Независимо от того, насколько частичная аналогия, как принудительный процесс, как ложный результат, такие образы рано или поздно будут возникать; и, что произошло, не более странно, что он должен получить буквальное признание, чем то, что многие другие популярные плоды должны были обеспечить фирменное учреждение, которое у них есть. Во-вторых, скорбящий просто потерял душу человека, в котором вся его любовь была собрана, отвлеклась от горя, его способности неуравновешенны, его душа - хаос, из-за печали и фантазии все компактно; и он успокаивается с идеальным воплощением своих мечтаний, наполовину видя, что он думает, hal 10 Фурье, Страсти человеческой души, (Перевод Морелла,) Введение, т. я. С. 14-18; также стр. 233-236. управляемый природой, был настолько размыт, что разум, только наполовину озадаченный, изо всех сил пытается расшифровать туманные руны и остатки забытого состояния; «И когда-нибудь что-то есть или кажется, Что касается нас мистическими бликами, как проблески забытых снов». В тех экскурсионных мечтаниях, которые питаются надеждой и крылатой мечтой, которые размахивают глинками и масштабируют вершины земли мысли, этот уголок гипотезы должен быть обнаружен. И, выведенный на свет, он может очень заинтересоваться и угодить; но он слишком лишен материальных доказательств, которые могут быть успешно поддержаны против нападения11. Существует еще одна вера в судьбу душ, лучше всего заявленную, возможно, во фразе бесконечной миграции. Душа, путем последовательных смертей и рождений, обходит вселенную, вечный путешественник через круги бытия и миры пространства, временного пришельца, ненадолго населяющего каждого.12 Вся реальность находит свой путь к привлечению, отступающему Божеству. Минералы имеют тенденцию к овощам, это для животных, это для мужчин. Слепая, но тоскующая материя стремится к духу, умным духам к божественности. В каждом зерне пыли спать армия будущих поколений. Поскольку все, что ниже человека, приближается к его сознательному имуществу, «деревья несовершенные люди, которые, кажется, оплакивают их тюремное заключение, укорененные в земле», поэтому сам человек должен подняться на беспрепятственное восхождение к творению, на каждом шагу - звезду. Животный организм - это более высокий вид овощей, развитие которого начинается с тех веществ, с продукцией которых заканчивается жизнь обычного овоща. [13] Тот факт, что эмбриональный человек проходит через восходящие стадии, неотличимые от тех, что принадлежат низшим существам, полный смысла. Разве это не свидетельствует о сохранившемся воплощении долгой истории медленно растущего существования? То, что невосприимчивые бездны времени и расстояния вмешиваются из первичной скалы в Викторию Регию! и снова от первого ползучего позвоночника до безумного ума Шеллинга! Но, скорость улитки по скорости улитки, эти неизмеримые разделения были перекрыты; и поэтому все, что теперь лежит на темной основе пыли, наконец достигнет прозрачной вершины интеллекта. Возражение богословского предрассудка в отношении этой развивающейся последовательности восхождений, которые оно унижает, является нездоровой ошибкой. Если мы встали или упали до нашего нынешнего ранга, сам настоящий ранг не изменился. И в одном отношении человеку лучше быть передовой устрицей, чем деградированным богом; поскольку в первом случае путь вверх, а в последнем - вниз. «Мы просыпаемся, - замечает глубокий мыслитель, - и оказываемся на лестнице: внизу есть другие лестницы, которые мы, кажется, вознесли, наверху есть лестницы, многие из которых поднимаются и выходят из поля зрения. " Это было явно доверием автора следующего увещания: «Будьте достойны смерти, и так учитесь жить, Что каждое воплощение вашей души В других мирах, и мирах, и твердынях будет более чистым и высоким». 11 Bertram, Prufung der Meinung von der Praexistenz der menchchlichen Seele. 12 Нюрнбергер, Тем не менее Лебен, или другие убивают Unsterblichkeit der Seele. 13 Liebig, Animal Chemistry, ch. IX. Бульвер также сказал: «Вечность может быть лишь бесконечной серией эмигрантов, которые люди называют смертями, остатками дома после дома, когда-либо до более справедливых сцен и более высоких высот. Возраст по возрасту, дух, который славный кочевник может сменить свою палатку, обречен не отдыхать в тусклом Элизиуме язычников, но носить с собой все свои элементы, активность и желание ». Но в этой перспективе непрекращающейся миграции есть что-то неудовлетворительное, даже печальное и унылое. Должна ли пилигрим сосна и шина для цели отдыха? Измученный блужданиями, насыщенными экспериментами, не будет ли он молиться за освобожденную массу удовлетворенного плода в покое? Надо, наконец, утомиться, чтобы быть таким возвышенным бродягой, как тот, чьи ночные общежития - звезды. И, кроме того, как будут расколоты друзья и любовники, между которыми, на дороге, расами и мирами, вступают друг в друга, соединяются друг с другом и соединяются снова и снова в руке или строить беседу вместе? Поэт из тончайшей плесени, в самом счастливом настроении, однажды увидел падение листьев с дерева, которое нависало зеркальным потоком. Отражение листа в водяном небе, опущенное далеко внизу, казалось, поднималось снизу так быстро, как объект падал сверху; и два, встретившись на поверхности, стали единым целым. Затем он пел, касаясь своим напряжением самого глубочайшего человеческого желания, «Как скорости, из-за мысли реки, Дух листа, который падает, Его небо в этой спокойной груди, Как моя среди твоих малиновых стен! Из сухой ветви она вращается, чтобы приветствовать Его тень на спокойной реке: Могу я встретиться с моими товарищами, Навсегда бродишь бесчисленные миры! Более того, некоторые элементы этой теории слишком велики Почему Бог «разбил твердый материал Вселенной на бесчисленные маленькие глобусы и размахивал каждым из них в центре непроходимого одиночества пространства», если только он не должен тренировать в разных сферах отдельные домохозяйства для окончательного союза как единственная диверсифицированная семья в безграничном духовном мире? 15 Догадка не является необоснованной, но настоятельно рекомендует, чтобы, «Если во всех звездах будут заполнены формы дышащей глины, как наша, то, возможно, пространство, которое распространяется между ними, предназначено для сил духа». Таким образом, душа, заключенная в плоть, ограничена одним домом, его гнездовым гнездом; но, освобожденный при смерти, он блуждает по воле, беспрепятственно, через каждый мир и глубокий колорит; и там, где бы он ни был, там, пропорционально его собственной способности и пригодности, есть рай и есть Бог. Все эти мировые пятна, столь густо рассеянные по Yggdrasill универсального пространства, являются лишь краткими местами укрытия, где зародыши зародышей зажимают свои раковины и оттуда, как только они преодолели дисциплину земного учения и эссе, души марионеток впадают в могучий воздух необъятности и, таким образом, вступают в свою вечную эмансипацию. Эта гипотеза - это все, что было предложено, возможно, самое полное, наименее сбитое с толку, лучше всего рекомендованное его гармонией с нашими знаниями и нашей надеждой. И поэтому можно было бы покоиться в нем смиренным доверием. Конечная судьба бессмертной души после ее перехода в другой мир должна быть либо нескончаемым прогрессом к бесконечному совершенству, либо, наконец, достижением своего перигелия, а затем непрерывным переворотом. В первом случае, преследуя бесконечную цель, с каждой степенью своего достижения летающая цель все еще отступает. В последнем случае он в свое время коснется своей границы и будет удовлетворен, «Когда слабое Время выльется во Вечность, и круговые радости танцуют в бесконечном раунде». 14 Тейлор, Физическая теория другой жизни, гл. ХII. 15 Тейлор, субботний вечер, стр. 95-111. 16 Тейлор, Физическая теория другой жизни, гл. ХVII. Этот результат кажется более вероятным из двух; для утверждения бесчисленных децилиций личностей, все, что выходит за пределы всех мыслимых пределов, навсегда, навсегда, невероятно. Если бы бесконечный линейный прогресс был судьбой каждого существа, вся вселенная, наконец, стала бы линией! И хотя правда, что идея когда-либо нового преследования привлекает и освежает воображение, в то время как идея монотонной революции отталкивает и изнашивает ее, это просто потому, что мы судим о нашем бедном земном опыте и его мешающих аналогах. Это не будет так, если эта революция является яркой реализацией всех возможностей нашего существа. Уничтожение, поглощение, воскрешение, перемещение, повторение, миграция, переход, эти семь ответов на вопрос о нашей судьбе и ее отношении к течению природы мыслимы на словах. Мы можем выбирать из них, но не можем построить ни одного реального восьмого. Во-первых, существует постоянная последовательность роста и распада. Во-вторых, существует постоянный поток и отлив личной эманации и безличного возобновления. В-третьих, существует постоянный возврат тех же постоянных объектов. В-четвертых, всякая материя может быть сублимирована духу, и только души по-прежнему занимают безграничное пространство. В-пятых, сила смерти может прекратиться, все астрономические сферы будут заселены и наслаждены каждым из поколений вечных обитателей, настоящий порядок, продолжающийся на каждой земле, до тех пор, пока достаточно, чтобы заполнить его, тогда все они, физически восстановленные, жилища на нем, без рождения и смерти. В-шестых, если материя не трансформируется в душу, когда эта своеобразная реальность, из которой развиваются души, исчерпана, и последнее поколение воплощенных существ встало из плоти, материальное творение может, помимо межзвездной области, быть вечно присваивается духовными расами в их собственном свободном диапазоне и используется через адаптацию неизвестной нам способности; иначе он может исчезнуть как призрачное зрелище. Или, наконец, души могут быть абсолютно созданы из ничего всемогуществом Бога, и вселенная может быть бесконечной: тогда процесс может продолжаться вечно. Но убеждения людей формируются скорее способами мышления, которые они научились принимать, чем любыми доказательствами, которые они испытали; а не аргументацией о предмете, но, кстати, взглядом на него. Моралист рассматривает все творение как работу личного Бога, театр моральных целей, просто провидение, наблюдающее за частями, и сознательное бессмертие актеров - неизбежное сопровождение. Физик созерцает вселенную, состоящую из атомов притяжения и отталкивания, которые существуют в совершенной подвижности через пространство, но засорены в молекулярных массах планет. Солнца - это огромные двигатели для распределения тепла или движения, эквивалентные всем силам. Это в своей диффузии вызывает бесчисленные циркуляции и комбинации исходных атомов. Organi Люди сэндвичских островов держали путаную смесь понятий относительно другой жизни. У разных людей среди них были обнаружены, по этому поводу, суеверный террор, пустое безразличие, позитивное невежество. Нынешняя фантазия заключалась в том, что души вождей возглавлял бог, чье имя обозначает «глазное яблоко солнца», к жизни на небесах, в то время как плебейские души спускались к Акее, унылому подземному обители. Некоторые мыслительные духи были уничтожены в этом царстве тьмы; другие, что они были съедены более сильной расой духов там; другие, все еще, что они выжили там, живущие на ящерицах и бабочках. Какая жалкая жизнь, по-видимому, должна была привести сюда, чье воображение могло только взлететь в будущее, столь непривлекательное, как это! Kamtschadales отправляют всех мертвых одинаково в подземный elysium, где они снова найдут своих жен, одежду, инструменты, хижины и где они будут ловить рыбу и охотиться. Все здесь, как здесь, за исключением того, что нет огненных оглушающих гор, без болот, ручьев, наводнений и непроходимых снегов; и ни охота, ни рыбалка никогда не преследовались там. Этот нижний рай - это только украшенная камчатчанка, освобожденная от неудобных трудностей и очищенная от мучительных казаков и русских. У них нет ада для исправления нынешних неправильных отношений добродетели и нищеты, порока и счастья. Единственное их отличие состоит в том, что все, кто на Камчатке бедны и имеют мало маленьких и слабых собак, будут богаты и снабжены сильными и жирными собаками. Сила воображения очень примечательна в этих сырых людях, приближая будущую жизнь и пробуждая такую ​​нетерпеливую тоску по ней и к своим бывшим спутникам, что они часто, чем раньше обеспечивали там жилье, предвосхищают естественное время их смерть от самоубийства.6 Esquimaux предают влияние их clime и привычек, в формировании их представлений о будущей жизни, так же ясно, как Kamtschadales. Занятия и удовольствия от их будущего состояния являются грубыми и земными. Говорят, что душа спускается через последовательные места обитания, первая из которых полна болей и ужасов. Доброе, то есть мужественное и умелое, те, кто перенес тяжелые трудности и овладели многими печатями, проезжая через эту первую резиденцию, обнаруживают, что другие особняки регулярно совершенствуются. Они наконец достигают обители полного удовлетворения, далеко под штормами моря, где солнце никогда не затеняется ночью, и где олени блуждают большими толпами рядом с водами, которые никогда не застывают, и где кит, морж и лучшие морские птицы всегда изобилуют. Ад глубокий, но небо еще глубже. Ад, по их мнению, входит в число корней, камней, монстров и холода замороженных или досадных и страдающих вод; но «Под бурными морями и полями льда Их вероисповедание поставило более низкий рай ». Гренландцы тоже разместили свой elysium под безднами океана, где хороший Дух Торнгарсюк провел свое правление в счастливое и вечное лето. Волшебники, которые притворялись, что посещают этот регион по своему усмотрению, описывают бесплотные души как бледные, и, если один 5 Jarves, Hist. Сандвичевых островов, с. 42. 6 Кристоф Мейнерс, Вермиште Философери Шрифтен, 169-173. 7 Приход, Физический гид. Человечества. я. глава 2. стремились захватить их, несущественные.8 Некоторые из этих людей, однако, зафиксировали место рая в небе и рассматривали северное сияние как игру счастливых душ. Итак, Кольридж изображает Лапландера «Маркировка потоковых знамен Севера, и, думая, что эти духи скоро должны присоединиться к тому, кто там, в плавающей одежде розового света, танцует спортивно». Но другие полагали, что это состояние беспокойства в облаках было судьбой только бесполезных, которые были там ущипнуты голодом и мучились муками. Все согласились в поисках другого состояния существования, где в различных обстоятельствах счастье и страдания должны быть присуждены, по крайней мере, в некоторой степени, по данным пустыни.9 Перуанцы учили, что осужденные были приговорены к аду, расположенному в центре земли, где они должны переносить многовековые труды и муки. Их рай исчез в голубом куполе небес. Там духи достойного ведут жизнь спокойной роскоши. После смерти перуанского дворянина его жены и слуги часто были убиты, чтобы пойти с ним и ждать от него в этом счастливом регионе. Многие авторы, включая Прескотта, слишком легко доверяя самым сомнительным утверждениям испанских летописцев, приписывается перуанцам вера в воскрешение тела. Различные путешественники и писатели также основывали это убеждение на диких нациях в Центральной Африке, некоторых островитянах Южного моря и нескольких коренных племен в Северной Америке. Во всех этих случаях предположение, вероятно, ошибочно, как мы думаем по следующим причинам. Во-первых, идея воскрешения тела - это либо Дева Мария, и Кецалькоатль был святой Томас! 13 Таких аффирматоров следует соблюдать осторожно. Наконец, это довольно значительный факт, что, хотя некоторые указывают на те боли, которые перуанцы взяли в бальзамировании своих мертвых, как доказательство того, что они искали воскресение тела, Акоста прямо говорит, что они не верили в воскресение, и что это неверие было причиной их бальзамирования. Гарсиласо де ла Вега в своих «Королевских комментариях перуанских инков» говорит, что когда он спросил некоторых перуанцев, почему они так заботились о сохранении на кладбищах мертвых гвоздей и волосы, которые были отрезаны, они ответили, что в день воскресения мертвые выйдут с тем, что осталось от их тела, и в тот день будет слишком большой бизнес, чтобы они могли позволить себе время, чтобы отправиться на охоту после их волос и ногтей15. Причуда христианина здесь слишком проста. Если бы ответ был действительно сделан туземцами, они шутили над их доверчивым допрашивающим или пытались угодить ему искаженными отголосками собственной веры. Творцы относительно будущей жизни, которую развлекали мексиканцы, значительно отличались от тех, что были у их соседей Перу. Души ни хорошие, ни плохие, чьи добродетели и пороки уравновешивали друг друга, должны были войти в среднее состояние безделья и пустоты. Нечестивые, или те, кто умирал в любом из определенных перечисленных способов смерти, отправились в Миктлан, мрачный ад на земле. Души людей, пораженных молнией или утонувших или умирающих от какого-либо определенного списка болезней, а также душ детей, были перенесены в отдаленный elysium, Tlalocan. В главном храме было место, где, как предполагалось, раз в год духи всех детей, которые были принесены в жертву Тлалоку, незримо пришли и помогли на церемониях. Конечный рай был зарезервирован для воинов, которые смело упали в битве, для женщин, которые умерли в труде, для тех, кто был предложен в храмах богов, и для некоторых других. Они немедленно отправились в дом солнца, их главный бог, которых они сопровождали на протяжении многих лет, с песнями, танцами и разгулом в его окружении вокруг неба. Затем, оживляя формы птиц гей-оперения, они жили красивыми певцами среди цветов, теперь на земле, теперь на небесах, по их удовольствию.16 Это был мексиканский обычай одевать мертвого человека на одежде, присвоенного опекуну божество его ремесла или состояния в жизни. Они дали ему кувшин с водой. Они поставили с собой листы бумаги, чтобы служить паспортами через охраняемые ворота и опасные дефиле в другом мире. Они разжигали одежду и утварь, чтобы согреть трясущуюся душу, проезжая область холодных ветров за могилой17. В стихотворении, составленном одним из старых ацтекских монархов, говорится следующее: «Прославленные дворяне, верные подданные, давайте стремимся к тому небу, где все вечно, и коррупция не может прийти. Ужасы гробницы - это только колыбель солнца, а тени смерти - яркие огни для звезд ». 18 13 Squier, Serpent Symbol в Америке, стр. 13. 14 Акоста, Естественная и нравственная история Индии, книга с. 7. 15 Книга ii. глава 7. 16 Clavigero, История Мексики, книга vi. сект. 1. 17 Прескотт, Завоевание Мексики, т. я. глава 6. 18 Там же. сект. 39. Среди массы причудливых концепций, входящих в веру широко распространенных племен Северной Америки, мы находим правящее соглашение в кардинальных чертах их мысли о будущем состоянии существования. Подобно почти всем варварским народам, они испытывали большой страх перед явлениями. Сиу имели обыкновение обращаться к покойному при его погребении и умолять его остаться на своем месте и не притеснять их. Их погребальные обычаи с одной стороны континента на другую были очень похожи. Те, кто сообщил нам свое мнение, от самых ранних миссионеров-иезуитов до последних исследователей их умственных характеристик, соглашаются с тем, чтобы приписывать им глубокое доверие к будущей жизни, веселый взгляд на ее условия и замечательную свободу от страх смерти. Шарлевуа говорит: «Самое лучшее мнение среди туземцев - это бессмертие души». На основании учетной записи, написанной Уильямом Пенном, Папа написал знаменитый отрывок из «Эссе о человеке»: Lo! бедного индейца, чей неразумный ум Видит Бога в облаках и слышит его на ветру. Его душа, гордая наука, никогда не учила блуждать Далеко, как солнечная прогулка или млечный путь: Но простая природа его веры дана, За облаком вершина холма, смиренного неба, Некоторые более безопасный мир в глубине леса охватил, Или более счастливый остров в водянистых отходах. Чтобы быть, содержание его естественное желание: Он не спрашивает ни крыла ангела, ни огня серафима, Но, думает, признался в равном небе, Его верная собака принесет ему компанию ». Их грубая инстинктивная вера в выживание души и догадывается о ее судьбе, подразумеваются в их погребальных обрядах, 21 Мюллер, Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligionen, sect. 66. «Уиннебагос», расположенный выше рая, назвал Млечный путь «Дорогой Мертвых». 22 Это было так бело с толпами путешествующих призраков! Но почти все, как и оджибвей, воображали, что их elysium далеко лежит на Западе. Душа, освобожденная от тела, следует широкому избитому пути на запад и входит в страну, изобилующую всем, что есть индийские жаждет. На границах этой благословенной земли, на длинной поляне, он находит своих родственников в течение многих поколений назад, чтобы приветствовать его.23 Чиппева и несколько других важных племен всегда зажигали огонь на свежих могилах своих мертвецов и заставляли их гореть четыре последовательные ночи, освещать блуждающие души на своем пути. 24 Индийский миф представляет призраков, возвращающихся из Понемы, земли будущей жизни, и пения этой песни чудесному Гававате: «Не кладите такое тяжелое бремя На могилах тех, кого ты похоронишь, Не такой вес меха и вампума, Не такой вес горшков и чайников; Ибо духи слабые под ними. Только дайте им пищу для перевозки, Только дайте им огонь, чтобы осветить их. Четыре дня - путешествие духа В землю призраков и теней, Четыре его одиноких ночных лагеря. Поэтому, когда мертвые погребены, Пусть огонь, когда приближается ночь, Четыре раза на могиле разжигаются, Что душа на пути Не может нащупываться во тьме ». 25 Субъект будущего государства, по-видимому, был самым заметным в индийском воображении. Они связывают многие традиции людей, которые вошли в нее, и вернулись, и дали описания. Молодой храбрый, потеряв своего жениха, решил следовать за ней в землю душ. Крайний Юг, за пределами льда и снега, он подошел к домику, стоящему перед входом в широкие голубые равнины. Оставив там свое тело, он отправился в белое каноэ, чтобы пересечь озеро. Он видел, как души злых индейцев погружались в озеро; но добро приобрело elysian берег, где все было тепло, красота, легкость и вечная молодость, и где воздух был пищей. Мастер Дыхания отослал его обратно, но пообещал, что он может вернуться и остаться. 26 Вайандоты рассказывают о карлике, Чайка, который поднялся на дерево, которое росло выше, так же часто, как он дул на него. Наконец он достиг небес и обнаружил, что это отличное место. Он спустился по дереву, с интервалами в ветвях. Затем он вернулся со своей сестрой и племянником, отдыхая каждую ночь в одном из вигвамов. 22 Школа, История и т. Д. из индийских племен, часть iv. п. 240. 23 Там же. Часть II. п. 135. 24 Там же. часть с. 64; часть iv. п. 55. 25 Лонгфелло, Песнь о Хьявате, xix .: Призраки. 26 Schoolcraft, индийский в своем Вигваме. стр. 79. Он поставил там свои ловушки, чтобы поймать животных. Поднимаясь ночью, чтобы пойти и осмотреть его ловушки, он увидел, что все в огне, и, приблизившись к нему, обнаружил, что он поймал солнце! Там, где индейцы верят в дьявола и ад, это результат его общения с европейцами. Эти элементы ужаса были чужды его оригинальной религии27. В некоторых кварталах есть слабые следы одной пуригенной или карательной концепции. Это представление о рае, как о острове, о суде, состоящем в проходе темной реки или озера, которое ее окружает. Достойный крест со всем объектом, недостойным только после утомительной борьбы. Некоторые говорят, что последние утонули; другие, что они погружаются в свои подбородки в воде, где они проходят вечность в тщетных желаниях, чтобы достичь привлекательной земли, на которой они смотрят28. Даже это понятие может быть изменением, обусловленным влиянием Европы. Во всяком случае, он подчинен в силе и только случайным образом. По большей части в индийской вере милосердие поглощает другие атрибуты Великого Духа. Индийцы умирают без страха, не ищут наказаний, только ради наград.29 Он рассматривает Учителя Дыхания не как святого судьи, а как добрый отец. Он приветствует смерть, открывая дверь в милую землю. Когда-либо очаровательно на его закрытых глазах появилась перспектива исконного elysium, великолепная область мягких оттенков, плавающие потоки, зеленые рощи, машущие в небе, воздушные птицы, черепахи величественных оленей и буйволов, просматривающие равнины равнины. Это земля в бесшумной и торжественной метаморфозе.30 Мы закончим эту главу, пытаясь объяснить суть и происхождение основных церемоний и понятий, которые были изложены в отношении бестелесного государства. Первый источник этих данных следует искать не в каких-либо ясных мысленных восприятиях, а в сознательной догматической вере, а в естественных проявлениях привязанности, памяти и чувств. Среди почти всех людей, от китайцев до арауканцев, от эфиопов до дакот, почести были награждены покойным, в их могилах были помещены различные жертвы. Веды предписывают приносить торт призракам предков обратно к 34 Meiners, Kritische Geschichte der Religionen, buch iii. absch. 1. символы идей, эмблемы чувств, образные и неадекватные тени богословской доктрины, хотя, как известно, среди самых невежественных людей едва ли есть преднамеренно воспринятое различие между образом и сущностью, материальным представлением и духовной правдой. Если член племени Онейда умер, когда они были вдали от дома, они похоронили его с большой торжественностью, установив отметку над могилой; и всякий раз, когда они проходили этот путь, они посещали это место, пели скорбную песню и бросали на нее камни, тем самым символизируя их чувства. Было бы абсурдом предполагать эту песню заклинанием для обеспечения покоя погребенного храбрых, а камни брошены, чтобы воспрепятствовать его росту; но это не было бы более невероятным или более удаленным от фактов, чем многие из распространенных в настоящее время толкований варварских обычаев. Забавный случай ошибки, хорошо соблюдающий необходимость крайней осторожности при выводе выводов, приведен на примере тех исследователей, которые, найдя обширное кладбище, где аборигены погребли всех своих детей отдельно от взрослых, пришли к выводу, что они обнаружили останки древняя раса свиней! 35 Влияние неспецифической привязанности, памяти и чувств далеко продвигается к учету ритуального ритуала варваров. Но этого недостаточно. Мы должны обратиться за дополнительной помощью; и ту помощь, которую мы находим в произвольных тщеславиях, поэтических ассоциациях и творческой силе нерегулируемой фантазии и воображения. Поэтический факультет, снабженный материалами по наблюдениям и спекуляциям, построил сложные мифологии Египта и Греции и который, используя собственные ресурсы, составлял арабские рассказы о гении и современной литературе чистой фантастики, особенно активен, плодородной и тиранической, хотя и в менее непрерывной и систематической форме, в варварском сознании. Действуя дикими припадками и пусками, нет конца экстравагантным гипотезам и видениям, которые он проявляет. Уничтоженные философские определения, совершенно незнакомые с критическими различиями или аналитическим отражением, абсурдными понятиями, трезвыми убеждениями, тусклыми мечтами и острыми ощущениями, запутались вместе в умах дикарей. Для них нет четкой и постоянной демаркации между рациональными мыслями и сумасшедшими фантазиями. Теперь ни одно явление не может проявляться глубже или более сильным воздействием на природу человека, возбуждая изучаемую деятельность интеллекта и воображения, чем событие смерти, с его лихорадочным ударом и пророческим притязанием. Соответственно, мы должны ожидать найти среди некультурных народов, как мы на самом деле, огромную смесь фрагментарных мыслей и картин, правдоподобных, странных, прекрасных или ужасных, связанных с местом и судьбой бесплотной души. Эти концепции, естественно, должны были в какой-то степени формировать и окрашивать их, из условий, условий и опыта, среди которых они были задуманы и родились. Иногда эти вымыслы сознательно воспринимались как умышленные изобретения, отчетливо рассматриваемые как поэзия. Иногда они суеверно приписывали всю свою грубость с полным согласием души. Иногда все сосуществовали в смутном недоумении. Эти линии разделения, несомненно, существовали: трудность состоит в том, чтобы знать, где в определенных случаях их рисовать. Несколько примеров будут служить сразу для иллюстрации 35 Смитсоновские вклады, том. II. Памятники аборигенов Squier, приложение, стр. 127-131. в соответствии с изложенным в настоящее время принципом, и представить еще новые образцы варварских представлений о будущей жизни. Некоторые индийские племена делали жертвы духам своих ушедших героев, бросая ветви разных деревьев вокруг пепла, говоря, что ветви этого дерева были красноречивы с призраками их воинов, которые приходили вечером в колеснице облака, чтобы огонь молодых людей к войне войны. 36 Существует индийская легенда о ведьме, которая носила мантию, состоящую из скальпов убитых женщин. Сняв это, она встряхнула его, и все скальпы произнесли крики смеха. Другой описывает волшебника, скачущего через озеро в лодке, чьи ребра были живыми гремучими змеями.37 Упражнение ума, практически идентичное тому, что давало эти штрихи, сделало Филиппинские островитяне сказать, что души умерших, пораженных молнией, поднимаются по лучам радуга в счастливое место, и оживил Али, чтобы заявить, что благочестивые, выйдя из своих гробов, найдут ожидающих их белых крылатых верблюдов с золотыми седлами. Айеты подвешивали лук и стрелы покойного Папуанова над его могилой и задумывали его, как выходящий из-под каждой ночи, чтобы отправиться на охоту. Рыбак на побережье Лапландии был погребён в лодке, а кремень и горючие дали он зажег его по темному пещерному проходу, который должен был пройти. Дьяки Борнео считают, что каждый, чья голова им 49 Ламартин, История Турции, книга i. глава 10. 50 Кидд, Китай, сект. 3. 51 Кранц, История Гренландии, книга III. глава 6, раздел. 47. исчезновение форм, в отношениях которых они состоят, были лишь призраками ушедших величин! Здесь можно добавить, что, согласно учению физиологической психологии, все воспоминания или вспомненные идеи являются буквально призраками ушедших ощущений. Таким образом, мы видели, что вызывающая сила страха с его страшными явлениями, предполагающая, наполовину артикулирующая борьба любви, мечты о памяти, свет и группы поэзии, грубые зародыши метафизических спекуляций, человеческого опыта и феноменальной природы, теперь в изолированных фрагментах, снова, сбитых без разбора вместе, сговариваются, чтобы составить варварские представления о будущей жизни. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Основы веры в будущую жизнь IT - цель следующей главы, чтобы описать исходные опоры общей веры в будущую жизнь; не исследовать глубину и не проверять ценность различных оснований, из которых доктрина растет, а только дать описательный эскиз того, что они есть, и взглянуть на процесс роста. Возражения, призываемые неверующими, относятся к открытому обсуждению вопроса о бессмертии, а не к иллюстративному утверждению предполагаемых оснований, на которых зиждется народное убеждение. Когда после достаточного расследования мы спрашиваем себя от того, что вызывает почти универсальное ожидание других жизненных источников, и тем, что влияет на его питание, мы не найдем адекватного ответа менее чем за четыре слова: чувство, воображение, веру и размышления. Учение о будущей жизни человека было создано объединенной силой инстинктивного желания, аналогичного наблюдения, предписывающей власти и философской спекуляции. Это четыре столпа, на которых душа строит храм своих надежд; или четыре стекла, через которые он смотрит, чтобы увидеть свое вечное наследие. Во-первых, очевидно, что человек сразу наделен предвидением смерти и сильной любовью к жизни. Это не любовь к тому, чтобы быть здесь; потому что он часто ненавидит сцену вокруг него. Это любовь к себе, обладающая существованием; любовь его собственной души в ее центральном сознании и ограниченном королевстве. Это неотъемлемый элемент его сущности. Коронованный свободной волей, ходящий на гребне мира, обманутый отдельными способностями, служил вассальной природой с дарами различной радости, он не может нести мысли потерять себя, сползать в общую бездну материи. Его внутреннее сознание пронизано самосохраняющим инстинктом и содрогается при каждом взгляде на опасность или намек на смерть. Душа, пронизанная инстинктом жизни хранителя, и видя устойчивый подход смерти к разрушению тела, требует концепции выхода в другое состояние существования. Причудливый и разумный, таким образом, установленный на работе, быстро построит тысячу теорий, наполненных деталями. Желание первых отцов задумалось, а затем подумал о вере. Во-вторых, человек, держащий свое сознательное драгоценное вне всех вещей и сжимающееся с распространенными страхами с момента судьбы растворения, оглядывается сквозь царства природы, задумчивым взглядом, в поисках дальнейших развития параллельных явлений, значительных продолжений у других существ «судьбы, чья эволюция и исполнение могут пролить свет на его собственные. С нетерпеливым видением и сердцем вызвало воображение, он тщательно изучает все, что связано с его объектом. Увидев, как змея бросила свою старую челюсть и скользнула вперед, он понимает, поэтому в смерти человек, но проливает свою плотскую эксувию, а дух появляется, возрождается. Он видит, как жучок отрывается от своей грязной гробницы и начинает свою летнюю работу; и сразу он висит золотым шрапсом в его висках как эмблема будущей жизни. После зимней смерти растительности, приветствуя возвращающуюся весну, которая приносит воскресение и жизнь к могилам дерна, он мечтает о каком-то далеком весне человечества, но еще впереди, когда морозы человеческой неудовлетворительной гибели будут смягчены, и все дорогостоящие семена, высеянные через века в великая земляная гробница должна стрелять в небесные формы. На стонущем морском берегу, плачущем какого-то дорогого друга, он видит, как сейчас восходит на рассвете, планету, которую он в последнее время видел в сумерках; и его радует мысль, что он воспринимает, теперь восходящий на рассвете, планету, которую он в последнее время видел в сумерках; и его радует мысль, что он воспринимает, теперь восходящий на рассвете, планету, которую он в последнее время видел в сумерках; и его радует мысль, что «Как тонет звезда дня в океанском дне, И все же он не ремонтирует свою опустившуюся голову, И трюки его лучи, и с новой распущенной рудой Пламя в лоб утреннего неба, Так что Ликиды, опущенные низко, должны подняться высоко». Какой-то путешественник или поэт рассказывает ему сказочные рассказы о птице, которая, выращенная в возрасте, наполняет свое гнездо специями и, самопроизвольно горевшая, парит от ароматного огня, омолаживающая на тысячу лет; и он не может не взять феникс за чудесный тип своей собственной души, рожденной, свободной и вечной, из пепла его трупа. Наблюдая за шелкопрядом, когда он сплел свой кокон и лежал в его продолговатой могиле, по-видимому, мертв, до тех пор, пока он не изогнулся, сверкая цветами радуги, крылатой бабочкой, наделенной новыми способностями и живя новой жизнью в новой сфере, он понимает, что так человеческая душа может, в полноте времени, освободиться от тюремных сеток этого мира личинки, вещь духовной красоты, чтобы плыть по небесному воздуху; и впредь он выгравирует бабочку на надгробном камне в ярком пророчестве о бессмертии. Таким образом, морализаторское наблюдение естественных подходов обучает человека надеяться на существование вне смерти. В-третьих, преобладающая вера в будущую жизнь распространяется и поддерживается влиянием власти. Учение о выживании души и переносе в другой мир, где его опыт зависит от условий, наблюдаемых или нарушенных здесь, обусловливает несколько контроль над избранным классом людей здесь, такая доктрина является самым укрытием власти священнического ремесла , огромный двигатель интереса и влияния, который проницательный взгляд на священство часто разрабатывался, и хитроумная политика государств субсидировалась. В большинстве случаев такого рода утверждаемая доктрина ставится на основе божественного откровения и должна быть неявно получена. Бог провозглашает это через своих помазанных служителей: поэтому, чтобы сомневаться в этом или логически критиковать, это преступление. История свидетельствует о такой процедуре, где процветало организованное священство, от первозданной языческой Индии до современного папского Рима. Это прослеживается из темных осетинских святынь Египта и инициирующего храма в Элевсине к погребальным огням Галлии и друидскому конклаву в дубовых рощах Мона; из вонючих алтарей Мексики во времена Монтесумы в массы для душ в Чистилище сказал этот день в половине церквей христианского мира. Значительная часть популярной веры в бессмертие, которая преобладала во все времена, была обусловлена ​​авторитетом ее пропагандистов, глубоким и честным доверием со стороны людей в авторитетном диктовке их религиозных учителей. из вонючих алтарей Мексики во времена Монтесумы в массы для душ в Чистилище сказал этот день в половине церквей христианского мира. Значительная часть популярной веры в бессмертие, которая преобладала во все времена, была обусловлена ​​авторитетом ее пропагандистов, глубоким и честным доверием со стороны людей в авторитетном диктовке их религиозных учителей. из вонючих алтарей Мексики во времена Монтесумы в массы для душ в Чистилище сказал этот день в половине церквей христианского мира. Значительная часть популярной веры в бессмертие, которая преобладала во все времена, была обусловлена ​​авторитетом ее пропагандистов, глубоким и честным доверием со стороны людей в авторитетном диктовке их религиозных учителей. Во всех ведущих народах земли учение о будущей жизни является традицией, переданной из древней древности, забальзамированной в священных книгах, которые считаются безошибочными откровениями от Бога. Конечно, бездумные никогда не думают допрашивать его; благоговейно свято обнимают его; все получают образование, чтобы получить его. В дополнение к провозглашению будущей жизни святыми книгами и священническими иерархами она также была подтверждена бесчисленными индивидуальными святыми, философами и пророками. Большинство людей с готовностью принимают это от доверия от них как продемонстрированную теорию или вдохновенное знание своих. Естественно, что для скромных неспециализированных умов, занятых мирскими заботами, сказать, эти изученные мудрецы, эти теософские провидцы, гораздо более одаренные, образованные и близкие с божественными советами и планом, чем мы, с таким большим опытом и более чистым прозрение, чем мы, должны знать правду: мы не можем иначе делать так, чтобы следовать их указаниям и доверять их утверждениям. Соответственно, люди получают веру в жизнь, чтобы прийти на авторитет интеллектуальных и религиозных лидеров мира. В-четвертых, вера в будущую жизнь вытекает из философской медитации и поддерживается рациональными доказательствами. Для завершения нынешнего плана сейчас остается дать краткое изложение этих аргументов. Для удобства и ясности мы должны организовать эти рассуждения в пяти классах; а именно физиологические, аналогичные, психологические, теологические и моральные. Существует группа соображений, проистекающих из явлений нашей телесной организации, жизни и смерти, которые составляют физиологический аргумент в пользу отдельного существования души. Во-первых, утверждается, что человеческая организация, столь удивительно оживленная, развитая и управляемая, не могла бы вырасти из простой материи, но подразумевает существовавшее ранее психическое существо, духовную силу или идею, которые составляли первобытную импульс, сгруппировал вокруг себя органические условия нашего существования и ограничил материальные элементы для последующих процессов и результатов в соответствии с заранее подготовленным планом. Этот динамический агент, эта онтологическая причина, может, естественно, выживать, когда плотская организация, которую она построила вокруг себя растворяется. Его независимость перед началом тела включала его независимость после того, как тело было закончено. Сталь особенно иллюстрировал в физиологии эту идею независимой монады души. Во-вторых, поскольку некоторые потенциальные существа должны были предшествовать нашему рождению, ассимилировать и построить физическую систему, поэтому великие явления, участвующие в нашей сознательной жизни, требуют как нашего инстинктивного восприятия, так и нашей философской убежденности, отличительного разделения человека на тело и душу , скинии и арендатора. Прославленный Бурхава написал ценную диссертацию о различии ума от тела, которое можно найти в его работах. Каждый человек знает, что он обитает во плоти, но не плоть. Он свободный, личный ум, занимающий и использующий материальное тело, но не отождествляемый с ним. Идеи и страсти чисто несущественного происхождения пронизывают каждый нерв с потрясающей интенсивностью и встряхивают его наполняющую телесность, как землетрясение. Мысль, настроение, причуда, могут прогнать его так же эффективно, как удар по его мозгу с молотка. Он хочет перевести парализованную конечность: душа не подвержена параличу, но мышцы отказываются подчиняться его воле: различие между желающим и инструментом, которым нужно владеть, неизбежно. В-третьих, факт самой смерти непреодолимо указывает на двойственность плоти и духа. Это устранение энергичного ума, которое оставляет рамку такой пустой и бессмысленной. Подумайте о немыслимом сне трупа, который растворяется в своих химических объятиях. Некоторое время назад эта рука была поднята, чтобы закрепить ваши, интеллектуальные акценты были вокальными на тех 1 Wohlfarth, Triumph des Glaubens a Unsterblichkeit und Wiedersehen uber jeden Zweifel. Oporinus, Historia Critica Doctrina de Immortalitate Mortalium. 2 Мюллер, Элементы физиологии, книга vi. сект. я. глава 1. губы, свет любви сиял в этом глазу. Один содрогающийся вздох, и как холодный, пустой, безжизненный, мертвый, лежит куча глины! Невозможно предотвратить убеждение в том, что невидимая власть была освобождена; что полет оживляющего принципа вызвал это ужасное изменение. Почему не может исчезнуть что-то, что осталось? Его исчезновение из нашего разумного знания не является доказательством его гибели. Не было ни тени подлинного доказательства того, что реальные жизненные силы любого существа уничтожены3. В отсутствие этого доказательства множество соображений побуждают нас сделать вывод об обратном. Разумеется, есть место, достаточное для того, чтобы наоборот было правдой; ибо, как глубоко осознает Якоби, «жизнь - это не форма тела, а тело - одна из форм жизни». Поэтому душа, которая теперь существует в t Свобода от нагрузки глины, эмансипация духа в полный диапазон и господство сил духа! В-четвертых, многие сильные сходства между нашим входом в этот мир и нашим отходом от него заставили бы нас поверить, что смерть - это еще одно и более высокое рождение6. Любой, кто знаком с состоянием нерожденного младенца, получая его единственное питание, от его сосудистой связи с матерью вряд ли можно представить, что ее отделение от матери приведет ее к новой и независимой жизни. Он предпочел бы заключить, что он погибнет, как ветка, вырванная из его родительской конечности. Таким образом, это может быть в отделении души от тела. Кроме того, поскольку наши латентные или тусклые ощущения на ощупь были бесполезны, когда мы развивались в эмбрионе, а затем подразумевали эту жизнь, мы теперь имеем в зачаточном состоянии определенные силы разума, воображения и сердца, которые пророчествуют небо и вечность; и таинственные намеки, когда-либо, и мы достигнем нас из сферы diviner, «Как намеки и отголоски мира. Духи сгибаются в утробе матери». Персидский поэт, Бузурги, говорит по этой теме, «Что такое душа? Основополагающий принцип из сундуков судьбы. Этот мир - это матка: тело, его обволакивающая мембрана: горечь растворения, рождение дамы Фортуны. Что такое смерть? Чтобы родиться свыше, ангел вечности ". В-пятых, многие культивируемые мыслители твердо верили, что душа не так молода, как обычно думают, но является старым стажером на этом земном шаре, пережив много прежнего существования здесь или в другом месте.7 Они подтверждают этот вывод различными соображениями, либо из помещений, предполагающих необходимую вечность духов, либо отдыхающих на темных воспоминаниях, «теневых воспоминаниях», видений и событий давно исчезли. Теперь, если принять во внимание идею преднамеренных сознательных жизней, личную карьеру, повторяющуюся с несоблюдением бытия, как это часто случались такие люди, как Платон и Вордсворт, все 6 Бретшнайдер, Предвестник uber Тод, Унвербликкеит, и Анферштейн. 7 Джеймс Паркер, рассказ о Божественной Божественности относительно Предшествия Души. Связанные с этим аналогия ведут нас к вере в то, что нас ожидает бессмертие. Мы будем жить через следующий переход, поскольку мы пережили прошлые. В-шестых, отвергая гипотезу о начале жизни и занимая предположение о том, что нет и не порождает Бога, но что все возникло спонтанным развитием или случайно, мы все же не обязаны ожидать, что уничтожение будет суждено душа. Справедливо рассуждая по аналогии прошлого, по фактам настоящего, с надвигающимися непредвиденными обстоятельствами будущего, мы можем сказать, что следующий этап в разворачивающихся процессах природы заключается не в разрушении нашего сознания, а в более чистом виде жизнь, возвышает нас до духовного ранга. Просто утверждать, что если бессмысленный закон или безграничная удача сотворили этот мир и привели нас сюда, он мог бы сделать или создать другой мир и нести нас там. Закон или случай, исключающий Бога из вопроса, могут также сделать нас бессмертными как смертные. Рассуждая по аналогии, мы можем утверждать, что, поскольку жизнь нам дана, так она будет дана нам снова и снова. В-седьмых, вера в бессмертие питается другой аналогией, не основанной на размышлении, а инстинктивно чувством. Каждая смена материала в нашем организме, каждое изменение сознания - это своего рода смерть. Мы частично умираем так часто, как оставляем забытые переживания и утраченные состояния бытия. Мы умираем последовательно до младенчества, детства, молодости, мужественности. Прошлое мертвых: но наш курс все еще продолжается, навсегда. Выжив столько смертей, мы ожидаем, что выжить все остальное и быть собой вечно. Существует третий кластер рассуждений, выведенный из отличительной природы духа, составляющий психологический аргумент о существовании души, независимой от тела. В самом начале, очевидно, если душа является несущественной сущностью, следует ее естественное бессмертие; потому что смерть и распад могут только предполагаться вступать в действие в нерастворимых комбинациях. Несколько изобретательных причин были выдвинуты в доказательство нематериальности души, причины достаточно убедительные, чтобы убедить большой класс философов8. Здесь достаточно заметить следующее. Все движение подразумевает динамический движок. Материя неактивна. Сила - это реальность, совершенно отличная от материи по своей природе. Но человек по существу является активной силой, свободной волей. Следовательно, в нем есть нематериальный принцип, поскольку всякая сила несущественна. Этот принцип бессмертен, поскольку существуют в сфере бытия, чьи категории исключают возможность роспуска. Во-вторых, должны ли мы признать, что человеческая душа является материальной, но если она является конечной монадой, неделимым атомом разума, она все еще бессмертна, игнорируя все силы разрушения. И что на самом деле это несвязанная единица, может быть, таким образом, Другая совокупность взглядов, основанная на характере Бога, составляет теологический аргумент для будущего существования человека. Начиная с идеи Бога бесконечных совершенств, бессмертие его детей является непосредственным выводом из вечности его целей , В какой бы то ни было причине, Бог первоначально дал человеку существо, для бескорыстного распределения счастья, для увеличения своей собственной славы или что-то еще, не будет ли он для этой цели продолжать его навсегда? В отсутствие каких-либо оснований для обратного, мы должны это сделать. Ввиду неограниченных совершенств Бога, факт создания сознательных ответственных существ является достаточным основанием для их бессрочности. В противном случае Бог был бы непостоянным. Или, как сказал один, он был бы просто художником-драпиром, ничего в этом платье. Во-вторых, оставляя вне поля зрения эту иллюстрацию вечной цели в вечном исполнении, и ограничивая наше внимание на аналогию божественных дел и достоинства божественного Работника, мы будем вновь приведены к такому же выводу. Разве Бог сотворил мертвую глину материальной вселенной в мерцающие шары и приказал им летать через залы пространства навсегда, и создал ли он из своего всемогущества умственные личности, отражающие его собственные атрибуты, и обрекал их выйти в бесконечная ночь после купания, бедная эфемера, на солнце мгновенной жизни? Не следует воображать, что Бог когда-либо работает напрасно. И все же, если одно сознание будет погашено в вечном ничтожестве, поскольку производство этого сознания связано с тем, что он сотворил ничто. Его действия были напрасны, потому что теперь все, к тому же, точно так же, как если бы это никогда не было. Бог ничего не делает в спорте или неизмеримо: меньше всего он создаст сыновних духов, достойных торжественных надежд человечества, без высокого и серьезного конца14. Чтобы люди, одаренные такой трансцендентной щедростью сил, были полностью смертными, гнев навсегда в могиле после стремительного дня жизни, были гораздо более недостойны Богом, чем задача Майкла Анджело, он издевался над ним из-за того, что Пьетро, ​​тиран, который преуспел в Лоренцо Великолепном в герцогстве Флоренции, чтобы он забрал снег на Виа Ларге, и с его высочайшим искусством формируют статую из него, чтобы растворить ночь в сиянии итальянского солнца. В-третьих, это атрибут Бесконечной Мудрости, чтобы соотносить полномочия с результатами, адаптировать инструменты до конца с точным соответствием. Но если мы полностью умрем с прекрасным дыханием, тогда есть удивительная потребность в симметрии между нашими пожертвованиями и нашей возможностью; наши достижения в наибольшей степени превосходят нашу судьбу. Разве может быть, что земной дом в шесть футов должен навсегда лишить интеллекта Ла-Плейса, телескопический глаз которого пробивает незакрепленные поля необъятности, систематизировал больше миров, чем зернышки пыли в этом мире? сердце Борромео, чья серафическая любовь расширилась до пределов симпатического существа? душа Уиклифа, чья неустанная воля, в верном посвящении к долгу, столкнулась с огнями мученичества и никогда не затупилась? гений Шакспира, чье воображение истощило миры, а потом придумало новое? Существует огромная несогласованность между нашими способностями и сферой применения, которые здесь даны. На всех, что он видит ниже, душа читает «Недостаточно» и поднимается 13 Aebli, Unsterblichkeit der menschlichen Seele, sechster Краткая информация. 14 Ulrici, Unsterblichkeit der menschlichen Seele aus dem Wesen Gottes erwiesen. неудовлетворенный от каждого праздника, жажды, с божественным голодом и жаждой, амброзией и нектаром безжизненного и бессмертного мира. Если бы мы обречены на гибель в достижении цели в шестьдесят, Бог бы согласовал наши силы с нашей судьбой. Он никогда не поставил бы такие великолепные концепции против таких плохих возможностей и не зажег бы столь ненасытную амбиции для столь пустякового приза пыли в пыль. В-четвертых, одна из самых веских сторонников веры в будущую жизнь - это то, что дает благосклонность Бога. Уничтожение совершенно несовместимо с этим. Тот, чья любовь к своим созданиям бесконечна, полностью уничтожит их после их небольшого жизненного промежутка, когда они просто попробовали сладости существования и стали знать благородные прелести духовного прогресса, и в то время как беспредельные высоты славы и блаженства манят их, невероятно. Мы не можем верить, что, пока его дети обращаются к нему с тоской веры и благодарности, с пылкой молитвой и ожиданием, он отвергнет их в беспредельную ночь, сглаживая те способности счастья, которые он дал им с виртуальным обещанием бесконечного увеличения. Будет ли ласковый Бог разрешать человечество, устроившись в области бытия, подобно гнезду земных воробьев, чтобы напасть на копыта уничтожения? Любовь следит за сохранением жизни. Это был Молох, а не универсальный Отец, который мог сокрушить смерть этих множеств любящих душ, просящих его на всю жизнь, d 19 Иаков, белая меховая кукла, Unsterblichkeit der Seele aus dem Begriffe der Pflicht. Вечность - это то, о чем наша любовь, летающая вперед, строит свое гнездо в карнизах Вселенной. Если бы мы увидели, что крылья растут на молодой тварей, мы должны быть вынуждены сделать вывод, что ему предназначено какое-то время, чтобы летать. Это так с человеком. Изучая мысли, дисциплинарные жертвы, божественные молитвы, святые труды бескорыстия, он размахивает шестернями своей души, кладет сокровища на небеса и, наконец, мигрирует в притягивающий климат. «Здесь сидит он, формируя крылья, чтобы летать: Его сердце предвещает тайну, Он называет имя вечность». В-седьмых, в той степени, в которой эти приготовления производятся в соответствии с неясными инстинктами и развивающимися законами опыта, они сопровождаются значительными предчувствиями, ясными сигналами будущего государства, заверившими свидетелей его реальности. Чем больше человек живет за бессмертие, тем более бессмертным он усваивает свою духовную субстанцию, тем более подтверждающие знаки бессмертного наследования, которые находит его вера. Он осознает свою собственную вечность.20 Когда освященное воображение весит якорь и распространяется, чтобы вырваться на тусклые берега другого мира, он слышит веселые голоса приветствия с мысов и различает маяки, сжигающие в порту. Когда мы всерьез общаемся с нашими внутренними «я», торжественными размышлениями Бога, таинственными влияниями, которые проливаются из невидимых сфер, падают на наши души, и многие «странные мысли, превосходящие наши выигранные темы, в славу». Смутное, сдерживающее чувство невидимых существ, которыми мы занимаемся, наполняет нас. Мы слепо чувствуем, что наш ранг и пункт назначения с ними. Мы думаем, что мы поднимаем, но одну тонкую вуаль, и оккультная Вселенная Духа будет разорвать видение с облачными толпами ангелов. Тысячи «намеков» выпадают из сферы природы, «беременные дружескими вестями, успокаивают нас. «Странно, - сказал однажды одаренный метафизик, - что орган ствола, человек, должен прервать каждую мелодию напряжением бессмертия!» Не странно, но божественно естественно. Это предварительная прелюдия к захватывающей музыке нашего вечного блаженства, написанного в суде. Когда ночью мы смотрим далеко в необъятность, по сияющим перспективам Божьей обители, и почти раздавлены непреодолимыми перспективами, которые охватывают наше видение, разве в нас не мешают какие-то предварительные предсказания нашего собственного непостижимого величия? Да: «смысл существования, идеи права и обязанности, ужасные интуиции Бога и бессмертие, эти, великие факты и сущность духа, являются независимыми и нерушимыми. Основы Морального Закона они будут стоять в каждом хотя звезды должны исчезнуть, потому что их отношения и корень находятся в том, что поддерживает звезды, даже с мирами, невидимыми из конечного, чьи величественные и вечные аранжировки будут врываться на нас, как небеса совершают ночь, когда свет эта яркая жизнь уступает место торжественным великолепиям вечности ». В-восьмых, вера в жизнь за пределами смерти практически превалировала повсюду и всегда. И аргумент всеобщего согласия, как его называют, когда-либо считался одним из выдающихся свидетельств, если не самым убедительным свидетельством, истине доктрины. Если убеждение не может показаться искусственным или греховным, оно должно казаться убедительным. Его невиновность очевидна, и ее естественность подтверждается ее универсальностью. 20 Теодор Паркер, Проповедь Бессмертной Жизни. Самые грубые и самые отполированные, самые простые и самые узнаваемые, объединяются в ожидании и цепляются за него через все. Это похоже на постановляющее предчувствие, имплантированное тем насекомым, которым предстоит метаморфоза. Этот верный инстинкт, столь глубоко погруженный в наше сознание, естественный, невинный, универсальный, откуда он пришел, и почему он был дан? Существует только один справедливый ответ. Бог и природа не обманывают. Девятые, сознательная, практическая вера цивилизованных народов, в день, в будущей жизни, бесспорно, в большинстве лиц, лежит непосредственно на основании полномочий, доверие иностранного объявления. Существуют две формы этой власти. Полномочия откровения наиболее заметны и обширны. Бог открыл истину с небес. Это было подтверждено чудесным воскресением. Он написан в непогрешимой книге и запечатан с аутентификационными полномочиями сверхестественного характера. Поэтому его следует принимать с неявным доверием. Во-вторых, с некоторыми, авторитет великих умов, известный научными знаниями и спекулятивными соображениями, уходит далеко. Тысячи таких людей, занимающие высшие наименования истории, положительно утвердили бессмертие души как надежную истину. Например, Гете говорит о гибели Виланда: «Уничтожение таких высоких сил - это то, что никогда не может и ни при каких обстоятельствах даже не подвергаться сомнению». Такое догматическое выражение убеждения, покоящееся на голой философской основе, от Однако грозный фронт может быть представлен спектральным множеством сомнений и трудностей, кажущимися препятствиями к вере в бессмертие, верным слугой Бога, снабженным философской культурой и святой жизнью, бесстрашно продвигается на них, рассеивает их вправо и влево, и выиграть победный доступ к призу. Поэтому моряк иногда, с сицилийских берегов, видит чудесный остров впереди, по-видимому, останавливая свой путь с его кипарисами и кедровыми рощами, сверкающими башнями, виноградными лозами с балконами и мраморными лестницами, наклонными к краю воды. Он плывет прямо вперед, и, разорвав портики и зеленые сады Фата Морганы, скользит далеко по стеклянному морю, улыбаясь неразумному солнцу. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Доктрина будущей жизни в Послании к Евреям Послание к Евреям было написано человеком, который первоначально был евреем, впоследствии ревностным христианином. Он, несомненно, был человеком замечательного таланта и красноречия, высоких религиозных взглядов и чувств. Он жил во времена непосредственных последователей Иисуса и, по-видимому, был знаком с ними. Индивидуальное авторство теперь невозможно определить с уверенностью. Многие из самых узнаваемых, непредвзятых и способных критиков приписали его Аполлосу, александрийскому еврею, ассистенту Павла и сограждан Фило. Это мнение более вероятно, чем любое другое. Действительно, столь многочисленны сходства мыслей и слов в трудах Филона с теми, кто в этом послании, что даже дикие предположения были опасны, что сам Филон, наконец, стал христианином и написал своим еврейским соотечественникам эссе, которое с тех пор обычно передавалось Павлу. Никто не может рассмотреть сотни иллюстраций послания, собранного Фило Карпзовым, в его изученной, но плохо обоснованной работе, без особого впечатления. Предположение, которое неоднократно принималось и убеждалось, что эта композиция была впервые написана на иврите и впоследствии переведена на греческий язык другим человеком, является абсурдной, с учетом мастерства и красноречия, критических тонкостей и пользы в использовании языка , отображаемый в нем. Мы могли бы легко заполнить абзац именами видных в Церкви, таких как Тертуллиан, Ипполит, Эразм, Лютер, Ле Клерк и Неандер, которые пришли к выводу, что, кем бы ни был автор Послания к Евреям, он не был Павлом. Список этих имен достигнет от египетского Оригена, чья откровенность и эрудиция не были параллельны в его возрасте, немецкому Bleek, чья мастерская и исчерпывающая работа является памятником объединенного таланта и труда, оставляя мало желаемого. В нашей нынешней задаче не стоит утверждать следующее: поэтому мы просто отсылаем читателя к тщательной и неопровержимой дискуссии и разрешению ее Нортоном1. Norton .1 Общая цель композиции состоит в том, чтобы показать превосходство христианской системы на иврите, вооружить новообращенных из иудаизма, к которым он обращен против искушений покинуть исполняющую веру Христа и вернуться к символической вере своих отцы. Эта цель дает пронизывающий оттенок и цвет для всего обращения к рассуждениям и особенно к избранным образам послания. Опуская, по большей части, то, что по существу не переплетается с предметом смерти, воскресением и будущим существованием, а также с миссией Христа по отношению к этим предметам, мы переходим к рассмотрению взглядов, которые представляет послание или подразумевает в отношении этих точек. Предполагается, что мы вынуждены строить из фрагментов и намеки на теологическую ткань, которая стояла в голове писателя. Предложение также совершенно очевидно, что, поскольку письмо адресовано исключительно евреям и описывает христианство как завершение 1 Christian Examiner, vol. за 1827 год 29. Иудаизм, знакомство с характерными ивритскими мнениями и надежды в то время может быть незаменимым для полного понимания его содержания. Взгляд на внутреннюю природу и ранг Христа, на котором покоится послание, кажется совершенно очевидным, что это великое учение Логоса, которое плыло в философии апостольского века и настолько развито в Евангелии от Иоанна: «Логос Божий, живой, энергичный, непреодолимо пронзительный, в глазах которого все открыто и открыто; «первородный от Бога»; «верный Тому, кто сотворил его»; уступающий Богу, превосходящий всех; «кем создал Бог миры». чье место находится по правую руку от Бога, ангелы смотрят на него и «мир, который должен подчиниться ему». Автор, таким образом, предполагая невероятно сверхчеловеческий ранг и досуществование Христа, учит, что по доброй воле Бога он спустился в мир в форме человека, чтобы спасти тех, которые были без веры и в страхе, те, которые были потеряны через грех. Бог «вносит в первого рожденного в мир». «Когда он придет в мир, он говорит:« Жертва и приношение не хотите, но тело, которое ты приготовил для меня ». «Иисус был сделан немного ниже ангелов». «Итак, так как дети причастны к плоти и крови, он также сам тоже принимал участие в этом»; то есть для того, чтобы пройти через опыт, подобный опыту тех, кого он хотел доставить, он принял их природу. «Он не держит ангелов, но держит семя Авраама», другими словами, он стремился не помогать ангелам, а людям. Эти отрывки, взятые в связи с целым объемом и дрейфом документа, в котором они найдены, Почему он это сделал, это вопрос, который, естественно, возникает следующим образом. Мы не видим, как любой человек может читать послание разумно, в свете адекватного знания современных еврейских мнений, и не воспринимает, что авторский ответ на это расследование состоит в том, что Христос принял вид и судьбу человечество, чтобы умереть; и умер, чтобы воскреснуть из мертвых; и воскрес из мертвых, чтобы взойти на небо; и вознесся на небеса, чтобы открыть милость Божию, открыв путь для небесного возвышения и благословения душ верных людей. Мы приступим к доказательству и иллюстрации этих утверждений, объединив некоторые из основных отрывков в послании, в которых участвуют объекты миссии Христа, а затем излагаются мысли, которые главным образом лежат в основе и объясняют их. «Мы видим Иисуса, который был сделан немного ниже ангелов, чтобы благодаря доброте Бога он мог испытать смерть для каждого человека через страдания смерти, увенчанные славой и честью». С лучшими критиками мы изменили расположение пунктов в вышеприведенном стихе, чтобы понять смысл. Точный смысл в том, что возвеличивание Христа на небо после его смерти подтвердило его миссию, показало, что его смерть имела божественное значение для людей; то есть показал, что они также должны подняться на небеса. «Когда он сам сделал очищение от наших грехов, он сел по правую руку величества на высоте». «По этой причине он является Посредником нового завета, что после его смерти (для искупления беззаконий в соответствии с первым заветом), которые называются, могут войти во владение обещанным вечным наследием». Сила этого последнего отрывка, с его контекстом, включает двойной смысл греческого слова завета, что также означает завещание. Несколько высказываний в послании свидетельствуют о убеждении автора, что субъекты старого устроения обещали бессмертную жизнь на небесах, но никогда не осознавали самого себя. Теперь он сохраняет цель нового устроения как фактическое откровение и отдача реальности, которая в древности была обещана и обычно предвещалась; и в прохождении перед нами он изображает Христа автором христианского завета как создателя воли, посредством которой верующие назначаются наследниками небесного бессмертия. Затем он после аналогии завещательного наследия и legatees описывает эти наследники как «входящие в обладание этим вечным наследством» «смертью свидетеля». Его привели к тому, что он использовал именно этот язык по двум очевидным причинам: во-первых, ради этой парономазии, которую он явно любил; во-вторых, благодаря тому, что на самом деле это была смерть Христа, с последующим воскресением и вознесением, которое продемонстрировало как реальность вещи, обещанной воле, так и авторитету Испытателя, чтобы одарить ее. Все высказанные до сих пор выражения, и родственные, рассеянные по труду, передают ясное и последовательное значение с резкими очертаниями и согласованными деталями, если мы предположим, что их автор занимался следующей общей теорией; и в противном случае они не могут быть удовлетворительно объяснены. Страшный страх смерти, введенный грехом, был тиранией над людьми. Вследствие сознательного отчуждения от Бога через преступления они содрогались от смерти. Писатель не говорит, что было в смерти, из-за чего его так боялись; но мы знаем, что преобладающая ивритская концепция заключалась в том, что смерть привела обнаженную душу в тихий, мрачный и мрачный регион под землей, печальную судьбу, от которой они в лучшем случае сжались с грустью, вину, превратившую эту естественную меланхолию в страх предчувствия. В отсутствие каких-либо доказательств или презумпции, противоположных нам, мы, скорее, скорее вынуждены сделать вывод о том, что такая концепция подразумевается в тех отрывках, которые мы рассматриваем. Теперь миссия Иисуса заключалась в том, чтобы избавить людей от этого страха и рабства, уверяя их, что Бог простит грех и аннулирует его последствия. Вместо того, чтобы изгнать своих бестелесных духов в могильный Шеол, он отвел бы их в себя в славу над небосводом. Эта цель достигается Христом, буквально иллюстрируя истины, которые она подразумевает; то есть, лично принимая на себя много людей, умирающих, восходящих из духов мертвых и восходящих за завесу на небо. Своей смертью и победоносным восхождением «он очистил наши грехи», «искупил преступления», «сверг его, который имеет силу смерти», в том смысле, что он тем самым, как думал писатель, сметил предполагаемый поток зла, вызванный грех, а именно, все сопутствующие изгнания после смерти в безрадостной подземной империи. Теперь будет хорошо видеть более подробно в авторской схеме идею о том, что Христос совершил локальное восхождение на небеса, «в присутствии Бога», «где он когда-либо жив», и 2 xi. 13, 16 и др. См. Cha 9Фило заявляет: «Вся вселенная - это один храм Бога, в котором самый святой из всех - это небо». Де Монархия, с. 222, изд. Mangey. 10 Schoettgen, Dissertatio de Hierosolyma Coelesti, колпачок. 2, раздел. 9. из нее вышеназванная общая теория. В первом стихе, который мы будем приводить, несомненно, что слово «смерть» включает вхождение души в подземное царство призраков. Это написано о Христе, что «во дни его плоти, когда он искренне помолился тому, кто смог это сделать, чтобы спасти его от смерти, он был услышан», и он был назначен первосвященником в небеса ", было выше небес. Теперь, очевидно, Бог не спас Христа от смерти, но он поднял его, [не-ASCII персонажей], из мира мертвых. Поэтому Златоуст заявляет, ссылаясь на этот самый текст: «Не быть сохраненным в районе мертвых, но быть освобожденным от него, практически не умереть» 11. Кроме того, вышеприведенная фраза «спасала его от смерти», могут быть переведены с одинаковой приличием «вернуть его от смерти». Греческий глагол [не-ASCII-символы] для сохранения часто используется для обозначения безопасного восстановления воина от вторжения в домен противника. То же самое использование, которое сделал наш автор термина «смерть», мы также нашли, сделанный Филоу Иудаем. «Мудрый, - говорит Филон, - наследует ОЛИМПИЙСКИЙ и небесный регион, чтобы жить в нем, всегда учись ходить выше, а плохие наследуют самые сокровенные части подпольного мира, всегда трудится, чтобы умереть». 12 Противоположность между тем, как идти и умирать , и упоминание о мире в связи с последним, доказывают, что умереть здесь означает, или, по крайней мере, включает в себя, идя ниже после смерти. Версия Ветхого Завета Септуагинты дважды переводит Шеол словом «смерть». 13 Еврейское слово смерти, мавет, неоднократно используется для обители мертвых. И гвоздь интерпретации, которую мы призываем, сжимается этим Приговор от Оригена: «Подмир, в котором души задерживаются смертью, называется смертью». 15 Бретшнайдер приводит почти десяток отрывков из Нового Завета, где, по его мнению, смерть используется для обозначения аидов. И снова: мы читаем, что Христос принял на него человеческую природу «для того, чтобы с помощью [своей собственной] смерти он мог сделать того, кто имеет силу смерти, то есть дьявол без дела, и избавить тех, кто из страха смерти их жизнь при условии рабства ». Сразу видно, что простая смерть Христа, далекая от прекращения влияния Смерти, дала бы мрачному монстру новую победу, несравненно самую важную из когда-либо достигнутых. Поэтому единственный способ сделать правильный смысл этого отрывка - присоединиться к смерти Спасителя, что следовало за ним, а именно его воскресение и вознесение. Это была иудейская вера в то, что грех, введенный в результате мошенничества дьявола, был причиной смерти и доблестью бестелесных духов людей в нижних кавернах тьмы и покоя. Они олицетворяли Смерть царем, тиранизируя человечество; и, если только в сильной скорби, они боялись часа, когда они должны были лечь под его скипетром и погрузиться в его безмолвное царство теней. Христос сломал власть сатаны, закрыл свое занятое царствование, спас души пленных и освободил темные сердца верующих, торжествующе поднявшись с 11 Гомиль. Epist. ad Heb. в hoc loc. 12 Клод де Митт. Сомн., С. 643, под ред. Mangey. 13 2 Сэм. XXII. 6; Прит. XXIII. 14. 14 Пс. IX. 13. Prov. vii, 27. 15 Comm. в Эписте. ad Rom., lib. VI. кепка. 6, раздел. 6 .: «Inferni locus in quo anima detinebantur a morte mors appellatur». долгое владение могилой и восхождение по новому пути света, новаторство святых в бессмертной славе. В другой части послания писатель, ранее объяснивший, что как первосвященник после смерти искупительного козла вошел в типичное святое место в храме, так и Христос после своей смерти вошел в истинное святое место на небесах, идет чтобы противостоять аналогиям, вынужденным еще больше отрицать необходимость повторения служения Христа, поскольку каждый священник повторялся каждый раз, говоря: «Ибо он должен был умереть много раз с момента основания мира, но, наоборот, , [достаточно, чтобы] однажды, в конце веков, через жертву самого себя, он появился на небесах за отмену греха ».16. Оказание и объяснение, которые мы даем на этом языке, - это те, которые принимаются большинством отличных комментаторов, и должен быть оправдан любым, кто изучает правильную пунктуацию статей и изучает контекст. Простая идея состоит в том, что, жертвуя своим телом через смерть, Христос встал и показал себя в присутствии Бога. Автор добавляет, что это было сделано «к аннулированию греха». Именно со ссылкой на эти последние слова, главным образом, мы процитировали этот отрывок. Что они имеют в виду? В каком смысле можно считать, что смерть Христа на небо после смерти покончила с грехом? В жертвы, люстрации и родственные вещи »21. Эти сравнения иногда используются автором аналогично, образно, образно, ради практической иллюстрации и впечатления, а не буквально как логические выражения и доказательства догматической теории искупления, делается достаточно ясно следующими цитатами ». Тела тех зверей, чья кровь перенесли на святое место первосвященником за грех, сожжены без лагеря. Посему и Иисус, чтобы освятить народ через кровь свою, страдал без ворот. Итак, пойдем к нему без лагеря, с его упреком ». Каждый сразу почувствует, что эти предложения не являются критическими высказываниями богословских истин, но являются образными выражениями практических уроков, духовных увещеваний. И снова мы читаем: Необходимо, чтобы образцы небесных вещей очищались с помощью принесенных в жертву животных, но самих небесных вещей с лучшими жертвами, чем эти ». Конечно, только посредством осуществления воображения, для духовного впечатления, а не философского аргумента, можно сказать, что небо оскверняется грехами людей на земле, чтобы очиститься от люстральной крови Христа. Писатель также обращается к своим читателям с этими терминами: «Делать добро и общаться не забывайте; ибо с такими жертвами Бог очень доволен ». Суть практической цели и риторического метода, с помощью которого используется здесь жертвенный язык, достаточно очевидна. Мы считаем, что она используется так же, как и в послании. Соображения, которые убедили нас и которые, по нашему мнению, должны убедить каждого непредвзятого ума в том, что кальвинистская схема замещения за грех, умиротворение Божественного гнева посредством приношения Божественной крови, не была в сознании автора, и не информирует его выражения, когда они правильно поняты, может быть кратко изложена. Во-первых, понятие о том, что страдания Христа сами по себе выкупли потерянные души, купили у нас проклятую благодать и прощение Бога, исповедуют чужой и отталкивающий инстинктивный моральный смысл и естественный разум, но, как предполагается, полагаются на авторитет откровение. Во-вторых, эта доктрина нигде конкретно не упоминается в послании, но предполагается или подразумевается, что объяснение языка, которое поверхностному взгляду, по-видимому, подразумевает его, возможно даже кажется необъяснимым без него22, но на самом деле такое мнение противоречиво с этим языком, когда он точно изучается. Например, обратите внимание на следующий отрывок: «Когда Христос приходит в мир», он изображается как говорящий: «Я пришел, чтобы исполнить волю Твою, Боже». «По тому, что будет, - продолжает писатель, - мы освящены посредством приношения тела Иисуса». То есть смерть Христа, связанная с его воскресением и вознесением на небеса, выполняет и иллюстрирует милостивую цель Бога, а не покупает для нас иначе невозможное благородство. Вышеприведенное явное заявление непримиримо 21 Opuscula: De Imaginibus Judaicis in Epist. ad Hebraos. 22 Что эти тексты изначально не понимались как подразумевающие какую-либо заместительную эффективность в мучительной смерти Христа, но, как приписывая типичную силу его торжествующему воскресению, его славное возвращение из мира мертвых на небеса, очень ясно проявляется в следующем примере: Теодор , один из самых ранних объяснителей в Новом Завете, говорит, прямо говоря о смерти Христа, о страданиях, которыми он был совершен, «Его воскресение подтвердило воскресение для всех нас». Comm. в Эписте. ad Heb. кепка. 2, т. 10. с мыслью, что Христос пришел в мир, чтобы умереть, чтобы он мог успокоить пылающую справедливость и гнев Бога, и по винной агонии купить прощение человеческих грехов: она передает идею, напротив, что Бог послал Христа, чтобы доказать и иллюстрируют людям свободную полноту его прощающей любви. В-третьих, идея, которая, по нашему мнению, была идеей автора Послания к евреям, что Христос, по его смерти, воскресению и восхождению, продемонстрировал веру людей в милосердное избавление людей от предполагаемого внешнего наказания за грех, а именно, изгнание душ после смерти в мир под землей и проложило путь, как их предшественник, на небеса, эта идея, которая не шокирует моральный смысл и не абсурдно по отношению к моральному разуму, поскольку августинская догма, не только дает более четкое, последовательное и удовлетворительное объяснение всего родственного языка послания, но также не может быть сказано о другой доктрине в гармонии с современными взглядами евреев и будет естественным и почти неизбежное развитие от них и дополнение к ним в уме фарисея, который, убежденный в смерти и вознесении безгрешного Иисуса, назначенного Мессии, стал христианином. В подтверждение последнего утверждения, единственного, которое нуждается в дальнейшем доказательстве, мы имеем обратное предположение скорее зачисляется. Во-первых, у нас есть достаточные доказательства существования общей зороастрийской системы, которая давно предшествует возникновению христианства. Показатель классических авторов, не говоря уже о известной древности языка, на котором сохраняется система, является показательным на этом этапе. Во-вторых, поразительное согласие в отношении основополагающих доктрин, пронизывающих дух и ритуальных форм между рассказами классиков и книг в Авесте, и обоим этим с более поздними писаниями и традиционной практикой Парсезов, является убедительная презумпция того, что религия была связанным развитием, обладающим теми же существенными особенностями со времени своего национального истеблишмента. В-третьих, у нас есть неоспоримые доказательства того, что в период от вавилонского плена до пришествия Христа евреи заимствовали и многое приспособили из персидского богословия, но не доказали, что персы взяли что-то из еврейского богословия. Об этом в полной мере признают такие ученые, как Геениус, Розенмуллер, Стюарт, Лаке, Де Ветт, Неандер; и это вряд ли будет оспариваться любым, кто исследовал предмет. Но еврейское богословие, таким образом, пропитано микробами из персидской веры и, в некотором смысле, исторической матерью христианского богословия, гораздо разумнее искать в себе порождение догм, общих для парсезов и христиан, прослеживать их через фарисеев к Зороастру, чем представить, что они внезапно навязали бывшему подделку со стороны последнего в поздний период. В-четвертых, известно, что Мухаммед, создавая свою религию, делал оптовые проекты по ранее существующим конфессиям, чтобы их сторонники могли с большей готовностью принять его учения, находя их в основном в унисон со своими собственными. Скорее всего, помимо исторических доказательств, которыми мы обладаем, он опирался на принципы и образы Гебергов, чем на то, что они, подчиненные его войсками и преследуемые его властью со своей родины, ввели новые доктрины из Коран в родовое вероучение, которое они так почитали, что ни изгнание, ни смерть не могли заставить их отречься от него. Ибо, управляемые этими ожесточенными прозелитами, победоносными арабами, горами Кирман и индийским побережьем, они цеплялись за непобедимую упорство в своей религии, все еще скрупулезно практикуя свои обряды, с гордостью помня о времени, когда каждая деревня с берега Каспийского моря до выхода Персидского залива, имел свой великолепный огненный храм, «И Иран, как подсолнечник, где горит Митра». Поэтому мы не видим оснований полагать, что важные христианские или мусульманские идеи были интерполированы в старую зороастрийскую религию. Влияние было в другом направлении. Опираясь затем, хотя и с осторожностью, на то, что доктор Эдвард Рот говорит, что «уверенность в том, что мы имеем правильное знание о ведущих древних доктринах персов, теперь совершенно вне всякого сомнения», мы попытаемся проявить так много системы как это необходимо для оценки его учения о будущей жизни. На глубоком фоне богословия Магия вырисовывается, в таинственной безвестности, вера в бесконечный Первый Принцип, Зеруана Акерана. По мнению большинства исследователей, которые исследовали его, значение этого термина - «Время без границ» или абсолютная продолжительность. Но Болен говорит, что это означает «Необработанное целое»; и Шлегель считает, что это «Неделимый». Похоже, что концепция была для людей в основном непримененной абстракцией, слишком обширной и далекой, чтобы стать заметной в своих спекуляциях или влиятельных в их вере. Шпигель, действительно, считает, что концепция была получена из Вавилона и добавлена ​​в систему в более поздний период, чем другие доктрины. Начало витального богословия, источника фактической этики для зороастрийцев, заключалось в идее двух антагонистических сил: Ормузд и Ариман, первые эманации Зеруаны, которые разделяют между ними беспощадную борьбу империи вселенной. Первый - это Принцип Добра, совершенство интеллекта, благодеяния и света, источник всего отраженного превосходства. Последний - это Принцип Зла, сторонник нищеты и смерти, царь тьмы, зачинщик всех ошибок. С возвышенной красотой древний персидский сказал: «Свет - тело Ормузда, Тьма - тело Аримана». Было много споров о том, выросло ли персидское богословие из идеи сущностного и вечного дуализма или было основано на концепции частичной и временной битвы; другими словами, был ли Ариман изначально и обязательно злым, или упал с божественного состояния. Во фрагментарных документах, которые дошли до нас, весь предмет находится в замешательстве. Невозможно разгадать запутанную сетку. Иногда кажется, что он учит, что Ариман был вначале хорош, ангел света, который завидовал своему великому собеседнику, опустился от привет 17 Ibid. s. 158. destined for the wicked."18 The third day after death, the soul advances upon "the way created by Ormuzd for good and bad," to be examined as to its conduct. The pure soul passes up from this evanescent world, over the bridge Chinevad, to the world of Ormuzd, and joins the angels. The sinful soul is bound and led over the way made for the godless, and finds its place at the bottom of gloomy hell.19 An Avestan fragment 20 and the Viraf Nameh give the same account, only with more picturesque fulness. On the soaring bridge the soul meets Rashne rast, the angel of justice, who tries those that present themselves before him. If the merits prevail, a figure of dazzling substance, radiating glory and fragrance, advances and accosts the justified soul, saying, "I am thy good angel: I was pure at the first, but thy good deeds have made me purer;" and the happy one is straightway led to Paradise. But when the vices outweigh the virtues, a dark and frightful image, featured with ugliness and exhaling a noisome smell, meets the condemned soul, and cries, "I am thy evil spirit: bad myself, thy crimes have made me worse." Then the culprit staggers on his uncertain foothold, is hurled from the dizzy causeway, and precipitated into the gulf which yawns horribly below. A sufficient reason for believing these last details no late and foreign interpolation, is that the Vendidad itself contains all that is essential in them, Garotman, the heaven of Ormuzd, open to the pure, Dutsakh, the abode of devs, ready for the wicked, Chinevad, the bridge of ordeal, upon which all must enter.21 Some authors have claimed that the ancient disciples of Zoroaster believed in a purifying, intermediate state for the dead. Passages stating such a doctrine are found in the Yeshts, Sades, and in later Parsee works. But whether the translations we now possess of these passages are accurate, and whether the passages themselves are authoritative to establish the ancient prevalence of such a belief, we have not yet the means for deciding. There was a yearly solemnity, called the "Festival for the Dead," still observed by the Parsees, held at the season when it was thought that that portion of the sinful departed who had ended their penance were raised from Dutsakh to earth, from earth to Garotman. Du Perron says that this took place only during the last five days of the year, when the souls of all the deceased sinners who were undergoing punishment had permission to leave their confinement and visit their relatives; after which, those not yet purified were to return, but those for whom a sufficient atonement had been made were to proceed to Paradise. For proof that this doctrine was held, reference is made to the following passage, with others: "During these five days Ormuzd empties hell. The imprisoned souls shall be freed from Ahriman's plagues when they pay penance and are ashamed of their sins; and they shall receive a heavenly nature; the meritorious deeds of themselves and of their families cause this liberation: all the rest must return to Dutsakh."22 Rhode thinks this was a part of the old Persian faith, and the source of 18 Ibid. s. 127. 19 Ibid. ss. 248-252. Vendidad, Fargard XIX. 20 Kleuker, band i. ss. xxxi. xxxv. 21 Spiegel, Vendidad, ss. 207, 229, 233, 250. 22 Kleuker, band ii. s. 173. the Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory.23 But, whether so or not, it is certain that the Zoroastrians regarded the whole residence of the departed souls in hell as temporary. The duration of the present order of the world was fixed at twelve thousand years, divided into four equal epochs. In the first three thousand years, Ormuzd creates and reigns triumphantly over his empire. Through the next cycle, Ahriman is constructing and carrying on his hostile works. The third epoch is occupied with a drawn battle between the upper and lower kings and their adherents. During the fourth period, Ahriman is to be victorious, and a state of things inconceivably dreadful is to prevail. The brightness of all clear things will be shrouded, the happiness of all joyful creatures be destroyed, innocence disappear, religion be scoffed from the world, and crime, horror, and war be rampant. Famine will spread, pests and plagues stalk over the earth, and showers of black rain fall. But at last Ormuzd will rise in his might and put an end to these awful scenes. He will send on earth a savior. Sosiosch, to deliver mankind, to wind up the final period of time, and to bring the arch enemy to judgment. At the sound of the voice of Sosiosch the dead will come forth. Good, bad, indifferent, all alike will rise, each in his order. Kaiomorts, the original single ancestor of men, will be the firstling. Next, Meschia and Meschiane, the primal parent pair, will appear. And then the whole multitudinous family of mankind will throng up. The genii of the elements will render up the sacred materials intrusted to them, and rebuild the decomposed bodies. Each soul will recognise, and hasten to reoccupy, its old tenement of flesh, now renewed, improved, immortalized. Former acquaintances will then know each other. "Behold, my father! my mother! my brother! my wife! they shall exclaim." 24 In this exposition we have following the guidance of Du Perron, Foucher, Kleuker, J. G. Muller, and other early scholars in this field attributed the doctrine of a general and bodily resurrection of the dead to the ancient Zoroastrians. The subsequent researches of Burnouf, Roth, and others, have shown that several, at least, of the passages which Anquetil supposed to teach such a doctrine were erroneously translated by him, and do not really contain it. And recently the ground has been often assumed that the doctrine of the resurrection does not belong to the Avesta, but is a more modern dogma, derived by the Parsees from the Jews or the Christians, and only forced upon the old text by misinterpretation through the Pehlevi version and the Parsee commentary. A question of so grave importance demands careful examination. In the absence of that reliable translation of the entire original documents, and that thorough elaboration of all the extant materials, which we are awaiting from the hands of Professor Spiegel, whose second volume has long been due, and Professor Westergaard, whose second and third volumes are eagerly looked for, we must make the best use of the resources actually available, and then leave the point in such plausible light as existing testimony and fair reasoning can throw upon it. In the first place, it should be observed that, admitting the doctrine to be nowhere mentioned in the Avesta, still, it does not follow that the belief was not prevalent when the 23 Rhode, Heilige Sage des Zendvolks, s. 410. 24 Bundehesh, ch. xxxi. Avesta was written. We know that the Christians of the first two centuries believed a great many things of which there is no statement in the New Testament. Spiegel holds that the doctrine in debate is not in the Avesta, the text of which in its present form he thinks was written after the time of Alexander.25 But he confesses that the resurrection theory was in existence long before that time.26 Now, if the Avesta, committed to writing three hundred years before Christ, at a time when the doctrine of the resurrection is known to have been believed, contains no reference to it, the same relation of facts may just as well have existed if we date the record seven centuries earlier. We possess only a small and broken portion of the original Zoroastrian Scriptures; as Roth says, "songs, invocations, prayers, snatches of traditions, parts of a code, the shattered fragments of a once stately building." If we could recover the complete documents in their earliest condition, it might appear that the now lost parts contained the doctrine of the general resurrection fully formed. We have many explicit references to many ancient Zoroastrian books no longer in existence. For example, the Parsees have a very early account that the Avesta at first consisted of twenty one Nosks. Of these but one has been preserved complete, and small parts of three or four others. The rest are utterly wanting. The fifth Nosk, whereof not any portion remains to us, was called the Do az ah Hamast. It contained thirty two chapters, treating, among other things, "of the upper and nether world, of the resurrection, of the bridge Chinevad, and of the fate after death." 27 If this evidence be true, and we know of no reason for not crediting it, it is perfectly decisive. But, at all events, the absence from the extant parts of the Zend Avesta of the doctrine under examination would be no proof that that doctrine was not received when those documents were penned. Secondly, we have the unequivocal assertion of Theopompus, in the fourth century before Christ, that the Magi taught the doctrine of a general resurrection.28 "At the appointed epoch Ahriman shall be subdued," and "men shall live again and shall be immortal." And Diogenes adds, "Eudemus of Rhodes affirms the same things." Aristotle calls Ormuzd Zeus, and Ahriman Haides, the Greek names respectively of the lord of the starry Olympians above, and the monarch of the Stygian ghosts beneath. Another form also in which the early Greek authors betray their acquaintance with the Persian conception of a conflict between Ormuzd and Ahriman is in the idea expressed by Xenophon in his Cyropadia, in the dialogue between Araspes and Cyrus of two souls in man, one a brilliant efflux of good, the other a dusky emanation of evil, each bearing the likeness of its parent.29 Since we know from Theopompus that certain conceptions, illustrated in the Bundehesh and not contained in the fragmentary Avestan books which have reached us, were actually received Zoroastrian 25 Studien uber das Zend Avesta, in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 1855, band ix. s. 192. 26 Spiegel, Avesta, band i. s. 16. 27 Dabistan, vol. i. pp. 272-274. 28 Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers, Introduction, sect. vi. Plutarch, concerning Isis and Osiris. 29 Lib. vi. cap. i. sect. 41. tenets four centuries before Christ, we are strongly supported in giving credence to the doctrinal statements of that book as affording, in spite of its lateness, a correct epitome of the old Persian theology. Thirdly, we are still further warranted in admitting the antiquity of the Zoroastrian system as including the resurrection theory, when we consider the internal harmony and organic connection of parts in it; how the doctrines all fit together, and imply each other, and could scarcely have existed apart. Men were the creatures of Ormuzd. They should have lived immortally under his favor and in his realm. But Ahriman, by treachery, obtained possession of a large portion of them. Now, when, at the end of the fourth period into which the world course was divided by the Magian theory, as Theopompus testifies, Ormuzd overcomes this arch adversary, will he not rescue his own unfortunate creatures from the realm of darkness in which they have been imprisoned? When a king storms an enemy's castle, he delivers from the dungeons his own soldiers who were taken captives in a former defeat. The expectation of a great prophet, Sosiosch, to come and vanquish Ahriman and his swarms, unquestionably appears in the Avesta itself.30 With this notion, in inseparable union, the Parsee tradition, running continuously back, as is claimed, to a very remote time, joins the doctrine of a general resurrection; a doctrine literally stated in the Vendidad,31 and in many other places in the Avesta,32 where it has not yet been shown to be an interpolation, but only supposed so by very questionable constructive inferences. The consent of intrinsic adjustment and of historic evidence would, therefore, lead to the conclusion that this was an old Zoroastrian dogma. In disproof of this conclusion we believe there is no direct positive evidence whatever, and no inferential argument cogent enough to produce conviction. There are sufficient reasons for the belief that the doctrine of a resurrection was quite early adopted from the Persians by the Jews, not borrowed at a much later time from the Jews by the Parsees. The conception of Ahriman, the evil serpent, bearing death, (die Schlange Angramainyus der voll Tod ist,) is interwrought from the first throughout the Zoroastrian scheme. In the Hebrew records, on the contrary, such an idea appears but incidentally, briefly, rarely, and only in the later books. The account of the introduction of sin and death by the serpent in the garden of Eden dates from a time subsequent to the commencement of the Captivity. Von Bohlen, in his Introduction to the Book of Genesis, says the narrative was drawn from the Zend Avesta. Rosenmuller, in his commentary on the passage, says the narrator had in view the Zoroastrian notions of the serpent Ahriman and his deeds. Dr. Martin Haug an acute and learned writer, whose opinion is entitled to great weight, as he is the freshest scholar acquainted with this whole field in the light of all that others have done thinks it certain that Zoroaster lived in a remote antiquity, from fifteen hundred to two thousand years before Christ. He says that Judaism after the exile and, through Judaism, Christianity afterwards received an important influence from Zoroastrianism, 30 Spiegel, Avesta, band i. ss. 16, 244. 31 Fargard XVIII, Spiegel's Uebersetzung, s. 236. 32 Kleuker, band ii. ss. 123, 124, 164. an influence which, in regard to the doctrine of angels, Satan, and the resurrection of the dead, cannot be mistaken.33 The Hebrew theology had no demonology, no Satan, until after the residence at Babylon. This is admitted. Well, is not the resurrection a pendant to the doctrine of Satan? Without the idea of a Satan there would be no idea of a retributive banishment of souls into hell, and of course no occasion for a vindicating restoration of them thence to their former or a superior state. On this point the theory of Rawlinson is very important. He argues, with various proofs, that the Dualistic doctrine was a heresy which broke out very early among the primitive Aryans, who then were the single ancestry of the subsequent Iranians and Indians. This heresy was forcibly suppressed. Its adherents, driven out of India, went to Persia, and, after severe conflicts and final admixture with the Magians, there established their faith.34 The sole passage in the Old Testament teaching the resurrection is in the so called Book of Daniel, a book full of Chaldean and Persian allusions, written less than two centuries before Christ, long after we know it was a received Zoroastrian tenet, and long after the Hebrews had been exposed to the whole tide and atmosphere of the triumphant Persian power. The unchangeable tenacity of the Medes and Persians is a proverb. How often the Hebrew people lapsed into idolatry, accepting Pagan gods, doctrines, and ritual, is notorious. And, in particular, how completely subject they were to Persian influence appears clearly in large parts of the Biblical history, especially in the Books of Esther and Ezekiel. The origin of the term Beelzebub, too, in the New Testament, is plain. To say that the Persians derived the doctrine of the resurrection from the Jews seems to us as arbitrary as it would be to affirm that they also borrowed from them the custom, mentioned by Ezekiel, of weeping for Tammuz in the gates of the temple. In view of the whole case as it stands, until further researches either strengthen it or put a different aspect upon it, we feel forced to think that the doctrine of a general resurrection was a component element in the ancient Avestan religion. A further question of considerable interest arises as to the nature of this resurrection, whether it was conceived as physical or as spiritual. We have no data to furnish a determinate answer. Plutarch quotes from Theopompus the opinion of the Magi, that when, at the subdual of Ahriman, men are restored to life, "they will need no nourishment and cast no shadow." It would appear, then, that they must be spirits. The inference is not reliable; for the idea may be that all causes of decay will be removed, so that no food will be necessary to supply the wasting processes which no longer exist; and that the entire creation will be so full of light that a shadow will be impossible. It might be thought that the familiar Persian conception of angels, both good and evil, fervers and devs, and the reception of departed souls into their company, with Ormuzd in Garotman, or with Ahriman in Dutsakh, would exclude the belief in a future bodily resurrection. But Christians and Mohammedans at this day believe in immaterial angels and devils, and in the immediate entrance of disembodied souls upon reward or 33 Die Lehre Zoroasters nach den alten Liedern des Zendavesta. Zeitschrift der Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, band ix. ss. 286, 683-692. 34 Rawlinson's Herodotus, vol. i. pp. 426-431. punishment in their society, and still believe in their final return to the earth, and in a restoration to them of their former tabernacles of flesh. Discordant, incoherent, as the two beliefs may be, if their coexistence is a fact with cultivated and reasonable people now, much more was it possible with an undisciplined and credulous populace three thousand years in the past. Again, it has been argued that the indignity with which the ancient Persians treated the dead body, refusing to bury it or to burn it, lest the earth or the fire should be polluted, is incompatible with the supposition that they expected a resurrection of the flesh. In the first place, it is difficult to reason safely to any dogmatic conclusions from the funeral customs of a people. These usages are so much a matter of capricious priestly ritual, ancestral tradition, unreasoning instinct, blind or morbid superstition, that any consistent doctrinal construction is not fairly to be put upon them. Secondly, the Zoroastrians did not express scorn or loathing for the corpse by their manner of disposing of it. The greatest pains were taken to keep it from disgusting decay, by placing it in "the driest, purest, openest place," upon a summit where fresh winds blew, and where certain beasts and birds, accounted most sacred, might eat the corruptible portion: then the clean bones were carefully buried. The dead body had yielded to the hostile working of Ahriman, and become his possession. The priests bore it out on a bed or a carpet, and exposed it to the light of the sun. The demon was thus exorcised; and the body became further purified in being eaten by the sacred animals, and no putrescence was left to contaminate earth, water, or fire.35 Furthermore, it is to be noticed that the modern Parsees dispose of their dead in exactly the same manner depicted in the earliest accounts; yet they zealously hold to a literal resurrection of the body. If the giving of the flesh to the dog and the vulture in their case exists with this belief, it may have done so with their ancestors before Nebuchadnezzar swept the Jews to Babylon. Finally, it is quite reasonable to conclude that the old Persian doctrine of a resurrection did include the physical body, when we recollect that in the Zoroastrian scheme of thought there is no hostility to matter or to earthly life, but all is regarded as pure and good except so far as the serpent Ahriman has introduced evil. The expulsion of this evil with his ultimate overthrow, the restoration of all as it was at first, in purity, gladness, and eternal life, would be the obvious and consistent carrying out of the system. Hatred of earthly life, contempt for the flesh, the notion of an essential and irreconcilable warfare of soul against body, are Brahmanic and Manichaan, not Zoroastrian. Still, the ground plan and style of thought may not have been consistently adhered to. The expectation that the very same body would be restored was known to the Jews a century or two before Christ. One of the martyrs whose history is told in the Second Book of Maccabees, in the agonies of death plucked out his own bowels, and called on the Lord to restore them to him again at the resurrection. Considering the notion of a resurrection of the body as a sensuous burden on the idea of a resurrection of the soul, it may have been a later development originating with the Jews. But it seems to us decidedly more probable that the Magi held it as a part of their creed before they came in contact with the children of Israel. Such an opinion may be modestly held until further information is 35 Spiegel, Avesta, ss. 82, 104, 109, 111, 122. afforded 36 or some new and fatal objection brought. After this resurrection a thorough separation will be made of the good from the bad. "Father shall be divided from child, sister from brother, friend from friend. The innocent one shall weep over the guilty one, the guilty one shall weep for himself. Of two sisters one shall be pure, one corrupt: they shall be treated according to their deeds." 37 Those who have not, in the intermediate state, fully expiated their sins, will, in sight of the whole creation, be remanded to the pit of punishment. But the author of evil shall not exult over them forever. Their prison house will soon be thrown open. The pangs of three terrible days and nights, equal to the agonies of nine thousand years, will purify all, even the worst of the demons. The anguished cry of the damned, as they writhe in the lurid caldron of torture, rising to heaven, will find pity in the soul of Ormuzd, and he will release them from their sufferings. A blazing star, the comet Gurtzscher, will fall upon the earth. In the heat of its conflagration, great and small mountains will melt and flow together as liquid metal. Through this glowing flood all human kind must pass. To the righteous it will prove as a pleasant bath, of the temperature of milk; but on the wicked the flame will inflict terrific pain. Ahriman will run up and down Chinevad in the perplexities of anguish and despair. The earth wide stream of fire, flowing on, will cleanse every spot and every thing. Even the loathsome realm of darkness and torment shall be burnished and made a part of the all inclusive Paradise. Ahriman himself, reclaimed to virtue, replenished with primal light, abjuring the memories of his envious ways, and furling thenceforth the sable standard of his rebellion, shall become a ministering spirit of the Most High, and, together with Ormuzd, chant the praises of Time without Bounds. All darkness, falsehood, suffering, shall flee utterly away, and the whole universe be filled by the illumination of good spirits blessed with fruitions of eternal delight. In regard to the fate of man, Таковы притчи Zartushi address'd к вере Ирана, в древнем Zend Avest. Теперь Уиндишманн (1863 г.) полностью доказал это в своем Зороастрийском университете. Шпигель искренне признает это: Avesta, группа iii., Einleitung, s. LXXV. 37 Род, Хейлидж Сейдж де Зендволькс, с. 467. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) МОРАЛЬНОСТЬ ДОКТРИНЫ БУДУЩЕЙ ЖИЗНИ. В обсуждении этики учения о будущей жизни предметом здесь изумительно пренебрегали, там более изумительно жестоко обращались, и нигде, в наших знаниях, по-настоящему проанализированы и выставлены1, важно, чтобы тема была точно определена и дискуссии строго придерживались линий , Поэтому ясно понять, что вопрос, который нужно решить, заключается не в том, «должна ли быть будущая жизнь или нет», ни «Будущая жизнь или нет». Вопрос в том, «Какая разница в том, можем ли мы признать или отрицать факт будущей жизни?» Если мы верим, что мы должны пройти через смерть в бессмертное существование, какие выводы, относящиеся к настоящему, правы, полностью из этого предположения? Если, с другой стороны, Предположим, что человек, который всегда представлял, что смерть - это полное уничтожение, должен каким-то образом внезапно обрести знание о том, что бесконечное существование немедленно преуспевает в прекращении этого: какими будут законные указания его новой информации? Прежде чем мы сможем справедливо ответить на это расследование, нам нужно знать, какие отношения связывают два состояния существования. Знание закона, метода и средств судьбы человека более важно для его руководства, чем простое определение его продолжительности. Что касается вопроса перед нами, то возможны четыре гипотезы. Если, во-первых, не существует никакой связи, кроме временной последовательности между настоящей жизнью и будущим, то, что касается обязанности, ожидание будущего мира не дает ни малейшего практического применения для опыта это сейчас. Это может быть только источник утешения или ужаса; и это будет соответствующим образом, поскольку оно задумано с точки зрения благородства или мести. Если, во-вторых, характер будущей жизни зависит от условий, которые должны выполняться здесь, но эти условия не находятся под нашим контролем, то опять же никакие выводы о немедленной обязанности не могут быть взяты из воспринятого в дальнейшем. Будучи квази-актерами в заранее подготовленной сюжете и предопределенным сюжетом, мы больше не можем быть в состоянии к какому-либо обязательству или выбору в отношении конца, чем к марионеткам, которые некоторые невидимые Арлекин двигаются ужасными проводками примитивного указа или переданной развращенностью по отношению к гениальным или трагическим кризисом. Если судьба души должна быть небом или адом согласно части, принятой здесь, она должна иметь свободную волю и справедливую возможность безопасно работать с несерьезной проблемой. В-третьих, можно предположить, что будущая жизнь - это состояние вечной награды и наказания, неизменно определяемое тем, как испытательный срок, отведенный на 1 Единственный прямой трактат по предмету, который нам известен, - это «Критик ума», опубликованный в 1789 году в «Ansehung des Sittengesetzes». И этого мы не видели. земля проходит. Вот мужчины, на короткое время, свободно действовать так или иначе. Сделайте так, и победит бесконечное блаженство небес. В противном случае и бесконечная агония ада понесена. Обычное правило действия, данное этой доктриной, заключается в том, чтобы принести в жертву все остальное, что нужно. Нынешняя жизнь сама по себе является бесполезным мгновением. Будущая жизнь - неисчерпаемая вечность. И все же это бесконечное богатство славы или горе зависит от того, как вы действуете в этот бедный момент. Поэтому вам нечего делать на земле, а искать спасения вашей души. Отбросить один пульс во что бы то ни стало - это безумие безумия. Чтобы узнать, как избежать ада и обеспечить небеса, а затем улучшить средства, это должно абсолютно поглощать каждую энергию и каждую мысль и каждое желание каждого момента. Этот мир является мостиком соломы над ревущей пропастью вечного огня. Есть ли досуг для спорта и бизнеса, или комната для науки и литературы, или настроение для удовольствий и удобств? Нет: чтобы мы и наши друзья вошли в волшебную машину спасения, которая выведет нас из хищных гребней озер серы, наполненных ликованиями муки, чтобы связать вокруг наших душ плавучий шнур искупления, который привлечет нас к небесам, это должно интенсивно задействовать каждую способность. Ничто другое не может быть допущено за счет наблюдения за ужасными фактами. Ибо разве это не один гибкий момент возможностей, а затем адамантийское бессмертие обреченности? Эта доктрина о будущей жизни, которая делает вечное неизменное счастье или нищету, зависит от мимолетного испытательного срока, допускаемого здесь, но является одной практической моралью; и что он произносит с неминуемой срочностью и совершенной отчетливостью. Единственный истинный долг, единственное реальное использование этой жизни - обеспечить судебное спасение души путем улучшения назначенных средств. Подвешенный такими волосами хрупкости, за один бездыханный момент, на таком бритвенном краю контингента, восхитительном море блаженства выше, ужасной бездне пыток внизу, таково должно быть все сосредоточенное беспокойство, чтобы обеспечить безопасность, чтобы не было ни времени ни вкуса ни для чего другого. Каждый объект должен казаться алтарем, пропитанным жертвенной кровью, каждый звук - коленом, нагруженным доблестным предзнаменованием, каждый из которых выглядит умилостивляющим, каждое дыхание молящей молитвой. От такого единственного и сверхъестественного напряжения способностей верующего ничто не могло позволить мгновенно " за исключением временного забывания или моргания ужасной сцены и неизмеримой опасности. Это было бы логичным приложением к жизни истинной морали рассматриваемой доктрины. Но сама доктрина должна быть отвергнута как ложная по многим причинам. Он выводится из Писания с помощью технической и необоснованной интерпретации. Это несправедливо и жестоко, непримиримо с праведностью или благостью Бога. Это необоснованно, против аналогов природы и опыта человека. Совершенно невозможно постоянно проводить его в практике жизни. Если бы он был полностью зачислен и действовал, все дело мира прекратилось бы, и человечество вскоре исчезло бы. Это было бы логичным приложением к жизни истинной морали рассматриваемой доктрины. Но сама доктрина должна быть отвергнута как ложная по многим причинам. Он выводится из Писания с помощью технической и необоснованной интерпретации. Это несправедливо и жестоко, непримиримо с праведностью или благостью Бога. Это необоснованно, против аналогов природы и опыта человека. Совершенно невозможно постоянно проводить его в практике жизни. Если бы он был полностью зачислен и действовал, все дело мира прекратилось бы, и человечество вскоре исчезло бы. Это было бы логичным приложением к жизни истинной морали рассматриваемой доктрины. Но сама доктрина должна быть отвергнута как ложная по многим причинам. Он выводится из Писания с помощью технической и необоснованной интерпретации. Это несправедливо и жестоко, непримиримо с праведностью или благостью Бога. Это необоснованно, против аналогов природы и опыта человека. Совершенно невозможно постоянно проводить его в практике жизни. Если бы он был полностью зачислен и действовал, все дело мира прекратилось бы, и человечество вскоре исчезло бы. Это необоснованно, против аналогов природы и опыта человека. Совершенно невозможно постоянно проводить его в практике жизни. Если бы он был полностью зачислен и действовал, все дело мира прекратилось бы, и человечество вскоре исчезло бы. Это необоснованно, против аналогов природы и опыта человека. Совершенно невозможно постоянно проводить его в практике жизни. Если бы он был полностью зачислен и действовал, все дело мира прекратилось бы, и человечество вскоре исчезло бы. There remains one other view of the relationship of a future life with the present. And it seems to be the true view. The same Creator presiding, the same laws prevailing, over infinitude and eternity that now rule over time and earth, our immortality cannot reasonably be imagined either a moment of free action and an eternity of fixed consequences, or a series of separate fragments patched into a parti colored experience with blanks of death between the patterns of life. It must be conceived as one endless existence in linear connection of cause and effect developing in progressive phases under varying conditions of motive and scenery. With what we are at death we live on into the next life. In every epoch and world of our destiny our happiness depends on the possession of a harmoniously working soul harmoniously related with its environment. Each stage and state of our eternal existence has its peculiarities of duty and privilege. In this one our proper work is to improve the opportunities, discharge the tasks, enjoy the blessings, belonging here. We are to do the same in the next one when we arrive in that. All the wealth of wisdom, virtue, strength, and harmony we acquire in our present life is the vantage ground and capital wherewith we start in the succeeding life. Therefore the true preparation for the future is to fit ourselves to enter it under the most favorable auspices, by accumulating in our souls all the spiritual treasures afforded by the present. In other words, the truest aim we can set before ourselves during our existence on earth is to make it yield the greatest possible results of the noblest experience. The life hereafter is the elevated and complementary continuation of the life here; and certainly the directest way to ameliorate the continuation is to improve the commencement. But, it may be said, according to this representation, the fact of a future life makes no difference in regard to our duty now; for if the grave swallows all, still, it is our duty and our interest to make the best and the most of our life in the world while it lasts. True; and really that very consideration is a strong proof of the correctness of the view in question. It corresponds with the other arrangements of God. He makes every thing its own end, complete in itself, at the same time that it subserves some further end and enters into some higher unity. He is no mere Teleologist, hobbling towards his conclusions on a pair of decayed logic crutches,2 but an infinite Artist, whose means and ends are consentaneous in the timeless and spaceless spontaneity and perfection of his play. If the tomb is our total goal, our genuine aim in this existence is to win during its course an experience the largest in quantity and the best in quality. On the other hand, if another life follows this, our wisdom is just the same; because that experience alone, with the favor of God, can constitute our fitness and stock to enter on the future. And yet between the two cases there is this immense difference, not indeed in duty, but in endowment, that in the latter instance we work out our allotted destiny here, in a broader illumination, with grander incentives, and with vaster consolations. A future life, then, really imposes no new duty upon the present, alters no fundamental ingredient in the present, takes away none of the charms and claims of the present, but merely sheds an additional radiance upon the shaded lights already shining here, infuses an additional motive into the stimulants already animating our purposes, distills an additional balm into the comforts which already assuage our sorrows amidst an evanescent scene. The belief that we are to live hereafter in a compensating world explains to us many a sad mystery, strengthens us for many an oppressive burden, consoles us in many a sharp grief. Else we should oftener go mad in the baffling whirl of problems, oftener obey the baser voice, oftener yield to despair. These three are the moral uses, in the present life, of the 2 "Seht, an der morschen Syllogismenkrucke Hinkt Gott in Seine Welt."Lenau's Satire auf einen Professor philosophia. doctrine of a future life. Outside of these three considerations the doctrine has no ethical meaning for human observance here. It will be seen, according to the foregoing representation, that the expectation of a future life, instead of being harmful to the interests and attractions of the present, simply casts a cheering and magnifying light upon them. It does not depreciate the realities or nullify the obligations now upon us, but emphasizes them, flinging their lights and shades forward through a mightier vista. Consequently there is no reason for assailing the idea of another life in behalf of the interests of this. Such an opposition between the two states is entirely sophistical, resulting from a profound misinterpretation of the truemoral relations connecting them. The belief in immortality has been mistakenly attacked, not merely as hostile to our welfare on earth, but likewise as immoral in itself, springing from essential selfishness, and in turn nourishing selfishness and fatally tainting every thing with that central vice. To desire to live everlastingly as an identical individual, it has been said, is the ecstasy and culmination of avaricious conceitedness. Man, the vain egotist, dives out of sight in God to fish up the pearl of his darling self. He makes his poor individuality the measure of all things, his selfish desire the law of endless being. Such a rampant proclamation of self will and enthronement of pure egotism, flying in the face of the solemn and all submerging order of the universe, is the very essence and climax of immorality and irreligiousness. To this assault on the morality of the belief in a future life, whether made in the devout tones of magnanimous sincerity, as by the sublime Schleiermacher, or with the dishonest trickiness of a vulgar declaimer for the rehabilitation of the senses, as by some who might be named, several fair replies may be made. In the first place, the objection begs the question, by assuming that the doctrine is a falsehood, and that its disciples wilfully set up their private wishes against the public truth. Such tremendous postulates cannot be granted. It is seizing the victory before the battle, grasping the conclusion without establishing the premises. For, if there be a future life provided by the Creator, it cannot be sinful or selfish in us to trust in it, to accept it with humble gratitude, and to prepare our souls for it. That, instead of being rebellious arrogance or overweening selfishness, would simply be conforming our thoughts and plans, our desires and labors, to the Divine arrangements. That would be both morality and piety. When one clings by will to a doctrine known to be a falsehood, obstinately suppressing reason to affirm it as a truth, and, in obedience to his personal whims, trying to force all things into conformity with it, he does act as a selfish egotist in full violation of the moral law and the spirit of religion. But a future life we believe to be a fact; and therefore we are, in every respect, justified in gladly expecting it and consecratedly living with reference to it. Furthermore, admitting it to be an open question, neither proved nor disproved, but poised in equal uncertainty, still, it is not immoral nor undevout deeply to desire and fondly to hope a personal immortality. "The aim of religion," it has been said, "is the annihilation of one's own individuality, the living in the All, the becoming one with the universe." But in such a definition altogether too much is assumed. The aim of religion is only the annihilation of the self will of the individual as opposed to the Will of the Whole, not the losing of one's self in the unconscious wastes of the universe, but the harmonizing of one's self with the Supreme Law of the universe. An humble, loving, and joyous conformity to the truth constitutes morality and religion. This is not necessarily inconsistent with a personal immortality. Besides, the charge may be retorted. To be identified with the universe is a prouder thought than to be subordinated to it as an infinitesimal individual. It is a far haughtier conceit to fancy one's self an integral part of God's substance than to believe one's self a worshipping pensioner of God's will. The conception, too, is less native to the mind, has been more curiously sought out, and is incomparably more pampering to speculative luxury. If accusations of selfishness and wilfulness are to be hurled upon any modes of preferred faith as to our destiny, this self styled disinterested surrender of our personality to the pantheistic Soul is as obnoxious to them as the common belief. If a desire for personal immortality be a normal experience in the development of our nature, it cannot be indictable as an offence, but must be recognised as an indication of God's design. Whether the desire is a cold and degraded piece of egotism deserving rebuke and contempt, or a lofty and sympathetic affection worthy of reverence and approval, depends on no intrinsic ingredient of the desire itself, but on the character in which it has its being. One person will be a heartless tyrant, another a loving saint, in his hope of a future life. Shall our love of the dead, our prayers to meet them again, our unfathomed yearnings to know that they still live and are happy, be stigmatized as mean and evil? Regard for others as much as for ourselves prompts the eternal sigh. Nor will Divinity ever condemn the feeling himself has awakened. It is said that Xerxes, gazing once upon his gorgeous army of a million men spread out below hire, sheathed in golden armor, white plumes nodding, purple standards waving, martial horns blowing, wept as he thought that in thirty years the entire host composing that magnificent spectacle would be dead. To have gazed thoughtfully upon such a sight with unmoved sensibilities would imply a much more selfish and hard hearted egotist. So when a lonely philanthropist from some meditative eminence looks down on the human race, if, as the contemplation of their pathetic fading and decay wounds his saddened heart, he heals and cheers it with the faith of a glorious immortality for them all, who shall call him selfish and sinful? To rest contented with the speedy night and the infinite oblivion, wiping off all the unsolved sums from the slate of existence with annihilation's remorseless sponge, that would be the selfishness and the cruelty. When that sweet asp, death, fastens on our vein of earthly life, we all feel, like the dying queen of Egypt, that we have "immortal longings" in us. Since the soul thus holds by a pertinacious instinct to the eternity of her own existence, it is more rational to conclude that this is a pledge of her indestructible personality, God's impregnable defence reared around the citadel of her being, than to consider it the artificial rampart flung up by an insurgent egotism. In like manner, it is a misrepresentation of the facts to assert the culpable selfishness of the faith in a future life as a demanded reward for fidelity and merit here. No one demands immortality as pay for acquired desert. It is modestly looked for as a free boon from the God who freely gave the present and who has by a thousand symbolic prophecies promised it. Richter says, with great insight, "We desire immortality not as the reward of virtue, but as its continuance. Virtue can no more be rewarded than joy can: it is its own reward." Kant says, "Immortality has been left so uncertain in order that pure freedom of choice, and no selfish views, shall prompt our aspirations." "But," Jean Paul keenly replies, "as we have now discovered this intention, its object is defeated. Besides, if the belief in immortality makes virtue selfish, the experience of it in the next world would make it more so." The anticipation of heaven can hardly make man a selfish calculator of profit; because heaven is no reward for crafty reckoning, but the home of pure and holy souls. Virtue which resists temptation and perseveres in rectitude because it has a sharp eye to an ulterior result is not virtue. No credible doctrine of a future life offers a prize except to those who are just and devout and strenuous in sacred service from free loyalty to the right and the good, spontaneously obeying and loving the higher and better call because it divinely commands their obedience and love. The law of duty is the superior claim of truth and goodness. Virtue, yielding itself filially to this, finds in heaven not remuneration, but a sublimer theatre and an immortal career. Egotistic greed, all mere prudential considerations as determining conditions or forces in the award, are excluded as unclean and inadmissible by the very terms; and the doctrine stands justified on every ground as pure and wholesome before the holiest tribunal of ethics. Surely it is right that goodness should be blessed; but when it continues good only for the sake of being blessed it ceases to be goodness. It is not the belief in immortality, but only the belief in a corrupt doctrine of immortality which can poison the springs of disinterested virtue. The morality of the doctrine of a future life having thus been defended from the attacks of those who have sought to destroy it in the fancied interests either of the enjoyments of the earth or of the purity of virtue and religion, it now remains to free it from the still more fatal supports which false or superficial religionists have sought to give it by wrenching out of it meanings it never held, by various perverse abuses of it, by monstrous exaggerations of its moral importance to the present. We have seen that the supposition of another life, correctly interpreted, lays no new duty upon man, takes away from him no old duty or privilege, but simply gives to the previously existing facts of the case the intensifying glory and strength of fresh light, motive, and consolation. But many public teachers, not content to treat the subject with this sobriety of reason, instead of presenting the careful conclusions of a conscientious analysis, have sought to strengthen their argument to the feelings by help of prodigious assumptions, assumptions hastily adopted, highly colored, and authoritatively urged. Upon the hypothesis that annihilation is the fate of man, they are not satisfied merely to take away from the present all the additional light, incentive, and comfort imparted by the faith in a future existence, but they arbitrarily remove all the alleviations and glories intrinsically belonging to the scene, and paint it in the most horrible hues, and set it in a frame of midnight. Thus, instead of calmly seeking to elicit and recommend truth, they strive, by terrifying the fancy and shocking the prejudices, to make people accept their dogma because frightened at the seeming consequences of rejecting it. It is necessary to expose the fearful fallacies which have been employed in this way, and which are yet extensively used for the same purpose. Even a Christian writer usually so judicious as Andrews Norton has said, "Without the belief in personal immortality there can be no religion; for what can any truths of religion concern the feelings and the conduct of beings whose existence is limited to a few years in this world?" 3 Such a statement from such a quarter is astonishing. Surely the sentiments natural to a person or incumbent upon him do not depend on the duration of his being, but on the character, endowments, and relations of his being. The hypothetical fact that man perishes with his body does not destroy God, does not destroy man's dependence on God for all his privileges, does not annihilate the overwhelming magnificence of the universe, does not alter the native sovereignty of holiness, does not quench our living reason, imagination, or sensibility, while they last. The soul's gratitude, wonder, love, and worship are just as right and instinctive as before. If our experience on earth, before the phenomena of the visible creation and in conscious communion with the emblemed attributes of God, does not cause us to kneel in humility and to adore in awe, then it may be doubted if heaven or hell will ever persuade us to any sincerity in such acts. The simple prolongation of our being does not add to its qualitative contents, cannot increase the kinds of our capacity or the number of our duties. Chalmers utters an injurious error in saying, as he does, "If there be no future life, the moral constitution of man is stripped of its significancy, and the Author of that constitution is stripped of his wisdom and authority and honor." 4 The creative Sovereign of fifty million firmaments of worlds "stripped of his wisdom and authority and honor" because a few insects on a little speck are not eternal! Can egotistic folly any further go? The affirmation or denial of immortality neither adds to nor diminishes the numerical relations and ingredients of our nature and experience. If religion is fitted for us on the former supposition, it is also on the latter. To any dependent intelligence blessed with our human susceptibilities, reverential love and submission are as obligatory, natural, and becoming on the brink of annihilation as on the verge of immortality. Rebellious egotism makes all the difference. Truth is truth, whatever it be. Religion is the meek submission of self will to God's will. That is a duty not to be escaped, no matter what the future reserves or excludes for us. Another sophism almost universally accepted needs to be shown. Man, it is said, has no interest in a future life if not conscious in it of the past. If, on EXCHANGE of worlds, man loses his memory, he virtually ceases to exist, and might just as well be annihilated. A future life with perfect oblivion of the present is no life at all for us. Is not this style of thought the most provincial egotism, the utter absence of all generous thought and sympathy unselfishly grasping the absolute boons of being? It is a shallow error, too, even on the grounds of selfishness itself. In any point of view the difference is diametric and immense between a happy being in an eternal present, unconscious of the past, and no being at all. Suppose a man thirty years of age were offered his choice to die this moment, or to live fifty years longer of unalloyed success and happiness, only with a complete forgetfulness of all that has happened up to this moment. He would not hesitate to grasp the gift, however much he regretted the condition. 3 Tracts concerning Christianity, p. 307. 4 Bridgewater Treatise, part ii. ch. 10, sect. 15. It has often been argued that with the denial of a retributive life beyond the grave all restraints are taken off from the passions, free course given to every impulse. Chateaubriand says, bluntly, "There can be no morality if there be no future state." 5 With displeasing coarseness, and with most reprehensible recklessness of reasoning, Luther says, in contradiction to the essential nobleness of his loving, heroic nature, "If you believe in no future life, I would not give a mushroom for your God. Do, then, as you like. For if no God, so no devil, no hell: as with a fallen tree, all is over when you die. Then plunge into lechery, rascality, robbery, and murder." What bible of Moloch had he been studying to form, for the time, so horrid a theory of the happiest life, and to put so degrading an estimate upon human nature? Is man's will a starved wolf only held back by the triple chain of fear of death, Satan, and hell, from tearing forth with ravenous bounds to flesh the fangs of his desires in bleeding virtue and innocence? Does the greatest satisfaction man is capable of here, the highest blessedness he can attain to, consist in drunkenness, gluttony, dishonesty, violence, and impiety? If he had the appetite of a tiger or a vulture, then, thus to wallow in the offal of vice, dive into the carrion of sensuality, abandon himself to revelling in carnivorous crime, might be his instinct and his happiness. But by virtue of his humanity man loves his fellows, enjoys the scenery of nature, takes delight in thought and art, dilates with grand presentiments of glory and eternity, mysteriously yearns after the hidden God. To a reasonable man and no other is to be reasoned with on matters of truth and interest the assumption of this brief season as all, will be a double motive not to hasten and embitter its brevity by folly, excess, and sin. If you are to be dead to morrow, for that very reason, in God's name, do not, by gormandizing and guzzling, anticipate death to day! The true restraint from wrong and degradation is not a crouching conscience of superstition and selfishness, fancying a chasm of fire, but a high toned conscience of reason and honor, perceiving that they are wrong and degradation, and spontaneously loathing them. Still worse, many esteemed authors have not hesitated to assert that unless there be a future life there is not only no check on passion within, but no moral law without; every man is free to do what he pleases, without blame or fault. Sir Kenelm Digby says, in his "Treatise on Man's Soule," that "to predicate mortality in the soule taketh away all morality, and changeth men into beastes, by removing the ground of all difference in those thinges which are to governe our actions." 6 This style of teaching is a very mischievous absurdity. Admit, for a moment, that Jocko in the woods of Brazil, and Schiller in the brilliant circles of Weimar, will at last meet the same fate in the dusty grasp of death; yet, while they live, one is an ape, the other is a man. And the differences of capacity and of duty are numberless and immense. The statement is enough: argument would be ridiculous. The words of an audacious French preacher are yet more shocking than those of the English nobleman. It is hard to believe they could be uttered in good faith. Says Massillon, in his famous declamation on immortality, "If we wholly perish with the body, the maxims of charity, patience, justice, honor, gratitude, and friendship, are but empty words. Our own passions shall decide our duty. 5 Genie du Christianisme, partie ii. livre vi. chap. 3. 6 Ch. ix. sect. 10. If retribution terminate with the grave, morality is a mere chimera, a bugbear of human invention." 7 What debauched unbeliever ever inculcated a viler or a more fatal doctrine? Its utter barelessness, as a single illustration may show, is obvious at a glance. As the sciences of algebra and geometry, the relations of numbers and bodies, are true for the material world although they may be lost sight of when time and space are transcended in some higher state, so the science of ethics, the relations of nobler and baser, of right and wrong, the manifold grades and qualities of actions and motives, are true for human nature and experience in this life even if men perish in the grave. However soon certain facts are to end, while they endure they are as they are. In a moment of carelessness, by some strange slip of the mind, showing, perhaps, how tenaciously rooted are the common prejudice and falsehood on this subject, even so bold and fresh a thinker as Theodore Parker has contradicted his own philosophy by declaring, "If to morrow I perish utterly, then my fathers will be to me only as the ground out of which my bread corn is grown. I shall care nothing for the generations of mankind. I shall know no higher law than passion. Morality will vanish." 8 Ah, man reveres his fathers and loves to act nobly, not because he is to live forever, but because he is a man. And, though all the summer hopes of escaping the grave were taken from human life, choicest and tenderest virtues might still flourish, as it is said the German crossbill pairs and broods in the dead of winter. The martyr's sacrifice and the voluptuary's indulgence are very different things to day, if they do both cease to morrow. No speed of advancing destruction can equalize Agamemnon and Thersites, Mansfield and Jeffries, or hustle together justice and fraud, cowardice and valor, purity and corruption, so that they will interchange qualities. There is an eternal and immutable morality, as whiteness is white, and blackness is black, and triangularity is triangular. And no severance of temporal ties or compression of spatial limits can ever cut the condign bonds of duty and annihilate the essential distinctions of good and evil, magnanimity and meanness, faithfulness and treachery. Reducing our destiny from endless to definite cannot alter the inherent rightfulness and superiority of the claims of virtue. The most it can do is to lessen the strength of the motive, to give the great motor nerve of our moral life a perceptible stroke of palsy. In reference to the question, Can ephemera have a moral law? Richter reasons as follows: "Suppose a statue besouled for two days. If on the first day you should shatter it, and thus rob it of one day's life, would you be guilty of murder? One can injure only an immortal." 9 The sophistry appears when we rectify the conclusion thus: one can inflict an immortal injury only on an immortal being. In fact, it would appear to be a greater wrong and injury, for the time, to destroy one day's life of a man whose entire existence was confined to two days, than it would be to take away the same period from the bodily existence of one who immediately thereupon passes into a more exalted and eternal life. To the sufferer, the former would seem an immitigable calamity, the latter a benign furtherance; while, in the agent, the overt act is the same. This general moral problem has been more accurately answered by Isaac Taylor, whose lucid statement is as follows: "The creatures of a summer's day might be imagined, when 7 OEuvres Completes, tome xiii.: Immortalite de l'Ame. 8 Sermons of Theism, Sermon VII. 9 Werke, band xxxiii. s. 240. they stand upon the threshold of their term of existence, to make inquiry concerning the attributes of the Creator and the rules of his government; for these are to be the law of their season of life and the measure of their enjoyments. The sons of immortality would put the same questions with an intensity the greater from the greater stake." Practically, the acknowledged authority of the moral law in human society cannot be destroyed. Its influence may be unlimitedly weakened, its basis variously altered, but as a confessed sovereign principle it cannot be expelled. The denial of the freedom of the will theoretically explodes it; but social custom, law, and opinion will enforce it still. Make man a mere dissoluble mixture of carbon and magnetism, yet so long as he can distinguish right and wrong, good and evil, love and hate, and, unsophisticated by dialectics, can follow either of opposite courses of action, the moral law exists and exerts its sway. It has been asked, "If the incendiary be, like the fire he kindles, a result of material combinations, shall he not be treated in the same way?" 10 We should reply thus: No matter what man springs from or consists of, if he has moral ideas, performs moral actions, and is susceptible of moral motives, then he is morally responsible: for all practical and disciplinary purposes he is wholly removed from the categories of physical science. Another pernicious misrepresentation of the fair consequences of the denial of a life hereafter is shown in the frequent declaration that then there would be no motive to any thing good and great. The incentives which animate men to strenuous services, perilous virtues, disinterested enterprises, spiritual culture, would cease to operate. The essential life of all moral motives would be killed. This view is to be met by a broad and indignant denial based on an appeal to human consciousness and to the reason of the thing. Every man knows by experience that there are a multitude of powerful motives, entirely disconnected with future reward or punishment, causing him to resist evil and to do good even with self sacrificing toil and danger. When the fireman risks his life to save a child from the flames of a tumbling house, is the hope of heaven his motive? When the soldier spurns an offered bribe and will not betray his comrades nor desert his post, is the fear of hell all that animates him? A million such decisive specifications might be made. The renowned sentence of Cicero, "Nemo unquam sine magna spe immortalitatis se pro patria offerret ad mortem," 11 is effective eloquence; but it is a baseless libel against humanity and the truth. In every moment of supreme nobleness and sacrifice personality vanishes. Thousands of patriots, philosophers, saints, have been glad to die for the freedom of native land, the cause of truth, the welfare of fellow men, without a taint of selfish reward touching their wills. Are there not souls "To whom dishonor's shadow is a substance More terrible than death here and hereafter"? He must be the basest of men who would decline to do any sublime act of virtue because he did not expect to enjoy the consequences of it eternally. Is there no motive for the 10 Some discussion of this general subject is to be found in Schaller, Leib nod Seele. kap. 5: Die Consequentzen des Materialismus. And in Schopenhauer, Die beiden Grundprobleme der Ethik. 11 Tuscul. Quast. lib. i. cap. 15. preservation of health because it cannot be an everlasting possession? Since we cannot eat sweet and wholesome food forever, shall we therefore at once saturate our stomachs with nauseating poisons? If all experienced good and evil wholly terminate for us when we die, still, every intrinsic reason which, on the supposition of immortality, makes wisdom better than folly, industry better than sloth, righteousness better than iniquity, benevolence and purity better than hatred and corruption, also makes them equally preferable while they last. Even if the philosopher and the idiot, the religious philanthropist and the brutal pirate, did die alike, who would not rather live like the sage and the saint than like the fool and the felon? Shall heaven be held before man simply as a piece of meat before a hungry dog to make him jump well? It is a shocking perversion of the grandest doctrine of faith. Let the theory of annihilation assume its direst phase, still, our perception of principles, our consciousness of sentiments, our sense of moral loyalty, are not dissolved, but will hold us firmly to every noble duty until we ourselves flow into the dissolving abyss. But some one may say, "If I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me if the dead rise not?" It advantageth you every thing until you are dead, although there be nothing afterwards. As long as you live, is it not glory and reward enough to have conquered the beasts at Ephesus? This is sufficient reply to the unbelieving flouters at the moral law. And, as an unanswerable refutation of the feeble whine of sentimentality that without immortal endurance nothing is worth our affection, let great Shakspeare advance, with his matchless depth of bold insight reversing the conclusion, and pronouncing, in tones of cordial solidity, "This, thou perceivest, will make thy love more strong, To love that well which thou must leave ere long." What though Decay's shapeless hand extinguish us? Its foreflung and enervating shadow shall neither transform us into devils nor degrade us into beasts. That shadow indeed only falls in the valleys of ignoble fear and selfishness, leaving all the clear road lines of moral truth and practical virtue and heroic consecration still high and bright on the table land of a worthy life; and every honorable soul, calmly confronting its fate, will cry, despite the worst, "The pathway of my duty lies in sunlight; And I would tread it with as firm a step, Though it should terminate in cold oblivion, As if Elysian pleasures at its Close Gleam'd palpable to sight as things of earth." If a captain knew that his ship would never reach her port, would he therefore neglect his functions, be slovenly and careless, permit insubordination and drunkenness among the crew, let the broad pennon draggle in filthy rents, the cordage become tangled and stiff, the planks be covered with dirt, and the guns be grimed with rust? No: all generous hearts would condemn that. He would keep every inch of the deck scoured, every piece of metal polished like a mirror, the sails set full and clean, and, with shining muzzles out, ropes hauled taut in their blocks, and every man at his post, he would sweep towards the reef, and go down into the sea firing a farewell salute of honor to the sun, his flag flying above him as he sunk. The dogmatic assertors of a future life, in a partisan spirit set upon making out the most impressive case in its behalf, have been guilty of painting frightful caricatures of the true nature and significance of the opposite conclusion. Instead of saying, "If such a thing be fated, why, then, it must be right, God's will be done," they frantically rebel against any such admission, and declare that it would make God a liar and a fiend, man a "magnetic mockery," and life a hellish taunt. This, however unconscious it may be to its authors, is blasphemous egotism. One of the tenderest, devoutest, richest, writers of the century has unflinchingly affirmed that if man who trusted that love was the final law of creation, although nature, her claws and teeth red with raven, shrieked against his creed be left to be blown about the desert dust or sealed within the iron hills, "No more! a monster, then, a dream, A discord; dragons of the prime, That tare each other in their slime, Were mellow music match'd with Him!" Epictetus says, "When death overtakes me, it is enough if I can stretch out my hands to God, and say, 'The opportunities which thou hast given me of comprehending and following thy government, I have not neglected. I thank thee that thou hast brought me into being. I am satisfied with the time I have enjoyed the things thou hast given me. Receive them again, and assign them to whatever place thou wilt.'" 12 Surely the pious heathen here speaks more worthily than the presumptuous Christian! How much fitter would it be, granting that death is the end all, to revise our interpretation, look at the subject from the stand point of universal order, not from this opinionative narrowness, and see if it be not susceptible of a benignant meaning, worthy of grateful acceptance by the humble mind of piety and the dispassionate spirit of science! Yea, let God and his providence stand justified, though man prove to have been egregiously mistaken. "Though He smite me, yet will I praise Him; though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him." To return into the state we were in before we were created is not to suffer any evil: it is to be absolutely free from all evil. It is but the more perfect playing of that part, of which every sound sleep is a rehearsal. The thought of it is mournful to the enjoying soul, but not terrific; and even the mournfulness ceases in the realization. He uttered a piece of cruel madness who said, "Hell is more bearable than nothingness." Is it worse to have nothing than it is to have infinite torture? Milton asks, "For who would lose, Though full of pain, this intellectual being?" Every creature that exists, if full of pain, would snatch at the boon of ceasing to be. To be blessed is a good; to be wretched is an evil; not to be is neither a good nor an evil, but simply 12 Dissert., lib. iv. cap. x. sect. 2. nothing. If such be our necessary fate, let us accept it with a harmonized mind, not entertaining fear nor yielding to sadness. Why should we shudder or grieve? Every time we slumber, we try on the dress which, when we die, we shall wear easily forever. Not satisfied to let the result rest in this somewhat sad but peaceful aspect, it is quite customary to give it a turn and hue of ghastly horribleness, by casting over it the dyspeptic dreams, injecting it with the lurid lights and shades, of a morbid and wilful fancy. The most loathsome and inexcusable instance in point is the "Vision of Annihilation" depicted by the vermicular, infested imagination of the great Teutonic phantasist while yet writhing under the sanguinary fumes of some horrid attack of nightmare. Stepping across the earth, which is but a broad executioner's block for pale, stooping humanity, he enters the larva world of blotted out men. The rotten chain of beings reaches down into this slaughter field of souls. Here the dead are pictured as eternally horripilating at death! "As annihilation, the white shapelessness of revolting terror, passes by each unsouled mask of a man, a tear gushes from the crumbled eye, as a corpse bleeds when its murderer approaches." Pah! Out upon this execrable retching of a nauseated fancy! What good is there in the baseless conceit and gratuitous disgust of saying, "The next world is in the grave, betwixt the teeth of the worm"? In the case supposed, the truth is merely that there is no next world anywhere; not that all the horrors of hell are scooped together into the grave, and there multiplied by others direr yet and unknown before. Man's blended duty and interest, in such a case, are to try to see the interior beauty and essential kindness of his fate, to adorn it and embrace it, fomenting his resignation with the sweet lotions of faith and peace, not exasperating his wounds with the angry pungents of suspicion, alarm, and complaint. At the worst, amidst all our personal disappointments, losses, and decay, "the view of the great universal whole of nature," as Humboldt says, "is reassuring and consolatory." If the boon of a future immortality be not ours, therefore to scorn the gift of the present life, is to act not like a wise man, who with grateful piety makes the best of what is given, but like a spoiled child, who, if he cannot have both his orange and his gingerbread, pettishly flings his gingerbread in the mud. The future life, outside of the realm of faith, to an earnest and independent inquirer, and considered as a scientific question, lies in a painted mist of uncertainty. There is room for hope, and there is room for doubt. The wavering evidences in some moods preponderate on that side, in other moods on this side. Meanwhile it is clear that, while he lives here, the best thing he can do is to cherish a devout spirit, cultivate a noble character, lead a pure and useful life in the service of wisdom, humanity, and God, and finally, when the appointed time arrives, meet the issue with reverential and affectionate conformity, without dictating terms. Let the vanishing man say, like Ruckert's dying flower, "Thanks to day for all the favors I have received from sun and stream and earth and sky, for all the gifts from men and God which have made my little life an ornament and a bliss. Heaven, stretch out thine azure tent while my faded one is sinking here. Joyous spring tide, roll on through ages yet to come, in which fresh generations shall rise and be glad. Farewell all! Content to have had my turn, I now fall asleep, without a murmur or a sigh." Surely the mournful nobility of such a strain of sentiment is preferable by much to the selfish terror of that unquestioning belief which in the Middle Age depicted the chase of the soul by Satan, on the columns and doors of the churches, under the symbol of a deer pursued by a hunter and hounds; and which has in later times produced in thousands the feeling thus terribly expressed by Bunyan, "I blessed the condition of the dog and toad because they had no soul to perish under the everlasting weight of hell!" Sight of truth, with devout and loving submission to it, is an achievement whose nobleness outweighs its sorrow, even if the gazer foresee his own destruction. It is not our intention in these words to cast doubt on the immortality of the soul, or to depreciate the value of a belief in it. We desire to vindicate morality and religion from the unwitting attacks made on them by many self styled Christian writers in their exaggeration of the practical importance of such a faith. The qualitative contents of human nature have nothing to do with its quantitative contents: our duties rest not on the length, but on the faculties and relations, of our existence. Make the life of a dog endless, he has only the capacity of a dog; make the life of a man finite, still, within its limits, he has the psychological functions of humanity. Faith in immortality may enlarge and intensify the motives to prudent and noble conduct; it does not create new ones. The denial of immortality may pale and contract those motives; it does not take them away. Knowing the burden and sorrow of earth, brooding in dim solicitude over the far times and men yet to be, we cannot recklessly utter a word calculated to lessen the hopes of man, pathetic creature, who weeps into the world and faints out of it. It is our faith not knowledge that the spirit is without terminus or rest. The faithful truth hunter, in dying, finds not a covert, but a better trail. Yet the saintliness of the intellect is to be purged from prejudice and self will. With God we are not to prescribe conditions. The thought that all high virtue and piety must die with the abandonment of belief in immortality is as pernicious and dangerous as it is shallow, vulgar, and unchristian. The view is obviously gaining prevalence among scientific and philosophical thinkers, that life is the specialization of the universal in the individual, death the restoration of the individual to the whole. This doubt as to a personal future life will unquestionably increase. Let traditional teachers beware how they venture to shift the moral law from its immutable basis in the will of God to a precarious poise on the selfish hope and fear of man. The sole safety, the ultimate desideratum, is perception of law with disinterested conformity. The influence of the doctrine of reward and punishment in a future state, as a working motive for the observance of the moral law, is enormously overestimated. The influence, as such a motive, of the public opinion of mankind, with the legal and social sanctions, is enormously underestimated. And the authority of a personal perception of right is also most unbecomingly depreciated. UNIVERSAL ORDER is the expression of the purposes of God, not as arbitrarily chosen by his will and capriciously revealed in a book, but as necessitated by his nature and embodied in his works. The true basis of morality is universal order. The true end of morality is life, the sum of moral laws being identical with the sum of the conditions in accordance with which the fruition of the functions of life can be secured with nearest approach to perfectness, perpetuity, and universality. The true sanctions of morality are the manifold forms in which consciousness of life is heightened by harmony with universal order or lowered by discord with it. The true law of moral sacrifice or resistance to temptation is misrepresented by the common doctrine of heaven and hell, which makes it consist in the renunciation of a present good for the clutching of a future good, the voluntary suffering of a small present evil to avoid the involuntary suffering of an immense future evil. The true law of moral sacrifice is deeper, purer, more comprehensive, than that. It expresses our duty, in accordance with the requirements of universal order, to subordinate the gratification of any part of our being to that of the whole of our being, to forego the good of any portion of our life in deference to that of all our life, to renounce any happiness of the individual which conflicts with the welfare of the race, to hold the spiritual atom in absolute abeyance to the spiritual universe, to sink self in God. If a man believe in no future life, is he thereby absolved from the moral law? The kind and number of his duties remain as before: only the apparent grandeur of their scale and motives is diminished. The two halves of morality are the co ordination of separate interests in universal order, and the loyalty of the parts to the wholes. The desire to remove the obligations and sanctions of the moral law from their intrinsic supports, and posit them on the fictitious pedestals of a forensic heaven and hell, reveals incompetency of thought and vulgarity of sentiment in him who does it, and is a procedure not less perilous than unwarranted. If the creation be conceived as a machine, it is a machine self regulating in all its parts by the immanent presence of its Maker. When we die, may the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter of Christ, be our confessor; the last inhaled breath our cup of absolution; the tears of some dear friend our extreme unction; no complaint for past trials, but a grateful acknowledgment for all blessings, our parting word. And then, resigning ourselves to the universal Father, assured that whatever ought to be, and is best to be, will be, either absolute oblivion shall be welcome, or we will go forward to new destinies, whether with preserved identity or with transformed consciousness and powers being indifferent to us, since the will of God is done. In the mean time, until that critical pass and all decisive hour, as Milnes says: «Мы все должны стоять терпеливо, Как статуи на назначенных пьедесталах: все же мы можем выбирать, потому что выбор дается, чтобы избегать Сервисного довольства или неблагородного страха. В выражении нашего отношения, И с далеко напряженными глазами, и поднятыми руками, И ноги наполовину подняты, объявляй наше болезненное состояние, Тоска по крыльям, чтобы добраться до полей истины, Траур за мудрость, задыхаясь, чтобы быть свободным ». расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Доктрина медиавальной жизни будущего Период времени, охватываемый настоящей главой, начинается с конца Х века до середины шестнадцатого, начиная с первого полного создания римско-католического богословия и последнего общего ожидания ближайшего конца мира до начала упадка вероисповедания и успешной инаугурации протестантской реформации. Главной психической характеристикой этого возраста, особенно в отношении предмета будущей жизни, был страх. «Никогда, - говорит Мишелет, - можем ли мы знать, в каких ужасах прожил средневековый век». У всех за границей был живой страх перед людьми, страх перед государством, страх перед Церковью, страх перед Богом, страх перед дьяволом, страх перед адом, страх смерти. Проповедь была очень много в приглашении: «Представляйте руководству Церкви, пока вы живете», в соответствии с угрозой, «или ты уйдешь в ад, когда умрешь». Христианство практически сводилось к каким-то жестоким метафизическим догмам, механическому устройству для спасения пленных дьявола от него и системе ритуальной магии в руках священства, обладавшего авторитетом сверхъестественных ужасов над доверчивым и содрогающимся мирянами. Верно, что подлинный дух и содержание христианства никогда не были полностью подавлены. Любовь Бога, благословенное посредничество благоговейного Иисуса, сладостные прелести Блаженств, искупительная помилование, утешительное, торжествующее ожидание небес, никогда не были полностью изгнаны даже из верующих Темного Века. Несомненно, многие виновные, но раскаявшиеся души нашли прощение и покой, многие изящная и безупречная грудь была наполнена благочестивым восторгом, многие умирающие ученики были утешены и вдохновлены добрыми вестями, провозглашенными из жреческих губ даже тогда. Несомненно, священный страх и охрана мира, окружающего их участки, божественные уроки, внедренные в их стенах, жалкие молитвы дышали перед их алтарями, традициями святых мужчин и женщин, которые привлекали ангельских прихожан к их камерам и давно поднялись на сами ангелы, штаммы неземной мелодии, несущие сердца преклоняющейся на колени толпы в вечность, несомненно, что эти часто сделанные соборы и монастырь кажутся «островами святости среди дикого, ревущего, безбожного моря мира». Тем не менее, главным общим чувством времени в отношении будущей жизни был бесспорный страх, исходящий от веры, брака суеверной веры и ужаса. добрыми вестями, провозглашенными из жреческих губ даже тогда. Несомненно, священный страх и охрана мира, окружающего их участки, божественные уроки, внедренные в их стенах, жалкие молитвы дышали перед их алтарями, традициями святых мужчин и женщин, которые привлекали ангельских прихожан к их камерам и давно поднялись на сами ангелы, штаммы неземной мелодии, несущие сердца преклоняющейся на колени толпы в вечность, несомненно, что эти часто сделанные соборы и монастырь кажутся «островами святости среди дикого, ревущего, безбожного моря мира». Тем не менее, главным общим чувством времени в отношении будущей жизни был бесспорный страх, исходящий от веры, брака суеверной веры и ужаса. добрыми вестями, провозглашенными из жреческих губ даже тогда. Несомненно, священный страх и охрана мира, окружающего их участки, божественные уроки, внедренные в их стенах, жалкие молитвы дышали перед их алтарями, традициями святых мужчин и женщин, которые привлекали ангельских прихожан к их камерам и давно поднялись на сами ангелы, штаммы неземной мелодии, несущие сердца преклоняющейся на колени толпы в вечность, несомненно, что эти часто сделанные соборы и монастырь кажутся «островами святости среди дикого, ревущего, безбожного моря мира». Тем не менее, главным общим чувством времени в отношении будущей жизни был бесспорный страх, исходящий от веры, брака суеверной веры и ужаса. Несомненно, священный страх и охрана мира, окружающего их участки, божественные уроки, внедренные в их стенах, жалкие молитвы дышали перед их алтарями, традициями святых мужчин и женщин, которые привлекали ангельских прихожан к их камерам и давно поднялись на сами ангелы, штаммы неземной мелодии, несущие сердца преклоняющейся на колени толпы в вечность, несомненно, что эти часто сделанные соборы и монастырь кажутся «островами святости среди дикого, ревущего, безбожного моря мира». Тем не менее, главным общим чувством времени в отношении будущей жизни был бесспорный страх, исходящий от веры, брака суеверной веры и ужаса. Несомненно, священный страх и охрана мира, окружающего их участки, божественные уроки, внедренные в их стенах, жалкие молитвы дышали перед их алтарями, традициями святых мужчин и женщин, которые привлекали ангельских прихожан к их камерам и давно поднялись на сами ангелы, штаммы неземной мелодии, несущие сердца преклоняющейся на колени толпы в вечность, несомненно, что эти часто сделанные соборы и монастырь кажутся «островами святости среди дикого, ревущего, безбожного моря мира». Тем не менее, главным общим чувством времени в отношении будущей жизни был бесспорный страх, исходящий от веры, брака суеверной веры и ужаса. традиции святых мужчин и женщин, которые привлекли ангельских прихожан к их камерам и давно восстали, чтобы быть самими ангелами, напряжениями неземной мелодии, несущими сердца преклоняющей колени толпы в вечность, несомненно, эти часто делали собор и монастырь «острова святости среди дикого, ревущего, безбожного моря мира». Тем не менее, главным общим чувством времени в отношении будущей жизни был бесспорный страх, исходящий от веры, брака суеверной веры и ужаса. традиции святых мужчин и женщин, которые привлекли ангельских прихожан к их камерам и давно восстали, чтобы быть самими ангелами, напряжениями неземной мелодии, несущими сердца преклоняющей колени толпы в вечность, несомненно, эти часто делали собор и монастырь «острова святости среди дикого, ревущего, безбожного моря мира». Тем не менее, главным общим чувством времени в отношении будущей жизни был бесспорный страх, исходящий от веры, брака суеверной веры и ужаса. В течение шести столетий, которые сейчас рассматривались, католическая церковь и богословие были единственным общепризнанным христианством. Еретиков было мало и бессильно, и папская система имела полное влияние. Начиная с ранней части указанного периода рабочая теология Римской Церкви претерпела лишь немногие и, что касается нашего предмета, несущественные изменения или события. До того времени ее доктринальная схема была постепенной, постепенно ассимилируя внешние элементы и развиваясь шаг за шагом. Принципиальные изменения теперь касаются того, что мы заметили в отрывке из святоотеческой эсхатологии как выводящееся, например, из трудов Златоуста или, как видно из «Апостольского веры», к средневековой эсхатологии, как показано в «Сумме» Фомы Аквинского или в Катехизисе Трента. Суппозитивные детали мира в мире определенно были организованы в большее подразделение; небеса были открыты для регулярного приема определенных душ; свободные понятия о чистилище были завершены и консолидированы; и вся объединенная схема была организована как рабочий инструмент духовной власти и прибыли. Эти изменения, по-видимому, были вызваны, во-первых, постоянными ассимиляциями христианства к язычеству, как в доктрине, так и в церемонии, чтобы завоевать язычников; и, во-вторых, изменениями и изменениями для удовлетворения требований доктринальной последовательности и практической эффективности, неустанно возникающих из-за философского обсуждения и политической оппозиции. Степень, в которой папское христианство соответствовала предрассудкам и обычаям верующих-язычников, чья преданность требовалась, поражает. Он распространился на сотни подробностей, от самых фундаментальных принципов теологической спекуляции до самых тривиальных деталей ритуального обслуживания. Мы упомянем лишь несколько примеров такого рода, которые непосредственно относятся к предмету, который мы рассматриваем. Во-первых, иерофант в языческих мистериях и инициативные обряды были прототипами католического епископа и церемониями под его руководством. Христианское крещение было таким же, как и языческое посвящение: оба должны были очиститься от греха и обеспечить для своего субъекта лучшую судьбу в будущей жизни: поэтому они оба были задержаны до самой смерти. Во-вторых, католическая канонизация была такой же, как языческий апофеоз. Среди язычников масса человечества должна была спуститься к Аиду при смерти; но несколько возлюбленных были подняты к небу, обожествлены и поклонялись им. Поэтому римская церковь учила, что почти все души перешли в подземные обители, но что мученики и святые были приняты на небеса и могут на законных основаниях молиться. Thirdly, the heathen under world was subdivided into several regions, wherein different persons were disposed according to their deserts. The worst criminals were in the everlasting penal fire of Tartarus; the best heroes and sages were in the calm meadows of Elysium; the hapless children were detained in the dusky borders outside the grim realm of torture; and there was a purgatorial place where those not too guilty were cleansed from their stains. In like manner, the Romanist theologians divided the under world into four parts: hell for the final abode of the stubbornly wicked; one limbo for the painless, contented tarrying of the good patriarchs who died before the advent of Christ had made salvation possible, and another limbo for the sad and pallid resting place of those children who died unbaptized; purgatory, in which expiation is offered in agony for sins committed on earth and unatoned for.6 1 Middleton, Letter from Rome, showing an exact conformity between Popery and Paganism. 2 Lobeck, Aglaophamus, lib. i. sect. 6. Mosheim's Comm., ch. i. sect. 13. 3 Warburton, Div. Leg., book ii. sect. 4. 4 Terence, Phormio, act i scene 1. 5 Council of Trent, sess. vi. can. xxx. Sess. xxv.: Decree on Invocation of Saints. 6 See Milman, Hist. Latin Christianity, book xiv. ch. ii. Before proceeding further, we must trace the prevalence and progress of the doctrine of purgatory a little as it was known before its embodiment in mediaval mythology, and then as it was embodied there. The fundamental doctrine of the Hindu hell was that a certain amount of suffering undergone there would expiate a certain amount of guilt incurred here. When the disembodied soul had endured a sufficient quantity of retributive and purifying pain, it was loosed, and sent on earth in a new body. It was likewise a Hindu belief that the souls of deceased parents might be assisted out of this purgatorial woe by the prayers and offerings of their surviving children.7 The same doctrine was held by the Persians. They believed souls could be released from purgatory by the prayers, sacrifices, and good deeds of righteous surviving descendants and friends. "Zoroaster said he could, by prayer, send any one he chose to heaven or to hell." 8 Such representations are found obscurely in the Vendidad and more fully in the Bundehesh. The Persian doctrine that the living had power to affect the condition of the dead is further indicated in the fact that, from a belief that married persons were peculiarly happy in the future state, they often hired persons to be espoused to such of their relatives as had died in celibacy.9 The doctrine of purgatory was known and accepted among the Jews too. In the Second Book of Maccabees we read the following account: "Judas sent two thousand pieces of silver to Jerusalem to defray the expense of a sin offering to be offered for the sins of those who were slain, doing therein very well and honestly, in that he was mindful of the resurrection. For if he had not hoped that they who were slain should rise again, it had been superfluous and vain to pray for the dead. Whereupon he made an atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from sin."10 The Rabbins taught that children by sin offerings could help their parents out of their misery in the infernal world.11 They taught, furthermore, that all souls except holy ones, like those of Rabbi Akiba and his disciples, must lave themselves in the fire river of Gehenna; that therein they shall be like salamanders; that the just shall soon be cleansed in the fire river, but the wicked shall be lastingly burned.12 Again, we find this doctrine prevailing among the Romans. In the great Forum was a stone called "Lapis Manalis," described by Festus, which was supposed to cover the entrance to hell. This was solemnly lifted three times a year, in order to let those souls flow up whose sins had been purged away by their tortures or had been remitted in consideration of the offerings and services paid for them by the living. Virgil describes how souls are purified by the action of wind, water, and fire.13 The feast day of purgatory observed by papal Rome corresponds to the Lemuria celebrated by pagan Rome, and rests on the same doctrinal basis. In the Catholic countries of Europe at the present time, on All Saints' Day, festoons of sweet smelling flowers are hung on the tomb stones, and the people kneeling there repeat the prayer prescribed for releasing the souls of their relatives and friends from the plagues of purgatory. There is a notable coincidence between the Buddhist 7 See references to "Sraddha" in index to Vishnu Purana. 8 Atkinson's trans. of the Shah Nameh, p. 386. 9 Richardson, Dissertation on the Language, Literature, and Manners of the Eastern Nations, p. 347. 10 Cap. xii. 42-45. 11 Eisenmenger, Entdecktes Judenthum, th. ii. kap. vi. s. 357. 12 Kabbala Denudata, tom ii. pars. i. pp. 108, 109, 113. 13 Aneid, lib. vi. 1. 739. and the Romanist usages. Throughout the Chinese Empire, during the seventh moon of every year, prayers are offered up accompanied by illuminations and other rites for the release of souls in purgatory. At these times the Buddhist priests hang up large pictures, showing forth the frightful scenes in the other world, to induce the people to pay them money for prayers in behalf of their suffering relatives and friends in purgatory.14 Traces of belief in a purgatory early appear among the Christians. Many of the gravest Fathers of the first five centuries naturally conceived and taught, as is indeed intrinsically reasonable, that after death some souls will be punished for their sins until they are cleansed, and then will be released from pain. The Manichaans imagined that all souls, before returning to their native heaven, must be borne first to the moon, where with good waters they would be washed pure from outward filth, and then to the sun, where they would be purged by good fires from every inward stain.15 After these lunar and solar lustrations, they were fit for the eternal world of light. But the conception of purgatory as it was held by the early Christians, whether orthodox Fathers or heretical sects, was merely the just and necessary result of applying to the subject of future punishment the two ethical ideas that punishment should partake of degrees proportioned to guilt, and that it should be restorative. Jeremy Taylor conclusively argues that the prayers for the dead used by the early Christians do not imply any belief in the Papal purgatory.16 The severity and duration of the sufferings of the dead were not supposed to be in the power of the living, either their relatives or the clergy, but to depend on the moral and physical facts of the case according to justice and necessity, qualified only by the mercy of God. Pope Gregory the Great, in the sixth century, either borrowing some of the more objectionable features of the purgatory doctrine previously held by the heathen, or else devising the same things himself from a perception of the striking adaptedness of such notions to secure an enviable power to the Church, constructed, established, and gave working efficiency to the dogmatic scheme of purgatory ever since firmly defended by the papal adherents as an integral part of the Roman Catholic system.17 The doctrine as matured and promulgated by Gregory, giving to the representatives of the Church an almost unlimited power over purgatory, rapidly grew into favor with the clergy and sank with general conviction into the hopes and fears of the laity. Venerable Bede, in the eighth century, gives a long account of the fully developed doctrine concerning purgatory, hell, paradise, and heaven. It is narrated in the form of a vision seen by Drithelm, who, in a trance, visits the regions which, on his return, he describes. The whole thing is gross, literal, horrible, closely resembling several well known descriptions given under similar circumstances and preserved in ancient heathen writers.18 The Church, seeing how admirably this instrument was calculated to promote her interest and deepen her power, left hardly any means untried to enlarge its sweep and intensify its operation. Accordingly, from the ninth to the sixteenth century, no doctrine was so central, prominent, and effective in the common teaching and 14 Asiatic Journal, 1840, p. 210, note. 15 Mosheim, Comm., III. Century, sect. 49, note 3. 16 Dissuasive from Popery, part ii. book ii. sect. 2. 17 Edgar, Variations of Popery, ch. xvi. 18 Hist. Ecc., lib. v. cap. xii. See also lib. iii. cap. xix. practice of the Church, no fear was so widely spread and vividly felt in the bosom of Christendom, as the doctrine and the fear of purgatory. The Romanist theory of man's condition in the future life is this, in brief. By the sin of Adam, heaven was closed against him and all his posterity, and the devil acquired a right to shut up their disembodied souls in the under world. In consequence of the "original sin" transmitted from Adam, every human being, besides suffering the other woes flowing from sin, was helplessly doomed to the under world after death. In addition to this penalty, each one must also answer for his own personal sins. Christ died to "deliver mankind from sin," "discharge the punishment due them," and "rescue them from the tyranny of the devil." He "descended into the under world," "subdued the devil," "despoiled the depths," "rescued the Fathers and just souls," and "opened heaven."19 "Until he rose, heaven was shut against every child of Adam, as it still is to those who die indebted." "The price paid by the Son of God far exceeded our debts." The surplus balance of merits, together with the merits accruing from the supererogatory good works of the saints and from the Divine sacrifice continually offered anew by the sacrament of the mass, constituted a reserved treasure upon which the Church was authorized to draw in behalf of any one she chose to favor. The localities of the future life were these:20 Limbus Patrum, or Abraham's Bosom, a place of peace and waiting, where the good went who died before Christ; Limbus Infantum, a mild, palliated hell, where the children go who, since Christ, have died unbaptized; Purgatory, where all sinners suffer until they are purified, or are redeemed by the Church, or until the last day; Hell, or Gehenna, whither the hopelessly wicked have always been condemned; and Heaven, whither the spotlessly good have been admitted since the ascension of Jesus. At the day of judgment the few human souls who have reached Paradise, together with the multitudes that crowd the regions of Gehenna, Purgatory, and Limbo, will reassume their bodies: the intermediate states will then be destroyed, and when their final sentence is pronounced all will depart forever, the acquitted into heaven, the condemned into hell. In the mean time, the poor victims of purgatory, by the prayers of the living for them, by the transfer of good works to their account, above all, by the celebration of masses in their behalf, may be relieved, rescued, translated to paradise. The words breathed by the spirit of the murdered King of Denmark in the ears of the horror stricken Hamlet paint the popular belief of that age in regard to the grisly realm where guilty souls were plied with horrors whereof, but that they were forbidden: "To tell the secrets of their prison house, They could a tale unfold whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres, Thy knotted and combined locks to part, And each particular hair to stand on end Like quills upon the fretful porcupine." 19 Catechism of the Council of Trent. 20 Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologia, pars Suppl. Quast. 69. A few specimens of the stories embodying the ideas and superstitions current in the Middle Age may better illustrate the characteristic belief of the time than much abstract description. An unquestioning faith in the personality, visibility, and extensive agency of the devil was almost universal. Ascetics, saints, bishops, peasants, philosophers, kings, Gregory the Great, Martin Luther, all testified that they had often seen him. The mediaval conception of the devil was sometimes comical, sometimes awful. Grimm says, "He was Jewish, heathenish, Christian, idolatrous, elfish, titanic, spectral, all at once." He was "a soul snatching wolf," a "hell hound," a "whirlwind hammer;" now an infernal "parody of God" with "a mother who mimics the Virgin Mary," and now the "impersonated soul of evil."21 The well known story of Faust and the Devil, which in so many forms spread through Christendom, is so deeply significant of the faith and life of the age in which it arose that a volume would be required to unfold all its import. There was an old tradition that the students of necromancy or the black art, on reaching a certain pitch of proficiency, were obliged to run through a subterranean hall, where the devil literally caught the hindmost unless he sped so swiftly that the arch enemy could only seize his shadow, and in that case, a veritable Peter Schlemihl, he never cast a shadow afterwards! A man stood by his furnace one day casting eyes for buttons. The devil came up and asked what he was doing. "Casting eyes," replied the man. "Can you cast a pair for me?" quoth the devil. "That I can," says the man: "will you have them large or small?" "Oh, very large," answered the devil. He then ties the fiend on a bench and pours the molten lead into his eyes. Up jumps the devil, with the bench on his back, flees howling, and has never been seen since! There was also in wide circulation a wild legend to the effect that a man made a compact with the devil on the condition that he should secure a new victim for hell once in a century. As long as he did this he should enjoy life, riches, power, and a limited ubiquity; but failing a fresh victim at the end of each hundred years his own soul should be the forfeit. He lived four or five centuries, and then, in spite of his most desperate efforts, was disappointed of his expected victim on the last night of the century; and when the clock struck twelve the devil burst into his castle on a black steed and bore him off in a storm of lightning amidst the crash of thunders and the shrieks of fiends. St. Britius once during mass saw the devil in church taking account of the sins the congregation were committing. He covered the parchment all over, and, afraid of forgetting some of the offences, seized the scroll in his teeth and claws to stretch it out. It snapped, and his head was smartly bumped against the wall. St. Britius laughed aloud. The officiating priest rebuked him, but, on being told what had happened, improved the accident for the edification of his hearers.22 On the bursting of a certain glacier on the Alps, it is said the devil was seen swimming down the Rhone, a drawn sword in one hand, a golden ball in the other: opposite the town of Martigny, he cried, "Rise," and instantly the obedient river swelled above its banks and destroyed the town. Ignes fatui, hovering about marshes and misty places, were thought to be the spirits of unbaptized children endeavoring to guide travellers to the nearest water. A kindred fancy 21 Deutsche Mythologie, cap. xxxiii.: Teufel. 22 Quarterly Review, Jan. 1820: Pop. Myth. of the Middle Ages. also heard a spectral pack, called "yell hounds," afterwards corrupted to "hell hounds," composed of the souls of unbaptized children, which could not rest, but roamed and howled through the woods all night.23 A touching popular myth said, the robin's breast is so red because it flies into hell with drops of water in its bill to relieve the children there, and gets scorched. In 1171, Silo, a philosopher, implored a dying pupil of his to come back and reveal his state in the other world. A few days after his death the scholar appeared in a cowl of flames covered with logical propositions. He told Silo that he was from purgatory, that the cowl weighed on him worse than a tower, and said he was doomed to wear it for the pride he took in sophisms. As he thus spoke he let fall a drop of sweat on his master's hand, piercing it through. The next day Silo said to his scholars, "I leave croaking to frogs, cawing to crows, and vain things to the vain, and hie me to the logic which fears not death." "Linquo coax ranis, cras corvis, vanaque vanis, Ad logicen pergo qua mortis non timet ergo." 24 In the long, quaint poem, "Vision of William concerning Piers Ploughman," written probably by Robert Langland about the year 1362, there are many things illustrative of our subject. "I, Trojanus, a true knight, after death was condemned to hell for dying unbaptized. But, on account of my mercy and truth in administering the laws, the pope wished me to be saved; and God mercifully heard him and saved me without the help of masses."25 "Ever since the fall of Adam, Age has shaken the Tree of Human Life, and the devil has gathered the fruit into hell."26 The author gives a most spirited account of Christ's descent into the under world after his death, his battle with the devils there, his triumph over them, his rescue of Adam, and other particulars.27 In this poem, as in nearly all the extant productions of that period, there are copious evidences of the extent and power of the popular faith in the devil and in purgatory, and in their close connection with the present life, a faith nourishingly embodied in thousands of singular tales. Thomas Wright has collected many of these in his antiquarian works. He relates an amusing incident that once befell a minstrel who had been borne into hell by a devil. The devils went forth in a troop to ensnare souls on earth. Lucifer left the minstrel in charge of the infernal regions, promising, if he let no souls escape, to treat him on the return with a fat monk roasted, or a usurer dressed with hot sauce. But while the fiends were away St. Peter came, in disguise, and allured the minstrel to play at dice, and to stake the souls which were in torture under his care. Peter won, and carried them off in triumph. The devils, coming back and finding the fires all out and hell empty, kicked the hapless minstrel out, and Lucifer swore a big oath that no minstrel should ever darken the door of hell again! The mediaval belief in a future life was practically concentrated, for the most part, around the ideas of Satan, purgatory, the last judgment, hell. The faith in Christ, God, 23 Allies, Antiquities of Worcestershire, 2d ed. p. 256. 24 Michelet, Hist. de France, livre iv. chap. ix. 25 Vision of Dowell, part iii. 26 Vision of Dobet, part ii. 27 Ibid., part iv. heaven, was much rarer and less influential. Neander says, "The inmost distinction of mediaval experience was an awful sense of another life and an invisible world." A most piteous illustration of the conjoined faith and fear of that age is furnished by an old dialogue between the "Soul and the Body" recently edited by Halliwell, an expression of humble trust and crouching horror irresistibly pathetic in its simplicity.28 A flood of revealing light is given as to the energy with which the doctrine of purgatory impressed itself on the popular mind, by the two facts, first, that the Council of Auxerre, in 1578, prohibited the administration of the eucharist to the dead; and, secondly, that in the eleventh and twelfth centuries "crosses of absolution" that is, crosses cut out of sheet lead, with the formula of absolution engraved on them were quite commonly buried with the dead.29 The eager sincerity of the mediaval belief in another life is attested, too, by the correspondence of the representations of the dead in their legends to the appearance, disposition, and pursuits they had in life. No oblivious draught, no pure spiritualization, had freed the departed souls from earthly bonds and associations. Light pretexts drew them back to their wonted haunts. A buried treasure allowed them no rest till they had led some one to raise it. An unfinished task, an uncancelled obligation, forced them again to the upper world. In ruined castles the ghosts of knights, in their accustomed habiliments, held tournaments and carousals. The priest read mass; the hunter pursued his game; the spectre robber fell on the benighted traveller.30 It is hard for us now to reproduce, even in imagination, the fervid and frightful earnestness of the popular faith of the Middle Age in the ramifying agency of the devil and in the horrors of purgatory. We will try to do it, in some degree, by a series of illustrations aiming to show at once how prevalent such a belief and fear were, and how they became so prevalent. First, we may specify the teaching of the Church whose authority in spiritual concerns bore almost unquestioned sway over the minds of more than eighteen generations. By the logical subtleties of her scholastic theologians, by the persuasive eloquence of her popular preachers, by the frantic ravings of her fanatic devotees, by the parading proclamation of her innumerable pretended miracles, by the imposing ceremonies of her dramatic ritual, almost visibly opening heaven and hell to the over awed congregation, by her wonder working use of the relics of martyrs and saints to exorcise demons from the possessed and to heal the sick, and by her anathemas against all who were supposed to be hostile to her formulas, she infused the ideas of her doctrinal system into the intellect, heart, and fancy of the common people, and nourished the collateral horrors, until every wave of her wand convulsed the world. In a pastoral letter addressed to the Carlovingian prince Louis, the grandson of Charlemagne, a letter probably composed by the famous Hincmar, bearing date 858, and signed by the Bishops of Rheims and Rouen, a Gallic synod authoritatively declared that Charles Martel was damned; "that on the opening of his tomb the spectators were affrighted by a smell of fire and the aspect of a horrid dragon, and that a saint of the times was indulged with a pleasant vision of the soul and body of this great hero burning to all eternity in the abyss of hell." 28 Early English Miscellanies, No. 2. 29 London Antiquaries' Archaologis, vol. xxxv. art. 22. 30 Thorpe, Northern Mythology, vol. i., appendix. A tremendous impulse, vivifying and emphasizing the eschatological notions of the time, an impulse whose effects did not cease when it died, was imparted by that frightful epidemic expectation of the impending end of the world which wellnigh universally prevailed in Christendom about the year 1000. Many of the charters given at that time commence with the words, "As the world is now drawing to a close." 31 This expectation drew additional strength from the unutterable sufferings famine, oppression, pestilence, war, superstition then weighing on the people. "The idea of the end of the world," we quote from Michelet, "sad as that world was, was at once the hope and the terror of the Middle Age. Look at those antique statues of the tenth and eleventh centuries, mute, meager, their pinched and stiffened lineaments grinning with a look of living suffering allied to the repulsiveness of death. See how they implore, with clasped hands, that desired yet dreaded moment when the resurrection shall redeem them from their unspeakable sorrows and raise them from nothingness into existence and from the grave to God." Furthermore, this superstitious character of the mediaval belief in the future life acquired breadth and intensity from the profound general ignorance and trembling credulousness of that whole period on all subjects. It was an age of marvels, romances, fears, when every landscape of life "wore a strange hue, as if seen through the sombre medium of a stained casement." While congregations knelt in awe beneath the lifted Host, and the image of the dying Savior stretched on the rood glimmered through clouds of incense, perhaps an army of Flagellants would march by the cathedral, shouting, "The end of the world is at hand!" filling the streets with the echoes of their torture as they lashed their naked backs with knotted cords wet with blood; and no soul but must shudder with the infection of horror as the dreadful notes of the "Dies Iioe" went sounding through the air. The narratives of the desert Fathers, the miracles wrought in convent cells, the visions of pillar saints, the thrilling accompaniments of the Crusades, and other kindred influences, made the world a perpetual mirage. The belching of a volcano was the vomit of uneasy hell. The devil stood before every tempted man, Ghosts walked in every nightly dell. Ghastly armies were seen contending where the aurora borealis hung out its bloody banners. The Huns under Attila, ravaging Southern Europe, were thought to be literal demons who had made an irruption from the pit. The metaphysician was in peril of the stake as a heretic, the natural philosopher as a magician. A belief in witchcraft and a trust in ordeals were universal, even from Pope Eugenius, who introduced the trial by cold water, and King James, who wrote volumes on magic, to the humblest monk who shuddered when passing the church crypt, and the simplest peasant who quaked in his homeward path at seeing a will o' the wisp. "Denounced by the preacher and consigned to the flames by the judge, the wizard received secret service money from the Cabinet to induce him to destroy the hostile armament as it sailed before the wind." As a vivid writer has well said, "A gloomy mist of credulity enwrapped the cathedral and the hall of justice, the cottage and the throne. In the dank shadows of the universal ignorance a thousand superstitions, like foul animals of night, were propagated and nourished." 31 Hallam, Middle Ages, ch. ix. The beliefs and excitements of the mediaval period partook of a sort of epidemic character, diffusing and working like a contagion.32 There were numberless throngs of pilgrims to famous shrines, immense crowds about the localities of popular legends, relics, or special grace. In the magnetic sphere of such a fervid and credulous multitude, filled with the kindling interaction of enthusiasm, of course prodigies would abound, fables would flourish, and faith would be doubly generated and fortified. In commemoration of a miraculous act of virtue performed by St. Francis, the pope offered to all who should enter the church at Assisi between the eve of the 1st and the eve of the 2d of August each year that being the anniversary of the saint's achievement a free pardon for all the sins committed by them since their baptism. More than sixty thousand pilgrims sometimes flocked thither on that day. Every year some were crushed to death in the suffocating pressure at the entrance of the church. Nearly two thousand friars walked in procession; and for a series of years the pilgrimage to Portiuncula might have vied with that to the temple of Juggernaut.33 Nothing tends more to strengthen any given belief than to see it everywhere carried into practice and to act in accordance with it. Thus was it with the mediaval doctrine of the future life. Its applications and results were constantly and universally thrust into notice by the sale of indulgences and the launching of excommunications. Early in the ninth century, Charlemagne complained that the bishops and abbots forced property from foolish people by promises and threats: "Suadendo de coelestis regni beatitudine, comminando de oeterno supplicio inferni."34 The rival mendicant orders, the Franciscans and the Dominicans, acquired great riches and power by the traffic in indulgences. They even had the impudence to affirm that the members of their orders were privileged above all other men in the next world. Milton alludes to those who credited these monstrous assumptions: "And they who, to be sure of Paradise, Dying, put on the weeds of Dominic, Or in Franciscan think to pass disguised." The Council of Basle censured the claim of the Franciscan monks that their founder annually descended to purgatory and led thence to heaven the souls of all those who had belonged to his order. The Carmelites also asserted that the Virgin Mary appeared to Simon Stockius, the general of their order, and gave him a solemn promise that the souls of such as left the world with the Carmelite scapulary upon their shoulders should be infallibly preserved from eternal damnation. Mosheim says that Pope Benedict XIV. was an open defender of this ridiculous fiction.35 If any one would appreciate the full mediaval doctrine of the future life, whether with respect to the hair drawn scholastic metaphysics by which it was defended, or with respect to the concrete forms in which the popular apprehension held it, let him read the Divina Commedia of Dante; for it is all there. Whoso with adequate insight and sympathy peruses 32 Hecker, Epidemics of the Middle Ages. 33 Quarterly Review, July, 1819: article on Monachism. 34 Perry, History of the Franks, p. 467. 35 Eccl. Hist., XIII. Century, part ii. ch. 2, sect. 29. the pages of the immortal Florentine at whom the people pointed as he walked the streets, and said, "There goes the man who has been in hell" will not fail to perceive with what a profound sincerity the popular breast shuddered responsive to ecclesiastical threats and purgatorial woes. The tremendous moral power of this solitary work lies in the fact that it is a series of terrific and fascinating tableaux, embodying the idea of inflexible poetic justice impartially administered upon king and varlet, pope and beggar, oppressor and victim, projected amidst the unalterable necessities of eternity, and moving athwart the lurid abyss and the azure cope with an intense distinctness that sears the gazer's eyeballs. The Divina Commedia, with a wonderful truth, also reflects the feeling of the age when it was written in this respect, that there is a grappling force of attraction, a compelling realism, about its "Purgatory" and "Hell" which are to be sought in vain in the delineations of its "Paradise." The mediaval belief in a future life had for its central thought the day of judgment, for its foremost emotion terror.36 The roots of this faith were unquestionably fertilized, and the development of this fear quickened, to a very great extent, by deliberate and systematic delusions. One of the most celebrated of these organized frauds was the gigantic one perpetrated under the auspices of the Dominican monks at Berne in 1509, the chief actors in which were unmasked and executed. Bishop Burnet has given an extremely interesting account of this affair in his volume of travels. Suffice it to say, the monks appeared at midnight in the cells of various persons, now impersonating devils, in horrid attire, breathing flames and brimstone, now claiming to be the souls of certain sufferers escaped from purgatory, and again pretending to be celebrated saints, with the Virgin Mary at their head. By the aid of mechanical and chemical arrangements, they wrought miracles, and played on the terror and credulity of the spectators in a frightful manner.37 There is every reason to suppose that such deceptions miracles in which secret speaking tubes, asbestos, and phosphorus were indispensable38 were most frequent in those ages, and were as effective as the actors were unscrupulous and the dupes unsuspicious. Here is revealed one of the foremost of the causes which made the belief of the Dark Age in the numerous appearances of ghosts and devils so common and so intense that it gave currency to the notion that the swarming spirits of purgatory were disembogued from dusk till dawn. So the Danish monarch, revisiting the pale glimpses of the moon, says to Hamlet, "I am thy father's spirit, Doom'd for a certain time to walk the night, And for the day confined to fast in fires, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature Are burnt and purged away." 36 If any one would see in how many forms the faith in hell and in the devil appeared, let him look over the pages of the "Dictionnaire Infernal," by J. Collin de Plancy. 37 Maclaine's trans, of Mosheim's Eccl. Hist., vol. ii. p. 10, note. 38 Manufactures of the Ancients, pub. by Harper and Brothers, 1845, part iv. ch. 3. When the shadows began to fall thick behind the sunken sun, these poor creatures were thought to spring from their beds of torture, to wander amidst the scenes of their sins or to haunt the living; but at the earliest scent of morn, the first note of the cock, they must hie to their fire again. Midnight was the high noon of ghostly and demoniac revelry on the earth. As the hour fell with brazen clang from the tower, the belated traveller, afraid of the rustle of his own dress, the echo of his own footfall, the wavering of his own shadow, afraid of his own thoughts, would breathe the suppressed invocation, "Angels and ministers of grace defend us!" as the idea crept curdling over his brain and through his veins, "It is the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world." Working in alliance with the foregoing forces of superstition was the powerful influence of the various forms of insanity which remarkably abounded in the Middle Age. The insane person, it was believed, was possessed by a demon. His ravings, his narratives, were eagerly credited; and they were usually full of infernal visions, diabolical interviews, encounters with apparitions, and every thing that would naturally arise in a deranged and preternaturally sensitive mind from the chief conceptions then current concerning the invisible world.39 The principal works of art exposed to the people were such as served to impress upon their imaginations the Church doctrine of the future life in all its fearfulness, with its vigorous dramatic points. In the cathedral at Antwerp there is a representation of hell carved in wood, whose marvellous elaborateness astonishes, and whose painful expressiveness oppresses, every beholder. With what excruciating emotions the pious crowds must have contemplated the harrowingly vivid paintings of the Inferno, by Orcagna, still to be seen in the Campo Santo of Pisa! In the cathedral at Canterbury there was a window on which was painted a detailed picture of Christ vanquishing the devils in their own domain; but we believe it has been removed. However, the visitor still sees on the fine east window of York Cathedral the final doom of the wicked, hell being painted as an enormous mouth; also in the west front of Lincoln Cathedral an ancient bas relief representing hell as a monstrous mouth vomiting flame and serpents, with two human beings walking into it. The minster at Freyburg has a grotesque bas relief over its main portal, representing the Judgment. St. Nicholas stands in the centre, and the Savior is seated above him. On the left, an angel weighs mankind in a huge pair of scales, and a couple of malicious imps try to make the human scale kick the beam. Underneath, St. Peter is ushering the good into Paradise. On the right is shown a devil, with a pig's head, dragging after him a throng of the wicked. He also has a basket on his back filled with figures whom he is in the act of flinging into a reeking caldron stirred by several imps. Hell is typified, on one side, by the jaws of a monster crammed to the teeth with reprobates, and Satan is seen sitting on his throne above them. A recent traveller writes from 39 De Boismont, Rational Hist. of Hallucivatious, ch. xiv. Naples, "The favorite device on the church walls here is a vermilion picture of a male and a female soul, respectively up to the waist [the waist of a soul!] in fire, with an angel over each watering them from a water pot. This is meant to get money from the compassionate to pay for the saying of masses in behalf of souls in purgatory." Ruskin has described some of the church paintings of the Last Judgment by the old masters as possessing a power even now sufficient to stir every sensibility to its depths. Such works, gazed on day after day, while multitudes were kneeling beneath in the shadowy aisles, and clouds of incense were floating above, and the organ was pealing and the choir chanting in full accord, must produce lasting effects on the imagination, and thus contribute in return to the faith and fear which inspired them. Villani as also Sismondi gives a description of a horrible representation of hell shown at Florence in 1304 by the inhabitants of San Priano, on the river Arno. The glare of flames, the shrieks of men disguised as devils, scenes of infernal torture, filled the night. Unfortunately, the scaffolding broke beneath the crowd, and many spectators were burned or drowned, and that which began as an entertaining spectacle ended as a direful reality. The whole affair is a forcible illustration of the literality with which the popular mind and faith apprehended the notion of the infernal world. Another means by which the views we have been considering were both expressed and recommended to the senses and belief of the people was those miracle plays that formed one of the most peculiar features of the Middle Age. These plays, founded on, and meant to illustrate, Scripture narratives and theological doctrines, were at first enacted by the priests in the churches, afterwards by the various trading companies or guilds of mechanics. In 1210, Pope Gregory "forbade the clergy to take any part in the plays in churches or in the mummings at festivals." A similar prohibition was published by the Council of Treves, in 1227. The Bishop of Worms, in 1316, issued a proclamation against the abuses which had crept into the festivities of Easter, and gives a long and curious description of them.40 There were two popular festivals, of which Michelet gives a full and amusing description, one called the "Fete of the Tipsy Priests," when they elected a Bishop of Unreason, offered him incense of burned leather, sang obscene songs in the choir, and turned the altar into a dice table; the other called the "Fete of the Cuckolds," when the laymen crowned each other with leaves, the priests wore their surplices wrong side out and threw bran in each others' eyes, and the bell ringers pelted each other with biscuits. There is a religious play by Calderon, entitled "The Divine Orpheus," in which the entire Church scheme of man's fall the devil's empire, Christ's descent there, and the victorious sequel is embodied in a most effective manner. In the priestly theology and in the popular heart of those times there was no other single particular one tenth part so prominent and vivid as that of Christ's entrance after his death into hell to rescue the old saints and break down Satan's power.41 40 Early Mysteries and Latin Poems of the XII. and XIII. Centuries, edited by Thomas Wright. See the eloquent sermon on this subject preached by Luis de Granada in the sixteenth century. Ticknor's Hist. Spanish Lit., vol. iii. pp. 123-127. Peter Lombard says, "What did the Redeemer do to the despot who had us in his bonds? He offered him the cross as a mouse trap, and put his blood on it as bait." 42 About that scene there was an incomparable fascination for every believer. Christ laid aside his Godhead and died. The devil thought he had secured a new victim, and humanity swooned in grief and despair. But, lo! the Crucified, descending to the inexorable dungeons, puts on all his Divinity, and suddenly "The captive world awakt, and founde The pris'ner loose, the jailer bounde!" 43 A large proportion of the miracle plays, or Mysteries, turned on this event. In the "Mystery of the Resurrection of Christ" occurs the following couplet: "This day the angelic King has risen, Leading the pious from their prison." 44 The title of one of the principal plays in the Towneley Mysteries is "Extractio Animarum ab Inferno." It describes Christ descending to the gates of hell to claim his own. Adam sees afar the gleam of his coming, and with his companions begins to sing for joy. The infernal porter shouts to the other demons, in alarm, "Since first that hell was made and I was put therein, Such sorrow never ere I had, nor heard I such a din. My heart begins to start; my wit it waxes thin; I am afraid we can't rejoice, these souls must from us go. Ho, Beelzebub! bind these boys: such noise was never heard in hell." Satan vows he will dash Beelzebub's brains out for frightening him so. Meanwhile, Christ draws near, and says, "Lift up your gates, ye princes, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in." The portals fly asunder. Satan shouts up to his friends, "Dyng the dastard down;" but Beelzebub replies, "That is easily said." Jesus and the devil soon meet, face to face. A long colloquy ensues, in the course of which the latter tells the former that he knew his Father well by sight! At last Jesus frees Adam, Eve, the prophets, and others, and ascends, leaving the devil in the lowest pit, resolving that hell shall soon be fuller than before; for he will walk east and he will walk west, and he will seduce thousands from their allegiance. Another play, similar to the foregoing, but much more extensively known and acted, was called the "Harrowing of Hell." Christ and Satan appear on the stage and argue in the most approved scholastic style for the right of possession in the human race. Satan says, "Whoever purchases any thing, It belongs to him and to his children. Adam, hungry, came to me; 42 Sententia, lib. iii. distinctio 19. 43 Hone, Ancient Mysteries. 44 "Resurrexit hodie Rex angelorum Ducitur de tenebris turba piorum." I made him do me homage: For an apple, which I gave him, He and all his race belong to me." But Christ instantly puts a different aspect on the argument, by replying, "Satan! it was mine, The apple thou gavest him. The apple and the apple tree Both were made by me. As he was purchased with my goods, With reason will I have him." 45 In a religious Mystery exhibited at Lisbon as late as the close of the eighteenth century, the following scene occurs. Cain kicks his brother Abel badly and kills him. A figure like a Chinese mandarin, seated in a chair, condemns Cain and is drawn up into the clouds. The mouth of hell then appears, like the jaws of a great dragon: amid smoke and lightning it casts up three devils, one of them having a wooden leg. These take a dance around Cain, and are very jocose, one of them inviting him to hell to take a cup of brimstone coffee, and another asking him to make up a party at whist. Cain snarls, and they tumble him and themselves headlong into the squib vomiting mouth. Various books of accounts kept by the trading companies who celebrated these Mysteries of the expenses incurred have been published, and are exceedingly amusing. "Item: payd for kepyng of fyer at hellmothe, four pence." "For a new hoke to hang Judas, six pence." "Item: payd for mendyng and payntyng hellmouthe, two pence." "Girdle for God, nine pence." "Axe for Pilatte's son, one shilling." "A staff for the demon, one penny." "God's coat of white leather, three shillings." The stage usually consisted of three platforms. On the highest sat God, surrounded by his angels. On the next were the saints in Paradise, the intermediate state of the good after death. On the third were mere men yet living in the world. On one side of the lowest stage, in the rear, was a fearful cave or yawning mouth filled with smoke and flames, and denoting hell. From this ever and anon would issue the howls and shrieks of the damned. Amidst hideous yellings, devils would rush forth and caper about and snatch hapless souls into this pit to their doom.46 The actors, in their mock rage, sometimes leaped from the pageant into the midst of the laughing, screaming, trembling crowd. The dramatis personoe included many queer characters, such as a "Worm of Conscience," "Deadman," (representing a soul delivered from hell at the descent of Christ,) numerous "Damned Souls," dressed in flame colored garments, "Theft," "Lying," "Gluttony." But the devil himself was the favorite character; and often, when his personified vices jumped on him and pinched and cudgelled him till he roared, the mirth of the honest audience knew no bounds. For there were in the Middle Age two sides to the popular idea of the devil and of all appertaining to him. He was a soul harrowing bugbear or a rib shaking jest according to the hour and one's 45 Halliwell's edition of the Harrowing of Hell, p. 18. 46 Sharp, Essay on the Dramatic Mysteries, p. 24. humor. Rabelais's Pantagruel is filled with irresistible burlesques of the doctrine of purgatory. The ludicrous side of this subject may be seen by reading Tarlton's "Jests" and his "Newes out of Purgatorie." 47 Glimpses of it are also to be caught through many of the humorous passages in Shakspeare. Dromio says of an excessively fat and greasy kitchen wench, "If she lives till doomsday she'll burn a week longer than the whole world!" And Falstaff, cracking a kindred joke on Bardolph's carbuncled nose, avows his opinion that it will serve as a flaming beacon to light lost souls the way to purgatory! Again, seeing a flea on the same flaming proboscis, the doughty knight affirmed it was "a black soul burning in hell fire." In this element of mediaval life, this feature of mediaval literature, a terrible belief lay under the gay raillery. Here is betrayed, on a wide scale, that natural reaction of the faculties from excessive oppression to sportive wit, from deep repugnance to superficial jesting, which has often been pointed out by philosophical observers as a striking fact in the psychological history of man. One more active and mighty cause of the dreadful faith and fear with which the Middle Age contemplated the future life was the innumerable and frightful woes, crimes, tyrannies, instruments of torture, engines of persecution, insane superstitions, which then existed, making its actual life a hell. The wretchedness and cruelty of the present world were enough to generate frightful beliefs and cast appalling shadows over the future. If the earth was full of devils and phantoms, surely hell must swarm worse with them. The Inquisition sat shrouded and enthroned in supernatural obscurity of cunning and awfulness of power, and thrust its invisible daggers everywhere. The facts men knew here around them gave credibility to the imagery in which the hereafter was depicted. The flaming stakes of an Auto da Fe around which the victims of ecclesiastical hatred writhed were but faint emblems of what awaited their souls in the realm of demons whereto the tender mercies of the Church consigned them. Indeed, the fate of myriads of heretics and traitors could not fail to project the lurid vision of hell with all its paraphernalia into the imaginations of the people of the Dark Age. The glowing lava of purgatory heated the soil they trod, and a smell of its sulphur surcharged the air. A stupendous revelation of terror, bearing whole volumes of direful meaning, is given in the single fact that it was a common belief of that period that the holy Inquisitors would sit with Christ in the judgment at the last day.48 If king or noble took offence at some uneasy retainer or bold serf, he ordered him to be secretly buried in the cell of some secluded fortress, and he was never heard of more. So, if pope or priest hated or feared some stubborn thinker, he straightway, "Would banish him to wear a burning chain In the great dungeons of the unforgiven, Beneath the space deep castle walls of heaven." It was an age of cruelty, never to be restored, when the world was boiling in tempest and men rode on the crests of fear. 47 Recently edited by Halliwell and published by the Shakspeare Society. 48 Hagenbach, Dogmengeschichte, sect. 205. Researches made within the last century among the remains of famous mediaval edifices, both ecclesiastic and state, have brought to light the dismal records of forgotten horrors. In many a royal palace, priestly building, and baronial castle, there were secret chambers full of infernal machinery contrived for inflicting tortures, and under them concealed trap doors opening into rayless dungeons with no outlet and whose floors were covered with the mouldering bones of unfortunate wretches who had mysteriously disappeared long ago and tracelessly perished there. Sometimes these trap doors were directly above profound pits of water, in which the victim would drown as he dropped from the mangling hooks, racks, and pincers of the torture chamber. There were horrible rumors current in the Middle Age of a machine called the "Virgin," used for putting men to death; but little was known about it, and it was generally supposed to be a fable, until, some years ago one of the identical machines was discovered in an old Austrian castle. It was a tall wooden woman, with a painted face, which the victim was ordered to kiss. As he approached to offer the salute, he trod on a spring, causing the machine to fly open, stretch out a pair of iron arms, and draw him to its breast covered with a hundred sharp spikes, which pierced him to death.49 Ignorance and alarm, in a suffering and benighted age, surrounded by sounds of superstition and sights of cruelty, must needs breed and foster a horrid faith in regard to the invisible world. Accordingly, the common doctrine of the future life prevailing in Christendom from the ninth century till the sixteenth was as we have portrayed it. Of course there are exceptions to be admitted and qualifications to be made; but, upon the whole, the picture is faithful. Fortunately, intellect and soul could not slumber forever, nor the mediaval nightmares always keep their torturing seat on the bosom of humanity. Noble men arose to vindicate the rights of reason and the divinity of conscience. The world was circumnavigated, and its revolution around the sun was demonstrated. A thousand truths were discovered, a thousand inventions introduced. Papacy tottered, its prestige waned, its infallibility sunk. The light of knowledge shone, the simplicity of nature was seen, and the benignity of God was surmised. Thought, throwing off many restrictions and accumulating much material, began to grow free, and began to grow wise. And so, before the calm, steady gaze of enlightened and cheerful reason, the live and crawling smoke of hell, which had so long enwreathed the mind of the time with its pendent and breathing horrors, gradually broke up and dissolved, "Like a great superstitious snake, uncurled From the pale temples of the awakening world." 49 «Поцелуй Богородицы», в «Археологии», опубликованной лондонскими антикварами, том. XXVIII. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Доктрина будущей жизни в Апокалипсисе Прежде чем пытаться продемонстрировать учение о будущей жизни, содержащееся в Апокалипсисе, мы предлагаем кратко рассказать о том, что содержится в этой теме, в Послании Иакова, Послании Иуды и (так называемом) втором Послание Петра. Ссылки, сделанные Джеймсом на группу пунктов, включенных в общую тему будущей жизни, настолько малы и косвенны, или расплывчаты, что невозможно построить какую-либо вещь, как полное учение от них, за исключением несколько произвольных и неопределенных предположений , Его цель в письменном виде, очевидно, была практическим увещанием, а не догматическим обучением. Его послание не содержит пояснительной схемы системы; но в нем есть намеки и намеки, которые явно подразумевают некоторые частичные взгляды, принадлежащие системе, в то время как другие ее части остаются неясными. Он говорит, что «злое желание порождает грех, а грех, когда он закончен, порождает смерть». Но планировал ли он этот текст как моральную метафору передать духовный смысл или как буквальное изложение физического факта или как всеобъемлющее высказывание, включающее обе эти идеи, в этом контексте нет ничего положительного для определения. Он не предлагает ни малейшего намека на его концепцию цели смерти и воскресения Христа. Он использует слово для еврейского ад, но один раз, а затем, несомненно, в переносном смысле, говоря, что «curbless и оскверняя язык устанавливается в огне геенны.» Он, кажется, принимает общее представление о своих современных соотечественниках в отношении демонических сущностей, когда он заявляет, что «дьяволы верят, что есть один Бог и трепещут», и когда он восклицает: «Сопротивляй дьяволу, и он убежит от тебя «. Он настаивает на необходимости веры, которая проявляет себя в добрых делах и во всех добродетелях, как средства принятия с Богом. Он сравнивает жизнь с исчезающим паром, осуждает ужасно нечестивых и развратных богатых людей, которые хотят совершить преступления и притесняют бедных. Затем он призывает страждущих братьев терпеливо относиться к их страданиям «до пришествия Господа»; воздерживаться от клятв, быть горячими в молитве и утверждать их сердца, «ибо приближается Господь». «Не обижайся ни на кого другого, братия, чтобы вы не были осуждены: вот, Судья стоит перед дверью». Здесь явно подразумевается возвращение Христа, завершение его работы, суждение, принятие некоторых и отвержение других. И если бы Джеймс придерживался этого элемента общей схемы эсхатологии, которой придерживались другие апостолы, как показано в их посланиях, вполне вероятно, что он также охватил остальную часть этой схемы. Нет никаких определённых определений, независимо от того, сделал он это или нет; хоть, по мнению очень образованного и острого богослова, еще одна фундаментальная часть этой общей системы учения должна быть найдена в последнем стихе послания, где Джеймс говорит, что «тот, кто обращает грешника от ошибки его путей, спасет душу от смерти и скрыть множество грехов ». Бретшнайдер считает, что спасение души от смерти означает спасение ее от нисхождения в подпольный мир, слово смерти часто используется в Новом Завете, как и раввины, чтобы обозначить подземную обитель мертвых. Это 1 Bretschneider, Religiose Glaubenslehre, sect. 59. интерпретация может казаться вынужденной для неграмотного читателя, который рассматривает текст для личной выгоды, но не кажется совершенно невероятным для того, кто, изучая его историческое значение, читает текст в освещенном переднем плане ума, на фоне которого лежит организовал знание всех материалов, необходимых для адекватной критики. Для такого человека был сам Брецшнейдер. Эсхатологические последствия и ссылки в Послании Иуды имеют почти такой же характер и степень, что и те, которые мы только что рассмотрели. Тщательное изучение и анализ этого краткого документа покажет, что его можно условно разделить на три головы и рассматривать как имеющее три объекта. Во-первых, писатель призывает своих читателей «серьезно бороться за веру, однажды преданную святым», «вспомнить слова апостолов Христа», «чтобы оставаться в любви к Богу, ища вечную жизнь». Он хочет побудить их к усердию в попытках сохранить свою доктринальную чистоту и свою личную добродетель. Во-вторых, он предупреждает их о страшной опасности разврата, гордости и непристойности. Это предупреждение он применяет несколькими примерами ужасных суждений Бога о мятежных и злых в другие времена. Среди этих случаев есть случай с Городами Равнины, вечно разрушенными бурей огня для их нечистоты; также пример падших ангелов », которые не сохранили своего первого имения, но оставили свое надлежащее жилище и защищены в вечных цепях и темноте до суда великого дня». Писатель здесь принимает учение о падших ангелах и связанные взгляды, которые тогда обычно принимались среди евреев. Эта доктрина не относится к христианскому происхождению, но была взята из персидских и других восточных источников, как это показано в изобилии, с деталями почти в каждой истории еврейских мнений почти в каждом библейском комментарии.2 В этой связи Джуд приводит легенду из апокрифическая книга, называемый «Вознесение Моисея», из которого Ориген дает отчет 3. Суть традиции заключается в том, что при смерти Моисея Майкл и Сатана утверждали, должно ли тело быть предано смерти или вознесено на небеса , Уместность этой аллюзии состоит в том, что, хотя в этой борьбе архангел не осмеливался напасть на сатану, но злые люди, которых осуждает Иуда, не стесняются хулить ангелов и говорить зло о вещах, которых они не знают. «Горе таким нечестивым людям: прожорливые пятна, бесцветные облака, бесплодные деревья, вырванные и дважды мертвые, они рукоположены в осуждение». В-третьих, послание объявляет о втором пришествии Христа в последний раз, чтобы основать свой трибунал. Пророчество Еноха - апокрифическая книга, найденная в нынешнем веке, цитируется: «Вот, 2 E. g. Stuart's Dissertation on the Angelology of the Scriptures, published in vol. i. of the Bibliotheca Sacra. 3 De Principiis, lib. iii. cap 2. See, also, in Michaelis's Introduction to the New Testament, sect. 4 of the chapter on Jude. 4 Book of Enoch, translated by Dr. R. Laurence, cap. ii. thought it imminently necessary for men to be diligent in striving to secure their salvation, because "all sensual mockers, not having the spirit, but walking after their own ungodly lusts," would be lost. He probably expected that, when all free contingencies were past and Christ had pronounced sentence, the condemned would be doomed eternally into the black abyss, and the accepted would rise into the immortal glory of heaven. He closes his letter with these significant words, which plainly imply much of what we have just been setting forth: "Everlasting honor and power, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be unto God, who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the face of his glory with exceeding joy."5 The first chapter of the so called Second Epistle of Peter is not occupied with theological propositions, but with historical, ethical, and practical statements and exhortations. These are, indeed, of such a character, and so expressed, that they clearly presuppose certain opinions in the mind of the writer. First, he evidently believed that a merciful and holy message had been sent from God to men by Jesus Christ, whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises." The substance of these promises was "a call to escape the corruption of the world, and enter into glory and be partakers of the Divine nature." By partaking of the Divine nature, we understand the writer to mean entering the Divine abode and condition, ascending into the safe and eternal joy of the celestial prerogatives. That the author here denotes heaven by the term glory, as the other New Testament writers frequently do, appears distinctly from the seventeenth and eighteenth verses of the chapter, where, referring to the incident at the baptism of Jesus, he declares, "There came a voice from the excellent glory, saying, 'This is my beloved Son;' and this voice, which came from heaven, we heard." Secondly, our author regarded this glorious promise as contingent on the fulfilment of certain conditions. It was to be realized by means of "faith, courage, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, kindness, and love." "He that hath these things shall never fall," "but an entrance shall be ministered unto him abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." The writer furnishes us no clew to his idea of the particular part performed by Christ in our salvation. He says not a word concerning the sufferings or death of the Savior; and the extremely scanty and indefinite allusions made to the relation in which Christ was supposed to stand between God and men, and the redemption and reconciliation of men with God, do not enable us to draw any dogmatic conclusions. He speaks of "false teachers, who shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them." But whether by this last phrase he means to imply a ransom of imprisoned souls from the under world by Christ's descent thither and victory over its powers, or a purchased exemption of sinners from their merited doom by the vicarious sufferings of Christ's death, or a practical regenerative redemption of disciples from their sins by the moral influences of his mission, his teachings, example, and character, there is nothing in the epistle clearly to decide; though, forming our judgment by the aid of other sources of information, we should conclude in favor of the first of these three conceptions as most probably expressing the writer's thought. 5 Griesbuch's reading of the 25th verse of Jude. The second chapter of the epistle is almost an exact parallel with the Epistle of Jude: in many verses it is the same, word for word. It threatens "unclean, self willed, unjust, and blaspheming men," that they shall "be reserved unto the day of judgment, to be punished." It warns such persons by citing the example of the rebellious "angels, who were thrust down into Tartarus, and fastened in chains of darkness until the judgment." It speaks of "cursed children, to whom is reserved the mist of darkness forever." Herein, plainly enough, is betrayed the common notion of the Jews of that time, the conception of a dismal under world, containing the evil angels of the Persian theology, and where the wicked were to be remanded after judgment and eternally imprisoned. The third and last chapter is taken up with the doctrine of the second coming of Christ. "Be mindful of the words of the prophets and apostles, knowing this first, that in the last days there shall be scoffers, who will say, 'Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as from the beginning.'" The writer meets this skeptical assertion with denial, and points to the Deluge, "whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished." His argument is, the world was thus destroyed once, therefore it may be destroyed again. He then goes on to assert positively relying for authority on old traditions and current dogmas that "the heavens and the earth which are now are kept by the word of God in store to be destroyed by fire in the day of judgment, when the perdition of ungodly men shall be sealed." "The delay of the Lord to fulfil his promise is not from procrastination, but from his long suffering who is not willing that any should perish." He waits "that all may come to repentance." But his patience will end, and "the day of God come as a thief in the night, when the heavens, being on fire, shall pass away with a crash, and the elements melt with fervent heat." There are two ways in which these declarations may be explained, though in either case the events they refer to are to occur in connection with the physical reappearance of Christ. First, they may be taken in a highly figurative sense, as meaning the moral overthrow of evil and the establishment of righteousness in the world. Similar expressions were often used thus by the ancient Hebrew prophets, who describe the triumphs of Israel and the destruction of their enemies, the Edomites or the Assyrians, by the interposition of Jehovah's arm, in such phrases as these. "The mountains melt, the valleys cleave asunder like wax before a fire, like waters poured over a precipice." "The heavens shall be rolled up like a scroll, all their hosts shall melt away and fall down; for Jehovah holdeth a great slaughter in the land of Edom: her streams shall be turned into pitch, and her dust into brimstone, and her whole land shall become burning pitch." The suppression of Satan's power and the setting up of the Messiah's kingdom might, according to the prophetic idiom, be expressed in awful images of fire and woe, the destruction of the old, and the creation of a new, heaven and earth. But, secondly, this phraseology, as used by the writer of the epistle before us, may have a literal significance, may have been intended to predict strictly that the world shall be burned and purged by fire at the second coming of the Lord. That such a catastrophe would take place in the last day, or occurred periodically, was notoriously the doctrine of the Persians and of the Stoics.6 For our own part, we are convinced that the latter is the real meaning of the writer. This seems to be shown alike by the connection of his argument, by the prosaic literality of detail with which he speaks, and by the earnest exhortations he immediately bases on the declaration he has made. He reasons that, since the world was destroyed once by water, it may be again by fire. The deluge he certainly regarded as literal: was not, then, in his conception, the fire, too, literal? He says, with calm, prosaic precision, "The earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing, then, that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holiness, looking for a new heaven and a new earth, and striving that ye may be found by him in peace, without spot, and blameless!" We do not suppose this writer expected the annihilation of the physical creation, but only that the fire would destroy all unransomed creatures from its surface, and thoroughly purify its frame, and make it clean and fit for a new race of sinless and immortal men. "Tears shall not break from their full source, Nor Anguish stray from her Tartarean den, The golden years maintain a course Not undiversified, though smooth and even, We not be mock'd with glimpse and shadow then, Bright seraphs mix familiarly with men, And earth and sky compose a universal heaven." We have now arrived at the threshold of the last book in the New Testament, that book which, in the words of Lucke, "lies like a Sphinx at the lofty outgate of the Bible." There are three modes of interpreting the Apocalypse, each of which has had numerous and distinguished advocates. First, it may be regarded as a congeries of inspired prophecies, a scenic unfolding, with infallible foresight, of the chief events of Christian history from the first century till now, and onwards. This view the combined effect of the facts in the case and of all the just considerations appropriate to the subject compels us to reject. There is no evidence to support it; the application of it is crowded with egregious follies and absurdities. We thus simply state the result of our best investigation and judgment, for there is no space here to discuss it in detail. Secondly, the book may be taken as a symbolic exhibition of the transitional crises, exposures, struggles, and triumphs of the individual soul, a description of personal experience, a picture of the inner life of the Christian in a hostile world. The contents of it can be made to answer to such a characterization only by the determined exercise of an unrestrained fancy, or by the theory of a double sense, as the Swedenborgians expound it. This method of interpreting the Revelation is adopted, not by scholarly thinkers, who, by the light of learning and common sense, seek to discern what the writer meant to express, but by those persons who go to the obscure document, with traditional superstition and lawless imaginations, to see what lessons they can find there for their experimental guidance and edification. We suppose that every intelligent and informed student who has 6 Cicero de Nat. Deorum, lib. ii. cap. 46. Also Ovid, Minucius Felix, Seneca, and other authorities, as quoted by Rosenmuller on 2 Peter iii. 7. examined the subject with candid independence holds it as an exegetical axiom that the Apocalypse is neither a pure prophecy, blazing full illumination from Patmos along the track of the coming centuries, nor an exhaustive vision of the experience of the faithful Christian disciple. We are thus brought to the third and, as we think, the correct mode of considering this remarkable work. It is an outburst from the commingled and seething mass of opinions, persecutions, hopes, general experience, and expectation of the time when it was written. This is the view which would naturally arise in the mind of an impartial student from the nature of the case, and from contemplating the fervid faith, suffering, lowering elements, and thick coming events of the apostolic age. It also strikingly corresponds with numerous express statements and with the whole obvious spirit and plan of the work; for its descriptions and appeals have the vivid colors, the thrilling tones, the significantly detailed allusions to experiences and opinions and anticipations notoriously existing at the time, which belong to present or immediately impending scenes. This way of considering the Apocalypse likewise enables one who is acquainted with the early Jewish Christian doctrines, legends, and hopes, to explain clearly a large number of passages in it whose obscurity has puzzled many a commentator. We should be glad to give various illustrations of this, if our limits did not confine us strictly to the one class of texts belonging to the doctrine of a future life. Furthermore, nearly all the most gifted critics, such as Ewald, Bleek, Lucke, De Wette, those whose words on such matters as these are weightiest, now agree in concluding that the Revelation of John was a product springing out of the intense Jewish Christian belief and experience of the age, and referring, in its dramatic scenery and predictions, to occurrences supposed to be then transpiring or very close at hand. Finally, this view in regard to the Apocalypse is strongly confirmed by a comparison of that production with the several other works similar to it in character and nearly contemporaneous in origin. These apocryphal productions were written or compiled according to the pretty general agreement of the great scholars who have criticized them somewhere between the beginning of the first century before, and the middle of the second century after, Christ. We merely propose here, in the briefest manner, to indicate the doctrine of a future life contained in them, as an introduction to an exposition of that contained in the New Testament Apocalypse. In the TESTAMENT OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS it is written that "the under world shall be spoiled through the death of the Most Exalted."7 Again, we read, "The Lord shall make battle against the devil, and conquer him, and rescue from him the captive souls of the righteous. The just shall rejoice in Jerusalem, where the Lord shall reign himself, and every one that believes in him shall reign in truth in the heavens."8 Farther on the writer says of the Lord, after giving an account of his crucifixion, "He shall rise up from the under world and ascend into heaven."9 These extracts seem to imply the common doctrine of that time, that Christ descended into the under world, freed the captive saints, and rose into heaven, and would soon return to establish his throne in Jerusalem, to reign there for a time with his accepted followers. 7 See this book in Fabricii Codex Pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti, Test. Lev. sect. iv. 8 Ibid. Test. Dan. sect. v. 9 Ibid. Test. Benj. sect. ix. The FOURTH BOOK OF EZRA contains scattered declarations and hints of the same nature.10 It describes a vision of the Messiah, on Mount Zion, distributing crowns to those confessors of his name who had died in their fidelity.11 The world is said to be full of sorrows and oppressions; and as the souls of the just ask when the harvest shall come,12 for the good to be rewarded and the wicked to be punished, they are told that the day of liberation is not far distant, though terrible trials and scourges must yet precede it. "My Son Jesus shall be revealed." "My Son the Christ shall die; and then a new age shall come, the earth shall give up the dead, sinners shall be plunged into the bottomless abyss, and Paradise shall appear in all its glory."13 The "Son of God will come and consume his enemies with fire; but the elect will be protected and made happy."14 The ASCENSION OF ISAIAH is principally occupied with an account of the rapture of the soul of that prophet through the seven heavens, and of what he there saw and learned. It describes the descent of Christ, the beloved Son of God, through all the heavens, to the earth; his death; his resurrection after three days; his victory over Satan and his angels, who dwell in the welkin or higher region of the air; and his return to the right hand of God.15 It predicts great apostasy and sin among the disciples of the apostles, and much dissension respecting the nearness of the second advent of Christ.16 It emphatically declares that "Christ shall come with his angels, and shall drag Satan and his powers into Gehenna. Then all the saints shall descend from heaven in their heavenly clothing, and dwell in this world; while the saints who had not died shall be similarly clothed, and after a time leave their bodies here, that they may assume their station in heaven. The general resurrection and judgment will follow, when the ungodly will be devoured by fire."17 The author as Gesenius, with almost all the rest of the critics, says was unquestionably a Jewish Christian, and his principal design was to set forth the speedy second coming of Christ, and the glorious triumph of the saints that would follow with the condign punishment of the wicked. The first book of the SIBYLLINE ORACLES contains a statement that in the golden age the souls of all men passed peacefully into the under world, to tarry there until the judgment; a prediction of a future Messiah; and an account of his death, resurrection, and ascension. The second book begins with a description of the horrors that will precede the last time, threats against the persecuting tyrants, and promises to the faithful, especially to the martyrs, and closes with an account of the general judgment, when Elijah shall come from heaven, consuming flames break out, all souls be summoned to the tribunal of God at whose right hand Christ will sit, the bodies of the dead be raised, the righteous be purified, and the wicked be plunged into final ruin. The fundamental thought and aim of the apocryphal BOOK OF ENOCH are the second coming of Christ to judge the world, the encouragement of the Christians, and the warning 10 See the abstract of it given in section vi. of Stuart's Commentary on the Apocalypse. 11 Cap. ii. 12 Cap. iv. 13 Cap. v., vii. 14 Cap. xiii., xvi. 15 Ascensio Isaia Vatis, a Ricardo Laurence, cap. ix., x., xi. 16 Ibid. cap. ii., iii. 17 Ibid. cap. iv. 13-18. of their oppressors by declarations of approaching deliverance to those and vengeance to these. This is transparent at frequent intervals through the whole book.18 "Ye righteous, wait with patient hope: your cries have cried for judgment, and it shall come, and the gates of heaven shall be opened to you." "Woe to you, powerful oppressors, false witnesses! for you shall suddenly perish." "The voices of slain saints accusing their murderers, the oppressors of their brethren, reach to heaven with interceding cries for swift justice."19 When that justice comes, "the horse shall wade up to his breast, and the chariot shall sink to its axle, in the blood of sinners."20 The author teaches that the souls of men at death go into the under world, "a place deep and dark, where all souls shall be collected;" "where they shall remain in darkness till the day of judgment," the spirits of the righteous being in peace and joy, separated from the tormented spirits of the wicked, who have spurned the Messiah and persecuted his disciples.21 A day of judgment is at hand. "Behold, he cometh, with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgment." Then the righteous shall rise from the under world, be approved, become as angels, and ascend to heaven. But the wicked shall not rise: they remain imprisoned below forever.22 The angels descend to earth to dwell with men, and the saints ascend to heaven to dwell with angels.23 "From beginning to end, like the Apocalypse, the book is filled," says Professor Stuart, (and the most careless reader must remark it,) "with threats for the wicked persecutors and consolations for the suffering pious." A great number of remarkable correspondences between passages in this book and passages in the Apocalypse solicit a notice which our present single object will not allow us to give them here. An under world divided into two parts, a happy for the good, a wretched for the bad; temporary woes prevailing on the earth; the speedy advent of Christ for a vindication of his power and his servants; the resurrection of the dead; the final translation of the accepted into heaven, and the hopeless dooming of the rejected into the abyss, these are the features in the book before us which we are now to remember. There is one other extant apocryphal book whose contents are strictly appropriate to the subject we have in hand, namely, the APOCALYPSE OF JOHN.24 It claims to be the work of the Apostle John himself. It represents John as going to Mount Tabor after the ascension of Christ, and there praying that it may be revealed to him when the second coming of Christ will occur, and what will be the consequences of it. In answer to his request, a long and minute disclosure is made. The substance of it is, that, after famines and woes, Antichrist will appear and reign three years. Then Enoch and Elijah will come to expose him; but they will die, and all men with them. The earth will be purified with fire, the dead will rise, Christ 18 Book of Enoch, translated into English by Dr. R. Laurence. See particularly the following places: i. 1 5; lii. 7; liv. 12; lxi. 15; lxii. 14, 15; xciv.; xcv.; civ. 19 Ibid. cap. ix. 9 11; xxii. 5 8; xlvii. 1-4. 20 Ibid. cap. xcviii. 3. 21 Ibid. cap. x. 6 9, 15, 16; xxii. 2 5, 11 13; cii. 6; ciii. 5. 22 Ibid. cap. xxii. 14, 15; xlv. 2; xlvi. 4; 1. 1-4. 23 cap. xxxviii. xl. 24 See the abstract of it given in Lucke's Einleit. in die Offenbar. Joh., cap. 2, sect. 17. will descend in pomp, with myriads of angels, and the judgment will follow. The spirits of Antichrist will be hurled into a gulf of outer darkness, so deep that a heavy stone would not plunge to the bottom in three years. Unbelievers, sinners, hypocrites, will be cast into the under world; while true Christians are placed at the right hand of Christ, all radiant with glory. The good and accepted will then dwell in an earthly paradise, with angels, and be free from all evils. In addition to these still extant Apocalypses, we have references in the works of the Fathers to a great many others long since perished; especially the Apocalypses of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Hystaspes, Paul, Peter, Thomas, Cerinthus, and Stephen. So far as we have any clew, by preserved quotations or otherwise, to the contents of these lost productions, they seem to have been much occupied with the topics of the avenging and redeeming advent of the Messiah, the final judgment of mankind, the supernal and subterranean localities, the resurrection of the dead, the inauguration of an earthly paradise, the condemnation of the reprobate to the abyss beneath, the translation of the elect to the Angelic realm on high. These works, all taken together, were plainly the offspring of the mingled mass of glowing faiths, sufferings, fears, and hopes, of the age they belonged to. An acquaintance with them will help us to appreciate and explain many things in our somewhat kindred New Testament Apocalypse, by placing us partially in the circumstances and mental attitude of the writer and of those for whom it was written. The Persian Jewish and Jewish Christian notions and characteristics of the Book of Revelation are marked and prevailing, as every prepared reader must perceive. The threefold division of the universe into the upper world of the angels, the middle world of men, and the under world of the dead; the keys of the bottomless pit; the abode of Satan, the accuser, in heaven; his revolt; the war in the sky between his seduced host and the angelic army under Michael, and the thrusting down of the former; the banquet of birds on the flesh of kings, mighty men, and horses; the battle of Gog and Magog; the tarrying of souls under the altar of God; the temple in heaven containing the ark of the covenant, and the scene of a various ritual service; the twelve gates of the celestial city bearing the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel, and the twelve foundations of the walls having the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb; the bodily resurrection and general judgment, and the details of its sequel, all these doctrines and specimens of imagery, with a hundred others, carry us at once into the Zend Avesta, the Talmud, and the Ebionitish documents of the earliest Christians, who mixed their interpretations of the mission and teaching of Christ with the poetic visions of Zoroaster and the cabalistic dogmatics of the Pharisees. 25 It is astonishing that any intelligent person can peruse the Apocalypse and still suppose that it is occupied with prophecies of remote events, events to transpire successively in distant ages and various lands. Immediateness, imminency, hazardous urgency, swiftness, alarms, are written all over the book. A suspense, frightfully thrilling, fills it, as if the world were holding its breath in view of the universal crash that was coming with electric velocity. 25 See, e. g., Corrodi, Kritische Geschichte des Chiliasmus, band ii. th. 3 7; Gfrorer, Geschichte Urchristenthums, abth. ii. kap. 8 10; Schottgen in Apoc. xii. 6 9; ibid. in 2 Cor. v. 2. Four words compose the key to the Apocalypse: Rescue, Reward, Overthrow, Vengeance. The followers of Christ are now persecuted and slain by the tyrannical rulers of the earth. Let them be of good cheer: they shall speedily be delivered. Their tyrants shall be trampled down in "blood flowing up to the horse bridles," and they shall reign in glory. "Here is the faith and the patience of the saints," trusting that, if "true unto death, they shall have a crown of life," and "shall not be hurt of the second death," but shall soon rejoice over the triumphant establishment of the Messiah's kingdom and the condign punishment of his enemies who are now "making themselves drunk with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." The Beast, described in the thirteenth chapter, is unquestionably Nero; and this fact shows the expected immediateness of the events pictured in connection with the rise and destruction of that monstrous despot.26 The truth of this representation is sealed by the very first verses of the book, indicating the nature of its contents and the period to which they refer: "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass: Blessed are they who hear the words of this prophecy and keep them; for the time is at hand." This rescue and reward of the faithful, this overthrow and punishment of the wicked, were to be effected by the agency of a unique and sublime personage, who was expected very soon to appear, with an army of angels from heaven, for this purpose. The conception of the nature, rank, and offices of Jesus Christ which existed in the mind of the writer of the Apocalypse is in some respects but obscurely hinted in the words he employs; yet the relationship of those words to other and fuller sources of information in the contemporaneous notions of his countrymen is such as to give us great help in arriving at his ideas. He represents Christ as distinct from and subordinate to God. He makes Christ say, "To him that overcometh I will give power over the nations, even as I received of my Father." He characterizes him as "the beginning of the creation of God," and describes him as "mounted on a white horse, leading the heavenly armies to war, and his name is called the Logos of God." These terms evidently correspond to the phrases in the introduction to the Gospel of John, and in the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon, where are unfolded some portions of that great doctrine, so prevalent among the early Fathers, which was borrowed and adapted by them from the Persian Honover, the Hebrew Wisdom, and the Platonic Logos.27 "In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and all things were made by him;… and the Logos was made flesh and dwelt among us."28 "God of our fathers, and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things by thy Logos."29 "Thine almighty Logos leaped down from heaven from his royal throne, a fierce warrior, into the midst of a land of destruction."30 "Plainly enough, the Apocalyptic view of Christ is based on that profound Logos doctrine so copiously 26 See the excursus by Stuart in his Commentary on the Apoc. xiii. 18, which conclusively shows that the Beast could be no other than Nero. 27 Lucke, Einleitung in das Evang. Joh. 28 Evang. Joh. i. 1, 3, 14. 29 Wisdom of Solomon, ix. 1, 2. 30 Ibid. xviii. 15. developed in the writings of Philo Judaus and so distinctly endorsed in numerous passages of the New Testament. First, there is the absolute God. Next, there is the Logos, the first begotten Son and representative image of God, the instrumental cause of the creation, the head of all created beings. This Logos, born into our world as a man, is Christ. Around him are clustered all the features and actions that compose the doctrine of the last things. The vast work of redemption and judgment laid upon him has in part been already executed, and in part remains yet to be done. We are first to inquire, then, into the significance of what the writer of the Apocalypse supposes has already been effected by Christ in his official relations between God and men, so far as regards the general subject of a life beyond the grave. A few brief and vague but comprehensive expressions include all that he has written which furnishes us a guide to his thoughts on this particular. He describes Jesus, when advanced to his native supereminent dignity in heaven, as the "Logos, clothed in a vesture dipped in blood," and also as "the Lamb that was slain," to whom the celestial throng sing a new song, saying, "Thou hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood." Christ, he says, "loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." He represents the risen Savior as declaring, "I am he that liveth, and was dead, and, behold, I am alive for evermore, and have the keys of the under world and of death." "Jesus Christ," again he writes, "is the faithful witness, the first begotten from the dead." What, now, is the real meaning of these pregnant phrases? What is the complete doctrine to which fragmentary references are here made? We are confident that it is this. Mankind, in consequence of sin, were alienated from God, and banished, after death, to Hades, the subterranean empire of shadows. Christ, leaving his exalted state in heaven, was born into the world as a messenger, or "faithful witness," of surprising grace to them from God, and died that he might fulfil his mission as the agent of their redemption, by descending into the great prison realm of the dead, and, exerting his irresistible power, return thence to light and life, and ascend into heaven as the forerunner and pledge of the deliverance and ascension of others. Moses Stuart, commenting on the clause "first begotten from the dead," says, "Christ was in fact the first who enjoyed the privilege of a resurrection to eternal glory and he was constituted the leader of all who should afterwards be thus raised from the dead."31 All who had died, with the sole exception of Christ, were yet in the under world. He, since his triumphant subdual of its power and return to heaven, possessed authority over it, and would ere long summon its hosts to resurrection, as he declares: "I was dead, and, behold, I am alive for ever more, and have the keys of the under world." The figure is that of a conqueror, who, returning from a captured and subdued city, bears the key of it with him, a trophy of his triumph and a pledge of its submission. The text "Thou hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood" is not received in an absolutely literal sense by any theological sect whatever. The severest Calvinist does not suppose that the physical blood shed on the cross is meant; but he explains it as denoting the atoning efficacy of the vicarious sufferings of Christ. But this interpretation is as forced and constructive an exposition as the one we have given, and is not 31 Stuart, Comm. in Apoc. i. 5. warranted by the theological opinions of the apostolic age, which do, on the contrary, support and necessitate the other. The direct statement is, that men were redeemed unto God by the blood of Christ. All agree that in the word "blood" is wrapped up a figurative meaning. The Calvinistic dogma makes it denote the satisfaction of the law of retributive justice by a substitutional anguish. We maintain that a true historical exegesis, with far less violence to the use of language, and consistently with known contemporaneous ideas, makes it denote the death of Christ, and the events which were supposed to have followed his death, namely, his appearance among the dead, and his ascent to heaven, preparatory to their ascent, when they should no longer be exiled in Hades, but should dwell with God. Out of an abundance of illustrative authorities we will cite a few. Augustine describes "the ancient saints" as being "in the under world, in places most remote from the tortures of the impious, waiting for Christ's blood and descent to deliver them."32 Epiphanius says, "Christ was the first that rose from the under world to heaven from the time of the creation."33 Lactantius affirms, "Christ's descent into the under world and ascent into heaven were necessary to give man the hope of a heavenly immortality."34 Hilary of Poictiers says, "Christ went down into Hades for two reasons: first, to fulfil the law imposed on mankind that every soul on leaving the body shall descend into the under world, and, secondly, to preach the Christian religion to the dead."35 Chrysostom writes, "When the Son of God cometh, the earth shall burst open, and all the men that ever were born, from Adam's birth up to that day, shall rise up out of the earth."36 Irenaus testifies, "I have heard from a certain presbyter, who heard it from those who had seen the apostles and received their instructions, that Christ descended into the under world, and preached the gospel and his own advent to the souls there, and remitted the sins of those who believed on him."37 Eusebius records that, "after the ascension of Jesus, Thomas sent Thaddeus, one of the Seventy, to Abgarus, King of Edessa. This disciple told the king how that Jesus, having been crucified, descended into the under world, and burst the bars which had never before been broken, and rose again, and also raised with himself the dead that had slept for ages; and how he descended alone, but ascended with a great multitude to his Father; and how he was about to come again to judge the living and the dead."38 Finally, we cite the following undeniable statement from Daille's famous work on the "Right Use of the Fathers:" "That heaven shall not be opened till the second coming of Christ and the day of judgment, that during this time the souls of all men, with a few exceptions, are shut up in the under world, was held by Justin Martyr, Irenaus, Tertullian, Augustine, Origen, Lactantius, Victorinus, Ambrose, Chrysostom, Theodoret, OEcumenius, Aretas, Prudentius, Theophylact, Bernard, 32 De Civitate Dei, lib. xx. cap. 15. 33 In Resurrectionem Christi. 34 Divin. Instit. lib. iv. cap. 19, 20. 35 Hilary in Ps. cxviii. et cxix. 36 Homil. in Rom. viii. 25. 37 Adv. Hares. lib. iv. sect. 45. 38 Ecc. Hist. lib. i. cap. 13. and many others, as is confessed by all. This doctrine is literally held by the whole Greek Church at the present day. Nor did any of the Latins expressly deny any part of it until the Council of Florence, in the year of our Lord 1439."39 In view of these quotations, and of volumes of similar ones which might be adduced, we submit to the candid reader that the meaning most probably in the mind of the writer of the Apocalypse when he wrote the words "redemption by the Blood of Christ" was this, the rescue certified to men by the commissioned power and devoted self sacrifice of Christ in dying, going down to the mighty congregation of the dead, proclaiming good tidings, breaking the hopeless bondage of death and Hades, and ascending as the pioneer of a new way to God. If before his death all men were supposed to go down to helpless confinement in the under world on account of sin, but after his resurrection the promise of an ascension to heaven was made to them through his gospel and exemplification, then well might the grateful believers, fixing their hearts on his willing martyrdom in their behalf, exclaim, "He loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God." It is certainly far more natural, far more reasonable, to suppose that the scriptural phrase "the blood of Christ" means "the death of Christ," with its historical consequences, than to imagine that it signifies a complicated and mysterious scheme of sacerdotal or ethical expiation, especially when that scheme is unrelated to contemporaneous opinion, irreconcilable withmorality,and confessedly nowhere plainly stated in Scripture, but a matter of late and laborious construction and inference. We have not spoken of the strictly moral and subjective mission and work of Christ, as conceived by the author of the Apocalypse, his influences to cleanse the springs of character, purify and inspire the heart, rectify and elevate the motives, regenerate and sanctify the soul and the life, because all this is plain and unquestioned. But he also believed in something additional to this, an objective function: and what that was we think is correctly explained above. We are next to inquire more immediately into the closing parts of the doctrine of the last things. Christ has appeared, declared the tidings of grace, died, visited the dead, risen victoriously, and gone back to heaven, where he now tarries. But there remain many things for him, as the eschatological King, yet to do. What are they? and what details are connected with them? First of all, he is soon to return from heaven, visiting the earth a second time. The first chapter of the book begins by declaring that it is "a revelation of things which must shortly come to pass," and "blessed is he that readeth; for the time is at hand." The last chapter is full of such repetitions as these: "things which must shortly be done;" "Behold, I come quickly;" "The time is at hand;" "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and he that is holy, let him be holy still;" "Surely I come quickly;" "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Herder says, in his acute and eloquent work on the Apocalypse, "There is but one voice in it, through all its epistles, seals, trumpets, signs, and plagues, namely, THE LORD IS COMING!" The souls of the martyrs, impatiently waiting, under the altar, the completion of the great drama, cry, "How long, O Lord, dost thou delay to avenge our blood?" and they are told that "they shall 39 Lib. ii. cap. 4, pp. 272, 273 of the English translation. rest only for a little season." Tertullian writes, without a trace of doubt, "Is not Christ quickly to come from heaven with a quaking of the whole universe, with a shuddering of the world, amidst the wailings of all men save the Christians?" The Apocalyptic seer makes Christ say, "Behold, I come as a thief in the night: blessed is he that watcheth." Accordingly, "a sentinel gazed wherever a Christian prayed, and, though all the watchmen died without the sight," the expectation lingered for centuries. The Christians of the New Testament time to borrow the words of one of the most competent of living scholars "carried forward to the account of Christ in years to come the visions which his stay, as they supposed, was too short to realize, and assigned to him a quick return to finish what was yet unfulfilled. The suffering, the scorn, the rejection of men, the crown of thorns, were over and gone; the diadem, the clarion, the flash of glory, the troop of angels, were ready to burst upon the world, and might be looked for at midnight or at noon."40 Secondly, when Christ returned, he was to avenge the sufferings and reward the fidelity of his followers, tread the heathen tyrants in the wine press of his wrath, and crown the persecuted saints with a participation in his glory. When "the time of his wrath is come, he shall give reward to the prophets, and to the saints, and to them that fear his name, and shall destroy them that destroy the earth." "The kings, captains, mighty men, rich men, bondmen, and freemen, shall cry to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the wrath of the Lamb." "To him that overcometh, and doeth my works, I will give power over the Gentiles;" "I will give him the morning star;" "I will grant him to sit with me on my throne." Independently, moreover, of these distinct texts, the whole book is pervaded with the thought that, at the speedy second advent of the Messiah, all his enemies shall be fearfully punished, his servants eminently compensated and glorified.41 Thirdly, the writer of the Apocalypse expected in accordance with that Jewish anticipation of an earthly Messianic kingdom which was adopted with some modifications by the earliest Christians that Jesus, on his return, having subdued his foes, would reign for a season, in great glory, on the earth, surrounded by the saints. "A door was opened in heaven," and the seer looked in, and saw a vision of the redeemed around the throne, and heard them "singing a new song unto the Lamb that was slain," in the course of which, particularizing the favors obtained for them by him, they say, "We shall reign upon the earth." Again, the writer says that "the worshippers of the beast and of his image shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb." Now, the lake of sulphurous fire into which the reprobate were to be thrust was located, not in the sky, but under the surface of the earth. The foregoing statement, therefore, implies that Christ and his angels would be tarrying on the earth when the final woe of the condemned was inflicted. But we need not rely on indirect arguments. The writer explicitly declares 40 Martineau, Sermon, "The God of Revelation his own Interpreter." 41 It seems to have been a Jewish expectation that when the Messiah should appear he would thrust his enemies into Hades. In a passage of the Talmud Satan is represented as seeing the Messiah under the Throne of Glory: he falls on his face at the sight, exclaiming, "This is the Messiah, who will precipitate me and all the Gentiles into the under world." Bertholdt, Christologia, sect. 36. that, in his vision of what was to take place, the Christian martyrs, "those who were slain for the witness of Jesus, lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years, while the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Then Satan was loosed out of his prison, and gathered the hosts of Gog and Magog to battle, and went up on the breadth of the earth and compassed the camp of the saints about, and fire came down out of heaven and devoured them." It seems impossible to avoid seeing in this passage a plain statement of the millennial reign of Christ on the earth with his risen martyrs. Fourthly, at the termination of the period just referred to, the author of the Apocalypse thought all the dead would be raised and the tribunal of the general judgment held. As Lactantius says, "All souls are detained in custody in the under world until the last day; then the just shall rise and reign; afterwards there will be another resurrection of the wicked."42 "The time of the dead is come, that they should be judged." "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened, and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and the under world delivered up the dead which were in them, and they were judged, every man according to his works." "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and reign with him a thousand years." This text, with its dark and tacit reference by contrast to those who have no lot in the millennial kingdom, brings us to the next step in our exposition. For, fifthly, after the general resurrection and judgment at the close of the thousand years, the sentence of a hopeless doom to hell is to be executed on the condemned. "Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." "The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death." The "second death" is a term used by Onkelos in his Targum,43 and sometimes in the Talmud, and by the Rabbins generally. It denotes, as employed by them, the return of the wicked into hell after their summons thence for judgment.44 In the Apocalypse, its relative meaning is this. The martyrs, who were slain for their allegiance to the gospel, died once, and descended into the under world, the common realm of death. At the coming of Christ they were to rise and join him, and to die no more. This was the first resurrection. At the close of the millennium, all the rest of the dead were to rise and be judged, and the rejected portion of them were to be thrust back again below. This was a second death for them, a fate from which the righteous were exempt. There was a difference, greatly for the worse in the latter, between their condition in the two deaths. In the former they descended to the dark under world, the silent and temporary abode of the universal dead; but in the latter they went down "into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the devil and the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for 42 Divin. Instit. lib. vii. cap. 20, 21, 26. 43 on Deut. xxxiii. 6. 44 Gfrorer, Geschichte des Urchristenthums, kap. 10. s. 289. ever and ever." For "Death and Hades, having delivered up the dead which were in them, were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death." It is plain that here the common locality of departed souls is personified as two demons, Death and Hades, and the real thought meant to be conveyed is, that this region is to be sunk beneath a "Tartarean drench," which shall henceforth roll in burning billows over its victims there, "the smoke of their torment ascending up for ever and ever." This awful imagery of a lake of flaming sulphur, in which the damned were plunged, was of comparatively late origin or adoption among the Jews, from whom the Christians received it. The native Hebrew conception of the state of the dead was that of the voiceless gloom and dismal slumber of Sheol, whither all alike went. The notion of fiery tortures inflicted there on the wicked was either conceived by the Pharisees from the loathed horrors of the filth fire kept in the vale of Hinnom, outside of Jerusalem, (which is the opinion of most commentators,) or was imagined from the sea of burning brimstone that showered from heaven and submerged Sodom and Gomorrah in a vast fire pool, (which is maintained by Bretschneider and others,) or was derived from the Egyptians, or the Persians, or the Hindus, or the Greeks, all of whom had lakes and rivers of fire in their theological hells, long before history reveals the existence of such a belief among the Jews, (which is the conclusion of many learned authors and critics.) We have now reached the last feature in the scheme of eschatology shadowed forth in the Apocalypse, the most obscure and difficult point of all, namely, the locality and the principal elements of the final felicity of the saved. The difficulty of clearly settling this question is twofold, arising, first, from the swift and partial glimpses which are all that the writer yields us on the subject, and, secondly, from the impossibility of deciding with precision how much of his language is to be regarded as figurative and how much as literal, where the poetic presentation of symbol ends and where the direct statement of fact begins. A large part of the book is certainly written in prophetic figures and images, spiritual visions, never meant to be accepted in a prosaic sense with severe detail. And yet, at the same time, all these imaginative emblems were, unquestionably, intended to foreshadow, in various kinds and degrees, doctrinal conceptions, hopes, fears, threats, promises, historical realities, past, present, or future. But to separate sharply the dress and the substance, the superimposed symbols and the underlying realities, is always an arduous, often an impossible, achievement. The writer of the Apocalypse plainly believed that the souls of all, except the martyrs, at death descended to the under world, and would remain there till after the second coming of Christ. But whether he thought that the martyrs were excepted, and would at death immediately rise into heaven and there await the fulfilment of time, is a disputed point. For our own part, we think it extremely doubtful, and should rather decide in the negative. In the first place, his expressions on this subject seem essentially figurative. He describes the prayers of the saints as being poured out from golden vials and burned as incense on a golden altar in heaven before the throne of God. "Under that altar," he says, "I saw the souls of them that were slain for the word of God." If the souls of the martyrs, in his belief, were really admitted into heaven, would he have conceived of them as huddled under the altar and not walking at liberty? Does not the whole idea appear rather like a rhetorical image than like a sober theological doctrine? True, the scene is pictured in heaven; but then it is a picture, and not a conclusion. With De Wette, we regard it, not as a dogmatic, but as a poetical and prophetic, representation. And in regard to the seer's vision of the innumerable company of the redeemed in heaven, surrounding the throne and celebrating the praises of God and the Lamb, surely it is obvious enough that this, like the other affiliated visions, is a vision, by inspired insight, in the present tense, of what is yet to occur in the successive unfolding of the rapid scenes in the great drama of Christ's redemptive work, a prophetic vision of the future, not of what already is. We know that in Tertullian's time the idea was entertained by some that Christian martyrs, as a special allotment, should pass at once from their sufferings to heaven, without going, as all others must, into the under world; but the evidence preponderates with us, upon the whole, that no such doctrine is really implied in the Apocalypse. In the fourteenth chapter, the author describes the hundred and forty four thousand who were redeemed from among men, as standing with the Lamb on Mount Zion and hearing a voice from heaven singing a new song, which no man, save the hundred and forty four thousand, could learn. The probabilities are certainly strongest that this great company of the selected "first fruits unto God and the Lamb," now standing on the earth, had not yet been in heaven; for they only learn the heavenly song which is sung before the throne by hearing it chanted down from heaven in a voice like multitudinous thunders. Finally, the most convincing proof that the writer did not suppose that the martyrs entered heaven before the second advent of Christ a proof which, taken by itself, would seem to leave no doubt on the subject is this. In the famous scene detailed in the twentieth chapter usually called by commentators the martyr scene it is said that "the souls of them that were beheaded for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. This is the first resurrection." Now, is it not certain that if the writer supposed these souls had never been in the under world, but in heaven, he could not have designated their preliminary descent from above as "the first resurrection," the first rising up? That phrase implies, we think, that all the dead were below: the faithful and chosen ones were to rise first to reign a while with Jesus, and after that the rest should rise to be judged. After that judgment, which was expected to be on earth in presence of the descended Lamb and his angels, the lost were to be plunged, as we have already seen, into the subterranean pit of torture, the unquenchable lake of fire. But what was to become of the righteous and redeemed? Whether, by the Apocalyptic representation, they were to remain forever on earth, or to ascend into heaven, is a question which has been zealously debated for over sixteen hundred years, and in some theological circles is still warmly discussed. Were the angels who came down to the earth with Christ to the judgment never to return to their native seats? Were they permanently to transfer their deathless citizenship from the sky to Judea? Were the constitution of human nature and the essence of human society to be abrogated, and the members of the human family to cease enlarging, lest they should overflow the borders of the world? Was God himself literally to desert his ancient abode, and, with the celestial city and all its angelic hierarchy, float from the desolated firmament to Mount Zion, there to set up the central eternity of his throne. We cannot believe that such is the meaning, which the seer of the Apocalypse wished to convey by his symbolic visions and pictures, any more than we can believe that he means literally to say that he saw "a woman in heaven clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars," or that there were actually "armies in heaven, seated on white horses and clothed in fine linen, white and clean, which is the righteousness of saints." Our conviction is that he expected the Savior would ascend with his angels and the redeemed into heaven, the glorious habitation of God above the sky. He speaks in one place of the "temple of God in heaven, into which no man could enter until the seven plagues were fulfilled," and in another place says that the "great multitude of the redeemed are before the throne of God in heaven, and serve him day and night in his temple;" and in still another place he describes two prophets, messengers of God, who had been slain, as coming to life, "and hearing a great voice from heaven saying to them, 'Come up hither;' and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them." De Wette writes, "It is certain that an abstract conception of heavenly blessedness with God duskily hovers over the New Testament eschatology." We think this is true of the Book of Revelation. It was a Persian Jewish idea that the original destination of man, had he not sinned, was heaven. The apostles thought it was a part of the mission of Christ to restore that lost privilege. We think the writer of the Apocalypse shared in that belief. His allusions to a new heaven and a new earth, and to the descent of a New Jerusalem from heaven, and other related particulars, are symbols neither novel nor violent to Jewish minds, but both familiar and expressive, to denote a purifying glorification of the world, the installation of a divine kingdom, and the brilliant reign of universal righteousness and happiness among men, as if under the very eyes of the Messiah and the very sceptre of God. The Christians shall reign in Jerusalem, which shall be adorned with indescribable splendors and shall be the centre of a world wide dominion, the saved nations of the earth surrounding it and "walking in the light of it, their kings bringing their glory and honor into it." "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death." That is, upon the whole, as we understand the scattered hints relevant to the subject to imply, when Christ returns to the Father with his chosen, he will leave a regenerated earth, with Jerusalem for its golden and peerless capital, peopled, and to be peopled, with rejoicing and immortal men, who will keep the commandments, be exempt from ancient evils, hold intimate communion with God and the Lamb, and, from generation to generation, pass up to heaven through that swift and painless change, alluded to by Paul, whereby it was intended at the first that sinless man, his corruptible and mortal putting on incorruption and immortality, should be fitted for the companionship of angels in the pure radiance of the celestial world, and should be translated thither without tasting the bitterness of death, which was supposed to be the subterranean banishment of the disembodied ghost. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Доктрина Джона о будущей жизни Теперь мы должны выяснить, можем ли мы определить и объяснить, каковы были взгляды апостола Иоанна на предмет смерти и жизни, осуждение и спасение, воскресение и бессмертие. Чтобы понять его мнение по этим вопросам, очевидно, необходимо изучить его общую систему богословской мысли. Иоанн рассматривается как писатель прома к четвертому Евангелию, также из трех кратких посланий. Есть такие широко распространенные сомнения в том, что он был автором Апокалипсиса, что было бы лучше рассмотреть это производство отдельно, оставляя каждого свободным приписывать свое учение о последних вещах тому, кого он знал или знал, что, по его мнению, написал книгу. Верно, что авторство четвертого Евангелия сильно оспаривается; но расследование этого вопроса приведет нас слишком далеко и слишком долго задерживает нас от нашей реальной цели, которая заключается не в том, чтобы обсуждать подлинность или авторитет новозаветных документов, а в том, чтобы показать их смысл в том, что они на самом деле содержат и подразумевают будущей жизни. Необходимо полагать, что мы считаем уверенным, что Джон написал с некоторой ссылкой на философию прорастания своего времени, платоновские и восточные спекуляции, столь ранние прижившиеся на запасе христианской доктрины. Для странных теорий, которые были созрели и систематизированы во втором и третьем столетиях гностическими сектами, плавали вокруг, в грубых и фрагментарных формах, в конце первого века, когда писал апостол. Они сразу же разбудили разногласия и тревогу, крики ереси и православия в Церкви. Некоторые современные авторы отрицают присутствие в Новом Завете любых намеков на такие взгляды; но вес свидетельств с другой стороны, внутренний, от сходства фразы и внешнего, от свидетельства ранних отцов, является, когда накапливается и оценивается, подавляющим. Среди этих гностических представлений наиболее отличительной и видной была вера в то, что мир был создан и еврейское учение, данное не истинным и бесконечным Богом, а подчиненным и несовершенным божеством, абсолютный Бог, остающийся отдельно от всех сотворенных вещей, неизвестный и вдали, в достаточности его аборигенной плеромы или полноты. Гностики также утверждали, что Творческая Сила, Разум, Жизнь, Истина, Любовь и другие родственные реальности были отдельными существами, которые исходили от Бога и которые своей собственной эффективностью строили, и проводил различные области творения и расы существования. Многие другие мнения, причудливые, абсурдные или неподдельные, которые они держали, здесь не обязательно заявлять. Евангелист, не намекая, возможно, на какие-либо конкретные учителя или системы этих доктрин, но только на их общий охват, пересекает его декларации, частично та же самая основа мысли, которую они охватывают, и догматически доказывает положительные факты, когда он их воспринимал. Он соглашается с некоторыми из гностических доктрин и отличается от других, не заставляя себя следовать или противостоять им без разбора, но делать то, что ему казалось нужным. без каких-либо намеков, возможно, на каких-либо конкретных учителей или системы этих доктрин, но только на их общий охват, проходит через его декларации, частично та же самая основа мысли, которую они охватывают, и догматически доказывает положительные факты, когда он их воспринимал. Он соглашается с некоторыми из гностических доктрин и отличается от других, не заставляя себя следовать или противостоять им без разбора, но делать то, что ему казалось нужным. без каких-либо намеков, возможно, на каких-либо конкретных учителей или системы этих доктрин, но только на их общий охват, проходит через его декларации, частично та же самая основа мысли, которую они охватывают, и догматически доказывает положительные факты, когда он их воспринимал. Он соглашается с некоторыми из гностических доктрин и отличается от других, не заставляя себя следовать или противостоять им без разбора, но делать то, что ему казалось нужным. Существует два метода поиска смысла введения в четвертое Евангелие, в котором сгущается Йоханненская доктрина Логоса. Мы можем изучать его грамматически или исторически; морально или метафизически; с точки зрения экспериментальной религиозной веры, или с точки зрения современной спекулятивной философии. Тот, кто опускает любой из этих способов рассмотрения предмета, должен прийти к интерпретации, по сути, дефектной. Оба способа исследования необходимы для полного понимания используемых выражений и предполагаемых мыслей. Но для того, чтобы понять тему в ее историческом аспекте, которая в данном случае в целях критики, безусловно, более важна, должна быть разумно знакома с еврейским олицетворением Мудрости, а также Слова Бога; с платонической концепцией архетипических идей; с александрийской еврейской доктриной Божественного Логоса; и с соответствующими гностическими и христианскими спекуляциями и фразеологией первых двух столетий. Особенно необходимо, чтобы ученик был знаком с Фило, который был выдающимся философом-платоническим еврейским философом и знаменитым писателем, процветающим до состава четвертого Евангелия, в котором, действительно, едва ли существует один сверхчеловеческий предикат Христа, который не может быть параллелен с поразительной близостью от его существующих работ. Во всех этих областях найдены, в несовершенных пропорциях и фрагментах, материалы, которые развиваются в вере Джона Логоса, становятся плотью. Представить все эти материалы здесь было бы несколько неуместно и потребовало бы слишком много места. Поэтому мы просто сформулируем, 1 The reader who wishes to see in smallest compass and most lucid order the facts requisite for the formation of a judgment is referred to Lucke's "Dissertation on the Logos," to Norton's "Statement of Reasons," and to Neander's exposition of the Johannean theology in his "Planting and Training of the Church." Nearly every thing important, both external and internal, is collected in these three sources taken together, and set forth with great candor, power, and skill. Differing in their conclusions, they supply pretty adequate means for the independent student to conclude for himself. In the first place, what view of the Father himself, the absolute Deity, do these writings present? John conceives of God no one can well collate the relevant texts in his works without perceiving this as the one perfect and eternal Spirit, in himself invisible to mortal eyes, the Personal Love, Life, Truth, Light, "in whom is no darkness at all." This corresponds entirely with the purest and highest idea the human mind can form of the one untreated infinite God. The apostle, then, going back to the period anterior to the material creation, and soaring to the contemplation of the sole God, does not conceive of him as being utterly alone, but as having a Son with him, an "only begotten Son," a beloved companion "before the foundation of the world." "In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was nothing made that was made." The true explanation of these words, according to their undeniable historical and their unforced grammatical. There is an English translation of it, by Professor G. R. Noyes, in the numbers of the Christian Examiner for March and May, 1849, meaning, is as follows. Before the material creation, when God was yet the sole being, his first production, the Logos, was a Son, at once the image of himself and the idea of the yet uncreated world. By him this personal Idea, Son, or Logos all things were afterward created; or, more exactly, through him, by means of him, all things became, that is, were brought, from their being in a state of conception in the mind of God, into actual existence in space and time. Thus Philo says, "God is the most generic; second is the Logos of God."2 "The Logos is the first begotten Son."3 "The Logos of God is above the whole world, and is the most ancient and generic of all that had a beginning."4 "Nothing intervenes between the Logos and God on whom he rests."5 "This sensible world is the junior son of God; the Senior is the Idea,"6 or Logos. "The shadow and seeming portrait of God is his Logos, by which, as by an assumed instrument, he made the world. As God is the original of the image here called shadow, so this image becomes the original of other things."7 "The intelligible world, or world of archetypal ideas, is the Logos of the world creating God; as an intelligible or ideal city is the thought of the architect reflecting to build a sensible city."8 "Of the world, God is the cause by which, the four elements the material from which, the Logos the instrument through which, the goodness of the Creator the end for which, it was made."9 These citations from Philo clearly show, in various stages of development, that doctrine of the Logos which began first arguing to the Divine Being from human analogies with separating the conception of a plan in the mind of God from its execution in fact; proceeded with personifying that plan, or sum of ideas, as a mediating agent between motive and action, between impulse and fulfilment; and ended with hypostatizing the arranging power of the Divine thought as a separate being, his intellectual image or Son, his first and perfect production. They unequivocally express these thoughts: that God is the only being who was from eternity; that the Logos was the first begotten, antemundane being, that he was the likeness, image, immediate manifestation, of the Father; that he was the medium of creation, the instrumental means in the outward formation of the world. History shows us this doctrine unfolded by minute steps, which it would be tedious to follow, from the Book of Proverbs to Philo Judaus and John, from Plato to Justin Martyr and Athanasius. But the rapid sketch just presented may be sufficient now. When it is written, "and the Logos was God," the meaning is not strictly literal. To guard against its being so considered, the author tautologically repeats what he had said immediately before, "the same was in the beginning with God." Upon the supposition that the Logos is strictly identical with God, the verses make utter nonsense. "In the beginning was God, and God was with God, and God was God. God was in the beginning with God." But suppose the Logos to mean an ante mundane but subordinate being, who was a perfect image or likeness of God, and the sense is both clear and satisfactory, and no violence is done either to historical data or to grammatical demands. "And the Logos was God," that is, was the mirror or facsimile of God. So, employing the same idiom, we are accustomed to say 2 Mangey's edition of Philo, vol. i. p. 82. 3 Ibid. p. 308. 4 Ibid. p. 121. 5 Ibid. p. 560. 6 Ibid. p. 277. 7 Ibid. p. 106. 8 Ibid. p. 5. 9 Ibid. p. 162. of an accurate representation of a person, It is the very man himself! Or, without the use of this idiom, we may explain the expression "the Logos was God" thus: He stands in the place of God to the lower creation: practically considered, he is as God to us. As Philo writes, "To the wise and perfect the Most High is God; but to us, imperfect beings, the Logos God's interpreter is God."10 The inward significance of the Logos doctrine, in all its degrees and phases, circumstantially and essentially, from first to last, is the revelation of God. God himself, in himself, is conceived as absolutely withdrawn beyond the apprehension of men, in boundless immensity and inaccessible secrecy. His own nature is hidden, as a thought is hidden in the mind; but he has the power of revealing it, as a thought is revealed by speaking it in a word. That uttered word is the Logos, and is afterwards conceived as a person, and as creative, then as building and glorifying the world. All of God that is sent forth from passive concealment into active manifestation is the Logos. "The term Logos comprehends," NORTON says, "all the attributes of God manifested in the creation and government of the universe." The Logos is the hypostasis of "the unfolded portion," "the revealing power," "the self showing faculty," "the manifesting action," of God. The essential idea, then, concerning the Logos is that he is the means through which the hidden God comes to the cognizance of his creatures. In harmony with this prevailing philosophy one who believed the Logos to have been incarnated in Christ would suppose the purpose of his incarnation to be the fuller revelation of God to men. And Martineau says, "The view of revelation which is implicated in the folds of the Logos doctrine that everywhere pervades the fourth Gospel, is that it is the appearance to beings who have something of a divine spirit within them, of a yet diviner without them, leading them to the divinest of all, who embraces them both." This is a fine statement of the practical religious aspect of John's conception of the nature and office of the Savior. Since he regarded God as personal love, life, truth, and light, and Christ, the embodied Logos, as his only begotten Son, an exact image of him in manifestation, it follows that John regarded Christ, next in rank below God, as personal love, life, truth, and light; and the belief that he was the necessary medium of communicating these Divine blessings to men would naturally result. Accordingly, we find that John repeats, as falling from the lips of Christ, all the declarations required by and supporting such an hypothesis. "I am the way, the truth, and the life." "No man cometh unto the Father but by me." But Philo, too, had written before in precisely the same strain. Witness the correspondences between the following quotations respectively from John and Philo. "I am the bread which came down from heaven to give life to the world."11 Whoso eateth my body and drinketh my blood hath eternal life."12 "Behold, I rain bread upon you from heaven: the heavenly food of the soul is the word of God, and the Divine Logos, from whom all eternal instructions and wisdoms flow."13 "The bread the Lord gave us to eat was his word."14 "Except ye eat my flesh and drink my blood, ye have no life 10 Mangey's edition of Philo, vol. ii. p. 128. 11 John vi. 33. 41. 12 Ibid. 54. 13 Quoted by G. Scheffer in his Treatise "De Usu Philonis in Interpretatione Novi Testamenti," p. 82. 14 lbid. p. 81. in you."15 "He alone can become the heir of incorporeal and divine things whose whole soul is filled with the salubrious Word."16 "Every one that seeth the Son and believeth on him shall have everlasting life."17 "He strains every nerve towards the highest Divine Logos, who is the fountain of wisdom, in order that, drawing from that spring, he may escape death and win everlasting life."18 "I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever."19 "Lifting up his eyes to the ether, man receives manna, the Divine Logos, heavenly and immortal nourishment for the right desiring soul."20 "God is the perennial fountain of life; God is the fountain of the most ancient Logos."21 "As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father, so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me."22 Does it not seem perfectly plain that John's doctrine of the Christ is at bottom identical with Philo's doctrine of the Logos? The difference of development in the two doctrines, so far as there is a difference, is that the latter view is philosophical, abstract; the former, practical, historical. Philo describes the Logos ideally, filling the supersensible sphere, mediating between the world and God; John presents him really, incarnated as a man, effecting the redemption of our race. The same dignity, the same offices, are predicated of him by both. John declares, "In him [the Divine Logos] was life, and the life was the light of men."23 Philo asserts, "Nothing is more luminous and irradiating than the Divine Logos, by the participation of whom other things expel darkness and gloom, earnestly desiring to partake of living light."24 John speaks of Christ as "the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father."25 Philo says, "The Logos is the first begotten Son of God," "between whom and God nothing intervenes."26 John writes, "The Son of man will give you the food of everlasting life; for him hath God the Father sealed."27 Philo writes, "The stamp of the seal of God is the immortal Logos."28 We have this from John: "He was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin."29 And this from Philo: "The Divine Logos is free from all sins, voluntary and involuntary."30 The Johannean Christ is the Philonean Logos born into the world as a man. "And the Logos was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth." The substance of what has thus far been established may now be concisely stated. The essential thought, whether the subject be metaphysically or practically considered, is this. God is the eternal, infinite personality of love and truth, life and light. The Logos is his first born Son, his exact image, the reproduction of his being, the next lower personality of love and truth, life and light, the instrument for creating and ruling the world, the revelation of God, the medium of communication between God and his works. Christ is that Logos come upon the earth as a man to save the perishing, proving his pre existence and superhuman nature by his miraculous knowledge and works. That the belief expressed in the last sentence is correctly attributed to John will 15 John vi. 53. 16 Philo, vol. i. p. 482. 17 John vi. 40. 18 Philo, vol. i. p. 560. 19 John vi. 51. 20 Philo, vol. i. p. 498. 21 Ibid. pp. 575, 207. 22 John vi. 57. 23 John i. 4. 24 Philo, vol. i. p. 121. 25 John i. 18. 26 Philo, vol. i. pp. 427, 560. 27 John vi. 27. 28 Philo, vol. ii. p. 606. 29 1 John iii. 5. 30 Philo, vol. i. p. 562. be repeatedly substantiated before the close of this chapter: in regard to the statements in the preceding sentences no further proof is thought necessary. With the aid of a little repetition, we will now attempt to make a step of progress. The tokens of energy, order, splendor, beneficence, in the universe, are not, according to John, as we have seen, the effects of angelic personages, emanating gods, Gnostic aons, but are the workings of the self revealing power of the one true and eternal God, this power being conceived by John, according to the philosophy of his age, as a proper person, God's instrument in creation. Reason, life, light, love, grace, righteousness, kindred terms so thickly scattered over his pages, are not to him, as they were to the Gnostics, separate beings, but are the very working of the Logos, consubstantial manifestations of God's nature and attributes. But mankind, fallen into folly and vice, perversity and sin, lying in darkness, were ignorant that these Divine qualities were in reality mediate exhibitions of God, immediate exhibitions of the Logos. "The light was shining in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not." Then, to reveal to men the truth, to regenerate them and conjoin them through himself with the Father in the experience of eternal life, the hypostatized Logos left his transcendent glory in heaven and came into the world in the person of Jesus. "No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath revealed him." "I came down from heaven to do the will of Him that sent me." This will is that all who see and believe on the Son shall have everlasting life. "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "The bread of God is He who cometh down from heaven and giveth life to the world." The doctrine of the pre existence of souls, and of their being born into the world in the flesh, was rife in Judea when this Gospel was written, and is repeatedly alluded to in it.31 That John applies this doctrine to Christ in the following and in other instances is obvious. "Before Abraham was, I am." "I came forth from the Father and am come into the world." "Father, glorify thou me with the glory which I had with thee before the world was." "What and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before?" As for ourselves, we do not see how it is possible for any unprejudiced person, after studying the fourth Gospel faithfully with the requisite helps, to doubt that the writer of it believed that Jesus pre existed as the Divine Logos, and that he became incarnate to reveal the Father and to bring men into the experience of true eternal life. John declares this, in his first epistle, in so many words, saying, "The living Logos, the eternal life which was with the Father from the beginning, was manifested unto us;" and, "God sent his only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him." Whether the doctrine thus set forth was really entertained and taught by Jesus himself, or whether it is the interpretation put on his language by one whose mind was full of the notions of the age, are distinct questions. With the settlement of these questions we are not now concerned: such a discussion would be more appropriate when examining the genuine meaning of the words of Christ. All that is necessary here is the suggestion that when we show the theological system of John it does not necessarily follow that that is the true 31 John i. 21; ix. 2. teaching of Christ. Having adopted the Logos doctrine, it might tinge and turn his thoughts and words when reporting from memory, after the lapse of many years, the discourses of his Master. He might unconsciously, under such an influence, represent literally what was figuratively intended, and reflect from his own mind lights and shades, associations and meanings, over all or much of what he wrote. There are philosophical and literary peculiarities which have forced many of the best critics to make this distinction between the intended meaning of Christ's declarations as he uttered them, and their received meaning as this evangelist reported them. NORTON says, "Whether St. John did or did not adopt the Platonic conception of the Logos is a question not important to be settled in order to determine our own judgment concerning its truth."32 Lucke has written to the same effect, but more fully: "We are allowed to distinguish the sense in which John understood the words of Christ, from the original sense in which Christ used them."33 It is to be observed that in all that has been brought forward, thus far, there is not the faintest hint of the now current notion of the Trinity. The idea put forth by John is not at all allied with the idea that the infinite God himself assumed a human shape to walk the earth and undergo mortal sufferings. It is simply said that that manifested and revealing portion of the Divine attributes which constituted the hypostatized Logos was incarnated and displayed in a perfect, sinless sample of man, thus exhibiting to the world a finite image of God. We will illustrate this doctrine with reference to the inferences to be drawn from it in regard to human nature. John repeatedly says, in effect, "God is truth," "God is light," "God is love," "God is life." He likewise says of the Savior, "In him was life, and the life was the light of men," and reports him as saying of himself, "I am the truth," "I am the life," "I am the light of the world." The fundamental meaning of these declarations so numerous, striking, and varied in the writings of John is, that all those qualities which the consciousness of humanity has recognised as Divine are consubstantial with the being of God; that all the reflections of them in nature and man belong to the Logos, the eldest Son, the first production, of God; and that in Jesus their personality, the very Logos himself, was consciously embodied, to be brought nearer to men, to be exemplified and recommended to them. Reason, power, truth, light, love, blessedness, are not individual aons, members of a hierarchy of deities, but are the revealing elements of the one true God. The personality of the abstract and absolute fulness of all these substantial qualities is God. The personality of the discerpted portion of them shown in the universe is the Logos. Now, that latter personality Christ was. Consequently, while he was a man, he was not merely a man, but was also a supernatural messenger from heaven, sent into the world to impersonate the image of God under the condition of humanity, free from every sinful defect and spot. Thus, being the manifesting representative of the Father, he could say, "He that hath seen me hath [virtually] seen the Father." Not that they were identical in person, but that they were similar in nature and character, spirit and design: both were eternal holiness, love, truth, and life. "I and my Father are one thing," (in essence, not in personality.) Nothing can be more 32 Statement of Reasons, 1st ed. p. 239. 33 Christian Examiner, May, 1849, p. 431. unequivocally pronounced than the subordination of the Son to the Father that the Father sent him, that he could do nothing without the Father, that his Father was greater than he, that his testimony was confirmed by the Father's in a hundred places by John, both as author writing his own words and as interpreter reporting Christ's. There is not a text in the record that implies Christ's identity with God, but only his identity with the Logos. The identity of the Logos with God is elementary, not personal. From this view it follows that every man who possesses, knows, and exhibits the elements of the Divine life, the characteristics of God, is in that degree a son of God, Christ being pre eminently the Son on account of his pre eminent likeness, his supernatural divinity, as the incarnate Logos. That the apostle held and taught this conclusion appears, first, from the fact, otherwise inexplicable, that he records the same sublime statements concerning all good Christians, with no other qualification than that of degree, that he does concerning Christ himself. Was Jesus the Son of God? "To as many as received him he gave power to become the sons of God." There is in Philo a passage corresponding remarkably with this one from John: "Those who have knowledge of the truth are properly called sons of God: he who is still unfit to be named a son of God should endeavor to fashion himself to the first born Logos of God."34 Was Jesus "from above," while wicked men were "from beneath"? "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." Was Jesus sent among men with a special commission? "As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world." Was Jesus the subject of a peculiar glory, bestowed upon him by the Father? "The glory which thou gavest me I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one." Had Jesus an inspiration and a knowledge not vouchsafed to the princes of this world? "Ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things." Did Jesus perform miraculous works? "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." In the light of the general principle laid down, that God is the actual fulness of truth and love and light and blessedness; that Christ, the Logos, is the manifested impersonation of them; and that all men who receive him partake of their Divine substance and enjoy their prerogative, the texts just cited, and numerous other similar ones, are transparent. It is difficult to see how on any other hypothesis they can be made to express an intelligible and consistent meaning. Secondly, we are brought to the same conclusion by the synonymous use and frequent interchange of different terms in the Johannean writings. Not only it is said, "Whoever is born of God cannot sin," but it is also written, "Every one that doeth righteousness is born of God;" and again, "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God." In other words, having a good character and leading a just life, heartily receiving and obeying the revelation made by Christ, are identical phrases. "He that hath the Son hath life." "Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God." "This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith" in the doctrine of Christ. "He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him." "He that keepeth the commandments dwelleth in God and God in him." "He that confesseth that Jesus is the Son of God, God 34 Philo, vol. i. p. 427. dwelleth in him and he in God." "He that doeth good is of God." "God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son." "The Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding that we may know the true God and eternal life." From these citations, and from other passages which will readily occur, we gather the following pregnant results. To "do the truth," "walk in the truth," "walk in the light," "keep the commandments," "do righteousness," "abide in the doctrine of Christ," "do the will of God," "do good," "dwell in love," "abide in Christ," "abide in God," "abide in life," all are expressions meaning precisely the same thing. They all signify essentially the conscious possession of goodness; in other words, the practical adoption of the life and teachings of Jesus; or, in still other terms, the personal assimilation of the spiritual realities of the Logos, which are love, life, truth, light. Jesus having been sent into the world to exemplify the characteristics and claims of the Father, and to regenerate men from unbelief and sin to faith and righteousness, those who were walking in darkness, believers of lies and doers of unrighteousness, those who were abiding in alienation and death, might by receiving and following him be restored to the favor of God and pass from darkness and death into life and light. "This is eternal life, that they should know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." The next chief point in the doctrine of John is his belief in an evil being, the personality of wickedness, and the relation between him and bad men. There have been, from the early centuries, keen disputes on the question whether this apostle uses the terms devil and evil one with literal belief or with figurative accommodation. We have not a doubt that the former is the true view. The popular denial of the existence of evil spirits, with an arch demon over them, is the birth of a philosophy much later than the apostolic age. The use of the term "devil" merely as the poetic or ethical personification of the seductive influences of the world is the fruit of theological speculation neither originated nor adopted by the Jewish prophets or by the Christian apostles. Whoso will remember the prevailing faith of the Jews at that time, and the general state of speculative opinion, and will recollect the education of John, and notice the particular manner in which he alludes to the subject throughout his epistles and in his reports of the discourses of Jesus, we think will be convinced that the Johannean system includes a belief in the actual existence of Satan according to the current Pharisaic dogma of that age. It is not to be disguised, either, that the investigations of the ablest critics have led an overwhelming majority of them to this interpretation. "I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the evil one." "He that is begotten of God guardeth himself, and the evil one toucheth him not." "He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning." "Whosoever is born of God cannot sin. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil." "Ye are of your father the devil, and his lusts ye will do." There can be no doubt that these, and other passages of a kindred and complementary nature, yield the following view. Good men are allied to God, because their characteristics are the same as his, truth, light, love, life, righteousness. "As he is, so are we in this world." Bad men are allied to the devil, because their characteristics are the same as his, falsehood, darkness, hatred, death, sin. "Cain, who slew his brother, was of the evil one." The facts, then, of the great moral problem of the world, according to John, were these. God is the infinite Father, whose nature and attributes comprehend all holy, beautiful, desirable realities, and who would draw mankind to his blessed embrace forever. The goodness, illumination, and joy of holy souls reflect his holiness and display his reign. The devil is the great spirit of wickedness, whose attributes comprehend all evil, dark, fearful realities, and who entices mankind to sin. The wickedness, gloom, and misery of corrupt souls reveal his likeness and his kingdom. The former manifests himself in the glories of the world and in the divine qualities of the soul. The latter manifests himself in the whole history of temptation and sin and in the vicious tendencies of the heart. Good men, those possessing pre eminently the moral qualities of God, are his children, are born of him, that is, are inspired and led by him. Bad men, those possessing in a ruling degree the qualities of the devil, are his children, are born of him, that is, are animated and governed by his spirit. Whether the evangelist gave to his own mind any philosophical account of the origin and destiny of the devil or not is a question concerning which his writings are not explicit enough for us to determine. In the beginning he represents God as making, by means of the Logos, all things that were made, and his light as shining in darkness that comprehended it not. Now, he may have conceived of matter as uncreated, eternally existing in formless night, the ground of the devil's being, and may have limited the work of creation to breaking up the sightless chaos, defining it into orderly shapes, filling it with light and motion, and peopling it with children of heaven. Such was the Persian faith, familiar at that time to the Jews. Neander, with others, objects to this view that it would destroy John's monotheism and make him a dualist, a believer in two self existents, aboriginal and everlasting antagonists. It only needs to be observed, in reply, that John was not a philosopher of such thorough dialectic training as to render it impossible for inconsistencies to coexist in his thoughts. In fact, any one who will examine the beliefs of even such men as Origen and Augustine will perceive that such an objection is not valid. Some writers of ability and eminence have tried to maintain that the Johannean conception of Satan was of some exalted archangel who apostatized from the law of God and fell from heaven into the abyss of night, sin, and woe. They could have been led to such an hypothesis only by preconceived notions and prejudices, because there is not in John's writings even the obscurest intimation of such a doctrine. On the contrary, it is written that the devil is a liar and the father of lies from the beginning, the same phrase used to denote the primitive companionship of God and his Logos anterior to the creation. The devil is spoken of by John, with prominent consistency, as bearing the same relation to darkness, falsehood, sin, and death that God bears to light, truth, righteousness, and life, that is, as being their original personality and source. Whether the belief itself be true or not, be reconcilable with pure Christianity or not, in our opinion John undoubtedly held the belief of the personality of the source of wickedness, and supposed that the great body of mankind had been seduced by him from the free service of heaven, and had become infatuated in his bondage. Just here in the scheme of Christianity arises the necessity, appears the profound significance in the apostolic belief, of that disinterested interference of God through his revelation in Christ which aimed to break the reigning power of sin and redeem lost men from the tyranny of Satan. "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." That is to say, the revelation of the nature and will of God in the works of the creation and in the human soul was not enough, even when aided by the law of Moses, to preserve men in the truth and the life. They had been seduced by the evil one into sin, alienated from the Divine favor, and plunged in darkness and death. A fuller, more powerful manifestation of the character, claims, attractions of the Father was necessary to recall the benighted wanderers from their lost state and restore them to those right relations and to that conscious communion with God in which alone true life consists. Then, and for that purpose, Jesus Christ was commissioned to appear, a pre existent being of most exalted rank, migrating from the super stellar sphere into this world, to embody and mirror forth through the flesh those characteristics which are the natural attributes of God the Father and the essential conditions of heaven the home. In him the glorious features of the Divinity were miniatured on a finite scale and perfectly exhibited, "thus revealing," (as Neander says, in his exposition of John's doctrine,) "for the first time, in a comprehensible manner, what a being that God is whose holy personality man was created to represent." So Philo says, "The Logos is the image of God, and man is the image of the Logos."35 Therefore, according to this view, man is the image of the image of God. The dimmed, imperfect reflection of the Father, originally shining in nature and the soul, would enable all who had not suppressed it and lost the knowledge of it, to recognise at once and adore the illuminated image of Him manifested and moving before them in the person of the Son; the faint gleams of Divine qualities yet left within their souls would spontaneously blend with the full splendors irradiating the form of the inspired and immaculate Christ. Thus they would enter into a new and intensified communion with God, and experience an unparalleled depth of peace and joy, an inspired assurance of eternal life. But those who, by worldliness and wickedness, had obscured and destroyed all their natural knowledge of God and their affinities to him, being without the inward preparation and susceptibility for the Divine which the Savior embodied and manifested, would not be able to receive it, and thus would pass an infallible sentence upon themselves. "When the Comforter is come, he will convict the world of sin, because they believe not on me." "He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life; but he that believeth not is condemned already, in that he loveth darkness rather than light." "Hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us." "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?" The idea is, that such a denial must be caused by inward depravity, could only spring from an evil character. In the ground thought just presented we may find the explanation of the seemingly obscure and confused use of terms in the following instances, and learn to understand more fully John's idea of the effect of spiritual contact with Christ. "He that doeth righteousness is born of God." "He that believeth Jesus to be the Christ is born of God." "He that denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father." "He that hath the Son hath life." These passages all become perspicuous and concordant in view of John's conception of the inward unity of 35 Philo, vol. i. p. 106. truth, or the universal oneness of the Divine life, in God, in Christ, in all souls that partake of it. A character in harmony with the character of God will, by virtue of its inherent light and affinity, recognise the kindred attributes or characteristics of God, wherever manifested. He who perceives and embraces the Divinity in the character of Christ proves thereby that he was prepared to receive it by kindred qualities residing in himself, proves that he was distinctively of God. He who fails to perceive the peculiar glory of Christ proves thereby that he was alienated and blinded by sin and darkness, distinctively of the evil one. Varying the expression to illustrate the thought, if the light and warmth of a living love of God were in a soul, it would necessarily, when brought into contact with the concentrated radiance of Divinity incarnated and beaming in Christ, effect a more fervent, conscious, and abiding union with the Father than could be known before he was thus revealed. But if iniquities, sinful lusts, possessing the soul, had made it hard and cold, even the blaze of spotless virtues and miraculous endowments in the manifesting Messiah would be the radiation of light upon darkness insensible to it. Therefore, the presentation of the Divine contents of the soul or character of Jesus to different persons was an unerring test of their previous moral state: the good would apprehend him with a thrill of unison, the bad would not. To have the Son, to have the Father, to have the truth, to have eternal life, all are the same thing: hence, where one is predicated or denied all are predicated or denied. Continuing our investigation, we shall find the distinction drawn of a sensual or perishing life and a spiritual or eternal life. The term world (kosmos) is used by John apparently in two different senses. First, it seems to signify all mankind, divided sometimes into the unbelievers and the Christians. "Christ is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." "God sent not his Son to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved." It is undeniable that "world" here means not the earth, but the men on the earth. Secondly, "world" in the dialect of John means all the evil, all the vitiating power, of the material creation. "Now shall the Prince of this world be cast out." It is not meant that this is the devil's world, because John declares in the beginning that God made it; but he means that all diabolic influence comes from the darkness of matter fighting against the light of Divinity, and by a figure he says "world," meaning the evils in the world, meaning all the follies, vanities, sins, seductive influences, of the dark and earthy, the temporal and sensual. In this case the love of the world means almost precisely what is expressed by the modern word worldliness. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." In a vein strikingly similar, Philo writes, "It is impossible for the love of the world and the love of God to coexist, as it is impossible for light and darkness to coexist."36 "For all that is in the world," says John, "the lust of the flesh, and the greed of the eyes, and the pomp of living, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, with the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God abides forever." He who is taken up and absorbed in the gauds and pleasures of time and sense has no deep spring of religious experience: 36 Philo, vol. ii. p. 649. his enjoyments are of the decaying body; his heart and his thoughts are set on things which soon fly away. But the earnest believer in God pierces through all these superficial and transitory objects and pursuits, and fastens his affections to imperishable verities: he feels, far down in his soul, the living well of faith and fruition, the cool fresh fountain of spiritual hope and joy, whose stream of life flows unto eternity. The vain sensualist and hollow worldling has no true life in him: his love reaches not beyond the grave. The loyal servant of duty and devout worshipper of God has a spirit of conscious superiority to death and oblivion: though the sky fall, and the mountains melt, and the seas fade, he knows he shall survive, because immaterial truth and love are deathless. The whole thought contained in the texts we are considering is embodied with singular force and beauty in the following passage from one of the sacred books of the Hindus: "Who would have immortal life must beware of outward things, and seek inward truth, purity, and faith; for the treacherous and evanescent world flies from its votaries, like the mirage, or devil car, which moves so swiftly that one cannot ascend it." The mere negation of real life or blessedness is predicated of the careless worldling; positive death or miserable condemned unrest is predicated of the bad hearted sinner. Both these classes of men, upon accepting Christ, that is, upon owning the Divine characteristics incarnate in him, enter upon a purified, exalted, and new experience. "He that hates his brother is a murderer and abides in death." "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren." This new experience is distinctively, emphatically, life; it is spiritual peace, joy, trust, communion with God, and therefore immortal. It brings with it its own sufficient evidence, leaving its possessor free from misgiving doubts, conscious of his eternity. "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself." "Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us, because he hath given us of his spirit." "That ye may know that ye have eternal life." The objects of Christ's mission, so far as they refer to the twofold purpose of revealing the Father by an impersonation of his image, and giving new moral life to men by awakening within them a conscious fellowship with Divine truth and goodness, have already been unfolded. But this does not include the whole: all this might have been accomplished by his appearance, authoritative teachings, miracles, and return to heaven, without dying. Why, then, did he die? What was the meaning or aim of his death and resurrection? The apostle conceives that he came not only to reveal God and to regenerate men, but also to be a "propitiation" for men's sins, to redeem them from the penalty of their sins; and it was for this end that he must suffer the doom of physical death. "Ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins." It is the more difficult to tell exactly what thoughts this language was intended by John to convey, because his writings are so brief and miscellaneous, so unsystematic and incomplete. He does not explain his own terms, but writes as if addressing those who had previously received such oral instruction as would make the obscurities clear, the hints complete, and the fragments whole. We will first quote from John all the important texts bearing on the point before us, and then endeavor to discern and explain their sense. "If we walk in the light as God is in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth us from all sin." "He is the propitiation for our sins." "Your sins are forgiven through his name." "The whole world is subject to the evil one." These texts, few and vague as they are, comprise every thing directly said by John upon the atonement and redemption: other relevant passages merely repeat the same substance. Certainly these statements do not of themselves teach any thing like the Augustinian doctrine of expiatory sufferings to placate the Father's indignation at sin and sinners, or to remove, by paying the awful debt of justice, the insuperable bars to forgiveness. Nothing of that sort is anywhere intimated in the Johannean documents, even in the faintest manner. So far from saying that there was unwillingness or inability in the Father to take the initiative for our ransom and pardon, he expressly avows, "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins." Instead of exclaiming, with the majority of modern theologians, "Believe in the atoning death, the substitutional sufferings, of Christ, and your sins shall then all be washed away, and you shall be saved," he explicitly says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins." And again: "Whosoever believeth in him" not in his death, but in him "shall have eternal life." The allusions in John to the doctrine of redemption and reconciliation do not mean, it is plain enough, the buying off of the victims of eternal condemnation by the vicarious pains of Jesus. What, then, do they mean? They are too few, short, and obscure for us to decide this question conclusively by their own light alone. We must get assistance from abroad. The reader will remember that it was the Jewish belief, and the retained belief of the converts to Christianity, at that time, that men's souls, in consequence of sin, were doomed upon leaving the body to descend into the under world. This was the objective penalty of sin, inherited from Adam. Now, Christ in his superangelic state in heaven was not involved in sin or in its doom of death and subterranean banishment. Yet at the will of the Father he became a man, went through our earthly experiences, died like a sinner, and after death descended into the prison of disembodied souls below, then rose again and ascended into heaven to the Father, to show men that their sins were forgiven, the penalty taken away, and the path opened for them too to rise to eternal life in the celestial mansions with Christ "and be with him where he is." Christ's death, then, cleanses men from sin, he is a propitiation for their sins, in two ways. First, by his resurrection from the power of death and his ascent to heaven he showed men that God had removed the great penalty of sin: by his death and ascension he was the medium of giving them this knowledge. Secondly, the joy, gratitude, love to God, awakened in them by such glorious tidings, would purify their natures, exalt their souls into spiritual freedom and virtue, into a blessed and Divine life. According to this view, Christ was a vicarious sacrifice, not in the sense that he suffered instead of the guilty, to purchase their redemption from the iron justice of God, but in the sense that, when he was personally free from any need to suffer, he died for the sake of others, to reveal to them the mighty boon of God's free grace, assuring them of the wondrous gift of a heavenly immortality. This representation perfectly fills and explains the language, without violence or arbitrary suppositions, does it in harmony with all the exegetical considerations, historical and grammatical; which no other view that we know of can do. There are several independent facts which LEND strong confirmation to the correctness of the exposition now given. We know that we have not directly proved the justice of that exposition, only constructively, inferentially, established it; not shown it to be true, only made it appear plausible. But that plausibility becomes an extreme probability nay, shall we not say certainty? when we weigh the following testimonies for it. First, this precise doctrine is unquestionably contained in other parts of the New Testament. We have in preceding chapters demonstrated its existence in Paul's epistles, in Peter's, in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and in the Apocalypse. Therefore, since John's phraseology is better explained by it than by any other hypothesis, it is altogether likely that his real meaning was the same. Secondly, the terms "light" and "darkness," so frequent in this evangelist, were not originated by him, but adopted. They were regarded by the Persian theology, by Plato, by Philo, by the Gnostics, as having a physical basis as well as a spiritual significance. In their conceptions, physical light, as well as spiritual holiness, was an efflux or manifestation from the supernal God; physical darkness, as well as spiritual depravity, was an emanation or effect from the infernal Satan, or principle of evil. Is it not so in the usage of John? He uses the terms, it is true, prevailingly in a moral sense: still, there is much in his statements that looks as if he supposed they had a physical ground. If so, then how natural is this connection of thought! All good comes from the dazzling world of God beyond the sky; all evil comes from the nether world of his adversary, the prince of darkness. That John believed in a local heaven on high, the residence of God, is made certain by scores of texts too plain to be evaded. Would he not, then, in all probability, believe in a local hell? Believing, as he certainly did, in a devil, the author and lord of darkness, falsehood, and death, would he not conceive a kingdom for him? In the development of ideas reached at that time, it is evident that the conception of God implied an upper world, his resplendent abode, and that the conception of Satan equally implied an under world, his gloomy realm. To the latter human souls were doomed by sin. From the former Christ came, and returned to it again, to show that the Father would forgive our sins and take us there. Thirdly, John expected that Christ, after death, would return to the Father in heaven. This appears from clear and reiterated statements in his reports of the Savior's words. But after the resurrection he tells us that Jesus had not yet ascended to the Father, but was just on the point of going. "Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father." Where, then, did he suppose the soul of his crucified Master had been during the interval between his death and his resurrection? Dormant in the body, dead with the body, laid in the tomb? That is opposed to the doctrine of uninterrupted life which pervades his writings. Besides, such a belief was held only by the Sadducees, whom the New Testament stigmatizes. To assume that such was John's conception of the fact is an arbitrary supposition, without the least warrant from any source whatever. If he imagined the soul of Jesus during that time to have been neither in heaven nor in the sepulchre, is it not pretty sure that he supposed it was in the under world, the common receptacle of souls, where, according to the belief of that age, every man went after death? Fourthly, it is to be observed, in favor of this general interpretation, that the doctrine it unfolds is in harmony with the contemporary opinions, a natural development from them, a development which would be forced upon the mind of a Jewish Christian accepting the resurrection of Christ as a fact. It was the Jewish opinion that God dwelt with his holy angels in a world of everlasting light above the firmament. It was the Jewish opinion that the departed souls of men, on account of sin, were confined beneath the earth in Satan's and death's dark and slumberous cavern of shadows. It was the Jewish opinion that the Messiah would raise the righteous dead and reign with them on earth. Now, the first Christians clung to the Jewish creed and expectations, with such modifications merely as the variation of the actual Jesus and his deeds from the theoretical Messiah and his anticipated achievements compelled. Then, when Christ having been received as the bringer of glad tidings from the Father died, and after three days rose from the dead and ascended to God, promising his brethren that where he was they should come, must they not have regarded it all as a dramatic exemplification of the fact that the region of death was no longer a hopeless dungeon, since one mighty enough to solve its chains and burst its gates had returned from it? must they not have considered him as a pledge that their sins were forgiven, their doom reversed, and heaven attainable? John, in common with all the first Christians, evidently expected that the second advent of the Lord would soon take place, to consummate the objects he had left unfinished, to raise the dead and judge them, justifying the worthy and condemning the unworthy. There was a well known Jewish tradition that the appearance of Antichrist would immediately precede the triumphant coming of the Messiah. John says, "Even now are there many Antichrists: thereby we know that it is the last hour."37 "Abide in him, that, when he shall appear, we may not be ashamed before him at his coming." "That we may have boldness in the day of judgment." The evangelist's outlook for the return of the Savior is also shown at the end of his Gospel. "Jesus said not unto him, 'He shall not die;' but, 'If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?'" That the doctrine of a universal resurrection which the Jews probably derived, through their communication with the Persians, from the Zoroastrian system, and, with various modifications, adopted is embodied in the following passage, who can doubt? "The hour is coming when all that are in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of Man and shall come forth." That a general resurrection would literally occur under the auspices of Jesus was surely the meaning of the writer of those words. Whether that thought was intended to be conveyed by Christ in the exact terms he really used or not is a separate question, with which we are not now concerned, our object being simply to set forth John's views. Some commentators, seizing the letter and neglecting the spirit, have inferred from various texts that John expected that the resurrection would be limited to faithful Christians, just as the more rigid of the Pharisees confined it to the righteous Jews. "Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day." 37 See the able and impartial discussion of John's belief on this subject contained in Lucke's Commentary on the First Epistle of John, i. 18-28. To force this figure into a literal meaning is a mistake; for in the preceding chapter it is expressly said that "They that have done good shall come forth unto the resurrection of life; they that have done evil unto the resurrection of condemnation." Both shall rise to be judged; but as we conceive the most probable sense of the phrases the good shall be received to heaven, the bad shall be remanded to the under world. "Has no life in him" of course cannot mean is absolutely dead, annihilated, but means has not faith and virtue, the elements of blessedness, the qualifications for heaven. The particular figurative use of words in these texts may be illustrated by parallel idioms from Philo, who says, "Of the living some are dead; on the contrary, the dead live. For those lost from the life of virtue are dead, though they reach the extreme of old age; while the good, though they are disjoined from the body, live immortally."38 Again he writes, "Deathless life delivers the dying pious; but the dying impious everlasting death seizes."39 And a great many passages plainly show that one element of Philo's meaning, in such phrases as these, is, that he believed that, upon their leaving the body, the souls of the good would ascend to heaven, while the souls of the bad would descend to Hades. These discriminated events he supposed would follow death at once. His thorough Platonism had weaned him from the Persian Pharisaic doctrine of a common intermediate state detaining the dead below until the triumphant advent of a Redeemer should usher in the great resurrection and final judgment.40 John declares salvation to be conditional. "The blood of Christ" that is, his death and what followed "cleanses us from all sin, if we walk in the light as he is in the light;" not otherwise. "He that believeth not the Son shall not see eternal life, but the wrath of God abideth on him." "If any man see his brother commit a sin which is not unto death, he shall pray, and shall receive life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it." "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when he [Christ] shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." The heads of the doctrine which seems to underlie these statements are as follow. Christ shall come again. All the dead shall rise for judicial ordeal. Those counted worthy shall be accepted, be transfigured into the resemblance of the glorious Redeemer and enter into eternal blessedness in heaven. The rest shall be doomed to the dark kingdom of death in the under world, to remain there for aught that is hinted to the contrary forever. From these premises two practical inferences are drawn in exhortations. First, we should earnestly strive to fit ourselves for acceptance by moral purity, brotherly love, and pious faith. Secondly, we should seek pardon for our sins by confession and prayer, and take heed lest by aggravated sin we deprave our souls beyond recovery. There are those who sin unto death, for whom it is hopeless to pray. Light, truth, and the divine life of heaven can never receive them; darkness, falsehood, and the deep realm of death irrevocably swallow them. And now we may sum up in a few words the essential results of this whole inquiry into the principles of John's theology, especially as composing and shown in his doctrine of a 38 Vol. i. p. 554. 39 Ibid. p. 233. 40 See vol. i. pp. 139, 416, 417, 555, 643, 648; vol. ii. pp. 178, 433. future life. First, God is personal love, truth, light, holiness, blessedness. These realities, as concentrated in their incomprehensible absoluteness, are the elements of his infinite being. Secondly, these spiritual substances, as diffused through the worlds of the universe and experienced in the souls of moral creatures, are the medium of God's revelation of himself, the direct presence and working of his Logos. Thirdly, the persons who prevailingly partake of these qualities are God's loyal subjects and approved children, in peaceful communion with the Father, through the Son, possessing eternal life. Fourthly, Satan is personal hatred, falsehood, darkness, sin, misery. These realities, in their abstract nature and source, are his being; in their special manifestations they are his efflux and power. Fifthly, the persons who partake rulingly of these qualities are the devil's enslaved subjects and lineal children: in sinful bondage to him, in depraved communion with him, they dwell in a state of hostile banishment and unhappiness, which is moral death. Sixthly, Christ was the Logos who, descending from his anterior glory in heaven, and appearing in mortal flesh, embodied all the Divine qualities in an unflawed model of humanity, gathered up and exhibited all the spiritual characteristics of the Father in a stainless and perfect soul supernaturally filled and illumined, thus to bear into the world a more intelligible and effective revelation of God the Father than nature or common humanity yielded, to shine with regenerating radiance upon the deadly darkness of those who were groping in lying sins, "that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly." Seventhly, the fickle and perishing experience of unbelieving and wicked men, the vagrant life of sensuality and worldliness, the shallow life in vain and transitory things, gives place in the soul of a Christian to a profoundly earnest, unchanging experience of truth and love, a steady and everlasting life in Divine and everlasting things. Eighthly, the experimental reception of the revealed grace and verity by faith and discipleship in Jesus is accompanied by internal convincing proofs and seals of their genuineness, validity, and immortality. They awaken a new consciousness, a new life, inherently Divine and self warranting. Ninthly, Christ, by his incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension, was a propitiation for our sins, a mercy seat pledging forgiveness; that is, he was the medium of showing us that mercy of God which annulled the penalty of sin, the descent of souls to the gloomy under world, and opened the celestial domains for the ransomed children of earth to join the sinless angels of heaven. Tenthly, Christ was speedily to make a second advent. In that last day the dead should come forth for judgment, the good be exalted to unfading glory with the Father and the Son, and the bad be left in the lower region of noiseless shadows and dreams. These ten points of view, we believe, command all the principal features of the theological landscape which occupied the mental vision of the writer of the Gospel and epistles bearing the superscription, John. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Ивритская доктрина будущей жизни С одной стороны, большинство христианских ученых утверждало, что учение о возмездивом бессмертии ясно преподается во Ветхом Завете. Умные писатели, как и епископ Уорбертон, с другой стороны утверждали, что ничего не говорят о будущей жизни, а скорее подразумевают полный и вечный конец смерти людей. Но самые здравомыслящие, заслуживающие доверия критики занимают промежуточную позицию и утверждают, что еврейские Писания показывают общее убеждение в отдельном существовании духа, а не в том, что они испытывают награды и наказания, а как выживание в общей тишине и мраке мир, пустынная империя тьмы, зевая под всеми могилами и населенная мечтой, как призраки. Ряд важных отрывков был приведен из разных частей Ветхого Завета сторонниками вышеупомянутого взгляда. Нам будет полезно заметить эти и их злоупотребления, прежде чем идти дальше. Перевод Еноха рассматривался как откровение о бессмертии человека. Необычно, что доктор Пристли должен предполагать, как вероятный факт, такую ​​явную и необоснованную гипотезу, как он делает в своих заметках в Книге Бытия. Он говорит: «Енох, вероятно, был пророком, уполномоченным объявить о реальности другой жизни после этого, и он может быть убран в нем, не умирая, как свидетельство истины его учения». Грубый материализм этого предположения и провал Божьего замысла, который он подразумевает, являются достаточным опровержением его. И, помимо абсолютной маловероятности мысли, она полностью лишена поддержки в помещениях. Один из самых любопытных из многих странных вещей, которые можно найти в аргументе Уорбертона о Божественной Откровении Моисея, аргумент, как известно, глубокой эрудицией и, во многих отношениях, непревзойденными способностями является использование, которое он делает из этого рассказа, чтобы доказать, что Моисей считал доктрину бессмертия, но намеренно скрывал тот факт, из которого он мог быть привлечен людьми, может не вмешиваться в его учение о временном особом провидении Иеговы над еврейским народом. Такой курс несовместим с здравой моралью, а тем более с характером вдохновенного пророка Бога. Единственная история, которую мы имеем в Енохе, находится в пятой главе Книги Бытия. Суть его заключается в следующем: «И Енох шел с Богом в назначенные годы, а затем он не был, потому что Бог взял его». Автор Послания к Евреям, следуя примеру тех раввинов, которые за несколько столетий до своего времени начали давать мистические толкования Писания, следует из этого утверждения, что Енох родился на небесах без дегустации смерти. Но неизвестно, кто автор этого послания; и, кем бы он ни был, его мнение, конечно, не может иметь никакого авторитета на предмете критики, как 1 Boettcher, De Inferis Rebusque post mortem futuris ex Hebraorum et Gracoram Opinionibus. это. Отвечая на гипотетический аргумент, изложенный в этом отрывке, мы говорим: «Послушайте, как он читает, и он не утверждает и не подразумевает общую идею об этом. Он ничего не говорит о переводе или бессмертии; и ни одна вещь такого рода не может быть законно выведена из нее. Его простой смысл не более и менее: Енох жил триста шестьдесят пять лет, боясь Бога и соблюдая его заповеди, а затем он умер. Многие из раввинов, любящих, как они считают в Пятикнижии учение о будущем блаженстве во благо, истолковывают это повествование как только означающее незрелую смерть; для Еноха, это будет вспоминать, достигнуто, но около половины среднего возраста других, имена которых упоминаются в главе. Если бы это событие предназначалось как откровение истины, это было бы полностью и четко сформулировано; иначе он не смог бы ответить на какие-либо цели. Как замечает Ле Клерк: «Если писатель считал столь важным факт, что Енох был бессмертен, замечательно, что он связывает его как тайно и неясно, как будто он хотел скрыть это». Но, наконец, даже признав, что учет должен рассматриваться как учение буквально, что Бог принял Еноха, он ни в коем случае не доказывает откровения доктрины общего бессмертия. Это не показывает, что кто-либо еще когда-либо будет переведен или каким-либо образом вступит в будущее состояние существования. Это не раскрывается как откровение; он ничего не говорит о откровении. Кажется, это означает, что Енох внезапно умер, или что он исчез, никто не знал, куда. Но если это действительно означает, что Бог взял его на небеса, более естественно думать, что это было сделано как особая услуга, чем как признак того, что ждало других. Никакой общей причины не изложено, никаких следствий не выведено, никакого принципа нет, добавлено никакого отражения. Как же тогда можно сказать, что учение о будущей жизни человека раскрывается им или причастно к нему? The removal of Elijah in a chariot of fire, of which we read in the second chapter of the Second Book of Kings, is usually supposed to have served as a miraculous proof of the fact that the faithful servants of Jehovah were to be rewarded with a life in the heavens. The author of this book is not known, and can hardly be guessed at with any degree of plausibility. It was unquestionably written, or rather compiled, a long time probably several hundred years after the prophets whose wonderful adventures it recounts had passed away. The internal evidence is sufficient, both in quality and quantity, to demonstrate that the book is for the most part a collection of traditions. This characteristic applies with particular force to the ascension of Elijah. But grant the literal truth of the account: it will not prove the point in support of which it is advanced, because it does not purport to have been done as a revelation of the doctrine in question, nor did it in any way answer the purpose of such a revelation. So far from this, in fact, it does not seem even to have suggested the bare idea of another state of existence in a single instance. For when Elisha returned without Elijah, and told the sons of the prophets at Jericho that his master had gone up in a chariot of fire, which event they knew beforehand was going to happen, they, instead of asking the particulars or exulting over the revelation of a life in heaven, calmly said to him, "Behold, there be with thy servants fifty sons of strength: let them go, we pray thee, and seek for Elijah, lest peradventure a whirlwind, the blast of the Lord, hath caught him up and cast him upon one of the mountains or into one of the valleys. And he said, Ye shall not send. But when they urged him till he was ashamed, he said, Send." This is all that is told us. Had it occurred as is stated, it would not so easily have passed from notice, but mighty inferences, never to be forgotten, would have been drawn from it at once. The story as it stands reminds one of the closing scene in the career of Romulus, speaking of whom the historians say, "In the thirty seventh year of his reign, while he was reviewing an army, a tempest arose, in the midst of which he was suddenly snatched from the eyes of men. Hence some thought he was killed by the senators, others, that he was borne aloft to the gods."2 If the ascension of Elijah to heaven in a chariot of fire did really take place, and if the books held by the Jews as inspired and sacred contained a history of it at the time of our Savior, it is certainly singular that neither he nor any of the apostles allude to it in connection with the subject of a future life. The miracles performed by Elijah and by Elisha in restoring the dead children to life related in the seventeenth chapter of the First Book of Kings and in the fourth chapter of the Second Book are often cited in proof of the position that the doctrine of immortality is revealed in the Old Testament. The narration of these events is found in a record of unknown authorship. The mode in which the miracles were effected, if they were miracles, the prophet measuring himself upon the child, his eyes upon his eyes, his mouth upon his mouth, his hands upon his hands, and in one case the child sneezing seven times, looks dubious. The two accounts so closely resemble each other as to cast still greater suspicion upon both. In addition to these considerations, and even fully granting the reality of the miracles, they do not touch the real controversy, namely, whether the Hebrew Scriptures contain the revealed doctrine of a conscious immortality or of a future retribution. The prophet said, "O Lord my God, let this child's soul, I pray thee, come into his inward parts again." "And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah, and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived." Now, the most this can show is that the child's soul was then existing in a separate state. It does not prove that the soul was immortal, nor that it was experiencing retribution, nor even that it was conscious. And we do not deny that the ancient Jews believed that the spirits of the dead retained a nerveless, shadowy being in the solemn vaults of the under world. The Hebrew word rendered soul in the text is susceptible of three meanings: first, the shade, which, upon the dissolution of the body, is gathered to its fathers in the great subterranean congregation; second, the breath of a person, used as synonymous with his life; third, a part of the vital breath of God, which the Hebrews regarded as the source of the life of all creatures, and the withdrawing of which they supposed was the cause of death. It is clear that neither of these meanings can prove any thing in regard to the real point at issue, that is, concerning a future life of rewards and punishments. One of the strongest arguments brought to support the proposition which we are combating at least, so considered by nearly all the Rabbins, and by not a few modern critics is the account of the vivification of the dead recorded in the thirty seventh chapter of the Book of Ezekiel. The prophet "was carried in the spirit of Jehovah" that is, mentally, in a prophetic ecstasy into a valley full of dry bones. "The bones came together, the flesh 2 Livy, i. 16; Dion. Hal. ii. 56. grew on them, the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceeding great army." It should first be observed that this account is not given as an actual occurrence, but, after the manner of Ezekiel, as a prophetic vision meant to symbolize something. Now, of what was it intended as the symbol? a doctrine, or a coming event? a general truth to enlighten and guide uncertain men, or an approaching deliverance to console and encourage the desponding Jews? It is fair to let the prophet be his own interpreter, without aid from the glosses of prejudiced theorizers. It must be borne in mind that at this time the prophet and his countrymen were bearing the grievous burden of bondage in a foreign nation. "And Jehovah said to me, Son of man, these bones denote the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost, and we are cut off." This plainly denotes their present suffering in the Babylonish captivity, and their despair of being delivered from it. "Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, Behold, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, O my people, and bring you into the land of Israel." That is, I will rescue you from your slavery and restore you to freedom in your own land. The dry bones and their subsequent vivification, therefore, clearly symbolize the misery of the Israelites and their speedy restoration to happiness. Death is frequently used in a figurative sense to denote misery, and life to signify happiness. But those who maintain that the doctrine of the resurrection is taught as a revealed truth in the Hebrew Scriptures are not willing to let this passage pass so easily. Mr. Barnes says, "The illustration proves that the doctrine was one with which the people were familiar." Jerome states the argument more fully, thus: "A similitude drawn from the resurrection, to foreshadow the restoration of the people of Israel, would never have been employed unless the resurrection itself were believed to be a fact of future occurrence; for no one thinks of confirming what is uncertain by what has no existence." It is not difficult to reply to these objections with convincing force. First, the vision was not used as proof or confirmation, but as symbol and prophecy. Secondly, the use of any thing as an illustration does by no means imply that it is commonly believed as a fact. For instance, we are told in the ninth chapter of the Book of Judges that Jotham related an allegory to the people as an illustration of their conduct in choosing a king, saying, "The trees once on a time went forth to anoint a king over them; and they said to the olive tree, Come thou and reign over us;" and so on. Does it follow that at that time it was a common belief that the trees actually went forth occasionally to choose them a king? Thirdly, if a given thing is generally believed as a fact, a person who uses it expressly as a symbol, of course does not thereby give his sanction to it as a fact. And if a belief in the resurrection of the dead was generally entertained at the time of the prophet, its origin is not implied, and it does not follow that it was a doctrine of revelation, or even a true doctrine. Finally, there is one consideration which shows conclusively that this vision was never intended to typify the resurrection; namely, that it has nothing corresponding to the most essential part of that doctrine. When the bones have come together and are covered with flesh, God does not call up the departed spirits of these bodies from Sheol, does not bring back the vanished lives to animate their former tabernacles, now miraculously renewed. No: he but breathes on them with his vivifying breath, and straightway they live and move. This is not a resurrection, but a new creation. The common idea of a bodily restoration implies and, that any just retribution be compatible with it, it necessarily implies the vivification of the dead frame, not by the introduction of new life, but by the reinstalment of the very same life or spirit, the identical consciousness that before animated it. Such is not represented as being the case in Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones. That vision had no reference to the future state. In this connection, the revelation made by the angel in his prophecy, recorded in the twelfth chapter of the Book of Daniel, concerning the things which should happen in the Messianic times, must not be passed without notice. It reads as follows: "And many of the sleepers of the dust of the ground shall awake, those to life everlasting, and these to shame, to contempt everlasting. And they that are wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever." No one can deny that a judgment, in which reward and punishment shall be distributed according to merit, is here clearly foretold. The meaning of the text, taken with the connection, is, that when the Messiah appears and establishes his kingdom the righteous shall enjoy a bodily resurrection upon the earth to honor and happiness, but the wicked shall be left below in darkness and death.3 This seems to imply, fairly enough, that until the advent of the Messiah none of the dead existed consciously in a state of retribution. The doctrine of the passage, as is well known, was held by some of the Jews at the beginning of the Christian era, and, less distinctly, for about two centuries previous. Before that time no traces of it can be found in their history. Now, had a doctrine of such intense interest and of such vast importance as this been a matter of revelation, it seems hardly possible that it should have been confined to one brief and solitary text, that it should have flashed up for a single moment so brilliantly, and then vanished for three or four centuries in utter darkness. Furthermore, nearly one half of the Book of Daniel is written in the Chaldee tongue, and the other half in the Hebrew, indicating that it had two authors, who wrote their respective portions at different periods. Its critical and minute details of events are history rather than prophecy. The greater part of the book was undoubtedly written as late as about a hundred and sixty years before Christ, long after the awful simplicity and solitude of the original Hebrew theology had been marred and corrupted by an intermixture of the doctrines of those heathen nations with whom the Jews had been often brought in contact. Such being the facts in the case, the text is evidently without force to prove a divine revelation of the doctrine it teaches. In the twenty second chapter of the Gospel by Matthew, Jesus says to the Sadducees, "But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living." The passage to which reference is made is written in the third chapter of the Book of Exodus. In order to ascertain the force of the Savior's argument, the extent of meaning it had in his mind, and the amount of knowledge attributed by it to Moses, it will be necessary to determine first the definite purpose he had 3 Wood, The Last Things, p. 45. in view in his reply to the Sadducees, and how he proposed to accomplish it. We shall find that the use he made of the text does not imply that Moses had the slightest idea of any sort of future life for man, much less of an immortal life of blessedness for the good and of suffering for the bad. We should suppose, beforehand, that such would be the case, since upon examining the declaration cited, with its context, we find it to be simply a statement made by Jehovah explaining who he was, that he was the ancient national guardian of the Jews, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This does not seem to contain the most distant allusion to the immortality of man, or to have suggested any such thought to the mind of Moses. It should be distinctly understood from the outset that Jesus did not quote this passage from the Pentateuch as proving any thing of itself, or as enabling him to prove any thing by it directly, but as being of acknowledged authority to the Sadducees themselves, to form the basis of a process of reasoning. The purpose he had in view, plainly, was to convince the Sadducees either of the possibility or of the actuality of the resurrection of the dead: its possibility, if we assume that by resurrection he meant the Jewish doctrine of a material restoration, the reunion of soul and body; its actuality, if we suppose he meant the conscious immortality of the soul separate from the body. If the resurrection was physical, Christ demonstrates to the Sadducees its possibility, by refuting the false notion upon which they based their denial of it. They said, The resurrection of the body is impossible, because the principle of life, the consciousness, has utterly perished, and the body cannot live alone. He replied, It is possible, because the soul has an existence separate from the body, and, consequently, may be reunited to it. You admit that Jehovah said, after they were dead, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: but he is the God of the living, and not of the dead, for all live unto him. You must confess this. The soul, then, survives the body, and a resurrection is possible. It will be seen that this implies nothing concerning the nature or duration of the separate existence, but merely the fact of it. But, if Christ meant by the resurrection of the dead as we think he did the introduction of the disembodied and conscious soul into a state of eternal blessedness, the Sadducees denied its reality by maintaining that no such thing as a soul existed after bodily dissolution. He then proved to them its reality in the following manner. You believe for Moses, to whose authority you implicitly bow, relates it that God said, "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob," and this, long after they died. But evidently he cannot be said to be the God of that which does not exist: therefore their souls must have been still alive. And if Jehovah was emphatically their God, their friend, of course he will show them his loving kindness. They are, then, in a conscious state of blessedness. The Savior does not imply that God said so much in substance, nor that Moses intended to teach, or even knew, any thing like it, but that, by adding to the passage cited a premise of his own, which his hearers granted to be true, he could deduce so much from it by a train of new and unanswerable reasoning. His opponents were compelled to admit the legitimacy of his argument, and, impressed by its surpassing beauty and force, were silenced, if not convinced. The credit of this cogent proof of human immortality, namely, that God's love for man is a pledge and warrant of his eternal blessedness a proof whose originality and significance set it far beyond all parallel is due to the dim gropings of no Hebrew prophet, but to the inspired insight of the great Founder of Christianity. The various passages yet unnoticed which purport to have been uttered by Jehovah or at his command, and which are urged to show that the reality of a retributive life after death is a revealed doctrine of the Old Testament, will be found, upon critical examination, either to owe their entire relevant force to mistranslation, or to be fairly refuted by the reasonings already advanced. Professor Stuart admits that he finds only one consideration to show that Moses had any idea of a future retribution; and that is, that the Egyptians expressly believed it; and he is not able to comprehend how Moses, who dwelt so long among them, should be ignorant of it.4 The reasoning is obviously inconsequential. It is not certain that the Egyptians held this doctrine in the time of Moses: it may have prevailed among them before or after, and not during, that period. If they believed it at that time, it may have been an esoteric doctrine, with which he did not become acquainted. If they believed it, and he knew it, he might have classed it with other heathen doctrines, and supposed it false. And, even if he himself believed it, he might possibly not have inculcated it upon the Israelites; and the question is, what he did actually teach, not what he knew. The opinions of the Jews at the time of the Savior have no bearing upon the point in hand, because they were acquired at a later period than that of the writing of the records we are now considering. They were formed, and gradually grew in consistency and favor, either by the natural progress of thought among the Jews themselves, or, more probably, by a blending of the intimations of the Hebrew Scriptures with Gentile speculations, the doctrines of the Egyptians, Hindus, and Persians. We leave this portion of the subject, then, with the following proposition. In the canonic books of the Old Dispensation there is not a single genuine text, claiming to come from God, which teaches explicitly any doctrine whatever of a life beyond the grave. That doctrine as it existed among the Jews was no part of their pure religion, but was a part of their philosophy. It did not, as they held it, imply any thing like our present idea of the immortality of the soul reaping in the spiritual world what it has sowed in the physical. It simply declared the existence of human ghosts amidst unbroken gloom and stillness in the cavernous depths of the earth, without reward, without punishment, without employment, scarcely with consciousness, as will immediately appear. We proceed to the second general division of the subject. What does the Old Testament, apart from the revelation claimed to be contained in it, and regarding only those portions of it which are confessedly a collection of the poetry, history, and philosophy of the Hebrews, intimate concerning a future state of existence? Examining these writings with an unbiased mind, we discover that in different portions of them there are large variations and opposition of opinion. In some books we trace an undoubting belief in certain rude notions of the future condition of souls; in other books we encounter unqualified denials of every such thought. "Man lieth down and riseth not," sighs the despairing Job. "The dead cannot praise God, neither any that go down into darkness," wails the repining Psalmist. "All go to one place," 4 Exegetical Essays, (Andover, 1830,) p. 108. and "the dead know not any thing," asserts the disbelieving Preacher. These inconsistencies we shall not stop to point out and comment upon. They are immaterial to our present purpose, which is to bring together, in their general agreement, the sum and substance of the Hebrew ideas on this subject. The separate existence of the soul is necessarily implied by the distinction the Hebrews made between the grave, or sepulchre, and the under world, or abode of shades. The Hebrew words bor and keber mean simply the narrow place in which the dead body is buried; while Sheol represents an immense cavern in the interior of the earth where the ghosts of the deceased are assembled. When the patriarch was told that his son Joseph was slain by wild beasts, he cried aloud, in bitter sorrow, "I will go down to Sheol unto my son, mourning." He did not expect to meet Joseph in the grave; for he supposed his body torn in pieces and scattered in the wilderness, not laid in the family tomb. The dead are said to be "gathered to their people," or to "sleep with their fathers," and this whether they are interred in the same place or in a remote region. It is written, "Abraham gave up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people," notwithstanding his body was laid in a cave in the field of Machpelah, close by Hebron, while his people were buried in Chaldea and Mesopotamia. "Isaac gave up the ghost and died, and was gathered unto his people;" and then we read, as if it were done afterwards, "His sons, Jacob and Esau, buried him." These instances might be multiplied. They prove that "to be gathered unto one's fathers" means to descend into Sheol and join there the hosts of the departed. A belief in the separate existence of the soul is also involved in the belief in necromancy, or divination, the prevalence of which is shown by the stern laws against those who engaged in its unhallowed rites, and by the history of the witch of Endor. She, it is said, by magical spells evoked the shade of old Samuel from below. It must have been the spirit of the prophet that was supposed to rise; for his body was buried at Ramah, more than sixty miles from Endor. The faith of the Hebrews in the separate existence of the soul is shown, furthermore, by the fact that the language they employed expresses, in every instance, the distinction of body and spirit. They had particular words appropriated to each. "As thy soul liveth," is a Hebrew oath. "With my spirit within me will I seek thee early." "I, Daniel, was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body:" the figure here represents the soul in the body as a sword in a sheath. "Our bones are scattered at the mouth of the under world, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth;" that is, the soul, expelled from its case of clay by the murderer's weapon, flees into Sheol and leaves its exuvioe at the entrance. "Thy voice shall be as that of a spirit out of the ground:" the word "Lhere used signifies the shade evoked by a necromancer from the region of death, which was imagined to speak in a feeble whisper. The term rephaim is used to denote the manes of the departed. The etymology of the word, as well as its use, makes it mean the weak, the relaxed. "I am counted as them that go down into the under world; I am as a man that hath no strength." This faint, powerless condition accords with the idea that they were destitute of flesh, blood, and animal life, mere umbroe. These ghosts are described as being nearly as destitute of sensation as they are of strength. They are called "the inhabitants of the land of stillness." They exist in an inactive, partially torpid state, with a dreamy consciousness of past and present, neither suffering nor enjoying, and seldom moving. Herder says of the Hebrews, "The sad and mournful images of their ghostly realm disturbed them, and were too much for their self possession." Respecting these images, he adds, "Their voluntary force and energy were destroyed. They were feeble as a shade, without distinction of members, as a nerveless breath. They wandered and flitted in the dark nether world." This "wandering and flitting," however, is rather the spirit of Herder's poetry than of that of the Hebrews; for the whole tenor and drift of the representations in the Old Testament show that the state of disembodied souls is deep quietude. Freed from bondage, pain, toil, and care, they repose in silence. The ghost summoned from beneath by the witch of Endor said, "Why hast thou disquieted me to bring me up?" It was, indeed, in a dismal abode that they took their long quiet; but then it was in a place "where the wicked ceased from troubling and the weary were at rest." Those passages which attribute active employments to the dwellers in the under world are specimens of poetic license, as the context always shows. When Job says, "Before Jehovah the shades beneath tremble," he likewise declares, "The pillars of heaven tremble and are confounded at his rebuke." When Isaiah breaks forth in that stirring lyric to the King of Babylon, "The under world is in commotion on account of thee, To meet thee at thy coming; It stirreth up before thee the shades, all the mighty of the earth; It arouseth from their thrones all the kings of the nations; They all accost thee, and say, Art thou too become weak as we?" he also exclaims, in the same connection, "Even the cypress trees exult over thee, And the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art fallen, No man cometh up to cut us down." The activity thus vividly described is evidently a mere figure of speech: so is it in the other instances which picture the rephaim as employed and in motion. "Why," complainingly sighed the afflicted patriarch, "why died I not at my birth? For now should I lie down and be quiet; I should slumber; I should then be at rest." And the wise man says, in his preaching, "There is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol." What has already been said is sufficient to establish the fact that the Hebrews had an idea that the souls of men left their bodies at death and existed as dim shadows, in a state of undisturbed repose, in the bowels of the earth. Sheol is directly derived from a Hebrew word, signifying, first, to dig or excavate. It means, therefore, a cavity, or empty subterranean place. Its derivation is usually connected, however, with the secondary meaning of the Hebrew word referred to, namely, to ask, to desire, from the notion of demanding, since rapacious Orcus lays claim unsparingly to all; or, as others have fancifully construed it, the object of universal inquiry, the unknown mansion concerning which all are anxiously inquisitive. The place is conceived on an immense scale, shrouded in accompaniments of gloomy grandeur and peculiar awe: an enormous cavern in the earth, filled with night; a stupendous hollow kingdom, to which are poetically attributed valleys and gates, and in which are congregated the slumberous and shadowy hosts of the rephaim, never able to go out of it again forever. Its awful stillness is unbroken by noise. Its thick darkness is uncheered by light. It stretches far down under the ground. It is wonderfully deep. In language that reminds one of Milton's description of hell, where was "No light, but rather darkness visible," Job describes it as "the land of darkness, like the blackness of death shade, where is no order, and where the light is as darkness." The following passages, selected almost at random, will show the ideas entertained of the place, and confirm and illustrate the foregoing statements. "But he considers not that in the valleys of Sheol are her guests." "Now shall I go down into the gates of Sheol." "The ground slave asunder, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all their men, and all their goods: they and all that appertained to them went down alive into Sheol, and the earth closed upon them." Its depth is contrasted with the height of the sky. "Though they dig into Sheol, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down." It is the destination of all; for, though the Hebrews believed in a world of glory above the solid ceiling of the dome of day, where Jehovah and the angels dwelt, there was no promise, hope, or hint that any man could ever go there. The dirge like burden of their poetry was literally these words: "What man is he that liveth and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his spirit from the hand of Sheol?" The old Hebrew graves were crypts, wide, deep holes, like the habitations of the troglodytes. In these subterranean caves they laid the dead down; and so the Grave became the mother of Sheol, a rendezvous of the fathers, a realm of the dead, full of eternal ghost life. This under world is dreary and altogether undesirable, save as an escape from extreme anguish. But it is not a place of retribution. Jahn says, "That, in the belief of the ancient Hebrews, there were different situations in Sheol for the good and the bad, cannot be proved."5 The sudden termination of the present life is the judgment the Old Testament threatens upon sinners; its happy prolongation is the reward it promises to the righteous. Texts that prove this might be quoted in numbers from almost every page. "The wicked shall be turned into Sheol, and all the nations that forget God," not to be punished there, but as a punishment. It is true, the good and the bad alike pass into that gloomy land; but the former go down tranquilly in a good old age and full of days, as a shock of corn fully ripe cometh in its season, while the latter are suddenly hurried there by an untimely and miserable fate. The man that loves the Lord shall have length of days; the unjust, though for a moment he flourishes, yet the wind bloweth, and where is he? We shall perhaps gain a more clear and adequate knowledge of the ideas the Hebrews had of the soul and of its fate, by marking the different meanings of the words they used to 5 Biblical Archeology, sect. 314. denote it. Neshamah, primarily meaning breath or airy effluence, next expresses the Spirit of God as imparting life and force, wisdom and love; also the spirit of man as its emanation, creation, or sustained object. The citation of a few texts in which the word occurs will set this in a full light. "The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the spirit of existence, and man became a conscious being." "It is the divine spirit of man, even the inspiration of the Almighty, that giveth him understanding." "The Spirit of God made me, and his breath gave me life." Ruah signifies, originally, a breathing or blowing. Two other meanings are directly connected with this. First, the vital spirit, the principle of life as manifested in the breath of the mouth and nostrils. "And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh in whose nostrils was the breath of life." Second, the wind, the motions of the air, which the Hebrews supposed caused by the breath of God. "By the blast of thine anger the waters were gathered on an heap." "The channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered, O Lord, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils." So they regarded the thunder as his voice. "The voice of Jehovah cutteth out the fiery lightnings," and "shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh." This word is also frequently placed for the rational spirit of man, the seat of intellect and feeling. It is likewise sometimes representative of the character and disposition of men, whether good or bad. Hosea speaks of "a spirit of vile lust." In the Second Book of Chronicles we read, "There came out a spirit, and stood before Jehovah, and said, I will entice King Ahab to his destruction. I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets." Belshazzar says to Daniel, "I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in thee." Finally, it is applied to Jehovah, signifying the divine spirit, or power, by which all animate creatures live, the universe is filled with motion, all extraordinary gifts of skill, genius, strength, or virtue are bestowed, and men incited to forsake evil and walk in the paths of truth and piety. "Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created, and thou renewest the face of the earth; thou takest away their breath, they die and return to their dust." "Jehovah will be a spirit of justice in them that sit to administer judgment." It seems to be implied that the life of man, having emanated from the spirit, is to be again absorbed in it, when it is said, "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." Nephesh is but partially a synonym for the word whose significations we have just considered. The different senses it bears are strangely interchanged and confounded in King James's version. Its first meaning is breath, the breathing of a living being. Next it means the vital spirit, the indwelling life of the body. "If any mischief follow, thou shalt take life for life." The most adequate rendering of it would be, in a great majority of instances, by the term life. "In jeopardy of his life [not soul] hath Adonijah spoken this." It sometimes represents the intelligent soul or mind, the subject of knowledge and desire. "My soul knoweth right well.". Also the heart, is often used more frequently perhaps than any other term as meaning the vital principle, and the seat of consciousness, intellect, will, and affection. Jehovah said to Solomon, in answer to his prayer, "Lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart." The later Jews speculated much, with many cabalistic refinements, on these different words. They said many persons were supplied with a Nephesh without a Ruah, much more without a Neshamah. They declared that the Nephesh (Psyche) was the soul of the body, the Ruah (Pneuma) the soul of the Nephesh, and the Neshamah (Nous) the soul of the Ruah. Some of the Rabbins assert that the destination of the Nephesh, when the body dies, is Sheol; of the Ruah, the air; and of the Neshamah, heaven. 6 The Hebrews used all those words in speaking of brutes, to denote their sensitive existence, that they did in reference to men. They held that life was in every instance an emission, or breath, from the Spirit of God. But they do not intimate of brutes, as they do of men, that they have surviving shades. The author of the Book of Ecclesiastes, however, bluntly declares that "all have one breath, and all go to one place, so that a man hath no pre eminence above a beast." As far as the words used to express existence, soul, or mind, legitimate any inference, it would seem to be, either that the essential life is poured out at death as so much air, or else that it is received again by God, in both cases implying naturally, though not of philosophic necessity, the close of conscious, individual existence. But the examination we have made of their real opinions shows that, however obviously this conclusion might flow from their pneumatology, it was not the expectation they cherished. They believed there was a dismal empire in the earth where the rephaim, or ghosts of the dead, reposed forever in a state of semi sleep. "It is a land of shadows: yea, the land Itself is but a shadow, and the race That dwell therein are voices, forms of forms. And echoes of themselves." That the Hebrews, during the time covered by their sacred records, had no conception of a retributive life beyond the present, knew nothing of a blessed immortality, is shown by two conclusive arguments, in addition to the positive demonstration afforded by the views which, as we have seen, they did actually hold in regard to the future lot of man. First, they were puzzled, they were troubled and distressed, by the moral phenomena of the present life, the misfortunes of the righteous, the prosperity of the wicked. Read the Book of Ecclesiastes, the Book of Job, some of the Psalms. Had they been acquainted with future reward and punishment, they could easily have solved these problems to their satisfaction. Secondly, they regarded life as the one blessing, death as the one evil. Something of sadness, we may suppose, was in the wise man's tones when he said, "A living dog is better than a dead lion." Obey Jehovah's laws, that thy days may be long in the land he giveth thee; the wicked shall not live out half his days: such is the burden of the Old Testament. It was reserved for a later age to see life and immortality brought to light, and for the disciples of a clearer faith to feel that death is gain. There are many passages in the Hebrew Scriptures generally supposed and really appearing, upon a slight examination, not afterwards to teach doctrines different from those here stated. We will give two examples in a condensed form. "Thou wilt not leave 6 Tractatus de Anima a R. Moscheh Korduero. In Kabbala Denudata. tom. i. pars ii. my soul in Sheol: . . . at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore." This text, properly translated and explained, means, Thou wilt not leave me to misfortune and untimely death: . . . in thy royal favor is prosperity and length of days. "I know that my Redeemer liveth:. . . in my flesh I shall see God." The genuine meaning of this triumphant exclamation of faith is, I know that God is the Vindicator of the upright, and that he will yet justify me before I die. A particular examination of the remaining passages of this character with which erroneous conceptions are generally connected would show, first, that in nearly every case these passages are not accurately translated; secondly, that they may be satisfactorily interpreted as referring merely to this life, and cannot by a sound exegesis be explained otherwise; thirdly, that the meaning usually ascribed to them is inconsistent with the whole general tenor, and with numberless positive and explicit statements, of the books in which they are found; fourthly, that if there are, as there dubiously seem to be in some of the Psalms, texts implying the ascent of souls after death to a heavenly life, for example, "Thou shalt guide me with thy countenance, and afterward receive me to glory," they were the product of a late period, and reflect a faith not native to the Hebrews, but first known to them after their intercourse with the Persians. Christians reject the allegorizing of the Jews, and yet traditionally accept, on their authority, doctrines which can be deduced from their Scriptures in no other way than by the absurd hypothesis of a double or mystic sense. For example, scores of Christian authors have taught the dogma of a general resurrection of the dead, deducing it from such passages as God's sentence upon Adam: "From the dust wast thou taken, and unto the dust shalt thou return;" as Joel's patriotic picture of the Jews victorious in battle, and of the vanquished heathen gathered in the valley of Jehoshaphat to witness their installation as rulers of the earth; and as the declaration of the God of battles: "I am he that kills and that makes alive, that wounds and that heals." And they maintain that the doctrine of immortality is inculcated in such texts as these: when Moses asks to see God, and the reply is, "No man can see me and live;" when Bathsheba bows and says, "Let my lord King David live forever;" and when the sacred poet praises God, saying, "Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling." Such interpretations of Scripture are lamentable in the extreme; their context shows them to be absurd. The meaning is forced into the words, not derived from them. Such as we have now seen were the ancient Hebrew ideas of the future state. To those who received them the life to come was cheerless, offering no attraction save that of peace to the weary sufferer. On the other hand, it had no terror save the natural revulsion of the human heart from everlasting darkness, silence, and dreams. In view of deliverance from so dreary a fate, by translation through Jesus Christ to the splendors of the world above the firmament, there are many exultations in the Epistles of Paul, and in other portions of the New Testament. The Hebrew views of the soul and its destiny, as discerned through the intimations of their Scriptures are very nearly what, from a fair consideration of the case, we should suppose they would be, agreeing in the main with the natural speculations of other early nations upon the same subject. These opinions underwent but little alteration until a century or a century and a half before the dawn of the Christian era. This is shown by the phraseology of the Septuagint version of the Pentateuch, and by the allusions in the so called Apocryphal books. In these, so far as there are any relevant statements or implications, they are of the same character as those which we have explained from the more ancient writings. This is true, with the notable exceptions of the Wisdom of Solomon and the Second Maccabees, neither of which documents can be dated earlier than a hundred and twenty years before Christ. The former contains the doctrine of transmigration. The author says, "Being wise, I came into a body undefiled."7 But, with the exception of this and one other passage, there is little or nothing in the book which is definite on the subject of a future life. It is difficult to tell what the author's real faith was: his words seem rather rhetorical than dogmatic. He says, "To be allied unto wisdom is immortality;" but other expressions would appear to show that by immortality he means merely a deathless posthumous fame, "leaving an eternal memorial of himself to all who shall come after him." Again he declares, "The spirit when it is gone forth returneth not; neither the soul received up cometh again." And here we find, too, the famous text, "God created man to be immortal, and made him to be an image of his own eternity. Nevertheless, through envy of the devil came death into the world, and they that hold of his side do find it."8 Upon the whole, it is pretty clear that the writer believed in a future life; but the details are too partially and obscurely shadowed to be drawn forth. We may, however, hazard a conjecture on the passage last quoted, especially with the help of the light cast upon it from its evident Persian origin. What is it, expressed by the term "death," which is found by the adherents of the devil distinctively? "Death" cannot here be a metaphor for an inward state of sin and woe, because it is contrasted with the plainly literal phrases, "created to be immortal," "an image of God's eternity." It cannot signify simply physical dissolution, because this is found as well by God's servants as by the devil's. Its genuine meaning is, most probably, a descent into the black kingdom of sadness and silence under the earth, while the souls of the good were "received up." The Second Book of Maccabees with emphasis repeatedly asserts future retribution and a bodily resurrection. In the seventh chapter a full account is given of seven brothers and their mother who suffered martyrdom, firmly sustained by faith in a glorious reward for their heroic fidelity, to be reaped at the resurrection. One of them says to the tyrant by whose order he was tortured, "As for thee, thou shalt have no resurrection to life." Nicanor, bleeding from many horrible wounds, "plucked out his bowels and cast them upon the throng, and, calling upon the Lord of life and spirit to restore him those again, [at the day of resurrection,] he thus died."9 Other passages in this book to the same effect it is needless to quote. The details lying latent in those we have quoted will soon be illuminated and filled out when we come to treat of the opinions of the Pharisees. 10 7 Cap. viii. 20. 8 Cap. ii. 23, 24. 9 Cap. xiv. 46. 10 See a very able discussion of the relation between the ideas concerning immortality, resurrection, judgment, and retribution, contained in the Old Testament Apocrypha, and those in the New Testament, by Frisch, inserted in Eichhorn's Allgemeine Bibliothek der Biblischen Literatur, band iv. stuck iv. There lived in Alexandria a very learned Jew named Philo, the author of voluminous writings, a zealous Israelite, but deeply imbued both with the doctrines and the spirit of Plato. He was born about twenty years before Christ, and survived him about thirty years. The weight of his character, the force of his talents, the fascinating adaptation of his peculiar philosophical speculations and of his bold and subtle allegorical expositions of Scripture to the mind of his age and of the succeeding centuries, together with the eminent literary position and renown early secured for him by a concurrence of causes, have combined to make him exert according to the expressed convictions of the best judges, such as Lucke and NORTON a greater influence on the history of Christian opinions than any single man, with the exception of the Apostle Paul, since the days of Christ. It is important, and will be interesting, to see some explanation of his views on the subject of a future life. A synopsis of them must suffice. Philo was a Platonic Alexandrian Jew, not a Zoroastrian Palestinian Pharisee. It was a current saying among the Christian Fathers, "Vel Plato Philonizat, vel Philo Platonizat." He has little to say of the Messiah, nothing to say of the Messianic eschatology. We speak of him in this connection because he was a Jew, flourishing at the commencement of the Christian epoch, and contributing much, by his cabalistic interpretations, to lead Christians to imagine that the Old Testament contained the doctrine of a spiritual immortality connected with a system of rewards and punishments. Three principal points include the substance of Philo's faith on the subject in hand. He rejected the notion of a resurrection of the body and held to the natural immortality of the soul. He entertained the most profound and spiritual conceptions of the intrinsically deadly nature and wretched fruits of all sin, and of the self contained welfare and self rewarding results of every element of virtue, in themselves, independent of time and place and regardless of external bestowments of woe or joy. He also believed at the same time in contrasted localities above and below, appointed as the residences of the disembodied souls of good and of wicked men. We will quote miscellaneously various passages from him in proof and illustration of these statements: "Man's bodily form is made from the ground, the soul from no created thing, but from the Father of all; so that, although man was mortal as to his body, he was immortal as to his mind."11 "Complete virtue is the tree of immortal life."12 "Vices and crimes, rushing in through the gate of sensual pleasure, changed a happy and immortal life for a wretched and mortal one."13 Referring to the allegory of the garden of Eden, he says, "The death threatened for eating the fruit was not natural, the separation of soul and body, but penal, the sinking of the soul in the body."14 "Death is twofold, one of man, one of the soul. The death of man is the separation of the soul from the body; the death of the soul is the corruption of virtue 11 Mangey's edition of Philo's works, vol. i. p. 32. 12 Ibid. p. 38. 13 Ibid. p. 37. 14 Ibid. p. 65. and the assumption of vice."15 "To me, death with the pious is preferable to life with the impious. For those so dying, deathless life delivers; but those so living, eternal death seizes."16 He writes of three kinds of life, "one of which neither ascends nor cares to ascend, groping in the secret recesses of Hades and rejoicing in the most lifeless life."17 Commenting on the promise of the Lord to Abram, that he should be buried in a good old age, Philo observes that "A polished, purified soul does not die, but emigrates: it is of an inextinguishable and deathless race, and goes to heaven, escaping the dissolution and corruption which death seems to introduce."18 "A vile life is the true Hades, despicable and obnoxious to every sort of execration." 19 "Different regions are set apart for different things, heaven for the good, the confines of the earth for the bad."20 He thinks the ladder seen by Jacob in his dream "is a figure of the air, which, reaching from earth to heaven, is the house of unembodied souls, the image of a populous city having for citizens immortal souls, some of whom descend into mortal bodies, but soon return aloft, calling the body a sepulchre from which they hasten, and, on light wings seeking the lofty ether, pass eternity in sublime contemplations."21 "The wise inherit the OLYMPIC and heavenly region to dwell in, always studying to go above; the bad, the innermost parts of Hades, always laboring to die."22 He literally accredits the account, in the sixteenth chapter of Numbers, of the swallowing of Korah and his company, saying, "The earth opened and took them alive into Hades."23 "Ignorant men regard death as the end of punishments, whereas in the Divine judgment it is scarcely the beginning of them."24 He describes the meritorious man as "fleeing to God and receiving the most intimate honor of a firm place in heaven; but the reprobate man is dragged below, down to the very lowest place, to Tartarus itself and profound darkness."25 "He who is not firmly held by evil may by repentance return to virtue, as to the native land from which he has wandered. But he who suffers from incurable vice must endure its dire penalties, banished into the place of the impious until the whole of eternity."26 Such, then, was the substance of Philo's opinions on the theme before us, as indeed many more passages, which we have omitted as superfluous, might be cited from him to show. Man was made originally a mortal body and an immortal soul. He should have been happy and pure while in the body, and on leaving it have soared up to the realm of light and bliss on high, to join the angels. "Abraham, leaving his mortal part, was added to the people of God, 15 Ibid. p. 65. 16 Ibid. p. 233. 17 Ibid. p. 479. 18 Ibid. p. 513. 19 Ibid. p. 527. 20 Ibid. p. 555. 21 Ibid. p. 641, 642. 22 Ibid. p. 643. 23 Ibid. vol. ii. p. 178. 24 Ibid. p. 419. 25 Mangey's edition of Philo's Works, vol. ii. p. 433. 26 Ibid. vol. i. p. 139. enjoying immortality and made similar to the angels. For the angels are the army of God, bodiless and happy souls."27 But, through the power of evil, all who yield to sin and vice lose that estate of bright and blessed immortality, and become discordant, wretched, despicable, and, after the dissolution of the body, are thrust down to gloom and manifold just retribution in Hades. He believed in the pre existence, and in a limited transmigration, of souls. Here he leaves the subject, saying nothing of a resurrection or final restoration, and not speculating as to any other of the details. 28 We pass on to speak of the Jewish sects at the time of Christ. There were three of these, cardinally differing from each other in their theories of the future fate of man. First, there were the skeptical, materialistic Sadducees, wealthy, proud, few. They openly denied the existence of any disembodied souls, avowing that men utterly perished in the grave. "The cloud faileth and passeth away: so he that goeth down to the grave doth not return."29 We read in the Acts of the Apostles, "The Sadducees say there is no resurrection, neither angel nor spirit." At the same time they accepted the Pentateuch, only rejecting or explaining away those portions of it which relate to the separate existence of souls and to their subterranean abode. They strove to confound their opponents, the advocates of a future life, by such perplexing questions as the one they addressed to Jesus, asking, in the case of a woman who had had seven successive husbands, which one of them should be her husband in the resurrection. All that we can gather concerning the Sadducees from the New Testament is amply confirmed by Josephus, who explicitly declares, "Their doctrine is that souls die with the bodies." The second sect was the ascetical and philosophical Essenes, of whom the various information given by Philo in his celebrated paper on the Therapeuta agrees with the account in Josephus and with the scattered gleams in other sources. The doctrine of the Essenes on the subject of our present inquiry was much like that of Philo himself; and in some particulars it remarkably resembles that of many Christians. They rejected the notion of the resurrection of the body, and maintained the inherent immortality of the soul. They said that "the souls of men, coming out of the most subtle and pure air, are bound up in their bodies as in so many prisons; but, being freed at death, they do rejoice, and are borne aloft where a state of happy life forever is decreed for the virtuous; but the vicious are assigned to eternal punishment in a dark, cold place." 30 Such sentiments appear to have inspired the heroic Eleazar, whose speech to his followers is reported by Josephus, when they were besieged at Masada, urging them to rush on the foe, "for death is better than life, is the only true life, leading the soul to infinite freedom and joy above."31 27 Ibid. p. 164. 28 See, in the Analekten of Keil and Tzschirner, band i stuck ii., an article by Dr. Schreiter, entitled Philo's Ideen uber Unsterblichkeit, Auferstehung, und Vergeltung. 29 Lightfoot in Matt. xxii. 23. 30 Josephus, De Bell. lib. ii. cap. 8. 31 Ibid. lib. vii. cap. 8. But by far the most numerous and powerful of the Jewish sects at that time, and ever since, were the eclectic, traditional, formalist Pharisees: eclectic, inasmuch as their faith was formed by a partial combination of various systems; traditional, since they allowed a more imperative sway to the authority of the Fathers, and to oral legends and precepts, than to the plain letter of Scripture; formalist, for they neglected the weightier spiritual matters of the law in a scrupulous tithing of mint, cumin, and anise seed, a pretentious wearing of broad phylacteries, an uttering of long prayers in the streets, and the various other hypocritical priestly paraphernalia of a severe mechanical ritual. From Josephus we learn that the Pharisees believed that the souls of the faithful that is, of all who punctiliously observed the law of Moses and the traditions of the elders would live again by transmigration into new bodies; but that the souls of all others, on leaving their bodies, were doomed to a place of confinement beneath, where they must abide forever. These are his words: "The Pharisees believe that souls have an immortal strength in them, and that in the under world they will experience rewards or punishments according as they have lived well or ill in this life. The righteous shall have power to live again, but sinners shall be detained in an everlasting prison."32 Again, he writes, "The Pharisees say that all souls are incorruptible, but that only the souls of good men are removed into other bodies."33 The fragment entitled "Concerning Hades," formerly attributed to Josephus, is now acknowledged on all sides to be a gross forgery. The Greek culture and philosophical tincture with which he was imbued led him to reject the doctrine of a bodily resurrection; and this is probably the reason why he makes no allusion to that doctrine in his account of the Pharisees. That such a doctrine was held among them is plain from passages in the New Testament, passages which also shed light upon the statement actually made by Josephus. Jesus says to Martha, "Thy brother shall rise again." She replies, "I know that he shall rise in the resurrection, at the last day." Some of the Pharisees, furthermore, did not confine the privilege or penalty of transmigration, and of the resurrection, to the righteous. They once asked Jesus, "Who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Plainly, he could not have been born blind for his own sins unless he had known a previous life. Paul, too, says of them, in his speech at Casarea, "They themselves also allow that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and of the unjust." This, however, is very probably an exception to their prevailing belief. Their religious intolerance, theocratic pride, hereditary national vanity, and sectarian formalism, often led them to despise and overlook the Gentile world, haughtily restricting the boon of a renewed life to the legal children of Abraham. But the grand source now open to us of knowledge concerning the prevailing opinions of the Jews on our present subject at and subsequent to the time of Christ is the Talmud. This is a collection of the traditions of the oral law, (Mischna,) with the copious precepts and comments (Gemara) of the most learned and authoritative Rabbins. It is a wonderful monument of myths and fancies, profound speculations and ridiculous puerilities, antique 32 Antiq. lib. xviii. cap. 1.33 De Bell. lib. ii. cap. 8. legends and cabalistic subtleties, crowned and loaded with the national peculiarities. The Jews reverence it extravagantly, saying, "The Bible is salt, the Mischna pepper, the Gemara balmy spice." Rabbi Solomon ben Joseph sings, in our poet's version, "The Kabbala and Talmud hoar Than all the Prophets prize I more; For water is all Bible lore, But Mischna is pure wine." The rambling character and barbarous dialect of this work have joined with various other causes to withhold from it far too much of the attention of Christian critics. Saving by old Lightfoot and Pocock, scarcely a contribution has ever been offered us in English from this important field. The Germans have done far better; and numerous huge volumes, the costly fruits of their toils, are standing on neglected shelves. The eschatological views derived from this source are authentically Jewish, however closely they may resemble some portion of the popular Christian conceptions upon the same subject. The correspondences between some Jewish and some Christian theological dogmas betoken the influx of an adulterated Judaism into a nascent Christianity, not the reflex of a pure Christianity upon a receptive Judaism. It is important to show this; and it appears from several considerations. In the first place, it is demonstrable, it is unquestioned, that at least the germs and outlines of the dogmas referred to were in actual existence among the Pharisees before the conflict between Christianity and Judaism arose.Secondly, in the Rabbinical writings these dogmas are most fundamental, vital, and pervading, in relation to the whole system; but in the Christian they seem subordinate and incidental, have every appearance of being ingrafts, not outgrowths. Thirdly, in the apostolic age Judaism was a consolidated, petrified system, defended from outward influence on all sides by an invulnerable bigotry, a haughty exclusiveness; while Christianity was in a young and vigorous, an assimilating and formative, state. Fourthly, the overweening sectarian vanity and scorn of the Jews, despising, hating, and fearing the Christians, would not permit them to adopt peculiarities of belief from the latter; but the Christians were undeniably Jews in almost every thing except in asserting the Messiahship of Jesus: they claimed to be the genuine Jews, children of the law and realizers of the promise. The Jewish dogmas, therefore, descended to them as a natural lineal inheritance. Finally, in the Acts of the Apostles, the letters of Paul, and the progress of the Ebionites, (which sect included nearly all the Christians of the first century,) we can trace step by step the actual workings, in reliable history, of the process that we affirm, namely, the assimilation of Jewish elements into the popular Christianity. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Греческая и римская доктрина будущей жизни Бестелесная душа, как задумано греками, и после них римлянами, является материальной, но настолько тонкой, что она не может ощущаться руками. Он выдыхается от умирающего вздоха или выдает раны воина. Меч проходит через свою неповрежденную форму, как в воздухе. Это для тела то, что мечта - это пробуждение действий. Сохраняя форму, линеаменты и движение, которые человек имел в жизни, он сразу же распознается при появлении. Он покидает тело с большой неохотой, оставляя эти теплые и энергичные инвестиции для холодного и безжизненного существования. Он скользит без шума и очень быстро, как тень. Он не может войти в низшее царство и быть в покое до тех пор, пока его заброшенное тело не будет похоронено со священными обрядами: между тем, голый и грустный, он беспокойно беспокойно поднимается по воротам, произнося печальные стоны. Ранние греческие авторы описывают создание как колоссальный полый глобус, разрезанный в центре плоскостью земли. Верхнее полушарие освещено благотворными светилами; нижнее полушарие заполнено неизменной чернотой. Верх верхней сферы - Небеса, яркое жилище олимпийских богов; его дно - поверхность земли, дом живых людей. Верх нижней сферы - это Аид, обитель призраков мертвых; его дно - Тартар, тюрьма Титанов, мятежные гиганты, побежденные Зевсом. Земля лежит на полпути от борьбы Неба до полу Тартара. Это расстояние настолько велико, что, согласно Гесиоду, на девяносто девять дней выпадет наковальня от центра до надира. Некоторые из древних, по-видимому, предположили сферичность Земли, и подумал, что Аид был просто его темной стороной, а мертвые - нашими антиподами. В Одиссее Улисс достигает Аида, плыву через океанский поток и проходя вечную ночную землю киммерийцев, после чего он подходит к краю Ашерона, рва мрачного дома Плутона. Вергилий также говорит: «Один полюс земли для нас всегда указывает вверх, а другой видны черным стихом и адскими призраками, где вечно царит мертвая ночь, или Аврора возвращается туда оттуда и возвращает их обратно». Очевидно, что преобладающее понятие было в том, что Аид был огромной пустотой, расположенной недалеко от поверхности земли, и что ее нужно было достичь путем спуска через какую-то пещеру, как в Авернусе. Улисс достигает Аида, плыв по океанскому потоку и проезжая вечную ночную землю киммерийцев, после чего он подходит к краю Ашерона, рва мрачного дома Плутона. Вергилий также говорит: «Один полюс земли для нас всегда указывает вверх, а другой видны черным стихом и адскими призраками, где вечно царит мертвая ночь, или Аврора возвращается туда оттуда и возвращает их обратно». Очевидно, что преобладающее понятие было в том, что Аид был огромной пустотой, расположенной недалеко от поверхности земли, и что ее нужно было достичь путем спуска через какую-то пещеру, как в Авернусе. Улисс достигает Аида, плыв по океанскому потоку и проезжая вечную ночную землю киммерийцев, после чего он подходит к краю Ашерона, рва мрачного дома Плутона. Вергилий также говорит: «Один полюс земли для нас всегда указывает вверх, а другой видны черным стихом и адскими призраками, где вечно царит мертвая ночь, или Аврора возвращается туда оттуда и возвращает их обратно». Очевидно, что преобладающее понятие было в том, что Аид был огромной пустотой, расположенной недалеко от поверхности земли, и что ее нужно было достичь путем спуска через какую-то пещеру, как в Авернусе. Это подземное место - это место назначения всех одинаково, хищный Оркус, не щадящий никого, хорошего или плохого. Он обернут в неясности, как предполагает этимология его названия, место, где невозможно увидеть. «Никакое солнце не порождает мрачные ужасы, ни веселые штормы не освежают застойный воздух». Мертвые бессовестны в этом мрачном царстве, и живые уклоняются от входа в него, кроме как убежище от невыносимых бед. Тень княжеского героя, живущего там 1 Георг. Lib. я. II. 242-250. Ахилл говорит: «Я бы хотел, чтобы на земле был нанят другого человека с неимущим имуществом, а не властвовать над всеми мертвыми». Души несут туда свои физические особенности, свежие и ужасные подобия ран, которые отправили их туда, чтобы они были известны в поле зрения. Компании соотечественников, узлы друзей, вместе находятся там, сохраняя свое воспоминание о странных состояниях и любимых родственниках, оставшихся позади, и с нетерпением спрашивают каждую новоприбывшую душу для известий сверху. Когда душа Ахилла рассказана о славных поступках Неоптолема, «он уходит, делая сильные шаги через луг асфодели в радости, потому что слышал, что его сын был очень прославлен». 2 Софокл заставляет умирающую Антигону сказать: Уходя, Я сильно ценю надежду на то, что меня с радостью встретит мой отец, и моя мать, и мой брат »3. Важно заметить, что, согласно раннему и популярному мнению, это Аид,« темное жилище безрадостные образы умерших смертных »- это назначение универсального человечества. В противовес его долому мраку и отвратительному безрассудству ярко изображены радостный свет дня, слава и счастье жизни». Не стоит так много для меня, как для моей жизни , - говорит несравненный сын Пелея, - все сокровища, которыми обладали многолюдные Троя, и все, что каменный порог Феба Аполлона содержит в скалистом Пито. Оксен и толстые овечки, трофеи и лошади с золотыми гривами могут быть приобретены усилиями; но дыхание человека, чтобы возвратиться снова, не должно быть получено грабежом и покупкой, Невероятно, что все декоративные детали, связанные поэтами с судьбой и состоянием мертвых, как они изложены, например, Вирджилом в шестой книге Анеида, когда-либо считались буквальной истиной. Но нет оснований сомневаться в том, что основные черты этого мифологического пейзажа были приняты в вульгарной вере. Например, что народный разум честно считал, что в каком-то неопределенном смысле призрак, покинув тело, бросился к тусклым берегам Ашерона и предложил теневой оболю Харону, неряшливому старику-паромнику, для прохода в его лодке, кажется, засвидетельствовано не только тысячами усреднений в этом отношении в текущей литературе того времени, но и неизменным обычаем помещать оболю в рот мертвеца для этой цели, когда он был похоронен. The Greeks did not view the banishment of souls in Hades as a punishment for sin, or the result of any broken law in the plan of things. It was to them merely the fulfilment of the inevitable fate of creatures who must die, in the order of nature, like successive growths of flowers, and whose souls were too feeble to rank with gods and climb into Olympus. That man should cease from his substantial life on the bright earth and subside into sunless Hades, a vapid form, with nerveless limbs and faint voice, a ghostly vision bemoaning his existence with idle lamentation, or busying himself with the misty mockeries of his former pursuits, was melancholy enough; but it was his natural destiny, and not an avenging judgment. But that powerful instinct in man which desires to see villany punished and goodness rewarded could not fail, among so cultivated a people as the Greeks, to develop a doctrine of future compensation for the contrasted deserts of souls. The earliest trace of the idea of 2 Odyssey, lib. xi. II. 538, 539. 3 Antigone, II. 872-874. retribution which we find carried forward into the invisible world is the punishment of the Titans, those monsters who tried by piling up mountains to storm the heavenly abodes, and to wrest the Thunderer's bolts from his hand. This germ is slowly expanded; and next we read of a few specified criminals, who had been excessively impious, personally offending Zeus, condemned by his direct indignation to a severe expiation in Tartarus. The insulted deity wreaks his vengeance on the tired Sisyphus, the mocked Tantalus, the gnawed Tityus, and others. Afterwards we meet the statement that condign retribution is always inflicted for the two flagrant sins of perjury and blasphemy. Finally, we discern a general prevalence of the belief that punishment is decreed, not by vindictive caprice, but on the grounds of universal morality, all souls being obliged in Hades to pass before Rhadamanthus, Minos, or Aacus, three upright judges, to be dealt with, according to their merits, with impartial accuracy. The distribution of poetic justice in Hades at last became, in many authors, so melodramatic as to furnish a fair subject for burlesque. Some ludicrous examples of this may be seen in Lucian's Dialogues of the Dead. A fine instance of it is also furnished in the Emperor Julian's Symposium. The gods prepare for the Roman emperors a banquet, in the air, below the moon. The good emperors are admitted to the table with honors; but the bad ones are hurled headlong down into Tartarus, amidst the derisive shouts of the spectators. As the notion that the wrath of the gods would pursue their enemies in the future state gave rise to a belief in the punishments of Tartarus, so the notion that the distinguishing kindness of the gods would follow their favorites gave rise to the myth of Elysium. The Elysian Fields were earliest portrayed lying on the western margin of the earth, stretching from the verge of Oceanus, where the sun set at eve. They were fringed with perpetual green, perfumed with the fragrance of flowers, and eternally fanned by refreshing breezes. They were represented merely as the select abode of a small number of living men, who were either the mortal relatives or the special favorites of the gods, and who were transported thither without tasting death, there to pass an immortality which was described, with great inconsistency, sometimes as purely happy, sometimes as joyless and wearisome. To all except a few chosen ones this region was utterly inaccessible. Homer says, "But for you, O Menelaus, it is not decreed by the gods to die; but the immortals will send you to the Elysian plain, because you are the son in law of Zeus."4 Had the inheritance of this clime been proclaimed as the reward of heroic merit, had it been really believed attainable by virtue, it would have been held up as a prize to be striven for. The whole account, as it was at first, bears the impress of imaginative fiction as legibly upon its front as the story of the dragon watched garden of Hesperus's daughters, whose trees bore golden apples, or the story of the enchanted isle in the Arabian tales. The early location of Elysium, and the conditions of admission to it, were gradually changed; and at length it reappeared, in the under world, as the abode of the just. On one side of the primitive Hades Tartarus had now been drawn up to admit the condemned into its penal tortures, and on the other side Elysium was lowered down to reward the justified by receiving them into its peaceful and perennial happiness; while, between the two, Erebus 4 Odyssey, lib. iv. II. 555-570. remained as an intermediate state of negation and gloom for unsentenced shades. The highly colored descriptions of this subterranean heaven, frequently found thenceforth, it is to be supposed were rarely accepted as solid verities. They were scarcely ever used, to our knowledge, as motives in life, incitement in difficulties, consolation in sorrow. They were mostly set forth in poems, works even professedly fictitious. They were often denied and ridiculed in speeches and writings received with public applause. Still, they unquestionably exerted some influence on the common modes of thought and feeling, had a shadowy seat in the popular imagination and heart, helped men to conceive of a blessed life hereafter and to long for it, and took away something of the artificial horror with which, under the power of rooted superstition, their departing ghosts hailed the dusky limits of futurity: "Umbra Non tacitas Erebi sedes, Ditisque profundi Pallida regna petunt." First, then, from a study of the Greek mythology we find all the dead a dull populace of ghosts fluttering through the neutral melancholy of Hades without discrimination. And finally we discern in the world of the dead a sad middle region, with a Paradise on the right and a Hell on the left, the whole presided over by three incorruptible judges, who appoint the new corners their places in accordance with their deserts. The question now arises, What did the Greeks think in relation to the ascent of human souls into heaven among the gods? Did they except none from the remediless doom of Hades? Was there no path for the wisest and best souls to climb starry Olympus? To dispose of this inquiry fairly, four distinct considerations must be examined. First, Ulysses sees in the infernal regions the image of Herakles shooting the shadows of the Stymphalian birds, while his soul is said to be rejoicing with fair legged Hebe at the banquets of the immortal gods in the skies. To explain this, we must remember that Herakles was the son of Alcmene, a mortal woman, and of Zeus, the king of the gods. Accordingly, in the flames on Mount Oeta, the surviving ghost which he derived from his mother descends to Hades, but the purified soul inherited from his father has the proper nature and rank of a deity, and is received into the Olympian synod.5 Of course no blessed life in heaven for the generality of men is here implied. Herakles, being a son and favorite of Zeus, has a corresponding destiny exceptional from that of other men. Secondly, another double representation, somewhat similar, but having an entirely different interpretation, occurs in the case of Orion, the handsome Hyrian hunter whom Artemis loved. At one time he is described, like the spectre of the North American Indian, chasing over the Stygian plain the disembodied animals he had in his lifetime killed on the mountains: "Swift through the gloom a giant hunter flies: A ponderous brazen mace, with direful sway, Aloft he whirls to crush the savage prey; 5 Ovid, Met. lib. ix. II. 245-272. Grim beasts in trains, that by his truncheon fell, Now, phantom forms, shoot o'er the lawn of hell." In the common belief this, without doubt, was received as actual fact. But at another time Orion is deified and shown as one of the grandest constellations of the sky, "A belted giant, who, with arm uplift, Threatening the throne of Zeus, forever stands, Sublimely impious." This, obviously, is merely a poetic symbol, a beautiful artifice employed by the poets to perpetuate a legend by associating it with the imperishable hieroglyphs of the galaxy. It is not credible that men imagined that group of stars only outlined in such shape by the help of arbitrary fancy to be literally the translated hunter himself. The meaning simply was that he was immortalized through the eternal linking of his name and form with a stellar cluster which would always shine upon men. "The reverence and gratitude of a weak world for the heroes and benefactors they could not comprehend, named them divinities, whom they did star together to an idolatrous immortality which nationalized the heavens" with the shining shapes of the great and brave. These types of poetry, symbols lent to infant science, were never meant to indicate a literal translation and metamorphosis of human souls, but were honors paid to the memories of illustrious men, emblems and pledged securities of their unfading fame. With what glorious characters, with what forms of deathless beauty, defiant of decay, the sky was written over! Go out this evening beneath the old rolling dome, when the starry scroll is outspread, and you may still read the reveries of the marvelling minds of the antique world, as fresh in their magic loveliness as when the bards and seers of Olympus and the Agean first stamped them in heaven. There "the great snake binds in his bright coil half the mighty host." There is Arion with his harp and the charmed dolphin. The fair Andromeda, still chained to her eternal rock, looks mournfully towards the delivering hero whose conquering hand bears aloft the petrific visage of Medusa. Far off in the north the gigantic Bootes is seen driving towards the Centaur and the Scorpion. And yonder, smiling benignantly upon the crews of many a home bound ship, are revealed the twin brothers, joined in the embrace of an undying friendship. Thirdly, it is asserted by several Latin authors, in general terms, that the ghost goes to Hades but the soul ascends to heaven; and it has been inferred most erroneously that this statement contains the doctrine of an abode for men after death on high with the gods. Ovid expresses the real thought in full, thus: "Terra tegit carnem; tumulum circumvolat umbra; Orcus habet manes; spiritus astra petit." "The earth conceals the flesh; the shade flits round the tomb; the under world receives the image; the spirit seeks the stars." Those conversant with the opinions then prevalent will scarcely doubt that these words were meant to express the return of the composite man to the primordial elements of which he was made. The particulars of the dissolving individual are absorbed in the general elements of the universe. Earth goes back to earth, ghost to the realm of ghosts, breath to the air, fiery essence of soul to the lofty ether in whose pure radiance the stars burn. Euripides expressly says that when man dies each part goes whence it came, "the body to the ground, the spirit to the ether."6 Therefore the often misunderstood phrase of the Roman writers, "the soul seeks the stars," merely denotes the impersonal mingling after death of the divine portion of man's being with the parent Divinity, who was supposed indeed to pervade all things, but more especially to reside beyond the empyrean. Fourthly: what shall be said of the apotheosis of their celebrated heroes and emperors by the Greeks and Romans, whereby these were elevated to the dignity of deities, and seats were assigned them in heaven? What was the meaning of this ceremony? It does not signify that a celestial immortality awaits all good men; because it appears as a thing attainable by very few, is only allotted by vote of the Senate. Neither was it supposed actually to confer on its recipients equality of attributes with the great gods, making them peers of Zeus and Apollo. The homage received as gods by Alexander and others during their lives, the deification of Julius Casar during the most learned and skeptical age of Rome, with other obvious considerations, render such a supposition inadmissible. In view of all the direct evidence and collateral probabilities, we conclude that the genuine import of an ancient apotheosis was this: that the soul of the deceased person so honored was admitted, in deference to his transcendent merits, or as a special favor on the part of the gods, into heaven, into the divine society. He was really a human soul still, but was called a god because, instead of descending, like the multitude of human souls, to Hades, he was taken into the abode and company of the gods above the sky. This interpretation derives support from the remarkable declaration of Aristotle, that "of two friends one must be unwilling that the other should attain apotheosis, because in such case they must be forever separated."7 One would be in Olympus, the other in Hades. The belief that any, even a favored few, could ever obtain this blessing, was of quite limited development, and probably sprang from the esoteric recesses of the Mysteries. To call a human soul a god is not so bold a speech as it may seem. Plotinus says. "Whoever has wisdom and true virtue in soul itself differs but little from superior beings, in this alone being inferior to them, that he is in body. Such an one, dying, may therefore properly say, with Empedocles, 'Farewell! a god immortal now am I.'" The expiring Vespasian exclaimed, "I shall soon be a god."8 Mure says that the doctrine of apotheosis belonged to the Graco Pelasgic race through all their history.9 Seneca severely satirizes the ceremony, and the popular belief which upheld it, in an elaborate lampoon called Apocolocyntosis, or the reception of Claudius among the pumpkins. The broad travesty of 6 The Suppliants, l. 533. 7 Nicomachean Ethics, lib. viii. cap. 7. 8 Suetonius, cap. xxiii. 9 Hist. Greek Literature, vol. i. ch. 2, sect. 5. Deification exhibited in Pumpkinification obviously measures the distance from the honest credulity of one class and period to the keen infidelity of another. One of the most important passages in Greek literature, in whatever aspect viewed, is composed of the writings of the great Theban lyrist. Let us see what representation is there made of the fate of man in the unseen world. The ethical perception, profound feeling, and searching mind of Pindar could not allow him to remain satisfied with the undiscriminating views of the future state prevalent in his time. Upon such a man the problem of death must weigh as a conscious burden, and his reflections would naturally lead him to improved conclusions. Accordingly, we find him representing the Blessed Isles not as the haven of a few favorites of the gods, but as the reward of virtue; and the punishments of the wicked, too, are not dependent on fickle inclinations, but are decreed by immutable right. He does not describe the common multitude of the dead, leading a dark sad existence, like phantoms in a dream: his references to death and Hades seem cheerful in comparison with those of many other ancient Greek authors. Dionysius the Rhetorician, speaking of his Threnes, dirges sung at funerals, says, "Simonides lamented the dead pathetically, Pindar magnificently." His conceptions of the life to come were inseparably connected with certain definite locations. He believed Hades to be the destination of all our mortal race, but conceived it subdivided into a Tartarus for the impious and an Elysium for the righteous. He thought that the starry firmament was the solid floor of a world of splendor, bliss, and immortality, inhabited by the gods, but fatally inaccessible to man. When he thinks of this place, it is with a sigh, a sigh that man's aspirations towards it are vain and his attempts to reach it irreverent. This latter thought he enforces by an earnest allusion to the myth of Bellerophon, who, daring to soar to the cerulean seat of the gods on the winged steed Pegasus, was punished for his arrogance by being hurled down headlong. These assertions are to be sustained by citations of his own words. The references made are to Donaldson's edition. In the second Pythian Ode10 Pindar repeats, and would appear to endorse, the old monitory legend of Ixion, who for his outrageous crimes was bound to an ever revolving wheel in Hades and made to utter warnings against such offences as his own. In the first Pythian we read, "Hundred headed Typhon, enemy of the gods, lies in dreadful Tartarus."11 Among the preserved fragments of Pindar the one numbered two hundred and twenty three reads thus: "The bottom of Tartarus shall press thee down with solid necessities." The following is from the first Isthmian Ode: "He who, laying up private wealth, laughs at the poor, does not consider that he shall close up his life for Hades without honor."12 The latter part of the tenth Nemean Ode recounts, with every appearance of devout belief, the history of Castor and Pollux, the god begotten twins, who, reversing conditions with each other on successive days and nights, spent their interchangeable immortality each alternately in heaven and in Hades. The astronomical interpretation of this account may be correct; but its applicability to the wondering faith of the earlier poets is extremely doubtful. 10 L. 39 11 Li. 15, 16 12 L. 68 The seventh Isthmian contains this remarkable sentence: "Unequal is the fate of man: he can think of great things, but is too ephemeral a creature to reach the brazen floored seat of the gods."13 A similar sentiment is expressed in the sixth Nemean: "Men are a mere nothing; while to the gods the brazen heaven remains a firm abode forever."14 The one hundred and second fragment is supposed to be a part of the dirge composed by Pindar on the death of the grandfather of Pericles. It runs in this way: "Whoso by good fortune has seen the things in the hollow under the earth knows indeed the end of life: he also knows the beginning vouchsafed by Zeus." It refers to initiation in the Eleusinian Mysteries, and means that the initiate understands the life which follows death. It is well known that a clear doctrine of future retribution was inculcated in the Mysteries long before it found general publication. The ninety fifth fragment is all that remains to us of a dirge which appears, from the allusion in the first line, to have been sung at a funeral service performed at midnight, or at least after sunset. "While it is night here with us, to those below shines the might of the sun; and the red rosied meadows of their suburbs are filled with the frankincense tree, and with golden fruits. Some delight themselves there with steeds and exercises, others with games, others with lyres; and among them all fair blossoming fortune blooms, and a fragrance is distilled through the lovely region, and they constantly mingle all kinds of offerings with the far shining fire on the altars of the gods." This evidently is a picture of the happy scenes in the fields that stretch around the City of the Blessed in the under world, and is introduced as a comfort to the mourners over the dead body. The ensuing passage the most important one on our subject is from the second OLYMPIC Ode.15 "An honorable, virtuous man may rest assured as to his future fate. The souls of the lawless, departing from this life, suffer punishment. One beneath the earth, pronouncing sentence by a hateful necessity imposed upon him, declares the doom for offences committed in this realm of Zeus. But the good lead a life without a tear, among those honored by the gods for having always delighted in virtue: the others endure a life too dreadful to look upon. Whoever has had resolution thrice in both worlds to stand firm, and to keep his soul pure from evil, has found the path of Zeus to the tower of Kronos, where the airs of the ocean breathe around the Isle of the Blessed, and where some from resplendent trees, others from the water glitter golden flowers, with garlandsofwhich they wreathe their wrists and brows in the righteous assemblies of Rhadamanthus, whom father Kronos has as his willing assistant." The "path of Zeus," in the above quotation, means the path which Zeus takes when he goes to visit his father Kronos, whom he originally dethroned and banished, but with whom he is now reconciled, and who has become the ruler of the departed spirits of the just, in a peaceful and joyous region. The following passage constitutes the ninety eighth fragment. "To those who descend from a fruitless and ill starred life Persephone [the Queen of the Dead] will grant a compensation for their former misfortune, after eight years [the judicial period of atonement and lustration for great crimes] granting them their lives again. Then, illustrious kings, strong, 13 Ll. 42-44. 14 Ll. 4-6. 15 Ll. 55-78. swift, wise, they shall become the mightiest leaders; and afterwards they shall be invoked by men as sacred heroes." In this piece, as in the preceding one where reference is made to the thrice living man, is contained the doctrine, early brought from the East, that souls may repeatedly return from the dead and in new bodies lead new lives. One other fragment, the ninety sixth, added to the foregoing, will make up all the important genuine passages in Pindar relating to the future life. "By a beneficent allotment, all travel to an end freeing from toil. The body indeed is subject to the power of death; but the eternal image is left alive, and this alone is allied to the gods. When we are asleep, it shows in many dreams the approaching judgment concerning happiness and misery." When our physical limbs are stretched in insensible repose, the inward spirit, rallying its sleepless and prophetic powers, foretells the balancing awards of another world. We must not wholly confound with the mythological schemes of the vulgar creed the belief of the nobler philosophers, many of whom, as is well known, cherished an exalted faith in the survival of the conscious soul and in a just retribution. "Strike!" one of them said, with the dauntless courage of an immortal, to a tyrant who had threatened to have him brayed in a mortar: "strike! you may crush the shell of Anaxarchus: you cannot touch his life." Than all the maze of fabulous fancies and physical rites in which the dreams of the poets and the guesses of the people were entangled, how much more "Just was the prescience of the eternal goalThat gleamed, 'mid Cyprian shades, on Zeno's soul, Or shone to Plato in the lonely cave, God in all space, and life in every grave!" An account of the Greek views on the subject of a future life which should omit the doctrine of Plato would be defective indeed. The influence of this sublime autocrat in the realms of intellect has transcended calculation. However coldly his thoughts may have been regarded by his contemporary countrymen, they soon obtained cosmopolitan audience, and surviving the ravages of time and ignorance, overleaping the bars of rival schools and sects, appreciated and diffused by the loftiest spirits of succeeding ages, closely blended with their own speculations by many Christian theologians have held an almost unparalleled dominion over the minds of millions of men for more than fifty generations. In the various dialogues of Plato, written at different periods of his life, there are numerous variations and inconsistencies of doctrine. There are also many mythical passages obviously intended as symbolic statements, poetic drapery, by no means to be handled or looked at as the severe outlines of dialectic truth. Furthermore, in these works there are a vast number of opinions and expressions introduced by the interlocutors, who often belong to antagonistic schools of philosophy, and for which, of course, Plato is not to be held responsible. Making allowance for these facts, and resolutely grappling with the many other difficulties of the task, we shall now attempt to exhibit what we consider were the real teachings of Plato in relation to the fate of the soul. This exposition, sketchy as it is, and open to question as it may be in some particulars, is the carefully weighed result of earnest, patient, and repeated study of all the relevant passages. In the first place, it is plain that Plato had a firm religious and philosophical faith in the immortality of the soul, which was continually attracting his thoughts, making it a favorite theme with him and exerting no faint influence on his life. This faith rested both on ancient traditions, to which he frequently refers with invariable reverence, and on metaphysical reasonings, which he over and over presents in forms of conscientious elaboration. There are two tests of his sincerity of faith: first, that he always treats the subject with profound seriousness; secondly, that he always uses it as a practical motive. "I do not think," said Socrates, "that any one who should now hear us, even though he were a comic poet, would say that I am talking idly."16 Again, referring to Homer's description of the judgments in Hades, he says, "I, therefore, Callicles, am persuaded by these accounts, and consider how I may exhibit my soul before the judge in the most healthy condition."17 "To a base man no man nor god is a friend on earth while living, nor under it when dead," say the souls of their ancestors to the living; "but live honorably, and when your destined fate brings you below you shall come to us as friends to friends."18 "We are plants, not of earth, but of heaven."19 We start, then, with the affirmation that Plato honestly and cordially believed in a future life. Secondly, his ethical and spiritual beliefs, like those of nearly all the ancients, were closely interwoven with physical theories and local relations. The world to him consisted of two parts, the celestial region of ideas, and the mundane region of material phenomena, corresponding pretty well, as Lewes suggests, to our modern conception of heaven and earth. Near the close of the Phado, Socrates says that the earth is not of the kind and magnitude usually supposed. "We dwell in a decayed and corroded, muddy and filthy region in the sediment and hollows of the earth, and imagine that we inhabit its upper parts; just as if one dwelling in the bottom of the sea should think that he dwelt on the sea, and, beholding the sun through the water, should imagine that the sea was the heavens. So, if we could fly up to the summit of the air as fishes emerging from the sea to behold what is on the earth here and emerge hence, we should know that the true earth is there. The people there dwell with the gods, and see things as they really are; and what the sea is to us the air is to them, and what the air is to us the ether is to them." Again, in the tenth book of the Republic, eleventh chapter, the soul is metaphorically said in the sea of this corporeal life to get stones and shell fish attached to it, and, fed on earth, to be rendered to a great extent earthy, stony, and savage, like the marine Glaucus, some parts of whose body were broken off and others worn away by the waves, while such quantities of shells, sea weed, and stones had grown to him that he more resembled a beast than a man. In keeping with the whole tenor of the Platonic teaching, this is a fine illustration of the fallen state of man in his vile environment of flesh here below. The soul, in its earthly sojourn, embodied here, is as much mutilated and degraded from its equipped and pure condition in its lofty natal home, the archetypal world of Truth above the base Babel of material existence, as Glaucus was on 16 Phado, 40. 17 Gorgias, 173. 18 Menexenus, 19. 19 Timaus, 71. descending from his human life on the sunny shore to his encrusted shape and blind prowling in the monstrous deep. At another time Plato contrasts the situation of the soul on earth with its situation in heaven by the famous comparison of the dark cave. He supposes men, unable to look upwards, dwelling in a cavern which has an opening towards the light extending lengthwise through the top of the cavern. A great many images, carrying various objects and talking aloud, pass and repass along the edge of the opening. Their shadows fall on the side of the cave below, in front of the dwellers there; also the echoes of their talk sound back from the wall. Now, the men, never having been or looked out of the cave, would suppose these shadows to be the real beings, these echoes the real voices. As respects this figure, says Plato, we must compare ourselves with such persons. The visible region around us is the cave, the sun is the light, and the soul's ascent into the region of mind is the ascent out of the cave and the contemplation of things above.20 Still again, Plato describes the ethereal paths and motions of the gods, who, in their chariots, which are the planets and stars, ride through the universe, accompanied by all pure souls, "the family of true science, contemplating things as they really are." "Reaching the summit, they proceed outside, and, standing on the back of heaven, its revolution carries them round, and they behold that supercelestial region which no poet here can ever sing of as it deserves." In this archetypal world all souls of men have dwelt, though "few have memory enough left," "after their fall hither," "to call to mind former things from the present." "Now, of justice and temperance, and whatever else souls deem precious, there are here but faint resemblances, dull images; but beauty was then splendid to look on when we, in company with the gods, beheld that blissful spectacle, and were initiated into that most blessed of all mysteries, which we celebrated when we were unaffected by the evils that awaited us in time to come, and when we beheld, in the pure light, perfect and calm visions, being ourselves pure and as yet unmasked with this shell of a body to which we are now fettered."21 To suppose all this employed by Plato as mere fancy and metaphor is to commit an egregious error. In studying an ancient author, we must forsake the modern stand point of analysis, and envelop ourselves in the ancient atmosphere of thought, where poetry and science were as indistinguishably blended in the personal beliefs as oxygen and nitrogen are in the common air. We have not a doubt that Plato means to teach, literally, that the soul was always immortal, and that in its anterior states of existence, in the realm of ideas on high, it was in the midst of those essential realities whose shifting shadows alone it can behold in its lapsed condition and bodily imprisonment here. That he closely intertwisted ethical with physical theories, spiritual destinies with insphering localities, the fortunes of men with the revolutions of the earth and stars, is a fact which one can hardly read the Timaus and fail to see; a fact which continually reappears. It is strikingly shown in his idea of the consummation of all things at regular epochs determined by the recurrence of a grand 20 Republic, lib. vii. cap. 1 4. 21 Phadrus, 56-58, 63, 64. revolution of the universe, a period vulgarly known under the name of the "Platonic Year."22 The second point, therefore, in the present explanation of Plato's doctrine of another life, is the conception that there is in the empyrean a glorious world of incorruptible truth, beauty, and goodness, the place of the gods, the native haunt of souls; and that human souls, having yielded to base attractions and sunk into bodies, are but banished sojourners in this phenomenal world of evanescent shadows and illusions, where they are "stung with resistless longings for the skies, and only solaced by the vague and broken reminiscences of their former state." Thirdly, Plato taught that after death an unerring judgment and compensation await all souls. Every soul bears in itself the plain evidence of its quality and deeds, its vices and virtues; and in the unseen state it will meet inevitable awards on its merits. "To go to Hades with a soul full of crimes is the worst of all evils."23 "When a man dies, he possesses in the other world a destiny suited to the life which he has led in this."24 In the second book of the Republic he says, "We shall in Hades suffer the punishment of our misdeeds here;" and he argues at much length the absolute impossibility of in any way escaping this. The fact of a full reward for all wisdom and justice, a full retribution for all folly and vice, is asserted unequivocally in scores of passages, most of them expressly connecting the former with the notion of an ascent to the bright region of truth and intellect, the latter with a descent to the black penal realm of Hades. Let the citation of a single further example suffice. "Some souls, being sentenced, go to places of punishment beneath the earth; others are borne upward to some region in heaven."25 He proves the genuineness of his faith in this doctrine by continually urging it, in the most earnest, unaffected manner, as an animating motive in the formation of character and the conduct of life, saying, "He who neglects his soul will pass lamely through existence, and again pass into Hades, aimless and unserviceable."26 The fourth and last step in this exposition is to show the particular form in which Plato held his doctrine of future retribution, the way in which he supposed the consequences of present good and evil would appear hereafter. He received the Oriental theory of transmigration. Souls are born over and over. The banishment of the wicked to Tartarus is provisional, a preparation for their return to incarnate life. The residence of the good in heaven is contingent, and will be lost the moment they yield to carelessness or material solicitations. The circumstances under which they are reborn, the happiness or misery of their renewed existence, depend on their character and conduct in their previous career; and thus a poetic justice is secured. At the close of the Timaus, Plato describes the whole animal kingdom as consisting of degraded human souls, from "the tribe of birds, which were light minded souls, to the tribe of oysters, which have received the most remote habitations as a punishment of their extreme ignorance." "After this manner, then, both formerly and 22 Statesman, 14, 15. 23 Gorgias, 165. 24 Republic, lib. vi. cap. i. 25 Phadrus, 61. 26 Timaus, 18. now, animals transmigrate, experiencing their changes through the loss or acquisition of intellect and folly." The general doctrine of metempsychosis is stated and implied very frequently in many of the Platonic dialogues. Some recent writers have tried to explain these representations as figures of speech, not intended to portray the literal facts, but merely to hint their moral equivalents. Such persons seem to us to hold Plato's pages in the full glare of the nineteenth century and read them in the philosophic spirit of Bacon and Comte, instead of holding them in the old shades of the Academy and pondering them in the marvelling spirit of Pythagoras and Empedocles. We are led by the following considerations to think that Plato really meant to accredit the transmigration of souls literally. First, he often makes use of the current poetic imagery of Hades, and of ancient traditions, avowedly in a loose metaphorical way, as moral helps, calling them "fables." But the metempsychosis he sets forth, without any such qualification or guard, with so much earnestness and frequency, as a promise and a warning, that we are forced, in the absence of any indication to the contrary, to suppose that he meant the statements as sober fact and not as mythical drapery. As with a parable, of course we need not interpret all the ornamental details literally; but we must accept the central idea. And in the present case the fundamental thought is that of repeated births of the soul, each birth trailing retributive effects from the foregone. For example, the last four chapters of the tenth book of the Republic contain the account of Erus, a Pamphylian, who, after lying dead on the battle field ten days, revived, and told what he had seen in the other state. Plato in the outset explicitly names this recital an "apologue." It recounts a multitude of moral and physical particulars. These details may fairly enough be considered in some degreeas mythical drapery, or as the usual traditional painting; but the essential conception running through the account, for the sake of which it is told, we are not at liberty to explain away as empty metaphor. Now, that essential conception is precisely this: that souls after death are adjudged to Hades or to heaven as a recompense for their sin or virtue, and that, after an appropriate sojourn in those places, they are born again, the former ascending, squalid and scarred, from beneath the earth, the latter descending, pure, from the sky. In perfect consonance with this conclusion is the moral drawn by Plato from the whole narrative. He simply says, "If the company will be persuaded by me, considering the soul to be immortal and able to bear all evil and good, we shall always persevere in the road which leads upwards." Secondly, the conception of the metempsychosis is thoroughly coherent with Plato's whole philosophy. If he was in earnest about any doctrine, it was the doctrine that all knowledge is reminiscence. The following declarations are his. "Soul is older than body." "Souls are continually born over again from Hades into this life." "To search and learn is simply to revive the images of what the soul saw in its pre existent state of being in the world of realities."27 Why should we hesitate to attribute a sincere belief in the metempsychosis to the acknowledged author of the doctrine that the soul lived in another world before appearing here, and that its knowledge is but reminiscence? If born from the other world 27 Menexenus, 15. once, we may be many times; and then all that is wanted to complete the dogma of transmigration is the idea of a presiding justice. Had not Plato that idea? Thirdly, the doctrine of a judicial metempsychosis was most profoundly rooted in the popular faith, as a strict verity, throughout the great East, ages before the time of Plato, and was familiarly known throughout Greece in his time. It had been imported thither by Musaus and Orpheus at an early period, was afterwards widely recommended and established by the Pythagoreans, and was unquestionably held by many of Plato's contemporaries. He refers once to those "who strongly believe that murderers who have gone to Hades will be obliged to come back and end their next lives by suffering the same fate which they had before inflicted on others."28 It is also a remarkable fact that he states the conditions of transmigration, and the means of securing exemption from it, in the same way that the Hindus have from immemorial time: "The soul which has beheld the essence of truth remains free from harm until the next revolution; and if it can preserve the vision of the truth it shall always remain free from harm," that is, be exempt from birth; but "when it fails to behold the field of truth it falls to the earth and is implanted in a body."29 This statement and several others in the context corresponds precisely with Hindu theology, which proclaims that the soul, upon attaining real wisdom, that is, upon penetrating beneath illusions and gazing on reality, is freed from the painful necessity of repeated births. Now, since the Hindus and the Pythagoreans held the doctrine as a severe truth, and Plato states it in the identical forms which they employed, and never implies that he is merely poetizing, we naturally conclude that he, too, veritably inculcates it as fact. Finally, we are the more confirmed in this supposition when we find that his lineal disciples and most competent expounders, such as Proclus, and nearly all his later commentators, such as Ritter, have so understood him. The great chorus of his interpreters, from Plotinus to Leroux, with scarcely a dissentient voice, approve the opinion pronounced by the learned German historian of philosophy, that "the conception of the metempsychosis is so closely interwoven both with his physical system and with his ethical as to justify the conviction that Plato looked upon it as legitimate and valid, and not as a merely figurative exposition of the soul's life after death." To sum up the whole in one sentence: Plato taught with grave earnestness the immortality of the soul, subject to a discriminating retribution, which opened for its temporary residences three local regions, heaven, earth, and Hades, and which sometimes led it through different grades of embodied being. "O thou youth who thinkest that thou art neglected by the gods, the person who has become more wicked departs to the more wicked souls; but he who has become better departs to the better souls, both in life and in all deaths."30 Whether Aristotle taught or denied the immortality of the soul has been the subject of innumerable debates from his own time until now. It is certainly a most ominous fact that his great name has been cited as authority for rejecting the doctrine of a future life by so many 28 The Laws, b. ix. ch. 10. 29 Phadrus, 60-62. 30 The Laws, lib. x. cap. 13. of his keenest followers; for this has been true of weighty representatives of every generation of his disciples. Antagonistic advocates have collected from his works a large number of varying statements, endeavoring to distinguish between the literal and the figurative, the esoteric and the popular. It is not worth our while here, either for their intrinsic interest or for their historic importance, to quote the passages and examine the arguments. All that is required for our purpose may be expressed in the language of Ritter, who has carefully investigated the whole subject: "No passage in his extant works is decisive; but, from the general context of his doctrine, it is clear that he had no conception of the immortality of any individual rational entity."31 It would take a whole volume instead of a chapter to set forth the multifarious contrasting tenets of individual Greek philosophers, from the age of Pherecydes to that of Iamblichus, in relation to a future life. Not a few held, with Empedocles, that human life is a penal state, the doom of such immortal souls as for guilt have been disgraced and expelled from heaven. "Man is a fallen god condemned to wander on the earth, sky aspiring but sense clouded." Purged by a sufficient penance, he returns to his former godlike existence. "When, leaving this body, thou comest to the free ether, thou shalt be no longer a mortal, but an undying god." Notions of this sort fairly represent no small proportion of the speculations upon the fate of the soul which often reappear throughout the course of Greek literature. Another class of philosophers are represented by such names as Marcus Antoninus, who, comparing death to disembarkation at the close of a voyage, says, "If you land upon another life, it will not be empty of gods: if you land in nonentity, you will have done with pleasures, pains, and drudgery."32 And again he writes, "If souls survive, how has ethereal space made room for them all from eternity? How has the earth found room for all the bodies buried in it? The solution of the latter problem will solve the former. The corpse turns to dust and makes space for another: so the spirit, let loose into the air, after a while dissolves, and is either renewed into another soul or absorbed into the universe. Thus room is made for succession."33 These passages, it will be observed, leave the survival of the soul at all entirely hypothetical, and, even supposing it to survive, allow it but a temporary duration. Such was the common view of the great sect of the Stoics. They all agreed that there was no real immortality for the soul; but they differed greatly as to the time of its dissolution. In the words of Cicero, "Diu mansuros aiunt animos; semper, negant:" they say souls endure for a long time, but not forever. Cleanthes taught that the intensity of existence after death would depend on the strength or weakness of the particular soul. Chrysippus held that only the souls of the wise and good would survive at all.34 Panatius said the soul always died with the body, because it was born with it, which he proved by the resemblances of children's souls to those of their parents.35 Seneca has a great many contradictory passages on this subject 31 Hist. Anc. Phil. p. iii. b. ix. ch. 4. 32 Meditations, lib. iii. cap. 3. 33 Ibid. lib. iv. cap. 21. 34 Plutarch, Plac. Phil. iv. 7. 35 Tusc. Quast. lib. i. cap. 32. in his works; but his preponderant authority, upon the whole, is that the soul and the body perish together.36 At one time he says, "The day thou fearest as the last is the birthday of eternity." "As an infant in the womb is preparing to dwell in this world, so ought we to consider our present life as a preparation for the life to come."37 At another time he says, with stunning bluntness, "There is nothing after death, and death itself is nothing." Post mortem nihil est, ipsaque mors nihil. 38 Besides the mystics, like Plotinus, who affirmed the strict eternity of the soul, and the Stoics, like Poseidonius, who believed that the soul, having had a beginning, must have an end, although it might endure for a long period after leaving the body, there were among the Greeks and Romans two other classes of believers in a future life, namely, the ignorant body of the people, who credited, more or less fully, the common fables concerning Hades; and an educated body of select minds, who, while casting off the popular superstitions, yet clung tenaciously to the great fact of immortality in some form or other, without attempting to define the precise mode of it. There was among the illiterate populace, both Greek and Roman, even from the age of Eumolpus to that of Augustus, a good deal of firm faith in a future life, according to the gross scheme and particulars preserved to us still in the classic mythology. A thousand current allusions and statements in the general literature of those times prove the actual existence of a common and literal belief in Hades with all its accompaniments. This was far from being, in the average apprehension, a mere myth. Plato says, "Many, of their own accord, have wished to descend into Hades, induced by the hope of there seeing and being with those they have loved."39 He also says, "When a man is about to die, the stories of future punishment which he had formerly ridiculed trouble him with fears of their truth."40 And that frightful accounts of hell really swayed and terrified the people, even so late as the time of the Roman republic, appears from the earnest and elaborate arguments employed by various writers to refute them. The same thing is shown by the religious ritual enacted at funerals and festivals, the forms of public and private worship observed till after the conversion of Constantine. The cake of rice and honey borne in the dead hand for Cerberus, the periodical offerings to the ghosts of the departed, as at the festivals called Feralia and Parentalia,41 the pictures of the scenery of the under world, hung in the temples, of which there was a famous one by Polygnotus,42 all imply a literal crediting of the vulgar doctrine. Altars were set up on the spots where Tiberius and Caius Gracchus were murdered, and services were there performed in honor of their manes. Festus, an old Roman lexicographer who lived in the second or third century, tells us there was in the Comitium a stone covered pit which was supposed to be the 36 Christoph Meiners, Vermischte Philosophische Schriften. Commentarius quo Stoicorum Sententia; de Animorum post mortem Statu satis illustrantur. 37 Epist. 102. 38 Troades, 1. 397. 39 Phado, 34. 40 Republic, lib. i. cap. 5. 41 Ovid, Fasti, lib. ii. II. 530-580. 42 Pausanias, lib. x. cap. 28. mouth of Orcus, and was opened three days in the year for souls to rise out into the upper world.43 Apuleius describes, in his treatise on "the god of Socrates," the Roman conceptions of the departed spirits of men. They called all disembodied human souls "lemures." Those of good men were "lares," those of bad men "larva." And when it was uncertain whether the specified soul was a lar or a larva, it was named "manes." The lares were mild household gods to their posterity. The larva were wandering, frightful shapes, harmless to the pious, but destructive to the reprobate.44 The belief in necromancy is well known to have prevailed extensively among the Greeks and Romans. Aristophanes represents the coward, Pisander, going to a necromancer and asking to "see his own soul, which had long departed, leaving him a man with breath alone."45 In Latin literature no popular terror is more frequently alluded to or exemplified than the dread of seeing ghosts. Every one will recall the story of the phantom that appeared in the tent of Brutus before the battle of Philippi. It pervades the "Haunted House" of Plautus. Callimachus wrote the following couplet as an epitaph on the celebrated misanthrope: "Timon, hat'st thou the world or Hades worse? Speak clear! Hades, O fool, because there are more of us here!" 46 Pythagoras is said once to have explained an earthquake as being caused by a synod of ghosts assembled under ground! It is one of the best of the numerous jokes attributed to the great Samian; a good nut for the spirit rappers to crack. There is an epigram by Diogenes Laertius, on one Lycon, who died of the gout: "He who before could not so much as walk alone, The whole long road to Hades travell'd in one night!" Philostratus declares that the shade of Apollonius appeared to a skeptical disciple of his and said, "The soul is immortal."47 It is unquestionable that the superstitious fables about the under world and ghosts had a powerful hold, for a very long period, upon the Greek and Roman imagination, and were widely accepted as facts. At the same time, there were many persons of more advanced culture to whom such coarse and fanciful representations had become incredible, but who still held loyally to the simple idea of the survival of the soul. They cherished a strong expectation of another life, although they rejected the revolting form and drapery in which the doctrine was usually set forth. Xenophon puts the following speech into the mouth of the expiring Cyrus: "I was never able, my children, to persuade myself that the soul, as long as it was in a mortal body, lived, but when it was removed from this, that it died; neither could I believe that the soul ceased to think when separated from the unthinking and senseless body; but it seemed to me most probable that when pure and free from any union with the body, then it became most 43 De Significatione Verborum, verbum "Manalis." 44 Lessing, Wie die Alten den Tod gebildet. 45 Ayes, I. 1485. 46 Epigram IV. 47 Vita Apollonii, lib. viii. cap. 31. wise."48 Every one has read of the young man whose faith and curiosity were so excited by Plato's writings that he committed suicide to test the fact of futurity. Callimachus tells the story neatly: "Cleombrotus, the Ambracian, having said, 'Farewell, O sun!' leap'd from a lofty wall into the world Of ghosts. No deadly ill had chanced to him at all; But he had read in Plato's book upon the soul." 49 The falling of Cato on his sword at Utica, after carefully perusing the Phado, is equally familiar. In the case of Cicero, too, notwithstanding his fluctuations of feeling and the obvious contradictions of sentiment in some of his letters and his more deliberate essays, it is, upon the whole, plain enough that, while he always regarded the vulgar notions as puerile falsehoods, the hope of a glorious life to come was powerful in him. This may be stated as the result of a patient investigation and balancing of all that he says on the subject, and of the circumstances under which he says it. To cite and criticize the passages here would occupy too much space to too little profit. At the siege of Jerusalem, Titus made a speech to his soldiers, in the course of it saying to them, "Those souls which are severed from their fleshly bodies by the sword in battle, are received by the pure ether and joined to that company which are placed among the stars."50 The beautiful story of Cupid and Psyche, that loveliest of all the myths concerning the immortality of the soul, was a creation by no means foreign to the prevalent ideas and feelings of the time when it was written. The "Dissertations" of Maximus Tyrius abound with sentences like the following. "This very thing which the multitude call death is the birth of a new life, and the beginning of immortality."51 "When Pherecydes lay sick, conscious of spiritual energy, he cared not for bodily disease, his soul standing erect and looking for release from its cumbersome vestment. So a man in chains, seeing the walls of his prison crumbling, waits for deliverance, that from the darkness in which he has been buried he may soar to the ethereal regions and be filled with glorious light."52 The conception of man as a member of the cosmic family of gods and genii was known to all the classic philosophers, and was cherished by the larger portion of them. Pindar affirms one origin for gods and men. Plato makes wise souls accompany the gods in their excursions about the sky. Cicero argues that heaven, and not Hades, is the destination of the soul at death, because the soul, being lighter than the earthly elements surrounding it here, would rise aloft through the natural force of gravitation.53 Plutarch says, "Demons are the spies and scouts of the gods, wandering and circuiting around on their commands." Disembodied souls 48 Cyropadia, lib. viii. cap. 7. 49 Epigram XXIV. 50 Josephus, De Bell. lib. vi. cap. 1. 51 Diss. XXV. 52 Diss. XLI. 53 Tusc. Quest. lib i. cap. 17. and demons were the same. The prevalence of such ideas as these produced in the Greek and Roman imagination a profound sense of invisible beings, a sense which was further intensified by the popular personifications of all natural forces, as in fountains and trees, full of lapsing naiads and rustling dryads. An illustrative fact is furnished by an effect of the tradition that Thetis, snatching the body of Achilles from the funeral pile, conveyed him to Leuke, an island in the Black Sea. The mariners sailing by often fancied they saw his mighty shade flitting along the shore in the dusk of evening.54 But a passage in Hesiod yields a more adequate illustration: "When the mortal remains of those who flourished during the golden age were hidden beneath the earth, their souls became beneficent demons, still hovering over the world they once inhabited, and still watching, clothed in thin air and gliding rapidly through every region of the earth, as guardians over the affairs of men."55 But there were always some who denied the common doctrine of a future life and scoffed at its physical features. Through the absurd extravagances of poets and augurs, and through the growth of critical thought, this unbelief went on increasing from the days of Anaxagoras, when it was death to call the sun a ball of fire, to the days of Catiline, when Julius Casar could be chosen Pontifex Maximus, almost before the Senate had ceased to reverberate his voice openly asserting that death was the utter end of man. Plutarch dilates upon the wide skepticism of the Greeks as to the infernal world, at the close of his essay on the maxim, "Live concealed." The portentous growth of irreverent unbelief, the immense change of feeling from awe to ribaldry, is made obvious by a glance from the known gravity of Hesiod's "Descent of Theseus and Pirithous into Hades," to Lucian's "Kataplous," which represents the cobbler Mycillus leaping from the banks of the Styx, swimming after Charon's boat, climbing into it upon the shoulders of the tyrant Megapenthes and tormenting him the whole way. Pliny, in his Natural History, affirms that death is an everlasting sleep.56 The whole great sect of the Epicureans united in supporting that belief by the combined force of ridicule and argument. Their views are the most fully and ably defended by the consummate Lucretius, in his masterly poem on the "Nature of Things." Horace,57 Juvenal,58 Persius,59 concur in scouting at the tales which once, when recited on the stage, had made vast audiences perceptibly tremble.60 And Cicero asks, "What old woman is so insane as to fear these things?"61 There were two classes of persons who sought differently to free mankind from the terrors which had invested the whole prospect of death and another world. The first were the materialists, who endeavored to prove that death was to man the absolute end of every thing. Secondly, there were the later Platonists, who maintained that this world is the only Hades, that heaven is our home, that all death is ascent to better life. "To remain on high with the gods is life; to descend into this world is death, a descent into Orcus," they said. The following couplet, of an unknown date, is translated from the Greek Anthology: "Diogenes, whose tub stood by the road, Now, being dead, has the stars for his abode." 54 Muller, Greek Literature, ch. vi. 55 Works and Days, lib. i. II. 120-125. 56 Lib. ii. cap. 7. 57 Lib. i. epist. 16. 58 Sat. II. 59 Sat. II. 60 Tusc. Quest. lib. i. cap. 16. 61 Ibid. cap. 21. Macrobius writes, in his commentary on the "Dream of Scipio," "Here, on earth, is the cavern of Dis, the infernal region. The river of oblivion is the wandering of the mind forgetting the majesty of its former life and thinking a residence in the body the only life. Phlegethon is the fires of wrath and desire. Acheron is retributive sadness. Cocytus is wailing tears. Styx is the whirlpool of hatreds. The vulture eternally tearing the liver is the torment of an evil conscience."62 Для древнегреческого вообще смерть была печальной гибелью. Когда он потерял друга, он вздохнул с грустным прощальным прощанием с ним на выцветший берег призраков. Призванный сам, он отошел с затяжным взглядом на солнце и плачом прощания с ярким днем ​​и зеленой землей. Для римлян смерть была мрачной реальностью. Чтобы встретить его сам, он опозорил свои чресла с искусственной твердостью. Но при его разрушении среди своих друзей он вопил в мучительном отказе. К его умирающему видению действительно было будущее; но формы недоверия и тени стояли на ее бессознательных границах; и, когда у перспективы не было ужаса, он все еще сокращался от своего попсового мрак. 62 Lib. я. кепка. 9, 10. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Брахманическая и буддийская доктрина будущей жизни В индуистских взглядах на судьбу человеческой души метафизическая тонкость и воображаемая необъятность, интеллект и фантазия, рабская традиция и смелые спекуляции, одурманенный ритуализм и небесный штурм духовности смешиваются в масштабе величия и интенсивности целиком без параллели в другом месте в литературе или вере мира. Брахманизм, с его сотнями миллионов приверженцев, господствующих над Индией, и буддизм, с его четырьмя миллионами учеников, разбросанными по дюжине наций, от Явы до Японии и от цейлонских до самодийских, практически рассматриваемых, в отношении их фактически полученных догм и цели, относящиеся к будущей жизни, достаточно согласны с тем, чтобы дать нам общее представление вместе. Главное различие между ними будет объяснено в дальнейшем. Самое древнее индуистское учение о будущей судьбе человека, данное в Ведах, было простым, грубым и очень непохожим на формы, в которых он с тех пор преобладал. Профессор Уилсон во введении к своему переводу Ригведы говорит, что ссылки на эту тему в первозданных санскритских писаниях являются скудными и неполными. Но никто так подробно не объяснил этот неясный вопрос, как Рот из Тюбингена, в своей мастерской статье о нравственности Вед, о которой, по словам профессора Уитни, в «Журнале американского восточного общества» есть перевод его исследования могут быть сформулированы в нескольких словах. Когда человек умирает, земля призывается, чтобы обернуть его тело, поскольку мать обертывает своего ребенка в ее одежде и лжет на него. Сам он обращается таким образом: «Идите вперед, идите по древним тропам, которые наши отцы в древние времена попирали: два правителя в блаженстве, Йама и Варуна, вы увидите». Варуна судит всех. Он ввергает злых во тьму; а не намек или еще больше об их обреченности. Их предполагали либо уничтожить, как профессор Рот думает, что Веды подразумевают, либо живут как демоны, в грехе, черноте и горе. Хорошие идут на небеса и прославляются сияющим духовным телом, подобным богам. Яма, первый человек, создатель человеческого рода на земле, является новичком и главой обновленного человечества в другом мире и называется Ассемблером людей. Поэтическая и грандиозная концепция заключается в том, что первым, кто умер, возглавляя путь, должен стать патриарх и монарх всех, кто последует за ним. Старые ведические гимны подразумевают, что ушедший благ находится в состоянии возвышенного счастья, но едва ли можно представить какие-либо подробности. Следующий отрывок, стилизованный со строгой точностью к оригиналу, настолько же полный и явный, как любой: Где слава никогда не угасает, где мир небесного света, Мир бессмертия, вечный, поставил меня там! Там, где царствует Йама, сын Вивасвата, в самой светлой сфере небес . Там, где эти изобилующие воды текут, о, сделайте меня, но бессмертным там! Там, где есть свобода беспорядка, где находится тройной свод небесных глаз, Где миры самой яркой славы, о, сделайте меня, но бессмертным там! Где наслаждения и наслаждения, где блаженство и восторг не бегут , Когда все желания удовлетворены, о, сделайте меня, но бессмертным там! 1 Vol. Iii. С. 342-346. Но эта форма доктрины давно перешла от индуистского воспоминания, утраченного в размножающихся событиях и спецификах мистической философии и изобилующего суеверия, питаемого неограниченным воображением. Брахманы и буддисты понимают создание в самых больших масштабах. Гора Меру поднимается от центра земли до высоты около двух миллионов миль. На его вершине находится город Брахма, охватывающий площадь в четырнадцать тысяч лиг и окруженный величественными городами регентов сфер. Между Меру и каменной стеной, образующей крайнюю окружность земли, расположены семь концентрических кругов скал. Между этими скалистыми браслетами находятся континенты и моря. В некоторых морях валяются одиночные рыбы за тысячи километров в каждом измерении. Небесные пространства заняты большим количеством небес, называемых «dewa lokas», увеличиваясь в славе и блаженстве их прерогатив. Миры под землей - это ады, называемые «нарака». Описание двадцать восемь из них, данное в Вишну-Пуране, 2 делает читателя «полным ужасов». Буддийские «Книги Цейлона» 3 рассказывают о двадцать шести небесах, расположенных в обычном порядке друг над другом на небе, заполненных всеми воображаемыми прелестями. Они также изображают в бездне под землей восемь великих адов, каждая из которых содержит шестнадцать меньших, а целых триста шесть - один гигантский ад. Восемь главных адов расположены друг над другом, каждая из которых частично закрывается и перекрывается, что ниже внизу; и страдания, нанесенные их несчастным обитателям, имеют самый потрясающий характер. Но эти плохие намеки на местный аппарат вознаграждения и наказания не дают никакого представления о степени их мифологической схемы вселенной. Буддийские «Книги Цейлона» 3 рассказывают о двадцать шести небесах, расположенных в обычном порядке друг над другом на небе, заполненных всеми воображаемыми прелестями. Они также изображают в бездне под землей восемь великих адов, каждая из которых содержит шестнадцать меньших, а целых триста шесть - один гигантский ад. Восемь главных адов расположены друг над другом, каждая из которых частично закрывается и перекрывается, что ниже внизу; и страдания, нанесенные их несчастным обитателям, имеют самый потрясающий характер. Но эти плохие намеки на местный аппарат вознаграждения и наказания не дают никакого представления о степени их мифологической схемы вселенной. Буддийские «Книги Цейлона» 3 рассказывают о двадцать шести небесах, расположенных в обычном порядке друг над другом на небе, заполненных всеми воображаемыми прелестями. Они также изображают в бездне под землей восемь великих адов, каждая из которых содержит шестнадцать меньших, а целых триста шесть - один гигантский ад. Восемь главных адов расположены друг над другом, каждая из которых частично закрывается и перекрывается, что ниже внизу; и страдания, нанесенные их несчастным обитателям, имеют самый потрясающий характер. Но эти плохие намеки на местный аппарат вознаграждения и наказания не дают никакого представления о степени их мифологической схемы вселенной. Они также изображают в бездне под землей восемь великих адов, каждая из которых содержит шестнадцать меньших, а целых триста шесть - один гигантский ад. Восемь главных адов расположены друг над другом, каждая из которых частично закрывается и перекрывается, что ниже внизу; и страдания, нанесенные их несчастным обитателям, имеют самый потрясающий характер. Но эти плохие намеки на местный аппарат вознаграждения и наказания не дают никакого представления о степени их мифологической схемы вселенной. Они также изображают в бездне под землей восемь великих адов, каждая из которых содержит шестнадцать меньших, а целых триста шесть - один гигантский ад. Восемь главных адов расположены друг над другом, каждая из которых частично закрывается и перекрывается, что ниже внизу; и страдания, нанесенные их несчастным обитателям, имеют самый потрясающий характер. Но эти плохие намеки на местный аппарат вознаграждения и наказания не дают никакого представления о степени их мифологической схемы вселенной. и страдания, нанесенные их несчастным обитателям, имеют самый потрясающий характер. Но эти плохие намеки на местный аппарат вознаграждения и наказания не дают никакого представления о степени их мифологической схемы вселенной. и страдания, нанесенные их несчастным обитателям, имеют самый потрясающий характер. Но эти плохие намеки на местный аппарат вознаграждения и наказания не дают никакого представления о степени их мифологической схемы вселенной. They call each complete solar system a sakwala, and say that, if a wall were erected around the space occupied by a million millions of sakwalas, reaching to the highest heaven, and the entire space were filled with mustard seeds, a god might take these seeds, and, looking towards any one of the cardinal points, throw a single seed towards each sakwala until all the seeds were gone, and still there would be more sakwalas, in the same direction, to which no seed had been thrown, without considering those in the other three quarters of the heavens. In comparison with this Eastern vision of the infinitude of worlds, the wildest Western dreamer over the vistas opened by the telescope may hide his diminished head! Their other conceptions are of the same crushing magnitude, Thus, when the demons, on a certain occasion, assailed the gods, Siva using the Himalaya range for his bow, Vasuke for the string, Vishnu for his arrow, the earth for his chariot with the sun and moon for its wheels and the Vedas for its horses, the starry canopy for his banner with the tree of Paradise for its staff, Brahma for his charioteer, and the mysterious monosyllable Om for his whip reduced them all to ashes.4 The five hundred million Brahmanic and Buddhist believers hold that all the gods, men, demons, and various grades of animal life occupying this immeasurable array of worlds compose one cosmic family. The totality of animated beings, from a detestable gnat to 2 Wilson's trans. pp. 207-209. 3 Upham's trans. vol. iii. pp. 8, 66, 159. 4 Vans Kennedy, Ancient and Hindu Mythology, p. 429. thundering Indra, from the meanest worm to the supreme Buddha, constitute one fraternal race, by the unavoidable effects of the law of retribution constantly interchanging their residences in a succession of rising and sinking existences, ranging through all the earths, heavens, and hells of the universe, bound by the terrible links of merit and demerit in the phantasmagoric dungeon of births and deaths. The Vishnu Purana declares, "The universe, this whole egg of Brahma, is everywhere swarming with living creatures, all of whom are captives in the chains of acts." 5 The one prime postulate of these Oriental faiths the ground principle, never to be questioned any more than the central and stationary position of the earth in the Ptolemaic system is that all beings below the Infinite One are confined in the circle of existence, the whirl of births and deaths, by the consequences of their virtues and vices. When a man dies, if he has an excess of good desert, he is born, as a superior being, in one of the heavens. According to the nature and degree of his merit, his heavenly existence is prolonged, or perhaps repeated many times in succession; or, if his next birth occurs on earth, it is under happy circumstances, as a sage or a king. But when he expires, should there, on the other hand, be an overbalance of ill desert, he is born as a demon in one of the hells, or may in repeated lives run the circuit of the hells; or, if he at once returns to the earth, it is as a beggar, a leprous outcast, a wretched cripple, or in the guise of a rat, a snake, or a louse. "The illustrious souls of great and virtuous men In godlike beings shall revive again; But base and vicious spirits wind their way In scorpions, vultures, sharks, and beasts of prey. The fair, the gay, the witty, and the brave, The fool, the coward, courtier, tyrant, slave, Each one in a congenial form, shall find A proper dwelling for his wandering mind." A specific evil is never cancelled by being counterbalanced by a greater good. The fruit of that evil must be experienced, and also of that greater good, by appropriate births in the hells and heavens, or in the higher and lower grades of earthly existence. The two courses of action must be run through independently. This is what is meant by the phrases, so often met with in Oriental works, "eating the fruits of former acts," "bound in the chains of deeds." Merit or demerit can be balanced or neutralized only by the full fruition of its own natural and necessary consequences.6 The law of merit and of demerit is fate. It works irresistibly, through all changes and recurrences, from the beginning to the end. The cessation of virtue or of vice does not put an end to its effects until its full force is exhausted; as an arrow continues in flight until all its imparted power is spent. A man faultlessly and scrupulously good through his present life may be guilty of some foul crime committed a hundred lives before and not yet expiated. Accordingly, he may now suffer for it, or his next birth may take place in a hell. On the contrary, he may be credited with some great merit acquired thousands of 5 P. 286 6 Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. iv. p. 87. generations ago, whose fruit he has not eaten, and which may bring him good fortune in spite of present sins, or on the rolling and many colored wheel of metempsychosis may secure for him next a celestial birthplace. In short periods, it will be seen, there is moral confusion, but, in the long run, exact compensation. The exuberant prodigiousness of the Hindu imagination is strikingly manifest in its descriptions of the rewards of virtue in the heavens and of the punishments of sin in the hells. Visions pass before us of beautiful groves full of fragrance and music, abounding in delicious fruits, and birds of gorgeous plumage, crystal streams embedded with pearls, unruffled lakes where the lotus blooms, palaces of gems, crowds of friends and lovers, endless revelations of truth, boundless graspings of power, all that can stir and enchant intellect, will, fancy, and heart. In some of the heavens the residents have no bodily form, but enjoy purely spiritual pleasures. In others they are self resplendent, and traverse the ether. They are many miles in height, one being described whose crown was four miles high and who wore on his person sixty wagon loads of jewels. The ordinary lifetime of the inhabitants of the dewa loka named Wasawartti equals nine billions two hundred and sixteen millions of our years. They breathe only once in sixteen hours. The reverse of this picture is still more vigorously drawn, highly colored, and diversified in contents. The walls of the Hindu hell are over a hundred miles thick; and so dazzling is their brightness that it bursts the eyes which look at them anywhere within a distance of four hundred leagues.7 The poor creatures here, wrapped in shrouds of fire, writhe and yell in frenzy of pain. The very revelry and ecstasy of terror and anguish fill the whole region. The skins of some wretches are taken off from head to foot, and then scalding vinegar is poured over them. A glutton is punished thus: experiencing an insatiable hunger in a body as large as three mountains, he is tantalized with a mouth no larger than the eye of a needle.8 The infernal tormentors, throwing their victims down, take a flexible flame in each hand, and with these lash them alternately right and left. One demon, Rahu, is seventy six thousand eight hundred miles tall: the palm of his hand measures fifty thousand acres; and when he is enraged he rushes up the sky and swallows the sun or the moon, thus causing an eclipse! In the Asiatic Journal for 1840 is an article on "The Chinese Judges of the Dead," which describes a series of twenty four paintings of hell found in a Buddhist temple. Devils in human shapes are depicted pulling out the tongues of slanderers with redhot wires, pouring molten lead down the throats of liars, with burning prongs tossing souls upon mountains planted with hooks of iron reeking with the blood of those who have gone before, screwing the damned between planks, pounding them in husking mortars, grinding them in rice mills, while other fiends, in the shape of dogs, lap up their oozing gore. But the hardest sensibility must by this time cry, Hold! With the turmoil and pain of entanglement in the vortex of births, and all the repulsive exposures of finite life, the Hindus contrast the idea of an infinite rest and bliss, an endless 7 Hardy, Manual of Buddhism, p. 26. 8 Coleman, Mythology of the Hindus, p. 198. exemption from evil and struggle, an immense receptivity of reposing power and quietistic contemplation. In consequence of their endlessly varied, constantly recurring, intensely earnest speculations and musings over this contrast of finite restlessness and pain with infinite peace and blessedness, a contrast which constitutes the preaching of their priests, saturates their sacred books, fills their thoughts, and broods over all their life, the Orientals are pervaded with a profound horror of individual existence, and with a profound desire for absorption into the Infinite Being. A few quotations from their own authors will illustrate this: "A sentient being in the repetition of birth and death is like a worm in the midst of a nest of ants, like a lizard in the hollow of a bamboo that is burning at both ends."9 "Emancipation from all existence is the fulness of felicity."10 "The being who is still subject to birth may now sport in the beautiful gardens of heaven, now be cut to pieces in hell; now be Maha Brahma, now a degraded outcast; now sip nectar, now drink blood; now repose on a couch with gods, now be dragged through a thicket of thorns; now reside in a mansion of gold, now be exposed on a mountain of lava; now sit on the throne of the gods, now be impaled amidst hungry dogs; now be a king glittering with countless gems, now a mendicant taking a skull from door to door to beg alms; now eat ambrosia as the monarch of a dewa loka, now writhe and die as a bat in the shrivelling flame."11 "The Supreme Soul and the human soul do not differ, and pleasure or pain ascribable to the latter arises from its imprisonment in the body. The water of the Ganges is the same whether it run in the river's bed or be shut up in a decanter; but a drop of wine added to the water in the decanter imparts its flavor to the whole, whereas it would be lost in the river. The Supreme Soul, therefore, is beyond accident; but the human soul is afflicted by sense and passion. Happiness is only obtained in reunion with the Supreme Soul, when the dispersed individualities combine again with it, as the drops of water with the parent stream. Hence the slave should remember that he is separated from God by the body alone, and exclaim, perpetually, 'Blessed be the moment when I shall lift the veil from off that face! the veil of the face of my Beloved is the dust of my body.'"12 "A pious man was once born on earth, who, in his various transmigrations, had met eight hundred and twenty five thousand Buddhas. He remembered his former states, but could not enumerate how many times he had been a king, a beggar, a beast, an occupant of hell. He uttered these words: 'A hundred thousand years of the highest happiness on earth are not equal to the happiness of one day in the dewa lokas; and a hundred thousand years of the deepest misery on earth are not equal to the misery of one day in hell; but the misery of hell is reckoned by millions of centuries. Oh, how shall I escape, and obtain eternal bliss?'" 13 9 Eastern Monachism, p. 247. 10 Vishnu Purana, p. 568. 11 Hardy, Manual of Buddhism, p. 454. 12 Asiatic Researches, vol. xvii. p. 298. 13 Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. iv. p. 114. The literary products of the Eastern mind wonderfully abound with painful descriptions of the compromises, uncleannesses, and afflictions inseparably connected with existence. Volumes would be required to furnish an adequate representation of the vivid and inexhaustible amplification with which they set forth the direful disgusts and loathsome terrors associated with the series of ideas expressed by the words conception, birth, life, death, hell, and regeneration. The fifth chapter in the sixth book of the Vishnu Purana affords a good specimen of these details; but, to appreciate them fully, one must peruse dispersed passages in a hundred miscellaneous works: "As long as man lives, he is immersed in afflictions, like the seed of the cotton amidst the down. . . . Where could man, scorched by the fires of the sun of this world, look for felicity, were it not for the shade afforded by the tree of emancipation? . . . Travelling the path of the world for many thousands of births, man attains only the weariness of bewilderment, and is smothered by the dust of imagination. When that dust is washed away by the bland water of real knowledge, then the weariness is removed. Then the internal man is at peace, and obtains supreme felicity."14 The result of these views is the awakening of an unquenchable desire to "break from the fetters of existence," to be "delivered from the whirlpool of transmigration." Both Brahmanism and Buddhism are in essence nothing else than methods of securing release from the chain of incarnated lives, and attaining to identification with the Infinite. There is a text in the Apocalypse which may be strikingly applied to this exemption from further metempsychosis: "Him that overcometh I will make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out forever." The testimony of all who have investigated the subject agrees with the following assertion by Professor Wilson: "The common end of every system studied by the Hindus is the ascertainment of the means by which perpetual exemption from the necessity of repeated births may be won."15 In comparison with this aim, every thing else is utterly insignificant. Prahlada, on being offered by Vishnu any boon he might ask, exclaimed, "Wealth, virtue, love, are as nothing; for even liberation is in his reach whose faith is firm in thee." And Vishnu replied, "Thou shalt, therefore, obtain freedom from existence."16 All true Orientals, however favored or persecuted by earthly fortune, still cry night and day upwards into the infinite, with outstretched arms and yearning voice, "O Lord, our separate lives destroy! Merge in thy gold our souls' alloy: Pain is our own, and Thou art Joy!" According to the system of Brahmanism, the creation is regularly called into being and again destroyed at the beginning and end of certain stupendous epochs called kalpas. Four thousand three hundred and twenty million years make a day of Brahma. At the end of this day the lower worlds are consumed by fire; and Brahma sleeps on the abyss for a night as long 14 Vishnu Parana, p. 650. 15 Sankhya Karika, preface, p. 3. 16 Vishnu Purana, p. 144. as his day. During this night the saints, who in high Jana loka have survived the dissolution of the lower portions of the universe, contemplate the slumbering deity until he wakes and restores the mutilated creation. Three hundred and sixty of these days and nights compose a year of Brahma; a hundred such years measure his whole life. Then a complete destruction of all things takes place, every thing merging into the Absolute One, until he shall rouse himself renewedly to manifest his energies.17 Although created beings who have not obtained emancipation are destroyed in their individual forms at the periods of the general dissolution, yet, being affected by the good or evil acts of former existence, they are never exempted from their consequences, and when Brahma creates the world anew they are the progeny of his will, in the fourfold condition of gods, men, animals, and inanimate things.18 And Buddhism embodies virtually the same doctrine, declaring "the whole universe of sakwalas to be subject alternately to destruction and renovation, in a series of revolutions to which neither beginning nor end can be discovered." What is the Brahmanic method of salvation, or secret of emancipation? Rightly apprehended in the depth and purity of the real doctrine, it is this. There is in reality but ONE SOUL: every thing else is error, illusion, misery. Whoever acquires the knowledge of this truth by personal perception is thereby liberated. He has won the absolute perfection of the unlimited Godhead, and shall never be born again. "Whosoever views the Supreme Soul as manifold, dies death after death." God is formless, but seems to assume form; as moonlight, impinging upon various objects, appears crooked or straight.19 Bharata says to the king of Sauriva, "The great end of all is not union of self with the Supreme Soul, because one substance cannot become another. The true wisdom, the genuine aim of all, is to know that Soul is one, uniform, perfect, exempt from birth, omnipresent, undecaying, made of true knowledge, dissociated with unrealities."20 "It is ignorance alone which enables Maya to impress the mind with a sense of individuality; for as soon as that is dispelled it is known that severalty exists not, and that there is nothing but one undivided Whole." 21 The Brahmanic scriptures say, "The Eternal Deity consists of true knowledge." "Brahma that is Supreme is produced of reflection."22 The logic runs thus. There is only One Soul, the absolute God. All beside is empty deception. That One Soul consists of true knowledge. Whoever attains to true knowledge, therefore, is absolute God, forever freed from the sphere of semblances. The foregoing exposition is philosophical and scriptural Brahmanism. But there are numerous schismatic sects which hold opinions diverging from it in regard to the nature and destiny of the human soul. They may be considered in two classes. First, there are some who defend the idea of the personal immortality of the soul. The Siva Gnana Potham "establishes the doctrine of the soul's eternal existence as an individual being." 23 The Saiva school 17 Vishnu Purana, p. 25. Hardy, Manual of Buddhism, p. 33, note. 18 Vishnu Parana, pp. 39, 116. 19 Colebrooke, Essays, vol. i. p. 359. 20 Vishnu Purana, p. 252. 21 Vans Kennedy, Ancient and Hindu Mythology, p. 201. 22 Vishnu Purana, pp. 546, 642. 23 Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. ii. p. 141. teach that when, at the close of every great period, all other developed existences are rendered back to their primordial state, souls are excepted. These, once developed and delivered from the thraldom of their merit and demerit, will ever remain intimately united with Deity and clothed in the resplendent wisdom.24 Secondly, there are others and probably at the present time they include a large majority of the Brahmans who believe in the real being both of the Supreme Soul and of separate finite souls, conceiving the latter to be individualized parts of the former and their true destiny to consist in securing absorption into it. The relation of the soul to God, they maintain, is not that of ruled and ruler, but that of part and whole. "As gold is one substance still, however diversified as bracelets, tiaras, ear rings, or other things, so Vishnu is one and the same, although modified in the forms of gods, animals, and men. As the drops of water raised from the earth by the wind sink into the earth again when the wind subsides, so the variety of gods, men, and animals, which have been detached by the agitation of the qualities, are reunited, when the disturbance ceases, with the Eternal." 25 "The whole obtains its destruction in God, like bubbles in water." The Madhava sect believe that there is a personal All Soul distinct from the human soul. Their proofs are detailed in one of the Maha Upanishads.26 These two groups of sects, however, agree perfectly with the ancient orthodox Brahmans in accepting the fundamental dogma of a judicial metempsychosis, wherein each one is fastened by his acts and compelled to experience the uttermost consequences of his merit or demerit. They all coincide in one common aspiration as regards the highest end, namely, emancipation from the necessity of repeated births. The difference between the three is, that the one class of dissenters expect the fruition of that deliverance to be a finite personal immortality in heaven; the other interpret it as an unwalled absorption in the Over Soul, like a breath in the air; while the more orthodox believers regard it as the entire identity of the soul with the Infinite One. Against the opinion that there is only one Soul for all bodies, as one string supports all the gems of a necklace, some Hindu philosophers argue that the plurality of souls is proved by the consideration that, if there were but one soul, then when any one was born, or died, or was lame, or deaf, or occupied, or idle, all would at once be born, die, be lame, deaf, occupied, or idle. But Professor Wilson says, "This doctrine of the multitudinous existence or individual incorporation of Soul clearly contradicts the Vedas. They affirm one only existent soul to be distributed in all beings. It is beheld collectively or dispersedly, like the reflection of the moon in still or troubled water. Soul, eternal, omnipresent, undisturbed, pure, one, is multiplied by the power of delusion, not of its own nature."27 All the Brahmanic sects unite in thinking that liberation from the net of births is to be obtained and the goal of their wishes to be reached by one means only; and that is knowledge, real wisdom, an adequate sight of the truth. Without this knowledge there is no possible emancipation; but there are three ways of seeking the needed knowledge. 24 Ibid. vol. iv. p. 15. 25 Vishnu Purana, p. 287. 26 Weber, Akademische Vorlesungen uber Indische Literaturgeschichte, s. 160. 27 Sankbya Karika, p. 70. Some strive, by direct intellectual abstraction and effort, by metaphysical speculation, to grasp the true principles of being. Others try, by voluntary penance, self abnegation, and pain, to accumulate such a degree of merit, or to bring the soul into such a state of preparedness, as will compel the truth to reveal itself. And still others devote themselves to the worship of some chosen deity, by ritual acts and fervid contemplation, to obtain by his favor the needed wisdom. A few quotations may serve to illustrate the Brahmanic attempts at winning this one thing needful, the knowledge which yields exemption from all incarnate lives. The Sankhya philosophy is a regular system of metaphysics, to be studied as one would study algebra. It presents to its disciples an exhaustive statement of the forms of being in twenty five categories, and declares, "He who knows the twenty five principles, whatever order of life he may have entered, and whether he wear braided hair, a top knot only, or be shaven, he is liberated." "This discriminative wisdom releases forever from worldly bondage."28 "The virtuous is born again in heaven, the wicked is born again in hell; the fool wanders in error, the wise man is set free." "By ignorance is bondage, by knowledge is deliverance." "When Nature finds that soul has discovered that it is to her the distress of migration is owing, she is put to shame by the detection, and will suffer herself to be seen no more."29 "Through knowledge the sage is absorbed into Supreme Spirit."30 "The Supreme Spirit attracts to itself him who meditates upon it, as the loadstone attracts the iron."31 "He who seeks to obtain a knowledge of the Soul is gifted with it, the Soul rendering itself conspicuous to him." "Man, having known that Nature which is without a beginning or an end, is delivered from the grasp of death." "Souls are absorbed in the Supreme Soul as the reflection of the sun in water returns to him on the removal of the water."32 The thought underlying the last statement is that there is only one Soul, every individual consciousness being but an illusory semblance, and that the knowledge of this fact constitutes the all coveted emancipation. As one diffusive breath passing through the perforations of a flute is distinguished as the several notes of the scale, so the Supreme Spirit is single, though, in consequence of acts, it seems manifold. As every placid lakelet holds an unreal image of the one real moon sailing above, so each human soul is but a deceptive reflection of the one veritable Soul, or God. It may be worth while to observe that Plotinus, as is well known, taught the doctrine of the absolute identity of each soul with the entire and indistinguishable entity of God: "Though God extends beyond creation's rim, Yet every being holds the whole of him." It belongs to an unextended substance, an immateriality, to be everywhere by totality, not by portions. If God be omnipresent, he cannot be so dividedly, a part of him here and a part 28 Ibid. pp. 1, 16. 29 Ibid. pp. 48, 142, 174. 30 Vishnu Purana, p. 57. 31 Ibid. p. 651. 32 Rammohun Roy, Translations from the Veda, 2d ed., London, 1832, pp. 69, 39, 10. of him there; but the whole of him must be in every particle of matter, in every point of space, in all infinitude. The Brahmanic religion is a philosophy; and it keeps an incomparably strong hold on the minds of its devotees. Its most vital and comprehensive principle is expressed in the following sentence: "The soul itself is not susceptible of pain, or decay, or death; the site of these things is nature; but nature is unconscious; the consciousness that pain exists is restricted to the soul, although the soul is not the actual seat of pain." This is the reason why every Hindu yearns so deeply to be freed from the meshes of nature, why he so anxiously follows the light of faith and penance, or the clew of speculation, through all mazes of mystery. It is that he may at last gaze on the central TRUTH, and through that sight seize the fruition of the supreme and eternal good of man in the unity of his selfhood with the Infinite, and so be born no more and experience no more trouble. It is very striking to contrast with this profound and gorgeous dream of the East, whatever form it assumes, the more practical and definite thought of the West, as expressed in these lines of Tennyson's "In Memoriam:" "That each, who seems a separate whole, Should move his rounds, and, fusing all The skirts of self again, should fall Remerging in the general Soul, Is faith as vague as all unsweet: Eternal form shall still divide The eternal soul from all beside, And I shall know him when we meet." But is it not still more significant to notice that, in the lines which immediately succeed, the love inspired and deep musing genius of the English thinker can find ultimate repose only by recurring to the very faith of the Hindu theosophist? "And we shall sit at endless feast, Enjoying each the other's good: What vaster dream can hit the mood Of Love on earth! He seeks at least Upon the last and sharpest height, Before the spirits fade away, Some landing place, to clasp and say, Farewell! We lose ourselves in light!" We turn now to the Buddhist doctrine of a future life as distinguished from the Brahmanic. The "Four Sublime Truths" of Buddhism, as they are called, are these: first, that there is sorrow; secondly, that every living person necessarily feels it; thirdly, that it is desirable to be freed from it; fourthly, that the only deliverance from it is by that pure knowledge which destroys all cleaving to existence. A Buddha is a being who, in consequence of having reached the Buddhaship, which implies the possession of infinite goodness, infinite power, and infinite wisdom, is able to teach men that true knowledge which secures emancipation. The Buddhaship that is, the possession of Supreme Godhead is open to every one, though few ever acquire it. Most wonderful and tremendous is the process of its attainment. Upon a time, some being, perhaps then incarnate as a mosquito alighting on a muddy leaf in some swamp, pauses for a while to muse. Looking up through infinite stellar systems, with hungry love and boundless ambition, to the throne and sceptre of absolute immensity, he vows within himself, "I will become a Buddha." The total influences of his past, the forces of destiny, conspiring with his purpose, omnipotence is in that resolution. Nothing shall ever turn him aside from it. He might soon acquire for himself deliverance from the dreadful vortex of births; but, determined to achieve the power of delivering others from their miseries as sentient beings, he voluntarily throws himself into the stream of successive existences, and with divine patience and fortitude undergoes every thing. From that moment, no matter in what form he is successively born, whether as a disgusting bug, a white elephant, a monarch, or a god, he is a Bodhisat, that is, a candidate pressing towards the Buddhaship. He at once begins practising the ten primary virtues, called paramitas, necessary for the securing of his aim. The period required for the full exercise of one of these virtues is a bhumi. Its duration is thus illustrated. Were a Bodhisat once in a thousand births to shed a single drop of blood, he would in the space of a bhumi shed more blood than there is water in a thousand oceans. On account of his merit he might always be born amidst the pleasures of the heavens; but since he could there make no progress towards his goal, he prefers being born in the world of men. During his gradual advance, there is no good he does not perform, no hardship he does not undertake, no evil he does not willingly suffer; and all for the benefit of others, to obtain the means of emancipating those whom he sees fastened by ignorance in the afflictive circle of acts. Wherever born, acting, or suffering, his eye is still turned towards that EMPTY THRONE, at the apex of the universe, from which the last Buddha has vaulted into Nirwana. The Buddhists have many scriptures, especially one, called the "Book of the Five Hundred and Fifty Births," detailing the marvellous adventures of the Bodhisat during his numerous transmigrations, wherein he exhibits for each species of being to which he belongs a model character and life. At length the momentous day dawns when the unweariable Bodhisat enters on his well earned Buddhaship. From that time, during the rest of his life, he goes about preaching discourses, teaching every prepared creature he meets the method of securing eternal deliverance. Leaving behind in these discourses a body of wisdom sufficient to guide to salvation all who will give attentive ear and heart, the Buddha then his sublime work of disinterested love being completed receives the fruition of his toil, the super essential prize of the universe, the Infinite Good. In a word, he dies, and enters Nirwana. There is no more evil of any sort for him at all forever. The final fading echo of sorrow has ceased in the silence of perfect blessedness; the last undulation of the wave of change has rolled upon the shore of immutability. The only historic Buddha is Sakya Muni, or Gotama, who was born at Kapila about six centuries before Christ. His teachings contain many principles in common with those of the Brahmans. But he revolted against their insufferable conceit and cruelty. He protested against their claim that no one could obtain emancipation until after being born as a Brahman and passing through the various rites and degrees of their order. In the face of the most powerful and arrogant priesthood in the world, he preached the perfect equality of all mankind, and the consequent abolition of castes. Whoever acquires a total detachment of affection from all existence is thereby released from birth and misery; and the means of acquiring that detachment are freely offered to all in his doctrine. Thus did Gotama preach. He took the monopoly of religion out of the hands of a caste, and proclaimed emancipation to every creature that breathes. He established his system in the valley of the Ganges near the middle of the sixth century before Christ. It soon overran the whole country, and held sway until about eight hundred years after Christ, when an awful persecution and slaughter on the part of the uprising Brahmans drove it out of the land with sword and fire. "The colossal figure which for fourteen centuries had bestridden the Indian continent vanished suddenly, like a rainbow at sunset."33 Gotama's philosophy, in its ontological profundity, is of a subtlety and vastness that would rack the brain of a Fichte or a Schelling; but, popularly stated, so far as our present purpose demands, it is this. Existence is the one all inclusive evil; cessation of existence, or Nirwana, is the infinite good. The cause of existence is ignorance, which leads one to cleave to existing objects; and this cleaving leads to reproduction. If one would escape from the chain of existence, he must destroy the cause of his confinement in it, that is, evil desire, or the cleaving to existing objects. The method of salvation in Gotama's system is to vanquish and annihilate all desire for existing things. How is this to be done? By acquiring an intense perception of the miseries of existence, on the one hand, and an intense perception, on the other hand, of the contrasted desirableness of the state of emancipation, or Nirwana. Accordingly, the discourses of Gotama, and the sacred books of the Buddhists, are filled with vivid accounts of every thing disgusting and horrible connected with existence, and with vivid descriptions, consciously faltering with inadequacy, of every thing supremely fascinating in connection with Nirwana. "The three reflections on the impermanency, suffering, and unreality of the body are three gates leading to the city of Nirwana." The constant claim is, that whosoever by adequate moral discipline and philosophical contemplation attains to a certain degree of wisdom, a certain degree of intellectual insight, instead of any longer cleaving to existence, will shudder at the thought of it, and, instead of shrinking from death, will be ravished with unfathomable ecstasy by the prospect of Nirwana. Then, when he dies, he is free from all liability to a return. When Gotama, early in life, had accidentally seen in succession a wretchedly decrepit old man, a loathsomely diseased man, and a decomposing dead man, then the three worlds of passion, matter, and spirit seemed to him like a house on fire, and he longed to be extricated from the dizzy whirl of existence, and to reach the still haven of Nirwana. Finding ere long that he had now, as the reward of his incalculable endurances through untold aons past, become Buddha, he said to himself, "You have borne the misery of the whole round of transmigrations, and have arrived at infinite wisdom, which is the highway to Nirwana, the 33 Major Cunningham, Bbilsa Topes, or Buddhist Monuments of Central India, p. 168. city of peace. On that road you are the guide of all beings. Begin your work and pursue it with fidelity." From that time until the day of his death he preached "the three laws of mortality, misery, and mutability." Every morning he looked through the world to see who should be caught that day in the net of truth, and took his measures accordingly to preach in the hearing of men the truths by which alone they could climb into Nirwana. When he was expiring, invisible gods, with huge and splendid bodies, came and stood, as thick as they could be packed, for a hundred and twenty miles around the banyan tree under which he awaited Nirwana, to gaze on him who had broken the circle of transmigration.34 The system of Gotama distinguishes seven grades of being: six subject to repeated death and birth; one the condition of the rahats and the Buddhaship exempt therefrom. "Who wins this has reached the shore of the stormy ocean of vicissitudes, and is in safety forever." Baur says, "The aim of Buddhism is that all may obtain unity with the original empty Space, so as to unpeople the worlds."35 This end it seeks by purification from all modes of cleaving to existing objects, and by contemplative discrimination, but never by the fanatical and austere methods of Brahmanism. Edward Upham, in his History of Buddhism, declares this earth to be the only ford to Nirwana. Others also make the same representation: "For all that live and breathe have once been men, And in succession will be such again." But the Buddhist authors do not always adhere to this statement. We sometimes read of men's entering the paths to Nirwana in some of the heavens, likewise of their entering the final fruition through a decease in a dewa loka. Still, it is the common view that emancipation from all existence can be secured only by a human being on earth. The last birth must be in that form. The emblem of Buddha, engraved on most of his monuments, is a wheel, denoting that he has finished and escaped from the circle of existences. Henceforth he is named Tathagata, he who has gone. Let us notice a little more minutely what the Buddhists say of Nirwana; for herein to them hides all the power of their philosophy and lies the absorbing charm of their religion. "The state that is peaceful, free from body, from passion, and from fear, where birth or death is not, that is Nirwana." "Nirwana puts an end to coming and going, and there is no other happiness." "It is a calm wherein no wind blows." "There is no difference in Nirwana." "It is the annihilation of all the principles of existence." "Nirwana is the completion and opposite shore of existence, free from decay, tranquil, knowing no restraint, and of great blessedness." "Nirwana is unmixed satisfaction, entirely free from sorrow." "The wind cannot be squeezed in the hand, nor can its color be told. Yet the wind is. Even so Nirwana is, but its properties cannot be told." "Nirwana, like space, is causeless, does not live nor die, and has no locality. It is the abode of those liberated from existence." "Nirwana is not, except to the being who attains it."36 34 Life of Gotama in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. iii. 35 Symbolik and Mythologie, th. ii. abth. 2, s. 407. 36 For these quotations, and others similar, see Hardy's valuable work, "Eastern Monachism," chap. xxii., on "Nirwana, its Paths and Fruition." Some scholars maintain that the Buddhist Nirwana is nothing but the atheistic Annihilation. The subject is confessedly a most difficult one. But it seems to us that the opinion just stated is the very antithesis of the true interpretation of Nirwana. In the first place, it should be remembered that there are various sects of Buddhists. Now, the word Nirwana may be used in different senses by different schools.37 A few persons a small party, represented perhaps by able writers may believe in annihilation in our sense of the term, just as has happened in Christendom, while the common doctrine of the people is the opposite of that. In the second place, with the Oriental horror of individuated existence, and a highly poetical style of writing, nothing could be more natural, in depicting their ideas of the most desirable state of being, than that they should carry their metaphors expressive of repose, freedom from action and emotion, to a pitch conveying to our cold and literal thought the conceptions of blank unconsciousness and absolute nothingness. Colebrooke says, "Nirwana is not annihilation, but unceasing apathy. The notion of it as a happy state seems derived from the experience of ecstasies; or else the pleasant, refreshed feeling with which one wakes from profound repose is referred to the period of actual sleep."38 A Buddhist author speculates thus: "That the soul feels not during profound trance, is not for want of sensibility, but for want of sensible objects." Wilson, Hodgson, and Vans Kennedy three able thinkers, as well as scholars, in this field agree that Nirwana is not annihilation as we understand that word. Mr. Hodgson believes that the Buddhists expect to be "conscious in Nirwana of the eternal bliss of rest, as they are in this world of the ceaseless pain of activity." Forbes also argues against the nihilistic explanation of the Buddhist doctrine of futurity, and says he is compelled to conclude that Nirwana denotes imperishable being in a blissful quietude.39 Many additional authorities in favor of this view might be adduced, enough to balance, at least, the names on the other side. Koeppen, in his very fresh, vigorous, and lucid work, just published, entitled "The Religion of Buddha, and its Origin," says, "Nirwana is the blessed Nothing. Buddhism is the Gospel of Annihilation." But he forgets that the motto on the title page of his volume is the following sentence quoted from Sakya Muni himself: "To those who know the concatenation of causes and effects, there is neither being nor nothing." To them Nirwana is. Considering it, then, as an open question, unsettled by any authoritative assertion, we will weigh the probabilities of the case. No definition of Nirwana is more frequent than the one given by the Kalpa Sutra,40 namely, "cessation from action and freedom from desire." But this, like many of the other representations, such, for instance, as the exclusion of succession, very plainly is not a denial of all being, but only of our present modes of experience. The dying Gotama is said to have "passed through the several states, one after another, until he arrived at the state where there is no pain. He then continued to enter the other higher states, and from the highest entered Nirwana." Can literal annihilation, the naked emptiness of nonentity, be better than 37 Burnouf, Introduction a l'Histoire du Buddhisme Indien, Appendice No. I., Du mot Nirvana. 38 Colebrooke, Essays, vol. i. p. 353. 39 Eleven Years in Ceylon, vol. ii. chap. ix. 40 Tanslation by Dr. Stevenson, p. 23. the highest state of being? It can be so only when we view Nothing on the positive side as identical with All, make annihilating deprivation equivalent to universal bestowment, regard negation as affirmation, and, in the last synthesis of contradictions, see the abysmal Vacuum as a Plenum of fruition. As Oken says, "The ideal zero is absolute unity; not a singularity, as the number one, but an indivisibility, a numberlessness, a homogeneity, a translucency, a pure identity. It is neither great nor small, quiescent nor moved; but it is, and it is not, all this."41 Furthermore, if some of the Buddhist representations would lead us to believe that Nirwana is utter nothingness, others apparently imply the opposite. "The discourses of Buddha are a charm to cure the poison of evil desire; a succession of fruit bearing trees placed here and there to enable the traveller to cross the desert of existence; a power by which every sorrow may be appeased; a door of entrance to the eternal city of Nirwana." "The mind of the rahat" (one who has obtained assurance of emancipation and is only waiting for it to arrive) "knows no disturbance, because it is filled with the pleasure of Nirwana." "The sight of Nirwana bestows perfect happiness." "The rahat is emancipated from existence in Nirwana, as the lotus is separated from the mud out of which it springs." "Fire may be produced by rubbing together two sticks, though previously it had no locality: it is the same with Nirawna." "Nirwana is free from danger, peaceful, refreshing, happy. When a man who has been broiled before a huge fire is released, and goes quickly into some open space, he feels the most agreeable sensation. All the evils of existence are that fire, and Nirwana is that open space." These passages indicate the cessation in Nirwana of all sufferings, perhaps of all present modes of existence, but not the total end of being. It may be said that these are but figurative expressions. The reply is, so are the contrasted statements metaphors, and it is probable that the expressions which denote the survival of pure being in Nirwana are closer approximations to the intent of their authors than those which hint at an unconscious vacancy. If Nirwana in its original meaning was an utter and infinite blank, then, "out of that very Nothing," as Max Muller says, "human nature made a new paradise." There is a scheme of doctrine held by some Buddhist philosophers which may be thus stated. There are five constituent elements of sentient existence. They are called khandas, and are as follows: the organized body, sensation, perception, discrimination, and consciousness. Death is the dissolution and entire destruction of these khandas, and apart from them there is no synthetical unit, soul, or personality. Yet in a certain sense death is not the absolute annihilation of a human existence, because it leaves a potentiality inherent in that existence. There is no identical ego to survive and be born again; but karma that is, the sum of a man's action, his entire merit and demerit produces at his death a new being, and so on in continued series until Nirwana is attained. Thus the succession of being is kept up with transmitted responsibility, as a flame is transferred from one wick to another. It is evident enough, as is justly claimed by Hardy and others, that the limitation of existence to the five khandas, excluding the idea of any independent individuality, makes death 41 Elements of Physiophilosophy, Tulk's trans. p. 9. annihilation, and renders the very conception of a future life for those now living an absurdity. But we are convinced that this view is the speculative peculiarity of a sect, and by no means the common belief of the Buddhist populace or the teaching of Gotama himself. This appears at the outset from the fact that Gotama is represented as having lived through millions of existences, in different states and worlds, with preserved identity and memory. The history of his concatenated advance towards the Buddhaship is the supporting basis and the saturating spirit of documentary Buddhism. And the same idea pervades the whole range of narratives relating to the repeated births and deaths of the innumerable Buddhist heroes and saints who, after so many residences on earth, in the hells, in the dewalokas, have at last reached emancipation. They recollect their adventures; they recount copious portions of their experience stretching through many lives. Again: the arguments cited from Buddha seem aimed to prove, not that there is absolutely no self in man, but that the five khandas are not the self, that the real self is something distinct from all that is exposed to misery and change, something deep, wondrous, divine, infinite. For instance, the report of a debate on this subject between Buddha and Sachaka closes with these words: "Thus was Sachaka forced to confess that the five khandas are impermanent, connected with sorrow, unreal, not the self.42 These terms appear to imply the reality of a self, only that it is not to be confounded with the apprehensible elements of existence. Besides, the attainment of Nirwana is held up as a prize to be laboriously sought by personal effort. To secure it is a positive triumph quite distinct from the fated dissolution of the khandas in death. Now, if there be in man no personal entity, what is it that with so much joy attains Nirwana? The genuine Buddhist notion, as seems most probable, is that the conscious essence of the rahat, when the exterior elements of existence fall from around him, passes by a transcendent climax and discrete leap beyond the outermost limits of appreciable being, and becomes that INFINITE which knows no changes and is susceptible of no definitions. In the Ka gyur collection of Tibetan sacred books, comprising a hundred volumes, and now belonging to the Cabinet of Manuscripts in the Royal Library of Paris, there are two volumes exclusively occupied by a treatise on Nirwana. It is a significant fact that the title of these volumes is "Nirwana, or Deliverance from Pain." If Nirwana be simply annihilation, why is it not so stated? Why should recourse be had to a phrase partially descriptive of one feature, instead of comprehensively announcing or implying the whole case? Still further: it deserves notice that, according to the unanimous affirmation of Buddhist authors, if any Buddhist were offered the alternative of an existence as king of a dewa loka, keeping his personality for a hundred million years in the uninterrupted enjoyment of perfect happiness, or of translation into Nirwana, he would spurn the former as defilement, and would with unutterable avidity choose the latter. We must therefore suppose that by Nirwana he understands, not naked destruction, but some mysterious good, too vast for logical comprehension, too obscure to Occidental thought to find expression in Occidental language. 42 Hardy, Manual, p. 427. At the moment when Gotama entered upon the Buddhaship, like a vessel overflowing with honey, his mind overflowed with the nectar of oral instruction, and he uttered these stanzas: "Through many different births I have run, vainly seeking The architect of the desire resembling house. Painful are repeated births. O house builder! I have seen thee. Again a house thou canst not build for me. I have broken thy rafters and ridge pole; I have arrived at the extinction of evil desire; My mind is gone to Nirwana." Hardy, who stoutly maintains that the genuine doctrine of Buddha's philosophy is that there is no transmigrating individuality in man, but that the karma creates a new person on the dissolution of the former one, confesses the difficulties of this dogma to be so great that "it is almost universally repudiated." M. Obry published at Paris, in 1856, a small volume entirely devoted to this subject, under the title of "The Indian Nirwana, or the Enfranchisement of the Soul after Death." His conclusion, after a careful and candid discussion, is, that Nirwana had different meanings to the minds of the ancient Aryan priests, the orthodox Brahmans, the Sankhya Brahmans, and the Buddhists, but had not to any of them, excepting possibly a few atheists, the sense of strict annihilation. He thinks that Burnouf and Barthelemy Saint Hilaire themselves would have accepted this view if they had paid particular attention to the definite inquiry, instead of merely touching upon it in the course of their more comprehensive studies. What Spinoza declares in the following sentence "God is one, simple, infinite; his modes of being are diverse, complex, finite" strongly resembles what the Buddhists say of Nirwana and the contrasted vicissitudes of existence, and may perhaps throw light on their meaning. The supposition of immaterial, unlimited, absolutely unalterable being the scholastic ens sine qualitate answers to the descriptions of it much more satisfactorily than the idea of unqualified nothingness does. "Nirwana is real; all else is phenomenal." The Sankhyas, who do not hold to the nonentity nor to the annihilation of the soul, but to its eternal identification with the Infinite One, use nevertheless nearly the same phrases in describing it that the Buddhists do. For example, they say, "The soul is neither a production nor productive, neither matter nor form"43 The Vishnu Purana says, "The mundane egg, containing the whole creation, was surrounded by seven envelops, water, air, fire, ether, egotism, intelligence, and finally the indiscrete principle"44 Is not this Indiscrete Principle of the Brahmans the same as the Nirwana of the Buddhists? The latter explicitly claim that "man is capable of enlarging his faculties to infinity." 43 Sankhya Karika, pp. 16-18. 44 Vishnu Purana, p. 19. Nagasena says to the king of Sagal, "Neither does Nirwana exist previously to its reception, nor is that which was not, brought into existence: still, to the being who attains it, there is Nirwana." According to this statement, taken in connection with the hundreds similar to it, Nirwana seems to be a simple mental perception, most difficult of acquirement, and, when acquired, assimilating the whole conscious being perfectly to itself. The Asangkrata Sutra, as translated by Mr. Hardy, says, "From the joyful exclamations of those who have seen Nirwana, its character may be known by those who have not made the same attainment." The superficial thinker, carelessly scanning the recorded sayings of Gotama and his expositors in relation to Nirwana, is aware only of a confused mass of metaphysical hieroglyphs and poetical metaphors; but the Buddhist sages avow that whoso, by concentrated study and training of his faculties, pursues the inquiry with adequate perseverance, will at last elicit and behold the real meaning of Nirwana, the achieved insight and revelation forming the widest horizon of rapturous truth ever contemplated by the human mind. The memorable remark of Sir William Hamilton, that "capacity of thought is not to be constituted into the measure of existence," should show the error of those who so unjustifiably affirm that, since Nirwana is said to be neither corporeal nor incorporeal, nor at all describable, it is therefore absolutely nothing. A like remark is also to be addressed to those who draw the same unwarrantable conclusion of the nothingness of Nirwana from the fact that it has no locality, or from the fact that it is sometimes said to exclude consciousness. Plato, in the Timaus, stigmatizes as a vulgar error the notion that what is not in any place is a nonentity. Many a weighty philosopher has followed him in this opinion. The denial of place is by no means necessarily the denial of being. So, too, with consciousness. It is conceivable that there is a being superior to all the modes of consciousness now known to us. We are, indeed, unable to define this, yet it may be. The profoundest analysis shows that consciousness consists of co ordinated changes.45 "Consciousness is a succession of changes combined and arranged in special ways." Now, in contrast to the Occidental thinker, who covets alternation because in his cold climate action is the means of enjoyment, the Hindu, in the languid East, where repose is the condition of enjoyment, conceives the highest blessedness to consist in exemption from every disturbance, in an unruffled unity excluding all changes. Therefore, while in some of its forms his dream of Nirwana admits not consciousness, still, it is not inconsistent with a homogeneous state of being, which he, in his metaphysical and theosophie soarings, apprehends as the grandest and most ecstatic of all. The etymological force of the word Nirwana is extinction, as when the sun has set, a fire has burned out, or a lamp is extinguished. The fair laws of interpretation do not compel us, in cases like this, to receive the severest literal significance of a word as conveying the meaning which a popular doctrine holds in the minds of its believers. There is almost always looseness, vagueness, metaphor, accommodation. But take the term before us in its strictest sense, and mark the result. When a fire is extinguished, it is obvious that, while the flame has disappeared, the substance of the flame, whatever it was, has not ceased to be, has not been 45 Herbert Spencer, Principles of Psychology, ch. xxv. actually annihilated. It has only ceased to be in a certain visible form in which it existed before; but it still survives under altered conditions. Now, to compare the putting out of a lamp to the death of a man, extinction is not actual destruction, but a transition of the flame into another state of being. That other state, in the case of the soul, is Nirwana. There is a final consideration, possibly of some worth in dealing with this obscure theme. We will approach it through a preliminary query and quotation. That nothing can extend beyond its limits is an identical proposition. How vast, then, must be the soul of man in form or in power! "If souls be substances corporeal, Be they as big just as the body is? Or shoot they out to the height ethereal? Doth it not seem the impression of a seal Can be no larger than the wax? The soul with that vast latitude must move Which measures the objects that it doth descry. So must it be upstretch'd unto the sky And rub against the stars." Cousin asserts that man is conscious of infinity, that "the unconditional, the absolute, the infinite, is immediately known in consciousness by difference, plurality, and relation." Now, does not the consciousness of infinity imply the infinity of consciousness? If not, we are compelled into the contradiction that a certain entity or force reaches outside of its outermost boundary. The Buddhist ideal is not self annihilation, but self universalization. It is not the absorption of a drop into the sea, but the dilatation of a drop to the sea. Each drop swells to the whole ocean, each soul becomes the Boundless One, each rahat is identified with the total Nirwana. The rivers of emancipated men neither disembogue into the ocean of spirit nor evaporate into the abyss of nonentity, but are blended with infinitude as an ontological integer. Nirwana is unexposed and illimitable space. Buddhism is perfect disinterestedness, absolute self surrender. It is the gospel of everlasting emancipation for all. It cannot be that a deliberate suicide of soul is the ideal holding the deepest desire of four hundred millions of people. Nirwana is not negation, but a pure positive without alternation or foil. Some light may be thrown on the subject by contemplating the successive states through which the dying Gotama passed. Max Muller describes them, after the Buddhist documents, thus: "He enters into the first stage of meditation when he feels freedom from sin, acquires a knowledge of the nature of all things, and has no desire except that of Nirvana. But he still feels pleasure; he even uses his reasoning and discriminating powers. The use of these powers ceases in the second stage of meditation, when nothing remains but a desire after Nirvana, and a general feeling of satisfaction arising from his intellectual perfection. That satisfaction, also, is extinguished in the third stage. Indifference succeeds; yet there is still self consciousness, and a certain amount of physical pleasure. In the fourth stage these last remnants are destroyed; memory fades away, all pleasure and pain are gone, and the doors of Nirvana now open before him. We must soar still higher, and, though we may feel giddy and disgusted,46 we must sit out the tragedy till the curtain falls. After the four stages of meditation are passed, the Buddha (and every being is to become a Buddha) enters first into the infinity of space, then into the infinity of intelligence, and thence he passes into the third region, the realm of nothing. But even here there is no rest. There is still something left, the idea of the nothing in which he rejoices. That also must be destroyed; and it is destroyed in the fourth and last region, where there is not even the idea of a nothing left, and where there is complete rest, undisturbed by nothing, or what is not nothing."47 Analyze away all particulars until you reach an uncolored boundlessness of pure immateriality, free from every predicament; and that is Nirwana. This is one possible way of conceiving the fate of the soul; and the speculative mind must conceive it in every possible way. However closely the result resembles the vulgar notion of annihilation, the difference in method of approach and the difference to the contemplator's feeling are immense. The Buddhist apprehends Nirwana as infinitude in absolute and eternal equilibrium: the atheist finds Nirwana in a coffin. That is thought of with rapture, this, with horror. It should be noticed, before we close this chapter, that some of the Hindus give a spiritual interpretation to all the gross physical details of their so highly colored and extravagant mythology. One of their sacred books says, "Pleasure and pain are states of the mind. Heaven is that which delights the mind, hell is that which gives it pain. Hence vice is called hell, and virtue is called heaven." Another author says, "The fire of the angry mind produces the fire of hell, and consumes its possessor. A wicked person causes his evil deeds to impinge upon himself, and that is hell." The various sects of mystics, allied in faith and feeling to the Sufis, which are quite numerous in the East, agree in a deep metaphorical explanation of the vulgar notions pertaining to Deity, judgment, heaven, and hell. In conclusion, the most remarkable fact in this whole field of inquiry is the contrast of the Eastern horror of individuality and longing for absorption with the Western clinging to personality and abhorrence of dissolution.48 The true Orientalist, whether Brahman, Buddhist, or Sufi, is in love with death. Through this gate he expects to quit his frail and pitiable consciousness, losing himself, with all evil, to be born anew and find himself, with all good, in God. All sense, passion, care, and grief shall cease with deliverance from the spectral semblances of this false life. All pure contemplation, perfect repose, unsullied and unrippled joy shall begin with entrance upon the true life beyond. Thus thinking, he feels that death is the avenue to infinite expansion, freedom, peace, bliss; and he longs for it with an intensity not dreamed of by more frigid natures. He often compares himself, in this world aspiring towards another, to an enamored moth drawn towards the fire, and he exclaims, with a sigh and a thrill, 46 Not disgust, but wonder and awe, fathomless intellectual emotion, at so unparalleled a phenomenon of our miraculous human nature. 47 Buddhism and Buddhist Pilgrims, p. 19. 48 Burnouf, Le Bhagavata Purana, tome i. livre iii. ch. 28: Acquisition de la Delivrance, ch. 31. Marche de l'ame individuelle. "Highest nature wills the capture; 'Light to light!' the instinct cries; And in agonizing rapture falls the moth, and bravely dies. Think not what thou art, Believer; think but what thou mayst become For the World is thy deceiver, and the Light thy only home." 49 Западный разум отрицательно относится к теме смерти, снимая атрибуты конечного бытия; восточный ум, положительно, надевая атрибуты бесконечного бытия. Отрицательные действия, отрицающие функцию, являются антипатическими и снижают чувство жизни; позитивные действия, подтверждающие функции, сочувствуют и повышают чувство жизни. Поэтому конец, которому эти взгляды, уничтожение, страшен; то, к чему этот взгляд, Нирвана, желателен. Чтобы стать ничем, это безмерный ужас; стать всем, безграничным экстазом. 49 Милнес, Пальмовые листья. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Современная доктрина будущей жизни Глупость и язычество некоторых церковных догм, хищническое высокомерие его духа, тирания его правления и безнравственный характер многих его практик часто вызывали возмущенные протесты и решительную оппозицию людей просветленных умов, энергичной совестью и щедрыми сердцами, как в своей груди, так и вне ее. Многие такие люди, тщетно пытаясь очистить Церковь от своих несправедливых ошибок или избавить человечество от его возмутительного бремени, были безмолвны и раздавлены его неустанной силой. Арнольд, Виклифф, Вессель, Савонарола и множество других, с благодарностью вспоминаются навсегда как героические, хотя и безуспешные предшественники могущественного монаха Виттенберга1. Коррупция средневековой церкви ухудшалась и становилась настолько велика, что мешать очень обширное отвращение и отвращение. Оптовые прощения за все их грехи были предоставлены без разбора тем, кто принял условия папских чиновников; в то время как каждый независимый мыслитель, каким бы евангельским ни был его верой и образцом своего характера, безнадежно обречен на ад. Особенно это были прощения за паломников и крестоносцев. Бернард из Клерво, призывающий людей к проведению нового крестового похода, говорит им, что «Бог снисходит, чтобы пригласить на службу убийц, разбойников, прелюбодеев, лжецов и тех, кто потоплен в других преступлениях, и всякий, кто попадает в это дело, должен простить прощение грехи, которые он никогда не признавал сокрушенным сердцем »2. На открытии« Пирса Плугмана »появляется человек, говорящий:« Я видел компанию паломников на пути в Рим, 1 Ульманн, Реформатор реформации. 2 Эпист. CCCLXIII. ad Orientalis Francia Clerum et Populum. 3 D'Aubigne, Hist. Реформация, книга iii. Догматы теологии романизма остались такими, какими они были до этого. Но произошли заметные изменения в публичном поведении папских функционеров. Мораль стала более заметной, а просто ритуализм менее навязчивым. Сравнительно говоря, акцент был сделан на церковном исповедании и снисходительности, а также на этическом послушании и благочестии. Совет Трента, состоявшийся в это время, говорит в своем декрете о индульгенциях: «При предоставлении индульгенций Церковь желает, чтобы умеренность соблюдалась, чтобы чрезмерное помещение не подвергалось экклезиастской дисциплине». Иммутация стала более осторожной, угрозы были менее частыми и менее страшными; зубы гонений были несколько притуплены; чудеса стали реже; невыносимый блеск чистилища и ада исчез, и открытое движение в прощении грехов, или усугубление недостатков, уменьшилось. Но среди более невежественных папских народов пресловутое суеверие удерживает свое место еще во всей его вирулентности и грубости. «Рай и ад являются частью географического положения Италии как Адриатики и Апеннины, а Королева Небес выглядит на улицах так же ясно, как утренняя звезда, а души в чистилище более с готовностью представлены в концепции, чем политические заключенные замурованных в подземельях Венеции ». Второе последствие Реформации проявляется во многих инакомыслящих сектах, к которым привели его проблемы. Главные особенности протестантских доктрин будущей жизни воплощены в четырех ведущих деноминациях, широко известных как лютеранский, кальвинистский, унитаристский и универсалистский. Каждый из них включает в себя ряд подчиненных сторон, несущих отличительные имена (такие как арминиан, пресвитериан, методист, баптист, реставратор и многие другие), но эти незначительные различия слишком тривиальны, чтобы заслужить отличительную характеристику здесь. Лютеранская формула состоит в том, что благодаря жертве Христа спасение предлагается всем, кто примет его искренней верой. Некоторые будут соблюдать эти условия и защищать небеса; другие не будут, и так будут потеряны навсегда. Лютер взгляды не были прочно определены и последовательны на протяжении всей его карьеры; они часто были неясными, и они сильно колебались. Правда, он всегда настаивал на том, что без веры нет спасения, и что все, кто имел веру, должны быть спасены. Но, хотя он вообще, кажется, верит в существующую доктрину вечного проклятия, он иногда, похоже, поощряет надежду на то, что все, наконец, будут спасены. В замечательном письме к Хансену фон Рехенбергу, датированном 1522 годом, он, по сути, говорит: «Кто верует в Христа, тот будет спасен. Не дай Бог, чтобы я ограничил время для того, чтобы приобщить эту веру к настоящей жизни!» В глубине Божественная милость, может быть, возможность выиграть ее в будущем состоянии ». и что все, кто имел веру, должны быть спасены. Но, хотя он вообще, кажется, верит в существующую доктрину вечного проклятия, он иногда, похоже, поощряет надежду на то, что все, наконец, будут спасены. В замечательном письме к Хансену фон Рехенбергу, датированном 1522 годом, он, по сути, говорит: «Кто верует в Христа, тот будет спасен. Не дай Бог, чтобы я ограничил время для того, чтобы приобщить эту веру к настоящей жизни!» В глубине Божественная милость, может быть, возможность выиграть ее в будущем состоянии ». и что все, кто имел веру, должны быть спасены. Но, хотя он вообще, кажется, верит в существующую доктрину вечного проклятия, он иногда, похоже, поощряет надежду на то, что все, наконец, будут спасены. В замечательном письме к Хансену фон Рехенбергу, датированном 1522 годом, он, по сути, говорит: «Кто верует в Христа, тот будет спасен. Не дай Бог, чтобы я ограничил время для того, чтобы приобщить эту веру к настоящей жизни!» В глубине Божественная милость, может быть, возможность выиграть ее в будущем состоянии ». Не дай бог, чтобы я ограничил время для того, чтобы приобщить эту веру к настоящей жизни! В глубине Божественной милости может быть возможность выиграть ее в будущем состоянии ». Не дай бог, чтобы я ограничил время для того, чтобы приобщить эту веру к настоящей жизни! В глубине Божественной милости может быть возможность выиграть ее в будущем состоянии ». Кальвинистическая формула состоит в том, что небеса достижимы только для тех, кого избрало произвольное предопределение Бога; все остальные безвозвратно прокляты. Кальвин был первым христианским богословом, который преуспел в том, чтобы дать страшную доктрину безусловного избрания и упрека в ложе в популярной груди. Римско-католическая церковь искренне отвергла его. Gotteschalk был осужден и умер в тюрьме за его защиту в девятом веке. Но характер Кэлвина позволил ему поверить в это, и его таланты и позиция придавали большое значение его пропаганде, и с тех пор он получил широкое распространение. Католицизм, лютеранство, кальвинизм, все согласились в общем утверждении, что по греху в мир вошла физическая смерть, небо было закрыто против человека, и все люди полностью потеряли. Они отличались лишь некоторыми несущественными подробностями относительно состояния этого утраченного состояния. Они также согласились в общем утверждении, что Христос пришел, благодаря его воплощению, смерти, спуска в ад, воскресение и вознесение, чтобы искупить людей из их утраченного состояния. Они различались только в отношении точных оснований и степени этого выкупа. Католик сказал, что искупление Христа уничтожило весь исход первоначального греха и, таким образом, позволило человеку завоевать небеса моральной верностью и помощью Церкви. Лютеран сказал: «Искупление Христа совершило все грехи тех, кто имеет веру, прощение; и все могут иметь веру. Кальвинист сказал, что Бог предвидел, что человек упадет и возьмет на себя проклятие, и он постановил, что некоторые из них должны быть схвачены как бренды от сжигания, в то время как масса должна быть оставлена ​​для вечных пыток; и Христос " Искупление приобрело предопределенное спасение избранных немногих. Кроме того, лютеране и кальвинисты во всех своих разновидностях согласны с романистом в утверждении, что Христос придет снова, мертвые воскреснут телесно, будет осуждено всеобщее суждение, и тогда осужденные погрузятся в вечный огонь ада и принятый подъем в бесконечное блаженство небес. The Socinian doctrine relative to the future fate of man differed from the foregoing in the following particulars. First, it limited the redeeming mission of Christ to the enlightening influences of the truths which he proclaimed with Divine authority, the moral power of his perfect example, and the touching motives exhibited in his death. Secondly, it asserted a natural ability in every man to live a life conformed to right reason and sound morality, and promised heaven to all who did this in obedience to the instructions and after the pattern of Christ. Thirdly, it declared that the wicked, after suffering excruciating agonies, would be annihilated. Respecting the second coming of Christ, a physical resurrection of the dead, and a day of judgment, the Socinians believed with the other sects.4 Their doctrine scarcely corresponds with that of the present Unitarians in any thing. The dissent of the Unitarian from the popular theology is much more fundamental, detailed, and consistent than that of the Socinian was, and approaches much closer to the Rationalism of the present day. The Universalist formula every soul created by God shall sooner or later be saved from sin and woe and inherit everlasting happiness has been publicly defended in every age of the Christian Church.5 It was first publicly condemned as a heresy at the very close of the fourth century. It ranks among its defenders the names of Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, and several other prominent Fathers. Universalism has been held in four forms, on four grounds. First, it has been supposed that Christ died for all, and that, by the infinite efficacy of his redeeming merits, all sins shall be cancelled and every soul be saved. This was the scheme of those early Universalist Christians whom Epiphanius condemns as heretics; also of a few in more modern times. Secondly, it has been thought that each person would be punished in the future state according to the deeds done in the body, each sin be expiated by a proportionate amount of suffering, the retribution of some souls being severe and long, that of others light and brief; but, every penalty being at 4 Flugge gives a full exposition of these points with references to the authorities. Lehre vom Zustande, u. s. f., abth. ii. ss. 243-260. 5 Dietelmaier, Commenti Fanatici [non-ASCII characters omitted] Hist. Antiquar. length exhausted, the last victim would be restored. This was the notion of Origen, the basis of the doctrine of purgatory, and the view of most of the Restorationists. Thirdly, it has been imagined that, by the good pleasure and fixed laws of God, all men are destined to an impartial, absolute, and instant salvation beyond the grave: all sins are justly punished, all moral distinctions equitably compensated, in this life; in the future an equal glory awaits all men, by the gracious and eternal election of God, as revealed to us in the benignant mission of Christ. This is the peculiar conception distinguishing some members of the denomination now known as Universalists. Finally, it has been believed that the freedom and probation granted here extend into the life to come; that the aim of all future punishment will be remedial, beneficent, not revengeful; that stronger motives will be applied for producing repentance, and grander attractions to holiness be felt; and that thus, at some time or other, even the most sunken and hardened souls will be regenerated and raised up to heaven in the image of God. Almost all Universalists, most Unitarians, and large number of individual Christians outwardly affiliated with other denominations, now accept and cherish this theory. One important variation from the doctrine of the dominant sects, in connection with the present subject, is worthy of special notice. We refer to the celebrated controversy waged in England, in the first part of the eighteenth century, in regard to the intermediate state of the dead. The famous Dr. Coward and a few supporters labored, with much zeal, skill, and show of learning, to prove the natural mortality of the soul. They asserted this to be both a philosophical truth proved by scientific facts and a Christian doctrine declared in Scripture and taught by the Fathers. They argued that the soul is not an independent entity, but is merely the life of the body. Proceeding thus far on the principles of a materialistic science, they professed to complete their theory from Scripture, without doing violence to any doctrine of the acknowledged religion.6 The finished scheme was this. Man was naturally mortal; but, by the pleasure and will of God, he would have been immortally preserved alive had he not sinned. Death is the consequence of sin, and man utterly perishes in the grave. But God will restore the dead, through Christ, at the day of the general resurrection which he has foretold in the gospel.7 Some of the writers in this copious controversy maintained that previous to the advent of Christ death was eternal annihilation to all except a few who enjoyed an inspired anticipatory faith in him, but that all who died after his coming would be restored in the resurrection, the faithful to be advanced to heaven, the wicked to be the victims of unending torture.8 Clarke and Baxter both wrote with extreme ability in support of the natural immortality and separate existence of the soul. On the other hand, the learned Henry Dodwell cited, from the lore of three thousand years, a plausible body of authorities to show that the soul is in itself but a mortal breath. He also contended, by a singular perversion of figurative phrases from the New Testament and from some of the Fathers, that, 6 Coward, Search after Souls. 7 Hallet, No Resurrection, no Future State. 8 Coward, Defence of the Search after Souls. Dodwell, Epistolary Discourse. Peckard, Observations. Fleming, Survey of the Search after Souls. Law, State of Separate Spirits. Layton, Treatise of Departed Souls. in counteraction of man's natural mortality, all who undergo baptism at the hands of the ordained ministers of the Church of England the only true priesthood in apostolic succession thereby receive an immortalizing spirit brought into the world by Christ and committed to his successors. This immortalizing spirit conveyed by baptism would secure their resurrection at the last day. Those destitute of this spirit would never awake from the oblivious sleep of death, unless as he maintained will actually be the case with a large part of the dead they are arbitrarily immortalized by the pleasure of God, in order to suffer eternal misery in hell! Absurd and shocking as this fancy was, it obtained quite a number of converts, and made no slight impression at the time. One of the writers in this controversy asserted that Luther himself had been a believer in the death or sleep of the soul until the day of judgment.9 Certain it is that such a belief had at one period a considerable prevalence. Its advocates were called Psychopannychians. Calvin wrote a vehement assault on them. The opinion has sunk into general disrepute and neglect, and it would be hard to find many avowed disciples of it. The nearly universal sentiment of Christendom would now exclaim, in the quaint words of Henry More, "What! has old Adam snorted all this time Under some senselesse clod, with sleep ydead?" 10 John Asgill printed, in the year 1700, a tract called "An argument to prove that by the new covenant man may be translated into eternal life without tasting death." He argues that the law of death was a consequence of Adam's sin and was annulled by Christ's sacrifice. Since that time men have died only because of an obstinate habit of dying formed for many generations. For his part, he has the independence and resolution to withstand the universal pusillanimity and to refuse to die. He has discovered "an engine in Divinity to convey man from earth to heaven." He will "play a trump on death and show himself a match for the devil!" While treating of the various Protestant views of the future life, it would be a glaring defect to overlook the remarkable doctrine on that subject published by Emanuel Swedenborg and now held by the intelligent, growing body of believers called after his name. It would be impossible to exhibit this system adequately in its scientific bases and its complicated details without occupying more space than can be afforded here. Nor is this necessary, now that his own works have been translated and are easily accessible everywhere. His "Heaven and Hell," "Heavenly Arcana," "Doctrine of Influx," and "True Christian 9 Blackburne, View of the Controversy Concerning an Intermediate State: appendix. It is probable that the great Reformer's opinion on this point was not always the same. For he says, distinctly, "The first man who died, when he awakes at the last day, will think he has been asleep but an hour" Beste, Dr. M. Luther's Glaubenslehre, cap. iv.: Die Lehre von den Letzen Dingen. Yet. J. S. Muller seems conclusively to prove the truth of the proposition which forms the title of his book, "Dass Luther die Lehre vom Seelenschlafe nie geglaubt habe." 10 The controversy concerning the natural immortality of the soul has within a few years raged afresh. The principal combatants were Dobney, Storrs, White, Morris, and Hinton. See Athanasia, by J. H. Hinton, London, 1849. Religion," contain manifold statements and abundant illustrations of every thing important bearing on his views of the theme before us. We shall merely attempt to present a brief synopsis of the essential principles, accompanied by two or three suggestions of criticism. Swedenborg conceives man to be an organized receptacle of truth and love from God. He is an imperishable spiritual body placed for a season of probation in a perishable material body. Every moment receiving the essence of his being afresh from God, and returning it through the fruition of its uses devoutly rendered in conscious obedience and joyous worship, he is at once a subject of personal, and a medium of the Divine, happiness. The will is the power of man's life, and the understanding is its form. When the will is disinterested love and the understanding is celestial truth, then man fulfils the end of his being, and his home is heaven; he is a spirit frame into which the goodness of God perpetually flows, is humbly acknowledged, gratefully enjoyed, and piously returned. But when his will is hatred or selfishness and his understanding is falsehood or evil, then his powers are abused, his destiny inverted, and his fate hell. While in the body in this world he is placed in freedom, on probation, between these two alternatives. The Swedenborgian universe is divided into four orders of abodes. In the highest or celestial world are the heavens of the angels. In the lowest or infernal world are the hells of the demons. In the intermediate or spiritual world are the earths inhabited by men, and surrounded by the transition state through which souls, escaping from their bodies, after a while soar to heaven or sink to hell, according to their fitness and attraction. In this life man is free, because he is an energy in equilibrium between the influences of heaven and hell. The middle state surrounding man is full of spirits, some good and some bad. Every man is accompanied by swarms of both sorts of spirits, striving to make him like themselves. Now, there are two kinds of influx into man. Mediate influx is when the spirits in the middle state flow into man's thoughts and affections. The good spirits are in communication with heaven, and they carry what is good and true; the evil spirits are in communication with hell, and they carry what is evil and false. Between these opposed and reacting agencies man is in an equilibrium whose essence is freedom. Deciding for himself, if he turns with embracing welcome to the good spirits, he is thereby placed and lives in conjunction with heaven; but if he turns, on the contrary, with predominant love to the bad spirits, he is placed in conjunction with hell and draws his life thence. From heaven, therefore, through the good spirits, all the elements of saving goodness flow sweetly down and are appropriated by the freedom of the good man; while from hell, through the bad spirits, all the elements of damning evil flow foully up and are appropriated by the freedom of the bad man. The other kind of influx is called immediate. This is when the Lord himself, the pure substance of truth and good, flows into every organ and faculty of man. This influx is perpetual, but is received as truth and good only by the true and good. It is rejected, suffocated, or perverted by those who are in love with falsities and evils. So the light of the sun produces colors varying with the substances it falls on, and water takes forms corresponding to the vessels it is poured into. The whole invisible world heaven, hell, and the middle state is peopled solely from the different families of the human race occupying the numerous material globes of the universe. The good, on leaving the fleshly body, are angels, the bad, demons. There is no angel nor demon who was created such at first. Satan is not a personality, but is a figurative term standing for the whole complex of hell. In the invisible world, time and space in one sense cease to be; in another sense they remain unchanged. They virtually cease because all our present measures of them are annihilated;11 they virtually remain because exact correspondences to them are left. To spirits, time is no longer measured by the revolution of planets, but by the succession of inward states; space is measured not by way marks and the traversing of distances, but by inward similitudes and dissimilitudes. Those who are unlike are sundered by gulfs of difference. Those who are alike are together in their interiors. Thought and love, forgetfulness and hate, are not hampered by temporal and spatial boundaries. Spiritual forces and beings spurn material impediments, and are united or separate, reciprocally visible or invisible, mutually conscious or unconscious, according to their own laws of kindred or alien adaptedness. The soul the true man is its own organized and deathless body, and when it leaves its earthly house of flesh it knows the only resurrection, and the cast off frame returns to the dust forever. Swedenborg repeatedly affirms with emphasis that no one is born for hell, but that all are born for heaven, and that when any one comes into hell it is from his own free fault. He asserts that every infant, wheresoever born, whether within the Church or out of it, whether of pious parents or of impious, when he dies is received by the Lord, and educated in heaven, and becomes an angel. A central principle of which he never loses sight is that "a life of charity, which consists in acting sincerely and justly in every function, in every engagement, and in every work, from a heavenly motive, according to the Divine laws, is possible to every one, and infallibly leads to heaven." It does not matter whether the person leading such a life be a Christian or a Gentile. The only essential is that his ruling motive be divine and his life be in truth and good. The Swedenborgian doctrine concerning Christ and his mission is that he was the infinite God incarnate, not incarnate for the purpose of expiating human sin and purchasing a ransom for the lost by vicarious sufferings, but for the sake of suppressing the rampant power of the hells, weakening the influx of the infernal spirits, setting an example to men, and revealing many important truths. The advantage of the Christian over the pagan is that the former is enlightened by the celestial knowledge contained in the Bible, and animated by the affecting motives presented in the drama of the Divine incarnation. There is no probation after this life. Just as one is on leaving the earth he goes into the spiritual world. There his 11 Philo the Jew says, (vol. i. p. 277, ed. Mangey,) "God is the Father of the world: the world is the father of time, begetting it by its own motion: time, therefore, holds the place of grandchild to God." But the world is only one measure of time; another, and a more important one, is the inward succession of the spirit's states of consciousness. Between Philo and Swedenborg, it may be remarked here, there are many remarkable correspondences both of thought and language. For example, Philo says, (vol. i. p. 494,) "Man is a small kosmos, the kosmos is a grand man." ruling affection determines his destiny, and that affection can never be extirpated or changed to all eternity. After death, evil life cannot in any manner or degree be altered to good life, nor infernal love be transmuted to angelic love, inasmuch as every spirit from head to foot is in quality such as his love is, and thence such as his life is, so that to transmute this life into the opposite is altogether to destroy the spirit. It were easier, says Swedenborg, to change a night bird into a dove, an owl into a bird of paradise, than to change a subject of hell into a subject of heaven after the line of death has been crossed. But why the crossing of that line should make such an infinite difference he does not explain; nor does he prove it as a fact. The moral reason and charitable heart of Swedenborg vehemently revolted from the Calvinistic doctrines of predestination and vicarious atonement, and the group of thoughts that cluster around them. He always protests against these dogmas, refutes them with varied power and consistency; and the leading principles of his own system are creditable to human nature, and attribute no unworthiness to the character of God. A debt of eternal gratitude is due to Swedenborg that his influence, certainly destined to be powerful and lasting, is so clearly calculated to advance the interests at once of philosophic intelligence, social affection, and true piety. The superiorities of his view of the future life over those which it seeks to supplant are weighty and numerous. The following may be reckoned among the most prominent. First, without predicating of God any aggravated severity or casting the faintest shadow on his benevolence, it gives us the most appalling realization of the horribleness of sin and of its consequences. God is commonly represented in effect, at least as flaming with anger against sinners, and forcibly flinging them into the unappeasable fury of Tophet, where his infinite vengeance may forever satiate itself on them. But, Swedenborg says, God is incapable of hatred or wrath: he casts no one into hell; but the wicked go where they belong by their own election, from the inherent fitness and preference of their ruling love. The evil man desires to be in hell because there he finds his food, employment, and home; in heaven he would suffer unutterable agonies from every circumstance. The wicked go into hell by the necessary and benignant love of God, not by his indignation; and their retributions are in their own characters, not in their prison house. This does not flout and trample all magnanimity, nor shock the heart of piety; and yet, showing us men compelled to prefer wallowing in the filth and iniquities of hell, clinging to the very evils whose pangs transfix them, it gives us the direst of all the impressions of sin, and beneath the lowest deep of the popular hell opens to our shuddering conceptions a deep of loathsomeness immeasurably lower still. Secondly, the Swedenborgian doctrine of the conditions of salvation or reprobation, when compared with the popular doctrine, is marked by striking depth of insight, justice, and liberality. Every man is free. Every man has power to receive the influx of truth and good from the Lord and convert it to its blessed and saving uses, piety towards God, good will towards the neighbor, and all kinds of right works. Who does this, no matter in what land or age he lives, becomes an heir of heaven. Who perverts those Divine gifts to selfishness and unrighteous deeds becomes a subject of hell. No mere opinion, no mere profession, no mere ritual services, no mere external obedience, not all these things together, can save a man, nor their absence condemn him; but the controlling motive of his life, the central and ruling love which constitutes the substance of his being, this decides every man's doom. The view is simple, reasonable, just, necessary. And so is the doctrine of degrees accompanying it; namely, that there are in heaven different grades and qualities of exaltation and delight, and in hell of degradation and woe, for different men according to their capacities and deserts. A profoundly ethical character pervades the scheme, and the great stamp of law is over it all. Thirdly, a manifest advantage of Swedenborg's doctrine over the popular doctrine is the intimate connection it establishes between the present and the future, the visible and the invisible, God and man. Heaven and hell are not distant localities, entrance into which is to be won or avoided by moral artifices or sacramental subterfuges, but they are states of being depending on personal goodness or evil. God is not throned at the heart or on the apex of the universe, where at some remote epoch we hope to go and see him, but he is the Life feeding our lives freshly every instant. The spiritual world, with all its hosts, sustains and arches, fills and envelops us. Death is the dropping of the outer body, the lifting of an opaque veil, and we are among the spirits, unchanged, as we were before. Judgment is not a tribunal dawning on the close of the world's weary centuries, but the momentary assimilation of a celestial or an infernal love leading to states and acts, rewards and retributions, corresponding. Before this view the dead universe becomes a live transparency overwritten with the will, tremulous with the breath, and irradiate with the illumination of God. We cannot but regret that the Swedenborgian view of the future life should be burdened and darkened with the terrible error of the dogma of eternal damnation, spreading over the state of all the subjects of the hells the pall of immitigable hopelessness, denying that they can ever make the slightest ameliorating progress. We have never been able to see force enough in any of the arguments or assertions advanced in support of this tremendous horror to warrant the least hesitation in rejecting it. For ourselves, we must regard it as incredible, and think that God cannot permit it. Instruction, reformation, progress, are the final aims of punishment. Aspiration is the concomitant of consciousness, and the authentic voice of God. Surely, sooner or later, in the boonful eternities of being, every creature capable of intelligence, allied to the moral law, drawing life from the Infinite, must begin to travel the ascending path of virtue and blessedness, and never retrograde again. Neither can we admit in general the claim made by Swedenborg and by his disciples that the way in which he arrived at his system of theology elevates it to the rank of a Divine revelation. It is asserted that God opened his interior vision, so that he saw what had hitherto been concealed from the eyes of men in the flesh, namely, the inhabitants, laws, contents, and experiences of the spiritual world, and thus that his statements are not speculations or arguments, but records of unerring knowledge, his descriptions not fanciful pictures of the imagination, but literal transcripts of the truth he saw. This, in view of the great range of known experience, is not intrinsically probable, and we have seen no proof of it. Judging from what we know of psychological and religious history, it is far more likely that a man should confound his intangible reveries with solid fact than that he should be inspired by God to reveal a world of mysterious truths. Furthermore, while we are impressed with the reasonableness, probability, and consistency of most of the general principles of Swedenborg's exposition of the future life, we cannot but shrink from many of the details and forms in which he carries them out. Notwithstanding the earnest avowals of able disciples of his school that all his details are strictly necessitated by his premises, and that all his premises are laws of truth, we are compelled to regard a great many of his assertions as purely arbitrary and a great many of his descriptions as purely fanciful. But, denying that his scheme of eschatology is a scientific representation of the reality, and looking at it as a poetic structure reared by co working knowledge and imagination on the ground of reason, nature, and morality, whose foundation walls, columns, and grand outlines are truth, while many of its details, ornaments, and images are fancy, it must be acknowledged to be one of the most wonderful examples of creative power extant in the literature of the world. No one who has mastered it with appreciative mind will question this. There are, expressed and latent, in the totality of Swedenborg's accounts of hell and heaven, more variety of imagery, power of moral truth and appeal, exhibition of dramatic justice, transcendent delights of holiness and love, curdling terrors of evil and woe, strength of philosophical grasp, and sublimity of emblematic conception, than are to be found in Dante's earth renowned poem. We say this of the substance of his ideas, not of the shape and clothing in which they are represented. Swedenborg was no poet in language and form, only in conception. Take this picture. In the topmost height of the celestial world the Lord appears as a sun, and all the infinite multitudes of angels, swarming up through the innumerable heavens, wherever they are, continually turn their faces towards him in love and joy. But at the bottom of the infernal world is a vast ball of blackness, towards which all the hosts of demons, crowding down through the successive hells, forever turn their eager faces away from God. Or consider this. Every thing consists of a great number of perfect leasts like itself: every heart is an aggregation of little hearts, every lung an aggregation of little lungs, every eye an aggregation of little eyes. Following out the principle, every society in the spiritual world is a group of spirits arranged in the form of a man, every heaven is a gigantic man composed of an immense number of individuals, and all the heavens together constitute one Grand Man, a countless number of the most intelligent angels forming the head, a stupendous organization of the most affectionate making the heart, the most humble going to the feet, the most useful attracted to the hands, and so on through every part. With exceptions, then, we regard Swedenborg's doctrine of the future life as a free poetic presentment, not as a severe scientific statement, of views true in moral principle, not of facts real in literal detail. His imagination and sentiment are mathematical and ethical instead of asthetic and passionate. Milk seems to run in his veins instead of blood, but he is of truthfulness and charity all compact. We think it most probable that the secret of his supposed inspiration was the abnormal frequent or chronic turning of his mind into what is called the ecstatic or clairvoyant state. This condition being spontaneously induced, while he yet, in some unexplained manner, retained conscious possession and control of his usual faculties, he treated his subjective conceptions as objective realities, believed his interior contemplations were accurate visions of facts, and took the strange procession of systematic reveries through his teeming brain for a scenic revelation of the exhaustive mysteries of heaven and hell. "Each wondrous guess beheld the truth it sought, And inspiration flash'd from what was thought." This hypothesis, taken in conjunction with the comprehensiveness of his mind, the vastness of his learning, the integral correctness of his conscience, and his disciplined habits of thought, will go far towards explaining the unparalleled phenomenon of his theological works; and, though it leaves many things unaccounted for, it seems to us more credible than any other which has yet been suggested. The last of the three prominent phenomena which as before said followed the Protestant Reformation was rationalism, an attempt to try all religious questions at the tribunal of reason and by the tests of conscience. The great movement led by Luther was but one element in a numerous train of influences and events all yielding their different contributions to that resolute rationalistic tendency which afterwards broke out so powerfully in England, France, and Germany, and, spreading thence into every country in Christendom, has been, in secret and in public, with slow, sure steps, irresistibly advancing ever since. In the history of scholasticism there were three distinct epochs. The first period was characterized by the servile submission and conformity of philosophy to the theology dictated by the Church. The second period was marked by the formal alliance and attempted reconciliation of philosophy and theology. The third period saw an ever increasing jealousy and separation between the philosophers and the theologians.12 Many an adventurous thinker pushed his speculations beyond the limits of the established theology, and deliberately dissented from the orthodox standards in his conclusions. Perhaps Abelard, who openly strove to put all the Church dogmas in forms acceptable to philosophy, and who did not hesitate to reject in many instances what seemed to him unreasonable, deserves to be called the father of rationalism. The works of Des Cartes, Leibnitz, Wolf, Kant's "Religion within the Bounds of Pure Reason," together with the influence and the writings of many other eminent philosophers, gradually gave momentum to the impulse and popularity to the habits of free thought and criticism even in the realm of theology. The dogmatic scheme of the dominant Church was firmly seized, many errors shaken out to the light and exposed, and many long received opinions questioned and flung into doubt.13 The authenticity of many of the popular doctrines regarding the future life could not fail to be denied as soon as it was attempted as was extensively done about the middle of the eighteenth century to demonstrate them by mathematical methods, with all the array of axioms, theorems, lemmas, doubts, and solutions. Flugge has historically illustrated the employment of this method at considerable length.14 12 Cousin, Hist. Mod. Phil., lect. ix. 13 Staudlin, Geschichte des Rationalismus. Saintes, Histoire Critique du Rationalisme en Allemagne, Eng. trans. by Dr. Beard. 14 Geschichte des Glaubens an Unsterblichkeit, u. s. f., th. iii. abth. ii. ss. 281-289. The essence of rationalism is the affirmation that neither the Fathers, nor the Church, nor the Scriptures, nor all of them together, can rightfully establish any proposition opposed to the logic of sound philosophy, the principles of reason, and the evident truth of nature. Around this thesis the battle has been fought and the victory won; and it will stand with spreading favor as long as there are unenslaved and cultivated minds in the world. This position is, in logical necessity, and as a general thing in fact, that of the large though loosely cohering body of believers known as "Liberal Christians;" and it is tacitly held by still larger and ever growing numbers nominally connected with sects that officially eschew it with horror. The result of the studies and discussions associated with this principle, so far as it relates to the subject before us, has been the rejection of the following popular doctrines: the plenary inspiration of the Scriptures as an ultimate authority in matters of belief; unconditional predestination; the satisfaction theory of the vicarious atonement; the visible second coming of Christ, in person, to burn up the world and to hold a general judgment; the intermediate state of souls; the resurrection of the body; a local hell of material fire in the bowels of the earth; the eternal damnation of the wicked. These old dogmas,15 scarcely changed, still remain in the stereotyped creeds of all the prominent denominations; but they slumber there to an astonishing extent unrealized, unnoticed, unthought of, by the great multitude of common believers, while every consciously rational investigator vehemently repudiates them. To every candid mind that has really studied their nature and proofs their absurdity is now transparent on all the grounds alike of history, metaphysics, morals, and science. The changes of the popular Christian belief in regard to three salient points have been especially striking. First, respecting the immediate fate of the dead, an intermediate state. The predominant Jewish doctrine was that all souls went indiscriminately into a sombre under world, where they awaited a resurrection. The earliest Christian view prevalent was the same, with the exception that it divided that place of departed spirits into two parts, a painful for the bad, a pleasant for the good. The next opinion that prevailed the Roman Catholic was the same as the foregoing, with two exceptions: it established a purgatory in addition to the previous paradise and hell, and it opened heaven itself for the immediate entrance of a few spotless souls. Pope John XXII., as Gieseler shows, was accused of heresy by the theological doctors of Paris because he declared that no soul could enter heaven and enjoy the beatific vision until after the resurrection. Pope Benedict XII. drew up a list of one hundred and seventeen heretical opinions held by the Armenian Christians. One of these notions was that the souls of all deceased adults wander in the air until the Day of Judgment, neither hell, paradise, nor heaven being open to them until after that day. Thomas Aquinas says, "Each soul at death immediately flies to its appointed place, whether in hell or in heaven, being without the body until the resurrection, with it afterwards."16 Then came the 15 They are defended in all their literal grossness in the two following works, both recent publications. The World to Come; by the Rev. James Cochrane. Der Tod, das Todtenreich, und der Zustand der abgeschiedenen Seelen; von P. A. Maywahlen. 16 Summa iii. in Suppl. 69. 2. dogma of the orthodox Protestants, slightly varying in the different sects, but generally agreeing that at death all redeemed souls pass instantly to heaven and all unredeemed souls to hell.17 The principal variation from this among believers within the Protestant fellowship has been the notion that the souls of all men die or sleep with the body until the Day of Judgment, a notion which peeps out here and there in superstitious spots along the pages of ecclesiastical history, and which has found now and then an advocate during the last century and a half. The Council of Elvin, in Spain, forbade the lighting of tapers in churchyards, lest it should disturb the souls of the deceased buried there. At this day, in prayers and addresses at funerals, no phrases are more common than those alluding to death as a sleep, and implying that the departed one is to slumber peacefully in his grave until the resurrection. And yet, at the same time, by the same persons contrary ideas are frequently expressed. The truth is, the subject, owing to the contradictions between their creed and their reason, is left by most persons in hopeless confusion and uncertainty. They have no determinately reconciled and conscious views of their own. Rationalism sweeps away all the foregoing incongruous medley at once, denying that we know any thing about the precise localities of heaven and hell, or the destined order of events in the hidden future of separate souls; affirming that all we should dare to say is simply that the souls whether of good or of bad men, on leaving the body, go at once into a spiritual state of being, where they will live immortally, as God decrees, never returning to be reinvested with the vanished charnel houses of clay they once inhabited. Secondly, the thought that Christ after his death descended into the under world to ransom mankind, or a part of mankind, from the doom there, is in the foundation of the apostolic theology. It was a central element in the belief of the Fathers, and of the Church for fourteen hundred years. None of the prominent Protestant reformers thought of denying it. Calvin lays great stress on it.18 Apinus and others, at Hamburg, maintained that Christ's descent was a part of his humiliation, and that in it he suffered unutterable pains for us. On the other hand, Melancthon and the Wittenbergers held that the descent was a part of Christ's triumph, since by it he won a glorious victory over the powers of hell.19 But gradually the importance and the redeeming effects attached to Christ's descent into hell were transferred to his death on the cross. Slowly the primitive dogma dwindled away, and finally sunk out of sight, through an ever encroaching disbelief in the physical conditions on which it rested and in the pictorial environments by which it was recommended. And now it is scarcely ever heard of, save when brought out from old scholastic tomes by some theological delver. Baumgarten Crusius has learnedly illustrated the important place long held by this notion, and well shown its gradual retreat into the unnoticed background.20 17 Confession of Faith of the Church of Scotland, ch. xxxii. Calvin, Institutes, lib. iii. cap. xxv.; and his Psychopannychia. Quenstedt also affirms it. Likewise the Confession of Faith of the Westminster Divines, art. xxxii., says, "Souls neither die nor sleep, but go immediately to heaven or hell." 18 Institutes, lib. ii. cap. 16, sects. 16, 19. 19 Ledderhose, Life of Melancthon, Eng. trans. by Krotel, ch. xxx. 20 Compendium der Christliche Dogmengeschichte, thl. ii. sects. 100-109. The other particular doctrine which we said had undergone remarkable change is in regard to the number of the saved. A blessed improvement has come over the popular Christian feeling and teaching in respect to this momentous subject. The Jews excluded from salvation all but their own strict ritualists. The apostles, it is true, excluded none but the stubbornly wicked. But the majority of the Fathers virtually allowed the possibility of salvation to few indeed. Chrysostom doubted if out of the hundred thousand souls constituting the Christian population of Antioch in his day one hundred would be saved! 21 And when we read, with shuddering soul, the calculations of Cornelius a Lapide, or the celebrated sermon of Massillon on the "Small Number of the Saved," we are compelled to confess that they fairly represent the almost universal sentiment and conviction of Christendom for more than seventeen hundred years. A quarto volume published in London in 1680, by Du Moulin, called "Moral Reflections upon the Number of the Elect," affirmed that not one in a million, from Adam down to our times, shall be saved. A flaming execration blasted the whole heathen world, 22 and a metaphysical quibble doomed ninety nine of every hundred in Christian lands. Collect the whole relevant theological literature of the Christian ages, from the birth of Tertullian to the death of Jonathan Edwards, strike the average pitch of its doctrinal temper, and you will get this result: that in the field of human souls Satan is the harvester, God the gleaner; hell receives the whole vintage in its wine press of damnation, heaven obtains only a few straggling clusters plucked for salvation. The crowded wains roll staggering into the iron doorways of Satan's fire and brimstone barns; the redeemed vestiges of the world crop of men are easily borne to heaven in the arms of a few weeping angels. How different is the prevailing tone of preaching and belief now! What a cheerful ascent of views from the mournful passage of the dead over the river of oblivion fancied by the Greeks, or the excruciating passage of the river of fire painted by the Catholics, to the happy passage of the river of balm, healing every weary bruise and sorrow, promised by the Universalists! It is true, the old harsh exclusiveness is still organically imbedded in the established creeds, all of which deny the possibility of salvation beyond the little circle who vitally appropriate the vicarious atonement of Christ; but then this is, for the most part, a dead letter in the creeds. In the hearts and in the candid confessions of all but one in a thousand it is discredited and sincerely repelled as an abomination to human nature, a reflection against God, an outrage upon the substance of ethics. Remorseless bigots may gloat and exult over the thought that those who reject their dogmas shall be thrust into the roaring fire gorges of hell; but a better spirit is the spirit of the age we live in; and, doubtless, a vast majority of the men we daily meet really believe that all who try to the best of their ability, according to their light and circumstances, to do what is right, in the love of God and man, shall be saved. In that moving scene of the great dramatist where the burial of the innocent and hapless Ophelia is represented, and Lacrtes vainly seeks to win from the Church official 21 In Acta Apostolorum, homil. xxiv. 22 Gotze, Ueber die Neue Meinung von der Seligkeit der angeblich guten und redlichen Seelen unter Juden, Heiden, und Turken durch Christum, ohne dass sie an ihn glauben. the full funeral rites of religion over her grave, the priest may stand for the false and cruel ritual spirit, the brother for the just and native sentiment of the human heart. Says the priest, "We should profane the service of the dead To sing a requiem and such rest to her As to peace parted souls." And Laertes replies, "Lay her in the earth; And from her fair and unpolluted flesh Shall violets spring. I tell thee, churlish priest, A ministering angel shall my sister be When thou liest howling." Indeed, who that has a heart in his bosom would not be ashamed not to sympathize with the gentle hearted Burns when he expresses even to the devil himself the quaint and kindly wish, "Oh wad ye tak' a thought and mend!" The creeds and the priests, in congenial alliance with many evil things, may strive to counteract this progressive self emancipation from cruel falsehoods and superstitions, but in vain. The terms of salvation are seen lying in the righteous will of a gracious God, not in the heartless caprice of a priesthood nor in the iron gripe of a set of dogmas. The old priestly monopoly over the way to heaven has been taken off in the knowledge of the enlightened present, and, for all who have unfettered feet to walk with, the passage to God is now across a free bridge. The ancient exactors may still sit in their toll house creeds and confessionals; but their authority is gone, and the virtuous traveller, stepping from the ground of time upon the planks that lead over into eternity, smiles as he passes scot free by their former taxing terrors. The reign of sacramentalists and dogmatists rapidly declines. Reason, common sentiment, the liberal air, the best and strongest tendencies of the people, are against them to day, and will be more against them in every coming day. Every successive explosion of the Second Adventist fanaticism will leave less of that element behind. Its rage in America, under the auspices of Miller, in the nineteenth century, was tame and feeble when compared with the terror awakened in Europe in the fifteenth century by Stofler's prediction of an approaching comet.23 Every new discovery of the harmonies of science, and of the perfections of nature, and of the developments of the linear logic of God consistently unfolding in implicated sequences of peaceful order unperturbed by shocks of failure and epochs of remedy, will increase and popularize an intelligent faith in the original ordination and the intended permanence of the present constitution of things. Finally men will cease to be looking up to see the blue dome cleave open for the descent of angelic squadrons headed by the majestic Son of God, the angry breath of his mouth consuming the world, cease to 23 Bayle, Historical Dictionary, art. Stofler, note B. expect salvation by any other method than that of earnest and devout truthfulness, love, good works, and pious submissiveness to God, cease to fancy that their souls, after waiting through the long sleep or separation of death, will return and take on their old bodies again. Recognizing the Divine plan for training souls in this lower and transient state for a higher and immortal state, they will endeavor, in natural piety and mutual love, while they live, to exhaust the genuine uses of the world that now is, and thus prepare themselves to enter with happiest auspices, when they die, the world prepared for them beyond these mortal shores. These cheerful prophecies must be verified in the natural course of things. The rapid spread of the doctrine of a future life taught by the "Spirit rappers" is a remarkable revelation of the great extent to which the minds of the common people have at last become free from the long domination of the ecclesiastical dogmas on that subject. The leading representatives of the "Spiritualists" affirm, with much unanimity, the most comforting conclusions as to the condition of the departed. They exclude all wrath and favoritism from the disposition of the Deity. They have little in fact, they often have nothing whatever to say of hell. They emphatically repudiate the ordinarily taught terms of salvation, and deny the doctrine of hopeless reprobation. All death is beautiful and progressive. "Every form and thing is constantly growing lovelier and every sphere purer." The abode of each soul in the future state is determined, not by decrees or dogmas or forms of any kind, but by qualities of character, degrees of love, purity, and wisdom. There are seven ascending spheres, each more abounding than the one below it in beauties, glories, and happiness. "The first sphere is the natural; the second, the spiritual; the third, the celestial; the fourth, the supernatural; the fifth, the superspiritual; the sixth, the supercelestial; the seventh, the Infinite Vortex of Love and Wisdom."24 Whatever be thought of the pretensions of this doctrine to be a Divine revelation, whatever be thought of its various psychological, cosmological, and theological characteristics, its ethics are those of natural reason. It is wholly irreconcilable with the popular ecclesiastical system of doctrines. Its epidemic diffusion until now burdened as it is with such nauseating accompaniments of crudity and absurdity, it reckons its adherents by millions is a tremendous evidence of the looseness with which the old, cruel dogmas sit on the minds of the masses of the people, and of their eager readiness to welcome more humane views. In science the erroneous doctrines of the Middle Age are now generally discarded. The mention of them but provokes a smile or awakens surprise. Yet, as compared with the historic annals of our race, it is but recently that the true order of the solar system has been unveiled, the weight of the air discovered, the circulation of the blood made known, the phenomena of insanity intelligently studied, the results of physiological chemistry brought to light, the symmetric domain and sway of calculable law pushed far out in every direction of nature and experience. It used to be supposed that digestion was effected by means of a mechanical power equal to many tons. Borelli asserted that the muscular force of the heart was one hundred and eighty thousand pounds. These absurd estimates only disappeared when the 24 Andrew Jackson Davis, Nature's Divine Revelations, sects. 192 203. properties of the gastric juice were discerned. The method in which we distinguish the forms and distances of objects was not understood until Berkeley published his "New Theory of Vision." Few persons are aware of the opposition of bigotry, stolidity, and authority against which the brilliant advances of scientific discovery and mechanical invention and social improvement have been forced to contend, and in despite of which they have slowly won their way. Excommunications, dungeons, fires, sneers, polite persecution, bitter neglect, tell the story, from the time the Athenians banned Anaxagoras for calling the sun a mass of fire, to the day an English mob burned the warehouses of Arkwright because he had invented the spinning jenny. But, despite all the hostile energies of establishment, prejudice, and scorn, the earnest votaries of philosophical truth have studied and toiled with ever accumulating victories, until now a hundred sciences are ripe with emancipating fruits and perfect freedom to be taught. Railroads gird the lands with ribs of trade, telegraphs thread the airs with electric tidings of events, and steamships crease the seas with channels of foam and fire. There is no longer danger of any one being put to death, or even being excluded from the "best society," for saying that the earth moves. An eclipse cannot be regarded as the frown of God when it is regularly foretold with certainty. The measurement of the atmosphere exterminated the wiseacre proverb, "Nature abhors a vacuum," by the burlesque addition, "but only for the first thirty two feet." The madman cannot be looked on as divinely inspired, his words to be caught as oracles, or as possessed by a devil, to be chained and scourged, since Pinel's great work has brought insanity within the range of organic disease. When Franklin's kite drew electricity from the cloud to his knuckle, the superstitious theory of thunder died a natural death. The vast progress effected in all departments of physical science during the last four centuries has not been made in any kindred degree in the prevailing theology. Most of the harsh, unreasonable tenets of the elaborately morbid and distorted mediaval theologyare still retained in the creeds of the great majority of Christendom. The causes of this difference are plain. The establishment of newly discovered truths in material science being less intimately connected with the prerogatives of the ruling classes, less clearly hostile to the permanence of their power, they have not offered so pertinacious an opposition to progress in this province: they have yielded a much larger freedom to physicists than to moralists, to discoverers of mathematical, chemical, and mechanical law than to reformers of political and religious thought. Livy tells us that, in the five hundred and seventy third year of Rome, some concealed books of Numa were found, which, on examination by the priests, being thought injurious to the established religion, were ordered to be burned.25 The charge was not that they were ungenuine, nor that their contents were false; but they were dangerous. In the second century, an imperial decree forbade the reading of the Sibylline Oracles, because they contained prophecies of Christ and doctrines of Christianity. By an act of the English Parliament, in the middle of the seventeenth century, every copy of the Racovian Catechism (an exposition of the Socinian doctrine) that could be obtained was burned in the streets. 25 Lib. xl. cap. xxix. The Index Expurgatorius for Catholic countries is still freshly filled every year. And in Protestant countries a more subtle and a more effectual influence prevents, on the part of the majority, the candid perusal of all theological discussions which are not pitched in the orthodox key. Certain dogmas are the absorbed thought of the sects which defend them: no fresh and independent thinking is to be expected on those subjects, no matter how purely fictitious these secretions of the brain of the denomination or of some ancient leader may be, no matter how glaringly out of keeping with the intelligence and liberty which reign in other realms of faith and feeling. There is nowhere else in the world a tyranny so pervasive and despotic as that which rules in the department of theological opinion. The prevalent slothful and slavish surrender of the grand privileges and duties of individual thought, independent personal conviction and action in religious matters, is at once astonishing, pernicious, and disgraceful. The effect of entrenched tradition, priestly directors, a bigoted, overawing, and persecuting sectarianism, is nowhere else a hundredth part so powerful or so extensive. In addition to the bitter determination by interested persons to suppress reforming investigations of the doctrines which hold their private prejudices in supremacy, and to the tremendous social prestige of old establishment, another cause has been active to keep theology stationary while science has been making such rapid conquests. Science deals with tangible quantities, theology with abstract qualities. The cultivation of the former yields visible practical results of material comfort; the cultivation of the latter yields only inward spiritual results of mental welfare. Accordingly, science has a thousand resolute votaries where theology has one unshackled disciple. At this moment, a countless multitude, furnished with complex apparatus, are ransacking every nook of nature, and plucking trophies, and the world with honoring attention reads their reports. But how few with competent preparation and equipment, with fearless consecration to truth, unhampered, with fresh free vigor, are scrutinizing the problems of theology, enthusiastically bent upon refuting errors and proving verities! And what reception do the conclusions of those few meet at the hands of the public? Surely not prompt recognition, frank criticism, and grateful acknowledgment or courteous refutation. No; but studied exclusion from notice, or sophistical evasions and insulting vituperation. What a striking and painful contrast is afforded by the generous encouragement given to the students of science by the annual bestowment of rewards by the scientific societies such as the Cuvier Prize, the Royal Medal, the Rumford Medal and the jealous contempt and assaults visited by the sectarian authorities upon those earnest students of theology who venture to propose any innovating improvement! Suppose there were annually awarded an Aquinas Prize, a Fenelon Medal, a Calvin Medal, a Luther Medal, a Channing Medal, not to the one who should present the most ingenious defence of any peculiar tenet of one of those masters, but to him who should offer the most valuable fresh contribution to theological truth! What should we think if the French Institute offered a gold medal every year to the astronomer who presented the ablest essay in support of the Ptolemaic system, or if the Royal Society voted a diploma for the best method of casting nativities? Such is the course pursued in regard to dogmatic theology. The consequence has been that while elsewhere the ultimate standard by which to try a doctrine is, What do the most competent judges say? What does unprejudiced reason dictate? What does the great harmony of truth require? in theology it is, What do the committed priests say? How does it comport with the old traditions? We read in the Hak ul Yakeen that the envoy of Herk, Emperor of Rum, once said to the prophet, "You summon people to a Paradise whose extent includes heaven and earth: where, then, is hell?" Mohammed replied, "When day comes, where is night?" That is to say, according to the traditionary glosses, as day and night are opposite, so Paradise is at the zenith and hell at the nadir. Yes; but if Paradise be above the heavens, and hell below the seventh earth, then how can Sirat be extended over hell for people to pass to Paradise? "We reply," say the authors of the Hak ul Yakeen, "that speculation on this subject is not necessary, nor to be regarded. Implicit faith in what the prophets have revealed must be had; and explanatory surmises, which are the occasion of Satanic doubts, must not be indulged."26 Certainly this exclusion of reason cannot always be suffered. It is fast giving way already. And it is inevitable that, when reason secures its right and bears its rightful fruits in moral subjects as it now does in physical subjects, the mediaval theology must be rejected as mediaval science has been. It is the common doctrine of the Church that Christ now sits in heaven in a human body of flesh and blood. Calvin separated the Divine nature of Christ from this human body; but Luther made the two natures inseparable and attributed ubiquity to the body in which they reside, thus asserting the omnipresence of a material human body, a bulk of a hundred and fifty pounds' weight more or less. He furiously assailed Zwingle's objection to this monstrous nonsense, as "a devil's mask and grandchild of that old witch, mistress Reason." 27 The Roman Church teaches, and her adherents devoutly believe, that the house of the Virgin Mary was conveyed on the wings of angels from Nazareth to the eastern slope of the Apennines above the Adriatic Gulf.28 The English Church, consistently interpreted, teaches that there is no salvation without baptism by priests in the line of apostolic succession. These are but ordinary specimens of teachings still humbly received by the mass of Christians. The common distrust with which the natural operations of reason are regarded in the Church, the extreme reluctance to accept the conclusions of mere reason, seem to us discreditable to the theological leaders who represent the current creeds of the approved sects. Many an influential theologian could learn invaluable lessons from the great guides in the realm of science. The folly which acute learned wise men will be guilty of the moment they turn to theological subjects, where they do not allow reason to act, is both ludicrous and melancholy. The victim of lycanthropy used to be burned alive; he is now placed under the careful treatment of skilful and humane physicians. But the heretic or infidel is still thought to be inspired by the devil, a fit subject for discipline here and hell hereafter. The light shed abroad by the rising spirit of rational investigation must gradually dispel the delusions which lurk in the vales of theology, as it already has dispelled those that formerly haunted the hills of science. The spectres which have so long terrified a childish world will successively vanish 26 Merrick, Hyat ul Kuloob, note 74. 27 Hagenbach, Dogmengeschichte, sect. 265, note 2. 28 Christian Remembrancer, April, 1855. A full and able history of the "Holy House of Loretto." from the path of man as advancing reason, in the name of the God of truth, utters its imperial "Avaunt!" Henry More wrote a book on the "Immortality of the Soul," printed in London in 1659, just two hundred years ago. It is full of beauty, acumen, and power. He was one of the first men of the time. Yet he seriously elaborates an argument like this: "The scum and spots that lie on the sun are as great an Argument that there is no Divinity in him as the dung of Owls and Sparrows that is found on the faces and shoulders of Idols in Temples are clear evidences that they are no true Deities."29 He also in good faith tells a story like this: "That a Woman with child, seeing a Butcher divide a Swine's head with a Cleaver, brought forth her Child with its face cloven in the upper jaw, the palate, and upper lip to the very nose."30 The progress marked by the contrast of the scientific spirit of the present time with the ravenous credulity of even two centuries back must continue and spread into every province. Some may vilify it; but in vain. Some may sophisticate against it; but in vain. Some may invoke authority and social persecution to stop it; but in vain. Some may appeal to the prejudices and fears of the timid; but in vain. Some may close their own eyes, and hold their hands before their neighbors' eyes, and attempt to shut out the light; but in vain. It will go on. It is the interest of the world that it should go on. It is the manly and the religious course to help this progress with prudence and reverence. Truth is the will of God, the way he has made things to be and to act, the way he wishes free beings to exist and to act. He has ordained the gradual discovery of truth. And despite the struggles of selfish tyranny, and the complacence of luxurious ease, and the terror of ignorant cowardice, truth will be more and more brought to universal acceptance. Some men have fancied their bodies composed of butter or of glass; but when compelled to move out into the sunlight or the crowd they did not melt nor break.31 Esquirol had a patient who did not dare to bend her thumb, lest the world should come to an end. When forced to bend it, she was surprised that the crack of doom did not follow. The mechanico theatrical character of the popular theology is enough to reveal its origin and its fundamental falsity. The difference between its lurid and phantasmal details and the calm eternal verities in the divinely constituted order of nature is as great as the difference between those stars which one sees in consequence of a blow on the forehead and those he sees by turning his gaze to the nightly sky. To every competent thinker, the bare appreciation of such a passage as that which closes Chateaubriand's chapter on the Last Judgment, with the huge bathos of its incongruous mixture of sublime and absurd, is its sufficient refutation: "The globe trembles on its axis; the moon is covered with a bloody veil; the threatening stars hang half detached from the vault of heaven, and the agony of the world commences. Now resounds the trump of the angel. The sepulchres burst: the human race issues all at once, and fills the Valley of Jehoshaphat! The Son of Man appears in the clouds; the powers of hell ascend from the infernal depths; the goats are separated from the sheep; the wicked are plunged into the gulf; the just ascend to heaven; God returns to his repose, 29 Preface, p. 10. 30 Ibid. p. 392. 31 Bucknill and Tuke, Psychological Medicine, ch. ix. and the reign of eternity begins."32 Nothing saves this whole scheme of doctrine from instant rejection except neglect of thought, or incompetence of thought, on the part of those who contemplate it. The peculiar dogmas of the exclusive sects are the products of mental and social disease, psychological growths in pathological moulds. The naked shapes of beautiful women floating around St. Anthony in full display of their maddening charms are interpreted by the Romanist Church as a visible work of the devil. An intelligent physician accounts for them by the laws of physiology, the morbid action of morbid nerves. There is no doubt whatever as to which of these explanations is correct. The absolute prevalence of that explanation is merely a question of time. Meanwhile, it is the part of every wise and devout man, without bigotry, without hatred for any, with strict fidelity to his own convictions, with entire tolerance and kindness for all who differ from him, sacredly to seek after verity himself and earnestly to endeavor to impart it to others. To such men forms of opinion, instead of being prisons, fetters, and barriers, will be but as tents of a night while they march through life, the burning and cloudy column of inquiry their guide, the eternal temple of truth their goal. The actual relation, the becoming attitude, the appropriate feeling, of man towards the future state, the concealed segment of his destiny, are impressively shown in the dying scene of one of the wisest and most gifted of men, one of the fittest representatives of the modern mind. In a good old age, on a pleasant spring day, with a vast expanse of experience behind him, with an immensity of hope before him, he lay calmly expiring. "More light!" he cried, with departing breath; and Death, solemn warder of eternity, led him, blinded, before the immemorial veil of awe and secrets. It uprolled as the flesh bandage fell from his spirit, and he walked at large, triumphant or appalled, amidst the unimagined revelations of God. And now, recalling the varied studies we have passed through, and seeking for the conclusion or root of the matter, what shall we say? This much we will say. First, the fearless Christian, fully acquainted with the results of a criticism unsparing as the requisitions of truth and candor, can scarcely, with intelligent honesty, do more than place his hand on the beating of his heart, and fix his eye on the riven tomb of Jesus, and exclaim, "Feeling here the inspired promise of immortality, and seeing there the sign of God's authentic seal, I gratefully believe that Christ has risen, and that my soul is deathless!" Secondly, the trusting philosopher, fairly weighing the history of the world's belief in a future life, and the evidences on which it rests, can scarcely, with justifying warrant, do less than lay his hand on his body, and turn his gaze aloft, and exclaim, "Though death shatters this shell, the soul may survive, and I confidently hope to live forever." Meanwhile, the believer and the speculator, combining to form a Christian philosophy wherein doubt and faith, thought and freedom, reason and sentiment, nature and revelation, all embrace, even as the truth of things and the experience of life demand, may both adopt for their own the expression wrought for himself by a pure and fervent poet in these freighted lines of pathetic beauty: 32 Гений христианства, часть II. книга vi. глава VII. «Я собираю рассеянные лучи Мудрости в первые дни, Слабый блеск и сломанный, как свет Метеоров в северную ночь, Предательство на темную землю. Невидимое солнце, которое дало им рождение, я слушаю воспевание сивиллы, голос священника и иерофанта, я знаю, что говорит индийская Крешна, а что о жизни и о смерти Демон учил Сократа, а что, под его садовыми деревьями Медленная шагание, со сновидением, как протекция, Торжественный вздох Платон сказал: Я не хочу, чтобы мои жетоны, большие или малые, из чистого света Бога в каждом и том же, Удерживаясь с более дорогим уважением, чем свиток языческого провидца и барда. Звездные страницы, обещания, освещенные, Когда Христово евангелие перезаписывается, Твоим чудом жизни и смерти, О Святый из Назарета! 33 33 Уиттье, Вопросы жизни. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Доктрина будущей жизни в древних мистериях Сила старых религий на протяжении веков концентрировалась в Мистериях. Это были реконструированные институты, иногда используемые государством, иногда священством, иногда разветвляющимся частным обществом. Никто не мог быть допущен к ним, кроме как с разрешения иерархов, обрядов посвящения и под торжественных печатей секретности. Эти таинственные учреждения, которые были связаны со странными достопримечательностями, были окутаны ужасным изумлением, были многочисленны и, соглашаясь с некоторыми из их основных особенностей, были распространены почти во всем мире. Писания древних изобилуют ссылками на них, в основном элогистичными. Могущественная роль этих завуалированных тел в жизни периодов, когда они процветали, беременные намеки и соблазнительные неясности, среди которых они стоят в связи с обучением современности, Одним из главных моментов в обсуждении учеными в отношении Мистерий было то, внедряли ли они эзотерическое учение о философии, противоположное популярной религии. Некоторые писатели утверждали, что в их символах и обрядах содержится чистая система монотеистической этики и религии. Наше собственное мнение состоит в том, что в некоторых из этих институтов за один период высшие богословские взгляды и научные спекуляции были развернуты, а в других - никогда. Тем не менее, чрезвычайно сложно доказать какую-либо вещь в этой части общего предмета: есть много правдоподобных слов по обеим сторонам вопроса. Другой вопрос, который следует заметить попутно, касается степени исключительности и сокрытия, которые действительно связаны с формой посвящения. Лобек в своей знаменитой работе «Аглаофас», увлеченной теорией, предполагает экстравагантное положение, что Элеусинянские Тайны были почти свободно открыты для всех.1 Его ошибка, кажется, заключается в том, что он недостаточно различается между Малой и Большой Тайнами и не отделяет шумные шоу публичных праздничных дней от инициативного и объяснительного обряды личного приема в мистической бледности. Печально известная 1 Lib. я. секты. 4, 5. факты, что строгое дознание было доведено до персонажа и пригодности заявителя до его прихода, и что многие были открыто отвергнуты, что мгновенная смерть была нанесена всем, кто вторгся в неподготовленные в священных кругах, и что смерть была наказанием за разглашение того, что произошло во время торжеств все несовместимы с понятием Лобэка и доказывают, что Тайны были застрахованы от ужаса. Ашилус едва сбежал из-под обломков на сцене людей по подозрению в том, что в своей пьесе он дал намек на что-то в Мистериях. Он поставил себя, обратившись к Ареопагу и доказывая, что он никогда не был начат. Андоциды также, греческий оратор, который жил около четырехсот лет до Рождества Христова, были несколько схожим обвинениями и только избегали напряженной защиты себя в речи, Третий предварительный вопрос касается морального характера услуг, выполняемых этими компаниями. Некоторые считали, что их характеристики были божественно чисты, интеллектуальны, превознесены; другие, что в заброшенных удовольствиях они были глупее, чем стигская яма. Отцы Церкви, Клемент, Иренаус, Тертуллиан и остальные, под влиянием смешения предрассудков, ненависти и ужаса, против всякой вещи, связанной с язычеством, объявили в круглых терминах, что Тайны были безмятежными ранами беззакония и стыда, похоть, убийство и все беспорядочные девицы. Не останавливаясь на том, чтобы исключать или квалифицировать, или быть полностью информированными и справедливыми, они включали древние кормовые поколения и их собственные деградировавшие современники, гнусные обряды коринфской Афродиты и торжественное служение Деметры, яростные упитки вакханалий и гармоничное ментальное поклонение Аполлону, все в одном неизбирательном обвинении в безумной звериной и идолопоклонстве. Их взгляд на Мистерии был наиболее распространен среди современников благодаря изученной, но фанатичной работе Леланда «Использование и необходимость Божественного Откровения». Он хотел бы, чтобы мы рассматривали каждого как вихрь атеистической чувственности и преступности. Должна быть дискриминация. Факты, несомненно, являются таковыми, поскольку мы могли бы в полной мере продемонстрировать это в провинции настоящего эссе. Оригинальные Мистерии, авторитетные институты, координированные с государством или управляемые поэтами и философами, были чисты: их целью было очистить жизни и персонажи своих учеников. Их средства были сложным аппаратом разумных и символических откровений и инструкций, превосходно рассчитанных, чтобы произвести впечатление на самые благотворные моральные и религиозные уроки. Во-первых, действительно ли это похоже на то, что государство будет бросать свои покровительства над обществами, чья функция состояла в том, чтобы организовать беззаконие и разврат, сделать бизнес порока и грязи? Среди законов Солона есть постановление, постановляющее, что Сенат созывается в храме Элеусини, на следующий день после фестиваля, чтобы узнать, все ли сделано с благоговением и приличием. Во-вторых, если таковой был характер этих секретов, почему инквизиция всегда вносила в моральные привычки кандидата, что ему может быть отказано в допуске, если они были плохими? Это исследование было серьезным, и решение было неумолимым. Алкивиад был отвергнут, как мы узнаем из жизни Плутарха из-за его распущенности и непокорности в городе. Нерон не посмел присутствовать на Элевсинских Мистериях, «потому что к убийству его матери он присоединился к убийству своей отцовской тети» .2 Все принятые кандидаты были тщательно очищены мыслями и телом и одеты в белые одежды, за девять дней до их прием. В-третьих, абсурдно предположить, что институт грубой безнравственности и жестокости мог процветать в самой вежливой и утонченной греческой нации, поскольку Элеусинианские Мистерии на протяжении более восемнадцати лет занимали среди своих членов подавляющее большинство обоих полов, всех классов, всех возрастов, и постоянно отмечал свои обряды перед огромной аудиторией всех их. Наконец, множество людей, таких как Платон, Софокл, Кимон, Ликург, Цицерон, были членами этих органов, принимали участие в их сделках и оставляли на своих собраниях громкие реплики и их влияние. Одновременное свидетельство древности заключается в том, что в Великих Тайнах желания были наказаны, сердце очищено, ум успокоился, душа вдохновила, все достоинства нравственности и надежд религии проповедовались и исполнялись с возвышенными торжественностями. Нет оснований подозревать, что это ложь. But there remains something more and different to be said also. While the authorized Mysteries were what we have asserted, there did afterwards arise spurious Mysteries, in names, forms, and pretensions partially resembling the genuine ones, under the control of the most unprincipled persons, and in which unquestionably the excesses of unbelief, drunkenness, and prostitution held riot. These depraved societies were foreign grafts from the sensual pantheism ever nourished in the voluptuous climes of the remote East. They established themselves late in Greece, but were developed at Rome in such unbridled enormities as compelled the Senate to suppress them. Livy gives a detailed and vivid account of the whole affair in his history.3 But the gladiators, scoundrels, rakes, bawds, who swarmed in these stews of rotting Rome, are hardly to be confounded with the noble men and matrons of the earlier time who openly joined in the pure Mysteries with the approving example of the holiest bards, the gravest statesmen, and the profoundest sages, men like Pindar, Pericles, and Pythagoras. Ample facilities are afforded in the numerous works to which we shall refer for unmasking the different organizations that travelled over the earth in the guise of the Mysteries, and of seeing what deceptive arts were practised in some, what superhuman terrors paraded in others, what horrible cruelties perpetrated in others, what leading objects sought in each. The Mysteries have many bearings on several distinct subjects; but in those aspects we have not space here to examine them. We purpose to consider them solely in their relation to the doctrine of a future life. We are convinced that the very heart of their secret, the essence of their meaning in their origin and their end, was no other than the doctrine of an immortality succeeding a death. Gessner published a book at Gottingen, so long ago as the year 1755, maintaining this very assertion. His work, which is quite scarce now, bears the title "Dogma de perenni Animoruin Natura per Sacra pracipue Eleusinia Propagata." The consenting testimony of more than forty of the most authoritative ancient writers comes down to us in their surviving works to the effect that those who were admitted into the Mysteries were thereby purified, led to holy lives, joined in communion with the gods, and 2 Suetonius, Vita Neronis, cap. xxxiv. 3 Lib. xxxix. cap. viii xvi. assured of a better fate than otherwise could be expected in the future state. Two or three specimens from these witnesses will suffice. Aristophanes, in the second act of the Frogs, describes an elysium of the initiates after death, where he says they bound "in sportive dances on rose enamelled meadows; for the light is cheerful only to those who have been initiated."4 Pausanias describes the uninitiated as being compelled in Hades to carry water in buckets bored full of holes.5 Isocrates says, in his Panegyric, "Demeter, the goddess of the Eleusinian Mysteries, fortifies those who have been initiated against the fear of death, and teaches them to have sweet hopes concerning eternity." The old Orphic verses cited by Thomas Taylor in his Treatise on the Mysteries run thus: "The soul that uninitiated dies Plunged in the blackest mire in Hades lies." 6 The same statement is likewise found in Plato, who, in another place, also explicitly declares that a doctrine of future retribution was taught in the Mysteries and believed by the serious.7 Cicero says, "Initiation makes us both live more honorably and die with better hopes." 8 In seasons of imminent danger as in a shipwreck it was customary for a man to ask his companion, Hast thou been initiated? The implication is that initiation removed fear of death by promising a happy life to follow.9 A fragment preserved from a very ancient author is plain on this subject. "The soul is affected in death just as it is in the initiation into the great Mysteries: thing answers to thing. At first it passes through darkness, horrors, and toils. Then are disclosed a wondrous light, pure places, flowery meads, replete with mystic sounds, dances, and sacred doctrines, and holy visions. Then, perfectly enlightened, they are free: crowned, they walk about worshipping the gods and conversing with good men."10 The principal part of the hymn to Ceres, attributed to Homer, is occupied with a narrative of her labors to endow the young Demophoon, mortal child of Metaneira, with immortality. Now, Ceres was the goddess of the Mysteries; and the last part of this very hymn recounts how Persephone was snatched from the light of life into Hades and restored again. Thus we see that the implications of the indirect evidence, the leanings and guidings of all the incidental clews now left us to the real aim and purport of the Mysteries, combine to assure us that their chief teaching was a doctrine of a future life in which there should be rewards and punishments. All this we shall more fully establish, both by direct proofs and by collateral supports. It is a well known fact, intimately connected with the different religions of Greece and Asia Minor, that during the time of harvest in the autumn, and again at the season of sowing in the spring, the shepherds, the vintagers, and the people in general, were accustomed to observe certain sacred festivals, the autumnal sad, the vernal joyous. These undoubtedly grew out of the deep sympathy between man and nature over the decay and disappearance, the revival and return, of vegetation. When the hot season had withered the verdure of the 4 Scene iii. 5 Lib. x. cap. xxxi. 6 Phadon, sect. xxxviii. 7 Leg., lib. ix. cap. x. 8 De Leg., lib. ii. cap. xiv. 9 St. John, Hellenes, ch. xi. 10 Sentences of Stobaus, Sermo CXIX. fields, plaintive songs were sung, their wild melancholy notes and snatches borne abroad by the breeze and their echoes dying at last in the distance. In every instance, these mournful strains were the annual lamentation of the people over the death of some mythical boy of extraordinary beauty and promise, who, in the flower of youth, was suddenly drowned, or torn in pieces by wild beasts, "Some Hyacinthine boy, for whom Morn well might break and April bloom." Among the Argives it was Linus. With the Arcadians it was Scephrus. In Phrygia it was Lityerses. On the shore of the Black Sea it was Bormus. In the country of the Bithynians it was Hylas. At Pelusium it was Maneros. And in Syria it was Adonis. The untimely death of these beautiful boys, carried off in their morning of life, was yearly bewailed, their names re echoing over the plains, the fountains, and among the hills. It is obvious that these cannot have been real persons whose death excited a sympathy so general, so recurrent. "The real object of lamentation," says Muller, "was the tender beauty of spring destroyed by the raging heat, and other similar phenomena, which the imagination of those early times invested with a personal form."11 All this was woven into the Mysteries, whose great legend and drama were that every autumn Persephone was carried down to the dark realm of the King of Shadows, but that she was to return each spring to her mother's arms. Thus were described the withdrawal and reappearance of vegetable life in the alternations of the seasons. But these changes of nature typified the changes in the human lot; else Persephone would have been merely a symbol of the buried grain and would not have become the Queen of the Dead.12 Her return to the world of light, by natural analogy, denoted a new birth to men. Accordingly, "all the testimony of antiquity concurs in saying that these Mysteries inspired the most animating hopes with regard to the condition of the soul after death."13 That the fate of man should by imagination and sentiment have been so connected with the phenomena of nature in myths and symbols embodied in pathetic religious ceremonies was a spontaneous product. For how "Her fresh benignant look Nature changes at that lorn season when, With tresses drooping o'er her sable stole, She yearly mourns the mortal doom of man, Her noblest work! So Israel's virgins erst With annual moan upon the mountains wept Their fairest gone!" And soon again the birds begin to warble, the leaves and blossoms put forth, and all is new life once more. In every age the gentle heart and meditative mind have been impressed by the mournful correspondence and the animating prophecy. 11 History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, ch. iii. sects. 2 3. 12 For the connection of the Eleusinian goddesses with agriculture, the seasons, the under world, death, resurrection, etc., see "Demeter and Persephone," von Dr. Ludwig Preller, kap. i. sects. 9 11. 13 Muller, Hist. Gr. Lit., ch. xvi. sect. 2. But not only was the changing recurrence of dreary winter and gladsome summer joined by affecting analogies with the human doom of death and hope of another life. The phenomena of the skies, the impressive succession of day and night, also were early seized upon and made to blend their shadows and lights, by means of imaginative suggestions, into an image of the decease and resurrection of man. Among the Mystical Hymns of Orpheus, so called, there is a hymn to Adonis, in which that personage is identified with the sun alternately sinking to Tartarus and soaring to heaven. It was customary with the ancients to speak of the setting of a constellation as its death, its reascension in the horizon being its return to life.14 The black abysm under the earth was the realm of the dead. The bright expanse above the earth was the realm of the living. While the daily sun rises royally through the latter, all things rejoice in the warmth and splendor of his smile. When he sinks nightly, shorn of his ambrosial beams, into the former, sky and earth wrap themselves in mourning for their departed monarch, the dead god of light muffled in his bier and borne along the darkening heavens to his burial. How naturally the phenomena of human fate would be symbolically interwoven with all this! Especially alike are the exuberant joy and activity of full life and of day, the melancholy stillness and sad repose of midnight and of death. The sun insists on gladness; but at night, When he is gone, poor Nature loves to weep." Through her yearly and her diurnal round alike, therefore, does mother Nature sympathize with man, and picture forth his fate, in type of autumnal decay, and wintry darkness, and night buried seed, in sign of vernal bud, and summer light, and day bursting fruit. These facts and phenomena of nature and man, together with explanatory theories to which they gave rise, were, by the peculiar imaginative processes so powerfully operative among the earliest nations, personified in mythic beings and set forth as literal history. Their doctrine was inculcated as truth once historically exemplified by some traditional personage. It was dramatically impersonated and enacted in the process of initiation into the Mysteries. A striking instance of this kind of theatrical representation is afforded by the celebration, every eight years, of the mythus of Apollo's fight with the Pythian dragon, his flight and expiatory service to Admetus, the subterranean king of the dead. In mimic order, a boy slew a monster at Delphi, ran along the road to Tempe, represented on the way the bondage of the god in Hades, and returned, purified, bringing a branch of laurel from the sacred valley.15 The doctrine of a future life connected with the legend of some hero who had died, descended into the under world, and again risen to life, this doctrine, dramatically represented in the personal experience of the initiate, was the heart of every one of the secret religious societies of antiquity. "Here rests the secret, here the keys, Of the old death bolted Mysteries." 14 Leitch's Eng. trans. of K. O. Muller's Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology, Appendix, pp. 339-342. 15 Muller, Introduction to Mythology, pp. 97 and 241. Also his Dorian, lib. ii. cap. vii. sect. 8. Perhaps this great system of esoteric rites and instructions grew up naturally, little by little. Perhaps it was constructed at once, either as poetry, by a company of poets, or as a theology, by a society of priests, or as a fair method of moral and religious teaching, by a company of philosophers. Or perhaps it was gradually formed by a mixture of all these means and motives. Many have regarded it as the bedimmed relic of a brilliant primeval revelation. This question of the origination, the first causes and purposes, of the Mysteries is now sunk in hopeless obscurity, even were it of any importance to be known. One thing we know, namely, that at an early age these societies formed organizations of formidable extent and power, and were vitally connected with the prevailing religions of the principal nations of the earth. In Egypt the legend of initiation was this.16 Typhon, a wicked, destroying personage, once formed a conspiracy against his brother, the good king Osiris. Having prepared a costly chest, inlaid with gold, he offered to give it to any one whose body would fit it. Osiris unsuspiciously lay down in it. Typhon instantly fastened the cover and threw the fatal chest into the river. This was called the loss or burial of Osiris, and was annually celebrated with all sorts of melancholy rites. But the winds and waves drove the funereal vessel ashore, where Isis, the inconsolable wife of Osiris, wandering in search of her husband's remains, at last found it, and restored the corpse to life. This part of the drama was called the discovery or resurrection of Osiris, and was also enacted yearly, but with every manifestation of excessive joy. "In the losing of Osiris, and then in the finding him again," Augustine writes, "first their lamentation, then their extravagant delight, are a mere play and fiction; yet the fond people, though they neither lose nor find any thing, weep and rejoice truly."17 Plutarch speaks of the death, regeneration, and resurrection of Osiris represented in the great religious festivals of Egypt. He explains the rites in commemoration of Typhon's murder of Osiris as symbols referring to four things, the subsidence of the Nile into his channel, the cessation of the delicious Etesian winds before the hot blasts of the South, the encroachment of the lengthening night on the shortening day, the disappearance of the bloom of summer before the barrenness of winter.18 But the real interest and power of the whole subject probably lay in the direct relation of all these phenomena, traditions, and ceremonies to the doctrine of death and a future life for man. In the Mithraic Mysteries of Persia, the legend, ritual, and doctrine were virtually the same as the foregoing. They are credulously said to have been established by Zoroaster himself, who fitted up a vast grotto in the mountains of Bokhara, where thousands thronged to be initiated by him.19 This Mithraic cave was an emblem of the universe, its roof painted with the constellations of the zodiac, its depths full of the black and fiery terrors of grisly hell, its summit illuminated with the blue and starry splendors of heaven, its passages lined with dangers and instructions, now quaking with infernal shrieks, now breathing celestial music. In the Persian Mysteries, the initiate, in dramatic show, died, was laid in a coffin, and 16 Wilkinson, Egyptian Antiquities, series i. vol. i. ch. 3. 17 De Civitate Dei, lib. vi. cap. 10. 18 De Is. et Osir. 19 Porphyry, De Antro Nympharum. Tertullian, Prescript. ad Her., cap. xl., where he refers the mimic death and resurrection in the Mithraic Mysteries to the teaching of Satan. afterwards rose unto a new life, all of which was a type of the natural fate of man.20 The descent of the soul from heaven and its return thither were denoted by a torch borne alternately reversed and upright, and by the descriptions of the passage of spirits, in the round of the metempsychosis, through the planetary gates of the zodiac. The sun and moon and the morning and evening star were depicted in brilliant gold or blackly muffled, according to their journeying in the upper or in the lower hemisphere.21 The hero of the Syrian Mysteries was Adonis or Thammuz, the beautiful favorite of Aphrodite, untimely slain by a wild boar. His death was sadly, his resurrection joyously, celebrated every year at Byblus with great pomp and universal interest. The festival lasted two days. On the first, all things were clad in mourning, sorrow was depicted in every face, and wails and weeping resounded. Coffins were exposed at every door and borne in numerous processions. Frail stalks of young corn and flowers were thrown into the river to perish, as types of the premature death of blooming Adonis, cut off like a plant in the bud of his age.22 The second day the whole aspect of things was changed, and the greatest exultation prevailed, because it was said Adonis had returned from the dead.23 Venus, having found him dead, deposited his body on a bed of lettuce and mourned bitterly over him. From his blood sprang the adonium, from her tears the anemone.24 The Jews were captivated by the religious rites connected with this touching myth, and even enacted them in the gates of their holy temple. Ezekiel says, "Behold, at the gate of the Lord's house which was towards the north [the direction of night and winter] there sat women weeping for Tammuz." It was said that Aphrodite prevailed on Persephone to let Adonis dwell one half the year with her on earth, and only the rest among the shades, a plain reference to vegetable life in summer and winter.25 Lucian, in his little treatise on the Syrian Goddess, says that "the river Adonis, rising out of Mount Libanus, at certain seasons flows red in its channel: some say it is miraculously stained by the blood of the fresh wounded youth; others say that the spring rains, washing in a red ore from the soil of the country, discolor the stream." Dupuis remarks that this redness was probably an artifice of the priests.26 Milton's beautiful allusion to this fable is familiar to most persons. Next came he "Whose annual wound in Lebanon allured The Syrian damsels to lament his fate In amorous ditties all a summer's day, While smooth Adonis from his native rock Ran purple to the sea with Thammuz' blood." 20 Julius Firmicus, De Errore Prof. Relig. 21 Mithraica, Memoire Academique sur le Culte Solaire de Mithra, par Joseph de Hammer, pp: 66-68, 125-127. Tertullian, Prescript. ad Her., cap. xl. Porphyry, De Abstinentia, lib. iv. sect. 16. Hyde. Hist. Vet. Pers. Relig., p. 254. 22 Hist. du Culte d'Adonis, Mem. Acad. des Inscript., vol. iv. p. 136. 23 Theocritus, Idyl XV. 24 Bion, Epitaph Adon., l. 66. 25 See references in Anthon's Class. Dict., art. Adonis. 26 Dupuis, Orig. de Cultes, vol. iv. p. 121, ed. 1822. There is no end to the discussions concerning the secret purport of this fascinating story. But, after all is said, it seems to us that there are in it essentially two significations, one relating to the phenomena of the sun and the earth, the other to the mutual changes of nature and the fate of humanity. Aphrodite bewailing Adonis is surviving Nature mourning for departed Man. In India the story was told of Mahadeva searching for his lost consort Sita, and, after discovering her lifeless form, bearing it around the world with dismal lamentations. Sometimes it was the death of Camadeva, the Hindu Cupid, that was mourned with solemn dirges.27 He, like Osiris, was slain, enclosed in a chest, and committed to the waves. He was afterwards recovered and resuscitated. Each initiate passed through the emblematic ceremonies corresponding to the points of this pretended history. The Phrygians associated the same great doctrine with the persons of Atys and Cybele. Atys was a lovely shepherd youth passionately loved by the mother of the gods.28 He suddenly died; and she, in frantic grief, wandered over the earth in search of him, teaching the people where she went the arts of agriculture. He was at length restored to her. Annually the whole drama was performed by the assembled nation with sobs of woe succeeded by ecstasies of joy.29 Similar to this, in the essential features, was the Eleusinian myth. Aidoneus snatched the maiden Kore down to his gloomy empire. Her mother, Demeter, set off in search of her, scattering the blessings of agriculture, and finally discovered her, and obtained the promise of her society for half of every year. These adventures were dramatized and explained in the mysteries which she, according to tradition, instituted at Eleusis. The form of the legend was somewhat differently incorporated with the Bacchic Mysteries. It was elaborately wrought up by the Orphic poets. The distinctive name they gave to Bacchus or Dionysus was Zagreus. He was the son of Zeus, and was chosen by him to sit on the throne of heaven. Zeus gave him Apollo and the Curetes as guards; but the brutal Titans, instigated by jealous Hera, disguised themselves and fell on the unfortunate youth while his attention was fixed on a splendid mirror, and, after a fearful conflict, overcame him and tore him into seven pieces. Pallas, however, saved his palpitating heart, and Zeus swallowed it. Zagreus was then begotten again.30 He was destined to restore the golden age. His devotees looked to him for the liberation of their souls through the purifying rites of his Mysteries. The initiation shadowed out an esoteric doctrine of death and a future life, in the mock murder and new birth of the aspirant, who impersonated Zagreus.31 The Northmen constructed the same drama of death around the young Balder, their god of gentleness and beauty. This legend, as Dr. Oliver has shown, constituted the secret of the Gothic Mysteries.32 Obscure and dread prophecies having crept among the gods that the death of the beloved Balder was at hand, portending universal ruin, a consultation was held to devise means for averting the calamity. At the suggestion of Balder's mother, Freya, the Scandinavian Venus, an oath that they would not be instrumental in causing his death was 27 Asiatic Researches, vol. iii. p. 187. 28 See article Atys in Smith's Class. Dict. with references. 29 Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, lib. ii. 11. 605-655. 30 Muller, Hist. Greek Lit., ch. xvi. 31 Lobeck, Aglaophamus, lib. iii. cap. 5, sect. 13. 32 History of Initiation, Lect. X. exacted from all things in nature except the mistletoe, which, on account of its frailty and insignificance, was scornfully neglected. Asa Loke, the evil principle of the Norse faith, taking advantage of this fatal exception, had a spear made of mistletoe, and with it armed Hodur, a strong but blind god. Freya, rejoicing in fancied security, to convince Balder of his charmed exemption from wounds, persuaded him to be the mark for the weapons of the gods. But, alas! when Hodur tilted at him, the devoted victim was transpierced and fell lifeless to the ground. Darkness settled over the world, and bitter was the grief of men and gods over the innocent and lovely Balder. A deputation imploring his release was sent to the queen of the dead. Hela so far relented as to promise his liberation to the upper world on condition that every thing on earth wept for him. Straightway there was a universal mourning. Men, beasts, trees, metals, stones, wept. But an old withered giantess Asa Loke in disguise shed no tears; and so Hela kept her beauteous and lamented prey. But he is to rise again to eternal life and joy when the twilight of the gods has passed.33 This entire fable has been explained by the commentators, in all its details, as a poetic embodiment of the natural phenomena of the seasons. But it is not improbable that, in addition, it bore a profound doctrinal reference to the fate of man which was interpreted to the initiates. A great deal has been written concerning the ceremonies and meaning of the celebrated Celtic Mysteries established so long at Samothrace, and under the administration of the Druids throughout ancient Gaul and Britain. The aspirant was led through a series of scenic representations, "without the aid of words," mystically shadowing forth in symbolic forms the doctrine of the transmigration of souls. He assumed successively the shapes of a rabbit, a hen, a grain of wheat, a horse, a tree, and so on through a wide range of metamorphoses enacted by the aid of secret dramatic machinery. He died, was buried, was born anew, rising from his dark confinement to life again. The hierophant enclosed him in a little boat and set him adrift, pointing him to a distant rock, which he calls "the harbor of life." Across the black and stormy waters he strives to gain the beaconing refuge. In these scenes and rites a recondite doctrine of the physical and moral relations and destiny of man was shrouded, to be unveiled by degrees to their docile disciples by the Druidic mystagogues.34 It may appear strange that there should be in connection with so many of the old religions of the earth these arcana only to be approached by secret initiation at the hands of hierophants. But it will seem natural when we remember that those religions were in the exclusive keeping of priesthoods, which, organized with wondrous cunning and perpetuated through ages, absorbed the science, art, and philosophy of the world, and, concealing their wisdom in the mystic signs of an esoteric language, wielded the mighty enginery of superstition over the people at will. The scenes and instructions through which the priests led the unenlightened candidate were the hiding of their power. Thus, wherever was a priesthood we should expect to find mysteries and initiations. Historic fact justifies the 33 Pigott, Manual of Scandinavian Mythology, pp. 288-300. 34 Davies, Mythology and Rites of the British Druids, pp. 207-257; 390-392; 420, 555, 572. The accuracy of many of Davies's translations has been called in question. His statements, even on the matters affirmed above, must be received with some reservation of faith. supposition; learning unveils the obscure places of antiquity, and shows us the templed or cavernous rites of the religious world, from Hindostan to Gaul, from Egypt to Norway, from Athens to Mexico. And this brings us to the Mysteries of Vitzliputzli, established in South America. Dr. Oliver, in the twelfth lecture of his History of Initiation, gathering his materials from various sources, gives a terrific account of the dramatic ritual here employed. The walls, floor, images, were smeared and caked with human blood. Fresh slaughters of victims were perpetrated at frequent intervals. The candidate descended to the grim caverns excavated under the foundations of the temple. This course was denominated "the path of the dead." Phantoms flitted before him, shrieks appalled him, pitfalls and sacrificial knives threatened him. At last, after many frightful adventures, the aspirant arrived at a narrow stone fissure terminating the range of caverns, through which he was thrust, and was received in the open air, as a person born again, and welcomed with frantic shouts by the multitudes who had been waiting for him without during the process of his initiation. Even among the savage tribes of North America striking traces have been found of an initiation into a secret society by a mystic death and resurrection. Captain Jonathan Carver, who spent the winter of 1776 with the Naudowessie Indians, was an eye witness of the admission of a young brave into a body which they entitled Wakou Kitchewah, or Friendly Society of the Spirit. "This singular initiation," he says, "took place within a railed enclosure in the centre of the camp at the time of the new moon." First came the chiefs, clad in trailing furs. Then came the members of the society, dressed and painted in the gayest manner. When all were seated, one of the principal chiefs arose, and, leading the young man forward, informed the meeting of his desire to be admitted into their circle. No objection being offered, the various preliminary arrangements were made; after which the director began to speak to the kneeling candidate, telling him that he was about to receive a communication of the spirit. This spirit would instantly strike him dead; but he was told not to be terrified, because he should immediately be restored to life again, and this experience was a necessary introduction to the advantages of the community he was on the point of entering. Then violent agitation distorted the face and convulsed the frame of the old chief. He threw something looking like a small bean at the young man. It entered his mouth, and he fell lifeless as suddenly as if he had been shot. Several assistants received him, rubbed his limbs, beat his back, stripped him of his garments and put a new dress on him, and finally presented him to the society in full consciousness as a member.36 All the Mysteries were funereal. This is the most striking single phenomenon connected with them. They invariably began in darkness with groans and tears, but as invariably ended in festive triumph with shouts and smiles. In them all were a symbolic death, a mournful entombment, and a glad resurrection. We know this from the abundant direct testimony of unimpeachable ancient writers, and also from their indirect descriptions of the ceremonies and allusions to them. For example, Apuleius says, "The delivery of the Mysteries is celebrated as a thing resembling a voluntary death: the initiate, being, after a manner, born 36 Travels in the Interior of North America, ch. vii. again, is restored to a new life." 36 Indeed, all who describe the course of initiation agree in declaring that the aspirant was buried for a time within some narrow space, a typical coffin or grave. This testimony is confirmed by the evidence of the ruins of the chief temples and sacred places of the pagan world. These abound with spacious caverns, labyrinthine passages, and curious recesses; and in connection with them is always found some excavation evidently fitted to enclose a human form. Such hollow beds, covered with flat stones easily removed, are still to be seen amidst the Druidic remains of Britain and Gaul, as well as in nearly every spot where tradition has located the celebration of the Mysteries, in Greece, India, Persia, Egypt.37 It becomes a most interesting question whence these symbols and rites had their origin, and what they were really meant to shadow forth. Bryant, Davies, Faber, Oliver, and several other well known mythologists, have labored, with no slight learning and ingenuity, to show that all these ceremonies sprang from traditions of the Deluge and of Noah's adventures at that time. The mystic death, burial, and resurrection of the initiate, they say, are a representation of the entrance of the patriarch into the ark, his dark and lonesome sojourn in it, and his final departure out of it. The melancholy wailings with which the Mysteries invariably began, typified the mourning of the patriarchal family over their confinement within the gloomy and sepulchral ark; the triumphant rejoicings with which the initiations always ended, referred to the glad exit of the patriarchal family from their floating prison into the blooming world. The advocates of this theory have laboriously collected all the materials that favor it, and skilfully striven by their means to elucidate the whole subject of ancient paganism, especially of the Mysteries. But, after reading all that they have written, and considering it in the light of impartial researches, one is constrained to say that they have by no means made out their case. It is somewhat doubtful if there be any ground whatever for believing that traditions concerning Noah's deluge and the ark, and his doings in connection with them, in any way entered into the public doctrines and forms, or into the secret initiations, of the heathen religions. At all events, there can be no doubt that the Arkite theorists have exaggerated the importance and extent of these views beyond all tolerable bounds, and even to absurdity. But our business with them now is only so far as they relate to the Mysteries. Our own conviction is that the real meaning of the rites in the Mysteries was based upon the affecting phenomena of human life and death and the hope of another life. We hold the Arkite theory to be arbitrary in general, unsupported by proofs, and inconsistent in detail, unable to meet the points presented. In the first place, a fundamental part of the ancient belief was that below the surface of the earth was a vast, sombre under world, the destination of the ghosts of men, the Greek Hades, the Roman Orcus, the Gothic Hell. A part of the service of initiation was a symbolic descent into this realm. Apuleius, describing his initiation, says, "I approached to the confines 36 Golden Ass, Eng. trans., by Thomas Taylor, p. 280. 37 Copious instances are given in Oliver's History of Initiation, in Faber's Origin of Pagan Idolatry, and in Maurice's Indian Antiquities. of death and trod on the threshold of Proserpine." 38 Orpheus, to whom the introduction of the Mysteries into Greece from the East was ascribed, wrote a poem, now lost, called the "Descent into Hades." Such a descent was attributed to Hercules, Theseus, Rhampsinitus, and many others.39 It is painted in detail by Homer in the adventure of his hero Ulysses, also by Virgil much more minutely through the journey of Aneas. Warburton labors with great learning and plausibility, and, as it seems to us, with irresistible cogency, to show that these descents are no more nor less than exoteric accounts of what was dramatically enacted in the esoteric recesses of the Mysteries.40 Any person must be invincibly prejudiced who can doubt that the Greek Hades meant a capacious subterranean world of shades. Now, to assert, as Bryant and his disciples do,41 that "Hades means the interior of Noah's ark," or "the abyss of waters on which the ark floated, as a coffin bearing the relics of dead Nature," is a purely arbitrary step taken from undue attachment to a mere theory. Hades means the under world of the dead, and not the interior of Noah's ark. Indeed, in the second place, Faber admits that in the Mysteries "the ark itself was supposed to be in Hades, the vast central abyss of the earth." But such was not the location of Noah's vessel and voyage. They were on the face of the flood, above the tops of the mountains. It is beyond comparison the most reasonable supposition in itself, and the one best supported by historic facts, that the representations of a mystic burial and voyage in a ship or boat shown in the ancient religions were symbolic rites drawn from imagination and theory as applied to the impressive phenomena of nature and the lot of man. The Egyptians and some other early nations, we know, figured the starry worlds in the sky as ships sailing over a celestial sea. The earth itself was sometimes emblematized in the same way. Then, too, there was the sepulchral barge in which the Egyptian corpses were borne over the Acherusian lake to be entombed. Also the "dark blue punt" in which Charon ferried souls across the river of death. In these surely there was no reference to Noah's ark. It seems altogether likely that what Bryant and his coadjutors have constructed into the Arkite system of interpretation was really but an emblematic showing forth of a natural doctrine of human life and death and future fate. A wavering boat floating on the deep might, with striking fitness, typify the frail condition of humanity in life, as when Hercules is depicted sailing over the ocean in a golden cup; and that boat, safely riding the flood, might also represent the cheerful faith of the initiate in a future life, bearing him fearlessly through all dangers and through death to the welcoming society of Elysium, as when Danae and her babe, tossed over the tempestuous sea in a fragile chest, were securely wafted to the sheltering shore of Seriphus. No emblem of our human state and lot, with their mysteries, perils, threats, and promises, could be either more natural or more impressive than that of a vessel launched on the deep. The dying Socrates said "that he should trust his soul on the hope of a future life as upon a raft, and launch away into the unknown." Thus the imagination broods over and explores the shows and secrets, presageful warnings and alluring 38 Golden Ass, Taylor's trans., p. 283. 39 Herodotus, lib. il. cap. cxxii. 40 Divine Legation of Moses, book ii. sect. iv. 41 Faber, Mysteries of the Cabiri, ch. v.: On the Connection of the Fabulous Hades with the Mysteries. invitations, storms and calms, island homes and unknown havens, of the dim seas of nature and of man, of time and of eternity.42 Thirdly, the defenders of the Arkite theory are driven into gross inconsistencies with themselves by the falsity of their views. The dilaceration of Zagreus into fragments, the mangling of Osiris and scattering of his limbs abroad, they say, refer to the throwing open of the ark and the going forth of the inmates to populate the earth. They usually make Osiris, Zagreus, Adonis, and the other heroes of the legends enacted in the Mysteries, representatives of the diluvian patriarch himself; but here, with no reason whatever save the exigencies of their theory, they make these mythic personages representatives of the ark, a view which is utterly unfounded and glaringly wanting in analogy. When Zagreus is torn in pieces, his heart is preserved alive by Zeus and born again into the world within a human form. After the body of Osiris had been strewn piecemeal, the fragments were fondly gathered by Isis, and he was restored to life. There is no plausible correspondence between these cases and the sending out from the ark of the patriarchal family to repeople the world. Their real purpose would seem plainly to be to symbolize the thought that, however the body of man crumbles in pieces, there is life for him still, he does not hopelessly die. They likewise say that the egg which was consecrated in the Mysteries, at the beginning of the rites, was intended as an emblem of the ark resting on the abyss of waters, and that its latent hatching was meant to suggest the opening of the ark to let the imprisoned patriarch forth. This hypothesis has no proof, and is needless. It is much more plausible to suppose that the egg was meant as a symbol of a new life about to burst upon the candidate, a symbol of his resurrection from the mystic tomb wherein he was buried during one stage of initiation; for we know that the initiation was often regarded as the commencement of a fresh life, as a new birth. Apuleius says, "I celebrated the most joyful day of my initiation as my natal day." Faber argues, from the very close similarity of all the differently named Mysteries, that they were all Arkite, all derived from one mass of traditions reaching from Noah and embodying his history.43 The asserted fact of general resemblance among the instituted Mysteries is unquestionable; but the inference above drawn from it is unwarrantable, even if no better explanation could be offered. But there is another explanation ready, more natural in conception, more consistent in detail, and better sustained by evidence. The various Mysteries celebrated in the ancient nations were so much alike not because they were all founded on one world wide tradition about the Noachian deluge, but because they all grew out of the great common facts of human destiny in connection with natural phenomena. The Mysteries were funereal and festive, began in sorrow and ended in joy, not because they represented first Noah's sad entrance into the ark and then his glad exit from it, but because they began with showing the initiate that he must die, and ended with showing him that he should live again in a happier state. Even the most prejudiced advocates of the Arkite theory 42 Procopius, in his History of the Gothic War, mentions a curious popular British superstition concerning the ferriage of souls among the neighboring islands at midnight. See Grimm's Deutsche Mythologie, kap. xxvi. zweite ausgabe. 43 Mysteries of the Cabiri, ch. 10: Comparison of the Various Mysteries. are forced to admit, on the explicit testimony of the ancients, that the initiates passed from the darkness and horrors of Tartarus to the bliss and splendors of Elysium by a dramatic resurrection from burial in the black caverns of probation to admission within the illuminated hall or dome of perfection.44 That the idea of death and of another life runs through all the Mysteries as their cardinal tenet is well shown in connection with the rites of the celebrated Cave of Trophonius at Lebadea in Boeotia. Whoso sought this oracle must descend head foremost over an inclined plane, bearing a honey cake in his hand. Aristophanes speaks of this descent with a shudder of fear.45 The adventurer was suddenly bereft of his senses, and after a while returned to the upper air. What he could then remember composed the Divine revelation which had been communicated to him in his unnatural state below. Plutarch has given a full account of this experience from one Timarchus, who had himself passed through it.46 The substance of it is this. When Timarchus reached the bottom of the cave, his soul passed from his body, visited the under world of the departed, saw the sphere of generation where souls were reborn into the upper world, received some explanation of all these things: then, returning into the body, he was taken up out of the cave. Here is no allusion to any traditions of the Deluge or the ark; but the great purpose is evidently a doctrine of the destiny of man after death. Before the eyes and upon the heart of all mankind in every age has passed in common vision the revolution of the seasons, with its beautiful and sombre changes, phenomena having a power of suggestion irresistible to stir some of the most profound sentiments of the human breast. The day rolls overhead full of light and life and activity; then the night settles upon the scene with silent gloom and repose. So man runs his busy round of toil and pleasure through the day of existence; then, fading, following the sinking sun, he goes down in death's night to the pallid populations of shade. Again: the fruitful bloom of summer is succeeded by the bleak nakedness of winter. So the streams of enterprise and joy that flowed full and free along their banks in maturity, overhung by blossoming trees, are shrivelled and frozen in the channels of age, and above their sepulchral beds the leafless branches creak in answer to the shrieks of the funereal blast. The flush of childish gayety, the bloom of youthful promise, when a new comer is growing up sporting about the hearth of home, are like the approach of the maiden and starry Spring, "Who comes sublime, as when, from Pluto free, Came, through the flash of Zeus, Persephone." And then draw hastily on the long, lamenting autumnal days, when "Above man's grave the sad winds wail and rain drops fall, And Nature sheds her leaves in yearly funeral." 44 Faber, Mysteries of the Cabiri, ch. 10, pp. 331-356. Dion Chrysostom describes this scene: Oration XII. 45 The Clouds, 1. 507. 46 Essay on the Demon of Socrates. See also Pansanias, lib. ix. cap. xxxix. The flowers are gone, the birds are gone, the gentle breezes are gone; and man too must go, go mingle with the pale people of dreams. But not wholly and forever shall he die. The sun soars into new day from the embrace of night; summer restored hastens on the heels of retreating winter; vegetation but retires and surely returns, and the familiar song of the birds shall sweeten the renewing woods afresh for a million springs. Apollo weeping over the beauteous and darling boy, his slain and drooped Hyacinthus, is the sun shorn of his fierce beams and mourning over the annual wintry desolation: it is also Nature bewailing the remediless loss of man, her favorite companion. It was these general analogies and suggestions, striking the imagination, affecting the heart, enlisting the reason, wrought out, personified, and dramatized by poets, taken up with a mass of other associated matter by priestly societies and organized in a scheme of legendary doctrine and an imposing ritual, that constituted the basis and the central meaning of the old Mysteries; and not a vapid tradition about Noah and his ark. The aim of these institutions as they were wielded was threefold; and in each particular they exerted tremendous power. The first object was to stretch over the wicked the restraining influence of a doctrine of future punishment, to fill them with a fearful looking for judgment in the invisible world. And a considerable proportion of this kind of fear among the ancients is to be traced to the secret influence of the Mysteries, the revelations and terrors there applied. The second desire was to encourage the good and obedient with inspiring hopes of a happy fate and glorious rewards beyond the grave. Plutarch writes to his wife, (near the close of his letter of consolation to her,) "Some say the soul will be entirely insensible after death; but you are too well acquainted with the doctrines delivered in the Mysteries of Bacchus, and with the symbols of our fraternity, to harbor such an error." The third purpose was, by the wonders and splendors, the secret awe, the mysterious authority and venerable sanctions, thrown around the society and its ceremonies, to establish its doctrines in the reverential acceptance of the people, and thus to increase the power of the priesthood and the state. To compass these ends, the hidden science, the public force, the vague superstition, the treasured wealth, and all the varied resources available by the ancient world, were marshalled and brought to bear in the Mysteries. By chemical and mechanical secrets then in their exclusive possession, the mystagogues worked miracles before the astonished novices.47 They had the powers of electricity, gunpowder, hydrostatic pressure, at their command.48 Their rites were carried out on the most magnificent scale. The temple at Eleusis could hold thirty thousand persons. Imagine what effect might be produced, under such imposing and prepared circumstances, on an ignorant multitude, by a set of men holding all the scientific secrets and mechanical inventions till then discovered, illumination flashing after darkness successively before their smitten eyes, the floors seeming to heave and the walls to crack, thunders bellowing through the mighty dome; now yawning revealed beneath them the ghostly chimera of Tartarus, with all the shrieking and horrid scenery gathered there; now 47 Anthon's Class. Dict., art. "Elicius." 48 Salverte, Des Sciences Occultes, ou Essai sur la Magie. See also editor's introduction to Thomson's Eng. trans. of Salverte's work. the mild beauties of Elysium dawning on their ravished vision, amid strains of celestial music, through fading clouds of glory, while nymphs, heroes, and gods walked apparent. Clement of Alexandria tells us that one feature of the initiation was a display of the grisly secrets of Hades.49 Apuleius, in his account of his own initiation, says, "At midnight I saw the sun shining with a resplendent light; and I manifestly drew near to the lower and to the upper gods and adored them in immediate presence." 50 Lobeck says that, on the lifting of the veil exposing the adytum to the gaze of the initiates, apparitions of the gods appeared to them.51 Christie, in his little work on the Greek Mysteries, says that the doctrines of the Eleusinian shows were explained by means of transparent scenes, many of which were faithfully copied upon the painted Greek vases; and these vase accordingly, were deposited in tombs to evidence the faith of the deceased in a future life. The foregoing conceptions may be illustrated by the dramatic representations, scenic shadows behind transparent curtains, in Java, alluded to by Sir Stamford Raffles.52 It is remarkable how far the Mysteries spread over the earth, and what popularity they attained. They penetrated into almost every nation under the sun. They admitted, in some degree, nearly the whole people. Herodotus informs us that there were collected in Egypt, at one celebration, seven hundred thousand men and women, besides children.53 The greatest warriors and kings Philip, Alexander, Sulla, Antony esteemed it an honor to be welcomed within the mystic pale. "Men," says Cicero, "came from the most distant shores to be initiated at Eleusis." Sophocles declares, as quoted by Warburton, "True life is to be found only among the initiates: all other places are full of evil." At the rise of the Christian religion, all the life and power left in the national religion of Greece and Rome were in the Mysteries. Accordingly, here was the most formidable foe of the new faith. Standing in its old entrenchments, with all its popular prestige around it, it fought with desperate determination for every inch it was successively forced to yield. The brilliant effort of Julian to roll back the tide of Christianity and restore the pagan religion to more than its pristine splendor an effort beneath which the scales of the world's fortunes poised, tremulous, for a while was chiefly an endeavor to revive and enlarge the Mysteries. Such was the attachment of the people to these old rites even in the middle of the fourth century of the Christian era, that a murderous riot broke out at Alexandria, in which Bishop George and others were slain, on occasion of the profanation by Christians of a secret adytum in which the Mysteries of Mithra were celebrated.54 And when, a little later, the Emperor Valentinian had determined to suppress all nocturnal rites, he was induced to withdraw his resolution by Pretextatus, proconsul in Greece, "a man endowed with every virtue, who represented to him that the 49 Stromata, lib. iii., cited by a writer on the Mysteries in Blackwood, Feb. 1853, pp. 201-203. 50 Taylor's trans. of Golden Ass, p. 283. In a note to p. 275 of this work, the translator describes (with a citation of his authorities) "the breathing resemblances of the gods used in the Mysteries, statues fabricated by the telesta, so as to be illuminated and to appear animated." 51 Aglaophamus, lib. i. sect. 7. 52 Discourse to the Lit. and Sci. Soc. of Java, 1815, pub. in Valpy's Pamphleteer, No. 15. 53 Lib. ii. cap. ix. 54 Socrates, Ecc. Inst., lib. iii. cap. 2. Greeks would consider life insupportable if they were forbidden to celebrate those most sacred Mysteries which bind together the human race."55 Upon the whole, we cannot fail to see that the Mysteries must have exerted a most extensive and profound influence alike in fostering the good hopes of human nature touching a life to come, and in giving credit and diffusion to the popular fables of the poets concerning the details of the future state. Much of that belief which seems to us so absurd we can easily suppose they sincerely embraced, when we recollect what they thought they had seen under supernatural auspices in their initiations. In the Greek and Roman faith there was gradually developed in connection chiefly with the Mysteries, as we believe an aristocratic doctrine which allotted to a select class of souls an abode in the sky as their distinguished destination after death, while the common multitude were still sentenced to the shadow region below the grave. As Virgil writes, "The descent to Avernus is easy. The gate of dark Dis is open day and night. But to rise into the upper world is most arduous. Only the few heroes whom favoring Jove loves or shining virtue exalts thither can effect it." 56 Numerous scattered, significant traces of a belief in this change of the destination of some souls from the pit of Hades to the hall of heaven are to be found in the classic authors. Virgil, celebrating the death of some person under the fictitious name of Daphnis, exclaims, "Robed in white, he admires the strange court of heaven, and sees the clouds and the stars beneath his feet. He is a god now." 57 Porphyry ascribes to Pythagoras the declaration that the souls of departed men are gathered in the zodiac.58 Plato earnestly describes a region of brightness and unfading realities above this lower world, among the stars, where the gods live, and whither, he says, the virtuous and wise may ascend, while the corrupt and ignorant must sink into the Tartarean realm.59 A similar conception of the attainableness of heaven seems to be suggested in the old popular myths, first, of Hercules coming back in triumph from his visit to Pluto's seat, and, on dying, rising to the assembly of immortals and taking his equal place among them; secondly, of Dionysus going into the under world, rescuing his mother, the hapless Semele, and soaring with her to heaven, where she henceforth resides, a peeress of the eldest goddesses. Cicero expresses the same thought when he affirms that "a life of justice and piety is the path to heaven, where patriots, exemplary souls, released from their bodies, enjoy endless happiness amidst the brilliant orbs of the galaxy." 60 The same author also speaks of certain philosophers who flourished before his time, "whose opinions encouraged the belief that souls departing from bodies would arrive at heaven as their proper dwelling place." 61 He afterwards stigmatizes the notion that the life succeeding death is subterranean as an error,62 and in his own name addresses his auditor thus: "I see you gazing upward and wishing to migrate into heaven." 63 It was the common belief of the Romans for ages that Romulus was taken up into heaven, where he would remain forever, claiming Divine honors.64 The Emperor Julian says, in his Letter on the 55 Essay on Mysteries, by M. Ouvaroff, Eng. trans. by J. D. Price, p. 55. 56 Aneid, lib. vi. 11. 125-130. 57 Ecl. v. 11. 57, 58, 64. 58 De Antro Nympharum. 59 Phado sects. 136-138. 60 Soma. Scipionis. 61 Tusc. Quast., lib. i. cap. xi. 62 Ibid. cap. xvi. 63 Ibid. cap. xxxiv. 64 Ennius, e. g., sings, "Romulus in coelo cum diis agit avum" Duties of a Priest, "God will raise from darkness and Tartarus the souls of all of us who worship him sincerely: to the pious, instead of Tartarus he promises Olympus." "It is lawful," writes Plato, "only for the true lover of wisdom to pass into the rank of gods." 65 The privilege here confined to philosophers we believe was promised to the initiates in the Mysteries, as the special prerogative secured to them by their initiation. "To pass into the rank of the gods" is a phrase which, as here employed, means to ascend into heaven and have a seat with the immortals, instead of being banished, with the souls of common mortals, to the under world. In early times the Greek worship was most earnestly directed to that set of deities who resided at the gloomy centre of the earth, and who were called the chthonian gods.66 The hope of immortality first sprung up and was nourished in connection with this worship. But in the progress of time and culture the supernal circle of divinities who kept state on bright Olympus acquired a greater share of attention, and at last received a degree of worship far surpassing that paid to their swarthy compeers below. The adoration of these bright beings, with a growing trust in their benignity, the fables of the poets telling how they had sometimes elevated human favorites to their presence, for instance, receiving a Ganymede to the joys of their sublime society, the encouraging thoughts of the more religious and cheerful of the philosophers, these facts, together with a natural shrinking from the dismal gloom of the life of shades around the Styx, and a native longing for admission to the serene pleasures of the unfading life led by the radiant lords of heaven, in conjunction, perhaps, with still other causes, effected an improvement of the old faith, altering and brightening it, little by little, until the hope came in many quarters to be entertained that the faithful soul would after death rise into the assemblage and splendor of the celestial gods. The Emperor Julian, at the close of his seventh Oration, represents the gods of Olympus addressing him in this strain: "Remember that your soul is immortal, and that if you follow us you will be a god and with us will behold our Father." Several learned writers have strenuously labored to prove that the ground secret of the Mysteries, the grand thing revealed in them, was the doctrine of apotheosis, shaking the established theology by unmasking the historic fact that all the gods were merely deified men. We believe the real significance of the various collective testimony, hints, and inferences by which these writers have been brought to such a conclusion is this; the genuine point of the Mysteries lay not in teaching that the gods were once men, but in the idea that men may become gods. To teach that Zeus, the universal Father, causing the creation to tremble at the motion of his brow, was formerly an obscure king of Crete, whose tomb was yet visible in that island, would have been utterly absurd. But to assert that the soul of man, the free, intelligent image of the gods, on leaving the body, would ascend to live eternally in the kingdom of its Divine prototypes, would have been a brilliant step of progress in harmony both with reason and the heart. Such was probably the fact. Observe the following citation from Plutarch: "There is no occasion against nature to send the bodies of good men to heaven; but we are to conclude that virtuous souls, by nature and the Divine justice, rise from men to heroes, from heroes to genii; and if, as in the Mysteries, they are 65 Phado, sect. lxxi. 66 Muller, Mist. Greek Lit., cap. ii. sect. 5; cap. xvi. sect. 2. purified, shaking off the remains of mortality and the power of the passions, they then attain the highest happiness, and ascend from genii to gods, not by the vote of the people, but by the just and established order of nature." 67 The reference in the last clause is to the decrees of the Senate whereby apotheosis was conferred on various persons, placing them among the gods. This ceremony has often been made to appear unnecessarily ridiculous, through a perversion of its actual meaning. When the ancients applied the term "god" to a human soul departed from the body, it was not used as the moderns prevailingly employ that word. It expressed a great deal less with them than with us. It merely meant to affirm similarity of essence, qualities, and residence, but by no means equal dignity and power of attributes between the one and the others. It meant that the soul had gone to the heavenly habitation of the gods and was thenceforth a participant in the heavenly life.68 Heraclitus was accustomed to say, "Men are mortal gods; gods are immortal men." Macrobius says, "The soul is not only immortal, but a god." 69 And Cicero declares, "The soul of man is a Divine thing, as Euripides dares to say, a god." 70 Milton uses language precisely parallel, speaking of those who are "unmindful of the crown true Virtue gives her servants, after their mortal change, among the enthroned gods on sainted seats." Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch in the second century, says that "to become a god means to ascend into heaven." 71 The Roman Catholic ceremony of beatification and canonization of saints, offering them incense and prayers thereafter, means exactly what was meant by the ancient apotheosis, namely, that while the multitudes of the dead abide below, in the intermediate state, these favored souls have been advanced into heaven. The papal functionaries borrowed this rite, with most of its details, from their immediate pagan predecessors, who themselves probably adopted it from the East, whence the Mysteries came. It is well known that the Brahmans and Buddhists believed, centuries before the Christian era, in the contrasted fate of good men after death to enjoy the successive heavens above the clouds, and of bad men to suffer the successive hells beneath the earth. A knowledge of this attractive Oriental doctrine may have united with the advance of their own speculations to win the partial acceptance obtained among the Greeks and Romans for the faith which broke the universal doom to Hades and opened heaven to their hopeful aspirations. In a tragedy of Euripides the following passage occurs, addressed to the bereaved Admetus: "Let not the tomb of thy wife be looked on as the mound of the ordinary dead. Some wayfarer, as he treads the sloping road, shall say, 'This woman once died for her husband; but now she is a saint in heaven.'" 72 When the meaning of the cheerful promises given to the initiates of a more favored fate in the future life than awaited others namely, as we think, that their spirits on leaving the body should scale Olympus instead of plunging to Tartarus had been concealed within the 67 Lives, Romulus, sect. xxviii. 68 See a valuable discussion of the ancient use of the terms theos and deus in note D vol. iii. of NORTON'S Genuineness of the Gospels. 69 Somn. Scip., lib. ii. cap. 12. 70 Tusc. Quest., lib. i. cap. 26. 71 We omit several other authorities, as the reader would probably deem any further evidence superfluous. 72 Alcestis, ll. 1015-1025, ed. Glasg. Mysteries for a long time, it at length broke into public view in the national apotheosis of ancient heroes, kings, and renowned worthies, the instances of which became so numerous that Cicero cries, "Is not nearly all heaven peopled with the human race?" 73 Over the heads of the devout heathen, as they gazed up through the clear night air, twinkled the beams of innumerable stars, each chosen to designate the cerulean seat where some soul was rejoicing with the gods in heaven over the glorious issue of the toils and sufferings in which he once painfully trod this earthly scene. Herodian, a Greek historian of some of the Roman emperors, has left a detailed account of the rite of apotheosis.74 An image of the person to be deified was made in wax, looking all sick and pale, laid in state on a lofty bed of ivory covered with cloth of gold, surrounded on one side by choirs of noble lords, on the other side by their ladies stripped of their jewels and clad in mourning, visited often for several days by a physician, who still reports his patient worse, and finally announces his decease. Then the Senators and haughtiest patricians bear the couch through the via sacra to the Forum. Bands of noble boys and of proud women ranged opposite each other chant hymns and lauds over the dead in solemn melody. The bier is next borne to the Campus Martius, where it is placed upon a high wooden altar, a large, thin structure with a tower like a lighthouse. Heaps of fragrant gums, herbs, fruits, and spices are poured out and piled upon it. Then the Roman knights, mounted on horseback, prance before it in beautiful bravery, wheeling to and fro in the dizzy measures of the Pyrrhic dance. Also, in a stately manner, purple clothed charioteers, wearing masks which picture forth the features of the most famous worthies of other days to the reverential recognition of the silent hosts assembled, ride around the form of their descendant. Suddenly a torch is set to the pile, and it is wrapped in flames. From the turret, amidst the aromatic fumes, an eagle is let loose. Phoenix like symbol of the departed soul, he soars into the sky, and the seven hilled city throbs with pride, reverberating the shouts of her people. Thus into the residence of the gods "Sic itur ad astra" was borne the divinely favored mortal; "And thus we see how man's prophetic creeds Made gods of men when godlike were their deeds." For it was only in times of degradation and by a violent perversion that the honor was allowed to the unworthy; and even in such cases it was usually nullified as soon as the people recovered their senses and their freedom. There is extant among the works of Seneca a little treatise called Apocolocuntosis, that is, pumpkinification, or the metamorphosis into a gourd, a sharp satire levelled against the apotheosis of the Emperor Claudius. The deification of mortals among the ancients has long been laughed at. When the great Macedonian monarch applied for a decree for his apotheosis while he was yet alive, the Lacedemonian Senate, with bitter sarcasm, voted, "If Alexander desires to be a god, let him be a god." The doctrine is often referred to among us in terms of mockery. But this is principally because it is not understood. It simply signifies the ascent of the soul after death into the Olympian halls instead of descending into the Acheronian gulfs. And whether we 73 Tusc. Quast., lib. i. cap. 12. 74 Lib. iv. consider the symbolic justice and beauty of the conception as a poetic image applied to the deathless heroes of humanity ensphered above us forever in historic fame and natural worship, or regard its comparative probability as the literal location of the residence of departed spirits, it must recommend itself to us as a decided improvement on the ideas previously prevalent, and as a sort of anticipation, in part, of that bright faith in a heavenly home for faithfuls souls, afterwards established in the world by Him of whom it was written, "No man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man, who is now in heaven." Indeed, so forcible and close is the correspondence between the course of the aspirant in his initiation dramatically dying, descending into Hades, rising again to life, and ascending into heaven with the apostolic presentation of the redemptive career of Christ, our great Forerunner, that some writers Nork, for instance have suggested that the latter was but the exoteric publication to all the world of what in the former was esoterically taught to the initiates alone. There was a striking naturalness, a profound propriety, in the obscurities of secrecy and awe with which the ancient Mysteries shrouded from a rash curiosity their instructions concerning the future life and only unfolded them by careful degrees to the prepared candidate. It is so with the reality itself in the nature of things. It is the great mystery of mysteries, darkly hinted in types, faintly gleaming in analogies, softly whispered in hopes, passionately asked in desires, patiently confirmed in arguments, suddenly blazed and thundered in revelation. Man from the very beginning of his race on earth has been thickly encompassed by mysteries, hung around by the muffling curtains of ignorance and superstition. Through one after another of these he has forced his way and gazed on their successive secrets laid bare. Once the Ocean was an alluring and terrible mystery, weltering before him with its endless wash of waves, into which the weary sun, in the west, plunged at evening, and out of which, in the east, it bounded refreshed in the morning. But the daring prows of his ships, guided by pioneering thought and skill, passed its islands and touched its ultimate shores. Once the Polar Circle was a frightful and frozen mystery, enthroned on mountains of eternal ice and wearing upon its snowy brow the flaming crown of the aurora borealis. But his hardy navigators, inspired by enterprise and philanthropy, armed with science, and supplied by art, have driven the awful phantom back, league by league, until but a small expanse of its wonders remains untracked by his steps. Once the crowded Sky was a boundless mystery, a maze of motions, a field where ghastly comets played their antics and shook down terrors on the nations. But the theories of his reason, based on the gigantic grasp of his calculus and aided by the instruments of his invention, have solved perplexity after perplexity, blended discords into harmony, and shown to his delighted vision the calm perfection of the stellar system. So, too, in the moral world he has lifted the shrouds from many a dark problem, and extended the empire of light and love far out over the ancient realm of darkness and terror. But the secret of Death, the mystery of the Future, remains yet, as of old, unfathomed and inscrutable to his inquiries. Still, as of old, he kneels before that unlifted veil and beseeches the oracles for a response to faith. The ancient Mysteries in their principal ceremony but copied the ordination and followed the overawing spirit of Nature herself. The religious reserve and awe about the entrance into the adytum of their traditions were like those about the entrance into the invisible scenes beyond the veils of time and mortality. Their initiation was but a miniature symbol of the great initiation through which, and that upon impartial terms, every mortal, from King Solomon to the idiot pauper, must sooner or later pass to immortality. When a fit applicant, after the preliminary probation, kneels with fainting sense and pallid brow before the veil of the unutterable Unknown, and the last pulsations of his heart tap at the door of eternity, and he reverentially asks admission to partake in the secrets shrouded from profane vision, the infinite Hierophant directs the call to be answered by Death, the speechless and solemn steward of the celestial Mysteries. He comes, pushes the curtain aside, leads the awe struck initiate in, takes the blinding bandage of the body from his soul; and straightway the trembling neophyte receives light in the midst of that innumerable Fraternity of Immortals over whom the Supreme Author of the Universe presides. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Местная судьба человека в астрономической вселенной В соответствии с воображением некоторых спекулятивных геологов, возможно, эта земля впервые погрузилась в бездну как объем пара, в фантастических формах впиваясь своими огромными складками тумана, как это было перенесено на холостом дыхании закона. Возрасты проносились, пока этот оглушительный туман не сгустился в огненном океане, чьи волны вздымали их сумасшедшие грудь и подняли свои пепельные гребни без проверки, в то время как их горящий спрей осветил его след вокруг соболя. Во время периодов, в которых расшатывались вычисления, этот расплавленный мир постепенно охлаждался; постоянные реки вырвались из плотно обтекаемого пара, залитого нагретой массой, и, наконец, погрузили свою кору в огромное море. Затем, в течение неизвестных веков, огонь, вода и ветер вели титановскую войну, о которой воображает содрогание, пламя пламени, облизывающее звезды, массивные зубцы и колонны огня, сложенные к потрясающим высотам, теперь бассейн моря внезапно превратился в светящийся котел и атмосферу, насыщенную паром, снова взрывы, бросающие горы далеко в космос и разрывающие землю в ужасных рентах до самого ее сердца. Наконец огонь был частично подавлен, мирное глубокое застекленное небо на лоне или колебалось до шепота бриза, и из-за плодородной слизи и плесени его защищенного пола начали прорастать первые следы органической жизни, микробы грубых видов морской растительности. Тысячи лет прокатились. Мировой океан улегся, вершины гор, грудь островов, могучие континенты, возникли и медленно, после многих утомительных процессов подготовки, гигантского роста травы, каждого лезвия размером с наш самый обширный дуб, снятый с земли, и началась неисчислимая эпоха папоротников, чей огромный урожай одели всю землю глубоким ковром живой зелени. В то время как ненумерованные ростки этой растительности последовательно созревали, падали и затвердели в темные слои неисчерпаемых угольных пластов, мир, один размахивающий пустыней торжественных папоротников, пронесся по своей орбите, беззвучный и безмолвный, без единой птицы или насекомого какого-либо вид во всех его великолепных зеленых одиночествах, воздух повсюду был сильно забит газами самого смертоносного яда. Снова бесчисленные возрасты прошли, и эпоха простых ботанических ростков достигла своего предела, самые низкие формы животной жизни перемещались в водах, самые ранние существа были определенными морскими рептилиями, червями и морскими жуками. Затем следовали различные безвременные периоды, во время которого животная жизнь росла постепенно от моллюсков и медуз, плезиозавром и птеродактилем, ужасными монстрами, длиной в сотни футов, чей бродяга врезался в лес или чей полет загружал стонущий воздух, дельфину и киту в море , лошадь и лев на земле, и орел, соловей и райская птица в воздухе. Наконец, когда миллионы аонов стерлись, творческий процесс завершился человечеством, короной и совершенством всех; ибо Бог сказал: «Сотворим человека по-своему»; и прямо Адам, с вертикальной формой, царским глазом и разумом, бросившимся на его лоб, стоял на вершине мира и дал имена всем расам существ ниже.1 чей бродяга врезался в лес или чей полет загружал стонущий воздух, дельфину и киту в море, лошади и льву на земле, а также орлу, соловей и райскую птицу в воздухе. Наконец, когда миллионы аонов стерлись, творческий процесс завершился человечеством, короной и совершенством всех; ибо Бог сказал: «Сотворим человека по-своему»; и прямо Адам, с вертикальной формой, царским глазом и разумом, бросившимся на его лоб, стоял на вершине мира и дал имена всем расам существ ниже.1 чей бродяга врезался в лес или чей полет загружал стонущий воздух, дельфину и киту в море, лошади и льву на земле, а также орлу, соловей и райскую птицу в воздухе. Наконец, когда миллионы аонов стерлись, творческий процесс завершился человечеством, короной и совершенством всех; ибо Бог сказал: «Сотворим человека по-своему»; и прямо Адам, с вертикальной формой, царским глазом и разумом, бросившимся на его лоб, стоял на вершине мира и дал имена всем расам существ ниже.1 творческий процесс завершился человечеством, короной и совершенством всех; ибо Бог сказал: «Сотворим человека по-своему»; и прямо Адам, с вертикальной формой, царским глазом и разумом, бросившимся на его лоб, стоял на вершине мира и дал имена всем расам существ ниже.1 творческий процесс завершился человечеством, короной и совершенством всех; ибо Бог сказал: «Сотворим человека по-своему»; и прямо Адам, с вертикальной формой, царским глазом и разумом, бросившимся на его лоб, стоял на вершине мира и дал имена всем расам существ ниже.1 На этом этапе возникают два важных вопроса. Во-первых, является ли человек конечным типом намерения в Божественном плане для этого мира, или же он, в свою очередь, суждено быть замененным высшей расой, наделенной формой, способностями и атрибутами, превосходящими наши концепции, даже когда наши собственные превзошли идеи предыдущих порядков существования. Несомненно, имел ichthyosaurus, вспахав в глубине и заставляя его кипеть, как горшок, или один из тех мамонтовых существ допотопного возраста, который просматривал полдюжины деревьев на завтрак, хрустнул пару волов для завтрака и целую стаю овец на его обед, с которым он консультировался по подобной проблеме, он бы без колебаний ответил: «Я исчерпал использование мира. Какое животное может быть выше меня, вне вопроса, It is a remarkable fact that the mature states of the antediluvian races correspond with the foetal states of the present races, and that the foetal states of embryonic man are counterparts of the mature states of the lower races now contemporaneous with him. This great discovery of modern science, though perhaps destitute of logical value, suggests to the imagination the thought that man may be but the foetal state of a higher being, a regent temporarily presiding here until the birth and inauguration of the true king of the world, and destined himself to be born from the womb of this world into the free light and air of the spirit kingdom! The resources of God are inexhaustible; and in the evolution of his prearranged ages it may be that there will arise upon the earth a race of beings of unforetold majesty, who shall disinter the remnant bones and ponder the wrecked monuments of forgotten man as we do those of the disgusting reptiles of the Saurian epoch. But this is a mere conceit of possibility; and, so far as the data for forming an opinion are in our hands, it is altogether incredible. So far as appears, the adaptation between man and the earth is exhaustive. He is able to subdue all her forces, reign over all her provinces, enjoy all her delights, and gather into his consciousness all her prophecies. And our practical conviction is absolute that the race of men is the climax of being destined for this earth, and that they will occupy its hospitable bosom forever with their toils and their homes, their sports and their graves.2 The other question is this: Was the subjection of the human race to physical death a part of the Creator's original plan, or the retributive result of a subsequent dislocation of that plan by sin? a part of the great harmony of nature, or a discord marring the happy destiny 1 Harris, The Pre Adamite Earth. 2 Agassiz says no higher creature than man is to be expected on earth, because the capacities of the earthly plan of organic creation are completed and exhausted with him. Introduction to Study of Natural History, p. 57. of man? Approaching this problem on grounds of science and reason alone, there can be no hesitation as to the reply. There are but two considerations really bearing upon the point and throwing light upon it; and they both force us to the same conclusion. First, it is a fact admitting no denial that death was the predetermined natural fate of the successive generations of the races that preceded man. Now, what conceivable reason is there for supposing that man, constructed from the same elements, living under the same organic laws, was exempt from the same doom? There is not in the whole realm of science a single hint to that effect. Secondly, the reproductive element an essential feature in the human constitution, leading our kind to multiply and replenish the earth is a demonstration that the office of death entered into God's original plan of the world. For otherwise the earth at this moment could not hold a tithe of the inhabitants that would be demanding room. When God had permitted this world to roll in space for awful ages, a lifeless globe of gas, fire, water, earth, and then let it be occupied for incommensurable epochs more by snails, vermin, and iguanodons, would he wind up the whole scene and destroy it when the race of man, crowning glory of all, had only flourished for a petty two thousand years? It is not credible. And yet it must have been so unless it was decreed that the successive generations should pass away and thus leave space for, the new comers. We conclude, then, that it is the will of God and was in the beginning that the human race shall possess the earth through all the unknown periods of the future, the parents continually passing off the stage in death as the children rise upon it to maturity. We cannot discern any authority in those old traditions which foretell the impending destruction of the world. On what grounds are we to believe them? The great system of things is a stable harmony. There is no wear or tear in the perfect machinery of the creation, rolling noiseless in its blue bearings of ether. It seems, comparatively speaking, to have just begun. Its oscillations are self adjusted, and science prophesies for humanity an illimitable career on this earthly theatre. The swift melting of the elements and restoration of chaos is a mere heathen whim or a poetic figment. It is the bards who sing, "The earth shall shortly die. Her grave is dug. I see the worlds, night clad, all gathering In long and dark procession. And the stars, Which stand as thick as glittering dewdrops on The fields of heaven, shall pass in blazing mist." Such pictures are delusion winning the imagination, not truth commanding the reason. In spite of all the Cassandra screams of the priesthood, vaticinating universal ruin, the young old earth, fresh every spring, shall remain under God's preserving providence, and humanity's inexhaustible generations renewedly reign over its kingdoms, forever. Plotinus said, "If God repents having made the world, why does he defer its destruction? If he does not yet repent, he never will, as being now accustomed to it, and becoming through time more friendly to it." 3 Lucan says, "Our bones and the stars shall be mingled on one funeral pyre." Communis mundo superest rogus, ossibus astra Misturus. But to receive such a good piece of poetry as veritable prevision is surely a puerile error which a mature mind in the nineteenth century should be ashamed to commit. The most recently broached theory of the end of the world is that developed from some remarkable speculations as to the composition and distribution of force. The view is briefly this. All force is derived from heat. All heat is derived from the sun.4 The mechanical value of a cubic mile of sunlight at the surface of the earth is one horse power for a third of a minute; at the sun it is fifteen thousand horse power for a minute. Now, it is calculated that enough heat is radiated from the sun to require for its production the annual consumption of the whole surface of the sun to the depth of from ten to twenty miles. Of course, ultimately the fuel will be all expended; then the forces of the system will expire, and the creation will die.5 This brilliant and sublime theorem assumes, first, that the heat of the sun arises from consumption of matter, which may not be true; secondly, that it is not a self replenishing process, as it certainly may be. Some have even surmised that the zodiacal light is an illuminated tornado of stones showering into the sun to feed its tremendous conflagration. The whole scheme is a fine toy, but a very faint terror. Even if it be true, then we are to perish at last from lack of fire, and not, as commonly feared, from its abundance! The belief of mankind that a soul or ghost survives the body has been so nearly universal as to appear like the spontaneous result of an instinct. We propose to trace the history of opinions concerning the physical destination of this disembodied spirit, its connection with localities, to give the historical topography of the future life. The earliest conception of the abode of the dead was probably that of the Hebrew Sheol or the Greek Hades, namely, the idea born from the silence, depth, and gloom of the grave of a stupendous subterranean cavern full of the drowsy race of shades, the indiscriminate habitation of all who leave the land of the living. Gradually the thought arose and won acceptance that the favorites of Deity, peerless heroes and sages, might be exempt from this dismal fate, and migrate at death to some delightful clime beyond some far shore, there, amidst unalloyed pleasures, to spend immortal days. This region was naturally located on the surface of the earth, where the cheerful sun could shine and the fresh breezes blow, yet in some untrodden distance, where the gauntlet of fact had not smitten the sceptre of fable. The paltry portion of this earth familiar to the ancients was surrounded by an unexplored region, which their fancy, stimulated by the legends of the poets, peopled with mythological kingdoms, the rainbow bowers and cloudy synods of Olympus, from whose glittering peak the Thunderer threw his bolts over the south; the Golden Garden of the 3 Ennead ii. lib. ix.: Contra Gnosticos, cap. 4. 4 Helmholtz, Edinburgh Phil. Msg., series iv. vol. xi.: Interaction of Natural Forces. 5 Thomson, Ibid. Dec. 1854: Mechanical Energies of the Solar System. Hesperides, whose dragons lay on guard in the remote west; the divine cities of Meru, whose encircling towers pierced the eastern sky; the Banquet Halls of Ethiopia, gleaming through the fiery desert; the fragrant Islands of Immortality, musical and luring in the central ocean; the happy land of the Hyperboreans, beyond the snowy summits of northern Caucasus: "How pleasant were the wild beliefs That dwelt in legends old! Alas! to our posterity Will no such tales be told. We know too much: scroll after scroll Weighs down our weary shelves: Our only point of ignorance Is centred in ourselves." There was a belief among the Persians that Kaf, a mountain two thousand miles high, formed a rim to the flat world and prevented travellers from ever falling off.6 The fact that the earth is a globe inhabited on all sides is a comparatively recent piece of knowledge. So late as in the eighth century Pope Zachary accused Virgilius, an Irish mathematician and monk, of heresy for believing in the existence of antipodes.7 St. Boniface wrote to the Pope against Virgilius; and Zachary ordered a council to be held to expel him from the Church, for "professing, against God and his own soul, so perverse and wicked a doctrine." To the ancients all beyond the region they had traversed was an unknown land, clothed in darkness, crowded with mystery and allurement. Across the weltering wastes of brine, in a halcyon sea, the Hindu placed the White Isle, the dwelling of translated and immortalized men.8 Under the attraction of a mystic curiosity, well might the old, wearied Ulysses say, "Come, my friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and, sitting well in order, smite The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die. It may be that the gulfs will wash us down: It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, And see the great Achilles, whom we knew." Decius Brutus and his army, as Florus relates, reaching the coast of Portugal, where, for the first time, they saw the sun setting in the blood tinged ocean, turned back their standards with horror as they beheld "the huge corpse of ruddy gold let down into the deep." The Phoenician traders brought intelligence to Greece of a people, the Cimmerians, who dwelt on the borders of Hades in the umbered realms of perpetual night. To the dying Roman, on the farthest verge of the known horizon hovered a vision of Elysian Fields. And the American 6 Adventures of Hatim Tai, p. 36, note. 7 Whewell, Hist. Inductive Sciences, vol. i. book iv. ch. i. sect. 7. 8 Wilford, Essays on the Sacred Isles, In Asiatic Researches, vols. viii. xi. Indian, sinking in battle or the chase, caught glimpses of happier Hunting Grounds, whose woods trooped with game, and where the arrows of the braves never missed, and there was no winter. There was a pretty myth received among some of the ancient Britons, locating their paradise in a spot surrounded by tempests, far in the Western Ocean, and named Flath Innis, or Noble Island.9 The following legend is illustrative. An old man sat thoughtful on a rock beside the sea. A cloud, under whose squally skirts the waters foamed, rushed down; and from its dark womb issued a boat, with white sails bent to the wind, and hung round with moving oars. Destitute of mariners, itself seemed to live and move. A voice said, "Arise, behold the boat of heroes: embark, and see the Green Isle of those who have passed away!" Seven days and seven nights he voyaged, when a thousand tongues called out, "The Isle! the Isle!" The black billows opened before him, and the calm land of the departed rushed in light on his eyes. We are reminded by this of what Procopius says concerning the conveyal of the soul of the barbarian to his paradise. At midnight there is a knocking at the door, and indistinct voices call him to come. Mysteriously impelled, he goes to the sea coast, and there finds a frail, empty wherry awaiting him. He embarks, and a spirit crew row him to his destination.10 "He finds with ghosts His boat deep freighted, sinking to the edge Of the dark flood, and voices hears, yet sees No substance; but, arrived where once again His skiff floats free, hears friends to friends Give lamentable welcome. The unseen Shore faint resounds, and all the mystic air Breathes forth the names of parent, brother, wife." During that period of poetic credulity while the face of the earth remained to a great extent concealed from knowledge, wherever the Hebrew Scriptures were known went the cherished traditions of the Garden of Eden from which our first parents were driven for their sin. Speculation naturally strove to settle the locality of this lost paradise. Sometimes it was situated in the mysterious bosom of India; sometimes in the flowery vales of Georgia, where roses and spices perfumed the gales; sometimes in the guarded recesses of Mesopotamia. Now it was the Grand Oasis in the Arabian desert, flashing on the wilted pilgrim, over the blasted and blazing wastes, with the verdure of palms, the play of waters, the smell and flavor of perennial fruits. Again it was at the equator, where the torrid zone stretched around it as a fiery sword waving every way so that no mortal could enter. In the "Imago Mundi," a Latin treatise on cosmography written early in the twelfth century, we read, "Paradise is the extreme eastern part of Asia, and is made inaccessible by a wall of fire surrounding it and rising unto heaven." At a later time the Canaries were thought to be the ancient Elysium, and were accordingly named the Fortunate Isles. Indeed, among the motives that animated 9 Macpherson, Introduction to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 180-186. 10 Procopius, Gothica, lib. iv. Columbus on his adventurous voyage no inferior place must be assigned to the hope of finding the primeval seat of Paradise.11 The curious traveller, exploring these visionary spots one by one, found them lying in the light of common day no nearer heaven than his own natal home; and at last all faith in them died out when the whole surface of the globe had been surveyed, no nook left wherein romance and superstition might any longer play at hide and seek. Continuing our search after the local abode of the departed, we now leave the surface of the earth and descend beneath it. The first haunted region we reach is the realm of the Fairies, which, as every one acquainted with the magic lore of old Germany or England knows, was situated just under the external ground, and was clothed with every charm poets could imagine or the heart dream. There was supposed to be an entrance to this enchanted domain at the Peak Cavern in Derbyshire, and at several other places. Sir Walter Scott has collected some of the best legends illustrative of this belief in his "History of Demonology." Sir Gawaine, a famous knight of the Round Table, was once admitted to dine, above ground, in the edge of the forest, with the King of the Fairies: "The banquet o'er, the royal Fay, intent To do all honor to King Arthur's knight, Smote with his rod the bank on which they leant, And Fairy land flash'd glorious on the sight; Flash'd, through a silvery, soft, translucent mist, The opal shafts and domes of amethyst; Flash'd founts in shells of pearl, which crystal walls And phosphor lights of myriad hues redouble. There, in the blissful subterranean halls, When morning wakes the world of human trouble Glide the gay race; each sound our discord knows, Faint heard above, but lulls them to repose." To this empire of moonlit swards and elfin dances, of jewelled banks, lapsing streams, and enchanting visions, it was thought a few favored mortals might now and then find their way. But this was never an earnest general faith. It was a poetic superstition that hovered over fanciful brains, a legendary dream that pleased credulous hearts; and, with the other romance of the early world, it has vanished quite away. The popular belief of Jews, Greeks, Etruscans, Romans, Germans, and afterwards of Christians, was that there was an immense world of the dead deep beneath the earth, subdivided into several subordinate regions. The Greenlanders believed in a separated heaven and hell, both located far below the Polar Ocean. According to the old classic descriptions of the under world, what a scene of colossal gloom it is! Its atmosphere murmurs with a breath of plaintive sighs. Its population, impalpable ghosts timidly flitting at every motion, 11 Irving, Life of Columbus: Appendix on the Situation of the Terrestrial Paradise. By far the most valuable book ever published on this subject is that of Schulthess, Das Paradies, das irdische und uberirdische historische, mythische und mystische, nebst einer kritischen Revision der allgemelnen biblischen Geographie. crowd the sombre landscapes in numbers surpassing imagination. There Cocytus creeps to the seat of doom, his waves emitting doleful wails. Styx, nine times enfolding the whole abode, drags his black and sluggish length around. Charon, the slovenly old ferryman, plies his noiseless boat to and fro laden with shadowy passengers. Far away in the centre grim Pluto sits on his ebony throne and surveys the sad subjects of his dreadful domain. By his side sits his stolen and shrinking bride, Proserpine, her glimmering brows encircled with a wreath of poppies. Above the subterranean monarch's head a sable rainbow spans the infernal firmament; and when, with lifted hand, he announces his decrees, the applause given by the twilight populace of Hades is a rustle of sighs, a vapor of tears, and a shudder of submission. The belief in this dolorous kingdom was early modified by the reception of two other adjacent realms, one of reward, one of torture; even as Goethe says, in allusion to the current Christian doctrine, "Hell was originally but one apartment: limbo and purgatory were afterwards added as wings." Passing through Hades, and turning in one direction, the spirit traveller would arrive at Elysium or Abraham's bosom: "To paradise the gloomy passage winds Through regions drear and dismal, and through pain, Emerging soon in beatific blaze Of light." There the blessed ones found respite and peaceful joys in flowery fields, pure breezes, social fellowship, and the similitudes of their earthly pursuits. In this placid clime, lighted by its own constellations, favored souls roamed or reposed in a sort of ineffectual happiness. According to the pagans, here were such heroes as Achilles, such sages as Socrates, to remain forever, or until the end of the world. And here, according to the Christians, the departed patriarchs and saints were tarrying expectant of Christ's arrival to ransom them. Dante thus describes that great event: "Then he, who well my covert meaning knew, Answer'd, Herein I had not long been bound, When an All puissant One I saw march through, With victory's radiant sign triumphal crown'd. He led from us our Father Adam's shade, Abel and Noah, whom God loved the most, Lawgiving Moses, him who best obey'd, Abraam the patriarch, royal David's ghost; Israel, his father, and his sons, and her Whom Israel served for, faithfully and long, Rachel, with more, to bliss did He transfer: No souls were saved before this chosen throng." 12 At the opposite extremity of Hades was supposed to be an opening that led down into Tartarus, "a place made underneath all things, so low and horrible that hell is its heaven." Here the old earth giants, the looming Titans, lay, bound, transfixed with thunderbolts, their 12 Parsons's trans. Dell' Inferno, canto iv. ii. 55-63. mountainous shapes half buried in rocks, encrusting lava, and ashes. Rivers of fire seam the darkness, whose borders are braided with sentinel furies. On every hand the worst criminals, perjurers, blasphemers, ingrates, groan beneath the pitiless punishments inflicted on them without escape. Any realization of the terrific scenery of this whole realm would curdle the blood.13 There were fabled entrances to the dread under world at Acherusia, in Bithynia, at Avernus, in Campania, where Ulysses evoked the dead and traversed the grisly abodes, through the Sibyl's cave at Cuma, at Hermione, in Argolis, where the people thought the passage below so near and easy that they neglected to give the dying an obolus to pay ferriage to Charon, at Tanarus, the southern most point of Peloponnesus, where Herakles went down and dragged the three headed dog up into day, at the cave of Trophonius, in Lebadea, and at several other places. Similar conceptions have been embodied in the ecclesiastical doctrine which has generally prevailed in Christendom. Locating the scene in the hollow of the earth, thus has it been described by Milton, "A dungeon horrible on all sides round As one great furnace flamed; yet from those flames No light, but rather darkness visible, Served only to discover sights of woe, Regions of anguish, doleful shades, where peace Nor hope can come, but torture without end Still urges, and a fiery deluge fed With ever burning sulphur unconsumed;" wherein, confined by adamantine walls, the fallen angels and all the damned welter overwhelmed with floods and whirlwinds of tempestuous fire. Shapes once celestially fair and proud, but now scarred from battle and darkened by sin into faded forms of haggard splendor, support their uneasy steps over the burning marl. Everywhere shrieks and moans resound, and the dusky vault of pandemonium is lighted by a blue glare cast pale and dreadful from the tossings of the flaming lake. This was hell, where the wicked must shrink and howl forever. Etna, Vesuvius, Stromboli, Hecla, were believed to be vent holes from this bottomless and living pit of fire. The famous traveller, Sir John Maundeville, asserted that he found a descent into hell "in a perilous vale" in the dominions of Prester John. Many a cavern in England still bears the name of "Hell hole." In a dialogue between a clerk and a master, preserved in an old Saxon catechism, the following question and reply occur: "Why is the sun so red when she sets?" "Because she looks down upon hell." Antonius Rusca, a learned professor at Milan, in the year 1621, published a huge quarto in five books, giving a detailed topographical account of the interior of the earth, hell, purgatory, and limbo.14 There is a lake in the south of Ireland in which is an island containing a cavern said to open down into hell. This cave 13 Descriptions of the sufferings of hell, according to the popular notions at different periods, are given in the work published at Weimar in 1817, Das Rad der ewigen Hollenqual. In den Curiositaten der physisch literarisch artistisch historischen Vor und Mitwelt, band vi. st. 2. 14 De Inferno et Statn Damonum ante Mundi Exitium. is called St. Patrick's Purgatory, and the pretence obtained quite general credit for upwards of five centuries. Crowds of pilgrims visited the place. Some who had the hardihood to venture in were severely pinched, beaten, and burned, by the priests within, disguised as devils, and were almost frightened out of their wits by the diabolical scenes they saw where "Forth from the depths of flame that singed the gloom Despairing wails and piercing shrieks were heard." Several popes openly preached in behalf of this gross imposition; and the Church virtually authorized it by receiving the large revenues accruing from it, until at last outraged common sense demanded its repudiation and suppression.15 Few persons now, as they walk the streets and fields, are much disturbed by the thought that, not far below, the vivid lake of fire and brimstone, greedily roaring for new food, heaves its tortured surges convulsed and featured with souls. Few persons now shudder at a volcanic eruption as a premonishing message freshly belched from hell.16 In fact, the old belief in a local physical hell within the earth has almost gone from the public mind of to day. It arose from pagan myths and figures of speech based on ignorant observation and arbitrary fancy, and with the growth of science and the enlightenment of reason it has very extensively fallen and faded away. No honest and intelligent inquirer into the matter can find the slightest valid support for such a notion. It is now a mere tradition, upheld by groundless authority. And yet the dim shadow of that great idea of a subterranean hell which once burned so fierce and lurid in the brain of Christendom still vaguely haunts the modern world. The dogma still lies in the prevalent creeds, and is occasionally dragged out and brandished by fanatic preachers. The transmitted literature and influences of the past are so full of it that it cannot immediately cease. Accordingly, while the common understanding no longer grasps it as a definite verity, it lingers in the popular fancy as a half credible image. The painful attempts made now and then by some antiquated or fanatical clergyman to compel attention to it and belief in it as a tangible fact of science, as well as an unquestionable revelation of Scripture, scarcely win a passing notice, but provoke a significant smile. Father Passaglia, an eminent Jesuit theologian, in 1856 published in Italy a work on the Literality of Hell Fire and the Eternity of the Punishments of the Damned. He says, "In this world fire burns by chemical operations; but in hell it burns by the breath of the Lord!" The learned and venerable Faber, a voluminous author and distinguished English divine, published in the year 1851 a large octavo entitled "The Many Mansions in the House of the Father," discussing with elaborate detail the question as to the locality of the scenes awaiting souls after death. His grand conclusion the unreasonableness of which will be apparent without comment is as follows: "The saints having first risen with Christ into the highest regions of the air, out of reach of the dreadful heat, the tremendous flood of fire hitherto detained inside the earth will be let loose, and an awful conflagration rage till the whole material globe is dissipated into sublimated particles. Then the world will be formed anew, in three parts. First, there will be 15 Wright, St. Patrick's Purgatory: an Essay on the Legends of Paradise, Hell, and Purgatory, current during the Middle Ages. 16 Patuzzi, De Sede inferni in Terris quarenda. a solid central sphere of fire the flaming nucleus of Gehenna two thousand miles in diameter. Secondly, there shall roll around this central ball on all sides an ignited ocean of liquid fire two thousand miles in depth, the peculiar residence of the wicked, the sulphurous lake spoken of in the Apocalypse. Thirdly, around this infernal sea a vast spherical arch will hang, a thousand miles thick, a massive and unbroken shell, through which there are no spiracles, and whose external surface, beautiful beyond conception, becomes the heaven of the redeemed, where Christ himself, perfect man as well as perfect God, fixes his residence and establishes the local sovereignty of the Universal Archangel." 17 A comfortable thought it must be for the saints, as they roam the flowery fields, basking in immortal bliss, to remember that under the crust they tread, a soundless sea of fire is forever plunging on its circular course, all its crimson waves packed with the agonized faces of the damned as thick as drops! The whole scheme is without real foundation. Science laughs at such a theory. Its scriptural supports are either ethnic figments or rhetorical tropes. Reason, recollecting the immateriality of the soul, dissipates the ghastly dream beyond the possibility of restoration to belief. Following the historic locations of the abode of departed souls, we next ascend from the interior of the earth, and above the surface of the earth, into the air and the lofty realms of ether. The ancient Caledonians fixed the site of their spirit world in the clouds. Their bards have presented this conception in manifold forms and with the most picturesque details. In tempests the ghosts of their famous warriors ride on the thunderbolts, looking on the earth with eyes of fire, and hurling lances of lightning. They float over the summits of the hills or along the valleys in wreaths of mist, on vapory steeds, waving their shadowy arms in the moonlight, the stars dimly glimmering through their visionary shapes. The Laplanders also placed their heaven in the upper air, where the Northern Lights play. They regarded the auroral streamers as the sport of departed spirits in the happy region to which they had risen. Such ideas, clad in the familiar imagery furnished by their own climes, would naturally be suggested to the ignorant fancy, and easily commended to the credulous thoughts, of the Celts and Finns. Explanation and refutation are alike unnecessary. Plutarch describes a theory held by some of the ancients locating hell in the air, elysium in the moon.18 After death all souls are compelled to spend a period in the region between the earth and the moon, the wicked in severe tortures and for a longer time, the good in a mild discipline soon purging away all their stains and fitting them for the lunar paradise. After tarrying a season there, they were either born again upon the earth, or transported to the divine realm of the sun. Macrobius, too, says, "The Platonists reckon as the infernal 17 Part iv. chap. ix. p. 417. Dr. Cumming (The End, Lect. X.) teaches the doctrine of the literal resurrection of the flesh, and the subsequent residence of the redeemed on this globe as their eternal heaven under the immediate rule of Christ. Quite a full detail of the historic and present belief in this scheme may be found in the recent work of its earnest advocate, D. T. Taylor, The Voice of the Church on the Coming of the Redeemer, or a History of the Doctrine of the Reign of Christ on Earth. 18 In his Essay on the Face in the Orb of the Moon. region the whole space between the earth and the moon."19 He also adds, "The tropical signs Cancer and Capricorn are called the gates of the sun, because there he meets the solstice and can go no farther. Cancer is the gate of men, because by it is the descent to the lower regions; Capricorn is the gate of gods, because by it is a return for souls to the rank of gods in the seat of their proper immortality." 20 The Manicheans taught that souls were borne to the moon on leaving their bodies, and there washed from their sins in water, then taken to the sun and further cleansed in fire. They described the moon and sun as two splendid ships prepared for transferring souls to their native country, the world of perfect light in the heights of the creation.21 The ancient Hebrews thought the sky a solid firmament overarching the earth, and supporting a sea of inexhaustible waters, beyond which God and his angels dwelt in monopolized splendor. Eliphaz the Temanite says, "Is not God in the height of heaven? And behold the stars, how high they are; but he walketh upon the arch of heaven!" And Job says, "He covereth the face of his throne, and spreadeth his clouds under it. He hath drawn a circular bound upon the waters to the confines of light and darkness." From the dazzling realm above this supernal ocean all men were supposed, until after the resurrection of Christ, to be excluded. But from that time the belief gradually spread in Christendom that a way was open for faithful souls to ascend thither. Ephraim the Syrian,22 and Ambrose, located paradise in the outermost East on the highest summit of the earth, stretching into the serene heights of the sky. The ancients often conceived the universe to form one solid whole, whose different provinces were accessible from each other to gods and angels by means of bridges and golden staircases. Hence the innumerable paradisal legends associated with the mythic mountains of antiquity, such as Elborz, Olympus, Meru, and Kaf. Among the strange legends of the Middle Age, Gervase of Tilbury preserves the following one, illustrative of this belief in a sea over the sky: "One Sunday the people of an English village were coming out of church, a dark, gloomy day, when they saw the anchor of a ship hooked to one of the tombstones, the cable, tightly stretched, hanging down the air. Presently they saw a sailor sliding down the rope to unfix the anchor. When he had just loosened it the villagers seized hold of him; and, while in their hands, he quickly died, as though he had been drowned!" There is also a famous legend called "St. Brandon's Voyage." The worthy saint set sail from the coast of Ireland, and held on his way till he arrived at the moon, which he found to be the location of hell. Here he saw Judas Iscariot in execrable tortures, regularly respited, however, every week from Saturday eve till Sunday eve! The thought so entirely in accordance with the first impression made by the phenomenon of the night sky on the ignorant senses and imagination that the stars are set in a firm revolving dome, has widely prevailed; and the thought that heaven lies beyond that solid arch, in the unknown space is a popular notion lingering still. The scriptural image declaring that the convulsions of the last day will shake the stars from their sockets in the 19 In Somnium Scipionis, lib. i. cap. xi. 20 Ibid. cap. xii. 21 Augustine, De Natura Boni, cap. xliv. 22 De Paradiso Eden, Sermo I. heavenly floor, "as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind," although so obviously a figure of speech, has been very generally credited as the description of a literal fact yet to occur. And how many thousands of pious Christians have felt, with the sainted Doddridge, "Ye stars are but the shining dust Of my Divine abode, The pavement of those heavenly courts Where I shall see my God!" The universal diffusion in civilized nations of the knowledge that the visible sky is no substantial expanse, but only an illimitable void of space hung with successive worlds, has by no means banished the belief, originally based on the opposite error, in a physical heaven definitely located far overhead, the destination of all ransomed souls. This is undoubtedly the most common idea at the present time. An English clergyman once wrote a book, afterwards translated into German, to teach that the sun is hell, and that the black spots often noticed on the disk of that orb are gatherings of damned souls.23 Isaac Taylor, on the contrary, contends with no little force and ingenuity that the sun may be the heaven of our planetary system, a globe of immortal blessedness and glory.24 The celebrated Dr. Whiston was convinced that the great comet which appeared in his day was hell. He imagined it remarkably fitted for that purpose by its fiery vapor, and its alternate plunges, now into the frozen extremity of space, now into the scorching breath of the sun. Tupper fastens the stigma of being the infernal prison house on the moon, in this style: "I know thee well, O Moon, thou cavern'd realm, Sad satellite, thou giant ash of death, Blot on God's firmament, pale home of crime, Scarr'd prison house of sin, where damned souls Feed upon punishment: Oh, thought sublime, That amid night's black deeds, when evil prowls Through the broad world, thou, watching sinners well, Glarest o'er all, the wakeful eye of Hell!" Bailey's conception is the darker birth of a deeper feeling: "There is a blind world, yet unlit by God, Rolling around the extremest edge of light, Where all things are disaster and decay: That black and outcast orb is Satan's home That dusky world man's science counteth not Upon the brightest sky. He never knows How near it comes to him; but, swathed in clouds, As though in plumed and palled state, it steals, Hearse like and thief like, round the universe, Forever rolling, and returning not, 23 Swinden, On the Nature and Location of Hell. 24 Physical Theory of Another Life, chap. xvi. Robbing all worlds of many an angel soul, With its light hidden in its breast, which burns With all concentrate and superfluent woe." In the average faith of individuals to day, heaven and hell exist as separate places located somewhere in the universe; but the notions as to the precise regions in which they lie are most vague and ineffectual when compared with what they formerly were. The Scandinavian kosmos contained nine worlds, arranged in the following order: Gimle, a golden region at the top of the universe, the eternal residence of Allfather and his chosen ones; next below that, Muspel, the realm of the genii of fire; Asgard, the abode of the gods in the starry firmament; Vindheim, the home of the air spirits; Manheim, the earth, or middle realm; Jotunheim, the world of the giants, outside the sea surrounding the earth; Elfheim, the world of the black demons and dwarfs, just under the earth's surface; Helheim, the domain of the goddess of death, deep within the earth's bosom; and finally, Niflheim, the lowest kingdom of horror and pain, at the very bottom of the creation. The Buddhist kosmos, in the simplest form, as some of them conceived it, was composed of a series of concentric spheres each separated from the next by a space, and successively overarching and under arching each other with circular layers of brightness above and blackness beneath; each starry hollow overhead being a heaven inhabited by gods and blessed souls, each lurid hollow underfoot being a hell filled with demons and wicked souls in penance. The Arabian kosmos, beginning with the earth, ascended to a world of water above the firmament, next to a world of air, then to a world of fire, followed in rising order by an emerald heaven with angels in the form of birds, a heaven of precious stones with angels as eagles, a hyacinth heaven with angels as vultures, a silver heaven with angels as horses, a golden and a pearl heaven each peopled with angel girls, a crystal heaven with angel men, then two heavens full of angels, and finally a great sea without bound, each sphere being presided over by a chief ruler, the names of all of whom were familiar to the learned Arabs. The Syrian kosmos corresponded closely to the foregoing. It soared up the mounting steps of earth, water, air, fire, and innumerable choruses successively of Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim, unto the Expanse whence Lucifer fell; afterwards to a boundless Ocean; and lastly to a magnificent Crown of Light filling the uppermost space of all.25 It is hard for us to imagine the aspects of the universe to the ancients and the impressions it produced in them, all seemed so different then, in the dimness of crude observation, from the present appearance in the light of astronomic science. Anaximander held that the earth was of cylindrical form, suspended in the middle of the universe and surrounded by envelopes of water, air, and fire, as by the coats of an onion, but that the exterior stratum was broken up and collected into masses, and thus originated the sun, moon, and stars, which are carried around by the three spheres in which they are fixed.26 Many of the Oriental nations believed the planets to be animated beings, conscious divinities, freely marching around their high realms, keeping watch and ward over the creation, smiling their favorites on to happy fortune, 25 Dupuis, L'Origine de tous les Cultes, Planche No. 21. 26 Arist. de Coel. ii. 13. fixing their baleful eyes and shedding disastrous eclipse on "falling nations and on kingly lines about to sink forever." This belief was cherished among the later Greek philosophers and Roman priests, and was vividly held by such men as Philo, Origen, and even Kepler. It is here that we are to look for the birth of astrology, that solemn lore, linking the petty fates of men with the starry conjunctions, which once sank so deeply into the mind of the world, but is now wellnigh forgotten: "No more of that, ye planetary lights! Your aspects, dignities, ascendancies, Your partite quartiles, and your plastic trines, And all your heavenly houses and effects, Shall meet no more devout expounders here. The joy of Jupiter, The exaltation of the Dragon's head, The sun's triplicity and glorious Day house on high, the moon's dim detriment, And all the starry inclusions of all signs, Shall rise, and rule, and pass, and no one know That there are spirit rulers of all worlds, Which fraternize with earth, and, though unknown, Hold in the shining voices of the stars Communion on high and everywhere." The belief that the stars were living beings, combining with the fancy of an unscientific time, gave rise to the stellar apotheosis of heroes and legendary names, and was the source of those numerous asterisms, out lined groups of stars, which still bedeck the skies and form the landmarks of celestial topography. It was these and kindred influences that wrought together "To make the firmament bristle with shapes Of intermittent motion, aspect vague, And mystic bearings, which o'ercreep the earth, Keeping slow time with horrors in the blood;" the Gorgon's petrific Head, the Bear's frightful form, Berenice's streaming Hair, the curdling length of Ophiuchus, and the Hydra's horrid shape. The poetic eye of old religion saw gods in the planets walking their serene blue paths, "Osiris, Bel, Odin, Mithras, Brahm, Zeus, Who gave their names to stars which still roam round The skies all worshipless, even from climes Where their own altars once topp'd every hill." By selected constellations the choicest legends of the antique world are preserved in silent enactment. On the heavenly sea the Argonautss keep nightly sail towards the Golden Fleece. There Herakles gripes the hydra's heads and sways his irresistible club; Arion with his harp rides the docile Dolphin; the Centaur's right hand clutches the Wolf; the Hare flees from the raging eye and inaudible bark of the Dog; and space crawls with the horrors of the Scorpion. In consequence of the earth's revolution in its orbit, the sun appears at different seasons to rise in connection with different groups of stars. It seems as if the sun made an annual journey around the ecliptic. This circuit was divided into twelve parts corresponding to the months, and each marked by a distinct constellation. There was a singular agreement in regard to these solar houses, residences of the gods, or signs of the zodiac, among the leading nations of the earth, the Persians, Chaldeans, Hebrews, Syrians, Hindus, Chinese, Arabians, Japanese, Siamese, Goths, Javanese, Mexicans, Peruvians, and Scandinavians. 27 Among the various explanations of the origin of these artificial signs, we will notice only the one attributed by Volney to the Egyptians. The constellations in which the sun successively appeared from month to month were named thus: at the time of the overflow of the Nile, the stars of inundation, (Aquarius;) at the time of ploughing, stars of the ox, (Taurus;) when lions, driven forth by thirst, appeared on the banks of the Nile, stars of the lion, (Leo;) at the time of reaping, stars of the sheaf, (Virgo;) stars of the lamb and two kids, (Aries,) when these animals were born; stars of the crab, (Cancer,) when the sun, touching the tropic, returned backwards; stars of the wild goat, (Capricorn,) when the sun reached the highest point in his yearly track; stars of the balance, (Libra,) when days and nights were in equilibrium; stars of the scorpion, (Scorpio,) when periodical simooms burned like the venom of a scorpion; and so on of the rest.28 The progress of astronomical science from the wild time when men thought the stars were mere spangles stuck in a solid expanse not far off, to the vigorous age when Ptolemy's mathematics spanned the scope of the sky; from the first reverent observations of the Chaldean shepherds watching the constellations as gods, to the magnificent reasonings of Copernicus dashing down the innumerable crystalline spheres, "cycle on epicycle, orb on orb," with which crude theorizers had crowded the stellar spaces; from the uncurbed poetry of Hyginus writing the floor of heaven over with romantic myths in planetary words, to the more wondrous truth of Le Verrier measuring the steps from nimble Mercury flitting moth like in the beard of the sun to dull Neptune sagging in his cold course twenty six hundred million miles away; from the half inch orb of Hipparchus's naked eye, to the six feet speculum of Rosse's awful tube; from the primeval belief in one world studded around with skyey torch lights, to the modern conviction of octillions of inhabited worlds all governed by one law constitutes the most astonishing chapter in the history of the human mind. Every step of this incredible progress has had its effect in modifying the conceptions of man's position and importance in nature and of the connection of his future fate with localities. Of old, the entire creation was thought to lie pretty much within the comprehension of man's unaided senses, and man himself was supposed to be the chief if not the sole object of Divine providence. The deities often came down in incarnations and mingled with their favorites and rescued the earth from evils. Every thing was anthropomorphized. Man's relative magnitude and power were believed to be such that he fancied during an eclipse that, by screams, the crashing of gongs, and magic rites, he could scare away the monsters 27 Pigott, Scandinavian Mythology, chap. i. p. 31. 28 Volney, Ruins, chap. xxii. sect. 3. Maurice, Hist. Hindostan, vol. i. pp. 145-147. who were swallowing the sun or the moon. Meteors shooting through the evening air the Arabs believed were fallen angels trying to get back into heaven but hurled from the crystal battlements by the flaming lances of the guardian watchers. Then the gazer saw "The top of heaven full of fiery shapes, Of burning cressets." Now the student contemplates an abyss swarming with orbs each out weighing millions of our earth. Then they read their nativities in the planets and felt how great must be the state overwatched by such resplendent servitors. Now "They seek communion with the stars that they may know How petty is this ball on which they come and go." Then the hugest view of the extent of the universal sphere was that an iron mass would require nine days and nights to plunge from its Olympian height to its Tartarean depth. Now we are told by the masters of science that there are stars so distant that it would take their light, travelling at a rate of nearly twelve million miles a minute, thirty million years to reach us. The telescope has multiplied the size of the creation by hundreds of millions, and the grandest conception of the stellar universe possible to the most capacious human mind probably bears no larger proportion to the fact than an orrery does to the solar system. Our earth is a hundred million miles from the sun, whose diameter is so monstrous that a hundred such orbs strung in a straight line would occupy the whole distance. The sun, with all his attendant planets and moons, is sweeping around his own centre supposed by some to be Alcyone at the rate of four hundred thousand miles a day; and it will take him eighteen million years to complete one revolution. Our firmamental cluster contains, it has been calculated, in round numbers about twenty million stars. There are many thousands of such nebula visible, some of them capable of packing away in their awful bosoms hundreds of thousands of our galaxies. Measure off the abysmal space into seven hundred thousand stages each a hundred million miles wide, and you reach the nearest fixed stars, for instance, the constellation of the Lyre. Multiply that inconceivable distance by hundreds of thousands, and still you will discern enormous sand banks of stars obscurely glittering on the farthest verge of telescopic vision. And even all this is but a little corner of the whole. Coleridge once said, "To some infinitely superior Being, the whole universe may be as one plain, the distance between planet and planet being only as the pores in a grain of sand, and the spaces between system and system no greater than the intervals between one grain and the grain adjacent." One of the vastest thoughts yet conceived by any mortal mind is that of turning the universe from a mechanical to a chemical problem, as illustrated by Prof. Lovering.29 Assuming the acknowledged truths in physics, that the ultimate particles of matter never actually touch each other, and that water in evaporating expands into eighteen hundred times its previous volume, he demonstrates that the porosity of our solar system is no greater than that of steam. "The porosity of granite or gold may be equal to that of steam, 29 Cambridge Miscellany, 1842. the greater density being a stronger energy in the central forces." And the conclusion is scientifically reached that "the vast interval between the sun and Herschel is an enormous pore, while the invisible distance that separates the most closely nestled atoms is a planetary space, a stupendous gulf when compared with the little spheres between which it flows." Thus we may think of the entire universe as a living organism, like a ripening orange, its component atoms worlds, the sidereal movements its vital circulation. Surely, when a man looks up from his familiar fields and household roof to such incommensurable objects as scientific imagination reveals in the sparkling sword handle of Perseus and the hazy girdle of Andromeda, overpowering humility will fill his breast, an unutterable solemnity will "fall on him as from the very presence chamber of the Highest." And will he not, when he contemplates the dust like shoals of stars, the shining films of firmaments, that retreat and hover through all the boundless heights, the Nubecula nebula, looking like a bunch of ribbons disposed in a true love's knot, that most awful nebula whirled into the shape and bearing the name of the Dumb Bell, the Crab nebula, hanging over the infinitely remote space, a sprawling terror, every point holding millions of worlds, thinking of these all transcendent wonders, and then remembering his own inexpressible littleness, how that the visible existence of his whole race does not occupy a single tick of the great Sidereal Clock, will he not sink under helpless misgivings, will he not utterly despair of immortal notice and support from the King of all this? In a word, how does the solemn greatness of man, the supposed eternal destiny of man, stand affected by the modern knowledge of the vastness of creation? Regarding the immensities receding over him in unfathomable abysses bursting with dust heaps of suns, must not man be dwarfed into unmitigated contempt, his life and character rendered absolutely insignificant, the utmost span of his fortunes seeming but as the hum and glitter of an ephemeron in a moment's sunshine? Doubtless many a one has at times felt the stupendous truths of astronomy thus palsying him with a crushing sense of his own nothingness and burying him in fatalistic despair. Standing at night, alone, beneath the august dome studded from of old with its ever blazing lights, he gazes up and sees the innumerable armies of heaven marshalled forth above him in the order and silence of their primeval pomp. Peacefully and forever they shine there. In nebula separated from nebula by trillions of leagues, plane beyond plane, they stretch and glitter to the feet of God. Falling on his knees, he clasps his hands in speechless adoration, but feels, with an intolerable ache of the heart, that in this infinitude such an one as he can be of no consequence whatever. He waits passively for the resistless round of fate to bear him away, ah, whither? "Conscious that he dwells but as an atom of dust on the outskirts of a galaxy of inconceivable glory" moving through eternity in the arms of law, he becomes, in his own estimation, an insensible dot lost in the uncontainable wilderness of firmamental systems. But this conclusion of despair is a mistake as sophistical as it is injurious, as baseless in reality as it is natural in seeming. Its antidote and corrective are found in a more penetrative thought and juster understanding of the subject, which will preserve the greatness and the immortal destiny of man unharmed despite the frowning vastitudes of creation. This will appear from fairly weighing the following considerations. In the first place, the immensity of the material universe is an element entirely foreign to the problem of human fate. When seeking to solve the question of human destiny, we are to study the facts and prophecies of human nature, and to conclude accordingly. It is a perversion of reason to bring from far an induction of nebular magnitudes to crush with their brute weight the plain indications of the spirit of humanity. What though the number of telescopic worlds were raised to the ten thousandth power, and each orb were as large as all of them combined would now be? what difference would that make in the facts of human nature and destiny? It is from the experience going on in man's breast, and not from the firmaments rolling above his head, that his importance and his final cause are to be inferred. The human mind, heart, and conscience, thought, love, faith, and piety, remain the same in their intrinsic rank and capacities whether the universe be as small as it appeared to the eyes of Abraham or as large as it seems in the cosmical theory of Humboldt. Thus the spiritual position of man really remains precisely what it was before the telescope smote the veils of distance and bared the outer courts of being. Secondly, if we do bring in the irrelevant realms of science to the examination of our princely pretensions, it is but fair to look in both directions. And then what we lose above we gain below. The revelations of the microscope balance those of the telescope. The animalcula magnify man as much as the nebulsa belittle him. We cannot help believing that He who frames and provides for those infinitesimal animals quadrillions of whom might inhabit a drop of water or a leaf and have ample room and verge enough, and whose vital and muscular organization is as complicated and perfect as that of an elephant, will much more take care of man, no matter how numerous the constellations are. Let us see how far scientific vision can look beneath ourselves as the question is answered by a few well known facts. In each drop of human blood there are three million vitalized corpuscular disks. Considering all the drops made up in this way, man is a kosmos, his veins galaxies through whose circuits these red clustering planets perform their revolutions. How small the exhaling atoms of a grain of musk must be, since it will perfume every breath of air blowing through a hall for a quarter of a century, and then not be perceptibly diminished. An ounce of gold may be reduced into four hundred and thirty two billion parts, each microscopically visible.30 There is a deposit of slate in Bohemia covering forty square miles to the depth of eight feet, each cubic inch of which Ehrenberg found by microscopic measurement to contain forty one thousand million infusorial animals. Sir David Brewster says, "A cubic inch of the Bilin polieschiefer slate contains above one billion seven hundred and fifty thousand millions of distinct individuals of Galionella ferruginea."31 It is a fact that the size of one of these insects as compared with the bulk of a man is virtually as small as that of a man compared with the whole scheme of modern astronomy. Thus, if the problem of our immortal consequence is prejudicially vitiated by contemplating the immense extremity of vision, it is rectified by gazing on the opposite extremity. If man justly scrutinized, without comparisons, is fitted for and worthy of eternity, 30 Lardner, Hand Book of Natural Philosophy, book i. chap. v.31 More Worlds than One, ch. viii. note 3. no foreign facts, however magnificent or minute, should alter our judgment from the premises. Thirdly, is it not evident that man's greatness keeps even pace along the scale of magnitude with the widening creation, since it is his mind that sees and comprehends how wondrous the dimensions of the universe are? The number of stars and the limits of space are not more astounding than it is that he should be capable of knowing such things, enumerating and staking them off. When man has measured the distance and weighed the bulk of Sirius, it is more appropriate to kneel in amazement before the inscrutable mystery of his genius, the irrepressible soaring of his soul, than to sink in despair under the swinging of those lumps of dirt in their unapproachable spheres because they are so gigantic! The appearance of the creation to man is not vaster than his perception of it. They are exactly correlated by the very terms of the statement. As the astronomic world expands, the astronomer's mind dilates and must be as large as it in order to contain it in thought. What we lose in relative importance from the enlargement of the boundaries of the universe we gain from the new revelation of our capacities that is made through these transcendent achievements of our science. That we are favorites of the Creator and destined for immortal glories is therefore logically and morally just as credible after looking through Herschel's forty feet reflector and reading La Place's Mecanique Celeste as it would be were this planet, suspended in a hollow dome, the entirety of material being. Furthermore, we can reason only from the data we have; and, doing that, we should conclude, from the intrinsic and incomparable superiority of spirit to matter, that man and his kindred scattered in families over all the orbs of space were the especial objects of the infinite Author's care. They are fitted by their filial attributes to commune with Him in praise and love. They know the prodigious and marvellous works of mechanical nature; mechanical nature knows nothing. Man can return his Maker's blessing in voluntary obedience and thanks; matter is inanimate clay for the Potter's moulding. Turning from the gleaming wildernesses of star land to the intellect and heart, appreciating the infinite problems and hopes with which they deal and aspire, we feel the truth expressed by Wordsworth in his tremendous lines: "I must, aloft ascending, breathe in worlds To which the heaven of heavens is but a veil. Not chaos, darkest pit of Erebus, Nor aught of blinder vacancy, scoop'd out By help of dreams, can breed such fear and awe As fall upon us often when we look Into our minds, into the mind of man." Is not one noble thought of truth, one holy emotion of love, one divine impulse of devotion, better than a whole planet of mud, a whole solar system of gas and dust? Who would not rather be the soul that gauges the deeps, groups the laws, foretells the movements, of the universe, writing down in a brief mathematical formula a complete horoscope of the heavens as they will appear on any given night thousands of years hence, than to be all that array of swooping systems? To think the world is to be superior to the world. That which appreciates is akin to that which makes; and so we are the Creator's children, and these crowding nebula, packed with orbs as thick as the ocean beach with sands, are the many mansions of the House fitted up for His abode and ours. An only prince would be of more consideration than a palace, although its foundation pressed the shoulders of Serpentarius, its turret touched the brow of Orion, and its wings reached from the Great Bear to the Phoenix. So a mind is of more importance than the material creation, and the moral condition of a man is of greater moment than the aspect of stellar firmaments. Another illustration of the truth we are considering is to be drawn from the idealist theory, to which so many of the ablest thinkers of the world have given their devoted adhesion, that matter is merely phenomenal, no substantial entity, but a transient show preserved in appearance for some ulterior cause, and finally, at the withdrawal or suspension of God's volition, to return into annihilating invisibility as swiftly as a flash of lightning. The solid seeming firmaments are but an exertion of Divine force projected into vision to serve for a season as a theatre for the training of spirits. When that process is complete, in the twinkling of an eye the phantasmal exhibition of matter will disappear, leaving only the ideal realm of indestructible things, souls with their inward treasures remaining in their native sphere of the infinite, while the outward universe "Doth vanish like a ghost before the sun." The same practical result may also be reached by a different path, may be attained by the road of physics as well as by that of transcendental metaphysics. For Newton has given in his Principia a geometrical demonstration of the infinite compressibility of matter. All the worlds, therefore, that cluster in yon swelling vault can be condensed into a single globe of the size of a walnut; and then, on that petty lump of apparent substance, the enfranchised soul might trample in an exultation of magnanimous scorn upon the whole universe of earths, and soar through its own unlimited dominion, Monarch of Immortality, the snatched glory of shrunken firmaments flashing from its deathless wings. Finally, a proper comprehension of the idea of God will neutralize the skepticism and despondency sometimes stealthily nourished or crushingly impressed by contemplations of the immensity of nature. If one, from regarding the cold and relentless mechanism of the surrounding system, tremble for fear of there being no kind Overruler, let him gaze on the warm beauty that flushes the countenance of day, the mystic meditativeness that hangs on the pensive and starry brow of night, let him follow the commanding instincts of his own heart, and he will find himself clinging in irresistible faith and filial love to the thought of an infinite Father. If still the atheistic sentiment obtrudes upon him and oppresses him, let him observe how every spot of immensity whereon the eye of science has fallen is crowded with unnumbered amazing examples of design, love, beneficence, and he will perceive that the irrefragable lines of argument drawn through the boundless spaces of creation light up the stupendous contour of God and show the expression of his features to be love. It seems as though any man acquainted with the truths and magnitudes of astronomy, who, after seeing the star strewn abysses, would look in his mirror and ask if the image reflected there is that of the greatest being in the universe, would need nothing further to convince him that a God, the Creator, Preserver, Sovereign, lives. And then, if, mistakenly judging from his own limitations, he thinks that the particular care of all the accumulated galaxies of worlds, every world perhaps teeming with countless millions of conscious creatures, would transcend the possibilities even of God, a moment's reflection will dissolve that sophistry in the truth that God is infinite, and that to his infinite attributes globule and globe are alike, the oversight of the whole and of each part a matter of instantaneous and equal ease. Still further: if this abstract truth be insufficient to support faith and bestow peace, what will he say to the visible fact that all the races of beings, and all the clusters of worlds, from the motes in a sunbeam to the orbs of the remotest firmament, are now taken care of by Divine Providence? God now keeps them all in being and order, unconfused by their multiplicity, unoppressed by their magnitude, and not for an instant forgetting or neglecting either the mightiest or the least. Morbidly suspicious, perversely incredulous, must be the mind that denies, since it is so now in this state, that it may be so as well in the other state and forever! Grasping the conception of one God, who creates, rules, and loves all, man may unpresumptuously feel himself to be a child of the Infinite and a safe heir of immortality. Looking within and without, and soaring in fancy amidst the blue and starry altitudes interspersed with blazing suns and nebulous oceans, he may cry, from a sober estimate of all the experimental and phenomenal facts within his reach, "Even here I feel, Among these mighty things, that as I am I am akin to God; that I am part Of the use universal, and can grasp Some portion of that reason in the which The whole is ruled and founded; that I have A spirit nobler in its cause and end, Lovelier in order, greater in its powers, Than all these bright and swift immensities." Perhaps the force of these arguments may be better condensed and expressed by help of an individual illustration. While the pen is forming these words, the announcement of the death of Dr. Kane saddens the world. Alas that the gallant heart no longer beats, the story of whose noble generosity and indomitable prowess has just thrilled the dull nations of men of meaner mould! Who even though standing before a telescope under the full architecture of the heavens can believe that that maiden soul of heroism and devotion is now but an extinguished spark, that the love, honor, intelligence, self sacrificing consecration which enswathed him as with a saintly halo have all gone out? Turning from that pale form, stretched on the couch of death in fatal Cuba, through the receding gulfs of space where incomputable systems of worlds are wheeling on their eternal courses, and then looking back again from the noiseless glitter and awful bulk of the creation, do you despair of the immortal consequence of the poor sufferer whose fleshly moorings to existence are successively loosening at every gasp? Ah, remember that Matter and the Soul are not alone! Far above that clay bound, struggling soul, and far above those measureless, firmamental masses, is God, the Maker of them both, and the Lover of his child. Glancing in His omniscience down upon that human death couch, around which affectionate prayers are floating from every part of the earth, and from whose pallid occupant confiding sighs are rising to His ear, He sees the unutterable mysteries of yearning thought, emotion, and power, which are the hidden being of man, and which so ally the filial spirit to the parent Divinity. As beneath His gaze the faithful soul of Elisha Kane slowly extricating itself from its overwrought tabernacle, and also extricating itself from the holy network of heart strings which sixty millions of men speaking one speech have flung around him, if haply so they might retain him to earth to take their love and waiting honors rises into the invisible, seeking to return, bearing its virgin purity with it, to the bosom of God, will He overlook it, or carelessly spurn it into night, because the banks of stars are piled up so thick and high that they absorb His regards? My soul, come not thou into the counsels of them that think so! It should not be believed though astronomy were a thousand times astronomy. But it shall rather be thought that, ere now, the brave American has discovered the Mariner whom he sought, though sailing on far other seas, where there is no destroying winter and no need of rescue. In association with the measureless spaces and countless worlds brought to light by astronomic science naturally arises the question whether the other worlds are, like our earth, peopled with responsible intelligences. In ancient times the stars were not generally thought to be worlds, but to be persons, genii or gods. At the dawn of creation "the morning stars sang together;" that is, "the sons of God shouted for joy." The stars were the living army of "Jehovah of hosts." At the time when the theological dogmas now prevalent were first conceived, the greatness and glory of the universe were supposed to centre on this globe. The fortunes of man wellnigh absorbed, it was imagined, the interest of angels and of God. The whole creation was esteemed a temporary theatre for the enactment of the sublime drama of the fall and redemption of man. The entire heavens with all their host were thought to revolve in satellite dependence around this stationary and regal planet. For God to hold long, anxious, repeated councils to devise means to save us, was not deemed out of keeping with the relative dignity of the earth and the human race. But at length the progress of discovery put a different aspect on the physical conditions of the problem. The philosopher began to survey man's habitation and history, and to estimate man's comparative rank and destiny, not from the stand point of a solitary planet dating back only a few thousand years, but in the light of millions of centuries of duration and from a position among millions of crowded firmaments whence our sun appears as a dim and motionless star. This new vision of science required a new construction of theology. The petty and monstrous notions of the ignorant superstition of the early age needed rectification. In the minds of the wise and devout few this was effected; but with the great majority the two sets of ideas existed side by side in unreconciled confusion and contradiction, as they even continue to do unto this day. When it came to be believed that the universe teemed with suns, moons, and planets, composed of material substances, subject to day and night, and various other laws and changes, like our own abode, it was natural to infer that these innumerable worlds were also inhabited by rational creatures akin to ourselves and capable of worshipping God. Numerous considerations, possessing more or less weight, were brought forward to confirm such a conclusion. The most striking presentation ever made of the argument, perhaps, is that in Oersted's essay on the "Universe as a Single Intellectual Realm." It became the popular faith, and is undoubtedly more so now than ever before. Towards the end of the seventeenth century a work was published in explicit support of this faith by Fontenelle. It was entitled "Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds," and had marked success, running through many editions. A few years later, Huygens wrote a book, called "Cosmotheoros," in maintenance of the same thesis. The more this doctrine obtained root and life in the convictions of men, the more strongly its irreconcilableness with the ordinary theology must have made itself felt by fearless and competent thinkers. Could a quadrillion firmaments loaded with stars, each inhabited by its own race of free intelligences, all be burned up and destroyed in the Day of Judgment provoked on this petty grain of dust by the sin of Adam? 32 Were the stars mere sparks and spangles stuck in heaven for us to see by, it would be no shock to our reason to suppose that they might be extinguished with our extinction; but, grasping the truths of astronomy as they now lie in the brain of a master in science, we can no longer think of God expelling our race from the joys of being and then quenching the splendors of his hall "as an innkeeper blows out the lights when the dance is at an end." God rules and over rules all, and serenely works out his irresistible ends, incapable of wrath or defeat. Would it be more incongruous for Him to be angry with an ant hill and come down to trample it, than to be so with the earth and appear in vindictive fire to annihilate it? From time to time, in the interests of the antiquated ideas, doubts have been raised as to the validity of the doctrine of stellar worlds stocked with intellectual families.33 Hegel, either imbued with that Gnostic contempt and hatred for matter which described the earth as "a dirt ball for the extrication of light spirits," or from an obscure impulse of pantheistic thought, sullies the stars with every demeaning phrase, even stigmatizing them as "pimples of light." Michelet, a disciple of Hegel, followed his example, and, in a work published in 1840, strove vigorously to aggrandize the earth and man at the expense of the accepted teachings of astronomy.34 With argument and ridicule, wit and reason, he endeavored to make it out that the stars are no better than gleaming patches of vapor. We are the exclusive autocrats of all immensity. Whewell has followed up this species of thought with quite remarkable adroitness, force, and brilliance.35 Whether his motive in this undertaking is purely scientific and artistic, or whether he is impelled by a fancied religious animus, having been bitten by some theological fear which has given him the astrophobia, does not clearly appear. 32 As specimens of the large number of treatises which have been published asserting the destruction of the whole creation in the Day of Judgment, the following may be consulted. Osiander, De Consummatione Saculi Dissertationum Pentus. Lund, De Excidio Universi Totali et Substantiali. Frisch, Die Welt im Feuer, oder das wahre Vergehen und Ende der Welt durch den letzen Sundenbrand. For a century past the opinion has been gaining favor that the great catastrophe will be confined to our earth, and that even this is not to be annihilated, but to be transformed, purged, and beautified by the crisis. See, e. g., Brumhey, Ueber die endliche Umwandlung der Erde durch Feuer. 33 Kurtz, Bibel and Astronomie. Simonton's Eng. trans., ch. vi. sect. 14: Incarnation of God. 34 Vorlesungen uber die ewige Personlichkeit des Geistes. 35 Of a Plurality of Worlds: An Essay. Brewster has replied to Whewell's disturbing essay in a volume which more commands our sympathies and carries our reason, but is less sustained in force and less close in logic.36 Powell has still more recently published a very valuable treatise on the subject;37 and with this work the discussion rests thus far, leaving, as we believe, the popular faith in an astronomic universe of inhabited worlds unshaken, however fatal the legitimate implications of that faith may be to other doctrines simultaneously held.38 It is curious to observe the shifting positions taken up by skepticism in science, now, with powerful recoil from the narrow bigotries of theology, eagerly embracing the sublimest dreams of astronomic speculation, and now inclining to the faith that the remoter stars are but brilliant globules trickling from the poles of some terrible battery in the godless heights of space. But if there be any thing sure in science at all, it is that the material creation is inconceivably vast, including innumerable systems, and all governed by invariable laws. But let us return from this episode. The foregoing sixfold argument, preserving us from the remorseless grasp of annihilation, leaves to us unchanged the problem of the relations which shall be sustained by the disembodied soul to time and space, the question as to the locality of the spirit world, the scene of our future life. Sheol, Hades, Tartarus, Valhalla with its mead brimmed horns, Blessed Isles, Elysium, supernal Olympus, firmamental Heaven, paradisal Eden, definite sites of celestial Worlds for departed souls, the Chaldee's golden orbs, the Sanscrit Meru, the Indian Hunting Ground, the Moslem's love bowers, and wine rivers, and gem palaces thronged with dark eyed houris, these notions, and all similar ones, of material residences for spirits, located and bounded, we must dismiss as dreams and cheats of the childish world's unripe fancy. There is no evidence for any thing of that coarse, crude sort. The fictitious theological Heaven is a deposit of imagination on the azure ground of infinity, like a bird's nest on Himalaya. What, then, shall we say? Why, in the first place, that, while there are reasons enough and room enough for an undisheartened faith in the grand fact of human immortality, it is beyond our present powers to establish any detailed conclusions in regard to its locality or its scenery. But surely, in the second place, we should say that it becomes us, when reflecting on the scenes to be opened to us at death, to rise to a more ideal and sublime view than any of those tangible figments which were the products of untrained sensual imagination and gross materialistic theory. When the fleshly prison walls of the mind fall, its first inheritance is a stupendous freedom. The narrow limits that caged it here are gone, and it lives in an ethereal sphere with no impeding bounds. Leaving its natal threshold of earth and the lazar house of time, its home is immensity, and its lease is eternity. Even in our present state, to a true 36 More Worlds than One the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian. 37 Essay on the Unity or Plurality of Worlds. See, furthermore, in Westminster Review, July, 1858, Recent Astronomy and the Nebular Hypothesis. 38 Volger, Erde and Ewigkeit. (Natural History of the Earth as a Periodical Process of Development in Opposition to the Unnatural Geology of Revolutions and Catastrophes.) Treise, Dag Endlose der grossen und der kleinen materiellen Welt. thinker there is no ascent or descent or terminating wall in space, but equal motion illimitably in all directions; and no absolute standard of duration, only a relative and variable one from the insect of an hour, to man, to an archangel, to that incomprehensible Being whose shortest moments are too vast to be noted by the awful nebula of the Hour Glass, although its rushing sands are systems of worlds. The soul emerges from earthly bondage emancipated into eternity, while "The ages sweep around him with their wings, Like anger'd eagles cheated of their prey." We have now sufficient premonitions and examples of this wondrous enlargement to base a rational belief on. What hems us in when we think, feel, and imagine? And what is the heaven that shall dawn for us beyond the veil of death's domain but the realm of Thought, the sphere of the spirit's unhampered powers? There are often vouchsafed to us here hours of outsoaring emotion and conception which make the enclosures in which the astronomer loiters seem narrow. "His skies are shoal, and imagination, like a thirsty traveller, pants to be through their desert. The roving mind impatiently bursts the fetters of astronomical orbits, like cobwebs in a corner of its universe, and launches itself to where distance fails to follow, and law, such as science has discovered, grows weak and weary." There are moods of spiritual expansion and infinite longing that illustrate the train of thought so well expressed in the following lines: "Even as the dupe in tales Arabian Dipp'd but his brow beneath the beaker's brim, And in that instant all the life of man From youth to age roll'd its slow years on him, And, while the foot stood motionless, the soul Swept with deliberate wing from pole to pole; So when the man the Grave's still portal passes, Closed on the substances or cheats of earth, The Immaterial, for the things earth glasses, Shapes a new vision from the matter's dearth: Before the soul that sees not with our eyes The undefined Immeasurable lies." 39 Then we realize that the spiritual world does not form some now unseen and distant region of the visible creation, but that the astronomic universe is a speck lying in the invisible bosom of the spiritual world. "Space is an attribute of God in which all matter is laid, and other attributes he may have which are the home of mind and soul." We suppose the difference between the present embodied and the future disembodied state to be so vast that the conditions of the latter cannot be intelligibly illustrated by the analogies of the former. It is not to be expected that the human soul will ever be absolutely independent of time and space, literally transcending them, but only relatively so as compared with its earthly predicament. 39 Bulwer, King Arthur, book xi. For, as an able thinker and writer a philosopher of the Swedenborgian school, too has said, "The conception of a mind absolutely sundered from all connection with space is a mere pretence which words necessarily repudiate." The soul on the hypothesis that there is a soul is now in the body. Evidently, on leaving the body, it must either be nowhere, and that is annihilation, which the vehement totality of our thought denies; or everywhere, and that implies infinity, the loss of finite being in boundless Deity, a conclusion which we know of nothing to warrant; or somewhere, and that predicates a surviving individuality related to surrounding externals, which is the prophesied and satisfactory result in which we rest in faith, humbly confessing our ignorance as to all the minutia. It does not necessarily follow from this view, however, that the soul is limited to a fixed region in space. It may have the freedom of the universe. More wonders, and sublimer than mortal fancies have ever suspected, are waiting to be revealed when we die: "For this life is but being's first faint ray, And heaven on heaven make up God's dazzling day." We are here living unconsciously engirt by another universe than the senses can apprehend, thinly veiled, but real, and waiting for us with hospitable invitation. "What are those dream like and inscrutable thoughts which start up in moments of stillness, apparently as from the deeps, like the movement of the leaves during a silent night, in prognostic of the breeze that has yet scarce come, if not the rustlings of schemes and orders of existence near though unseen?" Perchance the range of the abode and destiny of the soul after death is all immensity. The interstellar spaces, which we usually fancy are barren deserts where nonentity reigns, may really be the immortal kingdom colonized by the spirits who since the beginning of the creation have sailed from the mortal shores of all planets. They may be the crowded aisles of the universal temple trod by bright throngs of worshipping angels. The soul's home, the heaven of God, may be suffused throughout the material universe, ignoring the existence of physical globes and galaxies. So light and electricity pervade some solid bodies, as if for them there were no solidity. So, doubtless, there are millions of realities around us utterly eluding our finest senses. "A fact," Emerson says, "is the last issue of spirit," and not its entire extent. "The visible creation is the terminus of the invisible world," and not the totality of the universe. There are gradations of matter and being, from the rock to the flower, from the vegetable to man. Is it most probable that the scale breaks abruptly there, or that other ranks of spiritual existence successively rise peopling the seeming abysses unto the very confines of God? "Can every leaf a teeming world contain, Can every globule gird a countless race, Yet one death slumber in its dreamless reign Clasp all the illumed magnificence of space? Life crowd a grain, from air's vast realms effaced? The leaf a world, the firmament a waste?" An honest historical criticism forces us, however reluctantly, to loose our hold from the various supposed localities of the soul's destination, which have pleased the fancies and won the assent of mankind in earlier times. But it cannot touch the simple and cardinal fact of an immortal life for man. It merely forces us to acknowledge that while the fact stands clear and authoritative to instinct, reason, and faith, yet the how, and the where, and all such problems, are wrapped in unfathomable mystery. We are to obey and hope, not dissect and dogmatize. However the fantastic dreams of the imagination and the subtle speculations of the intellect may shift from time to time, and be routed and vanish, the deep yearning of the heart remains the same, the divine polarity of the reason changes not, and men will never cease fondly to believe that although they cannot tell where heaven is, yet surely there is a heaven reserved for them somewhere within the sheltering embrace of God's infinite providence. We may not say of that kingdom, Lo, here! or Lo, there! but it is wherever God's approving presence extends: and is that not wherever the pure in heart are found? 40 Let every elysian clime the breezes blow over, every magic isle the waves murmur round, every subterranean retreat fancy has devised, every cerulean region the moon visits, every planet that hangs afar on the neck of night, be disenchanted of their imaginary charms, and brought, by the advance of discovery, within the relentless light of familiarity, for the common gaze of fleshly eyes and tread of vulgar feet, still the prophetic MIND would not be robbed of its belief in immortality; still the unquenchable instincts of the HEART would retain, uninjured, the great expectation of ANOTHER WORLD, although no traveller returns from its voiceless bourne to tell in what local direction it lies, no voyager comes back from its mystic port to describe its latitude and longitude on the chartless infinite of space. Turn we now from the lateral distribution of notions as to a future life, to their lineal development. We have seen that the development of belief as to the locality of our future destination has been a chase of places, over the earth, under the earth, through the sky, as fast as the unknown was brought within the known, until it has stopped at the verge of the unknowable. There we stand, confessing our inability to fix the scene. The doctrine of the conditions and contents of the future life has followed the same course as that of its locality. In the first stage of belief the future life consists of the gross conditions and materials of the known present reflected, under the impulse of the senses, into the unknown future. This style of faith prevailed for a vast period, and is not yet obsolete. When the King of Dahomey has done a great feat, he kills a man to carry the tidings to the ghost of his royal father. When he dies himself, a host are killed, that he may enter Deadland with a becoming cortege. His wives also are slain, or commit suicide, that they may rejoin him. The second stage of belief is reached when, under the ethical impulse, only certain refined elements of the present, discriminated portions of the products of reason, imagination and sentiment, are reflected into the future, and accepted as the facts of the life there. Critical processes, applied to thought and faith, cause the rejection of much that was received. That alone which answers to our wants, and has coherence, continues to be held 40 Chalmers, Sermon, Heaven a Character and not a Locality. as truth. An example is afforded by Augustine in his essay, De Libero Arbitrio. He argues that the wicked are kept in being on the out skirts of the material universe; partly wretched, partly happy; too bad for heaven, too good for annihilation; incapable of attaining the summit of their beatified destiny. Not the crude reflection of the present state, but a criticized and purged portion of the results of speculation on it, is thrown forward, and composes the doctrine of the future life. This is the condition of faith in which civilized mankind, for the most part, now are. The third stage of development is that wherein the thinker perceives that it is illegitimate to reflect into the future any of the realities or relations of the present, and then to regard them as the truths of the experience which awaits him after death. His experience here is the resultant of his faculties as related to the universe. Destroy his organization, and what follows? One will say, "Nonentity." Another, more wise and modest, will say, "Something necessarily unknown as yet." We have no better right to project into the ideal space of futurity the ingredients of our thoughts than we have to project there the objects of our senses. Bunsen, whose thought and scholarship included pretty much all the knowledge of mankind, represents this stage of faith. He stands on the religious side of the movement of Science, believing in immortality without defining it. Comte stands on the positivist side, blankly denying all objective immortality. These two represent the results in which, advancing from its opposite sides, the logical development of the doctrine of a future life ends. With Comte, atheistic dogmatism crushing every eternal hope; with Bunsen, Christian faith pointing the child to an eternal home in the Father. For all but fetichistic minds the only choice lies between these two. Таким образом, органическая эволюция учения о грядущей жизни - это процесс веры, начинающийся с грубого переноса элементов настоящего в будущее, продолжающегося с уточненными модификациями этого переноса, заканчивающегося полным прекращением его как неприменимо и некомпетентно. Изучив все исторические, экспериментальные и научные данные в пределах нашей досягаемости, мы останавливаемся на краю ЧАСТИ, о котором мы знаем, и ожидаем с спокойным доверием, хотя и с поклонившейся головой и тихой губой, перед НЕИЗВЕСТНЫМ ВЕСОМ. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Учения Христа о будущей жизни IN, приближаясь к учению самого Спасителя о будущей судьбе человека, мы должны сбросить вес верований и предрассудков и с помощью всех приборов, находящихся в нашей власти, стремиться достичь под изображениями и несущественными особенностями его инструкции, чтобы узнать их голый смысл в истине. Это осложняется особыми извращениями, которые претерпела его религия; потере полного знания об особенностях мессианского века в последние века; почти всеобщим изменением в наших ассоциациях, режимах чувств и мысли, стилях речи; и постепенным наращиванием и упрочением лживых доктрин и сектантских предубеждений и смелости. Когда мы исследуем слова Христа, чтобы найти их реальный смысл, Во-первых, мы не должны забывать поэтический восточный стиль, общий для еврейских пророков; их символические изречения в смелых фигурах речи: «Я дверь»; «Я - хлеб жизни»; «Я виноградная лоза». «Мои овцы слышат мой голос». «Если они будут поддерживать свой мир, камни сразу будут кричать». Этот смелый символический язык был естественным для восточных народов; и Библия полна его. Прогнозируется ли свержение страны? Не сказано: «Вавилон будет уничтожен», но «солнце померкнет при его выходе, луна будет как кровь, звезды падут с неба, и земля будет шататься туда и сюда, как пьяный человек «. Если бы мы действительно понимали заявления Христа, мы не должны упускать из виду характеристики образного языка. Для " Во-вторых, мы должны помнить, что у нас есть лишь фрагментарные сообщения о небольшой части учения Христа. Он был вовлечен в активное преследование своей миссии, вероятно, около трех лет, в кратчайшие сроки более одного года; в то время как все разные слова его, записанные в Новом Завете, не занимали бы более пяти часов. Только небольшая часть того, что он сказал, была передана нам; и хотя эта часть может содержать сущность целого, но в некоторых случаях она должна, естественно, быть неясной и трудной для понимания. Поэтому мы должны сравнивать разные отрывки друг с другом, тщательно исследовать их все и объяснять, насколько это возможно, тем, чье значение остается верным теми, смысл которых очевиден. Некоторые люди могут быть удивлены, думая, что у нас есть лишь небольшая часть изречений Иисуса. Однако факт неоспоримый. И, возможно, нет больше причин, по которым мы должны иметь полный отчет о его словах, чем есть, что мы должны иметь полное описание его действий; и евангелист заявляет: «Есть и много других вещей, которые сделал Иисус, которым, если они должны быть написаны, я полагаю, что даже сам мир не мог содержать книги». В-третьих, при изучении инструкций Иисуса мы должны вспомнить, что он принял и применил к себе и к своему царству общую еврейскую фразеологию о Мессии и событиях, которые ожидали присутствовать на его приходе и царствовании. Но он не принимал эти фразы в извращенном смысле, содержащемся в коррумпированных мнениях и земных надеждах на евреев: он использовал их духовно, в том смысле, который соответствовал истинному мессианскому устроению, как это было устроено в предсказательном провидении Бога. Никакое расследование Нового Завета не должно сопровождаться соблюдением фундаментальной нормы толкования, а именно, что страсть книги, особенно древней, неясной и фрагментарной книги, должна наполнять себя настолько тщательно, насколько он может со знанием и дух мнений, событий, влияний, обстоятельств, времени, когда документ был написан, и лиц, которые его написали. Исследователь должен быть оборудован для своей задачи овладением раввинизмом Гамалиила, под ногами которого воспитывался Павел; ибо еврейский ум того возраста был наполнен, и его религиозный язык был направлен этим раввинизмом. Руководствуясь этим принципом, снабженным необходимой информацией, в полезном свете лучших результатов современной критической науки, мы сможем объяснить многие темные тексты и убедиться, по крайней мере, в какой-то степени, в отношении подлинного вещества из заявлений Христа, затрагивающих будущие судьбы людей. ибо еврейский ум того возраста был наполнен, и его религиозный язык был направлен этим раввинизмом. Руководствуясь этим принципом, снабженным необходимой информацией, в полезном свете лучших результатов современной критической науки, мы сможем объяснить многие темные тексты и убедиться, по крайней мере, в какой-то степени, в отношении подлинного вещества из заявлений Христа, затрагивающих будущие судьбы людей. ибо еврейский ум того возраста был наполнен, и его религиозный язык был направлен этим раввинизмом. Руководствуясь этим принципом, снабженным необходимой информацией, в полезном свете лучших результатов современной критической науки, мы сможем объяснить многие темные тексты и убедиться, по крайней мере, в какой-то степени, в отношении подлинного вещества из заявлений Христа, затрагивающих будущие судьбы людей. Finally, he who studies the New Testament with patient thoroughness and with honest sharpness will arrive at a distinction most important to be made and to be kept in view, namely, a distinction between the real meaning of Christ's words in his own mind and the actual meaning understood in them by his auditors and reporters.1 Here we approach a most delicate and vital point, hitherto too little noticed, but destined yet to become prominent and fruitful. A large number of religious phrases were in common use among the Jews at the time of Jesus. He adopted them, but infused into them a deeper, a correct meaning, as Copernicus did into the old astronomic formulas. But the bystanders who listened to his discourses, hearing the familiar terms, seized the familiar meaning, and erroneously attributed it to him. It is certain that the Savior was often misunderstood and often not understood at all. When he declared himself the Messiah, the people would have made him a king by force! Even the apostles frequently grossly failed to appreciate his spirit and aims, wrenched unwarrantable inferences from his words, and quarrelled for the precedency in his coming kingdom and for seats at his right hand. In numerous cases it is glaringly plain that his ideas were far from their conceptions of them. We have no doubt the same was true in many other instances where it is not so clear. He repeatedly reproves them for folly and slowness because they did not perceive the sense of his instructions. Perhaps there was a slight impatience in his tones when he said, "How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?" Jesus uttered in established phrases new and profoundly spiritual thoughts. The apostles educated in, and full of, as they evidently were, the dogmas, prejudices, and 1 See this distinction affirmed by De Wette, in the preface to his Commentatio de Morte Jesus Christi Expiatoria. See also Thurn, Jesus und seine Apostel in Widerspruch in Ansehung der Lehre von der Ewigcn Verdamnniss. In Scherer's Schriftforsch. sect. i. nr. 4. hopes of their age and land would naturally, to some extent, misapprehend his meaning. Then, after a tumultuous interval, writing out his instructions from memory, how perfectly natural that their own convictions and sentiments would have a powerful influence in modifying and shaping the animus and the verbal expressions in their reports! Under the circumstances, that we should now possess the very equivalents of his words with strict literalness, and conveying his very intentions perfectly translated from the Aramaan into the Greek tongue, would imply the most sustained and amazing of all miracles. There is nothing whatever that indicates any such miraculous intervention. There is nothing to discredit the fair presumption that the writers were left to their own abilities, under the inspiration of an earnest consecrating love and truthfulness. And we must, with due limitations, distinguish between the original words and conscious meaning of the sublime Master, illustrated by the emphasis and discrimination of his looks, tones, and gestures, and the apprehended meaning recorded long afterwards, shaped and colored by passing through the minds and pens of the sometimes dissentient and always imperfect disciples. He once declared to them, "I have many things to say unto you, but ye are not able to bear them." Admitting his infallibility, as we may, yet asserting their fallibility, as we must, and accompanied, too, as his words now are by many very obscuring circumstances, it is extremely difficult to lay the hand on discriminated texts and say, "[non ASCII characters]" The Messianic doctrine prevalent among the Jews in the time of Jesus appears to have been built up little by little, by religious faith, national pride, and priestly desire, out of literal interpretations of figurative prophecy, and Cabalistic interpretations of plain language, and Rabbinical traditions and speculations, additionally corrupted in some particulars by intercourse with the Persians. Under all this was a central spiritual germ of a Divine promise and plan. A Messiah was really to come. It was in answering the questions, what kind of a king he was to be, and over what sort of a kingdom he was to reign, that the errors crept in. The Messianic conceptions which have come down to us through the Prophets, the Targums, incidental allusions in the New Testament, the Talmud, and the few other traditions and records yet in existence, are very diverse and sometimes contradictory. They agreed in ardently looking for an earthly sovereign in the Messiah, one who would rise up in the line of David and by the power of Jehovah deliver his people, punish their enemies, subdue the world to his sceptre, and reign with Divine auspices of beneficence and splendor. They also expected that then a portion of the dead would rise from the under world and assume their bodies again, to participate in the triumphs and blessings of his earthly kingdom. His personal reign in Judea was what they usually meant by the phrases "the kingdom of heaven," "the kingdom of God." The apostles cherished these ideas, and expressed them in the terms common to their countrymen. But we cannot doubt that Jesus employed this and kindred language in a purer and deeper sense, which we must take pains to distinguish from the early and lingering errors associated with it. Upon the threshold of our subject we meet with predictions of a second coming of Christ from heaven, with power and glory, to sit on his throne and judge the world. The portentous imagery in which these prophecies are clothed is taken from the old prophets; and to them we must turn to learn its usage and force. The Hebrews called any signal manifestation of power especially any dreadful calamity a coming of the Lord. It was a coming of Jehovah when his vengeance strewed the ground with the corpses of Sennacherib's host; when its storm swept Jerusalem as with fire, and bore Israel into bondage; when its sword came down upon Idumea and was bathed in blood upon Edom. "The day of the Lord" is another term of precisely similar import. It occurs in the Old Testament about fifteen times. In every instance it means some mighty manifestation of God's power in calamity. These occasions are pictured forth with the most astounding figures of speech. Isaiah describes the approaching destruction of Babylon in these terms: "The stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall give no light; the sun shall be darkened, the moon shall not shine, the heavens shall shake, and the earth shall remove out of her place and be as a frightened sheep that no man taketh up." The Jews expected that the coming of the Messiah would be preceded by many fearful woes, in the midst of which he would appear with peerless pomp and might. The day of his coming they named emphatically the day of the Lord. Jesus actually appeared, not, as they expected, a warrior travelling in the greatness of his strength, with dyed garments from Bozrah, staining his raiment with blood as he trampled in the wine vat of vengeance, but the true Messiah, God's foreordained and anointed Son, despised and rejected of men, bringing good tidings, publishing peace. It must have been impossible for the Jews to receive such a Messiah without explanations. Those few who became converts apprehended his Messianic language, at least to some extent, in the sense which previously occupied their minds. He knew that often he was not understood; and he frequently said to his followers, "Who hath ears to hear, let him hear." His disciples once asked him, "What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" He replied, substantially, "There shall be wars, famines, and unheard of trials; and immediately after the sun shall be darkened, the moon shall not give her light, the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. Then shall they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with great power. And he shall sit upon the throne of his glory, and all nations shall be gathered before him, and he shall separate them one from another." That this language was understood by the evangelists and the early Christians, in accordance with their Pharisaic notions, as teaching literally a physical reappearance of Christ on the earth, a resurrection, and a general judgment, we fully believe. Those ideas were prevalent at the time, are expressed in scores of places in the New Testament, and are the direct strong assertion of the words themselves. But that such was the meaning of Christ himself we much more than doubt. In the first place, in his own language in regard to his second coming there is not the least hint of a resurrection of the dead: the scene is confined to the living, and to the earth. Secondly, the figures which he employs in this connection are the same as those used by the Jewish prophets to denote great and signal events on the earth, and may be so taken here without violence to the idiom. Thirdly, he expressly fixed the date of the events he referred to within that generation; and if, therefore, he spoke literally, he was grossly in error, and his prophecies failed of fulfilment, a conclusion which we cannot adopt. To suppose that he partook in the false, mechanical dogmas of the carnal Jews would be equally irreconcilable with the common idea of his Divine inspiration, and with the profound penetration and spirituality of his own mind. He certainly used much of the phraseology of his contemporary countrymen, metaphorically, to convey his own purer thoughts. We have no doubt he did so in regard to the descriptions of his second coming. Let us state in a form of paraphrase what his real instructions on this point seem to us to have been: "You cannot believe that I am the Messiah, because I do not deliver you from your oppressors and trample on the Gentiles. Your minds are clouded with errors. The Father hath sent me to found the kingdom of peace and righteousness, and hath given me all power to reward and punish. By my word shall the nations of the earth be honored and blessed, or be overwhelmed with fire; and every man must stand before my judgment seat. The end of the world is at the doors. The Mosaic dispensation is about to be closed in the fearful tribulations of the day of the Lord, and my dispensation to be set up. When you see Jerusalem encompassed with armies, know that the day is at hand, and flee to the mountains; for not one stone shall be left upon another. Then the power of God will be shown on my behalf, and the sign of the Son of Man be seen in heaven. My truths shall prevail, and shall be owned as the criteria of Divine judgment. According to them, all the righteous shall be distinguished as my subjects, and all the iniquitous shall be separated from my kingdom. Some of those standing here shall not taste death till all these things be fulfilled. Then it will be seen that I am the Messiah, and that through the eternal principles of truth which I have proclaimed I shall sit upon a throne of glory, not literally, in person, as you thought, blessing the Jews and cursing the Gentiles, but spiritually, in the truth, dispensing joy to good men and woe to bad men, according to their deserts." Such we believe to be the meaning of Christ's own predictions of his second coming. He figuratively identifies himself with his religion according to that idiom by which it is written, "Moses hath in every city them that read him, being read in the synagogues every Sabbath day." His figure of himself as the universal judge is a bold personification; for he elsewhere says, "He that believeth in me believeth not in me, but in Him that sent me." And again, "He that rejecteth me, I judge him not: the word that I have spoken, that shall judge him." His coming in the clouds of heaven with great power and glory was when, at the destruction of Jerusalem, the old age closed and the new began, the obstacles to his religion were removed and his throne established on the earth.2 The apostles undoubtedly understood the doctrine differently; but that such was his own thought we conclude, because he did sometimes undeniably use figurative language in that way, and because the other meaning is an error, not in harmony either with his character, his mind, or his mission. This interpretation is so important that it may need to be illustrated and confirmed by further instances: "When the Son of Man sits on the throne of his glory, and all nations are gathered before him, his angels shall sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." A few such picturesque phrases have led to the general belief in a great world judgment at the end of the 2 NORTON, Statement of Reasons, Appendix. appointed time, after which the condemned are to be thrown into the tortures of an unquenchable world of flame. How arbitrary and violent a conclusion this is, how unwarranted and gross a perversion of the language of Christ it is, we may easily see. The fact that the old prophets often described fearful misfortunes and woes in images of clouds and flame and falling stars, and other portentous symbols, and that this style was therefore familiar to the Jews, would make it very natural for Jesus, in foretelling such an event as the coming destruction of Jerusalem, in conflagration and massacre, with the irretrievable subversion of the old dispensation, to picture it forth in a similar way. Fire was to the Jews a common emblem of calamity and devastation; and judgments incomparably less momentous than those gathered about the fall of Jerusalem and the dispersion of the self boasted favorites of Jehovah were often described by the prophets in appalling images of darkened planets, shaking heavens, clouds, fire, and blackness. Joel, speaking of a "day of the Lord," when there should be famine and drought, and a horrid army of destroying insects, "before whom a fire devoureth, and behind them a flame burneth," draws the scene in these terrific colors: "The earth shall quake before them; the sun and moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining; and the Lord shall utter his voice before his terrible army of locusts, caterpillars, and destroying worms:" Ezekiel represents God as saying, "The house of Israel is to me become dross: therefore I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem: as they gather silver, brass, iron, tin, and lead into the midst of the furnace to blow the fire upon it, so will I gather you, and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath, and ye shall be melted in the midst thereof." We read in Isaiah, "The Assyrian shall flee, and his princes shall be afraid, saith the Lord, whose fire is in Zion and his furnace in Jerusalem." Malachi also says, "The day cometh that shall burn as a furnace, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble, and shall be burned up root and branch. They shall be trodden as ashes beneath the feet of the righteous." The meaning of these passages, and of many other similar ones, is, in every instance, some severe temporal calamity, some dire example of Jehovah's retributions among the nations of the earth. Their authors never dreamed of teaching that there is a place of fire beyond the grave in which the wicked dead shall be tormented, or that the natural creation is finally to be devoured by flame. It is perfectly certain that not a single text in the Old Testament was meant to teach any such doctrine as that. The judgments shadowed forth in kindred metaphors by Christ are to be understood in the light of this fact. Their meaning is, that all unjust, cruel, false, impure men shall endure severe punishments. This general thought is fearfully distinct; but every thing beyond all details are left in utter obscurity. In the august scene of the King in judgment, when the sentence has been pronounced on those at the left hand, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels," it is written, "and they shall go away into everlasting punishment." It is obvious to remark that the imagery of a fiery prison built for Satan and the fallen angels, and into which the bad shall be finally doomed, is poetical language, or language of accommodation to the current notions of the time. These startling Oriental figures are used to wrap and convey the assertion that the wicked shall be severely punished according to their deserts. No literal reference seems to be made either to the particular time, to the special place, or to the distinctive character, of the punishment; but the mere fact is stated in a manner to fill the conscience with awe and to stamp the practical lesson vividly on the memory. But admitting the clauses apparently descriptive of the nature of this retribution to be metaphorical, yet what shall we think of its duration? Is it absolutely unending? There is nothing in the record to enable a candid inquirer to answer that question decisively. So far as the letter of Scripture is concerned, there are no data to give an indubitable solution to the problem. It is true the word "everlasting" is repeated; but, when impartially weighed, it seems a sudden rhetorical expression, of indefinite force, used to heighten the impressiveness of a sublime dramatic representation, rather than a cautious philosophical term employed to convey an abstract conception. There is no reason whatever for supposing that Christ's mind was particularly directed to the metaphysical idea of endlessness, or to the much more metaphysical idea of timelessness. The presumptive evidence is that he spoke popularly. Had he been charged to reveal a doctrine so tremendous, so awful, so unutterably momentous in its practical relations, as that of the endless close of all probation at death, is it conceivable that he would merely have couched it in a few figurative expressions and left it as a matter of obscure inference and uncertainty? No: in that case, he would have iterated and reiterated it, defined, guarded, illustrated it, and have left no possibility of honest mistake or doubt of it. The Greek word [non-ASCII characters], and the same is true of the corresponding Hebrew word, translated "everlasting" in the English Bible, has not in its popular usage the rigid force of eternal duration, but varies, is now applied to objects as evanescent as man's earthly life, now to objects as lasting as eternity.3 Its power in any given case is to be sought from the context and the reason of the thing. Isaiah, having threatened the unrighteous nations that they "should conceive chaff and bring forth stubble, that their own breath should be fire to devour them, and that they should be burnt like lime, like thorns cut up in the fire," makes the terror smitten sinners and hypocrites cry, "Who among us can dwell in devouring fire? Who among us can dwell in everlasting burnings?" Yet his reference is solely to an outward, temporal judgment in this world. The Greek adjective rendered "everlasting" is etymologically, and by universal usage, a term of duration, but indefinite, its extent of meaning depending on the subjects of which it is predicated. Therefore, when Christ connects this word with the punishment of the wicked, it is impossible to say with any certainty, judging from the language itself, whether he implies that those who die in their sins are hopelessly lost, perfectly irredeemable forever, or not, though the probabilities are very strongly in the latter direction. "Everlasting punishment" may mean, in philosophical strictness, a punishment absolutely eternal, or may be a popular expression denoting, with general indefiniteness, a very long duration. Since in all Greek literature, sacred and profane, [non-ASCII characters] is applied to things that end, ten times as often as it is to things immortal, no fair critic can assert positively that when it is connected with future punishment it has the stringent meaning of metaphysical endlessness. On the other hand, no one has any critical 3 See Christian Examiner for March, 1854, pp. 280-297. right to say positively that in such cases it has not that meaning. The Master has not explained his words on this point, but has left them veiled. We can settle the question itself concerning the limitedness or the unlimitedness of future punishment only on other grounds than those of textual criticism, even on grounds of enlightened reason postulating the cardinal principles of Christianity and of ethics. Will not the unimpeded Spirit of Christ lead all free minds and loving hearts to one conclusion? But that conclusion is to be held modestly as a trusted inference, not dogmatically as a received revelation. Another point in the Savior's teachings which it is of the utmost importance to understand is the sense in which he used the Jewish phrases "Resurrection of the Dead" and "Resurrection at the Last Day." The Pharisees looked for a restoration of the righteous from their graves to a bodily life. This event they supposed would take place at the appearance of the Messiah; and the time of his coming they called "the last day." So the Apostle John says, "Already are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time." Now, Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, clothed in his functions, though he interpreted those functions as carrying an interior and moral, not an outward and physical, force. "This is the will of Him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him should have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day." Again, when Martha told Jesus that "she knew her brother Lazarus would rise again in the resurrection at the last day," he replied, "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." This utterance is surely metaphorical; for belief in Jesus does not prevent physical dissolution. The thoughts contained in the various passages belonging to this subject, when drawn out, compared, and stated in general terms, seem to us to be as follows: "You suppose that in the last day your Messiah will restore the dead to live again upon the earth. I am the Messiah, and the last days have therefore arrived. I am commissioned by the Father to bestow eternal life upon all who believe on me; but not in the manner you have anticipated. The true resurrection is not calling the body from the tomb, but opening the fountains of eternal life in the soul. I am come to open the spiritual world to your faith. He that believeth in me and keepeth my commandments has passed from death unto life, become conscious that though seemingly he passes into the grave, yet really he shall live with God forever. The true resurrection is, to come into the experience of the truth that 'God is not the God of the dead, but of the living; for all live unto him.' Over the soul that is filled with such an experience, death has no power. Verily, I say unto, you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead, the ignorant and guilty, buried in trespasses and sins, shall hear these truths declared, and they that believe shall lay hold of the life thus offered and be blessed. The Father hath given me authority to execute judgment, that is, to lay down the principles by which men shall be judged according to their deserts. All mankind shall be judged in the spiritual state by the spirit and precepts of my religion as veritably as if in their graves the generations of the dead heard my voice and came forth, the good to blessedness, the evil to misery. The judgment which is, as it were, committed unto me, is not really committed unto me, but unto the truth which I declare; for of mine own self I can do nothing." We believe this paraphrase expresses the essential meaning of Christ's own declarations concerning a resurrection and an associated judgment. Coming to bring from the Father authenticated tidings of immortality, and to reveal the laws of the Divine judgment, he declared that those who believed and kept his words were delivered from the terror of death, and, knowing that an endless life of blessedness was awaiting them, immediately entered upon its experience. He did not teach the doctrine of a bodily restoration, but said, "In the resurrection," that is, in the spiritual state succeeding death, "they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of heaven." He did not teach the doctrine of a temporary sleep in the grave, but said to the penitent thief on the cross, "This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise:" instantly upon leaving the body their souls would be together in the state of the blessed. It is often said that the words of Jesus in relation to the dead hearing his voice and coming forth must be taken literally; for the metaphor is of too extreme violence. But it is in keeping with his usage. He says, "Let the dead bury their dead." It is far less bold than "This is my body; this is my blood." It is not nearly so strong as Paul's adjuration, "Awake, thou that sleepest, and rise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." It is not more daringly imaginative than the assertion that "the heroes sleeping in Marathon's gory bed stirred in their graves when Leonidas fought at Thermopyla; or than Christ's own words, "If thou hadst faith like a grain of mustard seed, thou couldst say to this mountain, Be thou cast into yonder sea, and it should obey you." So one might say, "Where'er the gospel comes, It spreads diviner light; It calls dead sinners from their tombs And gives the blind their sight." And in the latter days, when it has done its work, and the glorious measure of human redemption is full, liberty, intelligence, and love shall stand hand in hand on the mountain summits and raise up the long generations of the dead to behold the completed fruits of their toils. In this figurative moral sense Jesus probably spoke when he said, "Thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just." He referred simply to the rewards of the virtuous in the state beyond the grave. The phraseology in which he clothed the thought he accommodatingly adopted from the current speech of the Pharisees. They unquestionably meant by it the group of notions contained in their dogma of the destined physical restoration of the dead from their sepulchres at the advent of the Messiah. And it seems perfectly plain to us, on an impartial study of the record, that the evangelist, in reporting his words, took the Pharisaic dogma, and not merely the Christian truth, with them. But that Jesus himself modified and spiritualized the meaning of the phrase when he employed it, even as he did the other contemporaneous language descriptive of the Messianic offices and times, we conclude for two reasons. First, he certainly did often use language in that spiritual way, dressing in bold metaphors moral thoughts of inspired insight and truth. Secondly, the moral doctrine is the only one that is true, or that is in keeping with his penetrative thought. The notion of a physical resurrection is an error borrowed most likely from the Persians by the Pharisees, and not belonging to the essential elements of Christianity. The notion being prevalent at the time in Judea, and being usually expressed in certain appropriated phrases, when Christ used those phrases in a true spiritual sense the apostles would naturally apprehend from them the carnal meaning which already filled their minds in common with the minds of their countrymen. The word Hades, translated in the English New Testament by the word "hell," a word of nearly the same etymological force, but now conveying a quite different meaning, occurs in the discourses of Jesus only three several times. The other instances of its use are repetitions or parallels. First, "And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be brought down to the under world;" that is, the great and proud city shall become powerless, a heap of ruins. Second, "Upon this rock I will found my Church, and the gates of the under world shall not prevail against it;" that is, the powers of darkness, the opposition of the wicked, the strength of evil, shall not destroy my religion; in spite of them it shall assert its organization and overcome all obstacles. The remaining example of the Savior's use of this word is in the parable of Dives and Lazarus. The rich man is described, after death, as suffering in the under world. Seeing the beggar afar off in Abraham's bosom, he cries, "Father Abraham, pity me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame." Well known fancies and opinions are here wrought up in scenic form to convey certain moral impressions. It will be noticed that the implied division of the under world into two parts, with a gulf between them, corresponds to the common Gentile notion of an Elysian region of delightful meadows for the good and a Tartarean region of blackness and fire for the bad, both included in one subterranean kingdom, but divided by an interval. 4 The dramatic details of the account Lazarus being borne into bliss by angels, Dives asking to have a messenger sent from bale to warn his surviving brothers rest on opinions afloat among the Jews of that age, derived from the Persian theology. Zoroaster prays, "When I shall die, let Aban and Bahman carry me to the bosom of joy."5 And it was a common belief among the Persians that souls were at seasons permitted to leave purgatory and visit their relatives on earth.6 It is evident that the narrative before us is not a history to be literally construed, but a parable to be carefully analyzed. The imagery and the particulars are to be laid aside, and the central thoughts to be drawn forth. Take the words literally, that the rich man's immaterial soul, writhing in flames, wished the tip of a finger dipped in water to cool his tongue, and they are ridiculous. Take them figuratively, as a type of unknown spiritual anguish, and they are awful. Besides, had Christ intended to teach the doctrine of a local burning hell, he surely would have enunciated it in plain words, with solemn iteration and explanatory amplifications, instead of merely insinuating it incidentally, in metaphorical 4 See copious illustrations by Rosenmuller, in Luc. cap. xvi. 22, 23. "Hic locus est partes ubi se via findit in ambas: Dextera, qua Ditis magni sub moenia tendit; Hac iter Elysium nobis: at lava malorum Exercet poenas, et ad impia Tartara mittit." 5 Rhode, Heilige Sage des Zendvolks, s. 408. 6 Ibid. s. 410. terms, in a professed parable. The sense of the parable is, that the formal distinctions of this world will have no influence in the allotments of the future state, but will often be reversed there; that a righteous Providence, knowing every thing here, rules hereafter, and will dispense compensating justice to all; that men should not wait for a herald to rise from the dead to warn them, but should heed the instructions they already have, and so live in the life that now is, as to avoid a miserable condemnation, and secure a blessed acceptance, in the life that is to come. By inculcating these truths in a striking manner, through the aid of a parable based on the familiar poetical conceptions of the future world and its scenery, Christ no more endorses those conceptions than by using the Messianic phrases of the Jews he approves the false carnal views which they joined with that language. To interpret the parable literally, then, and suppose it meant to teach the actual existence of a located hell of fire for sinners after death, is to disregard the proprieties of criticism. "Gehenna," or the equivalent phrase, "Gehenna of fire," unfortunately translated into our tongue by the word "hell," is to be found in the teachings of Christ in only five independent instances, each of which, after tracing the original Jewish usage of the term, we will briefly examine. Gehenna, or the Vale of Hinnom, is derived from two Hebrew words, the first meaning a vale, the second being the name of its owner. The place thus called was the eastern part of the beautiful valley that forms the southern boundary of Jerusalem. Here Moloch, the horrid idol god worshipped by the Ammonites, and by the Israelites during their idolatrous lapses, was set up. This monstrous idol had the head of an ox and the body of a man. It was hollow; and, being filled with fire, children were laid in its arms and devoured alive by the heat. This explains the terrific denunciations uttered by the prophets against those who made their children pass through the fire to Moloch. The spot was sometimes entitled Tophet, a place of abhorrence; its name being derived, as some think, from a word meaning to vomit with loathing, or, as others suppose, from a word signifying drum, because drums were beaten to drown the shrieks of the burning children. After these horrible rites were abolished by Josiah, the place became an utter abomination. All filth, the offal of the city, the carcasses of beasts, the bodies of executed criminals, were cast indiscriminately into Gehenna. Fires were kept constantly burning to prevent the infection of the atmosphere from the putrifying mass. Worms were to be seen preying on the relics. The primary meaning, then, of Gehenna, is a valley outside of Jerusalem, a place of corruption and fire, only to be thought of with execration and shuddering. Now, it was not only in keeping with Oriental rhetoric, but also natural in itself, that figures of speech should be taken from these obvious and dreadful facts to symbolize any dire evil. For example, how naturally might a Jew, speaking of some foul wretch, and standing, perhaps, within sight of the place, exclaim, "He deserves to be hurled into the fires of Gehenna!" So the term would gradually become an accepted emblem of abominable punishment. Such was the fact; and this gives a perspicuous meaning to the word without supposing it to imply a fiery prison house of anguish in the future world. Isaiah threatens the King of Assyria with ruin in these terms: "Tophet is ordained of old, and prepared for the king: it is made deep and large; the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of Jehovah, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it." The prophet thus portrays, with the dread imagery of Gehenna, approaching disaster and overthrow. A thorough study of the Old Testament shows that the Jews, during the period which it covers, did not believe in future rewards and punishments, but expected that all souls without discrimination would pass their shadowy dream lives in the silence of Sheol. Between the termination of the Old Testament history and the commencement of the New, various forms of the doctrine of future retribution had been introduced or developed among the Jews. But during this period few, if any, decisive instances can be found in which the image of penal fire is connected with the future state. On the contrary, "darkness," "gloom," "blackness," "profound and perpetual night," are the terms employed to characterize the abode and fate of the wicked. Josephus says that, in the faith of the Pharisees, "the worst criminals were banished to the darkest part of the under world." Philo represents the depraved and condemned as "groping in the lowest and darkest part of the creation. The word Gehenna is rarely found in the literature of this time, and when it is it commonly seems to be used either simply to denote the detestable Vale of Hinnom, or else plainly as a general symbol of calamity and horror, as in the elder prophets. But in some of the Targums, or Chaldee paraphrases of the Hebrew Scriptures, especially in the Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel, we meet repeated applications of the word Gehenna to signify a punishment by fire in the future state.7 This is a fact about which there can be no question. And to the documents showing such a usage of the word, the best scholars are pretty well agreed in assigning a date as early as the days of Christ. The evidence afforded by these Targums, together with the marked application of the term by Jesus himself, and the similar general use of it immediately after both by Christians and Jews, render it not improbable that Gehenna was known to the contemporaries of the Savior as the metaphorical name of hell, a region of fire, in the under world, where the reprobate were supposed to be punished after death. But admitting that, before Christ began to teach, the Jews had modified their early conception of the under world as the silent and sombre abode of all the dead in common, and had divided it into two parts, one where the wicked suffer, called Gehenna, one where the righteous rest, called Paradise, still, that modification having been borrowed, as is historically evident, from the Gentiles, or, if developed among themselves, at all events unconnected with revelation, of course Christianity is not involved with the truth or falsity of it, is not responsible for it. It does not necessarily follow that Jesus gave precisely the same meaning to the word Gehenna that his contemporaries or successors did. He may have used it in a modified emblematic sense, as he did many other current terms. In studying his language, we should especially free our minds both from the tyranny of pre Christian notions and dogmas and from the associations and influences of modern creeds, and seek to interpret it in the light of his own instructions and in the spirit of his own mind. We will now examine the cases in which Christ uses the term Gehenna, and ask what it means. First: "Whosoever shall say to his brother, Thou vile wretch! shall be in danger of the fiery Gehenna." Interpret this literally, and it teaches that whosoever calls his brother a 7 Gesenius, Hebrew Thesaurus, Ge Hinnom. wicked apostate is in danger of being thrown into the filthy flames in the Vale of Hinnom. But no one supposes that such was its meaning. Jesus would say, as we understand him, "I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil, the law; to show how at the culmination of the old dispensation a higher and stricter one opens. I say unto you, that, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The conditions of acceptance under the new order are far more profound and difficult than under the old. That said, Whosoever commits murder shall be exposed to legal punishment from the public tribunal. This says, An invisible inward punishment, as much to be dreaded as the judgments of the Sanhedrim, shall be inflicted upon those who harbor the secret passions that lead to crime; whosoever, out of an angry heart, insults his brother, shall be exposed to spiritual retributions typified by the horrors of yon flaming valley. They of old time took cognizance of outward crimes by outward penalties. I take cognizance of inward sins by inward returns more sure and more fearful." Second: "If thy right eye be a source of temptation to thee, pluck it out and fling it away; for it is better for thee that one of thy members perish than that thy whole body should be cast into Gehenna." Give these words a literal interpretation, and they mean, "If your eyes or your hands are the occasions of crime, if they tempt you to commit offences which will expose you to public execution, to the ignominy and torture heaped upon felons put to a shameful death and then flung among the burning filth of Gehenna, pluck them out, cut them off betimes, and save yourself from such a frightful end; for it is better to live even thus maimed than, having a whole body, to be put to a violent death." No one can suppose that Jesus meant to convey such an idea as that when he uttered these words. We must, then, attribute a deeper, an exclusively moral, significance to the passage. It means, "If you have some bosom sin, to deny and root out which is like tearing out an eye or cutting off a hand, pause not, but overcome and destroy it immediately, at whatever cost of effort and suffering; for it is better to endure the pain of fighting and smothering a bad passion than to submit to it and allow it to rule until it acquires complete control over you, pervades your whole nature with its miserable unrest, and brings you at last into a state of woe of which Gehenna and its dreadful associations are a fit emblem." A verse spoken, according to Mark, in immediate connection with the present passage, confirms the figurative sense we have attributed to it: "Whosoever shall cause one of these little ones that believe in me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck and he were plunged into the midst of the sea;" that is, in literal terms, a man had better meet a great calamity, even the loss of life, than commit a foul crime and thus bring the woe of guilt upon his soul. The phrase, "their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched," is a part of the imagery naturally suggested by the scene in the Valley of Hinnom, and was used to give greater vividness and force to the moral impression of the discourse. By an interpretation resulting either from prejudice or ignorance, it is generally held to teach the doctrine of literal fire torments enduring forever. It is a direct quotation from a passage in Isaiah which signifies that, in a glorious age to come, Jehovah will cause his worshippers to go forth from new moon to new moon and look upon the carcasses of the wicked, and see them devoured by fire which shall not be quenched and gnawed by worms which shall not die, until the last relics of them are destroyed. Third: "Fear not them that kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna." A similar use of figurative language, in a still bolder manner, is found in Isaiah. Intending to say nothing more than that Assyria should be overthrown and crushed, the prophet bursts out, "Under the glory of the King of Assyria Jehovah shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire; and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day, and shall consume the glory of his forest and of his fruitful field, both soul and body." Reading the whole passage in Matthew with a single eye, its meaning will be apparent. We may paraphrase it thus. Jesus says to his disciples, "You are now going forth to preach the gospel. My religion and its destinies are intrusted to your hands. As you go from place to place, be on your guard; for they will persecute you, and scourge you, and deliver you up to death. But fear them not. It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master; and if they have done so unto me, how much more shall they unto you! Do not, through fear of hostile men, who can only kill your bodies and are not able in any wise to injure your souls, shrink from danger and prove recreant to the momentous duties imposed upon you; but be inspired to proclaim the principles of the heavenly kingdom with earnestness and courage, in the face of all perils, by fearing God, him who is able to plunge both your souls and your bodies in abomination and agony, him who, if you prove unfaithful and become slothful servants or wicked traitors, will leave your bodies to a violent death and after that your souls to bitter shame and anguish. Fear not the temporal, physical power of your enemies, to be turned from your work by it; but rather fear the eternal, spiritual power of your God, to be made faithful by it." Fourth: "Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and, when he is made, ye make him twofold more a child of Gehenna than yourselves." That is, "Ye make him twice as bad as yourselves in hypocrisy, bigotry, extortion, impurity, and malice, a subject of double guilt and of double retribution." Finally, Jesus exclaims to the children of those who killed the prophets, "Serpents, brood of vipers! how can ye escape the condemnation of Gehenna?" That is to say, "Venomous creatures, bad men! you deserve the fate of the worst criminals; you are worthy of the polluted fires of Gehenna; your vices will surely be followed by condign punishment: how can such depravity escape the severest retributions?" These five are all the distinct instances in which Jesus uses the word Gehenna. It is plain that he always uses the word metaphorically. We therefore conclude that Christianity, correctly understood, never implies that eternal fire awaits sinners in the future world, but that moral retributions, according to their deeds, are the portion of all men here and hereafter. There is no more reason to suppose that essential Christianity contains the doctrine of a fiery infernal world than there is to suppose that it really means to declare that God is a glowing mass of flame, when it says, "Our God is a consuming fire." We must remember the metaphorical character of much scriptural language. Wickedness is a fire, in that it preys upon men and draws down the displeasure of the Almighty, and consumes them. As Isaiah writes, "Wickedness burneth as the fire, the anger of Jehovah darkens the land, and the people shall be the food of the fire." And James declares to proud extortioners, "The rust of your cankered gold and silver shall eat your flesh as it were fire." When Jesus says, "It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city" which will not listen to the preaching of my kingdom, but drives my disciples away, he uses a familiar figure to signify that Sodom and Gomorrah would at such a call have repented in sackcloth and ashes. The guilt of Chorazin and Bethsaida was, therefore, more hardened than theirs, and should receive a severer punishment; or, making allowance for the natural exaggeration of this kind of language, he means, That city whose iniquities and scornful unbelief lead it to reject my kingdom when it is proffered shall be brought to judgment and be overwhelmed with avenging calamities. Two parallel illustrations of this image are given us by the old prophets. Isaiah says, "Babylon shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah." And Jeremiah complains, "The punishment of Jerusalem is greater than the punishment of Sodom." It is certainly remarkable that such passages should ever have been thought to teach the doctrine of a final, universal judgment day breaking on the world in fire. The subject of our Lord's teachings in regard to the punishment of the wicked is included in two classes of texts, and may be summed up in a few words. One class of texts relate to the visible establishment of Christianity as the true religion, the Divine law, at the destruction of the Jewish power, and to the frightful woes which should then fall upon the murderers of Christ, the bitter enemies of his cause. All these things were to come upon that generation, were to happen before some of them then standing there tasted death. The other class of texts and they are by far the more numerous signify that the kingdom of Truth is now revealed and set up; that all men are bound to accept and obey it with reverence and love, and thus become its blessed subjects, the happy and immortal children of God; that those who spurn its offers, break its laws, and violate its pure spirit shall be punished, inevitably and fearfully, by moral retributions proportioned to the degrees of their guilt. Christ does not teach that the good are immortal and that the bad shall be annihilated, but that all alike, both the just and the unjust, enter the spiritual world. He does not teach that the bad shall be eternally miserable, cut off from all possibility of amendment, but simply that they shall be justly judged. He makes no definitive reference to duration, but leaves us at liberty, peering into the gloom as best we can, to suppose, if we think it most reasonable, that the conditions of our spiritual nature are the same in the future as now, and therefore that the wicked may go on in evil hereafter, or, if they will, all turn to righteousness, and the universe finally become as one sea of holiness and as one flood of praise. Another portion of Christ's doctrine of the future life hinges on the phrase "the kingdom of heaven." Much is implied in this term and its accompaniments, and may be drawn out by answering the questions, What is heaven? Who are citizens of, and who are aliens from, the kingdom of God? Let us first examine the subordinate meanings and shades of meaning with which the Savior sometimes uses these phrases. "Ye shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man." No confirmation of the literal sense of this that is afforded by any incident found in the Gospels. There is every reason for supposing that he meant by it, "There shall be open manifestations of supernatural power and favor bestowed upon me by God, evident signs of direct communications between us." His Divine works and instructions justified the statement. The word "heaven" as here used, then, does not mean any particular place, but means the approving presence of God. The instincts and natural language of man prompt us to consider objects of reverence as above us. We kneel below them. The splendor, mystery, infinity, of the starry regions help on the delusion. But surely no one possessing clear spiritual perceptions will think the literal facts in the case must correspond to this, that God must dwell in a place overhead called heaven. He is an Omnipresence. "Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you for my sake: rejoice, for great is your reward in heaven." This passage probably means, "In the midst of tribulation be exceeding glad; because you shall be abundantly rewarded in a future state for all your present sufferings in my cause." In that case, heaven signifies the spiritual world, and does not involve reference to any precisely located spot. Or it may mean, "Be not disheartened by insults and persecutions met in the cause of God; for you shall be greatly blessed in your inward life: the approval of conscience, the immortal love and pity of God, shall be yours: the more you are hated and abused by men unjustly, the closer and sweeter shall be your communion with God." In that case, heaven signifies fellowship with the Father, and is independent of any particular time or place. "Our Father, who art in heaven." Jesus was not the author of this sentence. It was a part of the Rabbinical synagogue service, and was based upon the Hebrew conception of God as having his abode in an especial sense over the firmament. The Savior uses it as the language of accommodation, as is evident from his conversation with the woman of Samaria; for he told her that no exclusive spot was an acceptable place of worship, since "God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." No one who comprehends the meaning of the words can suppose that the Infinite Spirit occupies a confined local habitation, and that men must literally journey there to be with him after death. Wherever they may be now, they are away from him or with him, according to their characters. After death they are more banished from him or more immediately with him, instantly, wherever they are, according to the spirit they are of. "Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, but in heaven." In other words, Be not absorbed in efforts to accumulate hoards of gold and silver, and to get houses and lands, which will soon pass away; but rather labor to acquire heavenly treasures, wisdom, love, purity, and faith, which will never pass from your possession nor cease from your enjoyment. "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also." To understand this text, we must carefully study the whole four chapters of the connection in which it stands. They abound in bold symbols. An instance of this is seen where Jesus, having washed his disciples' feet, says to them, "Ye are clean, but not all. For he knew who should betray him. Therefore said he, Ye are not all clean." The actual meaning of the passage before us may be illustrated by a short paraphrase of it with the context: "Let not your hearts be troubled by the thought that I must die and be removed from you; for there are other states of being besides this earthly life. When they crucify me, as I have said to you before, I shall not perish, but shall pass into a higher state of existence with my Father. Whither I go ye know, and the way ye know: my Father is the end, and the truths that I have declared point out the way. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice because I say that I go to the Father. And if I go to him, if, when they have put me to death, I pass into an unseen state of blessedness and glory (as I prophesy unto you that I shall,) I will reveal myself unto you again, and tell you. I go before you as a pioneer, and will surely come back and confirm, with irresistible evidence, the reality of what I have already told you. Therefore, trouble not your hearts, but be of good cheer." "There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." The sentiment of this Divine declaration simply implies that all good beings sympathize with every triumph of goodness; that the living chain of mutual interest runs through the spiritual universe, making one family of those on earth and those in the invisible state. "Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father." "Cling not to me, detain me not, for I have not yet left the world forever, to be in the spiritual state with my Father; and ere I do this I must seek my disciples, to convince them of my resurrection and to give them my parting commission and blessing." He used the common language, for it was the only language which she whom he addressed would understand; and although, literally interpreted, it conveyed the idea of a local heaven on high, yet at the same time it conveyed, and in the only way intelligible to her, all the truth that was important, namely, that when he disappeared he would still be living, and be, furthermore, with God. When Christ finally went from his disciples, he seemed to them to rise and vanish towards the clouds. This would confirm their previous material conceptions, and the old forms of speech would be handed down, strengthened by these phenomena, misunderstood in themselves and exaggerated in their importance. We generally speak now of God's "throne," of "heaven," as situated far away in the blue ether; we point upward to the world of bliss, and say, There the celestial hosannas roll; there the happy ones, the unforgotten ones of our love, wait to welcome us. These forms of speech are entirely natural; they are harmless; they aid in giving definiteness to our thoughts and feelings, and it is well to continue their use; it would be difficult to express our thoughts without them. However, we must understand that they are not strictly and exclusively true. God is everywhere; and wherever he is there is heaven to the spirits that are like him and, consequently, see him and enjoy his ineffable blessedness. Jesus sometimes uses the phrase "kingdom of heaven" as synonymous with the Divine will, the spiritual principles or laws which he was inspired to proclaim. Many of his parables were spoken to illustrate the diffusive power and the incomparable value of the truth he taught, as when he said, "The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which becomes a great tree;" it is "like unto leaven, which a woman put in two measures of meal until the whole was leavened;" it is "like a treasure hid in a field," or "like a goodly pearl of great price, which, a man finding, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it." In these examples "the kingdom of heaven" is plainly a personification of the revealed will of God, the true law of salvation and eternal life. In answer to the question why he spoke so many things to the people in parables, Jesus said to his disciples, "Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven; but unto them it is not given;" that is, You are prepared to understand the hitherto concealed truths of God's government, if set forth plainly; but they are not prepared. Here as also in the parables of the vineyard let out to husbandmen, and of the man who sowed good seed in his field, and in a few other cases "the kingdom of heaven" means God's government, his mode of dealing with men, his method of establishing his truths in the hearts of men. "The kingdom of heaven" sometimes signifies personal purity and peace, freedom from sensual solicitations. "There be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." Christ frequently uses the term "kingdom of heaven" in a somewhat restricted, traditional sense, based in form but not in spirit upon the Jewish expectations of the Messiah's kingdom. "Be ye sure of this, that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you;" "I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also;" "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Christ was charged to bear to men a new revelation from God of his government and laws, that he might reign over them as a monarch over conscious and loyal subjects. "Many shall come from the East and the West, and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness." The sense of these texts is as follows. "God is now offering unto you, through me, a spiritual dispensation, a new kingdom; but, unless you faithfully heed it and fulfil its conditions, you shall be rejected from it and lose the Divine favor. Although, by your position as the chosen people, and in the line of revelation, you are its natural heirs, yet, unless you rule your spirits and lives by its commands, you shall see the despised Gentiles enjoying all the privileges your faith allows to the revered patriarchs of your nation, while yourselves are shut out from them and overwhelmed with shame and anguish. Your pride of descent, haughtiness of spirit, and reliance upon dead rites unfit you for the true kingdom of God, the inward reign of humility and righteousness; and the very publicans and harlots, repenting and humbling themselves, shall go into it before you." To be welcomed under this Messianic dispensation, to become a citizen of this spiritual kingdom of God, the Savior declares that there are certain indispensable conditions. A man must repent and forsake his sins. This was the burden of John's preaching, that the candidate for the kingdom of heaven must first be baptized with water unto repentance, as a sign that he abjures and is cleansed from all his old errors and iniquities. Then he must be baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire, that is, must learn the positive principles of the coming kingdom, and apply them to his own character, to purge away every corrupt thing. He must be born again, born of water and of the Spirit: in other words, he must be brought out from his impurity and wickedness into a new and Divine life of holiness, awakened to a conscious experience of purity, truth, and love, the great prime elements in the reign of God. He must be guileless and lowly. "Whosoever will not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein." The kingdom of heaven, the better dispensation which Christ came to establish, is the humility of contrite hearts, the innocence of little children, the purity of undefiled consciences, the fruit of good works, the truth of universal laws, the love of God, and the conscious experience of an indestructible, blessed being. Those who enter into these qualities in faith, in feeling, and in action are full citizens of that eternal kingdom; all others are aliens from it. Heaven, then, according to Christ's use of the word, is not distinctively a world situated somewhere in immensity, but a purely spiritual experience, having nothing to do with any special time or place. It is a state of the soul, or a state of society, under the rule of truth, governed by God's will, either in this life or in a future. He said to the young ruler who had walked faithfully in the law, and whose good traits drew forth his love, "Thou art not far from the kingdom of God." It is evident that this does not mean a bounded place of abode, but a true state of character, a virtuous mode of life "My kingdom is not of this world." "Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice." That is, "My kingdom is the realm of truth, the dominion of God's will, and all true men are my subjects." Evidently this is not a material but a moral reign and therefore unlimited by seasons or places. Wherever purity, truth, love, obedience, prevail, there is God, and that is heaven. It is not necessary to depart into some distant sphere to meet the Infinite Holy One and dwell with him. He is on the very dust we tread, he is the very centre of our souls and breath of our lives, if we are only in a state that is fitted to recognise and enjoy him. "He that hath sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone, for I always do those things which please him." It is a fair inference from such statements as this that to do with conscious adoration and love those things that please God is to be with him, without regard to time or place; and that is heaven. "I speak that which I have seen with my Father," God, "and ye do that which ye have seen with your father, the devil." No one will suppose that Jesus meant to tell the wicked men whom he was addressing that they committed their iniquities in consequence of lessons learned in a previous state of existence with an arch fiend, the parent of all evil. His meaning, then, was, I bring forth in words and deeds the things which I have learned in my secret soul from inspired communion with infinite goodness and perfection; you bring forth the things which you have learned from communion with the source of sin and woe, that is, foul propensities, cruel passions, and evil thoughts. "I come forth from the Father and am come into the world; again I leave the world and go unto the Father." "I go unto Him that sent me." Since it is declared that God is an Omnipresent Spirit, and that those who obey and love him see him and are with him everywhere, these striking words must bear one of the two following interpretations. First, they may imply in general that man is created and sent into this state of being by the Father, and that after the termination of the present life the soul is admitted to a closer union with the Parent Spirit. This gives a natural meaning to the language which represents dying as going to the Father. Not that it is necessary to travel to reach God, but that the spiritual verity is most adequately expressed under such a metaphor. But, secondly, and more probably, the phraseology under consideration may be meant as an assertion of the Divine origin and authority of the special mission of Christ. "Neither came I of myself, but He sent me;" "The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself;" "As the Father hath taught me, I speak these things." These passages do not necessarily teach the pre existence of Christ and his descent from heaven in the flesh. That is a carnal interpretation which does great violence to the genuine nature of the claims put forth by our Savior. They may merely declare the supernatural commission of the Son of God, his direct inspiration and authority. He did not voluntarily assume his great work, but was Divinely ordered on that service. Compare the following text: "The baptism of John, whence was it, from Heaven, or of men?" That is to say, was it of human or of Divine origin and authority? So when it is said that the Son of Man descended from heaven, or was sent by the Father, the meaning in Christ's mind probably was that he was raised up, did his works, spoke his words, by the inspiration and with the sanction of God. The accuracy of this interpretation is seen by the following citation from the Savior's own words, when he is speaking in his prayer at the last supper of sending his disciples out to preach the gospel: "As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world." The reference, evidently, is to a Divine choice and sealing, not to a descent upon the earth from another sphere. That the author of the Fourth Gospel believed that Christ descended from heaven literally we have not the shadow of a doubt. He repeatedly speaks of him as the great super angelic Logos, the first born Son and perfect image of God, the instrumental cause of the creation. His mind was filled with the same views, the same lofty Logos theory that is so abundantly set forth in the writings of Philo Judaus. He reports and describes the Savior in conformity with such a theological postulate. Possessed with the foregone conclusion that Jesus was the Divine Logos, descended from the celestial abode, and born into the world as a man, in endeavoring to write out from memory, years after they were uttered, the Savior's words, it is probable that he unconsciously misapprehended and tinged them according to his theory. The Delphic apothegm, "Know thyself," was said to have descended from heaven: "E coelo descendit [non ASCII characters]." By a familiar Jewish idiom, "to ascend into heaven" meant to learn the will of God.8 And whatever bore the direct sancion of God was said to descend from heaven. When in these figurative terms Jesus asserted his Divine commission, it seems that some understood him literally, and concluded perhaps in consequence of his miracles, joined with their own speculations that he was the Logos incarnated. That such a conclusion was an unwarranted inference from metaphorical language and from a foregone pagan dogma appears from his own explanatory and justifying words spoken to the Jews. For when they accused him of making himself God, he replies, "If in your law they are called gods to whom the word of God came, charge ye him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world with blasphemy, because he says he is the Son of God?" Christ's language in the Fourth Gospel 8 Schoettgen, in John iii. 13. may be fairly explained without implying his actual pre existence or superhuman nature. But it does not seem to us that John's possibly can be. His miracles, according to the common idea of them, did not prove him to be the coequal fac simile, but merely proved him to be the delegated envoy, of God. We may sum up the consideration of this point in a few words. Christ did not essentially mean by the term "heaven" the world of light and glory located by the Hebrews, and by some other nations, just above the visible firmament. His meaning, when he spoke of the kingdom of God or heaven, was always, in some form, either the reign of justice, purity, and love, or the invisible world of spirits. If that world, heaven, be in fact, and were in his conception, a sphere located in space, he never alluded to its position, but left it perfectly in the dark, keeping his instructions scrupulously free from any such commitment. He said, "I go to Him that sent me;" "I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also." The references to locality are vague and mysterious. The nature of his words, and their scantiness, are as if he had said, We shall live hereafter; we shall be with the Father; we shall be together. All the rest is mystery, even to me: it is not important to be known, and the Father hath concealed it. Such, almost, are his very words. "A little while, and ye shall not see me; again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father." "Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am." Whether heaven be technically a material abode or a spiritual state it is of little importance to us to know; and the teachings of Jesus seem to have nothing to do with it. The important things for us to know are that there is a heaven, and how we may prepare for it; and on these points the revelation is explicit. To suppose the Savior ignorant of some things is not inconsistent with his endowments; for he himself avowed his ignorance, saying, "Of that day knoweth no man; no, not even the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." And it adds an awful solemnity, an indescribably exciting interest, to his departure from the world, to conceive him hovering on the verge of the same mystery which has enveloped every passing mortal, hovering there with chastened wonder and curiosity, inspired with an absolute trust that in that fathomless obscurity the Father would be with him, and would unveil new realms of life, and would enable him to come back and assure his disciples. He certainly did not reveal the details of the future state: whether he was acquainted with them himself or not we cannot tell. We next advance to the most important portion of the words of Christ regarding the life and destiny of the soul, those parts of his doctrine which are most of a personal, experimental character, sounding the fountains of consciousness, piercing to the dividing asunder of our being. It is often said that Jesus everywhere takes for granted the fact of immortality, that it underlies and permeates all he does and says. We should know at once that such a being must be immortal; such a life could never be lived by an ephemeral creature; of all possible proofs of immortality he is himself the sublimest. This is true, but not the whole truth. The resistless assurance, the Divine inspiration, the sublime repose, with which he enunciates the various thoughts connected with the theme of endless existence, are indeed marvellous. But he not only authoritatively assumes the truth of a future life: he speaks directly of it in many ways, often returns to it, continually hovers about it, reasons for it, exhorts upon it, makes most of his instructions hinge upon it, shows that it is a favorite subject of his communion. We may put the justice of these statements in a clear light by bringing together and explaining some of his scattered utterances. His express language teaches that man in this world is a twofold being, leading a twofold life, physical and spiritual, the one temporal, the other eternal, the one apt unduly to absorb his affections, the other really deserving his profoundest care. This separation of the body and the soul, and survival of the latter, is brought to light in various striking forms and with various piercing applications. In view of the dangers that beset his disciples on their mission, he exhorted and warned them thus: "Fear not them which have power to kill the body and afterwards have no more that they can do; but rather fear Him who can kill both soul and body;" "Whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it;" that is, whosoever, for the sake of saving the life of his body, shrinks from the duties of this dangerous time, shall lose the highest welfare of the soul; but whosoever loveth his lower life in the body less than he loves the virtues of a consecrated spirit shall win the true blessedness of his soul. Both of these passages show that the soul has a life and interest separate from the material tabernacle. With what pathos and convincing power was the same faith expressed in his ejaculation from the cross, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit!" an expression of trust which, under such circumstances of desertion, horror, and agony, could only have been prompted by that inspiration of God which he always claimed to have. Christ once reasoned with the Sadducees "as touching the dead, that they rise;" in other words, that the souls of men upon the decease of the body pass into another and an unending state of existence: "Neither can they die any more; for they are equal with the angels, and are children of God, being children of the resurrection." His argument was, that "God is the God of the living, not of the dead;" that is, the spiritual nature of man involves such a relationship with God as pledges his attributes to its perpetuity. The thought which supports this reasoning penetrates far into the soul and grasps the moral relations between man and God. It is most interesting viewed as the unqualified affirmation by Jesus of the doctrine of a future life which shall be deathless. But the Savior usually stood in a more imposing attitude and spoke in a more commanding tone than are indicated in the foregoing sentences. The prevailing stand point from which he spoke was that of an oracle giving responses from the inner shrine of the Divinity. The words and sentiments he uttered were not his, but the Father's; and he uttered them in the clear tones of knowledge and authority, not in the whispering accents of speculation or surmise. How these entrancing tidings came to him he knew not: they were no creations of his; they rose spontaneously within him, bearing the miraculous sign and seal of God, a recommendation he could no more question or resist than he could deny his own existence. He was set apart as a messenger to men. The tide of inspiration welled up till it filled every nerve and crevice of his being with conscious life and with an overmastering recognition of its living relations with the Omnipresent and Everlasting Life. Straightway he knew that the Father was in him and he in the Father, and that he was commissioned to reveal the mind of the Father to the world. He knew, by the direct knowledge of inspiration and consciousness, that he should live forever. Before his keen, full, spiritual vitality the thought of death fled away, the thought of annihilation could not come. So far removed was his soul from the perception of interior sleep and decay, so broad and powerful was his consciousness of indestructible life, that he saw quite through the crumbling husks of time and sense to the crystal sea of spirit and thought. So absorbing was his sense of eternal life in himself that he even constructed an argument from his personal feeling to prove the immortality of others, saying to his disciples, "Because I live, ye shall live also;" "Ye believe in God, believe also in me." Ye believe what God declares, for he cannot be mistaken; believe what I declare for his inspiration makes me infallible when I say there are many spheres of life for us when this is ended. It was from the fulness of this experience that Jesus addressed his hearers. He spoke not so much as one who had faith that immortal life would hereafter be revealed and certified, but rather as one already in the insight and possession of it, as one whose foot already trod the eternal floor and whose vision pierced the immense horizon. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word and believeth on Him that sent me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." Being himself brought to this immovable assurance of immortal life by the special inspiration of God, it was his aim to bring others to the same blessed knowledge. His efforts to effect this form a most constant feature in his teachings. His own definition of his mission was, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." We see by the persistent drift of his words that he strove to lead others to the same spiritual point he stood at, that they might see the same prospect he saw, feel the same certitude he felt, enjoy the same communion with God and sense of immortality he enjoyed. "As the Father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth them, even so the Son quickeneth whom he will;" "For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given the Son to have life in himself;" "Father, glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee; as thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he might give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him: and this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." In other words, the mission of Christ was to awaken in men the experience of immortal life; and that would be produced by imparting to them reproducing in them the experience of his own soul. Let us notice what steps he took to secure this end. He begins by demanding the unreserved credence of men to what he says, claiming to say it with express authority from God, and giving miraculous credentials. "Whatsoever I speak, therefore, as the Father said to me, so I speak." This claim to inspired knowledge he advances so emphatically that it cannot be overlooked. He then announces, as an unquestionable truth, the supreme claim of man's spiritual interests upon his attention and labor, alike from their inherent superiority and their enduring subsistence. "For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall be those things thou hast gathered?" "Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life." The inspiration which dictated these instructions evidently based them upon the profoundest spiritual philosophy, upon the truth that man lives at once in a sphere of material objects which is comparatively unimportant because he will soon leave it, and in a sphere of moral realities which is all important because he will live in it forever. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." The body, existing in the sphere of material relations, is supported by material bread; but the soul, existing in the sphere of spiritual relations, is supported by truth, the nourishing breath of God's love. We are in the eternal world, then, at present. Its laws and influences penetrate and rule us; its ethereal tides lave and bear us on; our experience and destiny in it are decided every moment by our characters. If we are pure in heart, have vital faith and force, we shall see God and have new revelations made to us. Such are among the fundamental principles of Christianity. There is another class of texts, based upon a highly figurative style of speech, striking Oriental idioms, the explanation of which will cast further light upon the branch of the subject immediately before us. "As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father, so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me;" that is, As the blessed Father hath inspired me with the knowledge of him, and I am blessed with the consciousness of his immortal love, so he that believes and assimilates these truths as I proclaim them, he shall experience the same blessedness through my instruction. The words. "I am the bread of life" are explained by the words "I am the truth." The declaration "Whoso eateth my flesh hath eternal life" is illustrated by the declaration "Whosoever heareth my word and believeth on Him that sent me hath everlasting life." There is no difficulty in understanding what Jesus meant when he said, "I have meat to eat ye know not of: my meat is to do the will of Him that sent me." Why should we not with the same ease, upon the same principles, interpret his kindred expression, "This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof and not die"? The idea to be conveyed by all this phraseology is, that whosoever understands, accepts, assimilates, and brings out in earnest experience, the truths Christ taught, would realize the life of Christ, feel the same assurance of Divine favor and eternal blessedness. "He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him;" that is, we have the same character, are fed by the same nutriment, rest in the same experience. Fortunately, we are not left to guess at the accuracy of this exegesis: it is demonstrated from the lips of the Master himself. When he knew that the disciples murmured at what he had said about eating his flesh, and called it a hard saying, he said to them, "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. But there are some of you that believe not." Any man who heartily believed what Christ said that he was Divinely authorized to declare, and did declare, the pervading goodness of the Father and the immortal blessedness of the souls of his children, by the very terms was delivered from the bondage of fear and commenced the consciousness of eternal life. Of course, we are not to suppose that faith in Christ obtains immortality itself for the believer: it only rectifies and lights up the conditions of it, and awakens the consciousness of it. "I am the resurrection and the life: whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." We suppose this means, he shall know that he is never to perish: it cannot refer to physical dissolution, for the believer dies equally with the unbeliever; it cannot refer to immortal existence in itself, for the unbeliever is as immortal as the believer: it must refer to the blessed nature of that immortality and to the personal assurance of it, because these Christ does impart to the disciple, while the unregenerate unbeliever in his doctrine, of course, has them not. Coming from God to reveal his infinite love, exemplifying the Divine elements of an immortal nature in his whole career, coming back from the grave to show its sceptre broken and to point the way to heaven, well may Christ proclaim, "Whosoever believes in me" knows he "shall never perish." Among the Savior's parables is an impressive one, which we cannot help thinking perhaps fancifully was intended to illustrate the dealings of Providence in ordering the earthly destiny of humanity. "So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground and the seed should grow up; but when the fruit is ripe he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come." Men are seed sown in this world to ripen and be harvested in another. The figure, taken on the scale of the human race and the whole earth, is sublime. Whether such an image were originally suggested by the parable or not, the conception is consistent with Christian doctrine. The pious Sterling prays, "Give thou the life which we require, That, rooted fast in thee, From thee to thee we may aspire, And earth thy garden be." The symbol shockingly perverted from its original beautiful meaning by the mistaken belief that we sleep in our graves until a distant resurrection day is often applied to burial grounds. Let its appropriate significance be restored. Life is the field, death the reaper, another sphere of being the immediate garner. An enlightened Christian, instead of entitling a graveyard the garden of the dead, and looking for its long buried forms to spring from its cold embrace, will hear the angel saying again, "They are not here: they are risen." The line which written on Klopstock's tomb is a melancholy error, engraved on his cradle would have been an inspiring truth: "Seed sown by God to ripen for the harvest." Several fragmentary speeches, which we have not yet noticed, of the most tremendous and even exhaustive import, are reported as having fallen from the lips of Christ at different times. These sentences, rapid and incomplete as they are in the form in which they have reached us, do yet give us glimpses of the most momentous character into the profoundest thoughts of his mind. They are sufficient to enable us to generalize their fundamental principles, and construct the outlines, if we may so speak, of his theology, his inspired conception of God, the universe, and man, and the resulting duties and destiny of man. We will briefly bring together and interpret these passages, and deduce the system which they seem to presuppose and rest upon. Jesus told the woman of Samaria that God was to be worshipped acceptably neither in that mountain nor at Jerusalem exclusively, but anywhere, if it were worthily done. "God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." This passage, with others, teaches the spirituality and omnipresence of God. Christ conceived of God as an infinite Spirit. Again, comforting his friends in view of his approaching departure, he said, "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." Here he plainly figures the universe as a house containing many apartments, all pervaded and ruled by the Father's presence. He was about taking leave of this earth to proceed to another part of the creation, and he promised to come back to his followers and assure them there was another abode prepared for them. Christ conceived of the universe, with its innumerable divisions, as the house of God. Furthermore, he regarded truth or the essential laws and right tendencies of things and the will of God as identical. He said he came into the world to do the will of Him that sent him; that is, as he at another time expressed it, he came into the world to bear witness unto the truth. Thus he prayed, "Father, sanctify them through the truth: thy word is truth." Christ conceived of pure truth as the will of God. Finally, he taught that all who obey the truth, or do the will of God, thereby constitute one family of brethren, one family of the accepted children of God, in all worlds forever. "He that doeth the truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God;" "Whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother;" "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house forever; but the son abideth forever. If the Son, therefore, make you free, ye shall be free indeed." That is to say, truth gives a good man the freedom of the universe, makes him know himself an heir, immortally and everywhere at home; sin gives the wicked man over to bondage, makes him feel afraid of being an outcast, loads him with hardships as a servant. Whoever will believe the revelations of Christ, and assimilate his experience, shall lose the wretched burdens of unbelief and fear and be no longer a servant, but be made free indeed, being adopted as a son. The whole conception, then, is this: The universe is one vast house, comprising many subordinate mansions. All the moral beings that dwell in it compose one immortal family. God is the universal Father. His will the truth is the law of the household. Whoever obeys it is a worthy son and has the Father's approbation; whoever disobeys it is alienated and degraded into the condition of a servant. We may roam from room to room, but can never get lost outside the walls beyond the reach of the Paternal arms. Death is variety of scenery and progress of life: "We bow our heads At going out, we think, and enter straight Another golden chamber of the King's, Larger than this we leave, and lovelier." Who can comprehend the idea, in its overwhelming magnificence and in its touching beauty, its sweeping amplitude embracing all mysteries, its delicate fitness meeting all wants, without being impressed and stirred by it, even to the regeneration of his soul? If there is any thing calculated to make man feel and live like a child of God, it would surely seem to be this conception. Its unrivalled simplicity and verisimilitude compel the assent of the mind to its reality. It is the most adequate and sublime view of things that ever entered the reason of man. It is worthy the inspiration of God, worthy the preaching of the Son of God. All the artificial and arbitrary schemes of fanciful theologians are as ridiculous and impertinent before it as the offensive flaring of torches in the face of one who sees the steady and solemn splendors of the sun. To live in the harmony of the truth of things, in the conscious love of God and enjoyment of immortality, blessed children, everywhere at home in the hospitable mansions of the everlasting Father, this is the experience to which Christ calls his followers; and any eschatology inconsistent with such a conception is not his. There are two general methods of interpretation respectively applied to the words of Christ, the literal, or mechanical, and the spiritual, or vital. The former leads to a belief in his second visible advent with an army of angels from heaven, a bodily resurrection of the dead, a universal judgment, the burning up of the world, eternal tortures of the wicked in an abyss of infernal fire, a heaven located on the arch of the Hebrew firmament. The latter gives us a group of the profoundest moral truths clustered about the illuminating and emphasizing mission of Christ, sealed with Divine sanctions, truths of universal obligation and of all redeeming power. The former method is still adopted by the great body of Christendom, who are landed by it in a system of doctrines well nigh identical with those of the Pharisees, against which Christ so emphatically warned his followers, a system of traditional dogmas not having the slightest support in philosophy, nor the least contact with the realities of experience, nor the faintest color of inherent or historical probability. In this age they are absolutely incredible to unhampered and studious minds. On the other hand, the latter method is pursued by the growing body of rational Christians, and it guides them to a consistent array of indestructible moral truths, simple, fundamental, and exhaustive, an array of spiritual principles commanding universal and implicit homage, robed in their own brightness, accredited by their own fitness, armed with the loveliness and terror of their own rewarding and avenging divinity, flashing in mutual lights and sounding in consonant echoes alike from the law of nature and from the soul of man, as the Son of God, with miraculous voice, speaks between. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Резюме Как сейчас встает вопрос о бессмертии В ведущих странах христианства вера в бессмертие души в течение некоторого времени явно ослабевала. Число тех, кто нападает на веру, увеличивается, и их высказывания становятся более откровенными и догматическими. Это доказывает множество примеров, понятных каждому осторожному наблюдателю. Особенно в настоящий момент примеры болезненных сомнений, глубокого недоумения, смелого и ликующего отрицания, насмешливой легкомыслия и насмешек, изобилуют со всех сторон, в личной беседе, в публичном обсуждении и во всех формах литературной деятельности. Сердечная тщательность и пыл, с которыми когда-то проходила вера Церкви, прошли от целых классов. Тонкий скептицизм или пустое отрицание - общая характеристика. Является ли эта тенденция к неверию звуковой или ошибочной, временной или постоянной, она, по крайней мере, актуальна. И важно, чтобы мы рассмотрели причины этого и проверили их логическую достоверность, проследив их историческое распространение. Почему же мы спрашиваем, вера в будущую жизнь для человека, страдающего таким заметным расстройством в нынешнем поколении христианского мира? Во-первых, вера бледнеет и истощается, от общего пренебрежения этим напряженным и постоянным культивированием, которое ранее было обеспечено суровым доктринальным упражнением, а также жестким контролем повседневной мысли и привычки в интересах религии. Никогда прежде люди не были так поглощены материальными трудами и заботами во время серьезной части их существования; никогда прежде не было так, как сейчас во время досуга, бесчисленными формами развлечения и рассеивания. Привычка к одинокой медитации и молитве становится все реже. Влияния борьбы амбиций растут, тяготы необходимости более тяжелые; пороки и соблазны общества сгущаются: они отвлекают внимание людей от идеальных и священных целей. Все больше и больше людей, кажется, живут ради труда и удовольствия, для времени и смысла; все меньше и меньше для истины и добра, для Бога и вечности. Погруженный в материалистическую игру, или измотанный и измученный в легкомысленных диверсиях, все вечные цели идут по умолчанию. В каком драгоценном возрасте было безумное соперничество, столь универсальное, хихикающий смех, столь подверженный эпидемии, тривиальность при такой премии и возвышенности при такой скидке? Но то, к чему люди действительно посвящают себя, расширяется, чтобы заполнить всю область их видения. Вскоре они начинают не верить в то, что они не задумываются и не жертвуют собой. Средние люди нашего времени, а также образованные классы, как и классы трудящихся, не живут для бессмертия. Поэтому их вера в это уменьшается. Наши отцы, в какой-то степени не привычные, ходили в умственном общении с Богом, практиковали одиночную преданность, формировали их повседневные чувства и поступки со ссылкой на влияние на их будущую жизнь. Таким образом, скрытая жизнь стала для них реальной. Теперь интересы и провокации нынешнего мира, сконцентрированные и интенсифицированные, как никогда прежде, в раздоре претендентов, головокружительные предприятия спекуляции и торговли и техники, хаос собраний и газет и телеграфов монополизируют наши способности и исчерпывают наши энергии, оставляя нас, но слабое желание посещать торжественные темы души и мистические приманки бесконечности. Для тех, кто боится жадности, сражается с соперниками или погружается в разврат, Бог, естественно, становится вербальным призраком и бессмертием глупым мечтом. В механизме и мамонах нет ничего, ничего в эгоистичном ленивце и смехе, ничто в жестоком угнетении и тяжелом труде, чтобы внушить веру в бессмертную духовность человека. Среди людей, преобладающих перед этими земными, вера в трансцендентные истины религии вымирает. В конечном итоге верховная преданность души неотразимо формирует свою веру. Христианство не живет в сознательных жертвах и устремлениях к Богу и вечной жизни, но живет главным образом за эгоистичную власть и знания, деньги, похвалу и роскошь. Поэтому в христианском мире вера в бессмертие распадается. Но мы считаем, что этот распад является временным, необходимым переходом к более богатому и более гармоничному пониманию. Проходящее затмение веры в будущую жизнь направлено на то, чтобы сосредоточить внимание на настоящем, чтобы развить свои ресурсы, осознать божественные возможности этого мира, представить все элементы ада и неба, действительно существующие здесь, и полностью настроить человечество на условия добродетели и блаженства сейчас. Когда это будет сделано, тангенциальный и дробный характер нашего опыта будет настолько очевиден, неадекватность земного состояния для потребностей наших трансцендентных и пророческих способностей будет настолько срочной, а дополняющие адаптации всего невидимого, но ясно угаданного будущее для жаждущих частей в настоящем будет настолько явным, что полное откровение бессмертия нарушит подготовленный ум расы. Затем история начнет новый отход в дыхательном общении со всем творением. неадекватность земного государства для нужд наших трансцендентных и пророческих способностей будет настолько актуальной, и дополнения к всему невидимому, но явно угаданному будущему к тягующим частям в настоящем будут настолько очевидны, что полное откровение о бессмертии будет разорвать подготовленный ум расы. Затем история начнет новый отход в дыхательном общении со всем творением. неадекватность земного государства для нужд наших трансцендентных и пророческих способностей будет настолько актуальной, и дополнения к всему невидимому, но явно угаданному будущему к тягующим частям в настоящем будут настолько очевидны, что полное откровение о бессмертии будет разорвать подготовленный ум расы. Затем история начнет новый отход в дыхательном общении со всем творением. But infidelity to duty and privilege does not destroy the truth of duty and privilege. It only blinds the faithless eyes so that they cannot see the truth. If the immortality of the soul be a truth, the materialistic absorption of our life would blind us to it and make us deny it. Exclusive attention to the present would hide the future from us, although its dazzling prizes, scattered on the dark back ground of eternity, were burning there in everlasting invitation and hospitality. Thus, while the eager worldliness of our age practically vacates the faith in a future life, it does not logically disprove it; but leaves it for the ultimate test of the genuine evidence. The second reason for the apparent rapid crumbling away of the belief in immortality in Christendom is the recent wide diffusion of a critical knowledge of the comparative history of the opinions of all nations on the subject of a future life, revealing the mythological character common to them, and tracking them back to their origin in primitive superstitions no longer is their literal purport credible to any educated intelligence. In many works by theological writers, and by scientific writers, of free habits of thought, like Strauss and Spencer, collections have been made of the fancies and theories of mankind respecting the survival of the spirit and the conditions of its experience after the death of the body. These beliefs, it has been agreed, even among the most enlightened peoples, rest at last on the same basis with the crudest notions of the barbarians of the prehistoric period, namely, the spontaneous workings of raw instinct and imagination. Tracing the views of Christians as to the nature of the soul, and the life to come in heaven or hell, back to the rude conceptions of the naked savages who fashioned their idea of the ghost from the shadow or the reflection of the man, which was a picture or representative of him, yet without matter, and from the phenomena of dreams, in which they supposed the spirit of the man left him and went through the adventures of the dream and returned ere he awoke it has been asserted that every form of later faith, however refined and improved in details, yet really resting on such puerile fancies, such incompetent and absurd beginnings, is thereby discredited and must be rejected. Now, it is true that when we find among Christian believers, connected with the doctrine of a future life, an incongruous medley of physical imagery and gross imaginative pictures, conceptions of just the same character as the grotesque dreamings of the earliest savages and the elaborate mythology of subsequent priesthoods, we are required to treat the whole suppositious mass as mere poetry or superstition, and to dismiss it from our faith. But we are by no means justified in doing so with the essential fact itself of a future life. The essential fact, the assertion of immortality, may be true, even if the mythological dress be all fictitious. It does not follow that man has no surviving soul because the local heaven or hell, described by savage or priest as its residence, is unreal. It surely is no correct inference that the soul perishes with the body, because the barbarian mind generalized its idea of the soul from the phenomena of shadows, reflections, echoes and dreams. The critical scholar, who judges the case fairly, will correct the fallacies of the confused reasoning instinct, and relegate the mythology to its proper province, but reserve his judgment on the question itself of spiritual survival to be settled on the only appropriate evidence. Although the habit thus formed by the critical scholar, and by those who follow his authority, of sweeping away as wholly untenable so many varieties of speculation, and so many groups of images connected with the belief in a future life, has unquestionably contributed powerfully to foster complete disbelief in the doctrine itself, yet it is equally unquestionable that this process of negation is illogical. Many a true doctrine has been cradled in superstitions and absurdities. A faith supported by many classes of independent arguments is not overthrown by the disproof of one of those classes. It is as wrongful a procedure to deny the immortality of the soul because barbaric instinct grounded it on erroneous notions and enveloped it with falsehoods, as it would be to reject the established laws of gravitation and light and sound, for the reason that the various provisional theories, preceding the correct ones, were ridiculous mistakes. The problem to be solved is, Does the man who is now a soul in a body remain a soul when the body dissolves? The inadequacy or folly of a hundred provisional answers does not affect the final answer. Instead of denying immortality because the childish mind of the early world feigned impossible things about it, we should change the question by appeal to a more competent court, and inquire what Pythagoras, Augustine, Dante, Leibnitz, Fichte, Schelling, Swedenborg, Goethe, thought about it. It is a question for the consensus of the most gifted and impartial minds, the very Areopagus of Humanity, to decide. Furthermore, on a deeper inquiry, it seems clear that the real belief in immortality did not originate from the contemplation of the phenomena of dreams and shadows and echoes, but arose rather from the inexpugnable self assertion of consciousness, its inability to feel itself non existent. This persistency of consciousness, following it in all its imaginative flights of thought beyond the death of the body, was the cause of the mythological creativeness of the barbaric mind. And thus the elaboration of the imagery of ghosts and a ghostly realm was not the precursor, but the result of a belief in another life. The belief sprang directly out of the feeling of a continuous being unconquerably connected with human self consciousness, and is independent of the imagery in which it has been clothed, may clothe itself in endless forms of imagery, and survive their removal on the discovery of their incompetence. Besides, the savage himself was, after all, not so far out of the way. His mythology was not a mere fiction concreted into fact by superstition. He was on that track of analogy which, when cleared, will be, perhaps, the luminous highway to universal truth. The savage was obscurely conscious that the objects which appeared around him as solid material realities had their immaterial correspondences within his spirit. The tree, the stone, the flower, the star, the beast, the man, had within him correspondent mental images or ideas just as real as they, but without sensible qualities, and incapable of hurt. With creative wonder he recognized a symbol or analogy of this inner world in the shadow and the reflection. The shadow or the reflection is a representation of its original, but without material substance. See, it lies there, wavering, on the rock, or in the water. No arrow can pierce it, no club bruise it, no pestle pulverize it, no chemistry disintegrate it. It is an emblem of the immaterial and indestructible spirit, revealed in the outer world of matter, where everything changes and passes away except the noumena under the phenomena. No wonder it stirred the brooding fancy of the ignorant, but prophetic primitive man, and made it teem with poesy and personification. Freely, then, let us brush aside the mythological extravagance and irrational errors in the entire cosmopolitan doctrine of a future life, but beware of rejecting the fact itself of immortality until we have better grounds than have yet been afforded by the accumulating insight of literary history. As the world moves on, and the human mind develops with it, the crude must give way to the mature, and the false be replaced, not with vacancy, but with the true. The problem of the nature and destiny of the soul will not be solved by tearing away the fictitious drapery thrown around it, but by piercing to the roots of the reality within the drapery. And now we come to the third reason for the increasing doubt and decreasing faith in regard to a future life: that reason is that the form of the belief in it prevalent in Christendom has become incredible, and the rejection of the form has loosened the hold on the substance. The philosophic mind, which has attained to the idea of the infinite God, without body, or parts, or passions, omnipresent in his total perfection, can reason to the belief in a kindred immortality for its own finite being. But since our experience is here limited to the life now known, we are utterly without data or ability to image forth such a conception of immortality in any form of picture or mental scenery. There seem to be only three ways in which we can give imaginative representation of a future life. The first is the method of the universal barbarian mind, which paints the life to come as a shadowy reflex or copy of the present world and life, an unsubstantial, graspless, yet actual and conscious realm of ghosts, carrying on a pale and noiseless mimicry of their former adventures in the body. Holding fast to that clew of analogy which is the nucleus of philosophy in this view, but rejecting the rest as fantastic figment, we arrive at the next way in which those who are unwilling to leave their thoughts of the future life in empty rational abstraction, portray it in vivid concrete. This they do by means of the doctrine of a general bodily resurrection of the dead. It is a striking fact that four of the great historic and literary religions have taught the doctrine of immortality under the form of a physical resurrection, namely: Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Mohammedanism. It has been attributed, also, to the ancient religion of Egypt, but erroneously. Its belief there is a mere inference from facts which do not really imply it. The Egyptians plainly believed in a series of individual reincarnations, not in any general resurrection. But it is a sufficiently interesting and impressive fact that over one third of the human race have embodied their expectation of a future eternal life in this concrete and astonishing form. It has not rested on a basis of reason, but on one of asserted revelation and authority. It originated in the fact that the only life of which we now have any experience is a life in the body, and, therefore, this is the life which we instinctively love and prefer; also in the fact that this is the only mode of life which we are able to represent to ourselves in any satisfactory, apprehensible image. It then bolstered itself up by arbitrary theological theorizings, and proclaimed itself with sanctions of a pretended supernatural authority. Slowly the minds of its disciples were drilled to a familiarity with it, and to a habit of implicitly believing it, which grew strong enough to make them hold to it in spite of its difficulty as a sheer and violent miracle having no connection whatever with the natural order of things. Authority and passive habit long maintained the belief in unbroken sway. They still so support it in the Mohammedan world, where there is almost no science, but little skeptical thought, and a common uniformity of abject submission to the word of the Koran. But in Christendom it fares differently. Here, the knowledge of modern science and habits of free inquiry are almost universally diffused. The consequence is, since the chief Christian belief in immortality has been identified with the notion of a general physical resurrection of the dead at the last day, and since all philosophical and scientific thinking refutes that notion by setting its arbitrariness and monstrous abnormality in high and steep relief against the consensus of demonstrated knowledge and moral probability, that the popular belief of Christendom in immortality itself is depolarized and swiftly dropping into decay with a large class of persons. But this spread of doubt and denial, while a natural process, is yet an illogical and unnecessary one. The competent thinker will extricate the question of the immortality of the soul from its accidental entanglement with the doctrine of the resurrection, and, rejecting the latter as incredible, still affirm the former on its own independent grounds. To prove and illustrate these statements we must here give a little additional study, fresh and independent study, to the subject. The doctrine of the resurrection of the flesh is bound up with the whole fabric of the Catholic and Orthodox dogmatic theology of Christendom, and cannot be removed without logically shaking that system of belief into pieces. And yet the doctrine, as has been shown in a previous chapter, is unscriptural and of a purely pagan origin, the New Testament foretelling a resurrection of spirits from the underworld, not of bodies from the grave. It has no real analogies in the world, but is a figment of fancy, unsupported by reason on any authentic physical or moral grounds. It is, furthermore, a doctrine whose realization is impossible, because it is a self destroying absurdity. All that we need for demonstrating its absolute incredibility, is simply to ultimate its implications, carry it out in thought to the necessary results which its ignorant originators never foresaw. The doctrine of a physical resurrection presupposes that our race was originally intended to be immortal on earth, and that death was a penalty for sin. Fill out the theory. Adam and Eve, made male and female, were commanded to multiply and replenish the earth. Their descendants, doubling every twenty five years, would, after sixty or seventy generations had accumulated, have covered the whole earth so thickly that they would be packed in one immovable mass, the whole planet carpeted with their forms and paved with their upturned faces. Not an inch of room on the globe for any harvest to grow or any creature to move; the world, crowded and imbedded at every point with one continuous multitude of immortal human beings, would have then rolled around the zodiac, presenting this chronic and motionless picture, to all eternity! If it be maintained that had it not been for sin and its penalty, the successive generations would neither have died nor have remained forever on the earth, but would have been translated bodily to some other world, the absurdity just exposed is escaped only to introduce another one equally glaring. For in time, the entire solid contents of the globe would thus be removed, and the disappearance of our planet unhinge the solar system and produce a general cataclysm. The solid contents of the earth have been estimated at about thirty nine trillions of cubic feet. Seventy five doublings of the primal pair would reach to over seventy trillions of human beings, each containing more than a solid cubic foot. It is perfectly clear, therefore, in any view, that the only way in which the human race, with their reproductive constitution, could permanently inhabit the world is by the present system of successive births and deaths; a system, furthermore, which science shows to have been in working existence among the preceding races of creatures for innumerable ages before the mythical sin of Adam and Eve, with its mythical consequences. The fabulous scheme of an intended bodily immortality on the earth is a discordant and disagreeable one in every respect, asthetic, rational, and moral. It jars incongruously with the great order of nature and providence, which everywhere interpolates a night between two days, a sleep between two wakings, to keep the edge of consciousness fresh and the possibilities of pleasure alive. Imprisoned in this carcass of flesh with its ignoble necessities for endless ages, the contemplation of the fearful burden of monotony would be insufferable to any one who had thought the case out in all its details with vivid realization. And yet, so unthinking are most persons in regard to the conventional beliefs prevalent in society, Parsees, Jews, Christians and Mohammedans, professedly base their entire faith in immortality on this dogma with the resurrection involved in it. When carried out in its particulars by the imagination, the doctrine is self evidently untenable, contradictory to the essential facts of human nature under the given conditions of the material creation. It had its theologic birth in the speculations of the dualistic religion of Persia, whence it was first borrowed by the Jews, then secondarily adopted into Christianity, and thence finally impacted into the mongrel creed of Mohammed and his followers. It is philosophically irreconcilable with a pure monotheism; for, if God be infinite, no enemy could subvert his original scheme and force Him to an arbitrary miracle to restore it. It is a creaking and dissonant artifice, every way repugnant to all whose reason and sentiment have learned to love the smooth and continuous evolution of the order of the cosmos and the connected destinies of conscious beings. It is absolutely refuted by the double reductio ad absurdum shown above to be contained in it. Yet, while the grounds on which the common belief in a destined general resurrection of the dead rests have really lost their validity to the mind of the nineteenth century, the millions of Islam and Christendom retain the article unchanged in their creeds, and to question it is a heresy. No wonder skepticism flourishes and genuine faith decays. This clinging to an outgrown scheme is not only from the strong drift of a passive mental conformity, as the train of cars keeps on for some time after the dynamic locomotive has been taken off. Another reason is that the tenet is so centrally imbedded in the dogmatic ecclesiasticism that it cannot be extricated without involving all the associated dogmas. Therefore, one portion of this knowing generation repeat the formula and blink the difficulties, while another portion go over to open disbelief of any future life. The doctrine of the literal resurrection of the body from the grave is incredible to the educated and free intelligence of the age. In continuing to affirm it ecclesiastical Christendom brands itself with frivolity, not earnest enough to carry its thought in loyalty to truth as far as possible, or with hypocrisy, consciously dishonest to its doubts. It is a precious boon to be rid of such an unnatural and ominous belief as that in the final disemboguing of the dead by sea and land, the tumbling of the rocks, the falling of the stars, and the everlasting torture of the condemned in a prison of fire. Far better than any such doctrine is a calm confronting of the mystery of the future in its confessed secrecy as it is, and a peaceful resignation to the will of God in conscious ignorance and trust. And yet the believer in this scheme of colossal and ghastly necromancy, when confronted with the unanswerable arguments against it, is sometimes found clinging to it with willful tenacity, and bitterly complaining of those who refute it, that they would rob him of his faith and give him nothing in exchange. Suppose a man to believe that in the year nineteen hundred the earth will be exploded, and that all men, except himself and the little clique of his friends, will be strung for eternity on a red hot iron wire in empty space. Suppose that this horrid notion is clearly proved to him to be an error. Then, because he is not taught exactly what will happen in the year nineteen hundred, he, the unhappy man, assails his enlightener for having robbed him of his faith and given him nothing in exchange! Is not the truth of ignorance better than the falsity of superstition? Modest faith in front of the shrouded unknown can well stand comparison with the arrogant and incompetent exultation of fanaticism. In regard to that belated relic of the belief in magic, the doctrine of the literal resurrection of the dead in their fleshy bodies, let us gratefully wipe it all out and draw a long breath of relief. Let us rejoice to know that the will of God will be done in the fulfilling order of the universe, although we may now be ignorant of precisely what that will is. Believing the will of God to be good, whether revealed or concealed, we can afford to wait in peace, trying in the meantime to carry our individual character and our social state and experience here steadily toward perfection. Surely, that is the best way to prepare ourselves for whatever lies beyond. And yet we are not wholly shut up to mere blind faith. There is always some ground of moral truth in every widely extended dogmatic belief. In casting off the dogma we should carefully extract its moral purport and try to give it a more authentic setting. It will not be hard to do this with reference to the doctrine now under consideration. Obscure and complicated and baffling as the problem of our future destiny is, we can already trace many a line of light, many a prophetic signal and hint suggestive of what is ordained to happen to the individual and the race. Unquestionably, the genuine moral reason why the belief in the fleshly resurrection has been so general and tenacious is the two fold consideration: first; that we desire our future life to be an incarnate life because our experience makes that form of being realizable and precious to our imagination, while a disembodied ghostliness is, perforce, repulsively vacant and abstract; and, secondly because our affection and our imagination and our conscience profoundly crave the complete fulfillment of the scheme of the historic career of collective humanity in this world in some such manner, that here, on this dear old earth, the experience of our whole race may be brought to a clear epical unity, and may close with an illuminating justification of providence in the sight of all men, who shall then read the interpretation of their entire past, and see together eye to eye. Now we believe that the essence of this natural desire and this sublime hope is a divine prophecy which shall be fulfilled. We believe that in the very falsity of the doctrine of a carnal resurrection and judgment there lurks a truth yet to break out in overwhelming refulgence and perfectly satisfy every soul of man. But it will be brought about by the gradual culmination of the means and processes which God is now visibly carrying forward, and not by any sudden convulsion of miracle. The faculties of human consciousness in the individual and the race are in process of development. Also the transmissible sum of knowledge, on which those faculties employ themselves, is in process of rapid increase. The faculties of knowledge possessed by an accomplished master of literature and science now, contrasted with those of a cannibal savage of the pre glacial epoch, reveal an advance which hardly needs to be repeated in order to give us a comprehension of the whole experience of our kind on earth, quite ample to explain the facts of the case and solve the problem of our destiny. The grasp of our intelligence and the richness of our sensibility increase along the ages. The generalizations of our philosophy grow wider, the gropings of our sympathetic faith become vaster, the retrospection and the prevision of our science keener and longer and more inclusive, every generation. It is very significant that the further away we get from the prehistoric times the more we learn about them. Archaology is one of the latest and most swiftly enlarging branches of knowledge. Let the processes thus indicated go on, as they have gone on and are with accelerated pace going on, and the date is not beyond prophecy when all earthly and human secrets will be solved, and their mysteries be revealed, and the autobiographic book and volume of the world be opened, and the universal tribunal be set in the light of every life, and the irreversible judgment be declared, by the simple revelation of the truth of history in the web of its relations. For as every atom of matter is conjoined by all the laws of nature with all other atoms of matter, and the history of all their adventures is registered by their own indestructible vibrations in the elemental spaces of the universe where they run their career, so every identity of spirit is conjoined by all the laws of spirit with all other spirits, and all their deeds and sufferings are ineffaceably self registered in their reactions upon the authors, in the pictures they shed upon space, and the influences they set rolling through the eternity of successive souls and lives. All, then, that is needed for a perfectly vindicating judgment is the awakening of consciousness to the full view of the facts. And the tendencies are powerfully moving in that direction. What was the illumination of Swedenborg but the taking possession by his consciousness of the unconscious lower nervous system, with all its impacted ancestral experiences and wondrous relations with the visible and invisible worlds? And this may be repeated, by and by, and be perfected, and become common. What may result is as yet almost inconceivable. Let us trace a little, in this regard, the connections of the individual and the face, and follow out some of their implications. Suppose that in turn every child born begets or bears two children. Then in the thirtieth generation the transmitted qualities of spirit, nerve and blood, of the single original pair of parents will be represented in upwards of one thousand millions of descendants. It is clear from this law, allowing for all deviations from its numerical progression on account of inter marriages and of failures of offspring, how powerfully and swiftly the ever multiplying streams of consanguinity are spreading in every direction, affiliating and fraternizing the whole human race literally into one family, the innumerable rills of separate descent intermingling as they flow on, and finally diffusing over the earth in that oceanic unity of humanity, which, when full, will beat with the tidal pulse of a single sympathy. It is believed by many that no experience of any living creature is ever lost, but is by its own spontaneous and exact reflex vibrations either registered in the conscious memory or deposited in the unconscious organism in latent perfection of vestige and tendency. Memory is a faithful treasurer of all the stores of events. Suppose now that each parent bequeaths in the dynamic germ of his progeny the possibility of reviving into consciousness, when the proper conditions shall be furnished, the accumulated sum of all that has happened throughout the entire line of his ancestry. And again, imagine that all the souls composing the human race each of which is a substantial and indestructible entity, living incarnated over and over, and not a mere phenomenal process that vanishes into nothing with the dissolution of the body are so limited in number that they may be embodied on the earth in one generation, whose members shall be so conjoined in knowledge and fellowship that the life of the whole is concentrated in every one, and the life of every one mirrored in the whole. Now, finally, let it be conceived that this latest generation, including all who have ever inhabited the world, at last attain a development which enables them to grasp in distinct consciousness the collective sum of the organic heritage of the race, each one reading with perfect clearness in every particular the complete history of humanity from the beginning to the end, understanding all its causes, courses and consequences, and beholding with unspeakable delight the justification of the ways of God, the whole universe opening into free intercommunication, as if time and space were either no more or else their measures were of boundless subjective elasticity, every creature found in peace and rapture at the goal of his destiny. That, indeed, would be a realization of the day of judgment and the resurrection of the dead, but without a shock or a jar in the course of things which science reveals. The process of development now going on, if carried far enough, will naturally result in this or in something equivalent to it; while the notion of the vomiting forth of the accumulated dead from land and sea, at the blast of a trumpet, is a wild piece of imagery, borrowed from startling political phenomena, and applied with absurd incongruity to the chronic providence of God. The former view contains all the moral significance of the latter, but without its violation of probability. Nor is it all necessary that the climax shall be brought about of a simultaneous universal judgment, or of the appearance of our whole race on the earth at one time. The giving of the vision to souls subjectively, one after another, in the order of their attainment of the conditions, would meet every requirement of the case. To each one in turn, wherever he was, as the result broke on him in the ecstatic glory of all it means, the essence of the so long cherished faith of Christendom would be justified, and the providential theater and scenery of human experience would appear under its illumination as a dazzling vision of poetic justice perfect at every point. Marvelous and almost incredible as this scheme of thought may seem, it is not more mysterious in itself, or more staggering in its demand on our faith, than many things successively were which are now established beyond a doubt such as the telegraphic conversation of men through the ocean and around the globe; the seven hundred and thirty three thousand millions of ethereal vibrations in a second, which cause the report of the violet ray in consciousness; the transcendent disclosures of the spectrum analysis; the conception of gravitation as a force which holds all matter in unbroken union, and acts throughout the stellar universe with timeless simultaneity. It is in entire keeping with everything else in the workings of God, as demonstrated by science, on every hand, both in nature and history. The atomic theory and the nebular hypothesis, the chemical crucible and the mathematical calculus, the microscope and the telescope discover to our senses and our reason, wherever we look, facts as mysterious to the understanding, and as baffling to the imagination as any of the foregoing implications; showing us, in every department of nature and experience, the bewildering miracles of the infinitely little and the infinitely great exactly balanced and perpetually passing into one another. There is a third way, in addition to the ghost world of the primitive faith of barbarians, and the resurrection climax of the Christian and Parsee and Hebrew and Moslem creeds, in which the imagination of man, moved by his instinct and reason, has concreted the idea of a future life; namely, by the doctrine of transmigration. A striking feature and no slight recommendation of the foregoing view of the true meaning of the dogma of the resurrection is that it reconciles these two chief forms of the belief in immortal life. For resurrection and transmigration agree in the central point of a restoration of the disembodied soul to a new bodily existence, only the former represents this as a single collective miracle wrought by an arbitrary stroke of God at the close of the earthly drama, the latter depicts it as constantly taking place in the regular fulfillment of the divine plan in the creation. This difference is certainly, to a scientific and philosophical thinker, who reasons on the data of nature and experience and not on the dicta of theologians, strongly in favor of the Oriental theory. We have no experience whatever of any general resurrection, but all experience is full of the constant appearances of souls in freshly created bodies throughout the scale of sentient being. If our final future life is to be a bodily one there surely is a world of presumptive evidence, therefore, in behalf of transmigration as opposed to resurrection. Besides the various distinctive arguments of its own, every reason for the resurrection holds with at least equal force for transmigration. The argument from analogy is especially strong. It is natural to argue from the universal spectacle of incarnated life that this is the eternal scheme everywhere, the variety of souls finding in the variety of worlds an everlasting series of adventures, in appropriate organisms; there being, as Paul said, one kind of flesh of birds, another kind of flesh of beasts, another of men, another of angels, and so on. Our present lack of recollection of past lives is no disproof of their actuality. Every night we lose all knowledge of the past, but every day we reawaken to a memory of the whole series of days and nights. So in one life we may forget or dream, and in another recover the whole thread of experience from the beginning. In every event, it must be confessed that of all the thoughtful and refined forms of the belief in a future life none has had so extensive and prolonged a prevalence as this. It has the vote of the majority, having for ages on ages been held by half of the human race with an intensity of conviction almost without a parallel. Indeed the most striking fact, at first sight, about the doctrine of the repeated existences of the soul incarnated in different organisms, its form and experience in each successive embodiment being determined by its merits and demerits in the preceding ones, is the constant reappearance of the faith in it in all parts of the world, and its permanent hold on certain great nations. The ancient civilization of Egypt, whose contrasted splendors and horrors awaken astonishment more and more with each step in the progressive decipherment of its mysterious record, seems largely to have grown out of this faith. The swarming millions of India also, through the chief periods of their history, have lain under its spell, suffered their lives, wrought their great works of government, architecture, philosophy, and poetry, and in its belief meditated, aspired, and exhaled their souls. Ruder forms of it are reported among innumerable barbaric tribes. It played an important part in the speculations of the early Fathers of the Christian Church, and has often cropped out in the works of later theologians. Men of the profoundest metaphysical genius, like Scotus Erigena and Leibnitz, have affirmed it, and sought to give it a logical or scientific basis. And even amidst the predominance of skeptical and materialistic influences in Europe and America, at the present time, we constantly meet individuals with independent minds who earnestly believe the alluring dogma. For, to a large and varied class of minds, the doctrine holds a transcendent attraction as well as a manifold plausibility. Another striking fact connected with this doctrine is that it seems to be a native and ineradicable growth of the Oriental world; but appears in the Western world only in scattered instances, and rather as an exotic form of thought. In the growing freedom and liberality of thought, which no less than its doubt and denial, now characterize Christendom, it seems as if the full time had come for a greater mental and asthetic hospitality on the part of Christians towards Hindus. The advocates of the resurrection should not confine their attention to the repellent or the ludicrous aspects of metempsychosis, but do justice to its claim and its charm. The Pantheistic tendency which possessed and overwhelmed the Brahminic mind, shaping and tinging its views opened the whole range of sentient existences to an indiscriminate sympathy, and made the idea of transmigration natural, and more pleasing than repugnant. Furthermore, the Brahminic thinkers and sages were a distinct class of men whose whole lives were absorbed in introspective reveries and metaphysical broodings calculated to stimulate the imagination and arouse to the keenest consciousness all the latent marvels and possibilities of human experience, thus furnishing the most favorable conditions for exactly such a belief as that of transmigration, an endless series of ever varying adventures for the imperishable soul. And the vast swarms of the common people in the East are the passive followers of this high caste of thinkers, abjectly accepting what they teach. Accordingly, the mysterious doctrine of the metempsychosis has held the entire mind, sentiment and civilization of the East, through every period of its history, as with an irreversible spell. The persistent practice of various modes of profound and rhythmical breathing by which the Brahmins perfect their respiration, and the keen and sustained concentration of their attention on their inner states, tend at the same time to heighten the richness and intensity of the cerebral nerves, to unify the connections of the lower nerve centres with them, and to fuse the unconscious physiological processes with the conscious psychological processes. Then the persevering disuse and suppression of the action of their outer senses cause the objects of the material world around them to seem more vague and dreamy than the impressions of the ideal world within. And so the earth with all its affairs seems an illusion, while their own unsought trains of thought, feeling and imagery the rich mental panorama of pictures and events, are taken for a series of substantial revelations of the universe of being. An irresistible belief in preexistence, immortality and transmigration, results. On the contrary, in the Western world, the characteristic tendencies are all different. Pantheistic theories are rarely held, and the dreams and emotions which those theories are fitted to feed are foreign and repulsive. An impassible barrier is imagined separating humanity from every other form of being. Speculative reason, imagination and affection, are chiefly employed in scientific studies and social pursuits, or personal schemes, external rather than internal. This absorption in material things and evanescent affairs engenders in the spirit an arid atmosphere of doubt and denial, in which no efflorescence of poetic and mystic faiths can flourish. Thus, while the outward utilities abound, hard negations spread abroad; and living, personal apprehension of God, of an all pervasive Providence, and of the immortality of the soul in any form, dies out either in open infidelity or in a mere verbal acceptance of the established creed of society. Consequently, to the average mind of the modern Western world, the doctrine of transmigration remains a mere fancy, although, as we shall immediately see, it has a strange poetic charm, a deep metaphysical basis, and a high ethical and religious quality. The first ground on which the belief rests is the various strong resemblances, both physical and psychical, connecting human beings with the whole family of lower creatures. They have all the senses in common with us, together with the rudiments of intelligence and will. They all seem created after one plan, as if their varieties were the gradulations of a single original type. We recognize kindred forms of experience and modes of expression in ourselves and in them. Now the man seems a travesty of the hog, the parrot, the ape, the hawk, or the shark; now they seem travesties of him. As we gaze at the ruminating ox, couched on the summer grass, notice the slow rhythm of his jaw, and the wondering dreaminess of his eyes, it is not difficult to fancy him some ancient Brahmin transmigrated to this, and patiently awaiting his release. Nor is it incongruous with our reason or moral feeling to suppose that the cruel monsters of humanity may in a succeeding birth find the fit penalty for their degradation and crime, in the horrid life of a crocodile or a boa constrictor. The conception of a series of connected lives also furnishes a plausible explanation for many mysteries in our present experience. Reference is made to all that class of phenomena covered by the Platonic doctrine of reminiscence. Faces previously unseen, and localities unvisited, awaken in us a vivid feeling of a long familiarity with them. Thoughts and emotions, not hitherto entertained, come to us as if we had welcomed and dismissed them a thousand times in periods long gone by. Many an experience, apparently novel and untried, makes us start as at the shadowy reminder of something often known before. The supposition of forgotten lives preceding the present, portions of whose consciousness reverberate and gleam through the veils of thought and sense, seems to throw satisfactory light on this strange department of experience. Much more weighty and penetrative, however, than the foregoing considerations is the philosophical argument in behalf of transmigration, drawn from the nature of the soul. Consciousness being in its very essence the feeling of itself, the conscious soul can never feel itself annihilated, even in thought it only loses the knowledge of its being when it lapses into unconsciousness, as in sleep or trance. The soul may indeed think of its own annihilation but cannot realize the thought in feeling, since the fainter emotional reflex upon the idea of its destruction is instantly contradicted and over borne by the more massive and vivid sense of its persistent being in immediate consciousness. This incessant self assertion of consciousness at once suggests the idea of its being independent of the changing and vanishing body in which it is temporarily shrined. Then the conception naturally follows that the soul, as it has once appeared in human form, so it may reappear indefinitely in any of the higher or lower forms of being which compose the hierarchy of the universe. The eternity of the soul, past and future, once accepted by the mind, leads directly to the construction of the whole scheme of metempsychosis an everlasting succession of births and deaths, disembodiments and reembodiments, with their laws of personality and fortunes of time and space weaving the boundless web of destiny and playing the endless drama of providence. But the strongest support of the theory of transmigration is the happy moral solution it seems to give to the problem of the dark and distressing inequality and injustice which otherwise appear so predominant in the experience of the world. To the superficial observer of human life the whole scene of struggle, sin and sorrow, nobleness and joy, triumph and defeat, is a tangled maze of inconsistencies, a painful combination of violent discords. But if we believe that every soul, from that of the lowest insect to that of the greatest archangel, forms an affiliated member of the infinite family of God, and is eternal in its conscious essence, perishable only as to its evanescent disguises of unconscious incarnation; that every act of every creature is followed by its legitimate reactions; that these actions and reactions constitute a law of retribution absolutely perfect; that these souls, with all their doings and sufferings are interconnected with one another, and with the whole, all whose relationships copenetrate and cooperate with mutual influences whose reports are infallible and with lines of sequence that never break, then the bewildering maze becomes a vindicated plan, the horrible discord a divine harmony. What an explication it gives of those mysteries of evil, pain, sorrow and retribution, which often wrap the innocent and the wicked in one sad fate, if we but see that no individual stands alone, but trails along with him the unfinished sequels of all ancestral experience, and, furthermore, is so bound up with his simultaneous race that each is responsible for all and all for each, and that no one can be wholly saved or safe until all are redeemed and perfected! Then every suffering we endure for faults not our own, the consequence of the deeds of others, assumes a holy light and a sublime dignity, associating us with that great sacrament of atoning pain whereof the crucified Christ is not the exclusive instance but the representative head. The above translation of the ecclesiastical doctrine of the resurrection into a form scientifically credible, and reconciled with the immemorial tenet of transmigration, may seem to some a very fanciful speculation, a mere intellectual toy. Perhaps it is so. It is not propounded with the slightest dogmatic animus. It is advanced solely as an illustration of what may possibly be true, as suggested by the general evidence of the phenomena of history and the facts of experience. The thoughts embodied in it are so wonderful, the method of it is so rational, the region of contemplation into which it lifts the mind is so grand, the prospects it opens are of such universal reach and import, that the study of it brings us into full sympathy with the sublime scope of the idea of immortality and of a cosmopolitan vindication of providence uncovered to every eye. It takes us out of the littleness of petty themes and selfish affairs, and makes it easier for us to believe in the vastest hopes mankind have ever known. It causes the most magnificent conceptions of human destiny to seem simply proportional to the native magnitude and beauty of the powers of the mind which can conceive such things. After traversing the grounds here set forth we feel that if the view based on them be not the truth, it must be because God has in reserve for us a sequel greater and lovelier, not meaner than our brightest dream hitherto. The worthiest theory of the fate of man which the spirit of man can construct must either be a revelatory divination of the truth, or an inadequate attempt to grasp the design of the Creator in its true glory. It is impious and absurd to hold that man can think out a scheme superior to the one God has decreed. And it seems equally unreasonable to suppose that the scheme of God for the future stages of our career is one which has no hints in our present experience. Certainly it appears more likely that the sequel will be discovered by the logical completion of the inwrought order which has been slowly unfolding from the first. And what do history and prophecy show more plainly than the tendency to a convergence of all humanity in every man? Spreading consanguinity in descent and growth of sympathetic knowledge both point to this. Perfect this in each man, and illuminate his whole organism and its relations with adequate intelligence, and we have a true resurrection, not indeed of decayed bodies from the grave, but of historic states of consciousness from their latent embedment in the nervous system, and their undulatory record in the dynamic medium of the creation. Our senses now convert certain sets of undulations of the ethereal medium into perceptions of light, heat, sound, and so interpret their contents and extract their tidings. It is not impossible that in a coming stage of development we may obtain additional senses; our spirits may command the means of translating into correspondent states of consciousness all the other modes of vibration of the ethereal medium, and grasp the keys of unlimited knowledge deciphering every secret wherever they go. The whole universe may be a palimpsest preserving the inscriptions of all deeds, and every soul may be a reagent gifted with the power to recover and read its own. As each generation is the inheritor of the preceding ones, all of which from the first prolong their existence into the last in unbroken continuity of historic conduct and responsibility, justice may at the ripened period be naturally summed up without any miracle. We all are projections of our ancestors. They properly in us suffer and enjoy in accordance with what has flowed from their lives. The whole of this, lighted up with consciousness at last, may be the real meaning of the burden of the spirit given to the apostle Paul, but misinterpreted by him into the mechanico scenic scheme of the Judaized Christian Church. For when the mighty influx struck the brain of the persecuting zealot, revolutionizing his life, it came into connection with all the inflamed theories and convictions so deeply drilled therein by his Pharisaic education. These convictions, partly of a mere local and transient character, associated with legends of Adam and Abraham and the under world and Christ and the sky, mixed with the true and universal import of the higher inspiration now given him, caused his misconstrual of its message, and stamped the purely human and providential meaning of the doctrine of the resurrection with the rabbinical die of a politico mythological dogma. If this were so, it is not the only instance in which the preexistent discolorations in the mind of an inspired prophet have refracted the truth of his burden into distorted error and bequeathed the task of a future rectification when more light shall have come. In the next place, we come to the fourth reason for the growing doubts and disbelief of our day in immortality. It is the remarkable diffusion of the habits of thought engendered by the study of materialistic science. The authority of physical science has been rapidly encroaching on and displacing the authority of the church theology and sectarian creeds. Belief in invariable laws has undermined belief in miracle and supernatural revelation. Those who had been taught that the resurrection of Christ was the only adequate proof of the immortality of the soul, learning to deny the former, have naturally proceeded to question the latter. For in such matters the real implications of logic are little noticed. The religious skepticism nourished by physical science is in all respects really as irrational and baseless as it is actual. For example, the resurrection of Christ, admitting it to be a fact, did not create the immortality it was considered to illustrate. If he rose, it was because men are immortal, and men are not immortal because he rose. If he did not rise, men are immortal all the same, provided human immortality be a truth; if it be not a truth, the resurrection of Christ would be an isolated abnormal event without any logical validity on the question. The truth or falsity of human immortality, therefore, is a question of the creative plan of God and the essential nature of man, to be decided on the intrinsic evidences, and cannot logically be affected one way or the other by any individual historic occurrence limited to a certain time and place. Yet it is a practical necessity that any great popular faith, if it rests on authority, will be shocked and weakened by everything which shocks and weakens that authority, no matter how adventitious it is. If one cannot believe in the preternatural resurrection of Christ, that surely is no valid reason for denying the natural immortality of the soul, but only a good reason for seeking to learn if there be not adequate grounds for this faith quite independent of scripture text and priestly assertion. Precisely the same reasoning holds in relation to the doubts about spiritual realities bred in the minds of those whose studies are conversant exclusively with material realities. The professors of physical science, thoroughly familiarized with things which combine and dissolve, often come to fancy that everything is phenomenal and evanescent, that there is no immaterial substance, that spirit is not entity but process, that thought and feeling and will are mere transient functions of transient matter. Thus all faith in the individuality of mind is pulverized at the fountain head. There can be no question but that such is the common influence of a constant contemplation of the physical aspects alone of physical things. Mentality, consciousness, is regarded as the prismatic bow in the cloud, a spectral show that appears and vanishes, with no permanent substance. At the present time, in Christendom, the one conquering power in literature, the one fascinating absorption of thought in society, is that connected with the cultivation of physical science. Its prestige is overwhelming. Its prevalent methods and results give a materialistic turn of interpretation to the popular mind upon all subjects. The direct consequence, among that class of minds who put physical science above theology, is the spreading disavowal of all belief in the immortality of the soul. The fallacy is obvious, and the remedy is simple, if there be at hand but enough of modest candor and patience fairly to weigh the facts of the case in the scales of a sound logic. In the first place, by the very structure of our being, by the very necessity of our experience, the universe is divided into two irreconcilable classes of realities, namely, spiritual subjects and material objects. Sensations, perceptions, emotions, thoughts, volitions, all qualities of mind, all states of consciousness, are absolutely immaterial. They are more real to us, that is to say, they more inexpugnably assert and maintain themselves, than material things do: and it is only hopeless vulgarity and incompetence of thinking which can ever confuse or merge them with material things. Matter is that which proves itself to spirit by the effects it produces on spirit. Spirit is that which is its own evidence. The center of consciousness in us is its own proof of its own being, and all that occurs within it is its own proof, and is unsusceptible of any other or foreign demonstration. Hope, fear, love, imagination, reason, are absolutely unthinkable as forms of material substance, however exquisitely refined and exalted. There is no conceivable community of being between a sentiment and an atom, a gas and an aspiration, an idea of truth in the soul and any mass of matter in space. Each of these facts, conscious thought and material extension, has its own incommunicable and incomparable sphere of being and laws of action, which can be confused only by ignorance and sophistry. So clear has this become to all profound reflection, that the ablest supporters of the theory of evolution, with all their preponderant bias in favor of physical science, declare, in the words of Herbert Spencer, that if compelled to choose between thinking of spirit in the terms of matter and thinking of matter in the terms of spirit, they should take the latter alternative and give an idealistic interpretation to nature rather than a materialistic interpretation to the soul. It is logically clear, then, despite the fallacious influences of habit to the contrary, that no progress of the physical sciences, no conceivable amount of induction and generalization as to the composition or decomposition of material bodies, can throw any new light or darkness on the nature and destiny of the immaterial soul. The incessant flux of phenomena constructing and destroying apparent things, though studied till the observing eye sees nothing but mirage anywhere, has nothing to do with the steady persistence of spiritual identity. To force it to discredit our claim to a divine descent and an endless inheritance is a glaring sophism. The question must be snatched back from the assumption of the retort and crucible, the observational and numerical methods of the physical realm, and relegated to the legitimate tests of the moral and metaphysical realm. Again, there is furnished in the results of the study of physical science itself, as pursued by its most gifted masters, a glorious overthrow and neutralization of the moral and religious doubts called out in its shallower votaries by their absorption in its more superficial phases. The scientific men of the most profound intellectual power and the most brilliant original genius, the supreme heads of chemistry, dynamics and mathematics, have applied to the phenomena of the material creation modes of observation and instruments of reasoning before whose compelling efficacy the whole frowning vastitude of the outer universe melts into ideal points of force and forms of law. Everything in time and space is reduced to molecular vibrations, regulated by the mental conceptions of number, weight and measure. The reasonings of such men as Oersted and Faraday on electricity and magnetism; of Sir William Thomson and Clerk Maxwell on thermodynamics; the theories of the greatest mathematicians, grasping all things in heaven and earth with their irresistible calculus, literally using infinites as toys, creating imaginary quantities, and, going through certain operations with them, actually discovering new truths in the solid domain of reality yield conceptions of order, beauty and sublimity, and emotions of wonder, awe and delight, nowhere else surpassed. They exalt the spectacle of nature into a vision of poetic intelligence, and show the theorizing mind of man to be akin to the creating mind of God. Thus, if skepticism as to the deathless royalty of soul is bred in the physicist who constantly stoops with the scalpel and the microscope, it is offset in him who, with as steady a judgment, soars to the contemplation of the ethereal medium with its lines of force traversing immensity and vibrating timelessly along their whole length, loaded, for those who can interpret them, with tidings of all that happens. Instead of spirit being materialized, matter is spiritualized and nature transfigured into the ideal home of ideal entities. Dumas, years ago, asserted that hydrogen gas is but an etherealized metal. Just now, it is said, Pictet has succeeded, under a pressure of six hundred and fifty atmospheres, in actually crystallizing oxygen and hydrogen. One has only to read such papers as those of Stallo on the fundamental concepts of science to learn that if matter or mind is ever to be lost, it will not be mind. But there remains a more direct and more important way of correcting the dismal or defiant doubts of immortality caused by the inferior phases of materialistic study; and that is, by bringing up to a correspondent fullness and intensity the counter activity of the ideal powers. Let justice be done to the subject as well as to the object. Over against the watching of clouds and waves, the sorting of herbs, the weighing of metals, the measuring of quantities, bring up the exercise of the mind on the treasures of qualitative substance in its own proper sphere of reason and love and faith. Admire the beautiful, love the good, obey the true, worship the right, aspire to the highest, subordinate or sacrifice everything base or wrong in a generous service of duty, and thus nourish a consciousness of those ontological relations by which the soul is rooted in the Godhead, and stimulate that intuitive efflorescence of faith which grows out of progressive fulfillment and which prophecies perpetuity of fulfillment. To say the least, the subject is as real as the object, the contemplating faculty as valid as the phenomenon it confronts. The teachings of the soul rightly construed are as authentic as the teachings of nature. And, some day in the future, a complete system of truth developed from the central principle of the one by the subjective method will be found to correspond perfectly with the complete system of truth developed by the objective method from the central principle of the other. As the objective scientific principle is the persistence of force, the subjective scientific principle is the potential infinity of individual spirit, each one the equivalent of the all. What else than this can be the ultimate meaning of the primal, universal, indestructible antithesis or dual classification of being, the ego and the non ego, self and not self, the former including each individual in his own apprehension, the latter including all besides? There is a philosophical authority which, for those incompetent to judge for themselves, should properly take the place vacated by the ecclesiastical authority, which, in our day, is plainly on the wane. Multitudes no longer believe in the immortality of their souls on the ground of the resurrection of Christ, or the assertion of Scripture or creed. Shall they, then, deny it altogether because the materialistic band clamor that it is a delusion, and they themselves see no sufficient evidence for it? There is a more appropriate alternative. Many theories in natural philosophy have been exploded by the proof of their absurdity, and the correct explanations are accepted on trust by the multitudes incompetent to master their logical and mathematical grounds. Very few understand the proofs of the chief laws of nature, but the vast majority of men implicitly trust the assertions of those who do know them. In like manner there is a legitimate sphere for authority in moral and religious beliefs; only it should be the authority of the competent and disinterested. Now, it is a fact that the very greatest philosophers who have ever lived, the preeminently imperial thinkers, such as Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Anselm, Hegel, and the resplendent group of their peers, have asserted as a necessary principle the real being and eternal substantiality of the soul. Besides all the combinations of matter that dissolve, all the phenomena that pass, they affirm the existence of enduring entities, individual spirits, thinkers conscious of their thoughts. In central calm, far within the struggle and vex of the rolling elements, throned in its own serene realm of law, lives the free, conscious soul, and will live eternally, actualizing its potentialities. Nothing can disintegrate it, because it is not an aggregate but a unity, not a quantitative mass of matter, but a spaceless monad of power. It is a closed circuit of thinking activity, impenetrable to everything else. Spirits are the only solids, matter being endlessly penetrable and transmutable. We are all obliged to think of ourselves as entities, and not as mere phenomenal series of states. There must be a substratum for the affections of consciousness. All changes are changes of something. It is true there is a mystery involved here which no words can make clear; yet the more deeply one thinks and feels the more intense will be his assurance that there is something in him which thinks and feels, or rather that he himself is a something which thinks and feels. The best conception we can get of the soul is that it is a subject which is its own object and a mirror for the inner reflection of all other objects. God is not an object, because He is the actualized infinite Subject. His thoughts are concrete creations, the objective realities of the universe phenomenal and substantial. We are actually finite subjects, but with a potential infinity, patterned in free correspondence with Him. Our thoughts are subjective reflections of His, modified by the contents of our facultative constitution and the peculiarities of our historic experience. What constitutes my soul is the potentiality of all states of consciousness, actual and latent, past, present and future. It reveals itself to me, so to speak, in my actual thoughts and feelings. So far as these are true and good, they correspond with and represent the will of God, and must share the fortunes of the Divine Reality with which they are implicitly joined. Then my soul cannot be annihilated unless the will of God is so far annihilated. But God is infinite being, and there is nothing outside of or counter to infinite being to destroy it. All evil is but defect or negation. I am only in so far as I am positive reality. Nothing of me, therefore, can ever perish, except my imperfections; and the thought of the perishing of imperfections is a thought of joy. Welcome, then, be the approach of death which shall cleanse and dislimit me into unimprisonable divineness of being, the crystalline sphere of pure intelligence and immortality! The only real proof of immortality in the sight of the intellect, is the perception of the necessity of self determining entities as the causes and grounds of the facts of experience. A series of states implies something of which they are states. There seems to be no possible explanation or understanding of the phenomena which confront our experience without the conception of ultimate individualities, indestructible subject objects, centers of spiritual activity, monistic selfhoods, conscious egos, each of which distinguishes itself from every other, and contrasts itself with the All. Now it is claimed that every thinker who reaches the maturest stage of thought attains to this insight. It is the imperial mark of a certain stage of knowledge. Here the supreme thinkers, sceptered with final perception of the truth of their own eternity, sit at ease, enthroned in the serene and lucid realm of law, beyond the reach of the dark tempest of cavils and doubts. And there is a larger company who on easier terms have attained the same result. For, without this wearisome metaphysical hewing of conclusions from the quarries of ontology, the good and pure, who, in their loving obedience and aspiration, keep the harmonic quickness and innocence of their intuitions uninjured, also have an unshaken assurance that they live in God and shall share his life forevermore. The mystics of every period seem in feeling to have an immediate grasp of all that the greatest philosophers have painfully conquered by speculation. These two classes may claim to possess direct certitude of eternal life. All others must either attain to the stage of development and mount of vision of these, or receive the faith on their authority, or else be subject to doubt and unbelief. To accept the doctrine of the immortality of the soul on the authority of the wisest philosophers and the purest saints, is a legitimate procedure perfectly in keeping with what the human race does in all other provinces of thought where it is incapable of proving what its teachers have demonstrated, but can easily appreciate and make practical application of the truths they have affirmed. The great laws of science in all its domains are scientifically mastered by very few, but their empirical rules are implicitly followed by the common multitude. One form or receptacle of authority after another may be superseded; but authority itself always remains. And the true course for those to pursue who have come to repudiate the authority of scripture, or church creed, or the resurrection of Christ, as a proof of the future life of man, is not at once to abandon all belief in a future state, but to accept the guidance of the most competent independent thinkers in place of that of the most arbitrary dogmatists. For unto all who do not arrogate to themselves a transcendent competency to judge, the general consensus of the thought and feeling of the world, clarified and interpreted by the fittest few, will always be a grateful ground of reliance and trust. And the verdict thus revealed is unequivocally in favor of the doctrine of immortality. There can be no changes independently of something which is changed. Amidst all the changeable in us which passes and is forgotten, there is something which stays and is inexpugnable. It is our identity. That which appears in consciousness first, which recurs oftenest, and which persists longest, is the most valid object of belief. And what is that but the very consciousness, or the subject as its own object? Surely, the one invariable accompaniment of all the shifting states of consciousness is the bare essential consciousness itself: this is, so to speak, the unitary vessel containing all their varieties. This unquestionably exists now. The burden of proof, then, as Bishop Butler long ago showed, is on those who affirm its destruction in the article of death. Consciousness is purely immaterial, as every one who has passed beyond the most ignorant and childish stages of thought must see. Merely because it is, in our present experience, associated in time and space with a material organism, therefore to declare that it is a dependent production of matter, or a transient concomitant of the transient body, is a gratuitous assertion with not one scintilla of evidence. Even, for the moment, admitting it to be true that no argument of irresistible cogency has yet been advanced to prove the immortality of the soul, it is certain that no proof has ever been given of its mortality. The very utmost that can be claimed by any skeptic who fairly understands the whole case, is that the different arguments, for and against, offset one another, and leave the question in a neutral balance of suspense, just where it was before the debate began. Many persons hold that the counter reasonings do thus balance and annul one another. For them the problem remains to be decided on other grounds than those of the logical disputation which has proved inadequate to its settlement. These other grounds are considerations of congruity, probability, the prophetic preparations and demands of present experience. What sort of a figure would the segments which we now see, compose, if they were completed? What in the hidden future portions of our destiny would be harmonic and complementary as related with the parts here experienced? When the other modes of inquiry are abandoned this mode remains. Its teachings are rich and impressive in proportion to the greatness of the faculties and the wealth of knowledge and love brought to its consideration. And thus we come face to face with the fifth and last cause of the failing faith in immortality confessed to characterize the present day. That cause is the common inability to realize in the thoughts of the mind, and to hold in the faith of the feelings, a conception so vast, so mysterious, so remote from the usual routine of the selfish trifles and petty notions which monopolize the powers and fritter down the faculties of the average people of the nineteenth century. The battle of sensualism, the scramble over material interests, the wearing absorption in the small and evanescent struggles of social rivalry, the irritated attention given to the ever thickening claims of external things, the pulverizing discussions of all sorts of opinions by hostile schools, are fatal to that concentrated calmness of mood, that unity of passion, that serene amplitude of intellectual and imaginative scope, that docile religious receptiveness of soul, requisite for the fit contemplation of a doctrine so solemn and sublime as that of immortality. The grade of thought and scale of emotion ordinarily characteristic of ordinary men are utterly out of keeping with the inexpressible grandeur of themes like that of the divine kinship and eternity of the soul. The reason and fancy, before they can be competent to appreciate such truths, must be trained in the study and worshipful meditation of subjects of commensurate mystery and sublimity. It is no wonder that when minds and hearts familiar only with houses and clothes and food, the trivial gossip and vanity of the hour, are summoned to grasp the idea of spiritual survival and an everlasting destiny of conscious adventures, they are overwhelmed and helplessly fail to represent to themselves the possibility of any such truth. This cause of doubt is very prevalent and effective; for ever more and more in our age conscious attention is turned away from states within and fixed upon things without. The natural consequence is that the objective world is arrogating the first place in consciousness, and the subjective world is sinking into the secondary rank. Whatever exalts the object at the expense of the subject tends to materialism, unbelief in the separate being of the spirit. On the other hand whatever gives the panoramic passage of subjective states in the soul greater apparent vividness and tenacity than belong to outer phenomena, tends to produce faith in the independence and immortality of the spirit. Hence it is quite to be expected that until our modern concentration on objective toil and study and amusement reaches its destined climax and begins the return career to subjective reason and feeling, the skepticism of the age will increase. Meanwhile the remedy for the evil is, first, to perceive it, and then, to cultivate the kinds of experience calculated to neutralize it. For the logical invalidity and fallaciousness of the doubts concerning immortality, arising from the immense disparity of such a belief with the mental habits of ignorant earthlings and social parasites, appear from the fact that there are others with whose experience and thought the doctrine has no such disparity, but for whose spiritual range and haunt it is as natural to believe it as to breathe. And, in explaining the destiny of man, it is legitimate to take the most finished and furnished specimens, not the abortive ones. There are grounds of knowledge, domains of imagination, heights of nobility, familiar to the most exalted characters, perfectly cognate and harmonious with the conception of eternal life, and making the faith in it fully as credible as the transcendent truths of science and philosophy which have been actually demonstrated. Those who are familiar only with the little affairs of sense, in narrow bounds of time and space, may well gasp in despair and denial when the bewildering contents of the doctrine of immortality are held before them; but for all who have mastered what science reveals of the objective world of nature, and what literature records of the subjective world of soul, both these spheres furnish ample illustrative examples and data to make the faith in every way congruous with what else they know, and as easy as it is pleasing to receive. Assuredly the belief resulting in this latter class from their positive perception and correspondent desire and persuasion, are, on every ground of reason or moral fitness, more than a counterbalance for the unbelief resulting in the former class from their negative experience and incompetency. If we sought to estimate the possibility and destined fulfillment of human nature when all its conditions shall have been perfected, should we choose for the basis of our judgment the incapacity of the lower specimens of man? or the capacity of the higher? After considering the chief achievements of human genius, the mysterious powers of the human soul now, the doctrine of immortality does not seem too great and wonderful for belief; but, on the contrary, it appears the coherent complement of the facts of the present. Nothing can be more marvelous or imply greater glory for the destiny of the individual being than the fact that each consciousness is to itself the antithetical equivalent or balance of the totality of being beside; since the whole universe, all other beings, God himself, are known to the individual consciousness only as revealed in itself through its personal faculties. The slightest change in the subject is reported by a correspondent change in objects. Heighten the internal activities of the soul to a certain pitch, and the convictions they engender will be so intense, and the experience so absorbing, as irresistibly to sweep away all opposing doubts and fill every craving with the triumphant flood of life. What overwhelming revelations of the providence of God and eternal life, crowding the cosmos at every point with the workings of poetic justice, may thus be made to prepared spirits, only those who receive them know. Paul said he was caught up into the third heaven and heard unspeakable words. It is to be believed that such visions, while often illusory, are sometimes genuine. A test to discriminate the spurious and the authentic will one day be secured. Meanwhile it is either a faithless faintheartedness or a vulgar arrogance to omit from the data of our expected fate those thoughts, which, though beyond the reaches of our souls, nevertheless irresistibly allure our attention and enchain our affection; ideas belonging to our nature, though transcending our experience, and, while surpassing our faculties, still attracting us to our destiny. What are presentiments but divine wings of the spirit fluttering toward our unseen goal? Again, the great metaphysicians, who have elaborated the idealistic philosophy in so many forms, exhibit the mind of man to us as superior to the cosmic spectacle it contemplates projected in immensity. They portray the material creation as a phantasmal show of mind, a phenomenal process and aspect of spirit, indissoluble centers of consciousness alone having solid verity and stay, while matter and force and times and places whirl and pass, combine and dissolve. Likewise the mathematicians, with their mighty calculus, translate all quantities and qualities, all objects and operations, into numerical symbols, and with these intellectual toys play the same miraculous tricks that the Creator himself plays with the originals. They symbolize purely imaginary quantities, bring them into relations and pass them through certain operations, and thereby discover truths which are found to have permanent objective validity. It demonstrates, as said before, that the filial mind which thus wanders in thought through the house of the Father, and, everywhere making itself familiarly at home, disports among His treasures, is of the same type with the parental Mind. And now, still farther, that the cultivators of physical science are pushing their discoveries and their theories to ultimates, we begin to see the adamantine structure of material nature melting into a system of ideal equivalents, vaporizing into an undulatory ether, vanishing before our microscopes in immaterial bases of thought, reason, law and will. The gases have just been first liquified and then actually solidified, confirming the speculative announcement long before made that oxygen and hydrogen are metals volatilized. Many valuable and strange discoveries have been reached in physical science by following prophetic declarations made a priori on grounds of pure reason. The same proofs of intellectual design and purpose are discerned in the order of atomic combination, in the beauty of crystals and dewdrops and snowflakes, in the perfect geometrical symmetry of minerals and flowers, and in the same spiral adjustment of the leaves on a tree and of the orbits of the planets in the sky, as in the artistic works of man. Intellect and will are as much shown in the production of a palm tree as they are in the production of a poem And so, before the gaze of the accomplished and devout scientist, matter is translated into terms of mind, rather than the reverse, and the whole cosmos is transmuted into a divine laboratory of ideal powers, a divine gallery of ideal pictures, a divine theater for the eternal adventures of conscious spirits. In mental conception man deals with mathematical infinites as easily as with the pettiest objects, dilates a point to the universe and shrinks the universe to a point, condenses eternity into a moment or stretches a moment to eternity. It has been shown that if correspondent diminution or enlargement in the faculties of sense and intelligence and in all the forces concerned were made, the whole stellar system and its contents might be dwarfed into the bulk of a grain of sand, or so magnified that each grain would fill the space now occupied by the whole, and no one would perceive any change whatever in the scale. In reply to the statement that nothing can act where it is not, it has been proved that every atom is virtually omnipresent. It takes the entire universe to constitute an atom, since the forces centered in each atom are connected with the whole by the insunderable continuity of all the laws of being. The science of molecular physics as expounded by its latest masters is not less astounding than the wildest soarings of transcendental metaphysics. For instance, it is proved that if there be ultimate atoms their size must be so small that it would require at least five hundred millions of them to an inch in length. In a cubic inch of hydrogen gas, then, for example, there are 125,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 one hundred and twenty five septillions of atoms, moving with the inconceivable velocity that is implied by their making thousands of millions of changes of direction every second. The view of the dynamic s tructure of the universe opened in this direction is as appalling as that unveiled in the opposite direction by the largest extension of the nebular hypothesis. He who can gaze here with steady reason need not be staggered by the sublimest doctrine of religion. Amazed at the spectacle of creative power and wisdom, equally amazed at the discovering faculty of man, we feel it to be incredible that he should have been made capable of such thoughts only to be annihilated after a brief tantalization. Confronting the immeasurable wilderness of divine glory, strewn all through with prizes before which his soul burns with the unconsumable fire of a god like ambition, man lifts his eye to worship and reaches out his hand to receive. Is he merely taunted with the starry sky, and mocked with an infinite illusion of progress, suddenly barred with endless night and oblivion? Behold him emerging out of nothingness, mastering his self conscious identity, climbing over the rounds of symbolic experience and language through the heights of knowledge and love. Strange, helpless, sublime prince of the universe, beggar of God, when he has attained the summit of illimitable perception, holding immortal joys in full prospect, shall he be dashed back into nonentity? Is it not fitter that he be welcomed by triumphant initiation into the family of the deathless Father? Think of the advancement man has made since the time when he was a cannibal cave dweller, shivering out of the glacial epoch, and contending with wild beasts for a foothold on the earth, till now that he enjoys the idealism of Berkeley, wields the quaternions of Hamilton, uses the lightnings for his red sandaled messengers, holds his spectroscope to a star and tells what elements compose it, or to an outskirting nebula and declares it a mass of incandescent hydrogen. From such a background of accomplished fact he seems really to have a right to peer forth into the unbounded future and promise himself an unbounded destiny. The repetition of such a progress, nay much less, it may not unreasonably be imagined would raise the curtains from unsuspected secrets, bring the family of intelligences scattered over all worlds into conscious communication, and accomplish the deliverance of the whole creation travailing and groaning together unto this day for the redemption of the creature. What a splendid, almost incredible task man has already achieved in disentangling the apparent astronomic motions and converting them into the real ones. How immensely sublimer and more complex is the position of man on this planet than it seemed to the primitive savage, who knew only what his crude senses taught him, although, all the while, the moon was circling about him twenty five hundred miles an hour, and he was whirling with the revolving earth a thousand miles an hour, and spinning around the sun over thirty thousand miles an hour, and swooping with the whole solar system through the blue void with a still swifter gyre in a yet vaster cycle! This is demonstrated physical fact. Its harmonic correlate in the spiritual sphere would be nothing less than a lease of eternal existence for the soul which sees endless invitations ahead, and exults at the prospect of an eternal pursuit of them, its reason and affection affiliated with those of the whole divine household of immortals. Two or three generations ago it would have been more inconceivable that men a hundred miles apart could audibly converse together, as they now do by means of the telephone, than it is at this day to believe that communication may at some future time be opened between the inhabitants of the earth and the inhabitants of Sirius through the vibrations of the ethereal medium. Futhermore, the idea of the infinite God, in possession of which man finds himself, is a warrant for his immortality. There cannot be more in an effect than was in its cause, though there may be less. We perceive intelligence, orderly purpose, as well as power, in nature. We find in ourselves all the explicit attributes and treasures of consciousness. Reasoning back by indubitable steps we come to an uncaused, unlimited, infinite Being, the underived and eternal source of all that is. This idea in our minds of a Being of absolute perfection, whose boundless consciousness as being necessarily indivisible must be totally present at every point of infinitude, is the charter of our own divine nature and heirship. For we can become, even here, friends and companions of this omnipresent One, of whose essence and attributes everything below is but a defective transcript or dimmed revelation. This idea of Himself is the gift of God to us. To suppose that we are capable of originating it implies a greater miracle than the one it seeks to account for, and really puts ourselves in the place of God. Can we imagine that we are the creators of God? If the absolute noumenal Power beyond all phenomena be unknowable, it cannot contain less, but must contain more than all the attributes of the material and spiritual creation which has proceeded thence. The noblest and best spirits of all lands and ages have walked in full fellowship with this Being, seeking supremely to serve and love Him in the subjection of self will and in the doing of good. Many a nameless saint, in a pure consecration, has heroically thought and suffered and aspired, worn out life in slow toils or offered it up in sharp sacrifice, for the good of fellow creatures, as a tribute to God, and exhaled the last breath in a prayer of love and trust. Such faithful servants and comrades must be dear to the Infinite Spirit, and it is natural to believe that He will keep them with him forever. When Christ, in self sacrificing love, submitted to death on the cross, saying, "Father, into Thy hands I commit my spirit," he who can believe that the magnanimous sufferer was disappointed, blotted out and extinguished, thus reveals the grade of his own insight, but does not refute the greater hope of nobler seers. It seems as if the idea of God, with loving faith and obedience to its requirements, planted in a soul which had not inherited immortality would straightway begin to develop it there. The atmosphere of eternity alone befits a nature which feels itself living in the companionship of God. Everything subject to decay cowers into oblivion from before the idea of that august, incorruptible presence. The fear of death is but the recoil of the immortal from mortality. When man voluntarily faces death without fear, even courting martyrdom with a radiant joy, it is because there is in him, deeper than consciousness, a mystic knowledge that he is essentially eternal and cannot perish. He who freely sacrifices anything thereby proves himself superior to that which he sacrifices. Man freely sacrifices his life. Therefore he is immortal. The ancient Semitic philosopher and poet who wrote the book of Job, brooding on the strange problem of life and death, murmured, "Man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?" With each successive generation, for many ages, countless millions have dissolved and vanished into the vast, dumb mystery. Now, the spectator, remembering all this, stands beneath the dome of midnight, imploringly breathes the mystic sigh, "Man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?" The only responses is the same dread silence still maintained as of old. And, in a moment more, he who breathed the wondering inquiry is himself gone. Whither? Into the vacant dark of nothingness? Into the transparent sphere of perfect intelligence? The sublimity of the demand seems to ally the finite questioner with the infinite Creator; and, with a presentiment of marvelous joy, we look beyond the ignorant veil at the close of earth, and hold that eternity itself will not exhaust the possibilities of the soul, whose career shall be kept from stagnation by constant interspersals of death and birth, refreshing disembodiments from worn out forms and reincarnations in new. If this life on the earth, where man feels himself a stranger, be his all, how superfluously he is equipped with foresights and longings that outrun every conceivable limit! Why is he gifted with powers of reason and demands of love so far beyond his conditions? If there be no future for him, why is he tortured with the inspiring idea of the eternal pursuit of the still flying goal of perfection? Is it possible that the hero and the martyr and the saint, whose experience is laden with painful sacrifices for humanity, are mistaken? and that the slattern and the voluptuary and the sluggard, whose course is one of base self indulgence, are correct? Is it credible that, with no justifying explanation hereafter, it should be ordained that the more gifted and disinterested a man is the more he shall uselessly suffer, from his sympathetic carriage of the greater share in the sin and sorrow of all his race? No, far back in the past there has been some dark mystery which yet flings its dense shadows over our history here; and in the obscurity we cannot read its solution. But there is a solution. And when in some blessed age to come mankind shall outgrow their discords and be reconciled, so that their divinest living member can become the focalizing center of their collective inspiration, through him the truth will be revealed. The most inspired individual can only in a degree anticipate his age. At a certain distance he is tethered by his connections with the race. They must be near the goal before he can deliver the final message. Inspiration and revelation are as real as the sensuous method of outer knowledge. Spirit or consciousness, as that which is its own evidence, has a more than mathematic validity. When men purely love one another, and, with supreme loyalty, seek truth, ignorance and delusion will melt away before the encroaching illumination from God, and the dominion of death will be abolished. That the human mind shall be the victim of death is incongruous with its rank. The atheistic scientist who imagines that the energy of the stellar creation is gradually dissipating, so that the whole scheme must at last perish; and who sees the soul, then, like a belated butterfly, fall frozen on the boundary of a dead universe, refutes his own dismal creed by the grandeur of the power shown in thinking it. The might of love, the faculty of thought, the instinct of curiosity, are insatiable; and that which remains wooing them to grasp it, is infinite. And, after all is said, it seems certain that we are either discerpted emanations and avatars of God suffering transient incarnations for a purpose, and then to be resumed, immortal in his immortality; or else we are separate and inherent entities, immortal in ourselves. The former faith ought to satisfy the proudest ambition. The latter faith yields every motive for contentment and aspiring obedience. Man, forever feeding on the unknown, is the mysterious guest of God in the universe. We cannot believe that, the hospitality of the infinite Housekeeper becoming exhausted, He will ever blow out the lights and quench the guests. расширять ▼▲ ( 1 ) ▼Судьба Души Уильяма Ронсевиля Алгера (1860) Доктрина Павла о будущей жизни Главная трудность в достижении системы мышления и веры в разуме Павла проистекает из фрагментарного характера его сохранившихся писаний. Это не полные трактаты, сделанные в независимых заявлениях, а специальные письма, полные скрытых последствий. Они были написаны для удовлетворения особых чрезвычайных ситуаций, предоставления консультаций, передачи или запроса информации и сочувствия, аргументации или решения по различным вопросам в значительной степени личного или местного и временного характера. Очевидно, их автор никогда не подозревал, что они станут постоянными и чрезвычайно влиятельными документами, которые они с тех пор стали. Они не были составлены как упорядоченные разработки или полные представления о вероисповедании, а скорее как дополнения к более адекватным устным инструкциям, ранее переданные. Он говорит Фессалоникийцам: «Братья, но осуществлять наше обучение и наши способности на несовершенных дискуссиях и значительных намеках и размышлениях в его сохранившихся посланиях. Объединяя их вместе, в свете современных фарисейских и христианских концепций и мнений, мы можем построить систему из них, которая будет представлять его теорию; как натуралист из нескольких фрагментарных костей описывает весь скелет, к которому они принадлежат. По мере того, как мы идем следовать этому процессу, мы должны особенно помнить ведущие понятия в доктринальной вере евреев того времени и тот факт, что сам Павел был «воспитан у ног Гамалиила», «после самого сурового порядка секта, фарисей ». Когда он предстал перед судом в Иерусалиме, он воскликнул: «Люди и братья, я фарисей, сын фарисея: Мы едва ли можем предположить, что он полностью сбросит влияние и форму фарисейских догм и постигнет христианство в своей чистой духовности. Наиболее разумно ожидать, что мы найдем на самом деле тот факт, что он будет смешивать доктринальные и эмоциональные результаты его фарисейской подготовки с учением Христа, формируя таким образом составную систему, значительно модифицированную из любых существующих. В самом деле, очень много неясных текстов в Поле могут быть проницательными из цитат из старых талмудистов. Принимая во внимание ценность и важность этого средства иллюстрации Нового Завета, это замечательно замечают современные комментаторы. Мы едва ли можем предположить, что он полностью сбросит влияние и форму фарисейских догм и постигнет христианство в своей чистой духовности. Наиболее разумно ожидать, что мы найдем на самом деле тот факт, что он будет смешивать доктринальные и эмоциональные результаты его фарисейской подготовки с учением Христа, формируя таким образом составную систему, значительно модифицированную из любых существующих. В самом деле, очень много неясных текстов в Поле могут быть проницательными из цитат из старых талмудистов. Принимая во внимание ценность и важность этого средства иллюстрации Нового Завета, это замечательно замечают современные комментаторы. Наиболее разумно ожидать, что мы найдем на самом деле тот факт, что он будет смешивать доктринальные и эмоциональные результаты его фарисейской подготовки с учением Христа, формируя таким образом составную систему, значительно модифицированную из любых существующих. В самом деле, очень много неясных текстов в Поле могут быть проницательными из цитат из старых талмудистов. Принимая во внимание ценность и важность этого средства иллюстрации Нового Завета, это замечательно замечают современные комментаторы. Наиболее разумно ожидать, что мы найдем на самом деле тот факт, что он будет смешивать доктринальные и эмоциональные результаты его фарисейской подготовки с учением Христа, формируя таким образом составную систему, значительно модифицированную из любых существующих. В самом деле, очень много неясных текстов в Поле могут быть проницательными из цитат из старых талмудистов. Принимая во внимание ценность и важность этого средства иллюстрации Нового Завета, это замечательно замечают современные комментаторы. Павел, несомненно, верил в мир света и блаженства, расположенный над небом, где Божество, окруженное его ангелами, царит в бессмертном великолепии. По словам греков, Зевса и других богов, с несколькими избранными героями, жила нетленная жизнь. Согласно Евреям, был «дом Иеговы», «жилище вечности», «мир святых ангелов». В Ветхом Завете есть много возвышенных аллюзий к этому месту. Иаков во сне увидел лестницу, которая дошла до неба, и ангелы восходили и нисходили на нее. Патриарх, глядя на вершину, воскликнул, не обращаясь, как обычно полагается, к земле, на которой он лежал, но к отверстию в небе, через которое ангелы проходили и пересказывали », был взят на ботанические особняки. Общим предназначением бестелесных духов людей было темное, громадное царство мира. Как отмечает Августин, «Христос умер после многих, он встал перед кем-либо: умирая, он страдал от того, что многие страдали до этого, повышая то, что никто никогда не делал раньше» 1. Эти идеи о небесных и адских местах и ​​о судьба человека, конечно же, была увлечена Павлом, когда он стал христианином. Здесь достаточно нескольких текстов в качестве доказательств этого факта. «То, что во имя Иисуса каждое колено должно кланяться, небесных и тех, кто на земле, и тех, кто под землей». «Тот, кто спустился сначала в нижние части земли, тот же, который вознесся выше всех небес». Неотразимость того объяснения, которое приводит к спуску в нижние части Земли, относится к спуску Христа на Землю из его предшествующего состояния на небесах, должно быть очевидно, как нам кажется, каждому уму. Иренаус, обсуждая этот самый текст из Ефесянам, раскрывает абсурд и стигматизирует ересь тех, кто говорит, что адский мир - это эта земля («qui dicunt inferos quidem esse hunc mundum»). 2 «Я знал, что человек догнал третье небо, ... оказавшись в раю ». Троекратное небо евреев, о котором здесь упоминалось, было, во-первых, областью воздуха, которая, как предполагается, населялась злыми духами. Павел неоднократно выражает эту идею, как когда он говорит о «принце силы воздуха, о духе, который работает в сыновьях непослушания», и когда он говорит: 1 Enarratio в Псалме XC. 2 Adv. Зайцы. Lib. v. 31. Павла, являются неопровержимым доказательством того, что он верил в полученное небо над синим эфиром и звездным куполом, а также в полученной хадисской бездне под землей. В отсутствие всех доказательств обратного, каждая презумпция оправдывает предположение, что он также считал, что мы знаем, что все его ортодоксальные современники сделали то, что под землей было обителью всех людей после смерти, и что над миром было исключительно местожительство Бога и ангелов. Нет, нас не оставляют догадываться; ибо он прямо заявляет о Боге, что он «живет в свете, к которому никто не может приблизиться». Этот вывод будет в изобилии установлен в ходе следующей экспозиции. С этими предварительными наблюдениями мы готовы видеть, что было учение Павла о смерти и спасении. Есть две распространенные теории на эту тему, обе из которых мы считаем частично библейскими, ни одна из них не является полностью такой. С одной стороны, последовательный ученик Августина, исторический кальвинист, приписывает апостолу веру в то, что грех Адама был единственной причиной буквальной смерти, но для падения Адама люди жили бы на земле навсегда или были бы переведены телесное до небес без какого-либо предыдущего процесса смерти. То, что это действительно не было точкой зрения Павла, мы убеждены. Действительно, в его вере есть одна выдающаяся черта, которая сама по себе доказывает, что разъединение души из материальной системы не показало ему ненормального события, вызванного непредвиденным случаем греха. Мы ссылаемся на его учение о двух телах: «внешнем человеке» и «внутреннем человеке», «земном доме» и «небесном доме», «естественном теле» и «духовном теле». Неандер говорит, что это «явное утверждение» веры Павла в то, что человек не был буквально смертен грехом, но ему, естественно, суждено было выйти из плоти в высшую форму жизни.3 Павел думал, что в первоначальном плане Бога, человек должен был бросить свое грубое, тленное тело и надеть нетленного, как «славное тело» воскресшего Христа. Он отчетливо заявляет: «Плоть и кровь не могут наследовать Царство Божье». Поэтому мы не можем интерпретировать слово «смерть» означать просто отделение души от нынешней скинии, когда он говорит: «Одним человеком грех вошел в мир, а смерть - грехом, и поэтому смерть прошла над всеми людьми». С другой стороны, полностью развитый пелагиан, общий унитариат, считает, что слово «смерть» всегда используется в аргументах Павла в духовном или переносном смысле, просто означающее моральное отчуждение от Бога вины, страданий и отчаяния. Несомненно, это используется во многих случаях, как когда написано: «Я был жив без закона один раз, но, когда пришла заповедь, грех ожил, и я умер». Но в еще более многочисленных случаях это означает нечто большее, чем сознание греха и возникающее в результате убожество в груди, и подразумевает нечто внешнее, механическое, видимое как бы. Например, «Так как человек пришел на смерть, человек пришел и воскресение мертвых». Любой, кто читает контекст этого предложения, может видеть, что термины «смерть» и «воскрешение» противоположно уравновешивают друг друга и относятся не к внутреннему опыту, а к внешнему событию, а не к моральным изменениям, а к физическому спуска и воскрешения. Несомненно, что здесь слова не используются в моральном смысле. Фенолология Павел использует в заявлении о связи греха Адама со смертью, связь воскрешения Христа с бессмертной жизнью, слишком своеобразна, решительна и обширна, чтобы не загружаться Несомненно, что здесь слова не используются в моральном смысле. Фенолология Павел использует в заявлении о связи греха Адама со смертью, связь воскрешения Христа с бессмертной жизнью, слишком своеобразна, решительна и обширна, чтобы не загружаться Несомненно, что здесь слова не используются в моральном смысле. Фенолология Павел использует в заявлении о связи греха Адама со смертью, связь воскрешения Христа с бессмертной жизнью, слишком своеобразна, решительна и обширна, чтобы не загружаться 3 Посадка и обучение, транс. п. 240. более общее и яркое значение, чем простое несчастье чувства вины, простой мир и радость примиренной совести. Поэтому сторонники обеих теорий кальвинист утверждает, что Павел считал грех единственной причиной, по которой мы не вечно живем в мире с нашей нынешней организацией, а рационалист утверждает, что апостол никогда не использует слово «смерть», кроме как чисто внутреннее значение одинаково связано с непреодолимыми трудностями, озадаченными проходами, которые бросают вызов их справедливому анализу и заставляют их либо использовать насильственное толкование, либо исповедовать свое невежество. Поэтому мы должны искать третью точку зрения, которая, отвергая ошибки, объединяет истины и порождает недостатки двух прежних. Теперь мы должны представить такую ​​точку зрения - теорию доктрины Полин о последних вещах, которая, очевидно, объясняет и заполняет все связанные с ними слова посланий. Мы полагаем, что он полностью раскрыл его в своей проповеди, в то время как в своих дополнительных и личных письмах он только ссылается на такие несвязанные его части, как тогда поднялся на его мысли. Поэтому систематическое его развитие в целом с обильными аллюзиями и трудными оборонами не требовалось, как могло бы показаться нам. Для фундаментальных понятий, на которых он отдыхал, было общее убеждение нации и возраста. Геология и астрономия не нарушали признательность определенно расположенного Аида и неба, ни свободная метафизика не обостряла общий ум до скептических запросов. Сам взгляд, поскольку мы понимаем, что это занял ум Павла, есть это. Смерть была частью творческого плана для нас от первого, просто теряя дух из его тленного тела, одевая его с эфирной машиной и немедленно переводив его на небеса. Грех испортил этот план, оттолкнул нас от Божественной милости, представил все нищету, физическую и нравственную, и обрек душу, после падения ее земного дома, спуститься в дремучий мрак мира. Таким образом, смерть была изменена с приятного органического исполнения и избавления, духовного вложения и небесного восхождения на мучительное наказание, осуждающее обнаженного призрака до места жительства под могилой. Как говорит Эвальд, через грех Адама «смерть приобрела свое значение как боль и наказание». 4 Вот объяснение слова «смерть», используемое Павлом в связи с последствием преступления Адама. Христос пришел, чтобы открыть свободную благодать и дар Божий, искупив нас от нашей погибели и восстановив нашу небесную судьбу. Это он, в соответствии с волей Отца, в соответствии с волей Отца, умер, спустился в мрачный мир мертвых, побеждая там силы, поднимаясь оттуда и восходя к правую руку от престола небесного в качестве нашего предтечи. На самой грани теории, только что заявленной как Павел, Неандер парит в своем изложении взглядов апостола, но не понимает его богословских масштабов и последствий. Крабб заявляет, что «смерть не возникла из-за родной гибкости тела, а от греха» 5. Это утверждение Неандер спорит, утверждая, что " грех не вносил существенных изменений в физическую организацию человека, а просто в том, как прекращается его земное существование. Если бы не грех, смерть была бы только формой более высокого развития жизни ».6 Точно так. С невинностью душа в смерти 4 Sendschreiben des Apostels Paulus, s. 210. 5 Die Lehre von oer Sunde und vom Тод, колпачок. xi, s. 192. 6 Посадка и обучение Неандера, книга vi. глава 1. вознесся приятно, в новом теле, на небо; но грех заставлял его спускаться болезненно, без какого-либо тела, в ад. Мы приведем несколько основных текстов, из которых этот общий план был выведен и построен. Таким образом, может быть заявлено содержание пятой главы Послания к римлянам. Как преступление одного, грех вошел в мир, и суд закона настиг всех людей в приговоре к смертной казни, поэтому по праведности одного, дар Божий даровал всем людям в предложении оправдания жизни; что, поскольку грех, преступление Адама, царствовал до смерти, так благодать по праведности Христа могла бы царствовать вечной жизнью. Теперь мы утверждаем, что слова «смерть» и «жизнь» в настоящем случае не могут быть полностью объяснены в духовном смысле как означающие беспорядок и горе в груди, или мир и блаженство там, потому что весь связанный дискурс не является при внутреннем контингентном опыте отдельных лиц, но по общей необходимости расы, объективный приговор, вынесенный человечеству, сопровождаемый публичным даром отмены и аннулирования. Таким образом, мы также отрицаем, что слова могут быть справедливо приняты в их строго буквальном смысле как означающие прекращение или продолжение физического существования на земле, поскольку, во-первых, это будет противоречить доктрине духовного тела в пределах плотской и славного наследия, спрятанного на небесах, доктрины, в которой Павел ясно показывает, что он признал естественное органическое положение, независимо от греха, за изменение формы и локальности человеческого существования. Во-вторых, мы утверждаем, что смерть и жизнь здесь не могут означать уход из тела или продолжение в нем, потому что это вопрос, с которым миссия Христа никоим образом не мешала, но оставила то, что было раньше; в то время как в самом деле Павел понимал, Христос представлен как постоянный, по крайней мере частично, в том же отношении между жизнью и людьми, что Адам стоит между смертью и людьми. Ответ на вопрос: что это за отношение? сразу же определит подлинное значение терминов «смерть» и «жизнь» в рассматриваемом случае. И поэтому на это нужно ответить. Смерть, наложенная на человечество Адамом, была не только внутренней убогой, но и осуждением бестелесной души на мир; жизнь, которой они были обеспечены Христом, была не только внутренним блаженством, но и избавлением души от ее подземной тюрьмы и ее приходом на небеса в «небесном теле», согласно ее первоначальной судьбе, грех не постиг. Эта интерпретация явно выдвинута Феодором в его комментариях к этому же отрывку (Рим. 15-18). Он говорит: «Должна быть переписка между болезнью и лекарством. Грех Адама подвергал его власти смерти и тирании дьявола. Точно так же, как Адам был вынужден спуститься в подполье мир, мы все сподвижники в его судьбе. Таким образом, когда Христос встал, все человечество принимало участие в его оживлении »7. Ориген также и кто после самих апостолов знал свои мысли и использование языка лучше, чем он? решительно заявляет в изложении выражения Павла, «заработная плата за грех - это смерть», что « мы все сподвижники в его судьбе. Таким образом, когда Христос встал, все человечество принимало участие в его оживлении »7. Ориген также и кто после самих апостолов знал свои мысли и использование языка лучше, чем он, решительно заявляет в изложении выражения Павла,« заработная плата за грех - это смерть ", что" мы все сподвижники в его судьбе. Таким образом, когда Христос встал, все человечество принимало участие в его оживлении »7. Ориген также и кто после самих апостолов знал свои мысли и использование языка лучше, чем он, решительно заявляет в изложении выражения Павла,« заработная плата за грех - это смерть ", что" 7 Impatib., Диалог iii. pp. 132, 133, ed. Sirmondi. в мире, в котором содержатся души, называется смертью »8. «Как в Адаме все умирают, так и во Христе все оживут». Эти слова не могут быть объяснены: «Как и в Адаме, на всех приходит необходимость физической смерти, поэтому во Христе эта необходимость должна быть устранена», потому что миссия Христа не касалась физической смерти, которая все еще царила, как всегда, перед глазами Павла. Ни один из них не может означать: «Как через Адама убожество есть доля каждого сердца человека, так что через блаженство Христа будет дано каждому сердцу», потому что, хотя сам язык не намекает на эту мысль, контекст показывает, что реальный ссылка не на внутренний опыт, а на внешнее событие, а не на личное возрождение души, а на общее воскрешение мертвых. Время, о котором идет речь, - второе пришествие Христа; и сила текста должна быть такой: как по нашему телесному подобию первому человеку и генетической связи с ним через грех, мы все умираем, как он, т. е. оставляем тело и уходим в мир ниже, и остаемся там, поэтому по нашему духовному подобию со вторым человеком и искупившемуся с Ним через свободную благодать Бога, мы все встанем оттуда, как он, ожив и восстановимся. Адам был главой осужденной расы, обреченной Аиду на видимую смерть от линейного происхождения от него; Христос является главой помилованной расы, предназначенной для неба в согласии с простым знаком его воскресения и вознесения. Опять же, апостол пишет: «В мгновение ока, на последнем козыле, мертвые воскреснут нетленными, и мы (кто тогда живем) изменимся, ибо это тленное должно положить на нетление, и это смертное бессмертие. Тогда должно быть сказано: «Смерть поглощена победой?» О Смерть, где твое жало? О, Аад, где твоя победа? »Писатель, очевидно, ликовал мысль о том, что на второе пришествие Христа, смерть потеряет свой карательный характер, и мир будет озадачен ожидаемыми заключенными, потому что живые мгновенно испытают изменение тел, соответствующих им, чтобы подняться на небеса с возвращающимся и торжествующим Господом. Павел также объявляет, что «Иисус Христос упразднил смерть и принес жизнь и бессмертие на свет». Слово «смерть» здесь не может означать физического растворения, потому что Христос не отменяет этого. Он не может обозначать личный грех и несчастье, потому что это не соответствовало бы и поддерживало бы очевидный смысл контрастного члена предложения. Это адекватный и последовательный смысл. Бог намеревался, что человек должен перейти от предварительного существования на земле к вечной жизни на небесах; но грех сорвал этот славный дизайн и изменил нашу судьбу до изгнания в безрадостный мир. Но теперь, благодаря учению и воскресению Христа, мы уверены, что Бог его бесконечной доброты решил свободно простить нас и восстановить свое первоначальное предназначение. Наш спуск и обитель внизу отменены, и наше небесное бессмертие стало ясным. «Мы искренне желаем, чтобы мы были облечены в наш дом, который с небес, если бы так было, будучи одетым, мы не будем найдены обнаженными. Не то, чтобы мы хотели быть раздетыми, но одеты, 8 Comm. в Эписте. ad Rom. Lib. VI. кепка. 6, раздел. 6. Также см. Джером, Комм. в Ecc. III. 21. Профессор Мау в своем умевшем трактате «Von dem Tode dem Solde der Sunden» и «der Aufhebung desselben durch die Auferstehung Christi», убедительно утверждает против Краббе, что смерть как наказание за грех - это не физическое распад, а убожество и осуждение к миру, (Amandatio Orcum.) В «Theologische Mitarbeiten» Пелта, 1838, heft ii. песчаники 107-108. В этих замечательных словах апостол выражает несколько подробностей того, что мы уже представили в качестве его общей доктрины. Он заявляет о своей убежденности в том, что, когда его «земной дом этой скинии» растворяется, для него подготовлен «божественно построенный, небесный и вечный дом». Он выражает свое желание пришествия Господа не быть мертвым, но все еще живым, а затем быть лишенным своего земного тела и вложен в небесное тело, чтобы таким образом, будучи приспособленным для перевода в нетленное Царство Божье, он не может быть обнаружена голая тень или призрак в мире. В своем комментарии Рукерт говорит, и лучшие критики согласны с ним: «Павел здесь хочет стать бессмертным, не пройдя врата смерти». Язык, подобный вышесказанному в его специфических фразах, встречается в еврейской каббале. Зоар описывает восхождение души на небеса, одетые в великолепие, а затем иллюстрирует ее значение в этих терминах: «Поскольку душа дается одежде, с которой она одета, чтобы установить ее в этом мире, так что есть давая ей одежду небесного великолепия, чтобы установить ее в этом мире ». 9 Итак, в« Вознесении пророка Исаии »апокрифическая книга, написанная некоторым еврейским христианином, как рано, без сомнения, как конец второго столетия, происходят следующие проходы. Говоря о том, что было открыто ему на небесах, пророк говорит: «Там я видел всех святых, от Адама, без одежды плоти: Я видел их в их небесной одежде, как ангелы, которые стояли там в великом великолепии ». И снова он говорит:« Все святые с небес в их небесной одежде сойдут с Господом и будут жить в этом мире, а святые, которые не умерли будут одеты, как те, которые приходят с небес. Тогда будет общее воскресение, и они восстанут вместе на небеса ». 10 Шотетген, комментируя этот текст (2 Кор. 2), также цитирует большое количество примеров подобной фразеологии у раввинистов. далеко сделанные и доказанные доказательства будут хорошо проиллюстрированы и подтверждены, когда мы перейдем к рассмотрению главных составных частей схемы Полины последних вещей. Поскольку, представив общую схему, это будет полезно при рассмотрении столь сложных и сложных тема, Мы встречаемся на пороге нашего исследования по важному вопросу: «Что, по словам Павла, было миссией Христа? Что он сделал? Четкий ответ на этот вопрос состоит из трех различных предложений. Во-первых, апостол явно представляет воскресение, а не распятие, как эффективную черту в работе Христа по искуплению. Когда мы вспоминаем почти повсеместную распространенность противоположного понятия среди существующих сект, удивительно, насколько ясно, что Павел обычно останавливается на умирании Христа исключительно как необходимое предварительное его восхождение. «Если Христос не воскрес, тогда наша проповедь тщетна, и ваша вера также тщетна: вы еще в своих грехах». Эти слова непримиримы с той доктриной, которая связывает наше «оправдание» с искупительной смертью, а не с типичным воскресением Христа. «Христос умер за наши грехи, и что он был погребен, и что он воскрес в третий день». Поместить подпочвенный удар по первому предложению этого текста так же произвольно, как разместить его на втором; но, естественно, подчеркнуть третье положение, 9 Лоуренс, Аскенсио Исайя Ватис, приложение, стр. 168. 10 Лоуренс, Аскенсио Исайя атис, кепка. 9, v. 7, 9; кепка. 4. и все понятно. Выводы и увещевания, взятые из миссии Христа, обычно не связаны каким-либо существенным образом с его мучительной смертью, но непосредственно с его славным воскресением из мертвых в небесное блаженство. «Если бы мы были посажены вместе по подобию его смерти, мы также будем похожи на его воскресение». Впадая в воду, когда «погребенное крещением в смерть Христа», было для тех, кто был посвящен в христианскую религию, символом нисхождения Христа среди мертвых; восхождение из воды было символом восхождения Христа на небо. «Если вы воскресните со Христом, ищите того, что выше, где Христос сидит одесную Бога». Когда Павел плачет, ликуя: «Спасибо Богу, Павел задумал, что Христос умер, чтобы снова подняться и убедить людей, что Отец освободит их от рабства смерти в мире. Все это происходило из-за греха, было сделано только грехом, одним из последствий которого было подземное удержание души, которое в противном случае, покинув свою глинистую палатку, немедленно было бы облечено духовным телом и вознеслось на небо. То есть Христос «был освобожден из-за наших обид и воскрес из-за нашего оправдания». В Римлянах viii. 10 предлог происходит дважды в точно такой же конструкции, как в только что цитированном тексте. В последнем случае авторы общей версии сделали это «из-за». Они должны были сделать это в другом случае, в соответствии с естественной силой и установленным использованием слова в этой связи. Смысл в том, что наши преступления были совершены, поэтому Христос был доставлен в Аид; наше помилование было объявлено, поэтому Христос восшел на небеса. Как мы уже говорили, настоящий материал, который был искажен и преувеличен в распространенной доктрине об искуплении под стражей со всеми его страшными сопутствующими обстоятельствами12. Верующие этой доктрины предполагают, что сами обязаны принять ее на языке посланий. Но вышеизложенное мнение, как и Павел, решает все трудности и дает разумное и последовательное значение всем фразам, которые обычно считаются законными кальвинистской схемой искупления. 11 Comm. в Osee, lib. III. кепка. 13. 12 Die Lehre von Christi Hollenfahrt nach der Heil. Schrift, der altesten Kirche, den Christlichen Symbolen, und nach ihrer unendlichen Wichtigkeit und vielumfassenden Bedeutung dargestellt, von Joh. Людвиг Кениг. Автор представляет в этой работе непреодолимое множество цитат и авторитетов. В приложении он приводит список из сотни авторов на тему спуска Христа в ад. из объяснений их, предложенных унитарианами, и утверждают, что их подлинная сила такова. Христос умер и воскрес, что мы можем быть освобождены через веру от великого по следствия греха, рабства подпольного мира; созерцая через свое вознесение восстановление нашего небесного места. «Бог сотворил его, который не знал греха, чтобы быть грехом по нашему мнению, чтобы мы могли стать праведностью Бога в Нем», может через веру в него быть уверенным в спасении. Другими словами, Христос, который не подвергался злу, порожденному людьми по греху, не считал, что его божественное состояние с нетерпением ждет сохранения, но спустилось к имуществу человека, подверглось наказанию за грех, как если бы он сам был грешник, а затем встал по правую руку от Бога, этим знамением, чтобы уверить людей Божиих " с благодарной решимостью простить их и восстановить их в своих утраченных привилегиях. «Если мы примиримся с его смертью, гораздо больше мы спасем его жизнью». То есть, если Христос, приходящий с небес как посол от Бога, чтобы умереть, убеждает нас в том, что Бог помиловал добрую волю к нам, гораздо больше его восхождение снова на небо, где он сейчас живет, избавляет нас от страха перед осуждением мира и заверить нас в небесном спасении. За исключением света и с помощью теории, которую мы призываем, большое количество текстов, подобных вышеизложенному, не может, как мы считаем, интерпретировать без конструктивного насилия, и даже с этим насилием не может передать свою полную силу и силу. То есть, если Христос, приходящий с небес как посол от Бога, чтобы умереть, убеждает нас в том, что Бог помиловал добрую волю к нам, гораздо больше его восхождение снова на небо, где он сейчас живет, избавляет нас от страха перед осуждением мира и заверить нас в небесном спасении. За исключением света и с помощью теории, которую мы призываем, большое количество текстов, подобных вышеизложенному, не может, как мы считаем, интерпретировать без конструктивного насилия, и даже с этим насилием не может передать свою полную силу и силу. То есть, если Христос, приходящий с небес как посол от Бога, чтобы умереть, убеждает нас в том, что Бог помиловал добрую волю к нам, гораздо больше его восхождение снова на небо, где он сейчас живет, избавляет нас от страха перед осуждением мира и заверить нас в небесном спасении. За исключением света и с помощью теории, которую мы призываем, большое количество текстов, подобных вышеизложенному, не может, как мы считаем, интерпретировать без конструктивного насилия, и даже с этим насилием не может передать свою полную силу и силу. Во-вторых, в учение Павла об искупительной работе Христа мы признаем нечто отличное от любого субъективного эффекта в оживлении и очищении сердец и жизней людей. «Христос искупил нас от проклятия закона». «Во Христе мы имеем искупление через Его кровь, даже прощение грехов». Ничто, кроме самого отчаянного экзегеза, не может заставить эти и многие подобные тексты означать просто очищение отдельных грудей от их преступлений и вины. Обращаясь к подлинному смыслу Павла, мы вынуждены согласиться с подавляющим большинством критиков и верующих всего христианского мира, с тех пор до сих пор от апостолов, и заявить, что эти отрывки относятся к внешнему избавлению людей от Христа, устранение им общей гибели, покоящейся на расе вследствие греха. То, что Пол предположил, что это была гибель, и как он думал, что ее убрали, попробуем посмотреть. Необходимо упомянуть, что в трудах Павла фраза «праведность Бога» часто используется в метонимии, чтобы означать Божий способ учета грешников праведников и эквивалентен «христианскому методу спасения». «По делам закона никакая плоть не будет оправдана, но проявляется праведность Бога без закона, свободно оправдывая их через искупление во Христе». Как очевидно в этом стихе «праведность Бога» означает Божий метод оправдания виновных свободным прощением, провозглашенным через Христа! Апостол использует слово «вера» в родственной технической манере, иногда имея в виду «обещание», иногда весь евангельский аппарат использовался для установления веры или подтверждения реализации обещания. «Что, если кто-то не поверил? Неужели их неверия не приведет к вере Бога?» Очевидно, «верой» является «обещание» или «цель». «Закон против обетований Божьих, не дай Бог! Но до того, как пришла вера, мы были подчинены закону, заперты к вере, которая должна после этого открыться». Здесь «вера» прямо означает объект веры, проявленное выполнение обещаний: это означает Евангелие. Опять же: «Куда он принес веру всем, тем, что Он воскресил его из мертвых». «Спасли предложил веру» здесь означает, бесспорно, как обычная версия хорошо выражается, «дал гарантию,» или имеет на примере доказательства. «Посему закон был нашим учителем, чтобы привести нас ко Христу, чтобы мы были оправданы верой, но после того, как эта вера пришла, мы больше не под руководством учителя». В этом случае «вера», безусловно, означает христианство, в отличие от иудаизма, а «оправдание верой» эквивалентно «спасению по благодати Божией, проявленной через миссию Христа». Это не столько внутреннее и индивидуальное по своей ссылке, сколько общедоступное и общее. Мы считаем, что ни один человек, свято решительно признавший свою истину, не может изучить с намеченной ссылкой на этот пункт все отрывки в посланиях Павла, где происходит слово «вера», не будучи убежденным, что по большей части оно используется в объективной смысл, в отличие от закона, как синоним Евангелия, новое устроение благодати. Поэтому «оправдание верой» обычно не означает спасение через личное убеждение, будь то по существу Искупителя или в чем-либо еще, но это означает спасение по плану, раскрытому в Евангелии, свободному прощению грехов по милости Божьей , В тех случаях, когда «вера» используется в субъективном смысле для личного убеждения, она никогда не описывается как эффективная причина спасения, а как условие личной уверенности в спасении. Грейс внешне пришла ко всем; но только верующие внутренне знают об этом. Это использование Полины терминов в технических смыслах лежит в основном на лице посланий римлян и галатов. Новоиспеченные лексиконы и комментарии, лучшие ученые всех конфессий, подтверждают это и иллюстрируют это. Отметьте теперь эти тексты. " метод спасения, соблюдая закон, невозможно. Грех первого человека нарушил весь этот план и беспомощно обрек всех душ на мир. Если мужчина теперь должен хранить все слова закона без оговорок, он не освободит его от рабства ниже и не обеспечит ему восхождение на небеса. Но то, что закон не мог сделать, сделано для нас во Христе. Грех, разрушивший праведность закона, то есть смертельное наказание Аида за то, что спасение по закону невозможно, была раскрыта праведность Бога, то есть новый метод спасения. Бог послал Своего Сына умереть, спуститься в мир ниже, воскреснуть и вернуться на небеса, провозгласить людям славную весть о оправдании верой, то есть, благословение, свободно отменяющее великое последствие греха и приглашающее их на небеса по стопам Искупителя. Пол недвусмысленно заявляет, что Христос расстался с рабством под миром своим непреодолимым входом и выходом в следующем тексте: «Когда он спустился сначала в нижние части земли, он поднялся высоко, возглавив множество пленных «. Что может быть проще? Эта же мысль содержится и в другом отрывке, который был источником тех огромных картин, которые так часто встречались в соборах средневековья. Христос spoliat Infernum: «Бог простил вам все преступления, сглаживая почерк таинств, которые были против нас, и убрал его, пригвоздив к кресту Христа, и, испортив начальства и силы, сделал им шоу, открыто торжествуя над ними во Христе ». Вся теория, лежащая в основе изложения, которую мы только что изложили, изложена во многих словах в следующем отрывке. Для слова« праведность », чтобы сделать смысл более проницательным, мы просто заменяем «метод спасения», который, несомненно, его значение здесь «. Они [евреи] не разумея метод Божьего спасения, и усиливаясь создать свой собственный метод, не покорились Богу. Ибо Христос есть конец закона для пути спасения каждому верующему. Ибо Моисей описывает метод спасения, который от закона, что человек, делающий это, будет благословлен в них. Но метод спасения, который имеет веру («вера» здесь означает Евангелие, Христианство] говорит об этом мудро: не говори в сердце твоем: кто взойдет на небо? то есть принести Христа; или «Кто спустится в мир ниже»? то есть воскресить Христа из мертвых ». Это уже было сделано один раз для всех.« И если ты будешь верить в свое сердце, что Бог воскресил его из мертвых, ты будешь спасен ». Апостол что его «желание сердца и его молитва Богу за Израиль есть, чтобы они могли быть спасены», и он утверждает, что они не могут быть спасены законом Моисея, но только благодаря Евангелию Христа, то есть «вера»; «то есть« устроение благодати ». и он утверждает, что они не могут быть спасены законом Моисея, но только Евангелием Христа; то есть «вера»; то есть «устроение благодати». и он утверждает, что они не могут быть спасены законом Моисея, но только Евангелием Христа; то есть «вера»; то есть «устроение благодати». Именно в этом заключается концепция Павла о главной функции миссии Христа. Он пришел, чтобы избавить людей от сурового закона иудаизма, который не мог стереть их беззакония и спасти их от ада и установить их в свободной благодати христианства, которая оправдывает их из всех прошлых грехов и запечатывает их для неба. Что может быть более явным заявлением об этом, чем следующим? «Когда пришла полнота времени, Бог послал Сына Своего, чтобы искупить тех, которые были по закону». В этом объяснение этого опасного боя, который Павел вел так много лет и в котором он одержал победу, великая битва между христианами-язычниками и иудейскими христианами; предмет совершенно исключительного значения, без минутного знакомства, с которым большая часть Нового Завета не может быть понята. «Христос дал Себя за наши грехи, чтобы избавить нас от этого нынешнего злого мира, согласно воле Божией». Теперь еврейские термины, соответствующие английским терминам «настоящий мир» и «будущий мир», были использованы евреями для обозначения мозаики и мессианских диспенсаций. Мы верим в то, что Шойтген и другие хорошие авторитеты считают, что в данном случае речь идет о смысле «настоящего мира». Мало того, что интерпретация, поддерживаемая usus loquendi, также является единственным оправданным значением; ибо действие установления Евангелия заключалось не в том, чтобы избавить людей от настоящего мира, хотя оно избавило их от безнадежного рабства иудаизма, в котором спасение христиан считалось невозможным. И это именно аргумент Послания к Галатам, в котором происходит текст. В следующей главе, говоря прямо о внешних формах еврейского закона, Павел говорит: «Крестом Христа мир распят мне, а я - миру»; и он мгновенно добавляет в качестве объяснения: «ибо во Христе Иисусе ни обрезание не может быть никаким, ни необрезанием». Несомненно, «мир» здесь означает «иудаизм»; как говорит Розенмуллер, иудаика ванитас. В другом послании, в то время как он разъяснял своим читателям о глупости подчиняться соблюдению «в мясе и питье, новых лунах и субботах», после того, как «почерк таинств, который был против них, был уничтожен, отнят, прибит к крест », Павел в этих словах говорит:« Посему, Мы считаем, что умный и откровенный читатель, знакомый с посланиями Павла, признает следующие черты его веры и учения. Во-первых, все человечество было под грехом и осуждением. «Иудеи и язычники все находятся под грехом». «Весь мир подчиняется приговору Бога». И мы утверждаем, что осуждающий приговор заключался, по крайней мере, в изгнании их бестелесных душ в Аид. Во-вторых, «обещание было дано Аврааму», до введения Мозаичного устроения, «что в его семени [то есть во Христе] будут благословлены все народы земли». Когда Павел говорит, как и во многих случаях, о «надежде на вечную жизнь, которую Бог, который не может лгать, обещал до начала мира», закон не мог обеспечить наследство обещанного предмета, но был лишь временной договоренностью из-за преступлений, «пока семя не придет к кому обещано». Другими словами, «закон спасения не был»; «закон не мог дать жизнь»; потому что, если бы оно могло «сменить обещание», оно сделало его безрезультатным, тогда как неприкосновенное обещание Бога заключалось в том, что в одном семени Авраама, который есть, только во Христе, следует проповедовать спасение всем верующим. «Ибо, если наследники закона являются наследниками, вера становится бесполезной, и обетование становится бесполезным». Между тем, пока Христос не придет, все заперты под грехом. В-третьих, особое «преимущество евреев состояло в том, что для них было совершено это обетование Божие» Язычники, стонущие под всеобщим наказанием за грех, не знали верного обещания общего спасения, которое еще не было принесено. В то время как евреи предавались пылающим и исключительным ожиданиям Мессии, который славно их искупил, язычники были «инопланетянами из содружества Израиля, чужими из заветов обетования, не имеющими надежды и без Бога в мире». В-четвертых, в полноту долгого времени «Писание, предвидя, что Бог оправдывает язычников, заранее проповедовал Евангелие Аврааму, говоря: в семени твоем благословятся все народы» «Христос искупил нас от проклятия закона , сделавшись для нас проклятием, что благословение, обещанное Аврааму, может напасть на язычников ». Точная миссия Христа заключалась в том, чтобы воплотить в жизнь и продемонстрировать всему миру выполнение этого обещания. Само обещание заключалось в том, что люди должны быть освобождены из-под мира путем вменения праведности по благодати, которая через свободное прощение и вознесение на небеса в качестве аккредитованных сыновей и наследников Бога. Эта цель и цель пришествия Христа были совершены в его воскресении. Но как язычники вступали в веру и участие в радостных новостях? Таким образом, согласно Павлу: Смерть, спуск, воскресение и восхождение на Иисуса и его пребывание на небесах в духовной форме лишили его своей национальности13. Он был «тогда больше не узнан после плоти». Он уже не был земным евреем, обращаясь к евреям, но небесный дух и сын Бога, прославленное подобие духов всех, которые были приняты как сыны Божьи, обращаясь ко всем им как совместные наследники с самим собой. Он встал в универсальность и доступен для души каждого верующего. «В нем нет ни грека, ни иудея, обрезания и необрезания, варварского, скифского, ни единого, ни свободного». Опыт, созданный сердцем, воспитываемым в общение с ним на небесах, - это внутренняя печать, которая уверяет нас, что наша вера не напрасна. «Вы, язычники, которые раньше были вдали, теперь приближались кровью Христа, потому что он разрушил среднюю стену разделения между евреями и язычниками, отменив во плоти свою вражду, а именно закон заповедей в чтобы сделать в себе одного нового человека, ибо через него мы оба имеем доступ одним духом к Отцу. Вышеупомянутые позиции могут быть дополнительно обоснованы путем применения общей теории, которую они содержат, к выведению десятков отдельных текстов, которые она подходит и разворачивается, и которые, по нашему мнению, не могут интерпретироваться ни с каким другим видом без принудительных конструкций, необоснованных путем тщательного ознакомления с ум Павла и ум его возраста. Но мы должны довольствоваться одним или двумя такими приложениями, как образцы. Слово «тайна» часто встречается в письмах Павла. Его текущее значение в свое время было «чем-то скрытым», то, что нужно было инициировать, чтобы понять его. 13 Мартино, Ливерпуль Противоречие: несогласованность Схемы викрейного искупления. Например, Элеусинианские Мистерии не обязательно были чем-то, что по сути было темно и трудно понять, но вещи, скрытые от общественного взгляда и только для того, чтобы быть известными по инициативе в них. Павел использует этот термин аналогичным образом, чтобы обозначить своеобразную схему благодати, которая «была скрыта от начала мира», «скрытая от веков и поколений, но теперь проявленная». Никто не отрицает, что Павел подразумевает под «этой тайной» самое сердце и сущность Евангелия, именно то, что отличает его от закона и делает его универсальным методом спасения, чудесной системой благодати. Столь же неотразимо очевидное из-за пути и связи, в которой он использует этот термин. Он пишет таким образом в объяснении великой тайны, как это было ясно показано через Христа: определенная обитель Бога и его ангелов. Робинсон собирает в своем Лексиконе многочисленные примеры, в которых он говорит, что это означает «это состояние, которое является частью тех, кто живет с Богом на небесах». Теперь Павел неоднократно говорит о призвании верующих к славе как одному из главных благословений и новых прерогатив Евангелия. «Будучи оправданными верой, мы радуемся надежде на славу Божию». «Прогуляйтесь достойно Бога, Который призвал вас к славе Его». «Мы говорим мудрость посвященным, скрытую мудрость Бога в тайне, которая перед миром [еврейским устроением] Бог назначил для нашей славы». «Плоть и кровь не могут наследовать Царство Божие: вот, я покажу вам тайну: мы все изменимся через мгновение и обретем бессмертие». В первой главе письма к Колоссянам, Павел говорит о «надежде, которая возложена на вас на небесах, о которой вы слышали в Евангелии»; а также о «наследовании святых в свете», то он говорит: «Бог теперь извещает среди язычников тайну, которая есть Христос среди вас, надежда славы». В свете того, что было раньше, насколько важно и насколько ясно это заявление! «Все согрешили и не достигли славы Божией, но теперь, через веру Иисуса Христа, через просветление, раскрытое Христом, праведность Бога [Божий метод спасения] относится ко всему, что верить «. То есть по закону все были заперты в Аиде, но по благодати они теперь выкуплены и будут приняты на небеса. Та же мысль или схема содержится в этом замечательном отрывке в Послании к Галатам, где Павел говорит, что свободный Исаак и женщина-связка Агарь были аллегорией, учили, что есть два завета, один - Авраамом, другой - Моисеем. Мозаичный завет закона «отвечает на Иерусалим, который на земле, и находится в рабстве со своими детьми» и принадлежит только евреям. Авраамский завет обетования отвечает на «Иерусалим, который выше и свободен, и является матерью всех нас». В первом мы были «рожденными в рабстве». В последнем: «Христос сделал нас свободными». Мы заметим еще один текст, проходящий мимо: это все доказательства текстов доктрины об исчислении замещения, которые когда-либо считались самими ахиллами. И все же это можно сделать, чтобы поддержать эту доктрину только с помощью произвольных предположений и неверных преобразований, в то время как сама по себе она совершенно совпадает с ней, прямо заявляет теорию, которую мы проповедуем как подлинную интерпретацию Павла. Обычные комментаторы в своем трактовке этого отрывка демонстрировали длинный ряд извращений и софизмов, которые стали ярким примером бессознательного предрассудков. Правильное греческое чтение текста справедливо представляется таким образом: «Кого Бог изложил, помилование через веру в Его кровь, чтобы проявить свою праведность через прощение прежних грехов благодаря терпению Бога». Для рендеринга [не-ASCII-символов] «место милосердия» в нашей пользе используются usus loquendi и внутренняя гармония смысла, а также масса многих ортодоксальных авторитетов, таких как Теодор, Ориген, Теофилакт, OEcumenius, Erasmus, Luther, и от Пелагия до Бушнелла. Тем не менее, мы готовы признать, что это «жертва за грех». Это не имеет большого значения в результате. В этом смысле Христос был жертвой греха в зачатии Павла: когда он не был подвержен смерти, что было наказанием за грех, он все же умер, чтобы показать Божью цель устранить это наказание за грех через его воскрешение. Для рендеринга [символов, отличных от ASCII] «через», никакой защиты не требуется: единственное чудо, как это когда-либо могло быть здесь переведено «для». Теперь, Во-первых, новозаветная фраза «вера Христа», «вера Иисуса», очень несправедливо и необоснованно делается для обозначения внутренней привязанности к Христу, вера людей в него. Его подлинный смысл - это то же самое, что «Евангелие Христа» или религия Христа, система благодати, которую он принес. Кто может сомневаться в том, что таково значение этого слова в этих случаях? «Пребудьте за веру, однажды переданную святым»; «Приветствуйте их, которые любят нас в вере»; «Не веру веру Господа нашего Иисуса Христа в отношении людей». Итак, в тексте, который теперь под нашим уведомлением, «вера, находящаяся в его крови», означает диспенсацию помилования и оправдания, систему веры, которая была подтверждена и показана для нас в его смерти и воскресении. Во-вторых, " простое заявление. Павел говорит, что, согласно общему варианту, Бог «справедлив» и [т.е. даже] оправдывающим ». Обоснованные комментаторы прочитали его, 14 Робинсон собрал большое количество примеров в своем «Лексиконе» под словом «Вера», в котором это может означать только, по его словам, «систему христианских учений, Евангелия». 15 Римлянам Стюарта i. 17, iii. 25, 26, & c. «просто и все же оправдатель». Теперь мы представляем истинный смысл всего отрывка, на наш взгляд, согласно собственному использованию Павлом языка. Чтобы установить убежденность в правильности изложения, мы просто просим гениального читателя внимательно изучить положения греческого текста и вспомнить предыдущие данные. «Бог поставил Христа, чтобы быть для нас верным признаком того, что мы были прощены и искуплены через веру, которая была доказана его триумфальным возвращением от смерти, устроением им благодати благодати. Здесь Бог показал свой метод спасения грешники, которые свободны от прощения своих грехов через его доброту. Таким образом, Бог доказал свою способность спасать и спасать систему благодати, проявляемую через Иисуса, верующего ». Вследствие греха, мужчины были приговорены к осуждению в мире. В полноту времени Бог выполнил свое древнее обещание Аврааму. Он свободно оправдывал людей, то есть, простил их, искупил их из своей гибели и вскоре открыл небо для своей обители с ним. Эта схема искупления была совершена Христом. То есть Бог провозгласил это людям и спросил их веру в это, «изгнав Христа», чтобы умереть, спуститься среди мертвых, встать оттуда и подняться на небо, как пример свидетельства правды о радости весть. В-третьих, Павел учит, что одной из целей миссии Христа было очистить, оживить и превозносить моральные качества людей и исправить их поведение, произвести в них субъективное освящение и подготовить их к суду и поместить их на небеса. Установление этого предложения завершит нынешнюю часть нашего вопроса. Он пишет: «Наш Спаситель, Иисус Христос, отдал себя за нас, чтобы он мог искупить нас от всякого беззакония и очистить к себе особенного народа, ревностного к добрым делам». «Пусть каждый, кто называет имя Христа, отступает от беззакония». По-разному он часто олицетворяет тот факт, что верующие были спасены по благодати через Христа как причина, усиленный мотив, почему они должны скрупулезно хранить каждый тон нравственного закона и воздерживаться даже от появления зла, ходьба достойна их высокого призвания. «Благодать Божия, которая приносит спасение всем людям, явилась, обучая нас, что, отрицая всякое нечестие и мирские похоти, мы должны жить трезво, праведно и благочестиво в этом современном мире». Плохие люди, «которые не послушают Евангелия Христа», такие персонажи, как «воры, вымогатели, пьяницы, прелюбодеи, не наследуют Царствия Божия». Он безоговорочно провозглашает: «Бог даст каждому человеку по Его делам, гнев и скорбь для злого деятеля, честь и мир для добродетеля, будь то еврей или язычник». Вывод из этих и других подобных деклараций неизбежен. Это то, что «каждый, еврей и язычник, предстанет перед судом Христовым и получит по делам, совершенным в теле; Миссия миссии заключалась в том, чтобы оказать моральное влияние на людей, сделать их праведными, чтобы они могли пройти адвокатуру с оправданием. Но читатель, который вспоминает класс текстов, привел немного, так как будет помнить, что противоположный вывод был так же однозначно сделан из них. Тогда Павел сказал: «Верою вы оправданы, без дел закона». Теперь он говорит: «Ибо не слушатели закона прямо перед Богом, но исполнители закона будут оправданы в тот день, когда Бог будет судить о секретах людей Иисусом Христом». Итак, есть ли противоречие в Поле? Только по внешнему виду. Давайте различать и объяснять. В приведенных выше цитатах апостол имеет в виду две разные вещи. Миссия миссии заключалась в том, чтобы оказать моральное влияние на людей, сделать их праведными, чтобы они могли пройти адвокатуру с оправданием. Но читатель, который вспоминает класс текстов, привел немного, так как будет помнить, что противоположный вывод был так же однозначно сделан из них. Тогда Павел сказал: «Верою вы оправданы, без дел закона». Теперь он говорит: «Ибо не слушатели закона прямо перед Богом, но исполнители закона будут оправданы в тот день, когда Бог будет судить о секретах людей Иисусом Христом». Итак, есть ли противоречие в Поле? Только по внешнему виду. Давайте различать и объяснять. В приведенных выше цитатах апостол имеет в виду две разные вещи. Но читатель, который вспоминает класс текстов, привел немного, так как будет помнить, что противоположный вывод был так же однозначно сделан из них. Тогда Павел сказал: «Верою вы оправданы, без дел закона». Теперь он говорит: «Ибо не слушатели закона прямо перед Богом, но исполнители закона будут оправданы в тот день, когда Бог будет судить о секретах людей Иисусом Христом». Итак, есть ли противоречие в Поле? Только по внешнему виду. Давайте различать и объяснять. В приведенных выше цитатах апостол имеет в виду две разные вещи. Но читатель, который вспоминает класс текстов, привел немного, так как будет помнить, что противоположный вывод был так же однозначно сделан из них. Тогда Павел сказал: «Верою вы оправданы, без дел закона». Теперь он говорит: «Ибо не слушатели закона прямо перед Богом, но исполнители закона будут оправданы в тот день, когда Бог будет судить о секретах людей Иисусом Христом». Итак, есть ли противоречие в Поле? Только по внешнему виду. Давайте различать и объяснять. В приведенных выше цитатах апостол имеет в виду две разные вещи. «Ибо не слушатели закона прямо перед Богом, но исполнители закона будут оправданы в тот день, когда Бог будет судить о секретах людей Иисусом Христом». Итак, есть ли противоречие в Поле? Только по внешнему виду. Давайте различать и объяснять. В приведенных выше цитатах апостол имеет в виду две разные вещи. «Ибо не слушатели закона прямо перед Богом, но исполнители закона будут оправданы в тот день, когда Бог будет судить о секретах людей Иисусом Христом». Итак, есть ли противоречие в Поле? Только по внешнему виду. Давайте различать и объяснять. В приведенных выше цитатах апостол имеет в виду две разные вещи. Во-первых, он сказал бы: «По вере Христа, свободная благодать Божия, объявленная в Евангелии Христа, вы оправданы, безвозмездно избавлены от этой необходимости заключения в Аиде, которая является наказанием за грех, обреченным на всю расу от Адама , и из которых никакая личная добродетель не могла помочь спасти людей. Во-вторых, когда он восклицает: «Разве не знаете, что неправедные не наследуют Царствия Божия?» его мысль имеет духовную квалификацию характера, незаменимую для положительного признания среди самых благородных на небесах. Иными словами, беспристрастное наказание первобытного греха передало всех людей Аиду. Они не могли своими силами убежать оттуда и победить на небесах. Это обременительная неспособность Бога устранить, и через Христа раскрыл ее удаление; но на самом деле нужно получить предлагаемый и возможный приз небес, личной чистоты, веры, послушания, святости. Таким образом, в концепции Павла о схеме христианского спасения были две отдельные части: одна, что Бог сделал для всех; другой, что каждый человек должен был сделать для себя. И два великих класса кажущихся враждебными текстами, наполняющими его послания, озадачившие так много читателей, становятся ясными и гармоничными, когда мы воспринимаем и помним, что по «праведности» и его родственным терминам он иногда означает внешний и исполненный метод искупления людей из передаваемая необходимость рабства в мире, а иногда и внутренняя и условная квалификация для реального осознания этого искупления. В первом случае он обращается к объективному способу спасения и раскрытию его во Христе. В последнем, он ссылается на субъективную пригодность для этого спасения и уверенность в этом в верующем. Таким образом, слова «смерть» и «жизнь» в писаниях Павла обычно обвиняются конструктивными проэгнансами с двойным смыслом, одним духовным, индивидуальным, контингентом, другим механическим, общим, абсолютным. Смерть, в ее полной силе Полины, включает в себя внутреннюю вину, осуждение и нищету, а также выход извне в мир. Жизнь, в ее полной силе Полины, включает внутреннюю справедливость, мир и радость, а также восхождение в верхний мир. Святость необходима, «без нее никто не может видеть Господа»; но сам по себе он может обеспечить только внутреннюю жизнь: небезопасно побеждать на небесах. Благодать сама по себе лишь освобождает от гибели осуждения Аиду: он предлагает вечную жизнь на небесах только при условии «непрерывности пациента в благополучии» посредством «веры, послушания истине и освящения духа». Но свободная благодать Бога и добросовестная преданность человека в совокупности дают полное воплощение блаженства в сердце, а также славу и бессмертие в небе. Такое, как мы изложили в предыдущих трех разделах, было взглядом Павла о миссии Христа и методе спасения. Он был веками извращен и искалечен. В настоящее время труд заключается в непредвзятом осмотре, чтобы довести его до совершенства в своей подлинной полноте, поскольку он стоял в сознании Павла и в умах его современников. Существенный взгляд, воплощенный в одном предложении, таков. Независимая благодать Божия вмешалась, во-первых, спасти человека от Аида, а во-вторых, дать ему, благодаря сотрудничеству его собственной добродетели, добраться до небес. Вот два отдельных средства, соединенных для достижения цели, спасения. Теперь сравните в свете этого утверждения три великие богословские теории христианского мира. УНИТАРИАН, игнорируя объективное оправдание, или предложили искупление из царства смерти в дом неба, который, будь то истина или ошибка, несомненно, в посланиях, делает субъективное освящение в целом. CALVINIST в своей теории сравнительно презирает субъективное освящение, которое Павел настаивает на необходимости войти в Царство Божье и, извратив объективное оправдание от своего реального исторического значения, преувеличивает его во всем. РОМАН КАТОЛИК считает, что Христос просто удалил груз первородного греха и его влекущего гибели и оставил каждого человека стоять или падать своими заслугами, помогая причастию Церкви. Он также утверждает, что часть офиса Христа должна была оказывать влияние на моральное совершенствование и освящение человеческого характера. Его ошибка, как переводчик мысли Павла, заключается в том, что он, как кальвинист, приписывает смерть Христа побочной эффективностью, мучая муки человеческой вины, чтобы купить их выкуп от неумолимого правосудия Бога; тогда как апостол действительно представляет искупительную миссию Христа как состоящую просто в драматическом примере спонтанной любви и цели Отца, чтобы простить прошлые преступления, отпереть ворота Аида и получить достойное небо. Более того, хотя Павел описывает небесное спасение как незаслуженный подарок от благодати Божьей, католик часто, кажется, делает его призом, который должен быть получен, при христианском устроении, добрыми делами, которые могут честно оспаривать эту награду. Однако мы мало сомневаемся, что эта кажущаяся оппозиция скорее находится в практическом способе увещевания, чем в любом внутреннем различии догмы; ибо сам Павел делает личное спасение зависящим от личных условий, провинция благодати видна в новом расширении человека возможности и приглашения для обеспечения его собственного принятия. Итак, римско-католическая экспозиция доктрины Павла гораздо ближе, чем любая другая интерпретация, распространенная сейчас. Мы должны ожидать, априори, что это произойдет, поскольку эта Церковь, содержащая две трети христианского мира, наиболее тесно связана ее учеными, членами и традициями с апостольским веком. Важнейшей особенностью в вере Павла и заслуживающим особого внимания, как обязательного участия значительной части теории, которую мы ему приписывали, является предположение, что Христос был первым человеком, облеченным в человечество и пережившим смерть, принятым на небеса , Из всех хозяев, которые жили и умерли, каждая душа спустилась в сумерки под миром. Там все они держались в страхе, ожидая Великого Избавителя. В великолепиях царства над небом Бог и его ангелы жили в одиночестве. Чтобы мы не ошибались приписывать это убеждение Павлу, мы могли бы призвать все тело Отцов свидетельствовать почти непрерывной фалангой, от Поликарпа до Сен-Бернарда. Римская, греческая и английская церкви по-прежнему поддерживают ту же догму. Но простых слов апостола будет достаточно для нашей цели. " 16 Грисбах подробно рассуждает и неопровержимо показывает, что этот отрывок не может нести моральную интерпретацию, но обязательно имеет физический и местный смысл. Griesbachii Opuscula Academica, изд. Габлер, том. II. С. 145-149. от евреев к людям в воздушной области под небом Бога. «Бог есть» (уже в нашей ожидающей вере) «воспитывал нас вместе со Христом и заставлял нас сидеть в небесных местах вместе с ним». Этих свидетельств достаточно, чтобы показать, что Павел верил, что Иисус был поднят до обители Бога, первого человека, когда-либо возвышенного там, и что это было сделано как залог и иллюстрация того же экзальтации, ожидающего тех, кто верит. «Если мы умрем со Христом, мы верим, что мы тоже будем жить с ним». И апостол учит, что мы связаны не только с воскресением Христа по внешнему порядку и последовательности событий, но и с внутренним даром духа. Он говорит, что каждому послушному верующему дается экспериментальное «знание о силе Воскресения Христова», которая является печатью Бога внутри него, залогом его собственного небесного предназначения. «После этого вы уверовали, вы были запечатаны этим святым духом обетования, который является залогом нашего наследия до искупления приобретенного владения». Канцелярия этого дара духа состоит в том, чтобы пробудить в верующем христианине яркое осознание того, что его ждет, и совершенное убеждение в том, что он все же будет владеть ими в безмозглом присутствии Бога, за балконами лазурного и звезды. «Глаз не видел, ни слышал ухо, ни сердце человека не задумано, то, что Бог приготовил для любящих Его, но Он открыл их нам, потому что мы получили его дух, чтобы мы могли узнать их. " «Дух свидетельствует о нашем духе, что мы дети и наследники Бога, Мы оставим эту тему с кратким парафразом знаменитого отрывка в восьмой главе Послания к римлянам. «Мало того, что общность человечества стонет от боли в этом распадающемся состоянии под рабством скоропортящихся элементов, тяготеющих к освобождению от плоти, к свободе небесной славы, назначенной для сынов и наследников Бога, но даже мы, которые есть первые плоды духа, [то есть уверенность, вытекающая из воскресения Христа], мы тоже ждем, мучительно желая усыновления, то есть нашего искупления из тела ». Тоска по усыновлению или святости означает нетерпеливое желание быть принятым на небеса как дети для наслаждения привилегиями дома их отца. «Бог предопределил, что призванные должны соответствовать образу Его Сына, Для достижения этой цели, «кого он призвал, и он также оправдал [т. Е. Выкупленный от Гадеса, 17], и которого он оправдал, и он прославил» (т.е. продвинулся во славу небесную). Очевидно, что Павел искал скорейшего второго пришествия Господа на облаках небесных, с ангелами, силой и славой. Он ожидал, что в это время все враги будут свергнуты и наказаны, мертвые воскреснут, живое будет изменено, и все, что было Христом, будет переведено на небеса. 18 «Господь Иисус откроется из Для достижения этой цели, «кого он призвал, и он также оправдал [т. Е. Выкупленный от Гадеса, 17], и которого он оправдал, и он прославил» (т.е. продвинулся во славу небесную). Очевидно, что Павел искал скорейшего второго пришествия Господа на облаках небесных, с ангелами, силой и славой. Он ожидал, что в это время все враги будут свергнуты и наказаны, мертвые воскреснут, живое будет изменено, и все, что было Христом, будет переведено на небеса. 18 «Господь Иисус откроется из с ангелами и силой и славой. Он ожидал, что в это время все враги будут свергнуты и наказаны, мертвые воскреснут, живое будет изменено, и все, что было Христом, будет переведено на небеса. 18 «Господь Иисус откроется из с ангелами и силой и славой. Он ожидал, что в это время все враги будут свергнуты и наказаны, мертвые воскреснут, живое будет изменено, и все, что было Христом, будет переведено на небеса. 18 «Господь Иисус откроется из 17 «Обоснование» часто означает, что в использовании Павлом освобождение от ада, мы пришли к выводу из прямого изучения его доктрин и языка. Мы находим, что Бретшнейдер дает то же определение в своем Лексиконе Нового Завета. См. [Не ASCII-символы] 18 «Каждый восстанет в своей собственной дивизии» великой армии мертвых: «Христос, первые плоды, а потом, те, которые есть Христовы, при его пришествии». небеса, со своими могущественными ангелами, в пылающем огне, мстящим за тех, кто не знает Бога и не повинуется Евангелию Христа ».« Мы все не будем спать, но мы все изменимся, через мгновение, на последнем козыре . «Мы, живые и оставшиеся до пришествия Господа, не ожидаем тех, которые спят. Ибо Сам Господь сойдет с неба с криком, с голосом архангела и с козырем Бога; 19 и воскресшие во Христе воскреснут. Тогда мы, живые и оставшиеся, поймаем их в облаках, чтобы встретить Господа в воздухе; и поэтому мы всегда будем с Господом. Братья, вам не нужно, чтобы я указывал вам время; ибо вы прекрасно понимаете, что день Господень так наступает как вор в ночи ».« Время короткое ». может созерцать воскресение, не входя в могилу! В то время, когда он должен был быть дома, или в Дамаске, или, может быть, в Иерусалиме солнце превратилось бы в кровь, луну, как вретище волос, последний козырь набухал бы на небе, «Вот, народы мертвых, Который превосходит все земли, поднимаются и высовываются в бессмысленных мириадах над головой. Пронизывайте его в облаке, как« от юбки Вечного, проходящего мимо ». Воскресение, которое, по мнению Павла, заняло второе пришествие Христа, - это восхождение призванных духов умершего от их покоя в мире. Скорее всего, это было не восстановление их разложившихся тел из их могил, хотя этот невероятный довод был в целом интересным. Он говорит, отвечая на вопрос: «Как воскресают мертвые и с каким телом они приходят? «То, что ты сеешь, ты не севешь не те тело, которое будет, но голое зерно: Бог дает ему тело, как ему понравилось». Сравнение состоит в том, что так голая душа посеяна в мире под землей, и Бог, когда он поднимает ее, дает ей подходящее тело. Он не колеблясь называет человека «дураком», который ожидает восстановления того же тела, которое было захоронено. Весь его аргумент явно против этой идеи. 19 Раввин Акиба говорит в Талмуде: «Бог возьмет и трубит по трубе тысячу богоподобных ярдов длиной, чье эхо будет звучать от конца до конца мира. В первый взрыв земля трепетает, а во-вторых, пыль будет разделена, а на третьем кости сойдутся вместе, а в четвертом - согреться, а в пятом - увенчаться головой, а на шестой душа снова войдет в тело. седьмой, они будут стоять прямо ». Corrodi, Geschichte des Chiliasmus, группа 355. земли, земляной; второй человек был Господом с небес; и поскольку мы родили образ земного, мы также будем иметь образ небесного; ибо плоть и кровь не наследуют Царствия Божия ». Ввиду этих заявлений удивительно, что любой может предположить, что Павел верил в воскресение этих тел и в их переносе на небеса». В этой скинии мы стонали, «Кто избавит меня от этого тела смерти?» - восклицает он. Если когда-либо был человек, чей коварный опыт, острые интеллектуальные энергии и нравственные чувства заставили его устать от этого медленного, грубого тела и страстно желая более подходящего, быстрого и чистого инвестирования, это был Павел. И в своей теории «славного тела Христа», из этого не следует, что он считал, что царствование будет на земле: оно может быть на небесах. Названные «враги» - это, по крайней мере, частичные злые духи, занимающие области верхнего воздуха; ибо он определяет эти «княжества, власти и силы». 20 И автор Послания к Евреям представляет Бога, говорящего Иисусу: «Сядь одесную меня, доколе положу врагов Твоих в подножие ног Твоих». В-четвертых, несомненно, что, если в мысли апостола тысяча лет был интерполирован между вторым пришествием Христа и доставкой его посредственного скипетра Богу, он бы так сказал, по крайней мере, где-то в своих писаниях. Разумеется, он немного остановился на нем, как это делали чилийцы. Вместо этого он неоднократно его противоречит. В целом, тогда, с Ракерт, 20 Апокрифическое «Вознесение Исаии», о котором уже говорилось, дает подробное описание верхнего воздуха, занятого сатаной и его ангелами, среди которых гневные и злые дела; но Христос в своем восхождении побеждает и портит их всех, и показывает себя победителем, когда-либо осветляющим, когда он последовательно поднимается через все семь небес к ногам Бога. Ascensio Vatis Isaia, колпачок. vi x. см. любую причину не предполагать, что, согласно Павлу, «конец» сразу же должен был преуспеть в «пришествии», поскольку [символы, отличные от ASCII] будут правильно указывать. Учение о длительном земном царствовании Христа не выведено из этого отрывка откровенным толкованием, потому что оно должно быть там, но навязано им, раввинской информацией, потому что оно может быть там. Павел ясно учит, что верующие, которые умерли до второго пришествия Спасителя, останутся в подпольном мире до этого события, когда они и преображенная жизнь должны подняться «вместе с Господом». Все соответствующие выражения в его посланиях, кроме двух, явно согласуются с этой концепцией временного подземного пребывания, ожидая появления Иисуса с небес, чтобы возвестить о воскресении. Но в пятой главе Второго Послания к Коринфянам он пишет: «Пребывание в теле мы отсутствуем от Господа». Как правило, из этих слов и тех, которые следуют за ними, обычно следует, что апостол ожидал всякий раз, когда он умирал мгновенно со Христом. Разумеется, они почти что означают; но они означают это в связи со вторым пришествием и сопутствующими обстоятельствами и событиями; ибо Павел полагал, что многие из учеников, возможно, сам будут жить до пришествия Христа. Во всех этих двух главах (четвертом и пятом) очевидно, что от явного использования терминов «мы» и «вы» и от других соображений, что «мы» здесь относятся исключительно к писателю, отдельному Полю. Это множественное число, используемое обычным обычаем и соглашением. В виде небольшого парафраза мы можем развить подлинный смысл прохода в руке. «В этом теле я огорчен: не то, чтобы меня просто освободили от него, потому что тогда я должен быть голой душой, но я искренне желаю, освобождая себя от этого земного тела, в то же время одеться с моим небесным телом , что я могу потерять всю свою смертную часть и ее беды в полном опыте вечной жизни Небес. Бог решил, что этот результат придет ко мне рано или поздно, и дал мне залог этого в свидетельном духе. Но это не может случиться до тех пор, пока я пребываю во плоти, Господь задерживает его появление. Имея непогрешимый серьезный дух, я не боюсь перемен, но желаю ускорить его. Уверенный в принятии в тот день на суде Христа, перед которым мы все должны стоять, я жажду кризиса, когда, лишенный этого тела и вверенный в бессмертную форму, созданную для меня Богом, я буду с Господом , Тем не менее, зная ужас, который окружает Господа при его приходе на суд, я умоляю людей быть готовыми ». Тот, кто тщательно изучает весь связанный отрывок, от IV, 6 до 16, Другой текст, который упоминается как явное исключение из учения о месте жительства в нижней части призраков, между смертью и вознесением, встречается в Послании к Филиппийцам: «Я в одном проливе между двумя, имея желание уйти и быть со Христом, что намного лучше, но чтобы я пребывал во плоти, для вас более необходимо ». Есть три возможных способа рассмотрения этого отрывка. Во-первых, мы можем предположить, что Павел, видя, что пришествие Господа откладывается дольше и дольше, изменил его представление о промежуточном состоянии умерших христиан и подумал, что они проведут этот период ожидания на небесах, а не в Аиде. Неандер выступает за эту точку зрения. Но есть немного, чтобы выдержать его, и он загружен со смертельным исходом. Смена веры, столь важная и столь яркая, с точки зрения ее зрения, которая должна была казаться в сложившихся обстоятельствах, была бы четко и полностью сформулирована. Внимание было бы искренне приглашено на такую ​​большую услугу и комфорт; ликование и благодарность были бы выражены в столь неслыханном благом. Более того, что произошло, чтобы повлиять на предполагаемое новое убеждение? Неожиданная задержка пришествия Христа может заставить апостола пожелать, чтобы его ушедшие друзья остановились над небом, а не под гробницей; но это не может служить основанием для внезапной веры в это желание как выполненный факт. Кроме того, правда заключается в том, что Павел никогда не прекращал, до последнего времени, ожидать быстрого прибытия Господа и рассматривать этот промежуток как сравнительную мелочь. В этом послании он говорит: «Господь близок: будьте осторожны ни для чего». Во-вторых, мы можем представить себе, что он ожидал, что он, как божественно избранный и специально избранный слуга, отправится к Христу на небесах, как только он умрет, если это произойдет до появления Господа, в то время как великое множество верующих будет пребывать в в мире до всеобщего воскресения. Смерть, в которой он был в опасности, и имеет в виду это мученичество за Евангелие от Нерона. И многие из Отцов утверждали, что в случае каждого достойного христианского мученика есть исключение из общей гибели и что ему было позволено сразу же войти в рай. Тем не менее, чтобы утверждать, что такая мысль в тексте перед нами требует гипотезы, далекой выборки и неподдерживаемой одним явным объявлением самого апостола. В-третьих, мы можем предположить, и нам кажется, что мы, пожалуй, наименее обременены и наиболее правдоподобной теорией, которая пытается удовлетворить случай, когда Павел полагал, что верующий христианин в течение его преходящей обители в мире будет признан более близким и благословенным духовным товариществом с его Учителем, чем он мог испытать, находясь во плоти. «Ибо я убежден, что ни смерть [отделение от тела], ни глубина [под небом] не смогут отделить нас от Божьей любви, которую он проявил через Христа». Таким образом, он может ссылаться на свои надежды на то, чтобы тотчас со Христом покинул тело, к духовному общению с ним в бестелесном состоянии внизу, а не к его физическому присутствию в сверхъестественном царстве, причем последнее не было достигнуто ранее воскрешение. В самом деле, немного дальше в этом же послании, он ясно показывает, что он не ожидал, что его примут на небо до второго пришествия Христа. Он говорит: «Мы ищем Спасителя с неба, который изменит наше мерзкое тело и устроит его подобно своему собственному славному телу». Это изменение - предварительная подготовка к восхождению на небеса, которые он меняет неоднократно, как непременное. То, что, по мнению Павла, было бы курсом и судьбой вещей на земле после окончательного завершения миссии Христа, является вопросом вывода из его кратких и частичных намеков. Это наиболее вероятный и последовательный взгляд, который можно построить из этих намеков. Он думал, что все человечество примирится и повинуется Богу, и эта смерть, потеряв свой карательный характер, станет тем, кем она была изначально предназначена, простым изменением земного для небесного тела, подготовительного к прямому вознесению. «Тогда Сам Сын будет подчиняться Ему, который положил все под него, чтобы Бог был всем во всем». Тогда спокойные добродетели и невинные радости должны заполнить мир, а человеческая жизнь будет тем, что было в Эдеме, виновата запрещала ангельских визитеров и разговаривала с небом. 21 «Итак, когда« без 21 Неандер думает, что идея Павла заключалась в том, что «совершенное Царство Божье будет гармонично сливаться во всех его неограниченных владениях». Мы считаем, что его понимание правильное. Этот земной шар стал бы частью общего рая, комнаты или общей истории Храма Вселенной. предыдущий спуск в Аид, поскольку контекст доказывает, что «этот смертный должен был навлечь на себя бессмертие, тогда будет приведено сказанное:« Смерть будет поглощена победой ». Смерть, последний враг, где твой укус «О, Аадес, ты мрачная тюрьма, где твоя победа?». Только что предложенная экспозиция подтверждается его поразительной адаптацией ко всей схеме Полины. Это также толкование, данное ранними Отцами, и Церковью в целом до сих пор. Эта идея о том, что люди изменились и поднялись на небеса, совершенно не входя в бестелесное состояние внизу, очевидно, была в виду Милтона, когда он писал следующие строки: «И из этих телесных питательных веществ, возможно, ваше тело, наконец, может превратить все в дух, И, крыло, восхождение эфирное, может, при выборе, Здесь или в райском райском месте». Теперь остается посмотреть, что, по мнению Павла, было последней частью застывшего и настойчивого грешника. Один класс отрывков в его трудах, если они были взяты сами по себе, заставит нас поверить, что на тот момент у него не было никаких фиксированных убеждений в отношении конкретных обстоятельств, но, думая об этом за пределами настоящего разума, удовлетворился всеобщей уверенностью в том, что все такие люди встречали бы их просто пустыни, и там оставался предмет в неясности. «Бог воздаст каждому человеку сначала Иудею, а также греку по делам его». «Что посеет человек, тот и пожнет». «Итак, каждый из нас даст отчет о себе Богу». «На суде Христовом каждый получит то, что сделано в его теле, согласно тому, что он сделал, Второй класс отрывков в посланиях Павла, естественно, заставил бы обычного читателя заключить, что он воображал, что невозрожденные, непригодные для присутствия Бога, должны быть уничтожены, когда Христос после своего второго пришествия должен вернуться на небеса со своими святыми , «Те, кто не знают Бога и не повинуются Евангелию Христа, будут наказаны вечным разрушением от присутствия и славы Господа, когда он придет». «Конец врагов креста Христа - это разрушение». «Суды гнева приспособлены для разрушения». «Те, кто согрешили без закона, погибнут без закона». Но следует заметить, что слово здесь «разрушение» не должно означать аннигиляцию. Часто, даже в посланиях Павла, прямо означает суровое наказание, страшное несчастье, моральное руины и возмездие. Например, «глупые и вредные похоти, которые утоляют людей в разрушении и гибели», «пронизывая их многими печалями». Он может иметь или не иметь такого смысла в приведенных выше случаях. Их смысл по своей сути неуверен: мы должны привести другие отрывки и различные соображения, чтобы помочь нашему толкованию. Из третьего отрывка текстов в посланиях Павла не странно, что некоторые люди вывели учение о безусловном всеобщем спасении. «Как в Адаме все умирают, так и во Христе все оживут». Но истинное объяснение этого предложения, которому мы вынуждены верить, заключается в следующем: «Поскольку, следуя примеру Адама, все души опускаются ниже, поэтому, следуя за Христом, все будут подняты», то есть в суд, после которого какое-то событие может быть принято на небеса, другие снова изгнали в ад. «Мы верим в живого Бога, который является Спасителем всех людей, особенно тех, кто верит». Это означает, что теперь все люди были спасены от безусловного приговора Ададу, принесенного им первым грехом, но не все знают радостное известие: те, кто принимает их в верующие сердца, уже ликуют над их избавлением и своими надеждами на небо. Все объективно спасены от неизбежной и всеобщей необходимости заключения Хадеанов; послушные верующие также субъективно спасаются от контингента и личного риска совершения этой гибели. «Бог закрыл их всех вместе в неверии, чтобы он помиловал всех». «Все» здесь означает как евреев, так и язычников; и упоминание об универсальном аннулировании всеобщей смертности и беспристрастном предложении неба каждому, кто освящает истину в своем сердце. В некоторых случаях слово «все» используется с риторической рыхлостью, а не с логической жесткостью и обозначает только всех христиан. Ракерт хорошо показывает это в своем комментарии к пятнадцатой главе Первого Коринфянам. В других случаях универсальность, которая действительно прямо там, применима к устранению расы унаследованной гибели; в то время как условность, несомненно, подразумевается в отношении фактического спасения каждого человека. Мы говорим, что Павел постоянно представляет личное спасение, как в зависимости от условий, так как он страдает от опасностей и стремится к серьезному стремлению. «Чтобы это ни в коем случае, я сам должен был быть отшельником». «Доставьте Сатану такого, чтобы уничтожить плоть, чтобы дух спасся в день Господа Иисуса». «Посему мы трудимся, что, будь то настоящее или отсутствующее, мы можем быть приняты от господина». «Для спасенных мы являемся источником жизни для жизни, для тех, кто погиб, от смерти смерти до смерти». «Направляй их богатыми, чтобы они были смиренными и делали добро, Он присваивает царство сатаны и злых духов в воздух, досадную область между землей и небом, согласно демонологии его возраста и страны. 22 Наконец, есть четвертый класс отрывков, из которых мы можем заключить, что вера апостола просто исключала осуждающего от участия в восхождении со Христом, точно так же, как некоторые из фарисеев исключили язычников от их воскресения, и там остался предмет в темнота. 22 Подробный и самый любопытный рассказ об этом регионе, который он называет Тартаром, дается Ангустином. De Gen. ad. лит Lib. III. кепка. 14, 15, изд. Benedictina. «Те, которые есть Христовы», «мертвые во Христе» восстанут ». «Ни один чувственный, вымогатель, идолопоклонник не имеет никакого наследства в Царстве Христа и Боге». «Там воздвигнут венец праведности, который Господь даст в тот день всем, кто любит его появление». Во всех этих случаях и во многих других случаях наблюдается заметное упущение любой ссылки на окончательное положительное избавление нечестивых. Тем не менее, против предположения о том, что он придерживается учения о том, что все, кроме хороших христиан, будут оставлены ниже вечно, у нас есть его повторные явные признания. «У меня есть надежда на Бога, что произойдет воскресение как праведных, так и неправедных». «Мы все должны предстать перед судом Христовым». Однако эти последние утверждения, доказывают только, что Павел считал, что плохое, а также хорошее, будет поднято и оценено: они не противоречат вере в то, что осужденные впоследствии или будут уничтожены, или будут возвращены вечно в мир. Эта убежденность, по нашему мнению, содержится в этом замечательном отрывке, где Павел пишет Филиппийцам, что он стремится «если он каким-либо образом достигнет воскресения». Теперь, к общему воскресению мертвых для суждения нужно было не стремиться: все это произойдет безоговорочно. Но есть еще одно воскресение или другая часть, оставшаяся для завершения воскресения, а именно, после суда, восхождение принятого на небеса. Все восстанут от Аида на землю до суда. Этот Павел называет просто воскрешение, [персонажи без ASCII] После суда, принятые восстанут на небо. Этот Павел с особым вниманием обращает внимание на [Non ASCII Characters] на предварительное или полное воскрешение, причем префикс используется как интенсивный. Это то, что апостол считает неуверенным и трудным защищать, «протянувшись вперед и прижимаясь к цели за приз этого призыва вверх», [Несимвольные символы] (это приглашение на небеса), «которое Бог продлил через Христа». Те, кто осужден на суде, не могут участвовать в этом завершении воскресения, не могут войти в Царство Небесное, но должны быть «наказаны вечным разрушением от присутствия и славы Господа», то есть, как мы полагаем, , навсегда ввергнуться в мир под землей. Как необязательный для нашего объекта, мы опустили изложение учения Павла о естественном ранге и правильных или делегированных службах Христа во вселенной; а также рассмотрение обоснованности сомнений и аргументов, выдвинутых против подлинности меньших посланий, приписываемых Павлу. Вкратце мы подведем вкратце основные представления о его последствиях. Во-первых, есть мир бессмертного света и блаженства над небом, исключительная обитель Бога и ангелов из прошлого; и есть мрачный мир тьмы и покоится под землей, обитель всех ушедших человеческих духов. Во-вторых, смерть первоначально предназначалась для того, чтобы привести души на небеса, одетые в новые и божественные тела, сразу же после падения нынешней скинии; но грех сломал этот план и обреченные души, чтобы пройти в Брод в Аиде. В-третьих, Мозаичное освобождение закона не могло доставить мужчин из этого приговора; но Бог обещал Аврааму, что через одного из его потомков они должны быть избавлены. Чтобы исполнить обещанное, пришел Христос. Он иллюстрировал необъятную любовь Бога, прощение и решимость восстановить первоначальный план, как если бы люди никогда не грешили. Христос осуществил эту цель в сочетании со своими учениями, умирая, спустившись в Аид, как будто на него напала гибель грешного человека, покорив силы этой тюрьмы, снова поднявшись и поднявшись на небо, первая когда-либо допущенных туда из мертвых, таким образом иллюстрируя выполненное «ожидание существа, которое стонали и мучились от боли», чтобы родиться в свободе небесной славы сынов Божьих. В-четвертых, «оправдание верой», следовательно, означает искупление от Аида путем принятия освобождения свободной благодати, которое провозглашено в Евангелии. В-пятых, каждый освященный верующий получает залог или серьезность духа, запечатывающего его как Божье и уверяющего его в принятии Христа и о продвижении на небеса. В-шестых, Христос быстро придет во второй раз, пришел во славу и силу, непреодолимую, чтобы завершить свою миссию, воскресить мертвых, судить мир, установить новый порядок вещей и вернуться на небеса с избранными им. Седьмой, упорно нечестивая часть человечества будет возвращена вечно в соответствии с миром. Во-вторых, после суда подземное царство смерти будет заперто, и в него не будет больше душ, но все люди при их роспуске мгновенно будут вложены в духовные тела и восходят к славе Господа. В заключение, Подготовительные зачатки этой системы последних вещей существовали в вере века, и она сама была составлена ​​союзом теоретической интерпретации жизни Христа и связанных с ним явлений, последовавших за его смертью, с элементами фарасового иудаизма , все смешивались в тигле души Павла и сливались с огнями его опыта. Это иллюстрирует большое количество озадачивающих отрывков в Новом Завете, без необходимости прибегать к неестественным, невероятным, необоснованным догмам, связанным с ними уникальными, изолированными особенностями кальвинизма. Более того, приведенная выше интерпретация имеет это сильное подтверждение ее точности, а именно, что она достигается с точки зрения мысли и жизни апостола Павла в первом столетии, коллапс ▲ Если вы обнаружили ошибки или ошибки в этой записи, или если у вас есть дополнения, напишите ваши мысли в поле комментариев ниже: Write here Сохранить Поиск Программное обеспечение и презентация © 2017 BennetDictionary.com. Все тексты и гафики взяты из общественного достояния. Политика конфиденциальности | Условия эксплуатации 6 месяцев назад Поделиться ...Ваш текст

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    известенЗагробная Жизнь — Она была известна как обмена, что инженер, автор и лектор, Брюс Моен, нашел, надеясь, что это позволит снизить страх и неуверенность о смерти и помочь вам увеличить вашу загробной жизни знания. Это не его намерение изменить свои убеждения о загробной жизни. Он считает, что только ваша личная прямой опыт должен сделать, и предлагает семинары для содействия такой опыт. Возможно, то, что он написал звонит верно с вашего опыта. Может быть, просто зная, один человек обнаружил, что это возможно, чтобы узнать правду о загробной жизни будет стимулировать вас, чтобы начать свой собственный путь открытия...

    "Загробная Жизнь"

    Сюда | Туда

    Гарвардский Нейрохирург подтверждает загробной жизни Существует ПО СТИВЕН BANCARZ 13 ДЕКАБРЯ 2014 ГОДА FRINGE, НАУКИ, САМОПОЗНАНИЯ, ДУХОВНОСТИ По Стивен Bancarz | У нас есть душа? Есть ли жизнь после смерти? Загробная жизнь есть то, что было пережито с бесчисленное количество людей, начиная с записанной истории, которые вернулись в свои сказки рассказывать, с самым интересным счет испытывал первых рук Гарвардского обученных мозга нейрохирург 25 лет, д-р Александр Эбен. Это не просто еще один счет, который загробной жизни могут быть списаны как галлюцинация. Прежде чем мы рассмотрим, как именно его опыт загробной жизни бросает вызов всем научное объяснение, позволяет исследовать его счет немного. Перед своим опытом, он не верил в существование нефизического духа. Стажировался в западной медицинской школы, в окружении медицинских коллег, которые глубоко вложенных в целях материализм Вселенной, он думал, что идея души был диковинным. Как и большинство "скептиков", он считал, рассказы о загробной жизни, чтобы быть галлюцинации или продукты человеческого воображения. Д-р Александр передумал после того как он был в коме в течение семи дней, вызванных тяжелых бактериальных менингитов. Во время комы он испытал яркое путешествие в то, что он знал, чтобы быть загробной жизни, посещая как небесные и не так небесах. После возвращения к своему телу и испытывает чудесное исцеление от всех шансов, и продолжал писать в Нью-Йорк таймс # 1 бестселлера "Доказательство Небесное." То, что д-р Александр подтверждает, что наша жизнь здесь просто тест поможет нашим душам развиваться и расти, и что, как мы добиться успеха в этом является переход с любовью и состраданием. Вот только несколько других заметных точек, которые он сделал: - Опыт загробной жизни было так "реального" и экспансивный, что опыт жизни, как человек на Земле казалось искусственным сне сравнения. - Ткань загробной жизни было чистой любви. Любовь доминирует загробной жизни до такой степени, что огромный общий присутствие зла было ничтожно мала. Если вы хотите знать Вселенную, познать любовь. - В загробной жизни, все общение было телепатическим. Там не было никакой необходимости в произносимых слов, ни даже разделение между собой и все остальное происходит вокруг вас. Все вопросы вы просили в своем уме сразу вам ответил телепатически, а также. Когда его спросили, что он хочет, чтобы все знали о духовном царстве, он всегда отвечает сказав, что ты дорог и бесконечно любил больше, чем вы можете себе представить. Вы всегда в безопасности. Вы никогда не одиноки. Безусловное и совершенная Любовь Бога пренебрегает не одну душу. "Любовь без сомнения, основа всего. Не какой-то абстрактный, трудно сажени вид любви, но вид день-в-день, что каждый знает вид любви мы чувствуем, когда мы смотрим на нашу супруга и наших детей, или даже наших животных. В своей наиболее чистой и мощной форме, эта любовь не завидует, эгоистично, но безусловным. Это реальность реальностей, то непонятно славная истина истин, что живет и дышит в основе всего, что существует или когда-либо существовало, и не отдаленно точное понимание того, кто мы и что мы можем быть достигнуто путем тех, кто не знает, это и воплотить его во всех своих действиях ". Теперь давайте поговорим доверие в течение минуты. Что делает этот опыт настолько более значимым, чем другой счет NDE? Неокортекс Эбен был абсолютно нефункциональных во время комы сделать, чтобы его тяжелой бактериального менингита, так что нет никаких научных объяснить, почему он испытал это. На самом деле, он дает опровержения в 9 различных возможных научных объяснений своего опыта в своей книге. Изучение натуралистические объяснения Давайте взглянем на 5 потенциальных объяснений он излагает в Приложении B в "Свидетельстве о Heaven". Некоторые из его объяснений не имело бы никакого смысла для нас, как мирян неподготовленных в Нейрологическая терминологии, так что здесь наиболее распространенными объяснения он опровергает, все из которых взяты дословно из его книги: 1. Примитивный программа ствола мозга, чтобы облегчить терминала боль и страдания ("эволюционный аргумент?» - Возможно, как пережиток притворный-смерти стратегий из низших млекопитающих). Это не объяснить надежной, богато интерактивный характер воспоминаний. 2. Искаженная отзыв воспоминаний из глубоких частях лимбической системы (например, боковая миндалина), которые имеют достаточно облегающего мозг будет относительно защищена от астенических воспаления, которое происходит в основном на поверхности мозга. Это не объяснить надежной, богато интерактивный характер воспоминаний. 3. ДМТ свалка. ДМТ, естественным агонистом серотонина вызывает яркие галлюцинации и состояние сказочный. Я лично знаком с опытом, связанных с наркотиками серотонина агонистов / антагонистов (ЛСД) от моих подростковых лет в начале 70-х. У меня не было личного опыта с ДМТ, но видели пациентов под его влиянием. Богатый ультра-реальность будет по-прежнему требуют довольно нетронутыми слуховые и зрительные неокортекс, как целевые регионы, в которых для создания такой богатый опыт аудиовизуальной как я имел в коме. Длительное кома в связи с бактериальным менингитом был сильно поврежден мой неокортекс, который является, где все серотонина из ядер шва в моей мозга (или DMT, агонист серотонина) имели бы воздействие на визуальные / слуховые опыта. Но моя кора был выключен, и ДМТ не будет иметь место в мозге, чтобы действовать. 4. Перезагрузка явление - случайное свалка странных DIS-сочлененной воспоминания из-за старых воспоминаний в поврежденной коре головного мозга, что может произойти при перезапуске мозга в сознание после длительного отсутствия общесистемной, как в моей диффузного менингита. Особенно учитывая тонкости моих воспоминаний сложных, это, кажется, маловероятно. 5. Необычный поколение памяти через архаичной зрительного пути через мозга, заметно используется в птиц, но только редко идентифицировать человека. Это может быть продемонстрировано в организме человека, которые кортикально слепым, из-за затылочной коры. Это не предусмотрено никакой подсказки, как к ультра-деле я был свидетелем и не смогли объяснить, слуховой-визуальная чередование. Его рассказ NDE выступает в качестве наиболее надежного в счет все время, и исходя из его материалистической научной фоне, у нас есть хорошие основания полагать, что он действительно есть яркое столкновение с чем-то за пределами этого мира. Вот интервью / функция он сделал с ABC News о своем состоянии и его опыт:

    «Загробная Жизнь»Загробная ЖизньНе шутите с Мессалины!смысл, суть, идея в чем разница? , вот:
    В то время как Клавдий был далеко в Англии время правления Клавдия, наиболее в ее наущению.
    Вопреки мнению в то время, Клавдий был невежествен к действиям жены,
    смысл, суть, идея в чем разница?


    Загробная Жизнь в следующем году. , Вы определены, что с поклонением. всех...компания мушкетеров короля «Загробная Жизнь»Загробная Жизнь Леша сказал мне ССЫЛКА, Загробная Жизнь ..Загробная Жизнь Материал из Википедии, свободной энциклопедии Для другие значения, см Загробная Жизнь (значения) . "Загробная Жизнь" перенаправляется сюда. Для другие значения, см Загробная Жизнь (значения) . Страница частично защищенных Загробная Жизнь Загробная Жизнь Загробная Жизнь

    Загробная Жизнь

    Загробная Жизнь (сигнал) Из Википедии, свободной энциклопедии Для другого использования, см Загробная Жизнь (значения) . Неформат причудливые - большие Загробная Жизнь Загробная жизнь Из Википедии, свободной энциклопедии Для другого использования, см Afterlife (значения). "После смерти", "Жизнь после смерти", и "Далее" перенаправить здесь. Для другого использования, см После смерти (многозначной), жизнь после смерти (значения), и отныне (значения). Часть серии на Антропология религии GuideToTheAfterlife-CustodianForGoddessAmun-AltesMuseum-Berlin.png Древние египетские папирусы, рассказывающие о путешествие в загробной жизни. Анонимные-Рай Bhaishajyaguru.jpg Рай Бхайшаджьягуру обнаружили на Могао Пещеры. Основные понятия [скрыть] Загробная жизнь Анимизм Бора (Австралия) Communitas Сравнительный религия Предсказание Божественная язык Эволюционного происхождения религий Фетишизм Великий Дух Генотеизм Инициирование Лиминальности Магия Мана Монотеизм Многобожие Движение Активизация Обряд посвящения Ритуал Священный язык Священный-осквернить дихотомия Шаманизм Теории о религиях Тотем Тотемизм Почитание мертвых Тематические исследования [показать] Статьи по теме [показать] Основные теоретики [показать] Журналы [показать] Религии [показать] Социальная и культурная антропология v T е В философии, религии, мифологии, и художественной литературы, то загробная жизнь (также известный как жизнь после смерти или загробной жизни) является концепция царство, или сам область (будь то физическое или трансцендентное), в котором существенная часть из индивида идентичность или сознание продолжает существовать после смерти тела в жизни человека. По разным представлениям о загробной жизни, важнейшим аспектом личности, который живет после смерти, может быть некоторая частичная элемент или весь душа или дух, индивида, который несет с собой и дает личную идентичность. Вера в загробную жизнь, которая может быть натуралистический или сверхъестественного, в отличие от веры в Лету после смерти. В некоторых популярных видом, это продолжение существования часто происходит в духовной сфере, так и в других популярных взглядов, человек может быть возрожден в этом мире и начинают жизненный цикл снова, скорее всего, без памяти о том, что они сделали в прошлом , В этом последнем мнению, такие перерождения и смерти не может происходить снова и снова непрерывно до вступления отдельные прирост к духовной сфере или Иного. Основные взгляды на жизнь после смерти извлечь из религии, эзотерики и метафизики. Некоторые системы верований, такие как те, в авраамических традициях, считают, что мертвые перейти к определенной плоскости существования после смерти, как это определено в бога, богов, или другой божественного суда, на основе их действий или убеждений в течение жизни. В отличие от этого, в системах реинкарнации, таких, как в индийских религиях, природа дальнейшего существования определяется непосредственно действиями человека в законченного жизни, а не через решение другого существа. Содержание [Спрятать] 1 Загробная жизнь в различных метафизических моделей 1.1 Реинкарнация 1.2 Рай и ад 1.3 Зарождение 1.4 Чистилище 2 Традиционные африканские религии 3 Древние религии 3.1 Древняя египетская религия 3.2 Древние греческие и римские религии 3.3 норвежского религия 4 авраамических религий 4.1 Иудаизм 4.1.1 She'ol 4.1.2 Олам Хаба 4.1.3 Реинкарнация в еврейской традиции 4.2 Христианство 4.2.1 Католическая Церковь 4.2.2 Православие 4.2.3 Церковь Иисуса Христа Святых последних дней 4.2.4 Свидетели Иеговы 4.2.5 Адвентисты седьмого дня 4.3 Ислам 4.3.1 Ахмадийская 4.3.2 суфийский 4.4 Вера Бахаи 5 индийских религий 5.1 Индуизм 5.2 Буддизм 5.3 Сикхизм 6 неоязычество 6.1 Викка 7 Другие 7.1 Синто 7.2 унитарий Универсализм 7.3 спиритизм 7.4 Зороастризм 8 Парапсихология 9 Философия 9.1 Современная философия 9.2 Философия Процесс 10 Наука 11 Массовая культура 11.1 Фильмы 12 Смотрите также 13 Ссылки 13.1 Примечания 13.2 Дополнительная литература 14 Внешние ссылки Загробная жизнь в различных метафизических моделей [править] Смотрите также: список философских вопросов В метафизических моделей, атеисты вообще считаю, некоторый тип загробной жизни ждет людей, когда они умирают. Члены некоторых, как правило нетеистическим религий, как правило, считают в загробную жизнь, но без ссылки на божества. В саддукеи были древняя еврейская секта, вообще считает, что есть Бог, но не загробной жизни. Многие религии, верят ли они в существование души в другом мире, как христианство, ислам и многие языческие системы верований, или в перевоплощение, как и многие формы индуизма и буддизма, считают, что свой ​​статус в загробной жизни награда или наказание за их поведением во время жизнь. Реинкарнация [править] Основная статья: Реинкарнация Реинкарнация относится к загробной жизни концепции нашли среди индусов, буддистов, джайнов, сикхов, розенкрейцеров, теософов, спиритов и виккан. Реинкарнация является также вера описано в каббалистической иудаизма gilgul нешамот (перевоплощение душ). [1] В реинкарнации, духовное развитие продолжается и после смерти, как покойный начинается другой земную жизнь в физическом мире, приобретая превосходную степень сознания и альтруизма по означает последовательных реинкарнаций. Эта последовательность приводит к возможному освобождению. Одним из следствий теории реинкарнации верований, что наши нынешние жизнь и жизнь после смерти и beforelife. В соответствии с этими убеждениями событий в нашей нынешней жизни последствия действий, предпринятых в предыдущих жизнях, или кармы. Розенкрейцеры, [2] так же, тех, кто имел предсмертный опыт, говорить о обзора жизнь период, происходящих сразу после смерти и перед входом в загробный мир в плоскости существования (до серебряная цепочка разрывается), а затем суда , больше похоже на окончательное рассмотрение или окончания отчетного над своей жизни. [3] Рай и ад [править] В этом разделе не привести любые ссылки или источники. Пожалуйста, помогите улучшить этот раздел, добавив ссылок на достоверные источники. Проверки могут быть оспаривается и удалена. (Июнь 2015 г.) В авраамических религий, вид, как правило, считали, что один идет в ад или небеса в зависимости от своих поступков или веры в то время как на Земле, или предопределения и безусловном избрании, или в промежуточном состоянии дождаться Воскресение мертвых. В большинстве конфессий, небо является условием вознаграждения праведников, чтобы пойти после их смерти, традиционно определяется как вечный союз с Богом. В отличие от рай, ад является условием наказания и мучения для нечестивых, традиционно определяется как вечное отделение от Бога и заключения с другими грешные души и падших ангелов. Зарождение [править] Основная статья: Зарождение Несмотря на распространенное мнение, Лимбо, который был разработан на богословов, начиная с средневековья, никогда не был признан в качестве догмы в Римско-католической церкви, но, порой, это был очень популярный богословские теории в Церкви. Зарождение теория, что некрещеные, но невинные души, такие как младенцев, добродетельные люди, которые жили прежде, чем родился Иисус Христос на земле, или те, которые умирают до крещения существуют ни в рай или ад надлежащего. Таким образом, эти души ни заслуга в блаженного видения, ни подвергаются никакому наказанию, потому что они не виновны в какой-либо личной греха, хотя они не получили крещение, так до сих пор несут первородный грех. Таким образом, они не считаются, как правило, существующей в состоянии естественной, но не сверхъестественное, счастье, до конца времени. В других христианских конфессий было описано как промежуточное положение или состояние удержания в Лету и безнадзорности. [4] Чистилище [править] Основная статья: Чистилище Понятие чистилища связано в частности с католической церковью. В католической церкви, все те, кто умирает в благодати и дружбе Божией, но все еще ​​недостаточно очищены, действительно уверены в своем вечном спасении; но после смерти они подвергаются очистке, так как для достижения святости нужно ввести радость небес или окончательное очищение избранных, которая полностью отличается от наказания проклятых. Традиция церкви, со ссылкой на некоторые тексты Писания, говорит о "очистительный огонь", хотя это не всегда называют чистилище. Англикане о англо-католической традиции, как правило, также придерживаются веры. Джон Уэсли, основатель Методизм, верил в промежуточном состоянии между смертью и воскресением из мертвых и в возможность "продолжает расти в святости там", но Методисты официально не подтверждают, эту веру и отрицает возможность оказания помощи в молитве любой, кто может быть в этом состоянии. [5] Традиционные африканские религии [редактировать] Традиционные африканские религии разнообразны в своих убеждениях в загробной жизни. Охотников-собирателей обществ, таких как Hazda не имеют особого веру в загробную жизнь, и смерть человека является прямым конца их существования. [6] предка культы встречаются по всему к югу от Сахары, в том числе культур, таких как Yombe, [7] Бенг, [8] йоруба и Эве, "[T] он убежден, что мертвые возвращаются к жизни и возродиться в своих семьях конкретное выражение в личных имен которые дают детям .... Что перевоплощается некоторые из доминирующих характеристик предка и не его души. Для каждого душа остается отличным, и каждый рождении представляет новую душу. "[9] йоруба, догонов и LoDagoa есть эсхатологические идеи, похожие на авраамических религий », но в большинстве африканских обществ, есть заметное отсутствие таких четких представлений о рае и аде, хотя есть понятия Бога судя душу после смерти." [9] В некоторых обществах, как Менде, несколько убеждений сосуществовать. Менде считают, что люди умирают дважды: один раз во время процесса вступления в тайное общество, и снова во время биологической смерти, после чего они становятся предки. Тем не менее, некоторые Менде также считают, что после того как люди созданы Богом они живут десять последовательных жизней, каждый в постепенно спускающихся миров. [10] Один кросс-культурной темой является то, что предки являются частью мира живых, взаимодействуя с ним регулярно . [11] [12] [13] Древние религии [редактировать] Древняя египетская религия [править] Основная статья: Смерть и жизнь после смерти в Древнем Египте Загробная жизнь играет важную роль в древнеегипетской религии, и его система убеждений является одним из самых ранних известных в истории. Когда тело умерло, части его души, известные как ка (двухместный кузов) и ба (индивидуальность) будет идти в Царство Мертвых. В то время как душа жила в Полях Aaru, Осирис потребовал работу в реституции для защиты он оказал. Были размещены в гробницах Статуи в качестве заменителей покойного. [14] Прибыв на своей награды в загробной жизни была требовательна испытанием, требуя грех без сердца и способность читать заклинания, пароли и формул Книге Мертвых. В зале Двух Истин, умершего сердце взвешены против Шу пера истины и справедливости, взятой из головном уборе богини Маат. [15] Если сердце было легче, чем перо, они могли бы пройти мимо, но если это было тяжелее, они будут поглощены демонов Ammit. [16] Египтяне также считает, что время мумифицированные и положить в саркофаг (древнеегипетской "гроб" с вырезанными сложных символов и конструкций, а также фотографии и иероглифов) был единственный способ иметь загробной жизни. Только если труп был надлежащим бальзамировали и погребен в мастабы, мог мертвых снова жить в Полях Ялу и сопровождать Солнце на его повседневной езды. Из-за опасности жизнь после смерти, связанных, Книга Мертвых был помещен в гробницу с телом, а также пищевых продуктов, ювелирных изделий, и «проклинает». Они также использовали "открытие рта". [17] [18] Древняя египетская цивилизация была основана на религии; их вера в возрождение после смерти стал их движущей силой их практики на похороны. Смерть была просто временное прекращение, а не полное прекращение, жизни, и что вечная жизнь может быть обеспечена с помощью, как благочестие к богам, сохранение физической формы через мумификации, и предоставление скульптуры и других погребальной оборудования. Каждый человек состоит из физического тела, "ка", "ба в ', и' 'АХ. Имя и тени были также живые существа. Чтобы наслаждаться загробной жизни, все эти элементы должны были быть устойчивым и защищены от вреда. [19] 30 марта 2010 года, пресс-секретарь Министерства культуры Египта заявило, что раскопал большой красный дверь Гранит в Луксоре с надписями пользователем, [20] мощный советник 18-ой династии королева Хатшепсут, правившего между 1479 до н.э. и 1458 до н.э., самая длинная из любой женщины. Она полагает, ложная дверь является "дверь в загробный мир". По археологов, дверь была повторно в структуре в Римском Египте. Древних греческих и римских религий [править] Основная статья: Греческая преступный Греческий бог Аид известно в греческой мифологии, как царя преисподней, место, где души жить после смерти. [21] Греческий бог Гермес, посланник богов, займет мертвую душу человека в преисподнюю ( иногда называют Аид или Дом Аида). Гермес оставит душу на берегу реки Стикс, река между жизнью и смертью. [22] Харон, также известный как парома человека, возьмет душу через реку в Аид, если душа была золото: По погребения, семья умершего душа положить монеты под покойного языка. После того, как пересек, душа будет судить по Эак, Радамант и короля Миноса. Душа будет отправлен Elysium, Тартар, Елисейские поля, или поля и наказания. Елисейские поля были для тех, которые жили чистой жизнью. Он состоял из зеленых полей, долин и гор, там все было мирно и довольны, и Солнце светило всегда есть. Тартар был для людей, которые поносили против богов, или были просто мятежный и сознательно зла. [23] В Елисейские поля были для разнообразный выбор человеческих душ: Те, чьи грехи составил их доброту, были нерешительны в своих жизнях, или не были судимы. Поля наказания были для людей, которые часто грешили, но не настолько, чтобы быть достойным Тартара. В Тартар, душа будет наказан сжигается в лаве, или растягивается на стеллажах. Некоторые герои греческой легенде разрешено посещать подземный мир. Римляне имели подобную систему убеждений о загробной жизни, с Аид становится известен как Плутон. В древнегреческом мифе о Подвиги Геракла, герой Геракл должен был поехать в подземный мир, чтобы захватить Цербер, трехголовый сторожевую собаку, как один из его задач. В Сон Сципиона, Цицерона описывает то, что, кажется, из опыта тела, в душе путешествия высоко над Землей, глядя на маленькой планете, издалека. [24] В шестой книге Вирджил "ы Энеиды, герой, Эней, путешествия в загробный мир, чтобы увидеть своего отца. По реке Стикс, он видит души тех, кто не дал надлежащей погребение, вынуждены ждать на берегу реки, пока кто-то не хоронит их. В то время как там, вместе с мертвым, он показал место, где ошибочно осужден проживают, поля скорби, когда те, кто покончил жизнь самоубийством, и теперь жалею об этом находиться, в том числе бывшего любовника Энея ", воины и оттенков, Тартар (где титаны и мощные, не смертельными врагами олимпийцев проживают), где он может слышать стоны тюрьму, дворец Плутона, и поля Элизиума, где потомки божественного и храбрые герои проживают. Он видит реку забвения, Леты, которая мертвых должны пить, чтобы забыть свою жизнь и начать заново. Наконец, его отец показывает ему все будущие герои Рима, которые будут жить, если Эней выполняет свое предназначение в создании города. Норвежский религия [править] В этом разделе не привести любые ссылки или источники. Пожалуйста, помогите улучшить этот раздел, добавив ссылок на достоверные источники. Проверки могут быть оспаривается и удалена. (Декабрь 2014) Поэтический и проза Эдды, древнейшие источники информации о скандинавской концепции загробной жизни, различаются по своей описания нескольких сферах, которые описаны как подпадающие под эту тему. Наиболее известные из них: Valhalla: (лит "Зал убитого", т.е. "избранных") Половина воинов, умерших в сражении присоединиться бога Одина, который правит над величественный зал называется Валгалла в Асгарде. Fólkvangr: (лит "Область") хост другая половина присоединиться к богине Фрею в большой луг, известной как Fólkvangr. Хель: (лит "Крытый зал") Это обитель несколько, как Аид от древнегреческой религии: там, что-то не в отличие от Asphodel Meadows можно найти, и люди, которые не имеют ни преуспел в том, что это хорошо, ни преуспел в то, что плохо можно ожидать туда после смерти и воссоединиться со своими близкими. Нифльхель: (лит "Темный" или "Туманный Хель") Это царство примерно аналогичны греческой Тартар. Это более глубокий уровень под Хель, и тех, кто нарушает клятвы, похищать и насиловать женщин, и совершать другие гадости будет направлен туда, чтобы быть среди своего вида страдать суровое наказание. Авраамических религий [править] Иудаизм [править] Основная статья: Еврейский эсхатология She'ol [править] Написание, которые позднее будут включены в еврейской Библии имена преисподнюю, как место мертвых. [25] Традиционный переосмысление Христианский писателя в том, что еврейское слово шеол может означать много вещей, в том числе "могила", "курорт", " Место ожидания "и" место исцеления ". Это может также означать "глубокая", как она используется, когда земля открывает и разрушает мятежный Корей, Дафана и Авирона и их последователей в 250 (Числа 16: 31-33). Можно принять это как это означает, что преисподняя буквально в подполье, хотя это, как легко прочитать буквально, как означающее землетрясение или раскол в земле. Екклесиаст: "За то, что происходит с сыновьями мужчин тоже бывает с животными; одно их постигает: как можно умирают, так умирают другие, конечно, все они имеют одно дыхание, человек не имеет никаких преимуществ над животными, для все суета.. Все идет в одно место: все произошло из праха, и все возвратится в прах Кто знает: дух сынов человеческих, что идет вверх, и дух животного, который идет вниз на землю ".? (Еккл. 3: 19-21 NKJV) "Но для того, кто присоединился ко всем живым есть надежда, как и псу живому лучше, чем мертвому льву Для Живые знают, что умрут,. Но мертвые ничего не знают, и они имеют не больше награда, Для Память о них забывают и любовь их ненависть их и ревность их уже исчезли бы;. Nevermore они будут иметь долю в чем делается под солнцем ". (Еккл 9: 4-6. NKJV) Аналогично Псалом 146: 2-4 (NKJV) гласит: ". Не надейтесь на князей, ни в сына человеческого, в котором нет помощь Его дух уходит, он возвращается в землю свою: в тот день его планы погибнуть ". В книге Иова сказано: "Но человек умирает и положил подальше, да он дышит его последним и где он ... Так человек ляжет и не поднимается до скончания неба больше нет, они не будут?. проснулся, ни быть разбудил ото сна ... Если человек умирает, будет ли он опять жить? " (Иов 14: 10,12,14a NKJV) Олам Хаба [править] Талмуд предлагает ряд мыслей, связанных с загробной жизни. Талмуда власти согласны, что любой добродетельный язычник будет дано долю в мире-в-будущем. После смерти душа принесла на суд. Те, кто привел нетронутые жизнь ввести сразу в "Олам Хаба" или мире грядущем. Большинство не войти в мир, чтобы немедленно Ну, а теперь испытывают период рассмотрения их земных действий, и они были осведомлены о том, что они сделали не так. Некоторые считают этот период, как быть "повторно обучение", с душой набирает мудрости своей ошибки рассматриваются. Другие считают этот период, чтобы включить душевный дискомфорт для прошлые обиды. В конце этого периода, не больше, чем один год, душа, то его место занимает в мире грядущем. Хотя неудобства сделаны участие некоторых еврейских концепций загробной жизни, понятие «вечного проклятия", так распространена и в других религиях, нет принцип еврейской жизни после смерти. Согласно Талмуду, вымирание души зарезервированы для гораздо более узкой группы вредоносных и злых лидеров, либо чье злые дела идут далеко за пределы норм, или которые ведут большие группы людей в крайне злом. [26] [27] Маймонид описывает Олам Хаба ("Мир, чтобы Прибыть") в духовном плане, сместив пророчествовал физическое воскресение к статусу будущего чуда, не связанной с загробной жизни или мессианской эры. По Маймонида, загробная жизнь продолжается душе каждого человека, души в настоящее время отделена от тела, в котором она была "размещены" в ходе его земного существования. Зоар описывает Геенна не как место наказания для нечестивых, но как место духовного очищения души для. [28] Реинкарнация в еврейской традиции [править] Хотя нет никаких ссылок на реинкарнацию в Талмуде или каких-либо предварительных работах, [29] в соответствии с раввинами, таких как Авраам Арье Trugman, реинкарнация признается как неотъемлемая часть еврейской традиции. Trugman объясняет, что именно через устную традицию, что значения Торы, заповедей и рассказов, которые известны и понятны. Классическая работа еврейского мистицизма, [30] Зоар, цитирует либерально всей еврейской жизни; в Зоар идея реинкарнации неоднократно упоминается. Trugman утверждает, что в течение последних пяти столетий понятие о реинкарнации, которые до тех пор не было намного скрыты традиция в иудаизме, дали открытый экспозиции. [30] Шрага Симмонс отметил, что в самой Библии, идея [о реинкарнации] является намекнул во Втор. 25: 5-10, Второзаконие. 33: 6 и Исаия 22:14, 65: 6. [31] Yirmiyahu Ульман писал, что реинкарнация является "древней, основной вера в иудаизме". Зоар делает частые и длительные ссылки на реинкарнацию. Онкелос, праведный конвертировать и авторитетный комментатор тот же период, объяснил стих: «Пусть живет Рувим и не умереть ...» (Второзаконие 33: 6) означает, что Рувим должен заслужить мира прийти непосредственно, и не надо снова умереть в результате реинкарнации. Знатоком Торы, комментатор и каббалист, Нахманид (Рамбан 1195-1270), отнести страдания Иова реинкарнации, а намекнул в Иова говоря "Бог делает все эти вещи два или три раза с человеком, чтобы вернуть душу его от ямы к. .. свет жизни "(Иов 33: 29,30)". [32] Реинкарнация, называется gilgul, стал популярным в народной веры, и находится в большой еврейской литературы среди ашкеназских евреев. Среди нескольких каббалистов, было положено, что некоторые человеческие души могли бы в конечном итоге перевоплотился в нечеловеческих тел. Эти идеи были найдены в ряд каббалистических работает с 13-го века, а также среди многих мистиков в конце 16-го века. Мартин Бубер «раннее собрание с рассказов из Баал Шем Тов» жизни с включает в себя несколько, которые относятся к людям, перевоплощаясь в последовательные жизни. [33] Среди хорошо известны (как правило, без каббалист или анти-каббалист) раввины, которые отвергли идею реинкарнации Саадия Гаон, Дэвид Кимхи, Крескаса, Yedayah Bedershi (в начале 14-го века), Джозеф Альбо, Авраам ибн Дауд, то Рош и Леон де Модена. Саадия Гаон, в Emunoth ве-Deoth (иврит: "убеждения и мнения") приходит к выводу, раздел VI с опровержением учения метемпсихозе (реинкарнации). В то время как опровержения реинкарнацию, то Саадия Гаон далее заявляет, что евреи, придерживающиеся реинкарнации приняли нееврейских убеждения. Ни в коем случае делать все евреи сегодня верят в реинкарнацию, но вера в реинкарнацию не является редкостью среди многих евреев, в том числе православных. Другие известные раввины, которые включают в себя reincarnationists Yonassan Гирсон Авраам Исаак Кук, Талмуд ученый Адин Штейнзальца, DovBer Пинсон, Дэвид М. Wexelman, Zalman Шахтер, [34] и многие другие. Реинкарнация цитируется авторитетных библейских комментаторов, в том числе Рамбан (Нахманид), Менахем Recanti и Раббену Bachya. Среди многих томов Ицхака Лурия, большинство из которых сошел с пером своей основной ученика, Хаим Виталь, являются идеи, объясняющие вопросы, связанные с реинкарнацией. Его Шаар HaGilgulim, "Врата реинкарнации", является книга, посвященная исключительно к теме реинкарнации в иудаизме. Христианство [править] Основная статья: христианской эсхатологии Mainstream христианство исповедует веру в Никейский символ веры, и английские версии Никейский символ веры в текущем использовании включить фразу: "Мы ищем воскресении мертвых, и жизни в мире грядущем." Христианская эсхатология связана с смертью, промежуточное состояние, Небо, ад, то Второе пришествие Христа, в воскресение мертвых, в восторге, в скорби, в тысячелетии, конец света, в последнем суде, нового неба и новой земли, и в конечном итоге завершение всех Божьих целей. эсхатологические проходы найдены во многих местах, особенно Исаии, Даниила, Матфея 24, Матфея 25, и книги Откровения. Хотя наказания сделал часть некоторых христианских представлений о загробной жизни, распространенным понятие «вечного проклятия" является принцип христианской загробной жизни. Отвечая на вопрос по саддукеев о воскресении мертвых (в контексте касающейся того, кто одного из супругов было бы, если один из них был женат несколько раз в жизни), Иисус сказал, что брак будет иметь никакого значения после воскресения, как воскресший будет (в крайней мере, в этом отношении), как ангелы на небесах. [35] Иисус также утверждал, что придет время, когда мертвые услышат глас Сына Божия, и все, кто были в гробницах выйдет, кто сделал хорошие поступки в воскресение жизни, а делавшие злые дела в воскресение осуждения. [36] В соответствии с Евангелием от Матфея, в смерти Иисуса гробниц были открыты, и в его воскресении многие святые, которые умерли вышли из своих могил и отправились в "святом городе", предположительно Нового Иерусалима . [37] Ни один другой счет Новый Завет не содержит это событие. Последний день: Иисус сравнил Царство Небесное, в течение которого он управляет, в сети, которую бросили в море и собранной рыбы каждого вида. Когда он был полон, люди обратили на берег и сел и сортируются хорошее в сосуды, но бросил плохо. Так что это будет в конце века также известный как последний день. Ангелы отделить зло от праведных и ввергнут их в печь огонь неугасимый. Тогда праведники воссияют, как солнце, в Царстве их Отца. Книга Еноха описывает Шеол, как разделить на четыре отсека для четырех типов мертвых: верные святые, которые ожидают воскресения в Раю, то лишь добродетельным, которые ждут свою награду, злой, кто ожидает наказание, и нечестивые, которые уже были наказаны и не будут воскрешены в Судный День. [38] Следует отметить, что Книга Еноха считается апокрифической большинство конфессий христианства и всех конфессий иудаизма. Книга 2 Маккавеев дает ясный отчет мертвых ожидании будущего воскресения и суда, а также молитвы и приношения для мертвых, чтобы снять бремя греха. Доменико Беккафуми "с Inferno: христианин видение ада Автор Луки рассказывает историю Лазаря и богача, который показывает людей в Аид, ожидающих воскресения либо комфорт или мучения. Автор книги Откровения пишет о Боге и ангелах против сатаны и демонов в эпической битве в конце времен, когда все души судят. Существует упоминание о призрачных тел прошлых пророков, и преображения. Неканонической Деяния Павла и Феклы говорить об эффективности молитвы за умерших, чтобы они могли быть "переведены в состояние счастья". [39] Ипполит Римский изображает подземный мир (Аид), как место, где умершие праведники, ожидая в лоно Авраамово их воскресение, радоваться их будущей перспективой, в то время как неправедные мучает в очах "озеро огонь неугасимый", в который им суждено быть брошен. Григорий Нисский обсуждает давно перед верил возможность очистки души после смерти. [40] Папа Григорий I повторяет концепцию, сформулированную более века ранее Григория Нисского, что сохраняется страдают очищение после смерти, в связи с которой он писал о "чистилищных пламени". Существительное "purgatorium" (лат место очищения [41]) используется для первого времени, чтобы описать состояние болезненного очистки спасенных после жизни. То же самое слово в форме прилагательного (purgatorius -a -um, чистка), который появляется также в нерелигиозной письменной форме, [42] уже был использован христиан, таких как Августин Блаженный и папы Григория I, говорится о чистке после смерти , Во время эпохи Просвещения, богословы и философы представлены различные философские и убеждения. Ярким примером является Эмануэль Сведенборг, который написал около 18 богословских работ, которые подробно описывают природу загробной жизни в соответствии с его заявленных духовных переживаний, наиболее известным из которых является Рай и Ад. [43] Его доклад жизни есть охватывает широкий спектр тем, таких, как брак на небесах (где все ангелы в браке), дети на небесах (где они, поднятые ангел родителей), время и пространство в небе (нет ни одного), процесс после смерти пробуждения в мире Духи (место на полпути между Раем и Адом, и где люди впервые проснуться после смерти), пособие свободного выбора воли между рай или ад (в отличие от отправки к одному Богом), тем вечности в аду (можно уйти, но никогда не хотели бы, чтобы), и что все ангелы или бесы когда-то были люди на земле. [43] С другой стороны, просвещение производится более рационалистические философские, такие как деизма. Многие деистом вольнодумцы постановил, что вера в загробную жизнь с наградой и наказанием была необходимость разума и добрых нравов. Большинство христиан отрицать, что вступление в небесах может быть должным образом заработал, скорее, это подарок, который только Бог, чтобы дать через его незаслуженной благодати. Эта вера следующим богословие Санкт Пол: Ибо благодатью вы спасены через веру, и сие не от вас, это дар Божий, не от дел, чтобы никто не хвалился. Августина, томистской, лютеранские и кальвинистских богословские традиции Все подчеркнуть необходимость незаслуженной Божьей благодати для спасения, и отвергают так называемый пелагианство, что бы человек заработать спасение через добрые дела. Не все христианские секты принять это учение, что приводит к много споров по благодати и свободной воли, и идея предопределения. В частности, вера в то, что небеса в награду за хорошее поведение является общим народная вера в христианских обществах, даже среди членов церкви, которые отрицают, что вера. Некоторые христиане пришли к преуменьшить наказание адом. Универсалисты учат, что спасение для всех. Свидетели Иеговы и адвентисты седьмого дня, хотя они имеют среди строгих правил о том, как вести свою жизнь, учат, что грешники будут уничтожены, а не пытали навсегда. Иоанна 3:16 говорит, что только те, которые принимают Иисуса будет дано жизнь вечную, так что люди, которые не принимают его не может гореть в аду для вечности, потому что Иисус не дал им жизнь вечную, вместо этого он говорит, что они погибнут. В американской поп-культуры изображений Небес, особенно в старинных мультфильмов, таких как те, по Looney Tunes в середине 20-го века, в души добродетельных людей подняться на небеса и превращаются в ангелов. Тем не менее, это не в соответствии с православной христианской теологии. Христианство изображает резкое различие между ангелами, божественные существа, созданные Богом до создания человечества и используются в качестве посыльных, и святых, души людей, получивших бессмертие от благодати Божией через веру в Иисуса Христа из Назарета, которые живут на небесах с Богом. Святые последних дней верят, что душа существовала до земной жизни и будет существовать в будущем. Ангелы являются либо духи, которые еще не пришли на Землю, чтобы испытать их смертности, или духи или воскресшие существа, которые уже прошли через смертности и волю Бога. Иов 38: 4-7, D & C 93:29. По LDS доктрины, Архангел Михаил стал первым человеком на земле, Адам, чтобы испытать его смертности. Ангел Морони посетил мальчика, Джозефа Смита, после доживает свой земную жизнь в древней Америке. Позже он получил Ангельские администрации от апостолов Петра, Иакова и Иоанна, Иоанна Крестителя, и другие. Католическая церковь [править] Католическая концепция загробной жизни учит, что после смерти тела, душа судить, праведный и свободными от греха войти в Царство Небесное. Тем не менее, те, кто умирает в нераскаянным смертный грех отправиться в ад. В 1990-х годах Катехизис Католической Церкви определяется не как ад наказания, назначенного на грешника, но, скорее, как грешника самоисключения от Бога. В отличие от других христианских групп, католическая церковь учит, что те, кто умирает в состоянии благодати, но по-прежнему нести простительный грех пойти в место, называемое чистилище, где они подвергаются очистке войти в Царство Небесное. Православное христианство [править] Православная Церковь намеренно сдержанно на загробную жизнь, как это признает тайну особенно вещей, которые еще ​​не произошли. За второго пришествия Иисуса, телесное воскресение, и окончательного решения, все из которых подтвержден в Никейский символ веры (325 г.), Православие не учит и многое другое в любом определенным образом. В отличие от западных форм христианства, однако, православие традиционно не-дуалистической и не учат, что есть два отдельных буквальные места рая и ада, но вместо этого признает, что "в" месте "в своей окончательной судьбы-рай или ад-как образное ". [44] Вместо этого, православие учит, что окончательное решение является просто одним обмундирование встреча с божественной любви и милосердия, но эта встреча переживается разнообразно в зависимости от степени, в которой был преобразован из, причастны божественности, и, следовательно, совместимы или несовместимы с Богом. "Монадический, неизменное, и непрерывный объект эсхатологической встрече Поэтому любовь и милость Бога, его слава, которая наполняет небесный храм, и это субъективное человека реакция, которая порождает множественность или любой разделение опыта." [44] Для Экземпляр, Санкт- Исаак Сирин отмечает, что "те, кто были наказаны в геенну, будут бичевать бичом любви ... Сила любви работает в двух направлениях:..... Это мучает грешников [а] горьким сожалением, но любовь опьяняет души из сыновей Небесное ее delectability ". [45] В этом смысле, божественное действие всегда, неизменно, и равномерно любовь, и если человек испытывает эту любовь негативно, опыт, то один из самоосуждения из-за свободной воли, а чем осуждение Богом. Православие поэтому использует описание решения Иисуса в Евангелии от Иоанна 3: 19-21 в качестве модели: «19 И это решение: свет пришел в мир, и люди более возлюбили тьму, нежели свет, потому что дела их были злы . 20 ибо всякий, делающий злое, ненавидит свет и не идет к свету, чтобы его произведения должны быть подвержены. 21 Но тот, кто делает то, что это правда идет к свету, так что он может быть четко видно, что его произведения были осуществляется в Бога. "Как характерно православное понимание, то отец Томас Хопко пишет" [я] т именно наличие милосердия и любви Божьей, которая вызывает мучения нечестивых. Бог не наказывает; он прощает. , , , Одним словом, Бог милует всех, все ли нравится это или нет. Если нам это нравится, это рай; если мы не делаем, это ад. Всякое колено согнется перед Господом. Все будет зависеть от Него. Бог во Христе действительно будет "все во всем", с безграничной милости и безусловной амнистии. Но не все будут радоваться в Божьем даре прощения, и что выбор будет решение, самостоятельно нанесенный источником их печали и боли. "[46] Кроме того, православие включает в себя преобладающую традиции Apokatastasis или восстановление всех вещей, в конце концов. Это учили прежде всего от Оригена, но и многие другие отцы Церкви и Святых, в том числе Григория Нисского, которого Максим Исповедник называется "универсальный врач" и Второй Константинопольский собор (553 CE), не только назвал его "отцом отцов ", но и подтвердил свою ортодоксальность, а также одновременно осуждая бренд Оригена универсализма, потому что он научил восстановление назад к нашей предсуществующем государства, которые Православие не учит. Это не является также преподавание таких выдающихся православных богословов, как Оливье Клеман, митрополита Каллиста Ware, и епископ Иларион Алфеева. [47] Несмотря на то, Apokatastasis не догма церкви, но вместо этого theologoumena, это не менее учение Православной Церкви чем его отторжения. Как Met. Каллист Уэр объясняет, "Это еретическое сказать, что все должны быть сохранены, для этого есть отрицать свободу воли, но, это законно надеюсь, что все могут быть сохранены," [48], как настаивать на мучения без конца также отрицает бесплатно будем. Церковь Иисуса Христа Святых последних дней [редактировать] Основные статьи: план спасения (Святых Последних Дней), Воздвижения (мормонизма) и степеней славы Джозеф Ф. Смит из Церкви Иисуса Христа Святых последних дней представляет сложную видение загробной жизни. Он раскрывается как место обширной миссионерской усилий праведных духов в раю, чтобы искупить тех, кто еще в темноте-тюрьму дух или "ад", где духи мертвых остается до суда. Он разделен на две части: Spirit тюрьме и Рая. Вместе они также известны как духовном мире (также лоно Авраамово; Лк 16: 19-25). Они считают, что Христос посетил дух тюрьму (1 Петра 3: 18-20). И открыл ворота для тех, кто покаяться, чтобы пересечь в рай "--- то, что бессмертный дух Иисуса сделал после Его смерти и до Его Воскресения есть тайна для всех, кроме Святых последних дней "(--- Старейшина Спенсер Дж Конди, Лиахона, -Church журнала - июль 2003 года)" - - - нечестивым он не пошел, и среди безбожников и нераскаявшихся - - его голос не был поднят - - Но вот, среди праведников, Он организовал свои силы и назначил послов ... "(D & C 138: 20, 30-32).. "Христос открыл двери ада миссионерской работе среди мертвых ..." (Н. Donl Петерсон, "У меня есть вопрос", прапорщик, апрель 1986, 36-38). Это похоже на Сошествие во Ад учения некоторых основных христианских конфессий. [править] Как Дух Тюрьма и рай носят временный согласно Святых последних дней убеждений. После воскресения, духи назначены "постоянно" на три степени небесной славы, определяется тем, насколько они lived- Поднебесной, наземного, и Телестиальное (1 Кор 15: 44-42; Учение и Заветы, раздел 76). Сыны погибели, или те, кто знал и видел Бога и отрицать это, будут отправлены в царство сатаны, который называется Outer Darkness, где они должны жить в нищете и агонии навсегда. (См Учение и Заветы, раздел 76.) Небесные Королевство, как полагают, место, где мы можем жить вечно с нашими семьями. Прогрессирование не заканчивается однажды один вошел Поднебесная, но она распространяется вечно. По Верой, (Пособие на учениях в LDS веры) "Небесная царство место подготовлена ​​для тех, кто" получил свидетельство Иисуса "и был" совершенным через Иисуса посредник нового завета, кто сотворил эту совершенное искупление через пролитие Своей крови "(D & C 76:51, 69). Чтобы наследовать этот дар, мы должны получить таинства спасения, соблюдать заповеди, и покаяться в своих грехах." [49] Свидетели Иеговы [редактировать] Свидетели Иеговы время от времени использовать такие термины, как "загробной жизни" [50], чтобы обратиться к какой-либо надежды на мертвых, но они понимают, Екклесиаст 9: 5., Чтобы предотвратить веру в бессмертие души [51] Лица судимы Богом, чтобы быть злой, как в потопа или Армагеддон, не дают надежды на загробную жизнь. Тем не менее, они считают, что после Армагеддона будет телесное воскресение "и праведных и неправедных" мертвых (но не "злой"). Оставшиеся в живых Армагеддон, и те, кто воскрес затем постепенно восстановить землю в рай. [52] После Армагеддона, нераскаявшиеся грешники наказываются вечной смерти (небытия). Адвентисты седьмого дня [править] Седьмой день Церковь адвентистов, учит, что первая смерть, или смерть, вызванные жить на планете с греховными условиях (болезни, старости, несчастного случая и т.д.) является сон души. Адвентисты верят, что тело + дыхание Бога = а живую душу. Как Свидетелей Иеговы, адвентисты использовать ключевые фразы из Библии, такие как "Живые знают, что умрут, а мертвые ничего не знают, любую вещь, и уже нет им воздаяния, потому что и память о них предана забвению" (Еккл . 9: 5 УПО). Адвентисты также указывают на то, что заработная плата является грехом смерть, и Бог в одиночку бессмертным. Адвентисты верят, что Бог даст вечную жизнь искупленных, которые воскресшего в Иисуса второго пришествия. До тех пор, все те, кто умерли не "спит". Когда Иисус Христос, Который есть Слово и Хлеб Жизни, приходит второй раз, праведники воскреснут нетленными, и будет принято в облаках в сретение Господа своего. Праведники будут жить на небесах за тысячу лет (тысячелетие), где они будут сидеть с Богом на суде над непогашенными и падших ангелов. Во время Освобожденный на небесах, Земля будет лишен человеческого и животного обитания. Только падшие ангелы будут оставлены в живых. Второе воскресение имеет неправедные, когда Иисус приносит Новый Иерусалим, сходящий с небес, чтобы переехать на Землю. Иисус призовет жизни всех тех, кто несправедлив. Сатана и его ангелы будут убеждать неправедных, чтобы окружить город, но, черт возьми огонь и серу упадет с неба и истребил их, таким образом, очищая землю от всякого греха. Вселенная будет потом от греха навсегда. Это называется смерть вторая. На новой земле Бог даст вечный дом для всех искупленных и идеальную среду для жизни вечной, где Иден будет восстановлен. Великая борьба будет закончена, и грех не будет больше. Бог будет царствовать в совершенной гармонии навсегда (Рим 6:23; 1 Тим 6:15, 16; Еккл 9:.... 5, 6; Пс 146:. 3, 4; Иоанна 11: 11-14; Кол 3 : 4; 1 Кор 15: 51-54; 1 Фес. 4: 13-17; Иоанна 5:28, 29; Откр. 20: 1-10; Откр 20; 1 Кор 6: 2, 3; Иер. . 4: 23-26; Откр 21: 1-5; Мал. 4: 1; Иез 28:18, 19; 2 Петра 3:13; Ис 35; 65:.. 17-25; Мф. 5: 5 ; Откр 21: 1-7; 22: 1-5; 11:15). [53] [54] Ислам [править] Основные статьи: Барзах и ахират Исламская вера в загробную жизнь, как указано в Коране является описательный характер. Арабский слово Рай Джанна и Ад Ада. Их уровень комфорта, в могилу полностью зависит от их уровня Иман или веры в единого всемогущего творца или высшее существо Бога или Аллаха. Для того, чтобы один, чтобы достичь надлежащего, фирмы и здоровый Иман нужно практиковать праведные поступки или же его уровень Иман дроссели и сжимается и в конечном итоге может отмереть, если не практиковать ислам достаточно долго, следовательно глубину практиковать ислам добрые дела. Можно также приобрести тасбих и читать имена Аллаха таким образом, как "SubahannAllah" или Слава Аллаху, снова и снова, чтобы получить хорошие поступки. Ислам учит, что цель всего творения человека является поклонение Творцу неба и земли (Аллаха), который включает только быть добрым к другим людям и жизни в том числе ошибок, и деревья, не угнетая по их. Ислам учит, что жизнь мы живем на Земле не что иное, как испытание для нас, и для определения конечной обитель каждого человека, будь то наказание или Жаннат в загробной жизни, которая вечна и вечна. Джанна и Ада и иметь различные уровни. Джанна имеет семь ворот и семь уровней. Чем выше уровень, тем лучше она есть, и тем счастливее вы находитесь. Джаханнам обладают 7 глубокие слои ужасные. Нижний слой, тем хуже. Лица, прибудет в обоих вечных домов во Судного Дня, который начинается после того, как Ангел Исрафил дует в трубу во второй раз. Ислам учит дальнейшее существование души и трансформированной физического существования после смерти. Мусульмане верят, что будет Судный день, когда все люди будут разделены между вечными направлений Рая и Ада. В 20-м веке, дискуссии о загробной жизни решения взаимосвязь между человеческой и божественной действия суда, необходимость нравственности и вечных последствий человеческой деятельности в этой жизни и мира. [55] Центральная доктрина Корана в последний день, на котором мир будет разрушен, и Аллах поднимет всех людей и джиннов из мертвых, чтобы судить. Последний день также называют Днем стоя, День Разделения, Судный День, День Пробуждения, Судный день, день, охватывающий или часа. До Судного Дня, умершие души остаются в своих могилах, ожидающих воскресения. Тем не менее, они начинают чувствовать себя как вкус их судьбы в будущем. Те, направляясь в аду страдают в своих могилах, в то время как граница для неба будет в мире до этого времени. Воскресение, который состоится в последний день физическая, и объясняется, предполагая, что Бог будет воссоздать гнилой тело (17: 100: "Не могли бы они не видят, что Бог, который сотворил небеса и землю в состоянии создать подобные их "?). В последний день, воскрес людей и джиннов будут судить по Аллаха в соответствии с их делами. Свое вечное место, зависит от баланса добра к плохих поступков в жизни. Они либо предоставляется допуск в Рай, где они будут наслаждаться духовные и физические удовольствия навсегда, или обречены на ад страдать духовное и физическое мучение для вечности. Судный день описывается как прохождение над адом на узком мосту, чтобы войти в Рай. Те, кто падают, взвешенных по их плохие поступки, останется в аду вечно. Ахмадийская [править] Ахмади Мусульмане верят, что жизнь после смерти не является существенным, но духовной природы. По Мирза Гулам Ахмад, основатель Ahmadiyya секты в исламе, душа будет рожать в другой редкой лица и будет напоминать жизнь на этой земле в том смысле, что это лицо будет нести подобные отношения к душе, как душа несет отношения с человеческого существования на земле. На земле, если человек ведет праведную жизнь и представляет воле Бога, его или ее вкусы настроиться, чтобы наслаждаться радостями духовными, в отличие от плотских желаний. При этом, А.Н. "эмбриональных душа" начинает принимать форму. Различные вкусы, как говорят, родился которой человек отдается плотским страстям не находит удовольствия. Например, жертва своих собственных прав над у друга становится приятным, или, что прощение становится второй натурой. В таком состоянии человек находит удовлетворение и мир в сердце и на данном этапе, в соответствии с ахмадийских убеждений, можно сказать, что душа в душу уже начали принимать форму. [56] Суфи [править] Суфий ученый Ибн Араби определяется Барзах в качестве промежуточного царства или "перешеек". Это между миром материальных тел и в мире духов, и является средством контакта между двумя мирами. Без него не было бы никаких контактов между двумя и как бы перестают существовать. Он описал его как простой и яркий, как мир духов, но и в состоянии взять на многих различных формах, как мир вещных органы могут. В более широком плане Барзах, "это то, что отделяет две вещи". Он был назван в мир мечты, в которых мечтатель в обоих жизни и смерти. [57] Вера Бахаи [править] Основная статья: Вера Бахаи на жизнь после смерти Учения Веры Бахаи состоянии, что характер загробной жизни находится за пределами природы тех, кто живет, как нерожденный плод не может понять природу мира вне утробы. В Писания бахаи утверждают, что душа бессмертна и после смерти он будет продолжать прогрессировать, пока он не достигает Божье присутствие. В бахаи мнению, души в загробной жизни будет по-прежнему сохраняют свою индивидуальность и сознание, и будет в состоянии признать и общайтесь духовно с другими душами, которых они сделали глубокие глубокие дружеские отношения со, такие, как их супругов. [58] Бахаи Писания также заявляют, есть различия между душами в загробной жизни, и что души будут признавать ценность их собственных поступков и понять последствия своих действий. Это объясняется тем, что эти души, которые превратили в Бога будут испытывать радость, а те, кто жил в ошибке будет осознавать возможности, которые они потеряли. Кроме того, по мнению бахаи, души будут в состоянии признать достижения души, которые достигли того же уровня, сами по себе, но не те, которые добились звания выше, чем их. [58] Индийские религии [редактировать] Индуизм [править] В этом разделе не привести любые ссылки или источники. Пожалуйста, помогите улучшить этот раздел, добавив ссылок на достоверные источники. Проверки могут быть оспаривается и удалена. (Ноябрь 2014 г.) Основная статья: индус эсхатология В Упанишадах описать реинкарнации (punarjanma) (см также: сансары). Бхагавад Гита, важным индус сценарий, говорит широко о загробной жизни. Вот, Господь Кришна говорит, что, как человек сбрасывает свои старые одежды и носит новые; Подобным образом душа отбрасывает старое тело и принимает новую. В индуизме, вера, что тело, но снаряд, душа внутри остается неизменной и нерушимой и принимает различные жизни в цикле рождения и смерти. В конце этого цикла называется "мукти" (санскрит: मुक्ति) и, наконец, оставаясь верховного Бога навсегда; является "Мокша" (санскрит: मोक्ष) или спасение. В Гаруда Пуране предложения исключительно с тем, что происходит с человеком, после смерти. Бог Смерти Ямы посылает своих представителей для сбора душу от тела человека, когда он из-за смерти, и они принимают душу к Яме. Запись каждого человека таймингов & делами в его исполнении хранится в книге помощник Ямы, Читрагупты. Согласно Гаруда Пурана, душа после выхода из тела проходит через очень длинный и темный тоннель к югу. Поэтому масляная лампа горит и все рядом с головой трупа, чтобы осветить темную туннель и позволить душе путешествовать с комфортом,. Душа, называется "Атман" покидает тело и перевоплощается сам в зависимости от поступков или кармы, выполняемых одним в прошлом рождении. Возрождение бы в виде животных или других существ низших, если выполняются плохой кармы и в человеческой форме в хорошей семье с радостным жизни, если человек был хороший в прошлом рождении. В период между двумя детей, которых человек также обязан либо лица наказаний за плохое кармы в "Naraka" или ад или насладиться за хорошие кармы в "Сварга" или рай для добрых дел. Всякий раз, когда его или ее наказания или награды за он или она отправляется обратно на землю, также известный как "Mrutyulok" или человеческом мире. Человек остается с Богом или верховной власти, когда он разряжается только и только йаджна карма (означает работу для удовлетворения Верховного Господа только) в прошлом рождения и то же называется «мокша» или «Нирваны», которая является конечной целью из собственного понял души. Атма движется с "Parmatma" или наибольшей души. По Бхагавад-гиты "Атма" или душа никогда не умирает, умирает, что является только тело состоит из пяти элементов-Земля, вода, огонь, воздух, и небо. Душа, как полагают, не поддается разрушению. Ни один из пяти элементов не может нанести вред или повлиять на него. Индуизм через Гаруда-пуране также подробно описывается различными типами "Narkas" или Преисподней, где человек после смерти наказаны за плохую кармы и рассматриваемых соответственно. Индусы также верят в «Карма». «Карма» является накопленные суммы своих хороших или плохих поступков. Satkarma означает добрые дела, викарма означает плохие поступки. По индуизма основная концепция кармы "Что посеешь, то и пожнет». Так, если человек прожил хорошую жизнь, они будут вознаграждены в загробной жизни. Аналогично их сумма плохих поступков будет отражено в их следующей жизни. Хорошо «Карма» приносит хорошие лидерство награды и плохие "кармы" к плохим результатам. Там нет суда здесь. Люди накапливают карму своими действиями и даже мысли. В Бхагавад-гите Арджуна, когда решается убить его родных и близких, господина выговор ему, таким образом, говоря "Вы верите, что вы исполнителем действий. Нет. Вы просто инструментом в руках. Вы верите, что люди перед из вас живут? дорогой Арджуна, они уже мертвы. В кшатриев (воинов), то ваша обязанность защищать свой ​​народ и землю. Если вы не в состоянии сделать свой ​​долг, то вы не соблюдения принципов дхармическим. " Буддизм [править] В этом разделе не привести любые ссылки или источники. Пожалуйста, помогите улучшить этот раздел, добавив ссылок на достоверные источники. Проверки могут быть оспаривается и удалена. (Ноябрь 2014 г.) Основная статья: буддийский эсхатология Буддисты утверждают, что возрождение происходит без неизменный самостоятельно или душа переходе от одной формы к другой. [59] Тип возрождения будет обусловлена ​​моральным тоном действий человека (KAMMA или карма). Например, если лицо совершило действия вредных тела, речи и ума, основанного на жадности, ненависти и заблуждения, возрождения в нижней области, т.е. животное, призрак или царство ада, это и следовало ожидать. С другой стороны, когда человек выступал умелые действия, основанные на щедрость, милость (Метта), сострадание и мудрость, возрождение в счастливом царстве, т.е. человека или одной из многих небесах, можно ожидать. Тем не менее, механизм возрождения с каммы не является детерминированным. Это зависит от различных уровней кармы. Наиболее важным моментом, который определяет, когда человек возрождается в последний момент мысль. В тот момент, тяжелый каммой бы созреть, если были выполнены, если нет, то близок к смерти кармы, если нет, то привычный камма, наконец, если ни один из выше не произошло, то остаточная каммой от предыдущих действий может созреть. По буддизма Тхеравады, существует 31 сфер существования, что можно возродиться в. Чистая Земля буддизм Махаяны верит в специальном месте, кроме 31 самолетов существования называемых Чистая Земля. Считается, что каждый Будда имеет свою собственную чистую землю, созданный из их достоинств ради живых существ, которые напоминают им осознанно, чтобы иметь возможность возродиться в их чистой земле и тренироваться, чтобы стать Буддой там. Таким образом, основной практикой чистого земельного буддизма повторять имя будды. В тибетском буддизме Тибетская книга мертвых объясняет промежуточное состояние между смертью человека и реинкарнации. Умершего найдете яркий свет мудрости, который показывает прямой путь двигаться вверх и оставить цикл реинкарнации. Есть различные причины, почему умершего не следует, что свет. Некоторые не имели брифинг о промежуточном состоянии в прежней жизни. Другие используются только следовать их основные инстинкты как животных. И некоторые из них страх, который возникает в результате неприятных поступков в прошлой жизни или из настойчивого высокомерия. В промежуточном состоянии осознание является очень гибким, поэтому важно, чтобы быть добродетельным, принять положительное отношение и избежать негативных идей. Идеи, которые растут из подсознания может вызвать крайние характеры и запугав видения. В этой ситуации они должны понимать, что эти проявления являются всего размышления о внутренних мыслей. Никто не может действительно повредить их, потому что они имеют не более материальное тело. Покойный получить помощь от различных Будд, которые показывают им путь к яркому свету. Те, кто не следуют путь после все будет получить подсказки для лучшего перевоплощения. Они должны освободить вещи и существа, на которых или которыми они до сих пор висят из жизни раньше. Рекомендуется выбрать семью, где родители доверяют в Дхарме и перевоплощаться с желанием заботиться о благе всех живых существ. "Жизнь космическая энергия Вселенной, и после смерти он сливается во вселенной снова и как раз приходит, чтобы найти подходящее место для организации умер в состоянии жизни он рождается Есть 10 жизни государства любой жизни:. Черт, голод , гнев, животный, восторг, человечество, обучение, реализация, bodhisatva и будды. Жизнь умирает ", в котором жизнь условие это возрождается в том же состоянии жизни. Сикхизм [править] В этом разделе не привести любые ссылки или источники. Пожалуйста, помогите улучшить этот раздел, добавив ссылок на достоверные источники. Проверки могут быть оспаривается и удалена. (Ноябрь 2014 г.) Сикхизм имеет очень сильную веру в жизнь после смерти. Они верят, что душа принадлежит к духовной вселенной, которая имеет свои истоки в Боге. Однако это было делом большой дискуссии среди сикхов о вере сикхов в загробной жизни. Многие считают, что сикхизм одобряет загробной жизни и концепции вознаграждения и наказания, поскольку есть стихи, приведенные в Гуру Грант Сахиб, но большое количество сикхов верить иначе и относиться к эти стихи как метафорическое или поэтическая. Но если проанализировать сикхов Писания тщательно, можно найти, что во многих случаях жизнь после смерти, существование рая и ада, упомянутых лаконично в Гуру Грант Сахиб и Dasam Грантх так от, что она может сделан вывод, что сикхизм верит в существование небесного и ад, однако, рай и ад созданы, чтобы вознаградить и наказать, один будет рождаться вновь, пока не сливается в Бога. Согласно священным писаниям сикхов, человеческая форма является формой шкаф к Богу и лучшая возможность для человека достичь спасения и слить обратно с Богом. Сикхов Гуру сказал, что ничто не умирает, ничто не рождается, все всегда присутствует, и он просто меняет формы. Это выше, философия. Это как стоять перед шкафом, вам подобрать платье и носить его, а затем выбросить его. Вы носите другую. Вы просто меняете одну форму в другую. На самом деле, ваша душа никогда не рождается и никогда не умирает. Ваша душа является частью Бога и, следовательно, живет вечно. [60] Неоязычество [ править ] Викка [править] Викканской загробной жизни чаще всего описывается как The Summerland. Здесь души отдохнуть, оправиться от жизни, и отражают на опыте они имели в течение своей жизни. После периода покоя, души перевоплотиться, и память о своих прошлых жизнях стирается. Многие колдуны увидеть Summerland как место, чтобы отразить на своих жизненных действий. Это не то место, награды, а в конце жизненного пути в качестве конечной точки воплощений. [61] Другие [править] Синто [править] Дополнительная информация: Синто § Жизнь после смерти Унитарий Универсализм [править] Некоторые Унитарные Универсалисты верят в универсализм:., Что все души в конечном счете, будут сохранены и что нет муки ада [62]. Унитарные Универсалисты сильно отличаются в их теологии, следовательно, нет точно такой же позиции по этому вопросу [63] Несмотря на то, Унитарианс исторически Считается, в буквальном аду, и Универсалисты исторически считается, что все идет к небу, современные Унитарные Универсалисты можно разделить на тех, кто верить в небеса, реинкарнации и забвения. Большинство Унитарные Универсалисты считают, что рай и ад являются символическими места сознания и вера в значительной степени сосредоточены на мирской жизни, нежели любой возможной загробной жизни. [64] Спиритизм [править] В этом разделе не привести любые ссылки или источники. Пожалуйста, помогите улучшить этот раздел, добавив ссылок на достоверные источники. Проверки могут быть оспаривается и удалена. (Май 2014) В спиритизма, царство загробной жизни, известный как «плоскости Венеры", был описан Эдгаром Кейси. Венера, как царство загробной жизни, не ссылка на планете. Это ссылка на царство загробной жизни, для которых планета Венера физически представляет. Венера является сфера загробной жизни, где любовь является доминирующим. Кейси говорит о Венере, В Венеры мы находим прекрасный став выражения в деятельности, в которых Существует красота видел в любви, в товарищеских, в связи, в музыке, в искусстве, во всех вещах, которые бенефис в прелести даже природных и материальных вещей, а чем выражение же в земной форме и любым способом. По Кейси, это царство загробной жизни могут быть отнесены к сфере любви. Симпатия, Облегчающее трудностей, ищет любви, красоты и песни некоторые влияния, что люди из этой сфере обладают. Красота, естественного или техногенного, будет двигаться этим лицам; Кроме того, есть желание, чтобы украсить дом. Существует сильное притяжение к противоположному полу. Это измерение является неописуемо прекрасный существование. Здесь надо оставить позади всех жестких интеллектуальных структур и догм, будь то научная, религиозная, философская или. Бесконечное множество новых звуков, цветов и чувства испытал здесь и души найти гораздо более широкий свободу функционировать с высокой напряжением интеллекта и духа. Если в этом измерении, душа становится свободной от Земли тянуть, оно способно испытывать космические диапазоны за пределами границ Земли. Зороастризм [править] В этом разделе не привести любые ссылки или источники. Пожалуйста, помогите улучшить этот раздел, добавив ссылок на достоверные источники. Проверки могут быть оспаривается и удалена. (Декабрь 2014) Основная статья: Frashokereti Зороастризм утверждает, что URVAN, бестелесный дух, задерживается на земле в течение трех дней перед отъездом вниз к царству мертвых, что правит Йима. За три дня, что он покоится на Земле, праведные души сидеть на голове своего тела, повторяя Ustavaiti Гаты с радостью, а злой человек сидит у ног трупа, воплям и читает Ясна. Зороастризм утверждает, что для праведных душ, красивая девица, которая является олицетворением хороших мыслей, слов и поступков души, появляется. Для злого человека, появляется очень старый, уродливый голый ведьма. После трех ночей, душа нечестивых принимается демона Vizaresa (Vīzarəša), чтобы Чинват мост, и сделан, чтобы перейти к темноте (ад). Йима, как полагают, были первый царь на земле править, а также первого человека, чтобы умереть. Внутри области Йимы, что духи живут теневой существование, и зависят от их собственных потомков, которые до сих пор живущих на Земле. Их потомки, чтобы удовлетворить свой ​​голод и одевать их, через ритуалы, сделанных на земле. Ритуалы, которые делаются на первых трех дней являются жизненно важными и важно, так как они защищают душу от злых сил и дать ему силы для достижения преступного мира. После трех дней, душа пересекает Чинват мост, который является Страшный Суд души. РАШН и Сраоша присутствуют в судный. Список расширен иногда, и включают в себя Vahman и Ормазд. РАШН является yazata который держит весы правосудия. Если добрые дела человека перевешивают плохие, душа достойными рая. Если плохие поступки перевешивают хорошие, мост сужается до ширины лезвия краем, и ужасно тянет ведьма душу в руках, и берет его в ад с ней. Misvan Gatu является «место смешанных них", где души ведут серый существование, не имея и радость, и печаль. Душа идет здесь, если его / ее добрые дела и плохие поступки равны, и масштаб Рашну равна. Парапсихология [править] Основная статья: Парапсихология Смотрите также: предсмертный исследований и клинической смерти Общество психических исследований была основана в 1882 году с явным намерением расследование явления, относящиеся к спиритизма и загробной жизни. Его члены продолжают вести научные исследования по паранормальным явлениям в этот день. Некоторые из самых ранних попыток применить научные методы к изучению явлений, связанных с загробной жизни были проведены этой организацией. Его ранние входили известных ученых, как Уильям Крукс и философов, таких как Генри Сиджвик и Уильяма Джеймса. Парапсихологии исследование загробной жизни включает в себя изучение навязчивый, явлений умершего, инструментальной транс-связи, электронных голосовых феноменов, и медиумизма. [65], но также изучение клинической смерти. Ученые, работавшие в этой области включают Raymond Moody, Сьюзен Блэкмор, Чарльз Тарт, Уильяма Джеймса, Ян Стивенсон, Майкл Персингер, Pim ван Ломмель и Пенни Сартори среди других. [66] [67] Исследование, проведенное в 1901 году врач Дункан МакДугалл стремились измерить вес потерянный человек, когда душа "покинул тело" после смерти. [68] МакДугалл весил умирающих пациентов в попытке доказать, что душа Материал, материальное и, таким образом, измеримыми. Хотя результаты MacDougall в значительно варьироваться от «21 грамм», для некоторых людей этот показатель стал синонимом меры масс А души. [69] Название 2003 фильмов 21 грамм является ссылкой на выводы MacDougall в. Его результаты не были воспроизведены, и, как правило, рассматриваться либо как бессмысленно или считается имели мало, если какой-либо научной ценности. [70] Франк Типлер утверждал, что физика может объяснить бессмертие, хотя такие аргументы не фальсифицировать и, таким образом, не могут претендовать, в Карл Поппер видом "с, как наука. [71] После 25 лет парапсихологических исследований, Сьюзен Блэкмор пришли к выводу, что нет эмпирических доказательств для загробной жизни. [72] [73] Философия [править] Современная философия [править] Существует еще позиция, основанная на философском вопросе о личной идентичности, назвал открытый индивидуализм, а в некоторых отношениях похож на старого убеждения monopsychism, что вывод, что индивидуальное существование иллюзорно, и наше сознание продолжает существовать после смерти в других сознательных существ , Позиции относительно существования после смерти были поддержаны некоторыми известными физиками, таких как Эрвина Шредингера и Фримена Дайсона. [74] Определенные проблемы возникают с идеей конкретного человека продолжающегося после смерти. Питер ван Inwagen, в своей аргументации относительно воскресения, отмечает, что материалист должен иметь какой-то физической непрерывности. [75] Джон Хикс также вызывает некоторые вопросы, касающиеся личной идентичности в его Книга, Смерть и Жизнь Вечная на примере человека перестанет существовать в одном месте в то время как точная копия появляется в другой. Если реплика была все тот же опыт, черты и физические появления первого человека, мы бы все же приписать личность в секунду, в соответствии с Hick. Процесс философия [править] В panentheistic модели философии процесса и теологии писатели Альфред Норт Уайтхед и Чарльз Хартшорн отклонил, что Вселенная была создана из вещества, а не реальность состоит из гостиной опыт (случаи опыт). По Хартшорн людей не испытывают субъективное (или ничего) бессмертие в загробной жизни, но они не имеют объективного бессмертия, потому что их опыт жить вечно в Боге, который содержит все, что было. Однако другие философы процесса, такие как Дэвид Рэй Гриффин написал, что люди могут иметь субъективный опыт после смерти. [76] [77] [78] [79] Наука [править] Основная статья: Сознание после смерти В научных сообществ требует гораздо больше скептицизма, чем найти среди религий относительно веру в непрерывность сознания после смерти. Что касается проблемы разума и тела, большинство нейробиологов взять физикалистский позицию, согласно которой сознание получает из и / или сводится к физическим явлениям, например, нейронной активности, происходящих в головном мозге. [80] [81] Смысл этого помещения является то, что когда-то мозг перестает функционировать в смерти мозга, сознание не в состоянии выжить и перестает существовать. [82] [83] Психологические предложения о происхождении веры в загробную жизнь, включают когнитивные расположение, культурное обучение, и как интуитивный религиозной идеи. [84] В одном исследовании, дети были в состоянии признать окончание физического, умственного и перцептивной деятельности в смерти, но не решались сделать вывод окончание воли, я, или эмоции в смерти. [85] Массовая культура [править] Фильмы [править] Призрак с Патриком Суэйзи, Деми Мур и Вупи Голдберг Коматозники с Джулией Робертс, Кифер Сазерленд и Кевин Бэкон Говорящая с призраками Далее по Клинта Иствуда What Dreams May Come с Робином Уильямсом, Куба Гудинг-младший, и Аннабелла Шиорра Шестое чувство с Брюсом Уиллисом Смотрите также [править] Ахират Аллегория длинных ложек Бардо Бриг Ужаса (Dread Мост) Когнитивизм Крионика Диметилтриптамин Эмпиризм Эпистемология Воздвижение (мормоны) Судьба разучился Логический позитивизм Миктланом Точка Омега Парапсихология Пховы Предсуществование Поиск Душа Анабиоза Нежить Ссылки [править] Примечания [править] Перейти на ^ "Gilgul нешамот - перевоплощение душ". Projectmind.org. Источник 2014-03-08. Перейти на ^ Макс Гендель, розенкрейцеров христианство Лекции (загадка жизни и смерти), 1908, ISBN 0-911274-84-7 Перейти на ^ Макс Гендель, смерть и жизнь в чистилище - жизнь и деятельность на небесах Перейти на ^ "- определение неопределенности в бесплатные онлайн словарь, тезаурус и энциклопедии подвешенном". Thefreedictionary.com. Источник 2014-03-08. Перейти на ^ Тед Кэмпбелл, методистской Учение: Основы (ABINGDON 1999), цитируется в фельетоне от Объединенной методистской Reporter управляющий редактор Робин Рассел и в Справка убеждений: Что происходит сразу после смерти человека? Перейти на ^ Бонд, Джордж С. (1992). "Жизнь с Духов: Смерть и жизнь после смерти в африканских религий". . В Обаяши, Хироши Смерть и жизнь после смерти: Перспективы мировых религий. Нью-Йорк: Greenwood Press. стр. 3-18. ISBN 0-313-27906-3. Весь процесс смерти и погребения простые, без сложных ритуалов и верований в загробную жизнь. Социальная и духовная жизнь человека заканчивается захоронения трупа. Перейти на ^ Бонд, Джордж С. (1992). "Жизнь с Духов: Смерть и жизнь после смерти в африканских религий". . В Обаяши, Хироши Смерть и жизнь после смерти: Перспективы мировых религий. Нью-Йорк: Greenwood Press. .. С. 3-18 ISBN 0-313-27906-3. Вера в предков остается сильным и активным духовным и моральная сила в повседневной жизни в Yombe; предки, как полагают, вмешиваться в дела живых .... Загробная жизнь этот мир. Перейти на ^ Готтлиб, Алма; Грэм, Филипп; Готлиб-Грэм, Натаниэль (1998). "Дети, Предки, и Загробная жизнь: Семейные ценности полевых работ в сельских Западной Африке". Антропологии и гуманизма 23 (2): 121. DOI: 10,1525 / ahu.1998.23.2.121. Источник 24 июня 2015 года. Но Кокора Kouassi, старый друг и уважаемый мастер Земли в селе Asagbé, пришел в наш соединения рано утром, чтобы описать свою мечту он только что: он был посетил почитаемых и древних основателя его matriclan, Denju, который признался, что Натаниэль был его реинкарнацией и так должно быть уделено его имя. На следующее утро была проведена небольшая ритуал, и Натаниэль был официально объявлен в мире не только как, но и как Denju N'zri Denju дед Denju-почетный, что стали использоваться даже ближайших соратников игральных Натаниэля. ^ Перейти к: в б Опоку Кофи Асаре (1987). "Смерть и бессмертие в африканском религиозного наследия". В Badham, Павел; Бадхэм, Линда. Смерть и бессмертие в религиях мира. Нью-Йорк: Парагон Дом. стр. 9-23. ISBN 0-913757-54-3. Источник 23 июня 2015 года. Перейти на ^ Бонд, Джордж С. (1992). "Жизнь с Духов: Смерть и жизнь после смерти в африканских религий". . В Обаяши, Хироши Смерть и жизнь после смерти: Перспективы мировых религий. Нью-Йорк: Greenwood Press. стр. 3-18. ISBN 0-313-27906-3. Процесс рождения, смерти, и переход к более низким уровнем земли продолжается десять жизней. Перейти на ^ Бонд, Джордж С. (1992). "Жизнь с Духов: Смерть и жизнь после смерти в африканских религий". . В Обаяши, Хироши Смерть и жизнь после смерти: Перспективы мировых религий. Нью-Йорк: Greenwood Press. стр. 3-18. ISBN 0-313-27906-3. В предки людей, в то время как Бог является внешним по созданию. Они от мира сего и близко к жизни. Yombe считают, что загробная жизнь предков лежит в этом мире и что они являются духовно-нравственное усилие в нем. Перейти на ^ Бонд, Джордж С. (1992). "Жизнь с Духов: Смерть и жизнь после смерти в африканских религий". . В Обаяши, Хироши Смерть и жизнь после смерти: Перспективы мировых религий. Нью-Йорк: Greenwood Press. стр. 3-18. ISBN 0-313-27906-3. Смерть представляет переход от телесной до бестелесной жизни в религиозной наследия Африки и бестелесный жизнь берется же реальны, как телесное. Перейти на ^ Ephirim-Donkor, Энтони (2012). Африканский Религия Определено систематическое изучение поклонения предкам среди Акан. (2-е изд.). Ленхем: University Press Америки. стр. 26. ISBN 9780761860587. Источник 25 июня 2015 года. Перейти на ^ Ричард П. 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Перейти на ^ Misailidi, Plousia; Kornilaki, Екатерина N (апрель 2015 года). "Развитие загробной жизни верования в детстве: Отношения к родительским убеждения и откровения". Меррилл-Палмер Ежеквартальный 61 (2):. 290-318 ISSN 0272-930X. Дальнейшее чтение [редактировать] Смерть и жизнь после смерти: Перспективы мировых религий под редакцией Хироши Обаяши, Praeger 1991 года. За смерти: Богословские и философские размышления о жизни после смерти под редакцией Дэна Кон-Sherbok и Кристофер Льюис, Pelgrave-Макмиллана, 1995. Исламская Понимание смерти и Воскресения Джейн Смит и Idelman Язбек Хаддад, Oxford UP, 2002. Жизнь после смерти: история загробной жизни в Западной религии по Алан Ф. Сегал, Doubleday, 2004. Мозг и Вера: Исследование человеческой души Джон Дж McGraw, Aegis Press, 2004. За порогом: Afterlife Убеждения и опыт в мировых религий Кристофер М. Мореман, Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. Есть ли жизнь после смерти: всеобъемлющий обзор доказательств Дэвид Фонтана, о Книги 2005 года. Смерть и загробная жизнь, Роберт А. Мори. Миннеаполис, штат Миннесота .: Bethany House Publishers, 1984. 315 стр. ISBN 0-87123-433-5 Представления о загробной жизни в ранних цивилизаций: универсализм, конструктивизм и предсмертный опыт Грегори Шушан, Нью-Йорк и Лондон, Continuum, 2009 ISBN 978-0-8264-4073-0. Внешние ссылки [редактировать] Википедия есть медиафайлы, связанные с загробной жизни. Википедия имеет цитаты, связанные с: Afterlife Посмотрите загробной жизни или будущей жизни в Викисловарь, бесплатный словарь. Википедия имеет учебные материалы о загробной жизни Исламский взгляд на жизнь после смерти Католическая взгляд на жизнь после смерти Католическая мнение на идее неопределенности Стюарт Salmond- христианская доктрина бессмертия Словарь истории идей: смерти и бессмертии Жизнь после смерти начального Уильям Hasker в Стэнфордском Энциклопедии философских наук Судьба души: Критический История Доктрине будущей жизни в Project Gutenberg (Обширная 1878 Текст Уильям Rounseville Алжире) Интернет-версия из Сведенборга рай и ад (Сведенборг фонда 1949 года, новый перевод 2002) Интернет для поиска копия из Сведенборга Неба и Ада также известный как подземный мир в Древней Греции [Показать] Статьи, относящиеся к загробной жизни Категории:Загробная жизньПредсмертный опытРелигиозная вера и учениеФилософия религии Загробная Жизнь Это бесплатный сайт. Погребение Ирвинг Парк кладбище. [Chicago Tribune, 14 сентября 1964 - Представлен источник # 96] Перейти на ^ Репортер поднял Загробная Жизнь на Мэдоффа в 2001 году Перейти на ^ перенапряжения в CRCT результатов повышает 'большой Загробная Жизнь " Категории :СвязиКрасные символы Читайте дальше, чтобы узнать, как эта маленькая группа охранников 17-го века прославился своей галантности и приключений.

    ЗЗагробная Жизнь

    Загробная Жизнь
    Загробная Жизнь

    Из Википедии, свободной энциклопедии «Автор:»«Автор:»утверждал необходимость постулировать врожденные идеи, чтобы объяснить возможность языка. Ссылки на соответствующие статьи Категории : Загробная Жизнь Нет Небеса? Почему Комментарий Стивена Хокинга не имеет значения Стефани Паппас по, жить науки Contributor | 16 мая 2011 02:39 вечера по восточному Приколи это Теоретическая физика Стивена Хокинга. Даже если знаменитый физик Стивен Хокинг заявил, что он не верит в загробную жизнь, и что рай это "сказка для людей боятся темноты", что не означает, что мы перестанем верить, психологи сказать. Заявление Хокинга газеты Гардиан отражает убеждения большим количеством нерелигиозных людей, но, скорее всего, получить больше внимания, приходя, как это делает от Хокинга, который славится своей работы в области теоретической физики. Хокинг уже обращается огонь из некоторых религиозных лидеров с его утверждением в своей книге "The Grand Design" (Bantam 2010), что вселенная не нужен Бог, чтобы начать. [8 Шокирующие вещи мы узнали из книги Хокинга] "Я считаю, что мозг, как компьютер, который перестанет работать, когда ее компоненты терпят неудачу," сказал Хокинг в воскресенье в The Guardian. "Там нет ни рая, ни загробной жизни для разбиты компьютеры, то это сказка для людей боятся темноты." Сказка или нет, вера в небеса, похоже, приходят с некоторыми преимуществами. Люди не развиваться в среде, где понимание черных дыр или происхождение Вселенной было бы полезно, сказал Даниэль Крюгер, эволюционный психолог из Университета штата Мичиган. "Мы не предназначены на уровне теоретической физики", сказал Крюгер LiveScience. "То, что действительно имеет значение для нас то, что происходит в человеческом масштабе, отношения к другим людям, что мы испытываем в жизни." Награды и напоминания По этой причине, идея небес имеет сильную мистику, чем из семи незаметных размеров теории струн. На личном уровне, Крюгер сказал, идея загробной жизни предлагает некоторую надежду в мире, где, исторически, "жизнь была довольно суровой." Мысли о небе может также предотвратить страхи смерти, сказал он. Исследования показали, что вера в жизнь после смерти, кажется, играет роль, что Handholding, сказал Натан Heflick, докторант по психологии в Университете Южной Флориды, который изучал веру в загробную жизнь. "Чем больше людей верят, тем меньше смерть беспокойство они, как правило," сказал Heflick LiveScience. Напомнив людей смерти также побуждает их хотят верить в загробную жизнь более, Heflick сказал, даже если они по-прежнему скептически. Социальные клей На уровне общества, религиозных убеждений в загробной жизни может быть мощным мотиватором следовать правилам, сказал Крюгер. "Если у вас есть загробная жизнь, что находится под влиянием действий, которые вы принимаете в настоящее время, вы в основном увидеть систему поощрений и наказаний," сказал он. Эти награды и наказания может держать людей в узде, или, более милосердно, предоставляют возможность для людей, чтобы кодифицировать и передать нравственных законов. Вера в загробную жизнь может возникнуть также от восприятия, что мы больше, чем наши тела. В серии экспериментов, Heflick и его коллеги тонко напомнили людям о своих органов - путем предоставления массаж ног, например, - в то время как прося их о своих мыслях по загробной жизни. Люди, подвергающиеся физический опыт с напоминанием об их органов, менее вероятно, сказать, что они верили в жизнь после смерти, в то время как те, дистанцировался от своих органов показал небольшое всплеск веры. Народные представления о себе, то, возможно, повлиять на их веру в то, что происходит после смерти. "Если вы думаете о своем теле как машине, это довольно трудно поверить в жизнь после смерти," сказал Heflick. "Вы не собираетесь быть в состоянии думать о себе как о духе». Вы можете следить за LiveScience старший писатель Стефани Паппас на Twittersipappas. Следуйте LiveScience для последнего в новости науки и открытий на Twitterlivescience и на Facebook. Рекомендации редакторов дней Основные праздники..Загробная Жизнь «Загробная Жизнь»«Загробная Жизнь» Читайте на много дополнительной информации о Исламские представления о загробной жизни Что мусульмане верят, о загробной жизни? Исламские представления о загробной жизни очень важны. Мусульмане верят в продолжение существования души и трансформированной физического существования после смерти. Ислам учит, что будет Судный день, когда все люди будут разделены между вечными направлений Рая и Ада. Центральная доктрина Корана, и один из самых важных учений Мухаммада, является последний день, на котором мир будет разрушен, и Аллах поднимет всех людей и джиннов из мертвых, чтобы судить. Последний день также называют Днем стоя, День Разделения, Судный День, День Пробуждения, Судный день, день, охватывающий или часа. До Судного Дня, умершие души остаются в своих могилах, ожидающих воскресения. Тем не менее, они начинают чувствовать себя как вкус их судьбы в будущем. Те, направляясь в аду страдают в своих могилах, в то время как граница для неба будет в мире до этого времени. Природа в Судный День Воскресение, который состоится в последний день физическая, и объясняется, предполагая, что Аллах воссоздать гнилой тело (17: 100: "Не могли бы они не видят, что Бог, который сотворил небеса и землю в состоянии создать подобные их "?). В последний день, воскрес людей и джиннов будут судить по Аллаха в соответствии с их делами. Свое вечное место, зависит от баланса добра к плохих поступков в жизни. Они либо предоставляется допуск в Рай, где они будут наслаждаться духовные и физические удовольствия навсегда, или обречены на ад страдать духовное и физическое мучение для вечности. Судный день описывается как прохождение над адом на узком мосту, чтобы войти в Рай. Те, кто падают, взвешенных по их плохие поступки, останется в аду вечно. Коран определяет два исключения из этого общего правила: - Воины, которые умирают сражаясь в дело Божие открыла сразу в Божье присутствие (Сура 2: 159 и Сура 3: 169); и - "Враги ислама" приговорены сразу в ад после смерти. Рай "О душа, находится в состоянии покоя, вернуться к Господу твоему, хорошо приятно с Ним, благоугодно Ему. Так ввести среди рабов Моих, и введите свой сад." (89: 27-30) Paradise (firdaws), также называемый "Сад" (Жанна), это место физического и духовного наслаждения, с высокими особняков (39:20, 29: 58-59), вкусная еда и питье (52:22, 52:19, 38:51), и девственные спутники называемые Гурии (56: 17-19, 52: 24-25, 76:19, 56: 35-38, 37: 48-49, 38: 52-54, 44: 51-56, 52: 20-21). Есть семь небес (17:46, 23:88, 41:11, 65:12). Ад Черт, или Ада (греческий геенна), часто упоминается в Коране и Сунне, используя различные образы. Он имеет семь дверей (Коран 39:71; 15:43), ведущие к огненной воронки различных уровней, самый низкий из которых содержит дерево заккум и котел кипящей смолой. Уровень ада зависит от степени правонарушений. Страдание и физическое и духовное. Будучи мусульманином, не держите одну из Ада, но это не ясно, будет ли оставаться мусульмане в аду вечно. Немусульмане (кафир), однако, будут наказаны вечно. Мусульманин автор на ИсламОнлайн объясняет это так: "В конечном счете, Бог снимет с Ада те верующие, чьи грехи были прощены, не, ни искупил добрыми делами в своей жизни, и они будут затем попасть в рай. Остальные жители Ада будет оставаться там вечно." (Ислам Интернет) Другие мусульманские комментаторы, отмечая, что Аллах может спасти людей от ада, как он выбирает, и что он милостив и сострадателен, предположили, что в конечном итоге ад будет пустым. В качестве альтернативы, Ад можно рассматривать как место, где прогресса души поручил, пока они не подходят, чтобы перейти к небу: "Жизнь после смерти на самом деле отправной точкой дальнейшего прогресса для человека. Те, в раю продвигаются на более высокие и более высокие ступени в знаниях и совершенствования веры. Черт предназначен для очистки тех, кто в ней последствий их плохие поступки, и так, чтобы они проходили для дальнейшего продвижения. Его наказание, поэтому, не вечны ". (Muslim.org, создан веб-сайт Ахмадийская) загробная жизнь (христианство) Христианские верования о загробной жизни различаются между конфессиями и отдельными христианами, но подавляющее большинство христиан верят в какой-то небо, в котором умерший насладиться присутствие Бога и близких для вечности. Просмотров различаются по тому, что требуется, чтобы попасть на небеса, и представления о небесах также различаются. Немного меньше Большинство христиан верят в ад, место страданий, где неверующие или грешники наказываются. Просмотров различаются по ли ад вечен и является ли его наказание является духовным или физическим. Некоторые христиане отвергают понятие вообще. Католики также верим в чистилище, временное место наказания для христиан, которые умерли с неисповеданный грехов. Afterlife Жизненная по христианской деноминации Чтобы проиллюстрировать различия и сходства на христианские верования о загробной жизни, после подборка доктринальных заявлений от нескольких разных конфессий и организаций. Ассамблеи Бога: Воскресение из тех, кто уснул во Христе и их перевод вместе с теми, кто жив и оставшиеся до пришествия Господня, является неизбежным, и блаженная надежда церкви. Второе пришествие Христа включает в себя восторг святых, который наш благословенный надежду, а затем видимого возвращения Христа с Его святыми, чтобы править на земле тысячу лет. Это тысячелетнее царствование принесет спасение национальной Израиля, и установление всеобщего мира. Там будет окончательное решение, в котором злой мертвые воскреснут и судить по их делам. Кто не был записан в книге жизни, вместе с диаволу и ангелам его, зверь и лжепророк, будет предан вечному наказанию в озере, горящем огнем и серою Это смерть вторая. Мы, по обетованию Его, ожидаем нового неба и новой земли, на которых обитает правда. Христианство сегодня Журнал: В конце века, органы умерших будут воскрешены. Праведники вступает в полное владение вечное блаженство в присутствии Бога, и нечестивым должны быть осуждены на вечную смерть. Евангелическая свободная церковь Америки: Мы верим в телесное воскресение из мертвых; верующего к вечной блаженство и радость с Господом; неверующего к суда и вечного сознательного наказания. Друзья Соединенные совещание (квакеров): Мы считаем, в соответствии с Писанием, что будет воскресение из мертвых, праведных и несправедливых, (Деяния 24:15), и что Бог назначил день, в который будет судить вселенную по правде, Иисуса Христа, Которого Он поставил. (Деяния 17:31) Ибо, как говорит апостол, "Мы все должны предстать перед судилище Христово, чтобы каждому получить вещи сделали в его теле, в соответствии с этим он делал, будь то хорошие или плохие ". (2 Кор 5:10). Мы искренне верим, не только воскресение во Христе от падшего и греховного состояния здесь, но растет и возрастанию в славе с Ним здесь и далее; что, когда он, наконец, появляется у нас может появиться с Ним во славе. Но все нечестивые, которые живут в восстании против света благодати, и, наконец, умереть нераскаявшихся, выйдет в воскресение осуждения. И то, что душа каждого человека и женщины должны быть защищены, в своим собственным и правильного бытия, и имеет свое надлежащее тело, как Бог благоволил дать его. Сеется тело душевное, сеется тело духовное; (1 Кор 15:44), что быть первым, который является естественным и потом, что духовное. ... Мы считаем, что наказание нечестивых и блаженным правды будет вечным, согласно декларации нашего милосердного Спасителя, которым суд совершено, "Они пойдут сии в муку вечную, а праведники в вечная жизнь." (На колесах, Мэтт 25:46) Лютеранская церковь (Аугсбург Исповедь, 1530): Кроме того, они [лютеранские церкви] учат, что в Полного Всемирной Христа появится на суд, и будут поднимать всех мертвых; Он даст благочестивых и избрать жизнь вечную, и вечные радости, но нечестивые и бесы Он осудит мучиться без конца. Они осуждают анабаптистов, которые думают, что будет конец наказаниям смертников и дьяволов. Они осуждают также тех, кто в настоящее время распространяющиеся определенные еврейские мнения, что до воскресения из мертвых благочестивые должны завладеть царством мира, нечестивых время повсеместно подавлено. Меннонитов церкви в США: Мы считаем, что, как Бог воскресил Иисуса из мертвых, мы также будет воскрешен из мертвых. В Христа славного приходить снова на суд, мертвые выходят из могил "- тех, кто сделал добро в воскресение жизни, а делавшие зло в воскресение осуждения». Праведник будет расти к вечной жизни с Богом, и неправедных в ад и отделение от Бога. Таким образом, Бог принесет справедливость для преследуемых и подтвердит победу над грехом, злом, и сама смерть. Мы с нетерпением ждем прихода нового неба и новой земли, и новый Иерусалим, где народ Божий больше не будет голода, жажды, или плакать, но буду воспевать: "К сидящим на престоле и Агнцу благословение и честь, и слава и держава во веки веков! Аминь! Пресвитерианская церковь в США: Если есть Пресвитерианская повествование о жизни после смерти, это: Когда вы умираете, ваша душа идет быть с Богом, где она пользуется Божью славу и ждет окончательного решения. На заключительном органов по решению суда воссоединились с душами, и вечные награды и наказания раздают. Как отмечает шотландский исповеди, окончательное решение является также "время освежающий и реституции всех вещей." И это явно дело, что и шотландцы исповеди и Вестминстерское исповедание веры хочу, чтобы ориентировать современную жизнь верующих вокруг это будущее. Но Библия проводит больше времени, сосредотачиваясь на новой жизни здесь, чем на жизнь после смерти. Так что все наши более поздние признаний. Хотя Исповедь 1967 упоминает жизнь после смерти, он делает это только на короткое время. Его внимание сосредоточено на новую жизнь теперь, и на служении церкви примирения. Южная баптистская конвенция: Бог, по Своему времени и в Его собственном пути, принесет мир к его соответствующему концу. По обетованию Его, Иисус Христос вернется лично и зримо в славе на землю; мертвые будут воскрешены; и Христос будет судить всех людей в праведности. Неправедный будет отправляться в ад, место вечного наказания. Праведник в своих воскресших и прославленных телах получат свои награды и будет жить вечно в раю с Богом. Объединенная церковь Христа: Бог обещает всем, кто верит в евангельскую прощения грехов и полноты благодати, мужество в борьбе за справедливость и мир, в присутствии Святого Духа в суде и радуясь, и вечной жизни в этом царстве, которое не имеет конца. Объединенной методистской церкви (о чистилище): Римская учение о чистилище, прощения, поклонения, и поклонение, а также из изображений в качестве реликвий, а также вызов святых, является любил, что, тщетно придумал, и заземлены на нет ордера на Писание, но противно Слову Божьему ,.?! Олам ха-Ба: жизнь после смерти Уровень: Основной • Иудаизм верит в загробную жизнь, но мало догму об этом • Еврейский загробной жизни называется олам ха-ба (грядущем мире) • Воскресение и реинкарнации в пределах традиционной еврейской веры • Временное (но не вечная) наказание после смерти находится в традиционной веры Традиционный иудаизм твердо верит, что смерть это не конец человеческого существования. Тем не менее, из-за иудаизм, прежде всего, сосредоточены на жизни здесь и сейчас, а не на загробную жизнь, иудаизм не имеет большого догму о загробной жизни, и оставляет много места для личной мнения. Это возможно для православной еврей верить, что души умерших праведников пойти в место, подобной христианской небес, или что они перевоплотился во многих жизнях, или что они просто не подождать, пока приход мессии, когда они будут воскреснуть. Точно так же, православные евреи могут верить, что души нечестивых мучает демонов их собственное творение, или что злые души просто уничтожил на смерть, перестав существовать. Библейские Ссылки на Afterlife Некоторые ученые утверждают, что вера в загробную жизнь является учение, разработал в конце еврейской истории. Это правда, что Тора подчеркивает непосредственных, бетон, физические награды и наказания, а не абстрактные будущие. Смотрите, например, Лев. 26: 3-9 и Второзаконие. 11: 13-15. Тем не менее, есть явные доказательства в Торе веры в существование после смерти. Тора указывает, в нескольких местах, что праведники будут воссоединены со своими близкими после смерти, в то время как нечестивые будут исключены из этого воссоединения. Тора говорит о нескольких примечательных людях, "собрались, чтобы их людей." Смотрите, например, Быт 25: 8 (Авраам), 25:17 (Измаил), 35:29 (Исаак), 49:33 (Иаков), Втор. 32:50 (Моисей и Аарон) II Царств 22:20 (царь Иосия). Эта встреча описана в отдельном случае от физической смерти тела или захоронения. Некоторые грехи наказываются грешник "отрезаны от своего народа." Смотрите, например, Быт 17:14 и Исх. 31:14. Это наказание называют kareit (Ка-REHYT) (буквально, "отрезав", но, как правило, переводится как "духовной удаления"), а это значит, что душа теряет часть в мире грядущем. Более поздние участки Танаха говорить более четко о жизни после смерти и в мире грядущем. См Дан. 12: 2, Неем. 9: 5. Воскресение и реинкарнация Вера в конечном итоге воскресения мертвых фундаментальная вера традиционного иудаизма. Это была вера, что отличало фарисеев (интеллектуальные предки раввинского иудаизма) из саддукеев. Саддукеи отвергали концепцию, потому что он не упоминается в Торе. Фарисеи нашел концепцию подразумеваемых в некоторых стихах. Вера в воскресение мертвых является одним из Рамбама "с 13 принципов веры. Второй благословение молитвы Шмоне Esrei, которые произносят три раза в день, содержит несколько ссылок на воскресение. (Примечание: Реформа движения, по-видимому отвергает эту веру, Соответственно переписали второй благословение). Воскресение мертвых будет происходить в мессианскую эру, время, упомянутое в иврите, как Олам ха-Ба, в мире грядущем, но этот термин также используется для обозначения духовной смерти. Когда Мессия приходит, чтобы инициировать совершенный мир мира и процветания, умерших праведников будут возвращены к жизни и дал возможность испытать совершенную миру, что их праведность помогли создать. Нечестивые мертвые не будут воскрешены. Есть некоторые мистические школы мысли, которые верят воскресение не разовое мероприятие, но представляет собой непрерывный процесс. Души праведников возрождается, чтобы продолжить текущий процесс тиккун олам, ремонт мира. Некоторые источники указывают, что реинкарнация рутинный процесс, в то время как другие указывают, что это происходит только в исключительных обстоятельствах, когда душа осталась незавершенной бизнес позади. Вера в реинкарнацию также является одним из способов объяснить традиционное еврейское убеждение, что каждая еврейская душа в истории присутствовал на Синае и согласился завет с Б-гом. (Другое объяснение: что душа существует до тела, и эти нерожденные души находились в какой-либо форме на Синае). Вера в реинкарнацию обычно придерживаются многие хасидских сект, а также некоторых других мистически настроенных евреев. Олам ха-Ба: Грядущий мир Духовный загробной жизни упоминается в иврите Олам ха-Ба (о-ха-Лам BAH), из стран мира прийти, хотя этот термин также используется для обозначения мессианского возраста. Олам ха-Ба другой, более высокое состояние бытия. В Мишне, один раввин говорит, "Этот мир, как лобби до Олам ха-Ба. Приготовьтесь в холле, так что вы можете ввести банкетный зал." Точно так же, Талмуд говорит, "Этот мир, как накануне Шаббата, и Олам ха-Ба, как Шаббат. Тот, кто готовит накануне Шаббата будет есть пища, в субботу." Мы готовимся к Олам ха-Ба с помощью Торы исследования и добрых дел. Талмуд утверждает, что весь Израиль имеет долю в Олам ха-Ба. Тем не менее, не все «акции» равны. Особенно праведник будет иметь большую долю в Олам ха-Ба, чем средний человек. Кроме того, человек может потерять свою долю через злых действий. Есть много заявлений в Талмуде, что конкретный мицва будет гарантировать человеку место в Олам ха-Ба, или что конкретный грех потерять долю человека в Олам ха-Ба, но они, как правило, рассматривается как гипербола, чрезмерное выражения одобрения или неодобрения. Некоторые люди смотрят на эти учения и сделать вывод, что евреи пытаются "заработать наш путь на небеса", выполняя заповеди,. Это является грубым mischaracterization нашей религии. Важно помнить, что в отличие от некоторых религий, иудаизм не сосредоточены на вопросе о том, как попасть на небеса. Иудаизм сосредоточен на жизни и как жить. Номера евреи часто спрашивают меня, "Вы действительно думаете, что вы собираетесь отправиться в ад, если вы не сделаете то-то и такой-то?" Она всегда ловит мне немного из равновесия, потому что вопрос о том, где я буду после смерти просто не входит в уравнение, когда я думаю о мицвот. Мы выполняем заповеди, потому что это наша привилегия и наша священная обязанность сделать так. Мы проводим их из чувства любви и долга, а не из желания получить что-то взамен. На самом деле, одним из первых битов этического советы в Пиркей Авот (в книге Мишне) является: "Не нравится слуг, которые служат своему хозяину ради получения награды, вместо этого, быть как слуги, которые служат своему хозяину не ради получения награды, и пусть страх Небес [означает Б-гу, не загробной жизни] на вас ". Тем не менее, мы, безусловно, считаем, что ваше место в Олам ха-Ба определяется системой заслуг на основе ваших действий, не кто вы и что вы религия исповедует. Кроме того, мы, безусловно, считаем, что человечество способно рассматривается праведным в глазах Б-га, или по крайней мере достаточно хорошо, чтобы заслужить рай после соответствующего периода очистки. У неевреи имеют место в Олам ха-Ба? Хотя есть несколько заявлений об обратном в Талмуде, преобладающая точка зрения иудаизма является то, что праведники всех народов имеют долю в Олам ха-Ба. Заявления об обратном не были основаны на том, что членство в иудаизме требовалось попасть в Олам ха-Ба, но были основанной на наблюдении, что неевреи не праведные люди. Если вы считаете, поведение окружающих народов в то время, что Талмуд был написан, можно понять отношение раввинов. К тому времени, Рамбама, вера была прочно закрепилась, что праведники всех народов имеют долю в Олам ха-Ба. Ган Эден и Gehinnom Место духовной награды праведников часто называют на иврите, как Ган Эден (Gahn EHY-DEHN) (в Эдемском саду). Это не то же самое место, где были Адам и Ева; это место духовного совершенства. Конкретные описания широко варьируются от одного источника к другому. Один источник утверждает, что мир, который он чувствует, когда человек испытывает Шаббат должным образом лишь один-шестидесятая удовольствия загробной жизни. Другие источники сравнить блаженство загробной жизни на радость секса или теплом солнечный день. Не конечном счете, однако, гостиная не может больше понять природу этого места, чем слепые могут понять цвет. Только очень праведным перейти непосредственно к Ган Эден. В среднем человек спускается к месту казни, и / или очистки, как правило, называют Gehinnom (Гх-хи-NOHM) (в идише, Gehenna), но иногда She'ol или под другими названиями. По словам одного мистического зрения, каждый грех мы совершаем создает ангела разрушения (демон), и после того как мы умираем, мы наказаны самых демонов, которые мы создали. Некоторые виды см Gehinnom как один из сурового наказания, немного как христианского ада огня и серы. Другие источники лишь рассматривают его как время, когда мы можем увидеть действия наших жизней объективно, увидеть вред, который мы сделали, и возможности, которые мы упустили, и опыт угрызения совести за свои действия. Период времени, в Gehinnom не превышает 12 месяцев, а затем поднимается, чтобы занять его место на Олам ха-Ба. Только совершенно злым не поднимаются в конце этого периода; их души будут наказаны за целых 12 месяцев. Источники отличаются от того, что происходит в конце этих 12 месяцев: некоторые говорят, что нечестивые душа заклятию и прекращает свое существование, а другие говорят, что душа продолжает существовать в состоянии сознания раскаяния. Это 12-месячный срок повторяется во многих местах в Талмуде, и это связано с циклами траурных и декламации Кадиш. См жизнь, смерть и плач. Рекомендуемая литература Адин Штейнзальц-х Тринадцать лепестков роз (в твердом переплете) (Мягкая обложка) (Kindle) является полным мистической космологии, написанная одним из величайших еврейских ученых жив. Это обсуждает различные уровни бытия, ангелов и демонов, которые создаются нашими действиями, понятие о реинкарнации, и многие другие предметы, представляющие интерес. Для контура еврейской мысли на загробную жизнь, увидеть Нил Гилман-х Смерть смерти: Воскресение и бессмертие в еврейской мысли (в твердом переплете) (Kindle). Гиллман является консервативный раввин и профессор еврейской философии в Еврейской теологической семинарии (самым важным школа для консервативных раввинов). Для получения информации о самых разнообразных еврейских взглядов на то, что происходит после смерти, увидеть книгу Симха Полл Рафаэля, еврейские Просмотров загробной жизни. (В твердом переплете) (Мягкая обложка) Рафаэль, раввин реконструктивистским, занимает исторический подход к жизни после клинической смерти теорий, исследуя мнения, что преобладали в каждой эпохи еврейской истории. Жизнь после смерти и спасение Автор: Стивен Taysom Один единственный элемент мормонов является концепция о судьбе души после смерти. Основатель мормонов, Джозеф Смит, в конце концов разработал представление о загробной жизни, что является гораздо более сложным, чем состоится в большинстве других христианских групп. Традиционный язык небес и ада и спасение и проклятия не хорошо работать в контексте мормонов. В мормонских учений, окончательное решение приходит в несколько этапов. Первый этап происходит сразу после смерти. Бестелесный дух судить, как его общей доброте и назначается одному из двух мест: рай или в духовную тюрьму. Те души в раю наслаждаться покоем совести и время отдыха. Те, кто в духовной тюрьме, напротив, мучаются от чувства вины и отрицает все остальное. Обе группы, однако, страдают из-за они отделены от их физических тел, то, что, в соответствии с мормонской Писания, духи рассматриваем как форму "рабства". На момент воскресения Христа из мертвых, жители рая также воскрес. Те, кто вошел в духовный мир после воскресения Христа, однако, не должны ждать, пока воскресение время второго пришествия Христа на земле. В конце концов, после Христос вернется на землю, другой этап в решении происходит. Для того, чтобы понять эту фазу, то в первую очередь необходимо понять трехуровневую иерархию небес, описанных Джозефом Смитом. Наибольшее рай, называемый небесный царство, является назначение тех лиц, которые приняты все необходимые ритуалы, выполняемых органом священству мормонов и которые были доблестные в своих показаниях Иисуса Христа. Мормоны верят, что миссионерская работа продолжается среди духов, ожидающих в тюрьме, и тех, кто принимает учение Церкви в тюрьме имеют право на Поднебесную. Именно по этой причине, что мормоны выполнения храмовых обрядов от имени своих умерших предков. Независимо от того, когда души получают необходимые учения и ритуалы, люди, которые делают это в Поднебесной живут в присутствии Бога-Отца и Иисуса Христа и "возвышенное". Небесная Сама Великобритания разделена на три части. Мормон Писание ничего не говорит о двух нижних уровнях, но указывает, что только те лица, которые состоят в браке на время и вечность в мормонских храмах, имеют право на высшем уровне Поднебесной. Следующий уровень является сушей Королевство, место населяют мужчин и женщин, которые жили почетные жизнь и кто принял искупление Христа, но которые не были доблестные в своих показаниях Христа. Жители этого царства наслаждаться присутствием Иисуса Христа, но не Бог Отец. Третий возможный назначения души телестиальную Королевство. Именно здесь, что все эти грешники, которые отказались покаяться найдете сами. В теологии мормонов, страдания и смерть Христа позволяют грешник освободиться от наказания проступки в загробной жизни, если грешник кается и принимает крещение мормонов. Те, кто не покаются страдают во время загробной жизни, но даже самые темные грешники в конечном итоге будут погашены через искупление Христа в царство славы. В то время как они могут пользоваться влияние Святого Духа, жители Телестиальное Королевства лишены присутствии Отца и Сына. Жизнь после смерти и спасение Автор: Стивен Taysom Во время второго пришествия Христа, тех лиц, которые жили жизнью, достойные земной и небесной Королевств будут воскрешены и будут жить на земле, под личной власти Иисуса Христа в течение 1000 лет. Те, предназначенных для Телестиальное Королевства остаются отделены от своих физических тел, пока 1000-летний период не закончился. Мормоны, таким образом, не хватает традиционных небо / ад дихотомию и предлагает вместо этого ряд потенциальных результатов, на основе готовности лиц для осуществления учения Церкви в его или ее жизни. Мормоны, таким образом, говорить о тех, кто в Поднебесной в качестве наследников "возвышения", и те, в низших царствах, как наследников "спасения". В дополнение к трем "Царства славы", четвертый потенциальный назначения также ждет определенные души. "Тьма внешняя" это таинственное место, что является домом сатаны и те духи, которые последовали за ним, когда он был изгнан из рая в начале времени. Это также судьба тех людей, которые, живя на земле, имел совершенное знание о Божественности Христа, но предпочли отвергнуть его и грех против его учения. В кромешной тьме, есть бесконечный плач и не божественное присутствие. Это ближайший мормонов аналогия с концепцией ада в большинстве других христианских традиций. Хотя основные контуры доктрины мормонов о судьбе души после смерти остаются стабильными с 1830, вопрос о движении между царствами был более трудным, чтобы обосноваться. В 19 веке, некоторые ведущие мыслители мормонов считали, что душа может иметь возможность перейти от одного царства к другому в течение вечности. С середины 20-го века, однако, мормоны учат, что нет никакого движения от царства к царству после окончательного вынесения решения. Вопросы для изучения: 1. Опишите этапы окончательного решения. 2. Как небо категории в иерархии? Почему это необходимо для спасения? 3. Что такое Телестиальное Королевство? Что происходит с человека там? 4. Что такое "тьма внешняя"? Кто бы бросить там? 5. Может ли душа двигаться через эти четыре царства? Почему или почему нет? Частичное История Afterlife убеждений Даниэль М. Огилви с Amoha Bajaj [1] Введение Большинство людей во всем мире считают, что они и все остальные человеческие существа "одушевленным" и большинство душевных верующих поддерживают идею, что души освобождаются от тела, когда оно перестает функционировать. Для таких людей, вход души в загробной жизни существование принимается как факт; жизнь поддержания, жизни направляя, страх снижения, ум-успокаивающее, непререкаемым, заверяя, иногда страшно, "это произойдет", факт. Учитывая такую ​​широкую соглашение о важности души в «сейчас» и в «потустороннем», это удивительно, что эта тема так редко источником открытого публичного разговора. Возможно, эта тема слишком священным, или слишком личным, или слишком чувствительны, или слишком спорным, чтобы стать центром сознательного внимания. Другая возможность заключается в том, что некоторые люди так уверены в своем загробной жизни убеждения, что говорить о них бессмысленно. Но это условие может быть изменение. По свидетельству интересах порожденному курс под названием Жизненная Душа: причины и последствия, внесенные в Университете Рутгерса в 2010 году, многие студенты готовы взять на себя рассекречивать тему, как правило, ускользает внимания. Несколько лекций в верованиях Soul Конечно дело с темой начала, эволюции и диверсификации загробной жизни убеждения, но до сих пор ни назначение (ы) чтение не сопровождается эти лекции. Это проблема, когда студенты, как ожидается, помнить и работа с веществом, что сказано в лекции. Слова, сказанные в лекциях приходят и уходят, но написанные слова остаются доступными для изучения и рассмотрения. Следовательно, цель этой статьи заключается в предоставлении "трудно копировать" версию часть информации, покрытой в этих загробной жизни верования лекций. Хотя нет недостатка письменных материалов по загробной жизни учений способствует конкретных религий, и библиотечные полки забиты научных трактатов по проблеме ум / тело, или нет душа отдельно от тела, и другие вопросы, относящиеся к загробной жизни убеждения, до сих пор, ничего подходящего размера не существует, который организует эту информацию и помещает его под одной крышей. Но будьте осторожны! Крыша Я создал слишком мал, чтобы даже начать, чтобы приспособить такое огромное тему. Действуя под ограничений написания бумаги управляемым длина означает, что некоторые (на самом деле, многие) вопросы монументального значение для истории и разнообразия загробной жизни убеждения опущены. Тем не менее, я надеюсь, что бумага выполняет свое предназначение в расширении знаний читателя об этой увлекательной теме. Часть I Ранние религии: Мир нескольких богов, духов и контролирующих агентов Большинство ученых, которые писали на эту тему согласен, что религия является важным элементом всех человеческих обществ. Нет общества не длилось долго без него. У меня нет оснований придираться с этим замечанием, но надо быть осторожными при условии, что один из компонентов все религии является вера в загробную жизнь, в частности, в загробной жизни души. Вполне вероятно, что загробной жизни опасения относительно недавно прибывшие в долгой истории человеческих цивилизаций. Где начать обсуждение начала человеческой цивилизации является предметом дискуссий среди палеонтологов. Мы могли бы начать 2,4 млн лет назад, когда наша Человек умелый предков (если, конечно, они были наши предки) создано каменные орудия. Или, может быть, мы должны начать 1,4 миллиона лет назад с ответвлением называется Homo прямоходящего, которые мигрировали из Африки лесов в африканских саваннах. Охота и собирательство была их единственным средством выживания и, в соответствии с Притчард и др. (1999), они едва получил через узкое выживания того сократилось до, возможно, всего лишь 5000 человек в какой-то момент в нашей ранней истории. Резюмируя то, что думают, известно об этом гоминид вида, Sedikides и Skowronski (2008, стр. 87 ) описывают их как "ужасные" охотников. Им не хватало размер, ловкость, остроту зрения, а в-родился специализированные способности добычу они искали и хищников, которые стремились их. Критическим фактором участие в их выживания была их склонность образовывать племена. (Блуждающие по себе в саванне трав был не очень хорошая идея). Николай Уэйд (2009) приводит веские аргументы, что эти ранние племена были эгалитарной, это означает, что люди, которые старался быть лидерами пакета положить их собственные жизни в опасности. Некоторые другие ветви животных, которые эволюционировали от наших общих предков, как шимпанзе и обезьян, работающих (и продолжают работать) в жестких, сверху вниз структуры с доминантных самцов и его приспешников и доминирующая женщины и ее приспешники в управлении группы. Но на ранних стадиях человеческой цивилизации, разделение власти, кажется, является ключевым для выживания и лиц, которые пытались навязать свою волю группа, скорее всего, будет изгнан или казнен. Ранние племена состояли из относительно небольших групп людей и внутренней сплоченности племенной важное значение для кооперативного обмена охоты, пищевой и успеха в межплеменных войн. Современные день уличные банды есть что-то общее с племенами, которые бродили по саванны. Они не любят друг друга и сражения являются общими. То же самое было и в случае с роуминг банды на саванн. Племена, скорее всего, чтобы выжить были племена, члены которых были так тесно связаны и преданы друг другу, что они были готовы сражаться и, если необходимо, умереть за группа. Ритуалы, кажется, были необходимы для этого вида связи, чтобы иметь место. Немного тайны природы были обнаружены, так что "естественный" вызывает обилием или дефицитом пищи, праздник или голода, осадков или засухи, рождение и смерть были загадки. Человеческий мозг предназначены искать причины, почему вещи происходят или не происходят, и если причины не очевидны, мы делаем их. Причины, скорее всего, отнести к пояснительной полномочия с ними и тем самым удовлетворить предварительно научные умы участие деятельность сверхъестественных агентов как боги, духи, привидения, солнце, луна, созвездия звезд, змей, воронов, ягуары, и других видел и невидимыми силами, как полагают, быть в управлении земными делами. После этих агентов были идентифицированы, стратегии для влияния на них были разработаны . Эти стратегии включают танцы, пение, кровопускание, животных и человеческие жертвы, и другие ритуальные практики, предназначенные для принести удачу к племени и, чтобы предотвратить его от целевой сверхъестественного ярости. Культ предков был общей чертой охоты и сбора племен. Умершие tribespersons еще существовала в умах их выживших родственников, а иногда и материализуется в ночных снах. Когда не посещая мечты о жизни, они были представить свое существование в качестве духов, проживающих на деревьях, высокая трава, в небе, под землей, на вершинах гор, занимающих органы различных животных, или существующих в совершенно разных мирах. Во многих отношениях, мертвые предки были идеальными кандидатами, которые будут определены в качестве агентов, способных как добро и зло. Важной особенностью предков, поклоняющихся племен было, и до сих пор в некоторых регионах, что умерший не остаются частью живого мира. Мертвые, независимо от того, в какой форме их духи берут, как думали, остаются очень интересно и весьма влиятельные в племенных делах , По пути собственных похорон, жертвоприношений и даров, духи умерших могли быть подвержены влиянию вылечить болезни, увеличить или уменьшить подачу пищи, и обеспечить племя с мужеством и хитростью, чтобы победить своих врагов. В некоторых обществах, они могут быть призвал за советом о том, как относиться к tribespersons, нарушивших нормы эгалитаризма или которые не несли свою долю бремени. В этом и других отношениях, предки были использованы, чтобы сохранить существующий общественный порядок. Ритуализированных пение и танцы группы (иногда до точки исчерпаны бред и трансовых состояний) в честь празднования и предков и различные сверхъестественные агентов были важные события для группы связи. Эти мероприятия позволили участникам с сильным чувством групповой принадлежности, а через что членство, чувство групповой безопасности и непрерывности. Я не могу ответить на вопрос о том, является ли охотник и собирателей верили в личном души с загробной потенциала. Тем не менее, я подозреваю, нет, по крайней мере, пока миссионеры не пытались представить идею в последние столетия. И нет никаких доказательств мы знаем предполагая что соплеменники ожидает умирает, чтобы они могли, наконец, получить некоторое уважение. в органах существовала гостиная лица, и мертвые люди стали духи. И в первую очередь на повестке дня живых и мертвых было единство и сплоченность племени. Некоторые охотники и сбора племена до сих пор в существовании, которые были изучены интенсивно являются минимализма с точки зрения загробной жизни убеждения. Например, хадза северной Танзании принять смерть как на самом порядке. Люди рождаются, они живут как бы долго они живут, они умирают, и это все. Похоронные обряды просты, и вера в загробную жизнь, кажется, не существует. J. Вудберн (1982) изучали хадза в течение четырех лет работы на местах и его наблюдения обобщаются Бонда (1992 г.). Они описаны как действующие в «немедленного обратного" системы; Это означает, что акцент делается на сегодняшний день деятельность приобретает пищу для немедленного потребления с минимальными вниманием к планированию будущего. Получил еда Ешьте его сейчас. Pirahas [2] представляют собой еще один пример охоты и собирательства племя, которое живет в «сейчас» и дает мало или нет мысль о жизни после сегодняшнего дня, не говоря уже о жизни после смерти. В Pirahas состоят из мелких индейских племен, живущих на берегах реки Амазонки в Бразилии. Даниэль Эверетт (2009), лингвист и этнограф, изучал племя в течение трех десятилетий, и жил среди них в общей сложности 7 лет. Основной интерес Эверетта было племени единственный в своем роде язык, но, с течением времени он стал в равной степени заинтересованы в мировоззрений в Piraha как выражается в их словах и действиях. Вот некоторые из поразительных особенностей общества 1. Pirahas яростно эгалитарной. Там нет начальников или назначенные руководители. Каждые лечит члены все остальные члены, как с равными. Все ценные предметы, как каноэ, луками и стрелами, и продукты питания являются общими. Никто не богаче или беднее, чем любой другой человек . Там нет никакого интереса в сборе материальное богатство или привлечения внимания к себе путем построения "лучшего" хижину или ткачества внеочередное корзину. Если кто-то предлагает свое мнение, он заявил, как мнение группы. 2. Немедленное опыт это все, что имеет значение. Существует поразительное отсутствие заботы о будущем среди Piraha. Например, мало внимания уделяется сохранению продуктов питания. Когда рыбу ловят в 3:00, члены племени пробуждаются и есть рыбу. Удивительный пример отсутствия племени заботы о будущем дается, когда Эверетт описывает случай, когда племя торгуются пищу для лопаты. Экскаватор был брошен в реку после того, как был использован, чтобы вырыть могилу. 3. История не представляет интереса. Все отчеты вещей, которые, как говорят, произошло в ближайшем или отдаленном прошлом игнорируются. Никакого внимания не уделяется понаслышке утверждения. Только очевидцев отчеты принимаются как факты. [3] 4. Дети воспитаны, чтобы быть самодостаточным. Большое внимание помещается на быть сильным, жесткий, и, зная, окружающей среды. Дети разрешается играть с потенциально опасных объектов, таких как ножи и наконечники стрел и копий. Они только наказаны когда они травмировать себя. В случае смерти члена деревенского, единственным приемлемым объяснением смерти человек не был достаточно сильным, чтобы выжить. 5. "Забегая вперед" или улучшения своих условий не является предметом озабоченности. Акцент Piraha на живущих в настоящее время, и, зная, как справиться с тем, что их трудно среда должна предложить в том, как они пережили по неизвестным веков. С современной точки зрения, Pirahas бесспорно не хватает амбиций. Идея "забегаю вперед" не является аспектом их мировоззрений. Важным компромисс по Эверетт, они счастливы и замечательно содержание в контексте их сложных условиях жизни. Warfare неизвестно для них. Они руководствуются моральными принципами справедливости и взаимности и идеи создаются Богом, является внешней для них. Они слушают духов, с которыми они знакомы и "видеть" каждый день. Как отмечалось ранее, Роль этих духов, чтобы предложить руководство для сохранения существующего социального порядка. Заключительные слова о охоты и сбора племен Мы не можем знать, с какой-либо степенью уверенности, что племя хадза в Африке и Pirahas Бразилии современные примеры день древнего охоты и сбора племена. Но они могли бы предложить подсказки о загробной жизни убеждения до формирования сельскохозяйственных общин. Экстраполируя, что мы узнали, охота и собирательство племен не верят, что люди наделены душами, которые выделяются из организма в момент смерти и вознаграждены или наказаны в соответствии с тем, как они провели свою жизнь. Это сомнительно, что племен, которые были настолько ориентированных жить в настоящем, племена, которые не имеют склонность к или нужно планировать на будущее, будет способен представить себе себя живой ... навсегда ... в будущем при лучших или худших условиях. По "инстинкт" и обучения, их цель была придерживаться здесь и сейчас принципах групповой членства и выживания группы. Мертвые (как духи) или жив, их миссия была бесспорной, чтобы сохранить хорошо практикуется традиции сохраняя племя вместе ради индивидуальной и групповой выживания Установление сельскохозяйственных общин Условия повседневной жизни стали резко меняться около 15000 лет назад, когда земледельческие общины начали принимать форму. Малые населенные пункты фермеры и пастухи стали крупные населенные пункты и постепенно эгалитаризм был заменен иерархических, нисходящих регулирующих структур. Как отмечалось ранее, многие участники в ритуальной охоты и сбора племенные танцы (танцы, которые иногда длились в течение нескольких дней с периодическими перерывами), введенные транса, как государства, которые ставят их в непосредственном контакте с духами. Потребление или вдыхание растений, индуцированной галлюцинации практически уверены, что исход. Эти виды группы деятельность облегчает группа склеивания. Но склеивания в небольших группах в большом сообществе, посвященном выращивания сельскохозяйственных культур, уход за скотом, и торговые товары с других общин стал более неблагополучных и другие способы было найти для поддержания общественного порядка. Многоуровневая социальная структура была общее решение, чтобы руководящий большое число людей. В роли стал разносторонне, духовенство вышли с результатом в том, что лишь немногие люди, члены духовенства имеют право быть в связи с богами. Это более, чем передача важность отметить что эти духовные лидеры, как правило, имели привилегированный доступ к правящей элиты. Каждый имел ухо из друга. Идея, что "Церковь" и "государство" может (или должно) быть отдельные операции было немыслимо. Еще одно явление, что сопровождается переход от уравниловки к более многораздельной социальной структуры сдвиг во времени перспективу. В то время как охота и сбор племена были сильно сосредоточены на настоящем, по необходимости, сельскохозяйственные общины стали ориентированной на будущее. Одной из причин этого является очевидным. Сельское хозяйство требует планирования. Семена и растения не могут быть посеяны любой старый время. воспоминаниями о том, что работал в последние направляющих предсказаний, что, скорее всего, произойдет в будущем. Скотоводство также сезонная активность. Что это размер управляемой стада? Где же лучшие пастбища, и в какое время года лучше всего подходит для посещения или оставить их? Хранение и сохранение пищи также требует сложного предусмотрительность. В недавней работе (Ogilvie, 2011) Я считаю, что думать о будущем часто включает в себя проектирование образ себя в будущем и "наблюдения" действия берется в воображаемом наборе обстоятельств. Конечно охотники и собиратели занимается путешествиями психического времени, как они использовали умение прогнозировать приход рыбы или когда животные склонны мигрировать. Но они вряд ли были, как практикуется в долгосрочной диапазоне, "что, если", думая, как и Участники оседлых общин, которые были обеспокоены сохранением товары для будущего потребления и накопления избытка активов для целей торговли. Дело в том, чем больше человек занимается будущего мышления, в частности, какое будущее, думая, что включает в себя проектирование изображения себя в будущем, скорее всего, один задаться вопросом о судьбе этого проецируемого изображения самости после смерти тела. Конечно, я могу ошибаться. Охотники и собиратели, возможно, были одержимы о смерти. Возможно, это было всегда на уме. Но я утверждаю, что такие опасения стали увеличивается в большей, ориентированные на будущее общества и некоторые решения проблемы смерти были превратившая в мощных механизмов социального управления. В общий язык, решение было некоторое изменение в следующем: Вы будете пожинать вечность наград, если вы играете свои карты в этой жизни. Альтернативой является вечность наказания, если вы играете ваши карточки неправильно. Другими словами, быть хорошим гражданином, следуя велениям сверху и вы (или ваш души) будет пожинать преимущества делают так в следующей жизни. Выйдя из линии, и вы либо конченый или вы будете страдать за грехи ваши, для вечности. Конечно, "диктует сверху" были определены начальниками и их сотрудничающих священников. Это было бы трудно представить себе более эффективный механизм для социального контроль. Николай Уэйд обобщает эти наблюдения, когда он пишет, "В религии предков людей общался непосредственно с миром сверхъестественного через сны и трансы, а не через посредничество священников. Они попросили их боги для практической помощи, такие как хорошая охота, детей, или здоровья. Во многих современных религий священники внимание прямых людей . к загробной жизни, с указанием сосредоточить свои нынешние жизнь на поступки, которые обеспечат вознаграждение за гробом Короче говоря, приверженцы религий предков стремился обеспечить выживание в реальном мире; у современных религий больше сосредоточены на спасении в следующем. "(Уэйд, 2009 г., стр. 126-127, акцент у нас). Один из самых ранних письменных счетов появлением заботы о следующей жизни это история о Гильгамеше и неприятная новость дал ему богами, что разгромили свои надежды на бессмертие. Гильгамеша удалось Квест Существует немало разногласий по важнейшим вопросам, как то, что составляет душу, где она идет после того, как освобождается от тела, то, что ритуалы, необходимые для обеспечения его безопасного прохода к вечной жизни, то, что действия в этом результате жизни в душе быть либо наказанию или вознаграждены в следующей жизни, и т.д. под всеми дебатах и неопределенности, одно очевидно; вопросы, связанные с продолжением жизни после смерти заняли умы наших предков по крайней мере с ростом сельскохозяйственных обществ. Сколько же тысяч лет назад, что было не известно из-за отсутствия письменных записей. Но если надписи на глиняных Таблетки рассчитывать (они делают), мы знаем, что Гильгамеш, на одной ноге его эпическое путешествие, искал секрет вечной жизни и сказали, чтобы дать его, потому что боги рукоположил, что человеческая жизнь является лишь временным. [См Джордж (1999) для недавнего перевода саги]. Гильгамеш был вавилонский царь (настоящим королем по мнению большинства), который управлял вокруг 2700 г. до н.э.. К 2000 г. до н.э., он стал героем легенд, написанных на скрижалях в шумерском языке, которые были широко распространяющееся в Месопотамии. Таким образом, мы знаем, что поиск для бессмертия была предметом большой интерес, по крайней мере 4000 лет. Мы также знаем, что легенда о Гильгамеше не является источником великих религиозных мифов нашего времени, потому что решение проблемы жизни после смерти, что Гильгамеш обнаружил ( нет жизни после смерти) не был вид решения, большинство людей хотели бы услышать. Более оптимистичный взгляд на перспективы загробной жизни было достаточно хорошо известно в Древнем Египте примерно в то же время, что Гильгамеш, царя Урике, но, как мы увидим, прохождение от смерти к вечной жизни не является автоматической. Древний Египет Древние египтяне верили, что человек состоял из трех основных элементов: первый элемент является тело. Тело является реальное физическое тело. Это является уникальным для каждого человека. Тело меняется, как человек становится старше и смерть считается Последнее изменение. Вторым элементом является ба. Как тело, ба является уникальным для каждого человека. В современных условиях, ба можно рассматривать как своей личности или характера, композита всех нефизических вещей, которые делают лицо отличается от все другие люди. Ваш ба (читателя) будет включать в себя ваши воспоминания, свои предпочтения, способ, в котором вы выразить свои эмоции, то "вещи" Вы знаете, ваш интеллект, и т.д. Третий элемент ка. Ка это жизненная сила . В отличие от ба ка не представляют человека. Это универсальный сила, что-то общим для всех живых людей. В начале создатель сделал ка и обладание или нет в распоряжении ка является разница между живым и быть мертвым , Когда тело умирает, и ба и ка освобождены через рот и, таким образом, отделяется от тела и отправится в преисподнюю. Тем не менее, если ситуация не пойти плохо, разделение не является постоянным и в конечном итоге ба, ка, а тело воссоединились в аду, и воскрес в виде Ах. AKHS, те, кто успешно осуществить переход, введите Underworld вечной жизни с богами. Преисподняя, ​​а слово предполагает, находится под землей, где жизнь проводится так же жизни проводится над землей с тем исключением, что нет страданий, нет болезни, нет бедности, и, главное, ни смерти. Жизнь не является постоянным, бесконечным, вечным, в этой части Underworld. Те, кто не в состоянии сделать переход страдают Судьба становится "мертвым повторно" без надежды на воскресение. Есть неровности на дороге в воскресение. Например, необходимым условием для безопасной посадки в аду из богов хорошее поведение в "этом" мире до смерти. (Как отмечалось несколько страниц назад, это первый из нескольких экземпляров мы сталкиваемся, которые демонстрируют, как религии работать от имени поддержания общественного порядка. злодеев не было шансов). Но немало подготовительной работы для "Ах-колпаком" оказалась в руках живых. Сначала тело должно было быть правильно мумифицированные со всеми органами для сердца удалены. Кроме Тогда сложная серия ритуалов, заклинаний, и церемониальные приношения пищи и других предметов были сделаны в службе безопасного прохода. Покойный были предоставлены карты подземного мира и инструкции о препятствиях и как их преодолеть, как день окончательного решения приблизился. Хотя счета различаются (в конце концов, практика, мы, описывающие длилась более 2500 лет), основная структура судный день выглядит следующим образом. (Имейте в виду, что самый лучший результат, когда BA, ка, и тело воссоединились и принимать форму АХ). Во-первых, ба вызывают в зале Истины, где несколько богов собрались. Осириса, бога подземного мира, скорее всего, будет среди них. Сердце умершего помещают на одном конце . масштаб и перо на другом конце В компании различных богов, ба, который представляет собой "суть" бывшего человека, требуется, чтобы читать следующие строки (только три из нескольких перечислены здесь): · Я не сделал лжи против человека. · Я не сделал никакого зла. · Я не обеднела мои коллеги. Масштабы остается в идеальном балансе, если утверждение ба линий является правдивой, и идеально сбалансированный масштаб является необходимым условием для боги, чтобы ба направить ка к телу они ранее занимаемой, и тем самым ввести в состояние АХ. Но если ложь говорят, сердце становится тяжелым, и масштаб становится несбалансированным и воскресение запрещен. Одной из особенностей древнеегипетского системы верований является ба (египетский эквивалентно личной души) не был задуман как полностью независимая от тела. Это не был способен выживать в одиночку. Радикальное отделение души от тела был ждать древние греки, которые приняли несколько столетий, чтобы выполнить концептуальную операцию. Древняя Греция Хотя следы древнеегипетской религии проявляется в некоторых современных день убеждений (например, окончательное решение о душе), западные идеи были больше под влиянием древнегреческой мысли, чем на знания древних египтян. Моя задача, чтобы упростить сложный и длительный история, и я это сделать, сосредоточив внимание на нескольких центральных фигур. [4] Начнем с греческого поэта, Гомер, автор Илиады и Одиссеи в 8-й век до нашей эры. Некоторые загробной жизни убеждения предположительно, общие для этого периода времени в Греции могут быть извлечены из этих эпических сказаний. Греческое слово ассоциируется с душой было психика, слово связано со словом psychein, намереваясь взорвать или дышать. Психика вдохнул в тело при рождении и выдохнул на смерть. Но обратите внимание, что психика, что выдыхается после смерти не путать с ба или ка, что отходят от рта и иметь выстрел в воскресение в египетской мифологии. Греческая психика эпоху Гомера путешествует непосредственно Аид, где она существует как тени. (Слова оттенок и тень используются как взаимозаменяемые). Аид является скучным, серым , безрадостной место, где нет никакой надежды на лучшее день. Тени нет личностей, они не говорят, чрезвычайно глупо, а иногда и принимать форму screaching летучих мышей. Они перестают существовать, когда они забыты живых. Это судьба каждого человека. Аид является общим свалкой для праведников, нечестивых, добрый, и негодяй. Все психика становится оттенки, и это конец. Вещи оживился немного с Гесиода описание 'ы из островах Блаженных ("Блаженны" в некоторых переводах) в его 7-й век до н.э. работе под названием Труды и дни. Для немногих счастливчиков, есть жизнь после смерти, и он проводится на Острова Блаженных в значительной степени, как это было, проведенные на материковой Греции с некоторыми важными исключениями. Хорошие урожаи гарантированные в пышных и плодородных полей, которые собирают три раза в год. Еще более заманчивой, чем надежных культур является то, что нет никакого страдания, нет печали, а не смерть на островах Блаженных. Но есть одна загвоздка: только люди с нужными учетными допущены к этой земле рай. Гесиод себе это, хорошая жизнь была доступна только для героев, которые были "убиты" в бою в войнах в Фивах и Трои. Но вместо того, фактически умирает на полях сражений и заканчивая, как тени в Аид, эти герои заработали бессмертие транспортируется тело и душу (хотя еще не было сделано различие между двумя) на острове Блаженных. Не плохой инструмент по подбору персонала для древних вооруженных сил. [5] Несмотря на то, что не было очень явное души разговоры греческих поэтов и философов до Платона не рассматривается тема в 5-й век до нашей эры, Пифагор создал основы для Платона век до (6-й век до н.э.), начав процесс ослабив душа от захватов тела. Ever математике, он проводит различие между физическими объектами, материал "вещи" в мире (в том числе своего тела) и нефизические вещества. Все материальные вещи имеют математические свойства и соблюдать определенные законы , одним из которых является не материальный объект не может двигаться по собственной воле. Например, стул не может повернуть вокруг себя. Если вы хотите стул к лицу в другом направлении, вы, как внешнюю силу, должны делать свою работу. Другой законодательство, регулирующее материальный мир состоит из двух объектов не может занимать ту же физическое пространство, в то же время. (Попробуйте поставить два стула точно так же физическом месте, и вы сразу возникают проблемы). Но ни закон распространяется на психику. Psyches являются самостоятельной -moving. Они не требуют внешней помощи передвигаться. Вы хотите смотреть в другом направлении? Сделайте это. Ваша душа будет дать вам руку. И, с определенной точки зрения, два психика может рассматриваться как возможность занимают столько же места, в то же время. Например, когда вы "читать чужие мысли», можно сказать, что два ума временно одни и те же места. Что бы ни фактический случай может быть, это было очевидно Пифагора, что законы, которые регулируют материальный мир не распространяется на не-материального мира психики. Никто не знает, что Пифагор на самом деле думал, и будет ли он даже существовал вопрос некоторых дебатов, но многое было связано с ним в том числе идеи, что он был под влиянием 5-го века орфических и дионисийского воскресение мифов и был впечатлен шаманы, чьи психика может быть отключен и повторно занимается от их тел, когда они вернулись из замечательных путешествий. Идея, что психика может "переселять" из одного тела в другое тело (в том числе в органы животных) также связано с Пифагора. Как бы то ни конкретном случае, возможно, было, по правде или в наследство, много осталось на тарелке для Платона работать, и, в зависимости от точки зрения, мы либо воспользовались или был проклят своими драматическими выводов. На мой взгляд, Платон "с самым далеко идущим наблюдения с точки зрения их религиозных последствиях являются заявления. · Душа есть божественное творение. · Душа бессмертна. · Тело и душа отдельные лица. · Все души предварительно существуют в других органах. · Душа совершенным, но что совершенство загрязнена того, чтобы быть заключен в теле. Попросту говоря, Платон, больше, чем любой другой исторической фигуры до своего времени, представил миру полноценным, ум / тело дуализм. Два лица:. Тело и душу Тела приходят и уходят. Они рождаются, а затем они умирают . Но души бессмертны. Души попадают в органы при рождении и перейти в другие органы, когда обшивка тело умирает. По мнению некоторых размышлений Платона (например, Федон), отношений между душой и телом он занимает часто напряженными. В целом , души не нравится быть в органах, отчасти потому, что они загрязнены ими, и отчасти потому, что они бы скорее быть свободным. 20 лет спустя Платон изменил этот один против одном борьбу в Республике, когда он разделил душу на две составляющие: а рационально элементов (регулируется высшего разума) и иррациональный элемент (в соответствии с нашими ниже анималистические аппетиты.) Он также предложил Третий элемент: The дух или воля.. Дух дает человеку выбор, либо сайдингом с разумом или с иррациональными аппетиты Единственный способ душа может закончить цикл перевоплощений должна работать в рациональном сфере чистого разума, потому что истина и красота могут быть получены только через чистого разума. Но, увы, чистый разум является сложной условие для поддержания, потому что постоянно находится под угрозой замедлен анималистические страстей тела (например, похоть, зависть, радость, боль, страх, надежда и т.д.). Согласно Платону, души, скорее всего, вступит в и остаются в сфере красоты и правды в души философов. Души, которые поднимаются до этого уровня достигли совершенства и не переработанные. Так что, если вы хотите быть контейнер такой души, рассмотреть по специальности философия. Платон подчеркнул борьба между материальным телом и эфирной души. Тело не может работать без души, и это было почти невозможно для души, чтобы не быть загрязнены тела. Как мы увидим, напряженность между телесными желаниями и поддержание чистоты души впоследствии стал центральным элементом христианской и исламской религий. Но прежде, чем мы имеем дело с этой и связанных с этим вопросов, я буду использовать идеи Платона о нескольких воплощениях души в качестве плацдарма для ввести некоторые особенности индуизма; религия, которая способствует убеждения, которые совместимы с понятием Платона о том, что души освобождается от отмерших органов перевоплотиться в новые тела. Цикл завершается только после столь путешествовали души достичь совершенства. Эта идея заранее от Платона несколько веков в северных районах Индии и является одним из многих случаях дисперсии идей на большие расстояния и длительных периодов времени. Главной особенностью индуизма является реинкарнацией души с конечной целью окончание цикла перерождений. Индуизм [6] В отличие от иудаизма, ислама и христианства, Индуизм не одна религия. Это смесь или синтез трех религиозных традиций. Там нет конкретного учредителем или четкие временные происхождения. Это долгосрочная накопление ряда религиозных взглядов в общепринятой системе спасения. Конечная цель в индуизме является добиться освобождения из цикла перерождений и достичь единения с Реальности. Результаты этого союза в финальной версии . душа от непрерывного утилизации в различных физических формах Стоп! Я рекомендую, чтобы читатели не знакомы с индуизмом вернуться и прочитать последние шесть предложений. Обратите внимание, что ни один бог не упоминается; только то, что называется высшей реальности. Также обратите внимание, что спасение является долгосрочным процессом, который включает в себя повторные повторных рождений. Как мы увидим в части II, "западный" монотеистическая перспектива предлагает один Бог, один путь к спасению, и только одну жизнь ., чтобы попасть. Индуизм предлагает много жизней и три альтернативных пути к становлению объединены с Высшей Реальностью три пути являются: Путь Ритуал спасения, Upanisadic цели освобождения от возрождения (также известный как Пути Знания), и путь преданности. Поскольку люди находятся в разных состояниях в их продвижении к спасению, каждый волен выбирать путь наиболее подходящий для их религиозных потребностей. Прежде чем описывать эти пути, читатель должен знать, что это трудно описать эти пути к спасению, используя слова и понятия, знакомые большинству западник ушей. Это, конечно, одна из проблем, с попыткой охватить столько территории в единый документ . Лучшее, что можно сделать в таком ограниченном пространстве, чтобы дать вам "смысл" различных путей и обратить ваше внимание на то, что первые два пути, более вероятно, последует членов высших "каст "социальных элит в индуистских общин. Первый путь требует значительного количества семейных ресурсов (сыновья будучи предпосылкой ресурсов) и второй путь, наиболее строгий из трех, требует сыновей жить своей жизнью, как обет безбрачия ведические студентов в возрасте от 12 20. Третий путь, в первую очередь следуют люди в густонаселенном низкой касты индуистскими обществами. Путь спасения Ритуальные подчеркивает жертвенные огни, которые сопровождаются скандировали гимнов божествам, которым жертвы делаются. Эти сборники гимнов формируется ритуалы Вед, коллекция древних гимнов и песнопений, которые в конечном итоге попал под контроль священников, известных как брахманов. Брахманы было 2 принципа: ритуал знания (Веда) и ритуальное действие (карма). Брахманы были ответственны за передачу знаний (Веда) через ритуального действия (ритуалы), осуществляющие. Считалось, что любое ритуальное действие, осуществляется любым человеком, имел последствия на космическом уровне. Например, жертвенные костры эффективны, потому что они сочетают в себе ритуальное знание и действие, производя результаты на космическом уровне непосредственно. Последствия этих ритуальных действий остаться с человеком, за кремацию физического тела и по-прежнему определяют загробной жизни индивида. Загробной жизни человека зависит от ритуальных выступлений своих членов семьи и покойного собственных действий (карма), как уже упоминалось выше. Жизнь после смерти является семейным делом, потому что в соответствии с религией, только женатый мужчина, хозяин дома может выполнять смерти ритуалы для членов семьи и предков. И только продолжая семейная линия может обеспечить благосостояние усопших. Таким образом, важно, что сыновья будут доступны для поддержания преемственности ритуальных обязанностей, так что умерший может войти в мир отцов (или небо). Вход в мир отцов (через карма, знаний и ритуалов) предотвращает необходимость для души чтобы быть переработаны. Второй путь в индуизме является Upanisadic Цель освобождения от возрождения пути (или Пути знания). Этот путь различает то, что является постоянным, а что нет. В космической (или универсального) уровне, постоянный реальность есть Брахман. На личном уровне, "я" или "Атман" является постоянным реальность, лежащая в основе каждого человека и является сознательным существом. В противоположность этому, весь мир является временным на каждом уровне, потому что оно регулируется мысли и желания. Желая действия или карма, это то, что приносит мир в переходный существования и увековечивает его. Цель Упанишад, как и в предыдущем пути, чтобы вырваться из круговорота рождения и возрождения. Это возможно, отказавшись от всех желаний через понимая, что свое Атман не является частью переходного мира, но на самом деле, это совпадает с неизменной реальностью Брахмана. Как уже упоминалось выше, этот путь является наиболее трудным. Для открывания, сын должен оставить его семьи, чтобы учиться у ведических учителей. Более Trying, чем он становится лес житель в дальнейшей жизни и, наконец, denunciates все соединения с обществом и разрывает все семейные связи. Третий путь является путь преданности. Предыдущие 2 пути полагаться на образование, знания, и по крайней мере в некоторой степени богатства, но не на божественную помощь. Путь преданности требует последователь выбрать и поклоняться божеству. Полная преданность выбранной божества наряду с соответствующими жертвоприношениями и отречения . позволяет последователем, чтобы приблизиться к цели освобождения от повторного рождения Это политеистическая путь, потому что есть несколько богов и богинь, доступные для выбора. Например, есть Вишну защитник; Шива разрушитель; Йога космическая Господь танец; и Деви, богиня, которая появляется в различных имен и форм. Правильное преданность этих божеств приводит к их даровав благодати на последователя и улучшает перспективы более благоприятной воплощения в следующий раз вокруг. Часть II От политеизма к монотеизму Современный иудейский, христианский, и исламские религии имеют один Бог. Так как религии христианские и исламские были получены от иудаизма, этот бог тот же бог для всех трех религий. Поклонение один и только один бог называется монотеизм, и, согласно Роберт Райт (2009), не было ничего похожего на то монотеистической мышления, не проникает западные религии до 3-го века до н.э.. До затем, многобожие царствовал с несколькими божествами, работающих под управлением шоу. Их имена и конкретные обязанности зависели от своего культуры. Были боги ветра, боги дождя, океан божества, которые контролировали приливы, боги счастья и боги дум, смерти и разрушения. Были боги и богини любви, боги войны, божества хорошие и плохие времена. Были бытовой богини, боги плодородия, боги здоровья, и отдельные боги, которые правили в течение почти каждый мыслимый кусок природы. Были большие боги, как боги солнца, и меньше божества, как восемь египетских божеств, что контролировал легкие, печень, желудок, и кишечник ( два бога в органе). [7] Напомним, что Гильгамеш был проинформирован о том, что «боги» (не Бог) был рукоположен, что человеческая жизнь является лишь временным. Когда ба и ка были воссоединены с телом в египетской мифологии, восстановленная человек присоединились к "Боги", а не Бог, в метро вечной жизни. Все эти боги, богини, духи, ангелы, и божеств, в том числе членов родовой мире охотников и собирателей были неотъемлемой частью природы. Некоторые из них были причудливые, капризным и трудно контролировать. Другие были открыты для переговоров, в частности, когда подарки и жертвоприношения были частью сделки. Но все изменилось после прибытия один Израильтянин Бог назвал Яхве. Кауфман, авторитет по истории иудаизма религии, пишет : "Господь не живут в процессах природы, он контролирует их." (Кауфман, 1972, стр. 70). Господь не вдруг приехать в определенный день в 3-й века до н.э.. Понадобились столетия за идею единого Бога, одного и только правда бога, чтобы завладеть. Но когда это произошло, он был источником монументальной перейти в ландшафте убеждений и стали основой современной иудейской, исламской и христианской религий. Перед древние израильтяне возведен Яхве его позиции абсолютного превосходства, он работает на том же уровне, как и другие боги конкурирующих наций. Мне нравится Ашура, ассирийского бога, и Мардук, главный бог Вавилона, израильтяне полагались на Господа, чтобы увидеть их через трудные времена, чтобы разрешить войну, чтобы вести их к победе, или рекомендовать сдержанность. Борьба между народами рассматривались как борьба между богами. крупную победу подразумеваемых "Наш Бог мудрее, или более умная, или более мощный, чем ваш бог", и проигравшие остались удивляются, почему их Бог, то пусть их. Но эта история слишком упрощенным. Более сложная история рассказана Роберта Райта. Райт подчеркивает "на земле" политические и экономические реалии, связанные с постепенным появлением единого бога (Wright, 2009). Он рассказывает историю многослойную роли раннего коммерции в движении от многобожия к монотеизму. Один из его помещений, что это было хорошо, чтобы иметь много торговых партнеров, как это возможно для экономического здоровья и благополучия народов, вовлеченных. Но этот принцип остался верен лишь до тех пор, как торговые народы взаимно выгоду от договоренности. Когда со всех сторон выгода, это легко упустить из виду различия в вере систем. "Они поклоняются Ваалу, богу плодородия. Мы поклоняемся Господу. Но кто заботится, пока наш торговый расположение идет хорошо." Но то, что происходит, когда дела идут не гладко ? Что происходит, когда одна нация вторгается и удается занять другую нацию? Лидеры завоевателей нации есть выбор. Один вариант, чтобы разрешить завоеванные людей продолжать поклоняться своему богу (ы) и, таким образом, признать, что, кроме своей собственной боги существует: состояние, называемое монолатрия. Другим вариантом является запрет на поклонение всех других, чем свою собственную богов. Райт показывает, как эти параметры играют в Ветхом Завете. Хотя религиозная терпимость проявляется в некоторых частях Ветхого Завета, сердитый бог, бог, который настаивает на том, чтобы быть единственным богом, богом решимости крови и мести несет день. Рост Яхве к окончательной власти в сознании еврейских богословов не произошло потому, что древние евреи всегда были успешными в защите своих земель или принятия на территории своих врагов. Вместо этого, Райт предлагает, что его высота была результатом крупных поражений. вавилоняне завоевали израильских земель и была принижается их бога, уничтожив свой ​​храм в Иерусалиме. До этого, ассирийцы лишил храм его сокровищ. Другими словами, Господь поднялся по служебной лестнице после того как он взял его на подбородок. основным направлением теории Райта о том, как, что произошло это следующим образом. Еврейские богословы и интеллектуалы много лет провел в добровольном или вражеской изгнании и было достаточно времени, чтобы обдумать, почему Господь явился быть таким слабаком. Их решение изменило мир. Вместо того, чтобы Бог является одним среди многих богов, он был в заряд всего шоу. Мардук, бог Вавилона, и все другие "боги" других народов были марионетками Яхве. Новое понимание истории вышли из обсуждений этих изгнанников, когда они пришли к выводу, что Яхве и Яхве в одиночку было организовано неудачи, поражения, и изменение состояния древних израильских племен. Яхве, расположенных на их храм на разграбление и их люди убили потому, что они возмущены его, продолжая поклоняться другим богам. Он организовал их удивительные победы, чтобы показать их и все другие народы кто в доме хозяин. Райт призывает нас думать об этом этот путь. События в древнем, народ против народа, мир, возможно, у людей впечатление, что победы и поражения зависела, на котором божества были наиболее хитрый или мощный в то время данной битвы. Но все что меняется, когда все знание, все-могущественным божеством вводят в картину. Принятие этого преобразующей мысль, что невидимая кукловод был контрольный движения божеств на сцене привело к самым долговременным миф всех времен: а миф, что сложилась на протяжении сотен лет, и заполнены страницы из Ветхого Завета. Этот бог Библии делает все другие боги не имеет значения; плодом воображения, что, возможно, эхом воображение охотников и сбора племен. Этот бог, это одно и только истинный бог, это требует Бог, который работает с долгосрочного плана. Но прежде чем мы перейдем к этому, и как этот план изменяется в руки трех основных монотеистических религий, мы должны признать тот факт, что одна душа / несколько кузовов Платона является плохая основа для вида монотеистической мышления, который начал осуществлять день. Прощай Платон, Аристотель Добро пожаловать Смещение национальных и религиозных привязанностей были регулярные вхождения во время и до декларации Платона о том, что душа бессмертна и перемещается из одного тела к другому, пока не достигнет конечного состояния истины и красоты. Это философское положение, в частности, часть о душах подпрыгивая от одного тела к другому, был бедным подходят для выходящего одного бога только перспектива. Лучше подходят был найден в Аристотель (ок 384-332 до н.э.), известный ученик Платона. понятие Вспомните Платона, что душа хочет быть свободной от плена тела вместо того чтобы следовать вперед Платона и подчеркивая враждебные отношения души с телом, Аристотель подчеркивает мысль, что душа является то, что делает тело тело. Осмонд (2003) суммирует основные различия между Платоном и Аристотелем, когда она пишет, " Где Платон увидел тело как помеху для души, необходимое, но несчастной обременения в этой жизни, Аристотель утверждал, что их взаимозависимость была нужна хорошая "(стр. 29). По Аристотелю, душа не было что-то, что упала в тело на своем пути в другое тело в поисках Истины и Красоты, или в случае индуизм, Высшую Реальность. Для него душа обеспечивает каждый живой организм поэтажный план, что она должна стать. Аристотель ссылался на душе как формирующем принципе всего живого. [8] Души не может существовать без власти и органов не могут стать органы в отсутствии души. Душа розы делает его роза. Душа льва делает это существо льва. Рассмотрим куриное яйцо. Она содержит потенциал цыпленка, но что потенциал не может быть реализован, пока душа в нем не организует последовательные этапы эмбрионального развития и создает курицу. Практически все одушевленным на пути Аристотеля мышления. Он даже отнести души рассказы, когда он сослался на «душу трагедии". Все души, как человека и нечеловеческие, включите организм реагировать на особенности их среде, которые могут противоречить их выживания. Это то, что души, и они делают это автоматически. Ни одна мысль не участвует. Что делает человеческие души уникален, то, что отделяет нас от всех других существ, это душа человека содержит рациональное элемент, который позволяет нам рассуждать и мыслить абстрактно. Нус это термин Аристотель дал в самой высокой части разумной души. Аристотель подчеркнул, что ум думает, в картинках и когда он освобожден, он вне времени, божественное, и бессмертным. Трудно обернуть свой ​​ум вокруг этого понятия и столетий дебатов о том, что Аристотель имел в виду он не решен вопрос. Тем не менее, сообщение "взять домой" этого обсуждения это: Больше, чем Платона "души в движении от тела к телу" точки зрения, заземление Аристотеля о душе в материальном теле был философски более совместимы с одним бога-только / одна душа-только точки зрения Ветхого Завета и даже более совместим с более поздними христианские и исламские верования, которые возникли в более поздние века. Интеграция души с телом, чтобы создать целый человек сильнее основой для системы убеждений, что влечет или явно говорится, что судьба одного переплетается с судьба другого. Смотрите на это так:. Если тело воспринимается как временный контейнер для странствующего души, тело больше не актуальны для каких-либо проблем загробной жизни после душа ставки его прощание Но если есть какие-либо намека что загробная жизнь включает в себя воссоединение тела / душа, или что судьба души зависит от роли, которую она сыграла в жизни тела, один лучше обратить пристальное внимание на отношения между телом и душой в реальной жизни, потому что то, что сделано в этом жизни (и то, и только жизни у нас есть) определяет качество жизни в следующей и следующей жизни будет длиться вечно. Самый лучший способ, чтобы гарантировать счастливый тело / душа загробной жизни воссоединение или заверить, что все, что представляет Вы в загробной жизни приезжает в раю взять направления от одного истинного бога, как они были доставлены его различных пророков. Прежде чем обратиться к тому, как это играется в трех основных религий в Западном полушарии (иудаизм, христианство и ислам), я хочу, чтобы это было ясно, что я не говорю, что без Аристотель религий один бог / один-душа могла не развивались. Все, что я хочу сказать, мне кажется, что идеи Аристотеля о душе / единства тела и бессмертие пош обеспечивает более прочную философскую основу для монотеизма, чем сделал идеи Платона о тело к телу переселение душ. Иудаизм [9] Писать о начале и современные иудейские представления о смерти и загробной жизни является проблемой, потому что не существует универсального согласованного «еврейского» позиции по данной теме. Кто-то просто не может государство, "Это то, что евреи верят о загробной жизни" и ожидать заявление идти без ответа. В отличие от загробной жизни верования мусульман и христиан, которые совместно используются представления о загробной жизни не печатаются на еврейских головах. Тем не менее, как мы увидим, они посадили семена, которые стали догмой для христианской и исламской религий. Одной из причин неопределенности еврейских позиций на бессмертие и его партнера жизни после смерти эти вопросы не рассматриваются в еврейской Библии. Тема не приходит в течение первых пяти главах Ветхого Завета, где мы сообщили, что в Вначале Бог создал землю, формованной человека из глины, и анимированные его дыхание жизни. После смерти человек становится "мертвой дыхание", тело возвращается в прах, и дух возвращается к Богу. Кроме того, чтобы стать пыль , мертвые (скорее тени умерших) спуститься к преисподней, место, где "мертвые мертвых" (см Менденхолл, 1992). Преисподняя, ​​как Аид Гомера, темный, тоскливый, темный яма, где большинство людей "собрались, чтобы их люди". Исключение из этого правила являются злые люди, пыль предотвратить отдыхает в непосредственной близости от своих родственников. Кроме этого, ничего не происходит. Все, что осталось, это смешение остатков бывших людей. Но убеждение, что мертвые люди мертвы, и это конец истории не выдержать испытание временем, как и другие положения о жизни за пределами преисподней были сформулированы. Перед рассмотрением этих альтернативных перспективы, одна тема была последовательной на протяжении веков еврейской мысли: Что самое главное это эта жизнь, жизнь в настоящее время живет. Более точный способ заявить, что это: "В целом, что самое главное это жизнь, жизнь в настоящее время живет ", потому что есть много евреев, которые заботятся глубоко о загробной жизни. Но, как правило большинство евреев верный своим традициям, евреи, которые празднуют свои праздники в способов, указанных своими законами, евреи, структурировать свою жизнь вокруг своих религиозных заповедей Евреи, которые служат своему народу, евреи, которые выполняют свои обязанности к Б-гу ли так не заверить себя комфортной загробной жизни, но, чтобы сохранить традицию, по их мнению, важнее, чем их личной судьбы в загробной жизни. Люди приходят и уходят, но еврейское племя и его традиции будет поддерживаться на всех затрат. Последствия соблюдения еврейских законов, изложенных веков назад иметь больше влияния на эту жизнь, чем на то, что происходит в следующей жизни. В общем, племя и его Таможня должна быть сохранена. [10] Держите это "забрать домой" сообщение в виду, как мы опишем некоторые вариации застрял навсегда в преисподнюю, которые возникли в течение долгого времени. Книга Даниила стала частью еврейской Библии относительно поздно в своей эволюции. По мнению большинства исследователей Библии он содержит один и только проход в Ветхом Завете, который ссылается на загробной жизни, а именно: "И многие из спящих в прахе из земли пробудятся, одни для жизни вечной, и некоторые упреки и вечной отвращение "(Даниил 12: 2).. Впоследствии этот отрывок был использован, чтобы выработать решение крупной дилеммой. Как это случилось, что некоторые евреи, которые политеистические дезавуировал Яхве и остались верными своим языческим богам процветал, в то время как многие верные Yewists жили в нищете? Где это ГД правосудия? Столь же замешательство тот факт, что, когда евреи были убиты в боях с вавилонянами или какой-либо другой племени, как Yehwists и еврейских язычников постигла та же участь. Выжившие Yehwists заметил. Почему придерживаться одного бога только систему убеждений, когда в конце дня, только остатки пищи на пластинах голодающих детей Yewists и щедрые пиры были брошены языческих-поклонение еврейских купцов? Решение было только вознаграждает и всего наказания будет распространяться в следующей жизни. Различные школы мысли появились, что описал, как это будет работать. Например, школа Шаммая одобряет идею, что будет Судный день, когда праведные люди отделены от негодяев. Праведники будут отправлены Ган Эден (сад Иден, он же, как небо). Злые люди идут прямо к Gehinnom (ад) и в период между группой, состоящей из людей, которые не были ни чисто хорошо, ни чисто зло также отправленных Gehinnom, где они будут наказаны в течение 12 месяцев. Полностью очищены они будут допущены к Ган Эден. Но наказание за те действительно в плохих Gehinnon неумолим, и только приходит к концу, когда они уничтожаются. Это не важно отметить, что школа Sahmmai свою позицию на загробную жизнь представляет собой лишь один филиал мульти-разветвленного религии. Большинство прошлые и нынешние раввины ученые тщательно избегать догм. Они быстры, чтобы указать, что спекуляции о загробной жизни - не что. Спекуляции Никто говорит от опыта. Еврейская мой коллега, чьи знания иудаизма работает глубокие провозглашает, "Мы не говорим много о рае и аде. Это не то, что важно для большинства евреев." Создание явный намек на христиан, он продолжал говорить "Но мы должны были жить с вами, ребята на протяжении стольких веков, что мы знаем язык." христианство Летом 2011 года, Роб Белл, знаменитости в рядах евангельских служителей, создал бурю оппозиции среди своих сверстников, выпустив книгу (Bell, 2011), который бросает вызов традиционным христианским мнения о небесах, аде, и вечного проклятия. Основным источником в шуме была позиция Белла, что все-любящий Бог не предать миллиарды нехристиан на вечные страдания в аду. Идея, что только немногие избранные христиане будут тратить навсегда в тихом, радостным месте под названием небо в то время как остальная часть человечества проводит навсегда в муках и наказание в аду, без шансов для чего-либо лучшего считается "ошибочной и токсичными" Белл. Традиционалисты обвинил Белл в ереси. Один представитель традиционной точке зрения, Джастин Тейлор, [11] пишет, "Это несказанно грустно когда те, кто призван быть служителями Слова искажают Евангелие и обманывать народ Божий с ложной доктрины "и обвинил колокол" все дальше и дальше от чего-либо похожего библейское христианство. "Столь же ужасны в глазах других евангельских служителей было Белла Предположение, что все, независимо от их религиозных убеждений, в конечном итоге заканчивается на небесах. Другие критики сосредоточены на том, что они воспринимаются как отказ Белла ада в области неослабевающей пыток для грешников и неверующих. Они опасаются, что отрицание роли ада в загробной жизни играет хаос с фундаментальной ингредиента церкви. Существенные признаки христианских загробной жизни убеждения не могут быть найдены в Новом Завете. В Кек (1992) замечает: «... Новый Завет содержит не одну главу, который суммирует христианский взгляд" (стр. 83). В самом деле, так глав Новый Завет были написаны многих в течение периода сотен лет, книга содержит много противоречий, которые имели богословы веками, чтобы сгладить. Католицизм доминирует христианство на протяжении средневековья. Протестантизм возник в конце средневековья, в основном из-за протестов против некоторых практик Церкви-Матери. Например, Мартин Лютер (1483-1540 н.э.), ведущая фигура в протестантской революции, возражал против практики церкви прием платежей от прихожан, чтобы уменьшить количество времени, либо они сами или их близкие будут тратить в чистилище очищаются от грехов их. Протестантская революция привела к росту и пролиферации хозяина протестантских конфессий. Несмотря на раскол с Католической Церковью и распространение различных версий христианской веры, все члены христианского, похоже, согласны на следующих предпосылках: · Люди рождаются в мир греха. Несколько взносов Святого Павла в Библии дело с этой темой. По его мнению, Бог изначально сотворил человека, чтобы быть чистым, невинным, и бессмертен. Он не создал нас, чтобы грешить. Но его первое творение, Адам, с помощью Евы, сделал именно это. Они ослушались Бога точные инструкции, чтобы избежать едят фрукты с Древа Познания. Грех Адама загрязнены мир навсегда, и смерть стала нашей общей судьбы. Мы не рождены, чтобы грешить (хотя мы неизбежно грешить). Критическая точка все это уже грешником Рождение, потому что все являются жертвами Адама первородного греха. Ритуал крещения предназначен для очищения души от унаследованного греха. Но крещение не гарантирует спасение. · Единственный способ спасения через Иисуса Христа. Хотя "заработная плата" за грех Смерть Иоанна Крестителя заявил, что есть способ, чтобы избежать этой участи, когда он писал: "Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел жизнь вечную" (Иоанна 3:18 ). Люди, которые принимают Иисуса как своего личного Спасителя возрождается к новой жизни в этой жизни и в вечной жизни блаженства в следующей жизни. Кек (1992) подчеркивает мысль, что повторное рождение в этой жизни включает Преобразование "старый Я "в" нового человека ", которая стремится к учению и воскресения Христа. · Там будет день Страшного суда. Есть разные версии финального дня (или дней) суждения. Например, в Апокалипсисе от Иоанна, Христос вернется на финальной битве с сатаной. Битва будет длиться в течение 1000 дней и закончится поражением сатаны. После Сатана утилизировать, всех живых и мертвых собрались вместе и финал, Рай или Ад, суждения сделаны. Независимо от деталей, важным элементом христианства вера в последний день расплаты. · Следствием не искупил это вечное проклятье. Есть две смерти. Один из них, смерть тела, является неизбежным. Вторая смерть может быть предотвращено путем верить в Иисуса и после его путь к воскресению. Библейские переводчики различаются в своих видениях второй смерти. Мягкий форма исключаются из находящихся в наличии Бога. Суровая форма вечное проклятье в огненной яме ада. · Следствием спасения есть жизнь вечная в небесах. Небо является окончательным место для всех людей, которые принимают Христа как своего личного Спасителя. Большинство христианских церквей проповедуют, что душа возвращается в тело во время воскресения. Бессмертие кажется, чтобы быть в магазине для всей личности. Хотя мнения расходятся, и некоторые занять позицию, что окончательная форма бессмертное существо будет "духовная сущность", наиболее широко принятой моделью является Христос, чье тело и душа были целы, когда он поднялся на небо. ислам Учитывая общие "авраамических" происхождение всех трех крупных западных религий, не следует удивляться перекрытия убеждения. Действительно исламские и христианские загробной жизни убеждения схожи в нескольких отношениях. Существование рая и ада являются фундаментальные убеждения в обеих религиях и оба уверен, что день расплаты будет происходить, когда каждый будет перед Богом и судить по тому, как они прожили свою жизнь. Праведник будет идти на небеса, а не праведников будет отправлено в ад. Как христиане, мусульмане верят: · Там нет Бога, но Бог. · Все во вселенной был доставлен в существовании Бога. · Все вещи, которые приходят от Бога будет вернуться к Богу. · Единственные люди, которые будут воскрешены будут те, кто верит в Него и проводить свою жизнь, по его словам, как записано Мухаммадом в Коране Обратите внимание, что важно и косвенные разница между христианскими и исламскими перспектив является Христиане верят, что Небеса открыты только для людей, которые принимают Иисуса Христа как своего Спасителя. Мусульмане верят, что Иисус был одним из многих пророков, 120,000 все сказали, но не был истинным героем Второго пришествия. Мухаммад является последним пророком, посланным Богом, чтобы напомнить людям, почему он создал их и то, что он ожидает, что в ответ. Божье послание было записано в Коране (часто пишется Корана). Еще одно различие между двумя религиями мусульмане не разделяют христианскую веру, что все рождаются греховными. Вместо этого, каждый рождается чистым. Бог создал человека, потому что он хотел бы поделиться с нами щедроты и льгот существования. Для этого он наделен каждого человека с неограниченными потенциалов будет реализован в течение всей жизни. Когда душа, которая реализуется ее истинную природу воскрес , он сталкивается с Любящим и милосердного Бога. Но люди, забывшие, почему Бог создал их и проигнорировали свои обязанности войдет в присутствии тяжелой и Ярящегося Бога. Нет двух людей одинаковы в своих атрибутов, и каждый нуждается в руководстве Бога (Аллаха) в поиске своего пути. Поиск и оставаясь на своей пути требует дисциплины, соблюдения законов личностного и духовного поведения, изложенных в Коране и хадисах [12] и постоянное воспитание своей связи с Творцом. Хотя Бог непостижим, его воля становится известен мусульман, которые стремятся к нему и понять, что все, в конечном счете связано с Ним. Согласно одному из исламских загробной жизни убеждения (Читтик, 1992), душа ведет самостоятельное существование после смерти тела и не делает так до Дня Воскресения, когда тело и душа будут собраны. Вот некоторые подробности из Путешествие души. В первую ночь в могиле, мертвые посетили два ангела, которые сомневаются об их верованиях. Их души будут введены в "хороших или плохих ситуаций" в соответствии с их ответами. В "завесу" (имеется в виду тело), ​​который имеет скрытые душа из виду удаляется и душа проявляет свою истинную форму. Это легко спрятать мысли и чувства за телом, сделанным из глины. Но все обнажено, когда душа раскрывается. Это происходит в имагинального области существования в котором душа приходит в фокусе. Священные тексты относятся к этой имагинального мире как InterWorld, в котором души принимают формы, которые символизируют свои прошлые поступки и проступки. InterWorld, как мир мечты и мечты берутся меткому представлений, что было . и предсказатели того, что будет. Неполные души могут взять на животных форм, которые преобладают негативные качества, например, знаменитый исламский богослов, аль-Газали, писал: В День Воскресения, значения обнажаются. Тогда форма занимает от цвета смысла. Если человек был во власти страсти и жадности, он будет рассматриваться в этот день в виде свиньи. Если он был во власти гнева и агрессия, он будет рассматриваться в виде волка. [13] InterWorld простирается от периода смерти до Дня Воскресения, когда человек входит либо рай или ад. В то же время, душа получает предвкушение того, что должно прийти. Некоторые органы сравнить время, проведенное в могилу к раз, плод проводит в утробе матери. [14] Как плода, который подвергается роста и трансформации в утробе матери, душа претерпевает рост и трансформацию в InterWorld. Эти изменения основаны на предыдущих выступлений в "реальном" мире. Форма душа принять в День Воскресения определяет, если они предназначены для раю или направился страшных испытаний и невзгод. Некоторые из высказываний Мухаммеда означает, что в День Воскресения длится в течение тысячи лет. В конце этого "дня" Люди делятся на две группы. Одна группа идет в сад Рая и другие идут в огонь Тьмы, где они навсегда отделены от своего Творца. Заключительные мысли Эта статья началась с описаниями древних попытках контролировать явления, которые были вне досягаемости понимания по предварительно научного знания. Боги, духи, демоны, умершие предки, и внешние агенты многих видов были изобретены в качестве объяснения для родившихся, умерших, наличие или нехватка пищи, катастрофических наводнений, солнечных и лунных затмений, рост и отливов, племенных побед и поражений и многих других событиях, которые уже не являются загадки. Ритуалы, что участвующие групповые мероприятия были созданы, чтобы успокоить сверхъестественных агентов и группы сцепления был одним из решающие побочные эффекты участия в этих церемониях. Выживание своей племени важное значение для выживания членов этого племени. Для многих людей, племенной принадлежности также важно, сегодня, как это было многие тысячи лет назад. Хотя религиозная принадлежность человека не может быть единственного числа с точки зрения маркировки свою личность, как это было в прошлые века, будучи евреем, а католиком, унитарий, мусульманин или атеист все еще ​​делает огромную разницу в сортировке, кто принадлежит к какой "племя". В статье описывается изменение в социальных структурах, которые возникли при выращивании сельскохозяйственных культур и управления скота заменить охоту и сбор, как принцип режиме выживания. Большие поселения стали менее эгалитарной и более тоталитарным с повышением вождеств, правителей и других агентов социального контроля. Священники и пророки стали важными членами правящего класса, и что ознаменовало изменение в стратегии социального контроля. Изобретение монотеизма в сочетании с разделением души от тела в результате одного из самых мощных механизмов массового социального контроля когда-либо видел. Теперь люди должны вести себя по двум причинам. Один из них был для благополучия общества. Другой был для их личного благополучия на всю вечность. Эта статья заканчивается описанием загробной жизни убеждения в трех основных мировых религий. Эти частичные описания и уместно, потому что вся бумага счет как частичного истории загробной жизни убеждения. Хотя бумага охватывает много территории, это унизительно чтобы знать, что столько территория остается нетронутой. Ярким примером является тот факт, что буддизм даже не упоминается. Это непростительно игнорировать третий или четвертый самой популярной религией в мире. В свое время, это и другие упущения будут исправлены [15]. Наконец, в этой статье, я старался, чтобы передать идею, что религии развивались таким образом, что позволило людям адаптироваться к их условиям и смысл своей жизни. Это эволюционный процесс, не так внезапно остановиться. Это продолжается. Некоторые убеждения, которые стали закаленной в конечном итоге смягчить и других убеждений займут свое место. Но, как мы видели так много раз, это занимает время, и процесс может быть изнурительной. Для Например, потребовались столетия для наблюдения Коперника, что Солнце, а не Земля, находится в центре нашей Солнечной системы, которая будет принята. Подобное явление, очевидно сегодня, когда наука бросает вызов традиционной дуализм. Западные религии опираться на убеждении, что душа и тело являются самостоятельными и противостоять доказательства того, что наиболее вероятно, что это не так. В этом и других сферах, наш большой проблемой будет, как бороться с абсолютизмом. Люди со всех сторон аргумент, который абсолютно уверен, что то, что они считают истинным в полной мере способны вовлечения в "умышленном неведении". Как Карс (2008) замечает убеждения могут быть оправданий перестать думать. Есть так много "истины", чтобы быть обнаружены, так много вещей, которых мы не знаем, что преднамеренное невежество объяснений и мировоззрений кроме своей собственной, может привести к потенциально взрывоопасных тупиковых ситуаций. Таким образом, мы оказываемся в немного затруднительное. Миллионы людей верят, что их версия Бога правильно, что их путь к вечной жизни является единственным путем. Другие версии и пути неправы, ужасно неправильно, что радикальных лидеров противоборствующих лагеря готовы мобилизовать поддержку племенного чтобы победить врагов Бога с помощью ядерного оружия и навсегда отравить нашу маленькую место во вселенной в процессе. Сасскинд (2008) выдает предупреждение, когда подобное пишет он, "Эти два джины исполнения желаний - мессианская пыл и технологическая мощь -. Заметили друг друга, если они не приходят вместе, мир, как сейчас известно, больше не будет существует "(стр. 397). Давайте работать по предотвращению такого развития событий. Рекомендации Белл, Р. (2011) Любовь Победы: Книга о рай, ад, и судьба каждого человека, который когда-либо жил. Нью-Йорк: HarperOne. Блок & Дж Пэрри, EDS,. Смерть и Возрождение жизни. Нью-Йорк: издательство Кембриджского университета. Бонд, GC (1992) Жизнь с духами:. Смерть и жизнь после смерти в африканских религий. В Х. Обаяши, Эд, Смерть и жизнь после смерти. Westport Коннектикут: Praeger. Carce, JP (2008). 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[3] Даниэль Эверетт христианский миссионер, когда он сначала жил с Pirahas в ​​1977 году он был послан в Библейского института Муди, чтобы узнать язык в Piraha достаточно хорошо, чтобы переводить Библию на этом языке, и в то же время, делать то, что он может конвертировать членов племени к христианской религии. В конце концов он отказался от введения Христа племени. Один из препятствий он не смог преодолеть было, когда он говорил о Христе, он спросил, если он когда-либо встречался с мужчина и, если нет, он знаю никого, кто был лично знаком со Христом. Когда он проинформировал своих инквизиторов, что ни он, ни кто-либо знал, были лично знакомы с Иисусом, они отказались слушать на любой из его рассказов. Только счета очевидцев принимаются всерьез. Остальное сплетни и Pirahas не будет иметь ничего из этого. В конце концов, Эверетт стал неверующим себя. [4] Розали Осмонд является нашим основным проводником в древнегреческой философии. Ее книга, Воображая Душу: История (2003) богат в информации и вдохновения. [5] По большей части, я сопротивляться искушениям приводить примеры, когда мифологическая тема в одной культуре, всплывает в другой культурой много веков спустя. Но на следующий экземпляр перекрытия темы слишком богат, чтобы их игнорировать. Это требует от нас, чтобы пропустить впереди, время от Гесиода (7-й век до н.э.) в скандинавской мифологии в средневековье (примерно 11-й до 16-й век н.э.). Vahalla является одним из четырех загробной жизни мест в скандинавской мифологии. Как островах Блаженных, это мужчина сохранить, зарезервированы для храбрых воинов, которые погибли в бою. Однако, в отличие от Островов Блаженных, Vahalla не фермерское сообщество. Вместо этого, его жители положить на броню каждое утро сражался весь день до вечера, обедал на мифической свиньи (свинья что воскрес каждый день, и повторно за все время), и выпил огромное количество меда, не будучи с похмелья .. Хотя Vahalla не подходят для большинства фотографий неба, перспектива бесконечной борьбе был настолько соблазнительным, что некоторые кандидаты Vahalla намеренно упала на их мечи, чтобы они не упустить возможность заниматься бесконечным, ежедневная рутина войны. (Я признаю, Джереми Zachowski для обучения меня на скандинавской мифологии). [6] Это краткое индуизма во многом взяты из сочинений Томаса Дж Хопкинса. См Хопкинс (1992). [7] Шафера и др., Стр. 54. [8] перспектива Аристотеля было гораздо более совместимы с современной понимания генов и ДНК в проектировании органов, чем это было видение Платона души и тела в постоянном конфликте. [9] Мы использовали глав, написанных Менденхолл (1992) и Гольденберг (1992) в качестве основных направляющих через религии в еврейской традиции. [10] Я как-то говорил с еврейского ученого по данному вопросу религии. Этот человек был в его 80-х годов и проходил лечение от рака. Он сказал мне, что он был атеистом, так как в начале взрослой жизни, и это было важно, не имеет значения. "Но, Дэн", он продолжал говорить, "я уверен, что люблю мою племя." [11] Джастин Тейлор является вице-президентом перекрестках христианской издателя в Уитон, штат Иллинойс. Его заявления были процитированы в Нью-Йорк Таймс (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/05/us/05bell.html~~HEAD=pobj ) [12] изречения пророка Мухаммеда. [13] Цитируется по Читтик (1992) стр. 136. [14] См Читтик, стр. 137. [15] В дополнение к обеспокоен бездействием, я в равной степени обеспокоены искажения "факты", как они известны специалистами по темам я охвачены. Вполне вероятно, что некоторые читатели являются намного более осведомлены, чем я о тот или иной темы я писать и в ужасе от того, как плохо я искаженной "правды". Я приветствую ваши замечания и исправления. Но знать заранее, что ссылки на опубликованной литературе должен сопровождать корректировки. понаслышке анекдоты и пикантные взял на Интернет не будет полезным.


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